Brutal curry pill from Arab girl on OLD



Islamist jihadi and intersectional feminist
Nov 21, 2022
Sketch 1706041706871

Sketch 1706043217725

The fact that I haven't considered roping yet is amazing. I want to kill my desires but I can't. Maybe I suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and developed an obsession for the type of people who hate me. This stupid app slaps a nationality on your profile pic which halos (MENA) or failos (curry) you from the get go. You could be Salludon and that Pakistani flag would descend you.

Both are nafri not even gulf. I usually see similar stuff from other ethnics / nationalities but never them. They are supposed to be least tribalistic and most welcoming. Brutal. How do I continue living? 😢

@gribsufer1 @Corleone @Manchild @yeeyeeslayer
  • JFL
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  • So Sad
Reactions: lightskinbengali, sportsmogger, EggKing and 13 others
I would usually make a seething currycel comment about cucks/bluepillers/delusional shitskins but I'm not really that heated considering that bitch is fat as fuck

Legit looks like a tranny straight out the slums of Damascus lmao. Levantine pheno can do odd things
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: EggKing, tombradylover, zharupodrugu and 5 others
As cage worthy as this is its more sad then funny tbh, unironically my condolences bro, fuck these sandwhores find yourself a Pakistani girl who will appreciates you instead of these racist Arab bitches
  • +1
Reactions: CreepyJewel1 and SecularIslamist
I would usually make a seething currycel comment about cucks/bluepillers/delusional shitskins but I'm not really that heated considering that bitch is fat as fuck

Legit looks like a tranny straight out the slums of Damascus lmao. Levantine pheno can do odd things
she could easily pass as north curry too
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: intovoid, Deleted member 18522 and SecularIslamist
yeah it sucks to be curry. shes a hijab girl too usually less racist
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist and hardestmfintheroom
What nationality halos the Most? Is it 🇹🇷? @SecularIslamist
JFL at all the porkies and kangalis calling Indians “pajeet” when the Arabs they suck off can’t even differentiate
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Swarthy Knight, gribsufer1 and SecularIslamist
Nah she's pretty solidly Arab imo. Where are you seeing curry pheno?
didn't look close enough but she could be a lightksinned paki
What nationality halos the Most? Is it 🇹🇷? @SecularIslamist
Bosnian would mog hard. But yeah, for the most part considering that app must be like 90% curry
  • +1
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I would usually make a seething currycel comment about cucks/bluepillers/delusional shitskins but I'm not really that heated considering that bitch is fat as fuck

Legit looks like a tranny straight out the slums of Damascus lmao
She's LTB. Ironically would pass as a curry herself. I'm surprised BRITISH BORN women living in UK could nonchalantly say this given 90% of her profile views from other muzzies are probably from curries.

What nationality halos the Most? Is it 🇹🇷? @SecularIslamist
Lol no. I'm aware they hate us too. Skipped every Turk within a 50 mile radius of London. Not a single MTB. Must've been the ugly gene pool which migrated here. They are fogged by pakis.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 18522 and Corleone
Bosnian would mog hard. But yeah, for the most part considering that app must be like 90% curry
Yeah I guessed Something Balkan or turkish
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
She's LTB. Ironically would pass as a curry herself. I'm surprised BRITISH BORN women living in UK could nonchalantly say this given 90% of her profile views from other muzzies are probably from curries.

Lol no. I'm aware they hate us too. Skipped every Turk within a 50 mile radius of London. Not a single MTB. Must've been the ugly gene pool which migrated here. They are fogged by pakis.
I meant men
She's LTB. Ironically would pass as a curry herself. I'm surprised BRITISH BORN women living in UK could nonchalantly say this given 90% of her profile views from other muzzies are probably from curries.

