brutal blackpills from my sister

  • +1
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Maybe but they are still treated better than Indians.
Thugmaxxed Muslims have dark triad halo too.Curries will look like clowns if they try doing that
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345, Chadeep and Deleted member 10615
I hope OP is is being unbiased and truthful here would cage hard if this turns out to be a larp
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
which state do you live in
Minnesota. I’ve travelled to Arizona and Florida in the past month and have matched with legit stacies, too. None have messaged me though
Thugmaxxed Muslims have dark triad halo too.Curries will look like clowns if they try doing that
people think lebonese people are scary in australia they are all gangsters here

look up broadyboys a current afair its about a gang of lebos in melbourne
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and Jason Voorhees
Why the fuck all of these indians coping as hell with minor/mixed group of indians who don't represent actual indians. Jfl 90% of indians here has dravidian looking but bringing 1 out of a million lightskinned indian actors to cope. Thats very pathetic
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
Why the fuck all of these indians coping as hell with minor/mixed group of indians who don't represent actual indians. Jfl 90% of indians here has dravidian looking but bringing 1 out of a million lightskinned indian actors to cope. Thats very pathetic
this is what ive been saying the whole time

what is the point in using a gigachad indian guy, just be one in a million bro to overcome your pheno theory

the indians they use are either models and or celebrities or the lightest possible indians

jfl at this coping
i have been of this forum for a few weeks and came back, i have a completley new outlook on looks

i was asking my sister about blackpill things because she knows i use this forum

first thing i asked was about the holy trinity, face, height race, i asked what is the most important, she said face is more important then anything else in looks, then i asked then height is next right? she then said no, i said why not then she said race is very important then i asked if she would ever date a curry she just laughed and said fuck no, she then said i don't think many girls would date indian or middle eastern guys unless the girls are from those countries, she said women will disqualify people on race, she indeed confirmed what this forum has been preeching that being curry or middle eastern can automatically disqualifiy someone right of the gate

she also said face is alot more important then height, she said unless there very short then height matters much less then face

i was also talking to a girl that use to like me, i asked what features make someone attractive and what do you look for, she said, nose, jawline [how sharp it is] hair and eyesbrows, she said nose and eyebrows are very important aswell, when asked what makes a good nose she said one that slopes getting smaller at the bridge so pretty much a nose with a non high bridge and that is straight small and narrow

ask questions if you need i will answer many, but like my respones so that my rep isn't fucked from doing this

Mostly water is wet kinda stuff few things to point out though.

1 The vast majority of white people look nothing like what this site claims this is like those curry copers posting those really good looking faces like the faces posted here is perhaps 1 percent to 2 percent of the white race and the white race has 700 million people so that's 14 million white chads, even if this site spammed every single picture they would at max have perhaps 1 million white chads down regardless the vast majority look nothing like what your trying to play them as.

2ND Women are loyal to there pussy a post surgery maxed asian, if it goes down the k fag like this dude has more than enough pussy to go around.


Last point don't use your sister to support black pills lets face it if your on this site if your using racist terminology like gooks or trying to justify the racism being spoken here than it's more than likely this behaviour flows in the gene line.
Why the fuck all of these indians coping as hell with minor/mixed group of indians who don't represent actual indians. Jfl 90% of indians here has dravidian looking but bringing 1 out of a million lightskinned indian actors to cope. Thats very pathetic

Why do white dudes use gandy to show themselves as some how superior when they look nothing like gandy or any of these male models they aren't even the same species as the models shown
Mostly water is wet kinda stuff few things to point out though.

1 The vast majority of white people look nothing like what this site claims this is like those curry copers posting those really good looking faces like the faces posted here is perhaps 1 percent to 2 percent of the white race and the white race has 700 million people so that's 14 million white chads, even if this site spammed every single picture they would at max have perhaps 1 million white chads down regardless the vast majority look nothing like what your trying to play them as.

2ND Women are loyal to there pussy a post surgery maxed asian, if it goes down the k fag like this dude has more than enough pussy to go around.

