Everything I learned on this site (Part 3)



Oct 15, 2024
This megathread will cover all the principles ranged alphabetically to optimize one’s health, looks and overall sexual market value. All the information here is a compilation of interesting threads aswell as responses which are the most relevant for self-improvement in the most concise way possible (minimum ramblings).​

Guide you could follow:

Additional ressource:

1-what is jelqing?

A penis enlargement technique in which the thumb and index finger are wrapped around the penis and repeatedly drawn away from the body in order to force blood into the glans and encourage vascularity.

2-starting to jelq the warm-up

before every jelqing exercise, you will need to warmp-up, you can do this by simply taking a shower before the exercise and applying direct hot water to your penis, there is also other ways to achieve heat like using a rice sock, or you can use a towel sheet and dip it in hot water and apply it to your dick various times. full video going more into it
https://jelqtogain.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/howtowarmup33.mp4 .

3-Basic stretches

Stretching prepares the ligaments, Tunica and Corpus Cavernosum for Jelqing. Think of it as stretching your muscles before lifting weights. It’s a must if you want to get the most out of your muscles and avoid injury.
Stretching alone can also increase the length of your penis however, combine with Jelqing for best results.
this is a really important step, a video is more useful to explain how to do this



A V-Stretch is basically a straight out Basic Stretch with the application of downward pressure mid-shaft.
This is an additional force to an already tensioned penis, so it is important to take it easy
This exercise targets the suspensory ligament and is great for adding length. here is a demonstration,


5-A-stretches (advanced)

This is pretty much the opposite of the V-stretch.
This is an advanced exercise and extreme caution should be taken when first learning how to perform.
Due to using the wrist as a pivot point, an enormous amount of tension can be placed on the shaft.
Learn your limits first to avoid injury. here is a demonstration.


6-Bundle stretches (advanced)

Bundled Stretches are a great way to help maximise both length and girth gains by deforming and increasing the tissue mass of the Tunica.
This is an advanced technique and should only be performed when your penis is conditioned (+3 months). here is a demonstration.


7-One-handed jelq

The One Handed Jelq (Basic Jelq) is by far the most important and rewarding jelqing exercise to do. ill recomend doint around 200-300 each session since this is the main exercise, use some short of oil if you can. here is a demonstration.


8- side jelq

the Side Jelq does an awesome job of deforming the Tunica and gives an additional stretch to the ligaments when the OK grip reaches the Glans. this is a great way to gain leaght here is the demonstration


here is the guy website with all this information https://jelqtogain.com/
here is are his 1 year results https://jelqtogain.com/jelqing-results/





DO NOT leave the clamp on longer than 15 minutes (especially when unconditioned)!

DO NOT leave the clamp on if your penis starts to go numb or cold!

DO NOT leave the clamp on if your penis starts to turn blue!

DO give yourself rest days--overworking your penis can lead to injury!

DO NOT bend, stretch, or manipulate your penis while it is clamped!

The first method of clamping is a manual exercise that costs no money and needs no device, it's called Hand Clamping.

Hand Clamping is when you take your hand and form an OK grip like this...

...and place it around the base and/or shaft of your penis and squeeze tightly, but not enough to cause pain. Just enough to see an expansion of the glans/head of the penis, and a slight reddening of the penis. Now you never want your penis to become too red to the point where it starts to look blue because that's when significant damage starts to happen.

In the beginning, you're going to want to perform this exercise for 3-5 minutes 3 times a day. It is very important that you do not do more than this in the beginning or else you WILL hurt yourself. After you've been doing that for a while (1-2 months or less depending on how fast you're progressing), you can move up to 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. Once you're very well-conditioned, and you know what your body can handle, you can go for longer than that.

Second Method: Cable Clamping

Spoiler: Cable Clamping Method

Third Method: Cock Ring Clamping

Spoiler: Cock Ring Clamping

The third method of clamping is called cock ring clamping.
What you will need:

  • An appropriately sized cock ring
  • A timer
  • A way to stimulate yourself
In order to find the proper sized cock ring for this purpose, you're going to need to measure the diameter of your penis at the base. Most sites when recommending a cock ring will suggest you find one 10% smaller than your penis. This is good for maintaining an erection, but it's not what our goal is... Our goal is pressure and expansion, and for that, I suggest getting a ring that is 65-75% the diameter of the base of your penis. For example, if your base diameter is 43mm you will want to get a cock ring with an internal diameter of 32.25mm. If you want to know what size cock ring to get just use this formula where n = your penis diameter: (n*0.65 - 0.75 = your size).

To perform the exercise you will first need to get 50-75% erect. After you've done this, apply the cock ring to the base of your penis like this...

...after you do that stimulate yourself to 100% erect and keep yourself there for 3-5 minutes. Don't forget to set a timer! After you're more conditioned with this you can go for 5-10 minutes. Do this 3 times a day.

Restricting the blood flow from getting out of your penis.

You get a full erection and close the blood flow, blood will still get in, but it won't get out. This will push the penis from inside out.

As long as you do clamping sets of 4-7 minutes you'll be totally fine. I usually do 30 minutes (5 sets of 6 minutes with a resting time of 5-10 minutes) two days on, one or two days off.

Manual Clamping = 1 week of exercise (not counting the days off) and today after two days off I still wake up with 3-4mm of girth gain

You just need to get an erection and squeeze the base of your penis with an OK sign, start slow and build up how much you squeeze, a good sign that you're squeezing hard enough is if the glans is full and hard, if you feel tingling you're squeezing too hard.

Also, always massage your dick after you finish a set to restore the blood flow and avoid thrombosis in some veins

- Bathmate Hydromax
- Manual Stretches
- (+1inch length in 3-4 months, +1inch girth in 6-7 months)
- Go to your gym, train, bring a duffel bag into the shower with you at your gym, shower for 2 mins, wash yourself etc.
- Manual stretches for 5ish minutes, I recommend just go down, left, right, left-down, right-down, backwards (behind your legs), kegel for every second, which is one rep, do 15-30 reps of each.
- Get out the bathmate from the duffel bag, do 3 sets of 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off, while off, massage your dick and fling it around a little.
- Enjoy the pump, and thats it.
- the projected increases above are based on both doing stretches and bathmate, if you just stretch, expect an inch in about 6 months, and zero girth gains.

Pumps: Bathmate (get this one, air pumps are GARBAGE)
Penis Extenders: (Andropenis, MaleEdge, Phallosan Forte)


Kegels are where you squeeze your pelvic floor or relax your pelvic floor (reverse kegels) to get blood in and out of your dick.
When you’re pissing, stopping the flow is holding the kegel muscle, pissing faster is relaxing the floor.
You want to do both of these all the time. Alternate between doing high reps quickly and holding and releasing.
When you jelq and do girth exercises you need to do these. More blood in before exercise, relax at end of each rep.


Stretch in a way that you can feel the pull. There’s an old PE theory called loss-of-tug and apparently it’s disproved but I think that’s shit. Essentially, pull your dick outwards and kegel to tug it back. Try pulling your dick straight out, upwards, left, right, downwards, between your ass cheeks etc. In some places you’ll feel your dick “tug back” into your body.
This is the angle you need to do most of your exercises.
For me, it was between my cheeks.
Gaining length is about two things: stretching your dick to a bigger size. Then time under tension for it to heal in the extended state.
So you do a stretching routine and then you hold it there for the rest of the day.
I do the stretching in the morning and then in the evening. I use the following stretches:
Hanging between cheeks (as light weight as needed to hit maximum flaccid length)
Bundled stretches

Bundled stretches are where you grab your dick with a reverse o-grip (so your thumb is pointed towards body) you then twist your dick around and turn your wrist so thumb is pointed away from you with ick in hand. This is pretty extreme but it pulls your inner dick out and stretches your outer dick.

A-stretches are when you stretch your dick over your other wrist. So pull your dick outward, get your other wrist under your dick and then pull penis around your other hand. This is how you get rid of or enhance curve of dick too (you go against curve.)

And I do vacuum hanging where you get a vacuum sleeve (just go on ebay) and a weight and you hang it.

I do the bundled stretches and a stretches until my dick is longer than it’s been. ( normally my flaccid is about 5.5 inches by about 4.5 inches now. I want it to be 6x5 flaccid because that’s bigger soft than most men are hard.) so I stretch from say 13cm to 16cm, and when I’ve got there, I’ll hang.


For girth most people recommend jelqs. I only use these as warm up because they did nothing for me.

Hanging will give you base girth gains on its own, but not much.

Most girth exercises are accidents waiting to happen. I use two:

Slow squash jelqs

The bathmate I use a vacuum sleeve otherwise it hurts my balls like fuck. This means bathmate is also a length exercise.

With bathmate, the more the better basically if you do it right. It’s easy to use. Fill it with water in the shower or bath and then stick it on your dick and pump until it’s stuck on your body. Use a sleeve or it will hurt. Make sure you take it off if the pressure gets too much.

With bathmate, the first times you try it you’ll get loads of lactic fluid buildup and it’ll make your dick look like a doughnut. This is temporary. It’s not beneficial either. So I recommend making each “rep” of bathmate until you start to get the doughnut effect.

Then exercise it out with slow squash jelqs. Do this as many times as you can as long as your dick isn’t sore and you don’t get blood spots. You can get blisters doing this – don’t because it means you have to rest for weeks until they heal. Better to do less and not fuck up your dick.

But you basically want the point where you get maximum engorgement with little doughnut build up.

When you start bathmate, results will go down VERY quickly and you’ll be back to regular size within an hour or two. As you get it right and get into the routine, you keep the engorged state more. I’m 5’2 girth now IF I stop PE for like a week, but most of the time I’m 5.5 because the engorgement stays day-to-day between sessions.

Also, Bathmate will make your flaccid dick a huge amount bigger. Like almost the size of your erection. If you’re worried about people seeing your tiny dick or you want to run bulge game, do bathmate.

Alright, slow squash jelqs are how I get maximum engorgement and minimum doughnut.

Grab the base of your dick with one hand after kegeling. Be semi-erect. Then your dick should feel engorged as you squeeze it. Move it up slightly and it’ll expand the rest of your dick. Take your other hand and gently squeeze the head. Your shaft will get fatter. Hold this for thirty seconds, or manipulate it if you want certain parts of your dick to be more engorged. Relax after thirty seconds. Do as many until your dick is tired.

If you do this between bathmate “reps” you’ll get rid of the doughnut.


Nobody on PE forums gets the importance of the two stages – make bigger, keep bigger. And so nobody realises the routine is the important thing.

And your routine is going to be based on you because some of you live with parents and roommates and some live alone and workin offices or whatever.
I lived with roommates when I started this, so had to be careful.

Here’s a users routine with all the elements.

1. Get up and in morning do bundled stretches and A stretches to get my dick long.
2. Then hang if I have time for 20 minutes or so to really get dick long
3. Put on sleeve and bathmate for 5-10 minutes in shower
4. If alone, then SSJ and another bathmate session
5. After bathmate, leave dick to relax a bit while I get dressed
6. Get a light weight vacuum sleeve and weight (1lb) and keep it on all day
7. During day, take sleeve off to piss and do some light A-stretches if dick doesn’t feel fatigued
8. Evening: A stretches before bed

I use xsleeve weights​

I use cheap sleeves off ebay:

And I use a bathmate hercules:

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes
Get a big cup made of plastic and fill with warm water, put your dick on it and press the cup against your body

BTC Stretch: 10-20 minutes
Start doing 4 sets of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, give 1 minute of rest between the sets. After 2 weeks do two sessions during the day, 4 sets of 2:30 during the morning then 4 more sets during the afternoon or evening.

After you complete the 4th week start doing 2 sets of 5 minutes during the morning and 2 sets during the afternoon or evening

I don't recommend doing too much BTC stretches because it's used to loose the suspensory ligaments, if you loose it too much your dick won't be pointing to the ceiling when fully erect.​

JELQING: 10 minutes
After the warm-up get some oil and jelq your dick. Start with 40 jelqs, and add 10 more on the second week, then 15 more on the second... until you reach 100 at the end of the month. I wouldn't recommend going above 120 jelqs a day, you'll be just risking getting a thrombosis vein as I did, and this shit takes months to go away even though it looks like it already went away when I don't Jelq.

buy a bathmate hydromax and use it 5 mins on 5 mins off, repeat this 2 times for a total of 3 sets, there are guides on pornhub, also do normal stretches, doesn't really matter which ones, find 6 that you like from pe gym or thunders place, then do 1-2 sets of each, for 30 seconds, kegel every second as you count. Do 2 days on 1 day off. You will get an inch length in like 2 months, and the girth maybe like 4-5 month

Bathmate (https://bathmatedirect.com/?oid=1&a...a4l9Qw_IaFOG82TmgUbL-Kb_LDCX7usRoCmBIQAvD_BwE)
Weights (https://www.healthline.com/health/penis-weights)

An user’s routine with all the elements.

1. Get up and in morning do bundled stretches and A stretches to get dick long.
2. Then hang if time for 20 minutes or so to really get dick long
3. Put on sleeve and bathmate for 5-10 minutes in shower
4. If alone, then SSJ and another bathmate session
5. After bathmate, leave dick to relax a bit while getting dressed
6. Get a light weight vacuum sleeve and weight (1lb) and keep it on all day
7. During day, take sleeve off to piss and do some light A-stretches if dick doesn’t feel fatigued
8. Evening: A stretches before bed

Penis Functionality​

First before using any product, implement these habits :

Stop touching my face with greasy ass hands

Change pillowcase every 2-3
days or so.