Lol no. I'm aware they hate us too. Skipped every Turk within a 50 mile radius of London. Not a single MTB. Must've been the ugly gene pool which migrated here. They are fogged by pakis.
its possible for you to get an Arab girl but you will struggle
  • Hmm...
Reactions: SecularIslamist
JFL at all the porkies and kangalis calling Indians “pajeet” when the Arabs they suck off can’t even differentiate
I can't differentiate sandniggers either.
  • JFL
Reactions: Corleone
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: House Lannister and the BULL
She's LTB. Ironically would pass as a curry herself. I'm surprised BRITISH BORN women living in UK could nonchalantly say this given 90% of her profile views from other muzzies are probably from curries.

Lol no. I'm aware they hate us too. Skipped every Turk within a 50 mile radius of London. Not a single MTB. Must've been the ugly gene pool which migrated here. They are fogged by pakis.
the way you feel about Arab girls is how I feel about snow bunnies
  • Ugh..
Reactions: gribsufer1 and SecularIslamist
JFL at all the porkies and kangalis calling Indians “pajeet” when the Arabs they suck off can’t even differentiate
I can, pakis are just lighter skinned slightly more human looking version of Indians
I meant men
On balance, MENA for sure. Arabs and MAYBE Turkish perhaps - but honestly you guys have bad rep here. Even one Turkish girl I was speaking to saying all the Turkish guys on the app are drunk kuffar.

Tbh some women want curry only (seriously) their parents wouldn't accept any different. But even then you have to be MENA-passing curry.
  • +1
Reactions: yirma19
I can, pakis are just lighter skinned slightly more human looking version of Indians
What kind of Indians? Northeast, south, gangetic, Punjabis? Y’all are dumb asf if you think every Indian looks the same
Last edited:
  • Woah
  • Ugh..
Reactions: gribsufer1 and yeeyeeslayer
On balance, MENA for sure. Arabs and MAYBE Turkish perhaps - but honestly you guys have bad rep here. Even one Turkish girl I was speaking to saying all the Turkish guys on the app are drunk kuffar.

Tbh some women want curry only (seriously) their parents wouldn't accept any different. But even then you have to be MENA-passing curry.
Makes sense, arent U Mixed? Wouldnt that make it easier
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Bosnian would mog hard. But yeah, for the most part considering that app must be like 90% curry
They are not racist at all but tall af. Ironically I feel I have higher chances with them. Actually even English women. Some convert English women have liked my profile but I find white people disgusting.
Makes sense, arent U Mixed? Wouldnt that make it easier
Lol no I'm 100% curry :lul: But even when I matched with a curry girl last year she says your name sounds weird and you look Arab tee-hee.
  • +1
Reactions: yirma19
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: CreepyJewel1, SecularIslamist and yeeyeeslayer
They are not racist at all but tall af. Ironically I feel I have higher chances with them. Actually even English women. Some convert English women have liked my profile but I find white people disgusting.
> european
> not racist
Arabs are literal textbook definition of Sand niggers. Literally live in the desert 😂
No I meant not much difference between nafri, gulf, Levant Arabs, Kurds and Turks. But they all love to say they're different just like pakis, Indians and Bengalis.
  • +1
Reactions: CreepyJewel1 and slick2
View attachment 2696299

View attachment 2696368

The fact that I haven't considered roping yet is amazing. I want to kill my desires but I can't. Maybe I suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and developed an obsession for the type of people who hate me. This stupid app slaps a nationality on your profile pic which halos (MENA) or failos (curry) you from the get go. You could be Salludon and that Pakistani flag would descend you.

Both are nafri not even gulf. I usually see similar stuff from other ethnics / nationalities but never them. They are supposed to be least tribalistic and most welcoming. Brutal. How do I continue living? 😢

@gribsufer1 @Corleone @Manchild @yeeyeeslayer
IMG 5530

„ I won‘t accept anyone from SEA“
  • So Sad
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Jfl brutal for you, I remember you said you like Moroccans
  • So Sad
Reactions: SecularIslamist
the way you feel about Arab girls is how I feel about snow bunnies
bro i am literally gonna beat up the next black dude i see cos of this post. blacks hated miscegenation too btw they wanted a spereaye state but then jews ruined everything
Very pathetic post. The whole thread in general reeks of dalit abused doggery
Stfu even if you find whites attractive 99% of them are literal pornstars. The abused dog is you who is happy to lick their crusty STD-ridden pussies and suck off another man's cumstains.

