[Broscience 101] Gymcelling Rate of Return



It’s all fucking satire
Oct 30, 2018
I've devised an extremely high IQ :whatfeels:visual demonstration of the expected rate of return in gymcelling, or how much lifting will benefit you based on your starting SMV (PSL).
Disclaimer: This only applies to looksmaxxers B.G (before gymcel) and is reflecting upon an accurate overall psl rating for both the face and the body, most closely reflecting that proposed by @BeautifulBones. Also, they must have already basicmaxxed - just take a shower theory etc.

See graph:

As you potential chads, incels or bluepilled cucks can recognise, the potential increase of SMV through gymcelling lies on a 'bell curve', meaning the closer your starting psl is to average, the higher the percentage increase.

What is this increase? Many incels have strived to find the answer to this question over the years (notably Sir Isaac Newton, Nichola Tesla, and Elliot Rodger) all contrasting in their hypotheses, thus the increase remains undeterminable although is believed to be at its peak within the 1-1.5 PSL range.

I have devised two critical zones, the first is the truecel zone or 'over' zone, sitting below the 2.5 mark on the gymcel Richter scale. Sure, this includes any noticeable physical deformities or extreme craniofacial dystrophy, and therefore no matter the gains you make the peak of your return will be from other dudes mirin' your pecks, if your pathetic genetics even allow you to develop such, however females will regard you with menace. To her you are not a sexual object, but in the instance of an extremely drunken night out in a dimly lit club, fellas may score landwhales, who will then awaken the next day, and upon realising their mistake bestow false rape accusations upon you. Whatever way you look at it, it's ogre.

Most importantly, the second zone is from chadlite up and merges into chad, and even unheard of 10 PSL's. You can be a skinny whiteboy with a charming cute face and you'll still mog most dudes to oblivion, however it is undeniable that you will see some rise in SMV. From here onwards the rate of return declines, why spend time lifting weights, when bitches can be lifting your dick into their pussy?

However if done correctly, you can transcend humanism and reach a PSL score so high that rachet bitches would lay down their lives for you like Tutankhamun's peasant fangirls.


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Reactions: FatmanO, androidcel and BeautifulBones
It's over for chadcels like me.
I should just rope

It's over for chadcels like me.
I should just rope

Imagine having all the same problems and being ugly
You don't know how primal girls are in night clubs
If that muffin top guy was average height he'd still get laid in a nightclub
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