Drink atleast 3L water a day

Fix hormones/ sleep /diet / cortisol

Skin Types (IMPORTANT)

Everyone has different skin, and so the first step in any skin care routine is figuring out your unique skin type. There are five main skin types: normal, oily, dry, combination and sensitive. Knowing your skin type will help guide what products and ingredients will work best for you.​

  • Assess oiliness and dryness. Wash your face and wait an hour without applying any products. If your skin looks visibly oily, you likely have oily skin. If your skin feels tight or flaky, you likely have dry skin.​
  • Look at your pores. Those with oily skin often have large, visible pores. People with dry skin have pores that are barely noticeable. Normal skin has pores that aren't too big or too small.​
  • Consider how reactive your skin is. Sensitive skin often feels tight, irritated or itchy frequently. It may react strongly to products that are fine for other skin types.​
  • Note any issues like acne, redness or ruddiness. Combination skin will be oily in some areas like the T-zone but dry on other parts of the face.​
  • Take note of how your skin looks and feels throughout the day. Normal skin should look balanced without excess oil or dryness.​


Normal Skin - Normal skin tends to require less specialized care and maintenance. It is usually balanced and clear as long as a basic daily skin care regimen is followed. Combination Skin - Combination skin requires paying attention to the differences in moisture needs between the oily and dry parts of the face. It can take some trial and error to find the right balance of products. Dry Skin - Dry skin needs consistent hydration and moisturization to prevent flaking and irritation. Thicker creams and serums work best for restoring moisture. Oily Skin - Managing oily skin can involve diligent cleansing, exfoliating, toning and potentially products to control excess oil and sebum production throughout the day. Sensitive Skin - Sensitive skin can be the most high maintenance skin type. It requires using only gentle ingredients and products. Harsh ingredients, fragrances and chemicals must be avoided at all costs. Trial and error is often needed to find products that don't cause redness or reactions.
  • Many people with this skin type end up spending north of $500 on skincare trying to find what works for them, so if you're broke, consider it joever​

Treating Acne​

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when pores become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or cysts. You can see the different types of acne here:

Skin Care ingredients to Avoid if possible :

Formaldehyde releases
Synthetic fragrances:
A heads-up: When an ingredient label simply says “fragrance” or “parfum,”
Polyethylene glycol (PEGs)
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) and Perfluorochemicals


Carbon black
“Butyl, propyl, and ethyl parabens have been linked to hormone disruption,”

-Additional "controversial" products for enhancing skin care.
**Derminator 2 [$200-$300]
normal derm pens and rollers and highly advised against using and cause scarring.
**Redligth Therapy - there are many routes you can take. Buy some cheapo lights off Alibaba or invest in some crazy expensive masks.
-Additional/ Best YouTube channels for skincare guidance.
-Dr Dray

Sunscreen is important as fuck for our skin, but it is also important that it has the right ingredients. Get your sunscreen NOW and check if any of the following ingredients are in there

Dangerous ingredients:

-decreases t

benzophenone-3, or oxybenzone
-irritates skin
- lower t

avobenzone (benzophenone)
-causes skin cancer
- speeds up aging

- toxic

formaldehyde releasingsubstances such as Diazolidinyl urea, Quaternium-15, DMDM Hydantoin and Hydroxymethylglycinate
- yall probably know what formaldehyde is and why it shouldnt be on your skin

-ages skin

- irritates skin
- neurotoxic

- accumulates in your body
- irritates skin
- phytoestrogen
- potentially neurotoxic (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5615097/)

- worst additive imo
- lowers t significantly
- can interfer with normal dick growth
- neurotoxic
- rather kill yourself than take this
- lowers sperm count

retinyl palmitate
- yes I know yall love retinol compounds
- proven to create free radicals
- not as bad as others tho imo

Essential skincare products:​

  • Sunscreen: Sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin from the damaging effects of UV rays. It's important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day, even on cloudy days.​
  • Retinol: Retinol is a form of vitamin A that can help to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It's best to use retinol products at night, as they can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.​
  • Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that helps to keep your skin hydrated and plump. It's a good option for those with dry or mature skin.​
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help to protect your skin from environmental stressors and improve its texture and tone. It's best to use vitamin C products in the morning, as it can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.​
  • Niacinamide: Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that can help to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of pores. It's a good option for all skin types.​
  • Peptides: Peptides are small chains of amino acids that can help to stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity. They're a good option for those with mature or aging skin.​

No routine : for chad genetics or for brokecels (check out the moneymaxxing part ASAP) :

Splash your face with cold water in the morning and evening and call it a day.

Skincare Guide by @benignice https://looksmax.org/threads/skincare-guide.81935/


This is an incredibly complex subject area and the data we have on the efficacy varies from peptide to peptide. In general, I’d say they’re a really great ingredient- feel free to ask about any specifics if you have any questions.

Niacin - $9.99
Promotes fibroblast proliferation and balances hormones.

Collagen Peptides (supplements) - $11.99
Most effective when taken consistently, provides the amino acids and proteins needed for ideal collagen production

Copper Peptides (topical) - $34.95
Copper peptides are amazing for collagen and this topical cream smells wonderful and includes other ingredients good for your skin.

Matrixyl3000 - $35.95

Argireline - $11.99

Pentapeptide18 - $10.99
All 3 above are common serum ingredients that you should aim for.

Progressive-routines :

Recommended Cycle for Acne Treatment​

Week 1:
Gentle cleanser
Oil-free moisturizer with SPF
Gentle cleanser
2.5% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment (Alternate every other day for the first week to see how your skin reacts)

Week 2:
Gentle cleanser
Oil-free moisturizer with SPF
Gentle cleanser
5% benzoyl peroxide gel or cream

Week 3 & 4:
Gentle cleanser
Oil-free moisturizer with SPF
Gentle cleanser
0.025% tretinoin cream

Week 5-12
Gentle cleanser
Oil-free moisturizer with SPF
Gentle cleanser
0.05% tretinoin cream
5% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment (if needed)

Retinol - Derived from vitamin A, available in strengths up to 2%. Helps unclog pores and increase skin cell turnover. Start with a low concentration and gradually increase. Use PM only.​

  • Can be used in combination with benzoyl peroxide, but DO NOT USE ON THE SAME NIGHT, AS BP CAN OXIDIZE RETINOL AND MAKE IT WAY LESS EFFECTIVE​
Salicylic Acid - A beta hydroxy acid that penetrates pores to remove excess oil. Commonly found in cleansers, toners and spot treatments up to 2%. Use AM and PM. Tea Tree Oil - Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dilute before applying to skin. Use 2-3 drops in cleanser or mix with moisturizer. Use AM/PM. Niacinamide - Helps control excess oil and sebum production. Can be used AM/PM.Azelaic Acid - Derived from grains, reduces inflammation and kills acne-causing bacteria. Available as 15-20% prescription or 10% OTC. Apply AM/PM.Sulfur - Draws out impurities from pores and exfoliates dead skin cells. Found in masks and spot treatments up to 10%. Use PM 2-3 times per week.

use gentle cleansers PLEASE!!!!!!

Sulwhasoo Gentle Cleansing Foam

User recommandation (richcels only tbh) :

Best SPF: La Roche-Posay Uvmune 400. Helps preserve collagen from UV rays.
Best Antioxidant & DNA Repair Enzymes: SkinBetter Alto Defense and Repair Serum. Repairs damaged DNA and helps protect from UV.
Best retinoid: Generic tretinoin for collagen production and wrinkles
Best AHA: Skinceuticals Glycolic 10 Renewal for collagen production and wrinkles
Best Peptide & Growth Factors: AnteAGE MD Serum and Accelerator for collagen production and wrinkles
Basic routine (cleanser mosturizer sunscreen) :

(Again @Orc’s routine since he is a based user)





face wash.
face moisturiser
body moisturiser
heavy duty (spf50+) non hormonal disrupting sunscreen (you need this shit if you use retinol)
in that order.


The ideal cleanser is water based primarily (meaning the majority of the product consists of water.)
Oil cleansers are ass in my opinion and if you use them, you should be skinned and dunked in a big tub of hydrochloric acid then scrubbed with rock salt.
Glycerin is also a plus.
'Acne control' cleansers containing ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are a scam in my opinion and are a waste of money and time. They actually worsened my skin and damaged my skin barrier.

Aveeno oat cleanser (£6.00 . Available on Amazon and UK shops.)

Solid cleanser for the price.
An abundance of glycerin.
Less stripping than water!
A staple for me.
Won't change it for a while.

Honey (price dependent on quality)

Honey is both antibacterial and antimicrobial and has a host of other benefits. Like the aveeno oat cleanser, it doesn't leave your skin feeling stripped whatsoever.

I used to use it. The reason I no longer do is because its simply just not as antibacterial as a chemical cleanser. Also, it's composed of about 80% sugar and, if not washed off correctly, that will make your skin the ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

Untoxicated cleanser (£20.00. Available on Amazon)

Contains ceramides, which helps your skin barrier hold water.
Only ten ingredients.
Hyaluronic acid in the form of sodium hyaluronate (the best form of HA)

This is simply as good as a cleanser can get.


In my opinion, facial moisturisers with a thinner texture are preferable. They absorb more easily as the molecules are smaller, and will also be less pore-clogging for the same reason.

Vaseline (you know the price come on)

I can read your mind.

"Vaseline is for lips right?"

Not just lips.

Try it with your vaseline right now. Wet your face and apply a THIN layer of vaseline over the top. It will form a barrier and that liquid will take a much longer time to evaporate than it would have otherwise.

Although, it leaves a greasy look. I don't recommend. Finding a cheap moisturiser that is actually good is immensely difficult. You're better off without if you can't afford a good one.

Beef tallow (price depends on quality)

This is an easy mistake to make. I have fallen for santa cruz medicinals' grifting before.

Beef tallow has a high fatty acid content, which means it will give you acne if you're prone.

The actual ideal option is...

100% Squalene (£9.90 from the ordinary. I think its on Amazon not sure though.)

This is the ONLY VALID NATURAL MOISTURISER except maybe jojoba oil.

Sebum consists of many things. One of them being squalene.

Putting this on your face is legitimately like turning a toggle up and down on a video game in order to choose how moisturised your face is.

You can't get more rudimentary than this.

They extract this from olives. Olive oil is immensely pore clogging but squalene could not be further from that.

This is the shit.

Honestly, as good if not better than the best option.

PURITO B5 MOISTURISER (£16 on amazon)


B5 is such an underrated ingredient in skincare. It helps regulate sebum production, so it will help both oily and dry skin types.
It also contains centella, a goated ingredient for healing a damaged skin barrier (which is surprisingly often the culprit for poor skin), squalene (niggas know), and niacinamide, a very good brightener.

Lots of good shit and literally zero unnecessary ingredients to lower the production costs like in Western skincare. I feel lucky to have found this.

Praise South Korea!


If I hear the phrase 'soyscreen' once in the replies I'm going to rape a little boy.

Sunscreen is essential for anti-aging, and doesn't inhibit vitamin D absorption as long as you only wear it on your face.

Mineral sunscreens mog chemical sunscreens health wise, but aesthetically are a lot worse.

Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are mineral UV filters, but titanium dioxide leaves a brutal white cast so nobody uses it.

There are literally no good budget sunscreens. If you're poor then get a job.

Santa Cruz Beef tallow sunscreen:

I know that in the past I have made certain statements about both beef tallow and Santa Cruz Medicinals, but this is the most optimal natural sunscreen.

The only other one I can think of is coconut oil, which is insanely pore clogging and only has an spf of 7.

This has its flaws. If you want optimum protection, you'll need to use an amount that gives you a crazy white cast. Everything's a choice.

Skin1004 madargascan centella sunscreen.

Other products recommandations :

-Budget guide:
Cleanser: simple micellar gel wash [$7]
Antioxidant AM: Vitamin C Suspension 30% silicone (the ordinary) [$9.80]
Antioxidant PM: Retin A, 0.5% cream [$20-30]
Moisturizer: CeraVe - Moisturizering cream [$12]
SPF: Banana Boat SPF 50+ Sport [$8]

Slight more expensive products to invest in if you have the money
Cleanser: YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE - super food antioxidant cleanser [$36]
Moisturizer: IUNIK - centella calming gel cream [$16]
SPF: Purito Centella [$23]

Another simple routine with recommandations and exfoliation :

1. Cleanser
2. Moisturizer
3. (optional) Sunscreen

1. Cleanser
2. Shave
3. Moisturizer

2x a Week:
1. Exfoliate

Anything other that what's listed in the above routine, is really just extra stuff. This would be things such as Toner, Serums, Vitamin C, Clay Masks, Charcoal Masks, and etc. They can be helpful depending on your skin concerns, but not something that is a necessity. Having a solid routine of Cleanser, Moisturizer, and Sunscreen is essential for your skins health.

- Cleanser: When you cleanse your face in the (AM), use warm water to rinse your face. It's not necessary to use a Cleanser 2x a day, particularly for those suffering with oily/dehydrated/dry skin. This will just make it worse. Exceptions to this though would be if you were just getting back to shower post-workout, or were sweating throughout the night.
- Moisturizer: Everyone needs a moisturizer, even those with oily skin. A lot of the time at least part of the oil production is commonly due to dehydration (aka lack of moisture).
- Sunscreen: This is optional. If you decide to use it, just be sure to wear it everyday and that it's at least SPF 30.
- Exfoliate: You should exfoliate twice a week (Wed & Sat), during the PM, right after cleansing.
Below is an example of my current Routine, with correct sizing amounts, and directions listed-

1. Cleanser
- Products: Warm water
- Directions: Splash warm water on your face 3 or 4 times. Next, splash warm water around your neck. (do not pat your face or neck dry. Proceed to the next step, and apply the moisturizer on top of your wet face/neck. This allows the moisturizer to be absorbed better)

2. Moisturizer
- Products: CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion
- Amount: 1 almond size on face, 1 almond size on neck
- Directions: Pump 1 almond size amount in hands, dot around each area of your face evenly (forehead, nose, left cheek, right cheek, and chin).
Now using both ring fingers, applying light pressure, spread the moisturizer around your face evenly.

1. Cleanser
- Products: CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser (or CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser)
- Amount:
1 pump for face, 1 pump for neck
- Time: 60 seconds face, 60 seconds neck
- Directions: 1 pump in hands, massage on face for 60 seconds, rinse. Next, 1 pump in hands, massage around neck for 60 seconds, rinse.

2. Shave

3. Moisturizer
- Product: CeraVe Moisturizing Cream
- Amount: 1 almond size face, 1 almond size neck
- Directions: Pump 1 almond size amount in hands, evenly dot around each section of your face (forehead, nose, left cheek, right cheek, and chin). Now take your hands, and applying light pressure, spread the moisturizer around your whole face evenly. Next, pump 1 almond size amount in hands, rub hands together, rub all over your neck.

2x a Week
1. Exfoliate
- Product: Derma E Essentials Microdermabrasion Scrub
- Days: Wed & Sat
- Amount: 1 dime size face, 1 dime size neck
- Directions: Take out a dime size amount, massage on face for 60 seconds, rinse. Next, take out a dime size amount, massage on neck for 60 seconds, rinse.

As Needed
- Product: Bye-Bye Blemish Drying Lotion
- Days: As needed
- Amount: Read the bottle
- Directions: Read the bottle

Another « simple » routine (not dermarolling friendly) :
Retin a
High quality moisturizer with hyaluronic acid + niacinimides twice a day
Aloe vera after shaving 2-3 times a week.
Red light therapy every day 20 minutes.
Liberal use of sunscreen + when you want to take the sunscreen off do an oil cleanse with olive oil left on the face for 1 minute.
DONT dermaroll. It causes microscopic scar tissue which reduces levels of collagen and elastin long term. .

Quit using all actives including tret. Moisturize heavily and only cleanse your face with water. At night, "slug" by covering your face with a barrier repair product such as La Roche Posay Cicaplast, Aveeno Calm+Restore Skin Therapy Balm, or plain old Vaseline. Wait 1-2 weeks before slowly reintroducing active ingredients.

It is important to take it slow with the frequency, aka how often you are applying tret. The first 2 weeks of using tret you are going to apply once every 3 nights. You should also buffer it through moisturizer to decrease your chances of skin irritation. Routine should look like this: cleanse, moisturize, wait 10 minutes, apply tret. You don't want to apply tret when your face is wet with product because moisture increases the efficacy of tret and it will be drawn into the skin quicker, thus increasing irritation. The point of the every 72hr application is to make your skin stay retinized while also taking it easy on your barrier. If you stop using tret for longer than 4 or 5 days your skin will likely deretinize and you will have to restart. If everything goes well after the first 2 weeks, move up to 3 times a week, then 4, then 5, then everyday. Take as long as you need to properly adjust to daily application. The eventual goal should be to be able to apply tret every single night to clean dry skin, not buffered with moisturizer.

HOW TO APPLY- All that is needed is a pea sized blob of tret. Dot this evenly around your whole face and rub it in. Avoid getting right up close below your eyes and dont put it on your upper eyelids like a retard. Tret migrates a few inches underneath the skin but some people get dry and irritated eyes from putting it too close to their undereyes. Definitely do not get it on your lips either and avoid getting it too close to your mouth in general since the areas around the lips can peel from this. When you are first starting out it's good to apply it over moisturizer but this slightly decreases the efficacy and once your skin is used to it you should be putting it on clean dry skin. Apply moisturizer afterwards. For normal tret wait a few minutes for your face to dry before applying tret, but with tret micro you can apply to wet skin because of the extended release mechanism.

