Crypto Megathread

Cuz its a shitcoin and Theres no way xrp will hit 150 bill mcap
Agree it can't hit 150bn if it's just a glorified cash transfer, but as it has more use cases it can easily hit that
Cuz its a shitcoin and Theres no way xrp will hit 150 bill mcap

XRP ATH was almost 4 dollars u absolute moron, well $3,92 to be exact back in January of 2018
  • Ugh..
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XRP ATH was almost 4 dollars u absolute moron, well $3,92 to be exact back in January of 2018
Tulipa ATH was a staggering 12 acres of land per one bulb back in 1637 I guess we should invest in tulips then lol

the past isnt indicative of future performance you retard
Pls bros i need help, should i buy eth? i know it's not good to chase a pump and buy at an all time high but i'm getting mad fomo on this niggacoin.
95% in a month, fuckkk if only i had gone all in. this is such a gigamogger coin rn
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I need more IQ, this trading shit is hard.
Pls bros i need help, should i buy eth? i know it's not good to chase a pump and buy at an all time high but i'm getting mad fomo on this niggacoin.
buy some bnb, ftm and dot and thank me later
Kraken won't allow me to execute sell orders anymore, it says to refresh quote, and i do that but it doesn't work.
Crypto, is booming again.. it seems.
For all people that sold, previously. Maybe a good time, to try to time jumping back in again. And new commers as well.

my opinion
  • +1
  • JFL
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Crypto, is booming again.. it seems.
For all people that sold, previously. Maybe a good time, to try to time jumping back in again. And new commers as well.

my opinion
i jumped a couple days ago
take advice from @eduardkoopman
legit trillionaire grindset
Crypto, is booming again.. it seems.
For all people that sold, previously. Maybe a good time, to try to time jumping back in again. And new commers as well.

my opinion
sell the bottom buy the pump
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What will happen to crypto if we have another wave of deaths due to some new epidemic or a deadly Covid mutation?
It could happen very soon
i jumped a couple days ago
take advice from @eduardkoopman
legit trillionaire grindset
Lets hope, we continue this overall bull market in crypto, that started about 12 months age.
I think, 1 year ago, I put in about 750 euro orso in bitcoin. I moved it around over time. And no I'm sitting on 4000-4500 euro in plenty different cryptos, with that initial investment. The shitcoins (coins outside of top 100 orso); is where I lost most in past season. But it has huge upwards potential, after Bitcoin and the top altcoins have made a good rally. That I bet on at least.
I think at this point in time. it's best to sit in Bitcoin and the top altcoins first. And hope they rally alot, and than at some point sell it. And go full ape, balls to the wall, by dumping it all into certain shitcoins, lp's, farms, liquidity pools. And one will either go bust, back to zero (most likely), or one will be lucky (or skilfull?) and join the comfortable rich people class.


Apes trading crypto's, for the win!
Frustrated Customer Service GIF
Teyana Taylor Page GIF
Computer Working GIF
Office Monkey GIF
  • Love it
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Lets hope, we continue this overall bull market in crypto, that started about 12 months age.
I think, 1 year ago, I put in about 750 euro orso in bitcoin. I moved it around over time. And no I'm sitting on 4000-4500 euro in plenty different cryptos, with that initial investment. The shitcoins (coins outside of top 100 orso); is where I lost most in past season. But it has huge upwards potential, after Bitcoin and the top altcoins have made a good rally. That I bet on at least.
I think at this point in time. it's best to sit in Bitcoin and the top altcoins first. And hope they rally alot, and than at some point sell it. And go full ape, balls to the wall, by dumping it all into certain shitcoins, lp's, farms, liquidity pools. And one will either go bust, back to zero (most likely), or one will be lucky (or skilfull?) and join the comfortable rich people class.


Apes trading crypto's, for the win!
Frustrated Customer Service GIF
Teyana Taylor Page GIF
Computer Working GIF
Office Monkey GIF
HODL tbh ngl
Ideal is small investment like yours that you won't be forced to panic sell
sell the bottom buy the pump
i sold like half muh portfolio in march orso. A little to early. Because april and first part of May crypto's went up alot.
I bought back during the massive dump, crash in the end of May, but that was basically around prices that I also sold in March. So I got muh timing wrong. Not super wrong, but to much wrong, so that I didn't make any money.

Cardano, was a good bet of mine. to buy that back mostly in the end of may.

What will happen to crypto if we have another wave of deaths due to some new epidemic or a deadly Covid mutation?
It could happen very soon
imo. Crypto's appear to have some correlation with the stock market still.
With the dump in the stock market in March 2020. Stocks went like down 50%.
And bitcoin went than from 10,000 USD to 5,000 usd. also 50% down.

That might be a risk. that can kill this crypto bull market. If a stock dumb happens.