View attachment 1068450

Last point don't use your sister to support black pills lets face it if your on this site if your using racist terminology like gooks or trying to justify the racism being spoken here than it's more than likely this behaviour flows in the gene line.
im not racist at all

i have ethnic friends and a family member of mine was asian

put the average curry agaisnt the average white the white guy mogs due to colouring and stereyotype and height most likely

and what do you mean im trying to play them as? i nevr said anything about the average indian or white looking a certain way

stop getting buthurt because the racepill is real
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345
fuck bro imagine if indians had the same media represenation as black ppl. we're already not getting cucked by our parents anymore. smv will go up crazy
Only way for that to happen is if bollywood blows up tbh. If bollywood becomes good quality and not so cringy, it could increase indian SMV.

Anyway I knew a foid who watched some bollywood movies, and thought thaat hritithv whatever guy was good looking, so there's that.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13197
fuck bro imagine if indians had the same media represenation as black ppl. we're already not getting cucked by our parents anymore. smv will go up crazy
Fyi. She said that he's the "only good looking Indian that she's ever seen." Media has a big effect on SMV I've realised.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13197
Only way for that to happen is if bollywood blows up tbh. If bollywood becomes good quality and not so cringy, it could increase indian SMV.

Anyway I knew a foid who watched some bollywood movies, and thought thaat hritithv whatever guy was good looking, so there's that.
bollywood is a lost cause, it'll never stop being cringy and it only uses the fairest skinned indians, which are like 2 percent of the population. US media is what indians need to target, hopefully Gen Z can help in that aspect
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Gaia262, Deleted member 10615 and johncruz12345
ethnic cope

accept the racepill
Yeah. Honestly racepill is more brutal for guys than girls. I think most guys would smash a girl of any race if she's hot. (The aryan gigastacy only people here are minorities.)

Like, woman are not as intelligent as guys. If a girl is hot, no matter any race I can recognize that. But not girls tho, they are very suspectible to media influence and care a lot about perceived status

Like look at the eboy/skaterboy trends on tiktok. They find whatever everyone else finds attractive and just follow the crowd.
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262 and Deleted member 10615
bollywood is a lost cause, it'll never stop being cringy and it only uses the fairest skinned indians, which are like 2 percent of the population. US media is what indians need to target, hopefully Gen Z can help in that aspect
US media is completely fucked against Indians. Only races that get representation are blacks and whites. Literally no other race apart from those two get even an ounce of representation.
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262 and Deleted member 13197
US media is completely fucked against Indians. Only races that get representation are blacks and whites. Literally no other race apart from those two get even an ounce of representation.
youre right tbh, fuck at least the south indian industries are stepping up their game and creating some mogger shit now, hopefully they can increase their soft power as well.
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345
Only way for that to happen is if bollywood blows up tbh. If bollywood becomes good quality and not so cringy, it could increase indian SMV.

Anyway I knew a foid who watched some bollywood movies, and thought thaat hritithv whatever guy was good looking, so there's that.
India being a shithole also has a big, negative effect on SMV. Kpop halo works partly because Seoul, Korea is an advanced mogger city that everyone wants to travel to. I don't think India will ever have that kind of environment halo but at least if one of the states in India can become advanced enough it will be very good. Also Indian culture, conservatism, and behavior fucks over
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262 and johncruz12345
India being a shithole also has a big, negative effect on SMV. Kpop halo works partly because Seoul, Korea is an advanced mogger city that everyone wants to travel to. I don't think India will ever have that kind of environment halo but at least if one of the states in India can become advanced enough it will be very good. Also Indian culture, conservatism, and behavior fucks over
Yeah. That's true. If India was some high tech cities. Everyone would go to India and they would be stereotyped as "high class." However the truth is the cities are pretty shit. And idk a lot of Indians from India are so fucking cringy and weird. Like I know it's a stereotype, but it's true lmao. The cringy Indians from the mainland also fuck up the SMV of westernised Indians as well in Euro countries and USA.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13197
Yeah. That's true. If India was some high tech cities. Everyone would go to India and they would be stereotyped as "high class." However the truth is the cities are pretty shit. And idk a lot of Indians from India are so fucking cringy and weird. Like I know it's a stereotype, but it's true lmao. The cringy Indians from the mainland also fuck up the SMV of westernised Indians as well in Euro countries and USA.
i have seen a couple good looking indians and i live in australia most of them work in indian restraunts and most of the time date indian girls that aren't really westernized