*Only apply at PM.*

*Incorporate slowly, start with once per week and then add another day when you skin can tolerate it.*

Firstly, cleanse with a gentle cleanser (e.g. CeraVe hydrating cleanser). Secondly, apply a thin film of Retinol to cover face and upper neck OR get a pea sized amount of Tretinoin and spread it across the face and upper neck. Lastly, apply a moisturiser if you want to avoid dryness/irritation.

*You can combine Retinol and Tretinoin with SOME other skincare ingredients, search up whether they are safe with Retinol/Tretinoin and which order to layer themALWAYS use sun protection in the morning.*

Retinol comes in multiple concentrations, start at 2.5% and later move up to 5% if you wish.

WHAT IS PURGING?- Purging is a thing that happens with retinoids or other exfoliants. It looks like a breakout, basically. Increased numbers of whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and comedones. The reason it happens is because of the quicker skin cell turnover rate, as mentioned in the intro. This is a normal part of using tret and seeing a breakout does not mean you are doing something wrong or you need to quit tret.

PURGING VS IRRITATION- If you are using tret for acne, a purge is going to look like the acne you already have flaring up and getting worse for a temporary period. It should not look like: redness, burning or stinging, and breakouts in unusual areas. Example- if your chin and cheeks are your usual "problem areas" for acne but you never break out on the forehead, tret should not make your forehead break out severely. Some mild breakouts on different areas of the face are normal because we often have blackheads/comedones in many places, but if your forehead is usually clear and after starting tret you see big angry whiteheads on your forehead, your skin is probably irritated.

WILL I PURGE?- There is no one size fits all answer to this, you have about a 50% chance of purging. If you are using tret for the texture/anti aging benefits and you dont struggle with acne, you probably won't purge. If you do use it for acne, there is a good chance you will purge. Some people just don't purge at all, though. You might get lucky and have a mild purge, or it might be worse- in either case, expect it to start clearing up by months 2-3 of using tret. Purging fucking sucks but it will be over eventually and your skin will be better than ever. If you are a skin picker, DO NOT pop your pimples! Tret makes your skin more sensitive and squeezing at pimples runs a high risk of creating a scar that can last for a year or longer.

CLEANSER- You need to cleanse everyday because over the course of a day your skin is shedding off layers. You also collect dirt/dust on your face from walking around and doing things. You don't want to let a layer of dead skin cells sit on your face all the time because it causes dullness, oiliness, and clogs pores. If you suffer from dry skin be careful of overcleansing since some cleansing products can be quite stripping. Buy a gentle cleanser or a gel based cleanser and if necessary only cleanse once per day- if your skin feels too dry, in the morning opt to only wash face with cold water or micellar water, which is a very gentle watered down cleanser. What keeps my skin hydrated is using Neutrogena's hydroboost cleanser which includes hyaluronic acid. This ingredient draws moisture from the outside and pulls it into the skin, keeping it hydrated and plump.

MOISTURIZER- It is very worth it to experiment with moisturizers to find one that works for you. Try to find one that includes ceramides. which help in keeping the barrier intact and the skin hydrated. If your skin feels oily and gross shortly after moisturizing, its not a good fit for you. 30min after moisturizing your skin should feel very soft, hydrated, and plump. Not greasy. Protip- apply moisturizer to damp skin after washing face to get better absorption and hydration.

SUNSCREEN- Sunscreen is a must with using tret. Tret is shedding off a layer of skin to reveal fresh, new skin. If you use tret with no sunscreen you are pretty much frying this nice new layer of skin with UV light. Tret will also make you sunburn easily- no tanning. Using no sunscreen increases your risk of worsening hyperpigmentation, scars, freckles, age spots, and wrinkles. So use at least 30spf whenever you go out, preferably 50spf. For sensitive skin bros, stay away from sunscreens that have "avobenzone" and "oxybenzone" in the ingredients list- I tried a sunscreen by Eucerin that had these and had an allergic reaction where my face went red and swelled up. There are chemical and mineral/physical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens are typically more sheer/liquidy/shiny where it doesn't look like you're wearing sunscreen. I would recommend using Asian or European brands of chemical sunscreen as they are more "cosmetically elegant" and have better, more modern UV filters. Mineral sunscreens use titanium and/or zinc oxide as their UV filters, which are extremely effective at protecting you from the sun and aren't irritating to sensitive skin. The problem is that they leave a white cast, so when you wear an untinted mineral sunscreen everyone can tell you have sunscreen on. You will look like a ghost, so please get a mineral sunscreen with a tint that matches your skin tone.

Serums info :

The best ones are exfoliating serums, and hydrating serums. Examples of exfoliating serums are mandelic acid or lactic acid, glycolic being the strongest and mandelic the mildest. Hydrating serums such as hyaluronic acid serums as a daily workhorse.

Vitamin C serums, but needs to be in a stable water free solution in low pH (most skincare products containing vit C are therefore useless as they will never penetrate the skin barrier)

Now tret-friendly routines :
Some notes :

hyaluronic acid is a humectanct... it should be applied with water or a moisturizer. It is pointless and counter productive to apply to dry skin and then cover with a sunscreen. It can pull water out your skin if you do that and prevent your sunscreen from creating a proper film as well if you go over it immediately.

double cleansing is of questionable benefit and if you do it, oil cleanser should come first not second.

Oil cleansers are much better than micellar waters or ordinary water cleansers. They keep the face moisturized even while cleansing it.
moisturize while skin is damp to lock in moisture

THEN wait 30 mins and apply retinol to dry moisturized skin, but actually you should be using retinoin not a shit otc retinol those are all trash and do basically nothing. some people can get adapalene otc in their country as well which is a better substitute it is a retinoid as well.

Revised easy to follow tret routine :

cleanse (optional)
vitamin c
sunscreen at least spf 30+ broad spectrum tinted mineral

(optional serums)

Hardcore foidmaxxed routine :

Collagen routine:
There are many good ones. Choose whatever is the best for your skin.
*An example:
: La Roche Posay Toleriane Dermo Cleanser for all skin types
: The Ordinary Vitamin C Suspension 23% + HA Spheres 2% - wait 20 minutes before applying the next product
: Super GHK Copper Cream or Serum - 0.3mg for not encounter sides (reverseskinaging.com)
: Josh Rosebrook Hydrating Accelerator
: The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5
: La Roche Posay Toleriane range. Choose the best one for your skin type.
: Paula’s Choice Resist Skin Restoring Moisturizer SPF 50
: La Roche Posay Toleriane Dermo Cleanser - for all skin types
: Retin-a (start with 0.025 - after finish 1 tube move to 0.5) - Wait 20 min.
: La Roche Posay Toleriane range. Choose the best one for your skin type.

The Routine (in order of appliance):


  • La Roche-Posay Hydrating Cleanser (to wash off all this shit from previous morning) LINK HERE
  • Ice Face to soothe irritation
  • Pyunkang Yul Hydrating Toner (Koreans know their fucking skincare trust me) LINK HERE
  • Clindamycin (stops irritation and stops growth of acne bacteria) Its a prescription but you can get it on alldaychemist HERE
  • Pyunkang Yul Moisturizer for Dry skin (again, let the koreans do their thing)LINK HERE

  • La Roche-Posay Cicaplast B5+ Repair Balm (GODSEND, but only use on active dry spots, or irritated spots, no point of using this as a second moisturizer, ur face will glow and it will look gay)LINK HERE

  • Sun protection
  • Benzoyl Peroxide (not needed but place on active acne if u want it to go away quicker)LINK HERE

  • Wash face with just water​
  • Ice face to soothe irritation​
  • Pyunkang Yul Hydrating Toner (Koreans know their fucking skincare trust me) LINK HERE
  • .025 Tretinoin (it’s a prescription but you can get it on alldaychemist HERE)​
  • Paula’s Choice Azelaic Acid for redness (probably not necessary for you) but link HERE if you want it)​
  • Pyunkang Yul Moisturizer for Dry skin (again, let the koreans do their thing)LINK HERE

  • La Roche-Posay Cicaplast B5+ Repair Balm (GODSEND, but only use on active dry spots, or irritated spots, no point of using this as a second moisturizer, ur face will glow and it will look gay)LINK HERE

    That’s my routine of what I do every day
    for my skin. It’s a pain in the ballsack but
    100% worth it in my opinion.

    One more thing that you can do if you acne
    isn’t going away for social events, etc. just
    put some bb cream on the zit or redness
    and it looks like it’s not even there. This is
    the one I use HERE it’s cheap and it mogs.

  • A pretty hardcore routine including haircare :
  • First thing after waking up:​
  • Wash face with luke warm water and Cerave blemish control cleanser​
  • Splash cold water and ice face​
  • Dry face​
  • Apply 10% benzoyl peroxide gel​
  • Apply the ordinary caffeine under eye serum​
  • Apply stemoxydine to my hairline​
  • Apply Cerave moisturising lotion​
  • Once dry, even if not leaving the house I apply a cheap mercadona spf 50+ uva+uvb facial sunscreen and reapply around every 2 hours​
  • Before bed​
  • 0.25mm microneedle hairline​
  • Wash face with luke warm water and Cerave blemish control cleanser​
  • Splash cold water and ice face​
  • Dry face​
  • Apply tretinoin 0.05% and wait around 30 minutes to dry​
  • Depending on the day, I apply either Cerave blemish control gel (aha and bha exfoliant), niacinamide and alpha arbutin serum or vitamin c serum​
  • Apply minoxidil to hairline​
  • Apply Cerave moisturising lotion​

hardcore routine focusing on water quality( without tret) and lashes:

1 - When washing your face, spray it with distilled water as opposed to tap water from the last week or so. There is significant improvement in the smoothness of skin, and overall just feels more subtle. You should also buy humidifier at the same time, and put some distilled water in aswell.

2 - Another benefit of the humidifier and sleeping and waking up with literally no nose blockage, which is important for proper hydratation. As opposed to the tap water, distilled water has about 0-6ppm (parts per million) which is ideal from an pollutant perspective.

3 - To filter out water, you can buy reverse osmosis system or buy distilled water from your local pharmacy store.

4 - Ph of a water should be 5.5 – ideal for skin and hair (scalp skin, less dandruff), so buy water alkalizer.


Ice face for 2 minutes before washing

Cerave foaming facial clenser

Dry face

Niacinamide + zinc

Spray face with water (mist) after niacinimide dries

Apply hyaluronic acid to damp skin and rub in thoroughly

Mix Light moisturizer and 50spf sunscreen in hand then apply to face

Caffeinated eye cream under eye area

Sunscreen on neck dont neglect

Aquaphor/vaseline on lips


Exfoliating scrub 3 times weekly

Shave in between scrub and wash

Cerave salycilic acid before shower

Dry face

Adapelene tretinion 0.1% apply and let sit for 1 min before applying moisturizer on top


Volufiline under eyes

Castor oil on brows and lashes

Bonus notes

Optional switch 0.1% for .3% 2 days a week on non exfoliation days for GOD ANTI aging and glow (per scription only btw)​

Hardcore foidmaxxed routine :Skin Brightening II (Glass Skin)

Glass skin is the latest Korean beauty trend focused on achieving luminous, transparent skin that appears poreless and perfectly smooth like glass.​

Double Cleansing: This is the foundation of the routine. The first oil-based cleanser melts away makeup, SPF and sebum. Follow with a gentle foam or cream cleanser to remove remaining impurities without stripping the skin.​

  • DHC Deep Cleansing Oil​
  • HANSKIN PHA Cleansing Balm​
  • Krave Beauty Matcha Hemp Hydrating Cleanser​
Toner: Korean toners act like "hydrators" rather than astringents. Look for soothing ingredients like centella, green tea and hyaluronic acid. Pat into skin with hands or cotton pads.​

  • Klairs Supple Preparation Unscented Toner​
  • PYUNKANG YUL Essence Toner​
  • Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Toner​
Essences: Lightweight, watery textures that immerse skin in hydration and nutrients. Help other products absorb better.​

  • COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence​
  • Neogen Real Ferment Micro Essence​
  • SK-II Facial Treatment Essence​
Serums: Target specific skin concerns like dullness, acne, pigmentation. Should be applied to clean, toned skin before thicker products.​

  • Missha Time Revolution Night Repair Serum​
  • Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Ampoule​
  • Sulwhasoo First Care Activating Serum (GOAT)​
Sheet Masks: Bi-weekly sheet masks deliver a mega-dose of hydration and nourishment. Choose masks aimed at your skin goals.​

  • BENTON Snail Bee Ultimate Hydrogel Mask​
  • Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin Facial Barrier Mask​
  • MEDIHEAL N.M.F Aquaring Ampoule Mask​
Moisturizer & Eye Cream: Seal everything in with a moisturizer and dab eye cream around the orbital bone. Look for gel-cream textures.​

  1. BELIF The True Cream Moisturizing Bomb​
  2. THE INKEY LIST Vitamin B, C & E Moisturizer​
  3. Laneige Water Bank Hydro Cream EX​
  4. Etude House Moistfull Collagen Eye Cream​
SPF / Sunscreen: CRUCIAL STEP!!!!!!!!!​

  • PURITO Centella Green Level Unscented SPF50+​
  • Thank You Farmer Sun Project Light SPF50+​
  • COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF50​
Exfoliation (2x/week): Gentle exfoliation enhances glow and prevents dead skin buildup. Options include peeling pads, peeling gels and peeling liquids.​

  • SOME BY MI AHA-BHA-PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner​
  • COSRX BHA Blackhead Power Liquid​
NEOGEN Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Wine

@Clavicular-maxxed routine :

4litres of water (MINIMUM)

Blue light therapy 10 min then red light right after can prevent breakouts and even skin tone

Using 10% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment on acne thats RED in color is effective

Using a pimple patch on pimples with a white “head” is effective

Sauna 3x as much as possible reduces cortisol which can spike breakouts, ideal to use sauna pm and immediately do PM skincare right after

Using a strong tretinion daily on forehead can help mitigate closed comedomes or small white bumps, u can use on forehead daily because forhead has excess oil and you can use more intense products

A good tretinion .1% is differen adapelene gel, will cause insane skin glow and mitigate acne

Carnivore diet, find what foods cause you to breakout- most common is bread dairy processed sugar and seed oils

Research what products your using, cerave is notorious for clogging pores so research brands for your skin type and add suffix “reddit” after your search

The ordinary sells the hyaluronic acid plus niacinimide serums i mentioned (literally required)

Niacinamide and differen cause “purging” which cause excess sebum to move to the skins upper barrier to dissolve it meaning your skin will likely breakout for 3-5 days (highly worth it tho just have patience) instant gratificationcels get the fuck out of here

Collagen supplement powder is GOD TIER, ideally a grass fed collagen with limited ingredients

Potassium chloride helps skin so much​


Microneedling/derma stamp (NOT DERMA ROLLER) is an excellent way to improve skin texture, remove fine lines and ERASE scarring

Makes skin inflammed and red for 12 hours typically dont do it if u have a social event, ideal length is 2-2.5 for cheeks and mouth area, dont do forehead or any area with acne

CHANGE PILLOWCASE EVERY DAY IDEALLY, every other day works tho (so important)

Sugary alc like pink whitney causes small white bumps on skin, best is tequila to avoid breakouts

Most toothpaste causes breakouts if u drool in your sleep, tape mouth closed

Certain toothpaste causes breakouts, happened to me Blue light therapy 10 min then red light right after can prevent breakouts and even skin tone

Using 10% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment on acne thats RED in color is effective

Using a pimple patch on pimples with a white “head” is effective

Sauna 3x as much as possible reduces cortisol which can spike breakouts, ideal to use sauna pm and immediately do PM skincare right after

Using a strong tretinion daily on forehead can help mitigate closed comedomes or small white bumps, u can use on forehead daily because forhead has excess oil and you can use more intense products

A good tretinion .1% is differen adapelene gel, will cause insane skin glow and mitigate acne

Carnivore diet, find what foods cause you to breakout- most common is bread dairy processed sugar and seed oils

Research what products your using, cerave is notorious for clogging pores so research brands for your skin type and add suffix “reddit” after your search

The ordinary sells the hyaluronic acid plus niacinimide serums i mentioned (literally required)

Niacinamide and differen cause “purging” which cause excess sebum to move to the skins upper barrier to dissolve it meaning your skin will likely breakout for 3-5 days (highly worth it tho just have patience) instant gratificationcels get the fuck out of here

Collagen supplement powder is GOD TIER, ideally a grass fed collagen with limited ingredients

Potassium chloride helps skin so much

Accutane/tret discussion+ dermarolling:
1. 5mg of Accutane (oral isotretinoin) a day

Although Accutane is known to have harsh side effects such as depression, dry eyes, joint problems, etc. As the lowest dose, 5mg has a very low chance of causing these sides. A Randomized Controlled Trial was conducted to test the efficacy of 5mg Accutane (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23617693/). The study concluded that: Isotretinoin 5 mg/day is effective in reducing the number of acne lesions, and improving patients dermatologic quality of life, with minimal adverse effects.