Some people speculate. That crypto might in the last year, have made itself a little bit less correlated with the stock market. Due to more big money "people" are in crypto's; and not just retail apes anymore. Which might make t a little bit more stable.
But I doubt that, tbh.
HODL tbh ngl
Ideal is small investment like yours that you won't be forced to panic sell
yeah. I bought Bitcoin back in July orso of 2020.
At a time. NO-ONE was interested in cryptos. Cryptos were still considered DEATH at that time. Due to massive crash of 20K in 2017, to like 5K. I bought when Bitcoin was just under 10K. I don't even know why I bought. I was betting on a small "end of the year rally, and hoping for like 10%-20% gains. But it was a good gamble. It started to moon.
  • +1
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We only cope with crypto, because we don't have the option to make alot of money with OnlyFans or Insta


Rainbow token has been on fire today due to CMC listing, good tokenomics and these guys even have plans for a defi exchange, huge potential IMO it's my LifeFuel
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Rainbow token has been on fire today due to CMC listing, good tokenomics and these guys even have plans for a defi exchange, huge potential IMO it's my LifeFuel
Crypto project DefiKingdoms, and it's Jewel toke. I'm very bullish on. But that i don't wanna talk about.

* I stubbled across SUPERBID (nft's) basically
A place where people of some notoriaty. Can "sell" pics of themselfes, but more interstingly "experiences".

- I just saw this, experience NFT being sold on their site.
SOME, dude payed over 1 MILLION USD! for a date with a woman with 1 million followers on insta. Damns.

Can women easily sell experiences somehwere else?

If not, maybe this place has some potential. If marketed well. To become a busy place, where insta-whores sell dates, and what type of other shit. in a bid type of way. because women tend to be, copy paste

It's a high risk bet.but maybe worth a try.
One can get in, by buying a few of there SUPERBID tokens.
If it takes off. And alot of inst-whores will sell their experiences offers there. Than simps will sky rocket the valua of that crypto.

What are your ideas, people into crypto"s????

  • JFL
Reactions: Slayercel and Deleted member 3828
Crypto project DefiKingdoms, and it's Jewel toke. I'm very bullish on. But that i don't wanna talk about.

* I stubbled across SUPERBID (nft's) basically
A place where people of some notoriaty. Can "sell" pics of themselfes, but more interstingly "experiences".

- I just saw this, experience NFT being sold on their site.
SOME, dude payed over 1 MILLION USD! for a date with a woman with 1 million followers on insta. Damns.

Can women easily sell experiences somehwere else?

If not, maybe this place has some potential. If marketed well. To become a busy place, where insta-whores sell dates, and what type of other shit. in a bid type of way. because women tend to be, copy paste

It's a high risk bet.but maybe worth a try.
One can get in, by buying a few of there SUPERBID tokens.
If it takes off. And alot of inst-whores will sell their experiences offers there. Than simps will sky rocket the valua of that crypto.

What are your ideas, people into crypto"s????

WTF is this Hahahaha
the absolute state
WTF is this Hahahaha
the absolute state
I bought SUPERBID. Yesterday. Totally random.
Today: +46% 😯

It's good to be, in the NFT marketplace.
Not sure which platform will come out winners, in the end.
But NFT's have potential. I would spread out owning some of the NFT stuff, spread out over a few.

Gary V is right, I think.

  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 3828
I bought SUPERBID. Yesterday. Totally random.
Today: +46% 😯

It's good to be, in the NFT marketplace.
Not sure which platform will come out winners, in the end.
But NFT's have potential. I would spread out owning some of the NFT stuff, spread out over a few.

Gary V is right, I think.

i dont even know how to buy XD
glad you make profit:)
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i dont even know how to buy XD
glad you make profit:)
If one is putting money into this field fo crytpo and so on.

One can buy crypto tokens, of the platforms that offer NFT's to be sold/bought in a way with good useability for regular people.
Or one can obviously buy a specific NFT. But that is basically more about the underlying"asset" of that NFT; thanthat one is investing in the concept of NFT platform and future.
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  • JFL
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thanks to @OldVirgin 's advice i already made BIG $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I started buying crypto, by buying 800 USD worth of bitcoin, in the summer off 2020.
And after that, it's been a good ride so far.
I have kept adding money to muh crypto potfolio. Last september i dumped like 2500 into crypto's., half of it bitcoin.

I'm half into bitcoin and pretty big cryptos.
And half into utter shitcoins, wildcard betts. I hope 1 of them moons.

I maneged to get muh portfolio up to like 12000 USD at this moment.
On an input of between 3000-4000 USD I guestimate, overall.