decent looking indians bone and ratio wise aren't as rare as people think ill even admit the average curry is close to the average aussie in terms of bones, i have seen more bone mogger indians then i have aussies, probs because india is more rural leading to chewing more hard foods and shit in there childhood
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345 and Deleted member 13197
Wtf?? Only because of status I guess
he is med looking, actual med not am i med bro indian med, tanned skin nice dark hair, he has robust bones besides lower third, also is athletic and tall

but status most likely played a small part
that guy would get rejected by most white girls here and asians

people here are very sexually racist when it comes to race and romance and dating

the only races i see that get girls that aren't white are, polanesiyans, some asians/hapas and sudanese black guys
south Sudanese niggas really? They look pretty ugly on average (even relative to other blacks) though they are tall, do lightskin blacks do better.
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345
who gives a shit what your sister thinks?
Australia's only the "Land of Chads" on this site.
No, actually Australia's reputation as a land of good-looking men is widespread. I know a girl who once dreamed of an Australian surfer boy.

Of course, the reputation is exaggerated; typical Australian man isn't chad.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 12002
No, actually Australia's reputation as a land of good-looking men is widespread. I know a girl who once dreamed of an Australian surfer boy.

Of course, the reputation is exaggerated; typical Australian man isn't chad.
typical aussie man is balding and recessed

the only good thing about them is height im 5ft11 but feel only like king of the manlets here
south Sudanese niggas really? They look pretty ugly on average (even relative to other blacks) though they are tall, do lightskin blacks do better.
nope sudanese are good looking, they have one of the better bone structures then other africans, they slay hard asf here and there all thugmaxxed and have a tough guy reputation/ gang memeber

and ive never seen a half white half black person here but they most likely would have good appeal as they are the best looking black people
  • +1
Reactions: datboijj, johncruz12345 and Deleted member 6273
About the original post, I don't see anything controversial in it.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
About the original post, I don't see anything controversial in it.

some ethnics just took it to heart

its just one girls opinion jfl and then heaps of users were trying to get valadation and trying to get a girl to rate them

jfl at the utter desparation it just tell everyone they don't get any iois or female valadation irl
  • JFL
Reactions: johncruz12345

some ethnics just took it to heart

its just one girls opinion jfl and then heaps of users were trying to get valadation and trying to get a girl to rate them

jfl at the utter desparation it just tell everyone they don't get any iois or female valadation irl
yeah its kinda funny, especially with the curry users saying shit like, "Oh if you're sister had a real chadpreed, she would be wet." Like stfu, how insecure can you be lol.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
yeah its kinda funny, especially with the curry users saying shit like, "Oh if you're sister had a real chadpreed, she would be wet." Like stfu, how insecure can you be lol.
spot on bro

i don't get there point, if you have a 10/10 guy of any race ofc he will be able to get most women and his race won't be much of a problem anymore, but those guys are legit so rare the chances you see someone in your life that is on the looks of a model or movie star is 1/1000000 and most men will never be able to even come close to that looks level even with surgery and soft maxes

i could post a 10/10 white guy and say the same thing there saying but i don't want to trigger them and start a race war jfl
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345
spot on bro

i don't get there point, if you have a 10/10 guy of any race ofc he will be able to get most women and his race won't be much of a problem anymore, but those guys are legit so rare the chances you see someone in your life that is on the looks of a model or movie star is 1/1000000 and most men will never be able to even come close to that looks level even with surgery and soft maxes

i could post a 10/10 white guy and say the same thing there saying but i don't want to trigger them and start a race war jfl
Yeah. Like lets be fr, most Indians don't look like these lightskin giga moggers. Like the stereotype of Indians being fat, manlet dark skinned guys is a lot of the times true. Like most indians do actually look like that. Like those lightskin Indians exist, but are very rare honestly, and this is coming from a guy who lives in an area with a lot of indians and has quite a few indian friends.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
i said this before, south asians, like phillophinos, vietnamese, thai people and asians like them have dated girls alot in australia even if there short, they have dated her friend before, they are the best looking asians