5mg is great for people with mild acne and oily skin. 5mg daily completely changed my complexion with no side effects. However, an increase in dose is needed depending on the severity of the acne. I wouldn't recommend taking more than 20mg a day because as the dose increases, consequently the risk of side effects also increases.

A 6 month supply will cost $77 https://aipctshop.net/product/isotroin-accutane5-mg-10-tablet/

2. 0.05% topical isotretinoin applied once nightly

Isotretinoin is great for skin completion. I recommend 0.05% which is the lowest dose because of its anti-aging benefits. The dose can be increased but it takes the skin a while to get used to it. I higher dose won't be necessary if you're also taking oral Accutane. 0.05% isotretinoin will cause some redness at first but it will soon go away. Topical isotretinoin combined with Accutane is a killer combo. Isotretinoin is also cheap you can cop with out a prescription on aipctshop

Another tret-friendly routine with non-topical procedures and supplementation (see notes) :
A.M. :

Wash face with cold water
Wash face with warm water (not too hot) (Let it dry)
Witch hazel toner or ACV toner (ACV diluted in water)
Vitamin C serum


Wash face with warm water
Vitamin C serum
Moisturizer (Coconut oil)
Hyaluronic Acid

- Additions on a needed basis:

Zinc/Niacinamide serum (Paula's Choice)
Methylene Blue cream
Melano CC on spots (for hyperpigmentation)
Hydroquinone on spots (for hyperpigmentation)
Bentonite Clay/ACV face mask

- Non-topical:

Microneedling (Dermaroller/Dermastamp)
Red Light Therapy (3x/week)
Fraxel laser

- Oral supplementation:

Hydrolyzed Collagen powder (30g/day)
Vitamin C (500mg twice a day)
MSM (3g daily)
Beta-Carotene (for skin tone)

Cold exposure (Go outside/Cold showers)
Heat exposure (Sauna)
Sun exposure (frequent but short)

- Misc notes on what I noticed on myself:

Tretinoin use might contribute to subcutaneous fat loss (undereye area)
Too high dose Melanotan II might contribute to moles formation
Minoxidil fucks up my skin collagen
Finasteride use fucks up general skin appearance (Drier/Duller skin)

No physical, just chemical exfoliation. Physical can damage and too harsh
Many people are sufficient cleansing once in the evening (dry skin)
double cleanse is more for makeup

for a medium/deep peel you should be going to a derm and they'll be able to tell you how often to do it. In general , you can do a medium depth peel more than once a year. Again, with microneedling it depends on the depth and I'd always recommend going to a qualified and reputable professional. But from what I know, there is no detriment to doing it for many years.

Micro-needling user tip :

So the best ways I've found is micro needling and soak your face in a bowl of ice water to dramatically reduce the swelling in these lines.
If you use rogaine, don't just go to sleep on a pillow covered in minoxidil, it will bloat your face up like a balloon.​

The Ordinary “Buffet” + Copper Peptides 1% Anti-Aging serum.

veggies like carrots, tomatoes increase their content of carotenoids when cooked. 5 carrots a day at least

Also alternatively if you really wanna tan that badly, then do it while being stacked on carotenoids - they promote some UV protection and in the end your skin will look better than if you just tanned without it.

Getting in antioxidants in your diet is extremely important as they can protect your skin from UV damage, preserve skin by preventing collagen loss, fight inflammation and help with acne.

choose redder tomatoes, cook them and eat them together with a source of fat, that way a single tomato will increase it's amount of lycopene to way more than 10 mg.
overdose on carrot juice and tomato juice.
- Carotenoids
- Pycnogenol - https://www.healthline.com/health/pycnogenol#for-skin
- Berries - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/blueberry-benefits-for-skin
- Herbs - cinnamon, basil, oregano, rosemary, black pepper, paprika, savory, ginger
- Astaxanthin Also keep in mind that it is a DHT inhibitor, so take it at your own risk, alternatively you can use a topical astaxanthin serum or cream.
- Ginseng -
- Amla


sweet potatoes

canned pumpkin purée

sun dried tomatoes



  • Cook 1 SWEET POTATO DAILY with the skin on by boiling it in water for 30 MINUTES. This way it retains as much beta-carotene as possible.

Eat 1 cup of CANNED PUMPKIN PUREE DAILY. This is a much better source of alpha-carotene and other carotenoids than sweet potatoes.

Eat 1 ounce of SUN DRIED TOMATOES DAILY. Get the dry kind, not the one soaked in oil.

Eat 1 GUAVA DAILY. The redder the guava, the more lycopene it has.

DAILY. The redder the watermelon, the more lycopene it has.


After following the method:
LYCOPENE: 30,000μg
Buy a red LED grow lamp and aim it at your face and neck for at least 30 minutes a day
How to tan properly:

  • Step one, go to the beach. If there's no sunlight where you live then you can visit solariums.
  • Use olive oil/coconut oil, or beef tallow instead of sunscreen.
  • Seek shade when you feel too exposed to the sun.
  • Eat more cholesterol from an animal-based diet and consume more vitamin C-rich fruits.
  • Seriously limit seed oil intake, and avoid a processed diet.
  • (NB): Wear linen or cotton when going to the beach.
Do not wear sunglasses, they block the receptors in your eyes responsible for melanin production

Pro User TIP when going to tanning beds:

1. use carrot oil before going in there u can get this for about £5.
(dont let them see u bringing it in there tho otherwise they ll suspend ur account. I left mine in there last time and came and got it today and the girl there said they were gonna give it me back but the owners we pissed at me

2. get one of these teeth whitening pens:

But if you use the formula with a proper UV light (aka the sunbed) it's gonna work even better.
basically in 1/2 sunbed sessions per week, and some shitty £3 carrot oil & £2 teeth whitening pen.

Supplements (anecdotal evidence) :

I consume 20 grams of hydrolized beef collagen peptides dissolved in milk during my first meal. I use it to get better hair and skin texture.

Beta carotene(anecdotal evidence)
I've been megadosing it lately and went as high as 100 000 IU / day, but generally I would take 25 000 IU, consumed before I go out to the sun. I use it to achieve warm skin undertone and to tan better.

Facial Muscles

everybody knows bone structure is genetic although environment plays a small part so I’ll share some gatekept techniques you can try :

back massager on face applied on medium setting on bone

Interesting thread: https://looksmax.org/threads/electromuscular-stimulation-is-legit-for-the-face.299410/

Sphenoid release for mewmaxers (might be cope):

Fascia Facelift : (do it once a week, more if you really have time and dedication. Again might be placebo cope)​

Before trying to sleep:
Practice total relaxation and deep breathing for a few minutes before you go to bed.

Supplements : Dsip : delta slip inducing peptide
● Magnesium Glycinate: makes your dreams wild and vivid; increases your sleep time and sleep quality. Probably the most impactful supplement from this stack. Take 400mg before 1h bed.
● Glycine: promotes body coolness, helps neurotransmitters protein synthesis and supports stable energy levels throughout the day. Take 1g during nighttime.
● Ashwagandha: reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes GABA production (anti-neuronal excitability). Take 500mg in the evening or before bed.
● L-Theanine: similar function to ashwagandha. Take 100mg before bed.
● 5-HTP: an amino acid the body produces from tryptophan. A precursor to serotonin, which converts to melatonin. Take 200mg on an empty stomach. *

-Drink vegetable juices at night, green juices are high in magnesium and potassium and magnesium helps remove sodium from the cells, and magnesium excites the body preventing you from relaxing and sleeping.
when you are sleepy during the day, sunbathe outside the home, walk barefoot and sunbathe
- Eating chicken/turkey and drinking hot milk as your last meal of the day is really helpful.

- Unwind in the evening. Do your more stressful tasks early in the day and aim to relax in the evening.
- So, try your best to emulate that. Get out in the sun and expose yourself to blue light / UV to synthesise vitamin D and promote alertness at 10AM. Take a warm shower at 7PM.
- Getting exposure to blue light during the day is as important as avoiding exposure to it during the late evening/night. This helps your master-clock stay in sync. 10AM-2PM are the most important hours to get blue light exposure and to be active.

Sleep Hygiene:

Do not watch TV, use the internet or work in bed. Don’t create an association of anxiety, stress or wakeful activities with the bed.

Make room for wind down activities just an hour or so before bedtime
. Limit these activities to getting ready, listening to calm music.

Do not drink alcohol more than 3 to 4 hours prior to bedtime

If you have a sleepless night and your scheduled window of time to be in bed has lapsed, get out of bed. Do not nap. Keep an active day.

Use earplugs
tape mouth
Do this at your own risk and research it before
Nasal Strips (more air to breathe)
Air Defuser (clean,higher quality air to breathe)
sleep with window open (cold room)
Get in bed one hour before you want to sleep
Use an Alarm that slowly works up to aking you up (Alarmy for example) and not traumatizes you into waking up

Take a warm shower 1 to 2 hours before going to bed.
Make your room cold: the perfect temperature setting for the night is between 62 and 66 Fahrenheit, or 16 to 19 Celsius.
Get blackout curtains and possibly an eye mask: your room should be able to get pitch black during noon. If you still have any light entrance, use an eye mask (a non-irritating one).
Get a weighted blanket close to 10% of your total body weight for better sleep. Source here.
Invest in a high-quality mattress: there's no point in spending 1/3 of your life on a cheap mattress. There are several high-tech mattresses out in the market which regulate their own temperature accordingly to yours and can greatly improve your rest with other features included. If you have the money, it's worth looking into.
Orthopedic pillow: as we've covered before, sleeping on your side is the best position possible. Although this is true, it may cause shoulder, neck, and spine issues (as with every other sleeping position), which can be reduced by resting on an ergonomic surface.
Avoid EMFs in your sleeping room get rid of all electronic devices in your room and place them as far as possible throughout your house. At nighttime, turn them off.
Blue light screen filters and glasses (ideally 3 hours before sleeping)/ f.lux

● Ingesting salt tabs with (ideally) gatorade before bed can help with nocturnal urination. The salt and the electrolytes will "bloat" you slightly and retain the water overnight, so you don't feel the urge to wake up mid-sleep to go to the bathroom.

Workout earlier in the day

● 7:30 AM: Melatonin secretion stops, light exposure fastens the halt

● 8:00 AM: Body is fully awake, and digestion commences. Best time for breakfast and hydration.

● 10:00 AM: Highest attention and alertness levels of the day. Best time for mental work

● 12:00 AM: Digestive enzymes peak. Best time for the biggest meal of the day

● 2:30 PM: Best hand and physical coordination time of the day

● 3:30 PM: Best reaction time of the day

● 5:00 PM: Cardiovascular and muscle strength at their peak. Best time for physical activity

● 6:30 PM: Blood pressure peak of the day

● 7:00 PM: Highest body temp of the day. Body signals to wind down

● 9:00 PM: Exposure to light blocks secretion. Melatonin secretion starts

● 10:00 PM: Melatonin continues to rise and body temp lowers. Best time to be ready for sleep

Tracking sleep :
Oura Ring: Accurate Health Information Accessible to Everyone

Instagram and Snapchatmaxxing.

HOW TO GET LAID AS A TEENAGER {INSTAGRAM MAXXING GUIDE} | Looksmax.me - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics
This guide covers everything you need to do. It should also be a means to message new people and make new friends and advances with women. Here's a few more details I would recommend:
-add your Snapchat username in your bio. Can also add your general location or job if either make you more attractive.
-keep captions short and simple. No one gives a shit to read about your life.
-at least half the pictures should be with friends and family. The other half should be modelesque shots of just yourself in cool NT environments.
-only post every 1-2 months and make every photo showcase of your lifestyle. No one cares to see too see too often you'll just get less likes and look like a wannabe influencer fag.
-post only between 6-8pm. Preferably on a Sunday when more people will be free to go on Instagram and like your photos.

-create an account with just your name or as close to your name as you can get.
-create a bitmoji.
-next you need to boost your Snapchat score to a minimum of 100k. Your snapchat score is boosted by sending picture snaps, receiving and opening them but you can boost this by adding as many celebrity accounts as possible and mass snapping them.
-add all your friends and then in the add friends option it will have suggested.

Join Tinder (or Yubo if you're under 18)

Tinder ELO Maxxing | Looksmax.me - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics

-Fraud as much as you can get away with. Your bio should simply be your height (but add on as many inches as you can get away with). You can also include your Instagram handle in your bio. Fraud your looks but don't get aspie about it, make sure the pictures are NT.
-The pictures you use should be as followed: a clear full-body photo at a social event, a body picture (preferably on the beach), a picture MOGGING some poor soul to oblivion, a picture with friends at a club.
-When you get matches you should be direct and sexual from the opening (be mild at the start and escalate as the conversation does).
-Direct the conversation to Snapchat after doing initial talking. Remember, Snapchat is the best place to talk to women and get results.
-Tip: try and meet girls who go to uni or go to lots of parties, even if you're not attracted to them much, just so they will invite you to social events like parties. I've done this and now I have many more social circles I'm in touch with and can party with whenever.


-This is the best guide for Yubo How to Ego-maxx | Looksmax.me - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics

-Join any social/popular clubs. This is probably the best way to make new friends without trying as you will be grouped together with other students and forced to get to know each-other. Meeting new people is like learning a new language. It's awkward and slow at first but eventually you start to learn how to deal with the same characteristics in people and become more socially confident.

-Find a job where you will be working as part of a team having to interact with as many new people everyday as possible.

Go to as many social events as possible.

-Plan things constantly with different people. I probably see different people around 4x a week.
-Use social media to see if there's social events planned and connect with new people who will invite you to events.
-Talk to new people and try to make new friends at the social events.

Final Tips.

Do not seek for people's approval. You have no right to comment on life in an ideological way until you've experienced it to the fullest and can't do that unless your free from a set ideological way of thinking. Just don't be a soyboy cuck and never mention anything blackpill IRL. And always tell people you're uninterested in politics. People who are into politics are hard to be around.​

The skinmaxxing part is pretty disorganised but I tried to basically include every anecdotal evidence of users that had fine results with their routines. Everybody has different skin and might not react the same way to the products listed (even tret can be dangerous for some).

Links to previous parts:
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Ychassa, PsychoH, lucifer6969 and 3 others
high effort but dnr
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: fluoride1337 and StarvedEpi
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: noahwillascend and Shortking14
This megathread will cover all the principles ranged alphabetically to optimize one’s health, looks and overall sexual market value. All the information here is a compilation of interesting threads aswell as responses which are the most relevant for self-improvement in the most concise way possible (minimum ramblings).​

Guide you could follow:

Additional ressource:

1-what is jelqing?