Jfl brutal for you, I remember you said you like Moroccans
These are British women. When I geofrauded to Morocco I did okay despite curry flag. But bitches always ghost and can't speak English. I would've betabuxxed them otherwise.
  • +1
Reactions: CreepyJewel1 and basedblackpiller
Stfu even if you find whites attractive 99% of them are literal pornstars. The abused dog is you who is happy to lick their crusty STD-ridden pussies and suck off another man's cumstains.
I never said that lol projection innit
@yirma19 a guy who looks like this I'm 100% sure would slay EVERY fucking girl there. I swiped 1000s men when I femcelfished as a girl and thankfully didn't come across anything like him.


He just needs to button up his shirt and hold a prayer bead instead of a spoon in that third pic.
  • +1
Reactions: yirma19
She looks deformed af
most of my profile views on muzz are from arabs jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Razeb
I would usually make a seething currycel comment about cucks/bluepillers/delusional shitskins but I'm not really that heated considering that bitch is fat as fuck

Legit looks like a tranny straight out the slums of Damascus lmao. Levantine pheno can do odd things
she doesnt look fat at all tbh
  • +1
Reactions: robtical
She's LTB. Ironically would pass as a curry herself. I'm surprised BRITISH BORN women living in UK could nonchalantly say this given 90% of her profile views from other muzzies are probably from curries.

Lol no. I'm aware they hate us too. Skipped every Turk within a 50 mile radius of London. Not a single MTB. Must've been the ugly gene pool which migrated here. They are fogged by pakis.
she is looking for allah fearing bbc like all moroccan sluts with hijab
  • Woah
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Reactions: Deleted member 18522 and rand anon
It’s so over for me, i will never be able to bag my Nafri Cutie :feelsrope:
  • Hmm...
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Chad fish her with salludon
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
It’s so over for me, i will never be able to bag my Nafri Cutie :feelsrope:
You are nafri. Even if you're atypical. I think this girl is Arab only.
  • JFL
Reactions: FML0908
  • Hmm...
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Pathetic curry should have known these Arab girls are green eyed white passing chaddam only, you have much better luck geomaxxing to Arab countries than trying to get an Arab foid living in the west which is literally mission impossible because of how racist they are.
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
View attachment 2696299

View attachment 2696368

The fact that I haven't considered roping yet is amazing. I want to kill my desires but I can't. Maybe I suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and developed an obsession for the type of people who hate me. This stupid app slaps a nationality on your profile pic which halos (MENA) or failos (curry) you from the get go. You could be Salludon and that Pakistani flag would descend you.

Both are nafri not even gulf. I usually see similar stuff from other ethnics / nationalities but never them. They are supposed to be least tribalistic and most welcoming. Brutal. How do I continue living? 😢

@gribsufer1 @Corleone @Manchild @yeeyeeslayer
Tbh every curry has self hate. Every curry wants to breed with non Curry cos they wanna remove the curse of being curry
  • JFL
Reactions: CreepyJewel1 and SecularIslamist
Tbh every curry has self hate. Every curry wants to breed with non Curry cos they wanna remove the curse of being curry
I don't find most curries because yes it's true they're ugly. But top 10% I'm fine with. However they have the biggest fucking egos and consider themselves gigastacies.

Nah bhai. It’s all about how you look not what you really are jfl.
I get some girls from Morocco. They all ghost or leave on read. Unmatched all these hoes.
Sketch 1706061790853
I don't find most curries because yes it's true they're ugly. But top 10% I'm fine with. However they have the biggest fucking egos and consider themselves gigastacies.

I get some girls from Morocco. They all ghost or leave on read. Unmatched all these hoes.
View attachment 2697038
I have dated your foids they also have self hate. All curries are self haters
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
I have dated your foids they also have self hate. All curries are self haters
Yes they are they would date 3/10 white ginger over 8/10 curry. I'm not disputing this. I'm saying I wouldn't.
  • Hmm...
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