SEA's are mogger asians indeed
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
nice supraorbitals but dye ur eyebrows ASAP
thanks bro

are supraorbitals the bones above the eyelids? because they are very projected for me but i don't have a big browridge, so is the supraorbital the thing giving me the deepset look?
thanks bro

are supraorbitals the bones above the eyelids? because they are very projected for me but i don't have a big browridge, so is the supraorbital the thing giving me the deepset look?
Yes your supraorbitals are what's casting the shadow over your eyes. You DO have a browridge, it's just not high bone mass. Which is ideal you don't want a neanderthal esque super conspicuous browridge with high bone mass. You just want it low and projecting that gives that added dimorphism which you have. Your only issue if your faint eyebrows.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
ask her about east asian/chink
Agreed my low set brow ridge gets me a fuck ton of iois with mask couple that in with pct and hooding. There's a constant shadow over my eyes. Brow ridge is vital tbh, you feel less of a man without a prominent brow ridge that casts a shadow over your eye.
Over for you if you don't have a brow ridge like SS3 Goku
B9336e743bc3e5b339f01970b2063ec58e838634 00

  • JFL
Reactions: volcelfatcel
Hey wait a second. This guy has me on ignore.

I'm gonna go find something to report him for
how do you find out if someone has you on ignore?
i have been of this forum for a few weeks and came back, i have a completley new outlook on looks

i was asking my sister about blackpill things because she knows i use this forum

first thing i asked was about the holy trinity, face, height race, i asked what is the most important, she said face is more important then anything else in looks, then i asked then height is next right? she then said no, i said why not then she said race is very important then i asked if she would ever date a curry she just laughed and said fuck no, she then said i don't think many girls would date indian or middle eastern guys unless the girls are from those countries, she said women will disqualify people on race, she indeed confirmed what this forum has been preeching that being curry or middle eastern can automatically disqualifiy someone right of the gate

she also said face is alot more important then height, she said unless there very short then height matters much less then face

i was also talking to a girl that use to like me, i asked what features make someone attractive and what do you look for, she said, nose, jawline [how sharp it is] hair and eyesbrows, she said nose and eyebrows are very important aswell, when asked what makes a good nose she said one that slopes getting smaller at the bridge so pretty much a nose with a non high bridge and that is straight small and narrow

ask questions if you need i will answer many, but like my respones so that my rep isn't fucked from doing this
The advantages of a female sibling

I have only one brother and he knows nothing as well As I
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
The advantages of a female sibling

I have only one brother and he knows nothing as well As I
Very true tbh they are one of the best people to go to if you want blackpills
Minnesota. I’ve travelled to Arizona and Florida in the past month and have matched with legit stacies, too. None have messaged me though
Just be narwasp strikes again
yeah but people here hate indians so it might not be as bad in other countries but im not sure because ive never left australia
How come Australia hates Indians? I’m Bengali- American and in America, it’s not that bad. Sure you get stereotypes and jokes, but I alway hear UK and Australia hate brown people lol.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
How come Australia hates Indians? I’m Bengali- American and in America, it’s not that bad. Sure you get stereotypes and jokes, but I alway hear UK and Australia hate brown people lol.
I don’t know bro, Americans are all little pussies and faggots while aussies are low inhb and will say what they like so they just openly abuse Indians, Australia is also not use to getting this many immigrants and foreigners here, a lot of Indians and asians and other groups only started coming in large numbers these past 10-15 years

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