A penis enlargement technique in which the thumb and index finger are wrapped around the penis and repeatedly drawn away from the body in order to force blood into the glans and encourage vascularity.

2-starting to jelq the warm-up

before every jelqing exercise, you will need to warmp-up, you can do this by simply taking a shower before the exercise and applying direct hot water to your penis, there is also other ways to achieve heat like using a rice sock, or you can use a towel sheet and dip it in hot water and apply it to your dick various times. full video going more into it
https://jelqtogain.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/howtowarmup33.mp4 .

3-Basic stretches

Stretching prepares the ligaments, Tunica and Corpus Cavernosum for Jelqing. Think of it as stretching your muscles before lifting weights. It’s a must if you want to get the most out of your muscles and avoid injury.
Stretching alone can also increase the length of your penis however, combine with Jelqing for best results.
this is a really important step, a video is more useful to explain how to do this



A V-Stretch is basically a straight out Basic Stretch with the application of downward pressure mid-shaft.
This is an additional force to an already tensioned penis, so it is important to take it easy
This exercise targets the suspensory ligament and is great for adding length. here is a demonstration,


5-A-stretches (advanced)

This is pretty much the opposite of the V-stretch.
This is an advanced exercise and extreme caution should be taken when first learning how to perform.
Due to using the wrist as a pivot point, an enormous amount of tension can be placed on the shaft.
Learn your limits first to avoid injury. here is a demonstration.


6-Bundle stretches (advanced)

Bundled Stretches are a great way to help maximise both length and girth gains by deforming and increasing the tissue mass of the Tunica.
This is an advanced technique and should only be performed when your penis is conditioned (+3 months). here is a demonstration.


7-One-handed jelq

The One Handed Jelq (Basic Jelq) is by far the most important and rewarding jelqing exercise to do. ill recomend doint around 200-300 each session since this is the main exercise, use some short of oil if you can. here is a demonstration.


8- side jelq

the Side Jelq does an awesome job of deforming the Tunica and gives an additional stretch to the ligaments when the OK grip reaches the Glans. this is a great way to gain leaght here is the demonstration


here is the guy website with all this information https://jelqtogain.com/
here is are his 1 year results https://jelqtogain.com/jelqing-results/


DO NOT leave the clamp on longer than 15 minutes (especially when unconditioned)!

DO NOT leave the clamp on if your penis starts to go numb or cold!

DO NOT leave the clamp on if your penis starts to turn blue!

DO give yourself rest days--overworking your penis can lead to injury!

DO NOT bend, stretch, or manipulate your penis while it is clamped!

The first method of clamping is a manual exercise that costs no money and needs no device, it's called Hand Clamping.

Hand Clamping is when you take your hand and form an OK grip like this...
View attachment 3242518
...and place it around the base and/or shaft of your penis and squeeze tightly, but not enough to cause pain. Just enough to see an expansion of the glans/head of the penis, and a slight reddening of the penis. Now you never want your penis to become too red to the point where it starts to look blue because that's when significant damage starts to happen.

In the beginning, you're going to want to perform this exercise for 3-5 minutes 3 times a day. It is very important that you do not do more than this in the beginning or else you WILL hurt yourself. After you've been doing that for a while (1-2 months or less depending on how fast you're progressing), you can move up to 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. Once you're very well-conditioned, and you know what your body can handle, you can go for longer than that.

Second Method: Cable Clamping

Spoiler: Cable Clamping Method

Third Method: Cock Ring Clamping

Spoiler: Cock Ring Clamping

The third method of clamping is called cock ring clamping.
What you will need:

  • An appropriately sized cock ring
  • A timer
  • A way to stimulate yourself
In order to find the proper sized cock ring for this purpose, you're going to need to measure the diameter of your penis at the base. Most sites when recommending a cock ring will suggest you find one 10% smaller than your penis. This is good for maintaining an erection, but it's not what our goal is... Our goal is pressure and expansion, and for that, I suggest getting a ring that is 65-75% the diameter of the base of your penis. For example, if your base diameter is 43mm you will want to get a cock ring with an internal diameter of 32.25mm. If you want to know what size cock ring to get just use this formula where n = your penis diameter: (n*0.65 - 0.75 = your size).

To perform the exercise you will first need to get 50-75% erect. After you've done this, apply the cock ring to the base of your penis like this...

...after you do that stimulate yourself to 100% erect and keep yourself there for 3-5 minutes. Don't forget to set a timer! After you're more conditioned with this you can go for 5-10 minutes. Do this 3 times a day.

Restricting the blood flow from getting out of your penis.

You get a full erection and close the blood flow, blood will still get in, but it won't get out. This will push the penis from inside out.

As long as you do clamping sets of 4-7 minutes you'll be totally fine. I usually do 30 minutes (5 sets of 6 minutes with a resting time of 5-10 minutes) two days on, one or two days off.

Manual Clamping = 1 week of exercise (not counting the days off) and today after two days off I still wake up with 3-4mm of girth gain

You just need to get an erection and squeeze the base of your penis with an OK sign, start slow and build up how much you squeeze, a good sign that you're squeezing hard enough is if the glans is full and hard, if you feel tingling you're squeezing too hard.

Also, always massage your dick after you finish a set to restore the blood flow and avoid thrombosis in some veins

- Bathmate Hydromax
- Manual Stretches
- (+1inch length in 3-4 months, +1inch girth in 6-7 months)
- Go to your gym, train, bring a duffel bag into the shower with you at your gym, shower for 2 mins, wash yourself etc.
- Manual stretches for 5ish minutes, I recommend just go down, left, right, left-down, right-down, backwards (behind your legs), kegel for every second, which is one rep, do 15-30 reps of each.
- Get out the bathmate from the duffel bag, do 3 sets of 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off, while off, massage your dick and fling it around a little.
- Enjoy the pump, and thats it.
- the projected increases above are based on both doing stretches and bathmate, if you just stretch, expect an inch in about 6 months, and zero girth gains.

Pumps: Bathmate (get this one, air pumps are GARBAGE)
Penis Extenders: (Andropenis, MaleEdge, Phallosan Forte)


Kegels are where you squeeze your pelvic floor or relax your pelvic floor (reverse kegels) to get blood in and out of your dick.
When you’re pissing, stopping the flow is holding the kegel muscle, pissing faster is relaxing the floor.
You want to do both of these all the time. Alternate between doing high reps quickly and holding and releasing.
When you jelq and do girth exercises you need to do these. More blood in before exercise, relax at end of each rep.


Stretch in a way that you can feel the pull. There’s an old PE theory called loss-of-tug and apparently it’s disproved but I think that’s shit. Essentially, pull your dick outwards and kegel to tug it back. Try pulling your dick straight out, upwards, left, right, downwards, between your ass cheeks etc. In some places you’ll feel your dick “tug back” into your body.
This is the angle you need to do most of your exercises.
For me, it was between my cheeks.
Gaining length is about two things: stretching your dick to a bigger size. Then time under tension for it to heal in the extended state.
So you do a stretching routine and then you hold it there for the rest of the day.
I do the stretching in the morning and then in the evening. I use the following stretches:
Hanging between cheeks (as light weight as needed to hit maximum flaccid length)
Bundled stretches

Bundled stretches are where you grab your dick with a reverse o-grip (so your thumb is pointed towards body) you then twist your dick around and turn your wrist so thumb is pointed away from you with ick in hand. This is pretty extreme but it pulls your inner dick out and stretches your outer dick.

A-stretches are when you stretch your dick over your other wrist. So pull your dick outward, get your other wrist under your dick and then pull penis around your other hand. This is how you get rid of or enhance curve of dick too (you go against curve.)

And I do vacuum hanging where you get a vacuum sleeve (just go on ebay) and a weight and you hang it.

I do the bundled stretches and a stretches until my dick is longer than it’s been. ( normally my flaccid is about 5.5 inches by about 4.5 inches now. I want it to be 6x5 flaccid because that’s bigger soft than most men are hard.) so I stretch from say 13cm to 16cm, and when I’ve got there, I’ll hang.


For girth most people recommend jelqs. I only use these as warm up because they did nothing for me.

Hanging will give you base girth gains on its own, but not much.

Most girth exercises are accidents waiting to happen. I use two:

Slow squash jelqs

The bathmate I use a vacuum sleeve otherwise it hurts my balls like fuck. This means bathmate is also a length exercise.

With bathmate, the more the better basically if you do it right. It’s easy to use. Fill it with water in the shower or bath and then stick it on your dick and pump until it’s stuck on your body. Use a sleeve or it will hurt. Make sure you take it off if the pressure gets too much.

With bathmate, the first times you try it you’ll get loads of lactic fluid buildup and it’ll make your dick look like a doughnut. This is temporary. It’s not beneficial either. So I recommend making each “rep” of bathmate until you start to get the doughnut effect.

Then exercise it out with slow squash jelqs. Do this as many times as you can as long as your dick isn’t sore and you don’t get blood spots. You can get blisters doing this – don’t because it means you have to rest for weeks until they heal. Better to do less and not fuck up your dick.

But you basically want the point where you get maximum engorgement with little doughnut build up.

When you start bathmate, results will go down VERY quickly and you’ll be back to regular size within an hour or two. As you get it right and get into the routine, you keep the engorged state more. I’m 5’2 girth now IF I stop PE for like a week, but most of the time I’m 5.5 because the engorgement stays day-to-day between sessions.

Also, Bathmate will make your flaccid dick a huge amount bigger. Like almost the size of your erection. If you’re worried about people seeing your tiny dick or you want to run bulge game, do bathmate.

Alright, slow squash jelqs are how I get maximum engorgement and minimum doughnut.

Grab the base of your dick with one hand after kegeling. Be semi-erect. Then your dick should feel engorged as you squeeze it. Move it up slightly and it’ll expand the rest of your dick. Take your other hand and gently squeeze the head. Your shaft will get fatter. Hold this for thirty seconds, or manipulate it if you want certain parts of your dick to be more engorged. Relax after thirty seconds. Do as many until your dick is tired.

If you do this between bathmate “reps” you’ll get rid of the doughnut.


Nobody on PE forums gets the importance of the two stages – make bigger, keep bigger. And so nobody realises the routine is the important thing.

And your routine is going to be based on you because some of you live with parents and roommates and some live alone and workin offices or whatever.
I lived with roommates when I started this, so had to be careful.

Here’s a users routine with all the elements.

1. Get up and in morning do bundled stretches and A stretches to get my dick long.
2. Then hang if I have time for 20 minutes or so to really get dick long
3. Put on sleeve and bathmate for 5-10 minutes in shower
4. If alone, then SSJ and another bathmate session
5. After bathmate, leave dick to relax a bit while I get dressed
6. Get a light weight vacuum sleeve and weight (1lb) and keep it on all day
7. During day, take sleeve off to piss and do some light A-stretches if dick doesn’t feel fatigued
8. Evening: A stretches before bed

I use xsleeve weights​

I use cheap sleeves off ebay:
View attachment 3242519

And I use a bathmate hercules:
View attachment 3242521

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes
Get a big cup made of plastic and fill with warm water, put your dick on it and press the cup against your body

BTC Stretch: 10-20 minutes
Start doing 4 sets of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, give 1 minute of rest between the sets. After 2 weeks do two sessions during the day, 4 sets of 2:30 during the morning then 4 more sets during the afternoon or evening.

After you complete the 4th week start doing 2 sets of 5 minutes during the morning and 2 sets during the afternoon or evening

I don't recommend doing too much BTC stretches because it's used to loose the suspensory ligaments, if you loose it too much your dick won't be pointing to the ceiling when fully erect.​

JELQING: 10 minutes
After the warm-up get some oil and jelq your dick. Start with 40 jelqs, and add 10 more on the second week, then 15 more on the second... until you reach 100 at the end of the month. I wouldn't recommend going above 120 jelqs a day, you'll be just risking getting a thrombosis vein as I did, and this shit takes months to go away even though it looks like it already went away when I don't Jelq.

buy a bathmate hydromax and use it 5 mins on 5 mins off, repeat this 2 times for a total of 3 sets, there are guides on pornhub, also do normal stretches, doesn't really matter which ones, find 6 that you like from pe gym or thunders place, then do 1-2 sets of each, for 30 seconds, kegel every second as you count. Do 2 days on 1 day off. You will get an inch length in like 2 months, and the girth maybe like 4-5 month

Bathmate (https://bathmatedirect.com/?oid=1&a...a4l9Qw_IaFOG82TmgUbL-Kb_LDCX7usRoCmBIQAvD_BwE)
Weights (https://www.healthline.com/health/penis-weights)

An user’s routine with all the elements.

1. Get up and in morning do bundled stretches and A stretches to get dick long.
2. Then hang if time for 20 minutes or so to really get dick long
3. Put on sleeve and bathmate for 5-10 minutes in shower
4. If alone, then SSJ and another bathmate session
5. After bathmate, leave dick to relax a bit while getting dressed
6. Get a light weight vacuum sleeve and weight (1lb) and keep it on all day
7. During day, take sleeve off to piss and do some light A-stretches if dick doesn’t feel fatigued
8. Evening: A stretches before bed

Penis Functionality​

First before using any product, implement these habits :

Stop touching my face with greasy ass hands

Change pillowcase every 2-3
days or so.

Drink atleast 3L water a day

Fix hormones/ sleep /diet / cortisol

Skin Types (IMPORTANT)

Everyone has different skin, and so the first step in any skin care routine is figuring out your unique skin type. There are five main skin types: normal, oily, dry, combination and sensitive. Knowing your skin type will help guide what products and ingredients will work best for you.​

  • Assess oiliness and dryness. Wash your face and wait an hour without applying any products. If your skin looks visibly oily, you likely have oily skin. If your skin feels tight or flaky, you likely have dry skin.​
  • Look at your pores. Those with oily skin often have large, visible pores. People with dry skin have pores that are barely noticeable. Normal skin has pores that aren't too big or too small.​
  • Consider how reactive your skin is. Sensitive skin often feels tight, irritated or itchy frequently. It may react strongly to products that are fine for other skin types.​
  • Note any issues like acne, redness or ruddiness. Combination skin will be oily in some areas like the T-zone but dry on other parts of the face.​
  • Take note of how your skin looks and feels throughout the day. Normal skin should look balanced without excess oil or dryness.​


Normal Skin - Normal skin tends to require less specialized care and maintenance. It is usually balanced and clear as long as a basic daily skin care regimen is followed. Combination Skin - Combination skin requires paying attention to the differences in moisture needs between the oily and dry parts of the face. It can take some trial and error to find the right balance of products. Dry Skin - Dry skin needs consistent hydration and moisturization to prevent flaking and irritation. Thicker creams and serums work best for restoring moisture. Oily Skin - Managing oily skin can involve diligent cleansing, exfoliating, toning and potentially products to control excess oil and sebum production throughout the day. Sensitive Skin - Sensitive skin can be the most high maintenance skin type. It requires using only gentle ingredients and products. Harsh ingredients, fragrances and chemicals must be avoided at all costs. Trial and error is often needed to find products that don't cause redness or reactions.
  • Many people with this skin type end up spending north of $500 on skincare trying to find what works for them, so if you're broke, consider it joever​

Treating Acne​

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when pores become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or cysts. You can see the different types of acne here:

Skin Care ingredients to Avoid if possible :

Formaldehyde releases
Synthetic fragrances:
A heads-up: When an ingredient label simply says “fragrance” or “parfum,”
Polyethylene glycol (PEGs)
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) and Perfluorochemicals


Carbon black
“Butyl, propyl, and ethyl parabens have been linked to hormone disruption,”

-Additional "controversial" products for enhancing skin care.
**Derminator 2 [$200-$300]
normal derm pens and rollers and highly advised against using and cause scarring.
**Redligth Therapy - there are many routes you can take. Buy some cheapo lights off Alibaba or invest in some crazy expensive masks.
-Additional/ Best YouTube channels for skincare guidance.
-Dr Dray

Sunscreen is important as fuck for our skin, but it is also important that it has the right ingredients. Get your sunscreen NOW and check if any of the following ingredients are in there

Dangerous ingredients:

-decreases t

benzophenone-3, or oxybenzone
-irritates skin
- lower t

avobenzone (benzophenone)
-causes skin cancer
- speeds up aging

- toxic

formaldehyde releasingsubstances such as Diazolidinyl urea, Quaternium-15, DMDM Hydantoin and Hydroxymethylglycinate
- yall probably know what formaldehyde is and why it shouldnt be on your skin

-ages skin

- irritates skin
- neurotoxic

- accumulates in your body
- irritates skin
- phytoestrogen
- potentially neurotoxic (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5615097/)

- worst additive imo
- lowers t significantly
- can interfer with normal dick growth
- neurotoxic
- rather kill yourself than take this
- lowers sperm count

retinyl palmitate
- yes I know yall love retinol compounds
- proven to create free radicals
- not as bad as others tho imo

Essential skincare products:​

  • Sunscreen: Sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin from the damaging effects of UV rays. It's important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day, even on cloudy days.​
  • Retinol: Retinol is a form of vitamin A that can help to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It's best to use retinol products at night, as they can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.​
  • Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that helps to keep your skin hydrated and plump. It's a good option for those with dry or mature skin.​
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help to protect your skin from environmental stressors and improve its texture and tone. It's best to use vitamin C products in the morning, as it can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.​
  • Niacinamide: Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that can help to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of pores. It's a good option for all skin types.​
  • Peptides: Peptides are small chains of amino acids that can help to stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity. They're a good option for those with mature or aging skin.​

No routine : for chad genetics or for brokecels (check out the moneymaxxing part ASAP) :

Splash your face with cold water in the morning and evening and call it a day.