But, I think, we are going into another bull runn since started on 1 october. And I guestimate will runn to beginning/mid next year.
I should be able to 2x or 3x that 12000 USD. Up to 30,000 USD. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • Woah
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I started buying crypto, by buying 800 USD worth of bitcoin, in the summer off 2020.
And after that, it's been a good ride so far.
I have kept adding money to muh crypto potfolio. Last september i dumped like 2500 into crypto's., half of it bitcoin.

I'm half into bitcoin and pretty big cryptos.
And half into utter shitcoins, wildcard betts. I hope 1 of them moons.

I maneged to get muh portfolio up to like 12000 USD at this moment.
On an input of between 3000-4000 USD I guestimate, overall.

But, I think, we are going into another bull runn since started on 1 october. And I guestimate will runn to beginning/mid next year.
I should be able to 2x or 3x that 12000 USD. Up to 30,000 USD. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I'm currently thinking about buying a bot to get in earlier when new coins launch (has a few other features as well).
@Seth Walsh do you have any experience with this?
And is there a looksmax group where we can exchange ideas / share projects?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Rift and Seth Walsh
I'm currently thinking about buying a bot to get in earlier when new coins launch (has a few other features as well).
@Seth Walsh do you have any experience with this?
And is there a looksmax group where we can exchange ideas / share projects?
Haven't ever really used a bot for crypto and when I tried once, it turned out to be ineffective. Would be good to set up a cryptomaxxing group somewhere. There's no group I'm apart of atm.
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just loaded up on shiba

here we go baby
  • JFL
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this is actually a thing, that matters and is good news.

Sadly it's only a FUTURES contracts bitcoin ETF.😢😢😢
But it's a good start.

Maybe it's a start, for in the future of an actual Bitcoin ETF.

The biggest risk for crypto, imo. Is the "elites" nuking crytpo and not accepting it. If they do accept it, than this is good news for cryptos.
Having crypto being traded in the paper-financial-products marketplace; would be a a good sign that the elites accept crypto. With paper-financial-products relataed to crypto like Bitcoin, for example direct ETF's. Than the elites, can mss with the value of crypto's ; by manipulating the paper-maerket-place. Which I think they need, for the to not nuke crypto. Obviously than us crypto holders get stolen from, but at least we don't get assraped fully.
Grandfather Bitcoin, is King at this moment in short term gains.


BTC buyers getting sucked off by stacy rn my incel cardano is not getting any action:feelswah:
  • JFL
Reactions: eduardkoopman
BTC buyers getting sucked off by stacy rn my incel cardano is not getting any action:feelswah:
Altcoins and Shitcoins. Are getting mogged bigtme, the last 2+ weeks by Bitcoin.
I am also more in altcoins and shitcoins, than Bitcoin. Although I do have like 15% in Bitcoin since laste moneth, whereas before last month it was like 1% max.

The cycles usually go like this. So it was actually good to be in bitcoin first, and than after Bitcoin loses momentum, jump over to alt coins, and than after that shitcoins.
something like this kinda

is where the bog money gains can happen. if one bets on the right ones. And manages to time well jumping in and out of it.
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Altcoins and Shitcoins. Are getting mogged bigtme, the last 2+ weeks by Bitcoin.
I am also more in altcoins and shitcoins, than Bitcoin. Although I do have like 15% in Bitcoin since laste moneth, whereas before last month it was like 1% max.

The cycles usually go like this. So it was actually good to be in bitcoin first, and than after Bitcoin loses momentum, jump over to alt coins, and than after that shitcoins.
something like this kinda

is where the bog money gains can happen. if one bets on the right ones. And manages to time well jumping in and out of it.
Here's to hoping we don't get bogged again this bullmarket!
Here's to hoping we don't get bogged again this bullmarket!
I suspect, this coming bull round. Things will go crazy. And thus way to high. Followed by a massive crash, of like 50+%.
I hope it plays out like that. And I jumped out early enough. And I can buy back cheaper, later than.

But for now. I hope an exciting 6 months orso, leading to absolute irrational crazyiness at the end of it. Where normies jump in, with fomo. It's always nice to take money from these annoying blue pilled normies.
If it hasn’t already been said jump into BLOK it has already done a 7x and VRA.
  • +1
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IF mastercard includes crypto. In an easy to use way

I hope HyperBitcoinasation happens at some point.
I just can't fathom, how banks, fed, governments, the rotchiels. Woulld let something like this happen, replace their currently cashcow of currencies that people store at banks.

a good clip on Cardano, price action analysis and specualtion.

this guy have no idea what he talks, even though ADA atm is one of the bullish alts in the top100 ready to launch, will move soon to the upside, volatility is so low and will expand soon (y)
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this guy have no idea what he talks, even though ADA atm is one of the bullish alts in the top100 ready to launch, will move soon to the upside, volatility is so low and will expand soon (y)
I like this guy benjamin Cowen ALOT. He's imo very on the ball usually

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