Skincare Guide by @benignice https://looksmax.org/threads/skincare-guide.81935/


This is an incredibly complex subject area and the data we have on the efficacy varies from peptide to peptide. In general, I’d say they’re a really great ingredient- feel free to ask about any specifics if you have any questions.

Niacin - $9.99
Promotes fibroblast proliferation and balances hormones.

Collagen Peptides (supplements) - $11.99
Most effective when taken consistently, provides the amino acids and proteins needed for ideal collagen production

Copper Peptides (topical) - $34.95
Copper peptides are amazing for collagen and this topical cream smells wonderful and includes other ingredients good for your skin.

Matrixyl3000 - $35.95

Argireline - $11.99

Pentapeptide18 - $10.99
All 3 above are common serum ingredients that you should aim for.

Progressive-routines :

Recommended Cycle for Acne Treatment​

Week 1:
Gentle cleanser
Oil-free moisturizer with SPF
Gentle cleanser
2.5% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment (Alternate every other day for the first week to see how your skin reacts)

Week 2:
Gentle cleanser
Oil-free moisturizer with SPF
Gentle cleanser
5% benzoyl peroxide gel or cream

Week 3 & 4:
Gentle cleanser
Oil-free moisturizer with SPF
Gentle cleanser
0.025% tretinoin cream

Week 5-12
Gentle cleanser
Oil-free moisturizer with SPF
Gentle cleanser
0.05% tretinoin cream
5% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment (if needed)

Retinol - Derived from vitamin A, available in strengths up to 2%. Helps unclog pores and increase skin cell turnover. Start with a low concentration and gradually increase. Use PM only.​

  • Can be used in combination with benzoyl peroxide, but DO NOT USE ON THE SAME NIGHT, AS BP CAN OXIDIZE RETINOL AND MAKE IT WAY LESS EFFECTIVE​
Salicylic Acid - A beta hydroxy acid that penetrates pores to remove excess oil. Commonly found in cleansers, toners and spot treatments up to 2%. Use AM and PM. Tea Tree Oil - Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dilute before applying to skin. Use 2-3 drops in cleanser or mix with moisturizer. Use AM/PM. Niacinamide - Helps control excess oil and sebum production. Can be used AM/PM.Azelaic Acid - Derived from grains, reduces inflammation and kills acne-causing bacteria. Available as 15-20% prescription or 10% OTC. Apply AM/PM.Sulfur - Draws out impurities from pores and exfoliates dead skin cells. Found in masks and spot treatments up to 10%. Use PM 2-3 times per week.

use gentle cleansers PLEASE!!!!!!

Sulwhasoo Gentle Cleansing Foam

User recommandation (richcels only tbh) :

Best SPF: La Roche-Posay Uvmune 400. Helps preserve collagen from UV rays.
Best Antioxidant & DNA Repair Enzymes: SkinBetter Alto Defense and Repair Serum. Repairs damaged DNA and helps protect from UV.
Best retinoid: Generic tretinoin for collagen production and wrinkles
Best AHA: Skinceuticals Glycolic 10 Renewal for collagen production and wrinkles
Best Peptide & Growth Factors: AnteAGE MD Serum and Accelerator for collagen production and wrinkles
Basic routine (cleanser mosturizer sunscreen) :

(Again @Orc’s routine since he is a based user)
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face wash.
face moisturiser
body moisturiser
heavy duty (spf50+) non hormonal disrupting sunscreen (you need this shit if you use retinol)
in that order.


The ideal cleanser is water based primarily (meaning the majority of the product consists of water.)
Oil cleansers are ass in my opinion and if you use them, you should be skinned and dunked in a big tub of hydrochloric acid then scrubbed with rock salt.
Glycerin is also a plus.
'Acne control' cleansers containing ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are a scam in my opinion and are a waste of money and time. They actually worsened my skin and damaged my skin barrier.

Aveeno oat cleanser (£6.00 . Available on Amazon and UK shops.)
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Solid cleanser for the price.
An abundance of glycerin.
Less stripping than water!
A staple for me.
Won't change it for a while.

Honey (price dependent on quality)
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Honey is both antibacterial and antimicrobial and has a host of other benefits. Like the aveeno oat cleanser, it doesn't leave your skin feeling stripped whatsoever.

I used to use it. The reason I no longer do is because its simply just not as antibacterial as a chemical cleanser. Also, it's composed of about 80% sugar and, if not washed off correctly, that will make your skin the ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

Untoxicated cleanser (£20.00. Available on Amazon)
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Contains ceramides, which helps your skin barrier hold water.
Only ten ingredients.
Hyaluronic acid in the form of sodium hyaluronate (the best form of HA)

This is simply as good as a cleanser can get.


In my opinion, facial moisturisers with a thinner texture are preferable. They absorb more easily as the molecules are smaller, and will also be less pore-clogging for the same reason.

Vaseline (you know the price come on)
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I can read your mind.

"Vaseline is for lips right?"

Not just lips.

Try it with your vaseline right now. Wet your face and apply a THIN layer of vaseline over the top. It will form a barrier and that liquid will take a much longer time to evaporate than it would have otherwise.

Although, it leaves a greasy look. I don't recommend. Finding a cheap moisturiser that is actually good is immensely difficult. You're better off without if you can't afford a good one.

Beef tallow (price depends on quality)
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This is an easy mistake to make. I have fallen for santa cruz medicinals' grifting before.

Beef tallow has a high fatty acid content, which means it will give you acne if you're prone.

The actual ideal option is...

100% Squalene (£9.90 from the ordinary. I think its on Amazon not sure though.)
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This is the ONLY VALID NATURAL MOISTURISER except maybe jojoba oil.

Sebum consists of many things. One of them being squalene.

Putting this on your face is legitimately like turning a toggle up and down on a video game in order to choose how moisturised your face is.

You can't get more rudimentary than this.

They extract this from olives. Olive oil is immensely pore clogging but squalene could not be further from that.

This is the shit.

Honestly, as good if not better than the best option.

PURITO B5 MOISTURISER (£16 on amazon)
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B5 is such an underrated ingredient in skincare. It helps regulate sebum production, so it will help both oily and dry skin types.
It also contains centella, a goated ingredient for healing a damaged skin barrier (which is surprisingly often the culprit for poor skin), squalene (niggas know), and niacinamide, a very good brightener.

Lots of good shit and literally zero unnecessary ingredients to lower the production costs like in Western skincare. I feel lucky to have found this.

Praise South Korea!


If I hear the phrase 'soyscreen' once in the replies I'm going to rape a little boy.

Sunscreen is essential for anti-aging, and doesn't inhibit vitamin D absorption as long as you only wear it on your face.

Mineral sunscreens mog chemical sunscreens health wise, but aesthetically are a lot worse.

Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are mineral UV filters, but titanium dioxide leaves a brutal white cast so nobody uses it.

There are literally no good budget sunscreens. If you're poor then get a job.

Santa Cruz Beef tallow sunscreen:
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I know that in the past I have made certain statements about both beef tallow and Santa Cruz Medicinals, but this is the most optimal natural sunscreen.

The only other one I can think of is coconut oil, which is insanely pore clogging and only has an spf of 7.

This has its flaws. If you want optimum protection, you'll need to use an amount that gives you a crazy white cast. Everything's a choice.

Skin1004 madargascan centella sunscreen.
View attachment 3242545

Other products recommandations :

-Budget guide:
Cleanser: simple micellar gel wash [$7]
Antioxidant AM: Vitamin C Suspension 30% silicone (the ordinary) [$9.80]
Antioxidant PM: Retin A, 0.5% cream [$20-30]
Moisturizer: CeraVe - Moisturizering cream [$12]
SPF: Banana Boat SPF 50+ Sport [$8]

Slight more expensive products to invest in if you have the money
Cleanser: YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE - super food antioxidant cleanser [$36]
Moisturizer: IUNIK - centella calming gel cream [$16]
SPF: Purito Centella [$23]

Another simple routine with recommandations and exfoliation :

1. Cleanser
2. Moisturizer
3. (optional) Sunscreen

1. Cleanser
2. Shave
3. Moisturizer

2x a Week:
1. Exfoliate

Anything other that what's listed in the above routine, is really just extra stuff. This would be things such as Toner, Serums, Vitamin C, Clay Masks, Charcoal Masks, and etc. They can be helpful depending on your skin concerns, but not something that is a necessity. Having a solid routine of Cleanser, Moisturizer, and Sunscreen is essential for your skins health.

- Cleanser: When you cleanse your face in the (AM), use warm water to rinse your face. It's not necessary to use a Cleanser 2x a day, particularly for those suffering with oily/dehydrated/dry skin. This will just make it worse. Exceptions to this though would be if you were just getting back to shower post-workout, or were sweating throughout the night.
- Moisturizer: Everyone needs a moisturizer, even those with oily skin. A lot of the time at least part of the oil production is commonly due to dehydration (aka lack of moisture).
- Sunscreen: This is optional. If you decide to use it, just be sure to wear it everyday and that it's at least SPF 30.
- Exfoliate: You should exfoliate twice a week (Wed & Sat), during the PM, right after cleansing.
Below is an example of my current Routine, with correct sizing amounts, and directions listed-

1. Cleanser
- Products: Warm water
- Directions: Splash warm water on your face 3 or 4 times. Next, splash warm water around your neck. (do not pat your face or neck dry. Proceed to the next step, and apply the moisturizer on top of your wet face/neck. This allows the moisturizer to be absorbed better)

2. Moisturizer
- Products: CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion
- Amount: 1 almond size on face, 1 almond size on neck
- Directions: Pump 1 almond size amount in hands, dot around each area of your face evenly (forehead, nose, left cheek, right cheek, and chin).
Now using both ring fingers, applying light pressure, spread the moisturizer around your face evenly.

1. Cleanser
- Products: CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser (or CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser)
- Amount:
1 pump for face, 1 pump for neck
- Time: 60 seconds face, 60 seconds neck
- Directions: 1 pump in hands, massage on face for 60 seconds, rinse. Next, 1 pump in hands, massage around neck for 60 seconds, rinse.

2. Shave

3. Moisturizer
- Product: CeraVe Moisturizing Cream
- Amount: 1 almond size face, 1 almond size neck
- Directions: Pump 1 almond size amount in hands, evenly dot around each section of your face (forehead, nose, left cheek, right cheek, and chin). Now take your hands, and applying light pressure, spread the moisturizer around your whole face evenly. Next, pump 1 almond size amount in hands, rub hands together, rub all over your neck.

2x a Week
1. Exfoliate
- Product: Derma E Essentials Microdermabrasion Scrub
- Days: Wed & Sat
- Amount: 1 dime size face, 1 dime size neck
- Directions: Take out a dime size amount, massage on face for 60 seconds, rinse. Next, take out a dime size amount, massage on neck for 60 seconds, rinse.

As Needed
- Product: Bye-Bye Blemish Drying Lotion
- Days: As needed
- Amount: Read the bottle
- Directions: Read the bottle

Another « simple » routine (not dermarolling friendly) :
Retin a
High quality moisturizer with hyaluronic acid + niacinimides twice a day
Aloe vera after shaving 2-3 times a week.
Red light therapy every day 20 minutes.
Liberal use of sunscreen + when you want to take the sunscreen off do an oil cleanse with olive oil left on the face for 1 minute.
DONT dermaroll. It causes microscopic scar tissue which reduces levels of collagen and elastin long term. .

Quit using all actives including tret. Moisturize heavily and only cleanse your face with water. At night, "slug" by covering your face with a barrier repair product such as La Roche Posay Cicaplast, Aveeno Calm+Restore Skin Therapy Balm, or plain old Vaseline. Wait 1-2 weeks before slowly reintroducing active ingredients.

It is important to take it slow with the frequency, aka how often you are applying tret. The first 2 weeks of using tret you are going to apply once every 3 nights. You should also buffer it through moisturizer to decrease your chances of skin irritation. Routine should look like this: cleanse, moisturize, wait 10 minutes, apply tret. You don't want to apply tret when your face is wet with product because moisture increases the efficacy of tret and it will be drawn into the skin quicker, thus increasing irritation. The point of the every 72hr application is to make your skin stay retinized while also taking it easy on your barrier. If you stop using tret for longer than 4 or 5 days your skin will likely deretinize and you will have to restart. If everything goes well after the first 2 weeks, move up to 3 times a week, then 4, then 5, then everyday. Take as long as you need to properly adjust to daily application. The eventual goal should be to be able to apply tret every single night to clean dry skin, not buffered with moisturizer.

HOW TO APPLY- All that is needed is a pea sized blob of tret. Dot this evenly around your whole face and rub it in. Avoid getting right up close below your eyes and dont put it on your upper eyelids like a retard. Tret migrates a few inches underneath the skin but some people get dry and irritated eyes from putting it too close to their undereyes. Definitely do not get it on your lips either and avoid getting it too close to your mouth in general since the areas around the lips can peel from this. When you are first starting out it's good to apply it over moisturizer but this slightly decreases the efficacy and once your skin is used to it you should be putting it on clean dry skin. Apply moisturizer afterwards. For normal tret wait a few minutes for your face to dry before applying tret, but with tret micro you can apply to wet skin because of the extended release mechanism.

*Only apply at PM.*

*Incorporate slowly, start with once per week and then add another day when you skin can tolerate it.*

Firstly, cleanse with a gentle cleanser (e.g. CeraVe hydrating cleanser). Secondly, apply a thin film of Retinol to cover face and upper neck OR get a pea sized amount of Tretinoin and spread it across the face and upper neck. Lastly, apply a moisturiser if you want to avoid dryness/irritation.

*You can combine Retinol and Tretinoin with SOME other skincare ingredients, search up whether they are safe with Retinol/Tretinoin and which order to layer themALWAYS use sun protection in the morning.*

Retinol comes in multiple concentrations, start at 2.5% and later move up to 5% if you wish.

WHAT IS PURGING?- Purging is a thing that happens with retinoids or other exfoliants. It looks like a breakout, basically. Increased numbers of whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and comedones. The reason it happens is because of the quicker skin cell turnover rate, as mentioned in the intro. This is a normal part of using tret and seeing a breakout does not mean you are doing something wrong or you need to quit tret.

PURGING VS IRRITATION- If you are using tret for acne, a purge is going to look like the acne you already have flaring up and getting worse for a temporary period. It should not look like: redness, burning or stinging, and breakouts in unusual areas. Example- if your chin and cheeks are your usual "problem areas" for acne but you never break out on the forehead, tret should not make your forehead break out severely. Some mild breakouts on different areas of the face are normal because we often have blackheads/comedones in many places, but if your forehead is usually clear and after starting tret you see big angry whiteheads on your forehead, your skin is probably irritated.

WILL I PURGE?- There is no one size fits all answer to this, you have about a 50% chance of purging. If you are using tret for the texture/anti aging benefits and you dont struggle with acne, you probably won't purge. If you do use it for acne, there is a good chance you will purge. Some people just don't purge at all, though. You might get lucky and have a mild purge, or it might be worse- in either case, expect it to start clearing up by months 2-3 of using tret. Purging fucking sucks but it will be over eventually and your skin will be better than ever. If you are a skin picker, DO NOT pop your pimples! Tret makes your skin more sensitive and squeezing at pimples runs a high risk of creating a scar that can last for a year or longer.

CLEANSER- You need to cleanse everyday because over the course of a day your skin is shedding off layers. You also collect dirt/dust on your face from walking around and doing things. You don't want to let a layer of dead skin cells sit on your face all the time because it causes dullness, oiliness, and clogs pores. If you suffer from dry skin be careful of overcleansing since some cleansing products can be quite stripping. Buy a gentle cleanser or a gel based cleanser and if necessary only cleanse once per day- if your skin feels too dry, in the morning opt to only wash face with cold water or micellar water, which is a very gentle watered down cleanser. What keeps my skin hydrated is using Neutrogena's hydroboost cleanser which includes hyaluronic acid. This ingredient draws moisture from the outside and pulls it into the skin, keeping it hydrated and plump.

MOISTURIZER- It is very worth it to experiment with moisturizers to find one that works for you. Try to find one that includes ceramides. which help in keeping the barrier intact and the skin hydrated. If your skin feels oily and gross shortly after moisturizing, its not a good fit for you. 30min after moisturizing your skin should feel very soft, hydrated, and plump. Not greasy. Protip- apply moisturizer to damp skin after washing face to get better absorption and hydration.

SUNSCREEN- Sunscreen is a must with using tret. Tret is shedding off a layer of skin to reveal fresh, new skin. If you use tret with no sunscreen you are pretty much frying this nice new layer of skin with UV light. Tret will also make you sunburn easily- no tanning. Using no sunscreen increases your risk of worsening hyperpigmentation, scars, freckles, age spots, and wrinkles. So use at least 30spf whenever you go out, preferably 50spf. For sensitive skin bros, stay away from sunscreens that have "avobenzone" and "oxybenzone" in the ingredients list- I tried a sunscreen by Eucerin that had these and had an allergic reaction where my face went red and swelled up. There are chemical and mineral/physical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens are typically more sheer/liquidy/shiny where it doesn't look like you're wearing sunscreen. I would recommend using Asian or European brands of chemical sunscreen as they are more "cosmetically elegant" and have better, more modern UV filters. Mineral sunscreens use titanium and/or zinc oxide as their UV filters, which are extremely effective at protecting you from the sun and aren't irritating to sensitive skin. The problem is that they leave a white cast, so when you wear an untinted mineral sunscreen everyone can tell you have sunscreen on. You will look like a ghost, so please get a mineral sunscreen with a tint that matches your skin tone.

Serums info :

The best ones are exfoliating serums, and hydrating serums. Examples of exfoliating serums are mandelic acid or lactic acid, glycolic being the strongest and mandelic the mildest. Hydrating serums such as hyaluronic acid serums as a daily workhorse.

Vitamin C serums, but needs to be in a stable water free solution in low pH (most skincare products containing vit C are therefore useless as they will never penetrate the skin barrier)

Now tret-friendly routines :
Some notes :

hyaluronic acid is a humectanct... it should be applied with water or a moisturizer. It is pointless and counter productive to apply to dry skin and then cover with a sunscreen. It can pull water out your skin if you do that and prevent your sunscreen from creating a proper film as well if you go over it immediately.

double cleansing is of questionable benefit and if you do it, oil cleanser should come first not second.

Oil cleansers are much better than micellar waters or ordinary water cleansers. They keep the face moisturized even while cleansing it.
moisturize while skin is damp to lock in moisture

THEN wait 30 mins and apply retinol to dry moisturized skin, but actually you should be using retinoin not a shit otc retinol those are all trash and do basically nothing. some people can get adapalene otc in their country as well which is a better substitute it is a retinoid as well.

Revised easy to follow tret routine :

cleanse (optional)
vitamin c
sunscreen at least spf 30+ broad spectrum tinted mineral

(optional serums)

Hardcore foidmaxxed routine :

Collagen routine:
There are many good ones. Choose whatever is the best for your skin.

*An example:
: La Roche Posay Toleriane Dermo Cleanser for all skin types
: The Ordinary Vitamin C Suspension 23% + HA Spheres 2% - wait 20 minutes before applying the next product
: Super GHK Copper Cream or Serum - 0.3mg for not encounter sides (reverseskinaging.com)
: Josh Rosebrook Hydrating Accelerator
: The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5
: La Roche Posay Toleriane range. Choose the best one for your skin type.
: Paula’s Choice Resist Skin Restoring Moisturizer SPF 50
: La Roche Posay Toleriane Dermo Cleanser - for all skin types
: Retin-a (start with 0.025 - after finish 1 tube move to 0.5) - Wait 20 min.
: La Roche Posay Toleriane range. Choose the best one for your skin type.

The Routine (in order of appliance):


  • La Roche-Posay Hydrating Cleanser (to wash off all this shit from previous morning) LINK HERE
  • Ice Face to soothe irritation​
  • Pyunkang Yul Hydrating Toner (Koreans know their fucking skincare trust me) LINK HERE
  • Clindamycin (stops irritation and stops growth of acne bacteria) Its a prescription but you can get it on alldaychemist HERE
  • Pyunkang Yul Moisturizer for Dry skin (again, let the koreans do their thing)LINK HERE
  • La Roche-Posay Cicaplast B5+ Repair Balm (GODSEND, but only use on active dry spots, or irritated spots, no point of using this as a second moisturizer, ur face will glow and it will look gay)LINK HERE
  • Sun protection​
  • Benzoyl Peroxide (not needed but place on active acne if u want it to go away quicker)LINK HERE

  • Wash face with just water​
  • Ice face to soothe irritation​
  • Pyunkang Yul Hydrating Toner (Koreans know their fucking skincare trust me) LINK HERE
  • .025 Tretinoin (it’s a prescription but you can get it on alldaychemist HERE)​
  • Paula’s Choice Azelaic Acid for redness (probably not necessary for you) but link HERE if you want it)​
  • Pyunkang Yul Moisturizer for Dry skin (again, let the koreans do their thing)LINK HERE
  • La Roche-Posay Cicaplast B5+ Repair Balm (GODSEND, but only use on active dry spots, or irritated spots, no point of using this as a second moisturizer, ur face will glow and it will look gay)LINK HERE

    That’s my routine of what I do every day
    for my skin. It’s a pain in the ballsack but
    100% worth it in my opinion.

    One more thing that you can do if you acne
    isn’t going away for social events, etc. just
    put some bb cream on the zit or redness
    and it looks like it’s not even there. This is
    the one I use HERE it’s cheap and it mogs.
  • A pretty hardcore routine including haircare :
  • First thing after waking up:​
  • Wash face with luke warm water and Cerave blemish control cleanser​
  • Splash cold water and ice face​
  • Dry face​
  • Apply 10% benzoyl peroxide gel​
  • Apply the ordinary caffeine under eye serum​
  • Apply stemoxydine to my hairline​
  • Apply Cerave moisturising lotion​
  • Once dry, even if not leaving the house I apply a cheap mercadona spf 50+ uva+uvb facial sunscreen and reapply around every 2 hours​
  • Before bed​
  • 0.25mm microneedle hairline​
  • Wash face with luke warm water and Cerave blemish control cleanser​
  • Splash cold water and ice face​
  • Dry face​
  • Apply tretinoin 0.05% and wait around 30 minutes to dry​
  • Depending on the day, I apply either Cerave blemish control gel (aha and bha exfoliant), niacinamide and alpha arbutin serum or vitamin c serum​
  • Apply minoxidil to hairline​
  • Apply Cerave moisturising lotion​

hardcore routine focusing on water quality( without tret) and lashes:

1 - When washing your face, spray it with distilled water as opposed to tap water from the last week or so. There is significant improvement in the smoothness of skin, and overall just feels more subtle. You should also buy humidifier at the same time, and put some distilled water in aswell.

2 - Another benefit of the humidifier and sleeping and waking up with literally no nose blockage, which is important for proper hydratation. As opposed to the tap water, distilled water has about 0-6ppm (parts per million) which is ideal from an pollutant perspective.

3 - To filter out water, you can buy reverse osmosis system or buy distilled water from your local pharmacy store.

4 - Ph of a water should be 5.5 – ideal for skin and hair (scalp skin, less dandruff), so buy water alkalizer.


Ice face for 2 minutes before washing

Cerave foaming facial clenser

Dry face

Niacinamide + zinc

Spray face with water (mist) after niacinimide dries

Apply hyaluronic acid to damp skin and rub in thoroughly

Mix Light moisturizer and 50spf sunscreen in hand then apply to face

Caffeinated eye cream under eye area

Sunscreen on neck dont neglect

Aquaphor/vaseline on lips


Exfoliating scrub 3 times weekly

Shave in between scrub and wash

Cerave salycilic acid before shower

Dry face

Adapelene tretinion 0.1% apply and let sit for 1 min before applying moisturizer on top


Volufiline under eyes

Castor oil on brows and lashes

Bonus notes

Optional switch 0.1% for .3% 2 days a week on non exfoliation days for GOD ANTI aging and glow (per scription only btw)​

Hardcore foidmaxxed routine :Skin Brightening II (Glass Skin)

Glass skin is the latest Korean beauty trend focused on achieving luminous, transparent skin that appears poreless and perfectly smooth like glass.​

Double Cleansing: This is the foundation of the routine. The first oil-based cleanser melts away makeup, SPF and sebum. Follow with a gentle foam or cream cleanser to remove remaining impurities without stripping the skin.​

  • DHC Deep Cleansing Oil​
  • HANSKIN PHA Cleansing Balm​
  • Krave Beauty Matcha Hemp Hydrating Cleanser​
Toner: Korean toners act like "hydrators" rather than astringents. Look for soothing ingredients like centella, green tea and hyaluronic acid. Pat into skin with hands or cotton pads.​

  • Klairs Supple Preparation Unscented Toner​
  • PYUNKANG YUL Essence Toner​
  • Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Toner​
Essences: Lightweight, watery textures that immerse skin in hydration and nutrients. Help other products absorb better.​

  • COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence​
  • Neogen Real Ferment Micro Essence​
  • SK-II Facial Treatment Essence​
Serums: Target specific skin concerns like dullness, acne, pigmentation. Should be applied to clean, toned skin before thicker products.​

  • Missha Time Revolution Night Repair Serum​
  • Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Ampoule​
  • Sulwhasoo First Care Activating Serum (GOAT)​
Sheet Masks: Bi-weekly sheet masks deliver a mega-dose of hydration and nourishment. Choose masks aimed at your skin goals.​

  • BENTON Snail Bee Ultimate Hydrogel Mask​
  • Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin Facial Barrier Mask​
  • MEDIHEAL N.M.F Aquaring Ampoule Mask​
Moisturizer & Eye Cream: Seal everything in with a moisturizer and dab eye cream around the orbital bone. Look for gel-cream textures.​

  1. BELIF The True Cream Moisturizing Bomb​
  2. THE INKEY LIST Vitamin B, C & E Moisturizer​
  3. Laneige Water Bank Hydro Cream EX​
  4. Etude House Moistfull Collagen Eye Cream​
SPF / Sunscreen: CRUCIAL STEP!!!!!!!!!​

  • PURITO Centella Green Level Unscented SPF50+​
  • Thank You Farmer Sun Project Light SPF50+​
  • COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF50​
Exfoliation (2x/week): Gentle exfoliation enhances glow and prevents dead skin buildup. Options include peeling pads, peeling gels and peeling liquids.​

  • SOME BY MI AHA-BHA-PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner​
  • COSRX BHA Blackhead Power Liquid​
NEOGEN Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Wine

@Clavicular-maxxed routine :

4litres of water (MINIMUM)

Blue light therapy 10 min then red light right after can prevent breakouts and even skin tone

Using 10% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment on acne thats RED in color is effective

Using a pimple patch on pimples with a white “head” is effective

Sauna 3x as much as possible reduces cortisol which can spike breakouts, ideal to use sauna pm and immediately do PM skincare right after

Using a strong tretinion daily on forehead can help mitigate closed comedomes or small white bumps, u can use on forehead daily because forhead has excess oil and you can use more intense products

A good tretinion .1% is differen adapelene gel, will cause insane skin glow and mitigate acne

Carnivore diet, find what foods cause you to breakout- most common is bread dairy processed sugar and seed oils

Research what products your using, cerave is notorious for clogging pores so research brands for your skin type and add suffix “reddit” after your search

The ordinary sells the hyaluronic acid plus niacinimide serums i mentioned (literally required)

Niacinamide and differen cause “purging” which cause excess sebum to move to the skins upper barrier to dissolve it meaning your skin will likely breakout for 3-5 days (highly worth it tho just have patience) instant gratificationcels get the fuck out of here

Collagen supplement powder is GOD TIER, ideally a grass fed collagen with limited ingredients

Potassium chloride helps skin so much

Makes skin inflammed and red for 12 hours typically dont do it if u have a social event, ideal length is 2-2.5 for cheeks and mouth area, dont do forehead or any area with acne

CHANGE PILLOWCASE EVERY DAY IDEALLY, every other day works tho (so important)

Sugary alc like pink whitney causes small white bumps on skin, best is tequila to avoid breakouts

Most toothpaste causes breakouts if u drool in your sleep, tape mouth closed

Certain toothpaste causes breakouts, happened to me Blue light therapy 10 min then red light right after can prevent breakouts and even skin tone

Using 10% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment on acne thats RED in color is effective

Using a pimple patch on pimples with a white “head” is effective

Sauna 3x as much as possible reduces cortisol which can spike breakouts, ideal to use sauna pm and immediately do PM skincare right after

Using a strong tretinion daily on forehead can help mitigate closed comedomes or small white bumps, u can use on forehead daily because forhead has excess oil and you can use more intense products

A good tretinion .1% is differen adapelene gel, will cause insane skin glow and mitigate acne

Carnivore diet, find what foods cause you to breakout- most common is bread dairy processed sugar and seed oils

Research what products your using, cerave is notorious for clogging pores so research brands for your skin type and add suffix “reddit” after your search

The ordinary sells the hyaluronic acid plus niacinimide serums i mentioned (literally required)

Niacinamide and differen cause “purging” which cause excess sebum to move to the skins upper barrier to dissolve it meaning your skin will likely breakout for 3-5 days (highly worth it tho just have patience) instant gratificationcels get the fuck out of here

Collagen supplement powder is GOD TIER, ideally a grass fed collagen with limited ingredients

Potassium chloride helps skin so much

Accutane/tret discussion+ dermarolling:
1. 5mg of Accutane (oral isotretinoin) a day

Although Accutane is known to have harsh side effects such as depression, dry eyes, joint problems, etc. As the lowest dose, 5mg has a very low chance of causing these sides. A Randomized Controlled Trial was conducted to test the efficacy of 5mg Accutane (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23617693/). The study concluded that: Isotretinoin 5 mg/day is effective in reducing the number of acne lesions, and improving patients dermatologic quality of life, with minimal adverse effects.

5mg is great for people with mild acne and oily skin. 5mg daily completely changed my complexion with no side effects. However, an increase in dose is needed depending on the severity of the acne. I wouldn't recommend taking more than 20mg a day because as the dose increases, consequently the risk of side effects also increases.

A 6 month supply will cost $77 https://aipctshop.net/product/isotroin-accutane5-mg-10-tablet/

2. 0.05% topical isotretinoin applied once nightly

Isotretinoin is great for skin completion. I recommend 0.05% which is the lowest dose because of its anti-aging benefits. The dose can be increased but it takes the skin a while to get used to it. I higher dose won't be necessary if you're also taking oral Accutane. 0.05% isotretinoin will cause some redness at first but it will soon go away. Topical isotretinoin combined with Accutane is a killer combo. Isotretinoin is also cheap you can cop with out a prescription on aipctshop

Another tret-friendly routine with non-topical procedures and supplementation (see notes) :
A.M. :

Wash face with cold water
Wash face with warm water (not too hot) (Let it dry)
Witch hazel toner or ACV toner (ACV diluted in water)
Vitamin C serum


Wash face with warm water
Vitamin C serum
Moisturizer (Coconut oil)
Hyaluronic Acid

- Additions on a needed basis:

Zinc/Niacinamide serum (Paula's Choice)
Methylene Blue cream
Melano CC on spots (for hyperpigmentation)
Hydroquinone on spots (for hyperpigmentation)
Bentonite Clay/ACV face mask

- Non-topical:

Microneedling (Dermaroller/Dermastamp)
Red Light Therapy (3x/week)
Fraxel laser

- Oral supplementation:

Hydrolyzed Collagen powder (30g/day)
Vitamin C (500mg twice a day)
MSM (3g daily)
Beta-Carotene (for skin tone)

Cold exposure (Go outside/Cold showers)
Heat exposure (Sauna)
Sun exposure (frequent but short)

- Misc notes on what I noticed on myself:

Tretinoin use might contribute to subcutaneous fat loss (undereye area)
Too high dose Melanotan II might contribute to moles formation
Minoxidil fucks up my skin collagen
Finasteride use fucks up general skin appearance (Drier/Duller skin)

No physical, just chemical exfoliation. Physical can damage and too harsh
Many people are sufficient cleansing once in the evening (dry skin)
double cleanse is more for makeup

for a medium/deep peel you should be going to a derm and they'll be able to tell you how often to do it. In general , you can do a medium depth peel more than once a year. Again, with microneedling it depends on the depth and I'd always recommend going to a qualified and reputable professional. But from what I know, there is no detriment to doing it for many years.

Micro-needling user tip :

So the best ways I've found is micro needling and soak your face in a bowl of ice water to dramatically reduce the swelling in these lines.
If you use rogaine, don't just go to sleep on a pillow covered in minoxidil, it will bloat your face up like a balloon.​

The Ordinary “Buffet” + Copper Peptides 1% Anti-Aging serum.
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veggies like carrots, tomatoes increase their content of carotenoids when cooked. 5 carrots a day at least

Also alternatively if you really wanna tan that badly, then do it while being stacked on carotenoids - they promote some UV protection and in the end your skin will look better than if you just tanned without it.

Getting in antioxidants in your diet is extremely important as they can protect your skin from UV damage, preserve skin by preventing collagen loss, fight inflammation and help with acne.

choose redder tomatoes, cook them and eat them together with a source of fat, that way a single tomato will increase it's amount of lycopene to way more than 10 mg.
overdose on carrot juice and tomato juice.
- Carotenoids
- Pycnogenol - https://www.healthline.com/health/pycnogenol#for-skin
- Berries - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/blueberry-benefits-for-skin
- Herbs - cinnamon, basil, oregano, rosemary, black pepper, paprika, savory, ginger
- Astaxanthin Also keep in mind that it is a DHT inhibitor, so take it at your own risk, alternatively you can use a topical astaxanthin serum or cream.
- Ginseng -
- Amla


sweet potatoes

canned pumpkin purée

sun dried tomatoes



  • Cook 1 SWEET POTATO DAILY with the skin on by boiling it in water for 30 MINUTES. This way it retains as much beta-carotene as possible.

Eat 1 cup of CANNED PUMPKIN PUREE DAILY. This is a much better source of alpha-carotene and other carotenoids than sweet potatoes.

Eat 1 ounce of SUN DRIED TOMATOES DAILY. Get the dry kind, not the one soaked in oil.

Eat 1 GUAVA DAILY. The redder the guava, the more lycopene it has.

DAILY. The redder the watermelon, the more lycopene it has.

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How to tan properly:

  • Step one, go to the beach. If there's no sunlight where you live then you can visit solariums.
  • Use olive oil/coconut oil, or beef tallow instead of sunscreen.
  • Seek shade when you feel too exposed to the sun.
  • Eat more cholesterol from an animal-based diet and consume more vitamin C-rich fruits.
  • Seriously limit seed oil intake, and avoid a processed diet.
  • (NB): Wear linen or cotton when going to the beach.
Do not wear sunglasses, they block the receptors in your eyes responsible for melanin production

Pro User TIP when going to tanning beds:

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But if you use the formula with a proper UV light (aka the sunbed) it's gonna work even better.
basically in 1/2 sunbed sessions per week, and some shitty £3 carrot oil & £2 teeth whitening pen.

Supplements (anecdotal evidence) :

I consume 20 grams of hydrolized beef collagen peptides dissolved in milk during my first meal. I use it to get better hair and skin texture.

Beta carotene(anecdotal evidence)
I've been megadosing it lately and went as high as 100 000 IU / day, but generally I would take 25 000 IU, consumed before I go out to the sun. I use it to achieve warm skin undertone and to tan better.

Facial Muscles

everybody knows bone structure is genetic although environment plays a small part so I’ll share some gatekept techniques you can try :

back massager on face applied on medium setting on bone

Interesting thread: https://looksmax.org/threads/electromuscular-stimulation-is-legit-for-the-face.299410/

Sphenoid release for mewmaxers (might be cope):

Fascia Facelift : (do it once a week, more if you really have time and dedication. Again might be placebo cope)​

Before trying to sleep:
Practice total relaxation and deep breathing for a few minutes before you go to bed.

Supplements : Dsip : delta slip inducing peptide
● Magnesium Glycinate: makes your dreams wild and vivid; increases your sleep time and sleep quality. Probably the most impactful supplement from this stack. Take 400mg before 1h bed.
● Glycine: promotes body coolness, helps neurotransmitters protein synthesis and supports stable energy levels throughout the day. Take 1g during nighttime.
● Ashwagandha: reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes GABA production (anti-neuronal excitability). Take 500mg in the evening or before bed.
● L-Theanine: similar function to ashwagandha. Take 100mg before bed.
● 5-HTP: an amino acid the body produces from tryptophan. A precursor to serotonin, which converts to melatonin. Take 200mg on an empty stomach. *

-Drink vegetable juices at night, green juices are high in magnesium and potassium and magnesium helps remove sodium from the cells, and magnesium excites the body preventing you from relaxing and sleeping.
when you are sleepy during the day, sunbathe outside the home, walk barefoot and sunbathe
- Eating chicken/turkey and drinking hot milk as your last meal of the day is really helpful.

- Unwind in the evening. Do your more stressful tasks early in the day and aim to relax in the evening.
- So, try your best to emulate that. Get out in the sun and expose yourself to blue light / UV to synthesise vitamin D and promote alertness at 10AM. Take a warm shower at 7PM.
- Getting exposure to blue light during the day is as important as avoiding exposure to it during the late evening/night. This helps your master-clock stay in sync. 10AM-2PM are the most important hours to get blue light exposure and to be active.

Sleep Hygiene:

Do not watch TV, use the internet or work in bed. Don’t create an association of anxiety, stress or wakeful activities with the bed.

Make room for wind down activities just an hour or so before bedtime
. Limit these activities to getting ready, listening to calm music.

Do not drink alcohol more than 3 to 4 hours prior to bedtime

If you have a sleepless night and your scheduled window of time to be in bed has lapsed, get out of bed. Do not nap. Keep an active day.

Use earplugs
tape mouth
Do this at your own risk and research it before
Nasal Strips (more air to breathe)
Air Defuser (clean,higher quality air to breathe)
sleep with window open (cold room)
Get in bed one hour before you want to sleep
Use an Alarm that slowly works up to aking you up (Alarmy for example) and not traumatizes you into waking up

Take a warm shower 1 to 2 hours before going to bed.
Make your room cold: the perfect temperature setting for the night is between 62 and 66 Fahrenheit, or 16 to 19 Celsius.
Get blackout curtains and possibly an eye mask: your room should be able to get pitch black during noon. If you still have any light entrance, use an eye mask (a non-irritating one).
Get a weighted blanket close to 10% of your total body weight for better sleep. Source here.
Invest in a high-quality mattress: there's no point in spending 1/3 of your life on a cheap mattress. There are several high-tech mattresses out in the market which regulate their own temperature accordingly to yours and can greatly improve your rest with other features included. If you have the money, it's worth looking into.
Orthopedic pillow: as we've covered before, sleeping on your side is the best position possible. Although this is true, it may cause shoulder, neck, and spine issues (as with every other sleeping position), which can be reduced by resting on an ergonomic surface.
Avoid EMFs in your sleeping room get rid of all electronic devices in your room and place them as far as possible throughout your house. At nighttime, turn them off.
Blue light screen filters and glasses (ideally 3 hours before sleeping)/ f.lux

● Ingesting salt tabs with (ideally) gatorade before bed can help with nocturnal urination. The salt and the electrolytes will "bloat" you slightly and retain the water overnight, so you don't feel the urge to wake up mid-sleep to go to the bathroom.

Workout earlier in the day

● 7:30 AM: Melatonin secretion stops, light exposure fastens the halt

● 8:00 AM: Body is fully awake, and digestion commences. Best time for breakfast and hydration.

● 10:00 AM: Highest attention and alertness levels of the day. Best time for mental work

● 12:00 AM: Digestive enzymes peak. Best time for the biggest meal of the day

● 2:30 PM: Best hand and physical coordination time of the day

● 3:30 PM: Best reaction time of the day

● 5:00 PM: Cardiovascular and muscle strength at their peak. Best time for physical activity

● 6:30 PM: Blood pressure peak of the day

● 7:00 PM: Highest body temp of the day. Body signals to wind down

● 9:00 PM: Exposure to light blocks secretion. Melatonin secretion starts

● 10:00 PM: Melatonin continues to rise and body temp lowers. Best time to be ready for sleep

Tracking sleep :
Oura Ring: Accurate Health Information Accessible to Everyone

Instagram and Snapchatmaxxing.

HOW TO GET LAID AS A TEENAGER {INSTAGRAM MAXXING GUIDE} | Looksmax.me - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics
This guide covers everything you need to do. It should also be a means to message new people and make new friends and advances with women. Here's a few more details I would recommend:
-add your Snapchat username in your bio. Can also add your general location or job if either make you more attractive.
-keep captions short and simple. No one gives a shit to read about your life.
-at least half the pictures should be with friends and family. The other half should be modelesque shots of just yourself in cool NT environments.
-only post every 1-2 months and make every photo showcase of your lifestyle. No one cares to see too see too often you'll just get less likes and look like a wannabe influencer fag.
-post only between 6-8pm. Preferably on a Sunday when more people will be free to go on Instagram and like your photos.

-create an account with just your name or as close to your name as you can get.
-create a bitmoji.
-next you need to boost your Snapchat score to a minimum of 100k. Your snapchat score is boosted by sending picture snaps, receiving and opening them but you can boost this by adding as many celebrity accounts as possible and mass snapping them.
-add all your friends and then in the add friends option it will have suggested.

Join Tinder (or Yubo if you're under 18)

Tinder ELO Maxxing | Looksmax.me - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics

-Fraud as much as you can get away with. Your bio should simply be your height (but add on as many inches as you can get away with). You can also include your Instagram handle in your bio. Fraud your looks but don't get aspie about it, make sure the pictures are NT.
-The pictures you use should be as followed: a clear full-body photo at a social event, a body picture (preferably on the beach), a picture MOGGING some poor soul to oblivion, a picture with friends at a club.
-When you get matches you should be direct and sexual from the opening (be mild at the start and escalate as the conversation does).
-Direct the conversation to Snapchat after doing initial talking. Remember, Snapchat is the best place to talk to women and get results.
-Tip: try and meet girls who go to uni or go to lots of parties, even if you're not attracted to them much, just so they will invite you to social events like parties. I've done this and now I have many more social circles I'm in touch with and can party with whenever.


-This is the best guide for Yubo How to Ego-maxx | Looksmax.me - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics

-Join any social/popular clubs. This is probably the best way to make new friends without trying as you will be grouped together with other students and forced to get to know each-other. Meeting new people is like learning a new language. It's awkward and slow at first but eventually you start to learn how to deal with the same characteristics in people and become more socially confident.

-Find a job where you will be working as part of a team having to interact with as many new people everyday as possible.

Go to as many social events as possible.

-Plan things constantly with different people. I probably see different people around 4x a week.
-Use social media to see if there's social events planned and connect with new people who will invite you to events.
-Talk to new people and try to make new friends at the social events.

Final Tips.

Do not seek for people's approval. You have no right to comment on life in an ideological way until you've experienced it to the fullest and can't do that unless your free from a set ideological way of thinking. Just don't be a soyboy cuck and never mention anything blackpill IRL. And always tell people you're uninterested in politics. People who are into politics are hard to be around.​

The skinmaxxing part is pretty disorganised but I tried to basically include every anecdotal evidence of users that had fine results with their routines. Everybody has different skin and might not react the same way to the products listed (even tret can be dangerous for some).

Links to previous parts:

very nice having everything one place😍
  • +1
Reactions: Spidermanne2returns

very nice having everything one place😍
Currently modifying the skin parts it's horribly organised. Other parts aswell I'm working on RN to make it more practical.
  • Love it
Reactions: Ychassa
Currently modifying the skin parts it's horribly organised. Other parts aswell I'm working on RN to make it more practical.
In the skin one you mention not using cerave cleanser in the beginning then you mention using it?
In the skin one you mention not using cerave cleanser in the beginning then you mention using it?
Some people had bad experiences with it claiming it destroys skin barrier but it should be overall safe.
  • +1
Reactions: 5aesar
Unironically where's personality and socializing
Finished modifications on rhe three threads will post tomorow updated thread with better formatting
If you have to learn this on the Internet it's most likely over
I don't have to "learn" it per se, more so I know how to socialize and am NT, I just have social anxiety from years of isolation and I need to touch up on it. Maybe ur right tho.

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