💪 GYMCELLING - Women perceive the body THE SAME WAY WE DO + It's 100% LEGIT

Gymcelling didn't work for me. At my peak I was 5'10 185lbs 9-10% bf. Than again, I wasn't aware of tinder around that time. But no girls were interested in me IRL like literally nothing was different besides men respecting me off the bat. Than I eventually lost the passion for it and have been on an off for the past 2 years and doing mostly Calesthentics.
Did you look like you lifted with clothes on?
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1) Countering the "muh gym is cope"

It's common misconception that gymeceling doesn't work, and that "muh, face is everything.. You don't need to gymcel". If you have a good face, ignore my thread and Ill gladly get the fuck out. Your argument is retarded and made up by some skinnyfat bitches chilling in their moms basement.

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- By nature, muscles and good bone structure are evolutionarily a symbol that you can get plenty of nutrition, you are intimidating and strong. But most of us don't have the wide V taper, and a good muscle mass - THAT'S WHY WE GYMCEL, AND IT'S SUCCESSFUL !!!

2) Women don't like gymcels argument

Unless you're below 5'10, and 5 PSL facially - It's a fairytale myth. Most girls are single just because they expect a chad to commit to them. Women are hornier for chad than even the most sex-starved incel is for 18 yr old Stacy. Being a buffed average dude still doesn't mean that women don't secretly thirst over you.


Foids want ugly men to think they have low sex drives and thus don't have sex very often

This makes them seem less slutty, artificially boosts their SMV, and makes simps and cucks pedestal them even more than they already do

And it makes us sound crazy when we complain about not having any sex ("teehee whats the big deal we don't have much sex either!")

Normies buy into this garbage too because it fits their experience; their wives and girlfriends sure aren't fucking THEM very frequently lol.

But foids actually have tons of random sex with their chad "friends". Every encounter is a sexual one (remember, chad doesnt even interact with foids unless he's literally fucking them).

Foids love sex more than anything, as long as it's with chad. And they spend every waking moment looking for the next opportunity to sneak in a quick fuck.

This is foids' and Chads' little secret.

3) Women wants to evaluate you

- Another reason as to why women are generally portraited to hate gymcels is to gaslight you into not improving your physical appearance, they literally don't WANT YOU TO SUCCED. IT MAKES THEM LESS VALUABLE as comparable to YOU !!!

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The MOST hilarious thing i've seen yesterday was from @xefo69's thread when they were interviewing some foid. She stated that Jeff-fucking-seid is 1/10 (unironically) JUST BECAUSE HE WAS GYMECELED.

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She screwed herself horribly while trying to gaslight Xefo...- I want you to picture Jeff, being incel, and struggling to get women, just because he's "too muscular" :feelsuhh:.



How come these gymcels got laid then:

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- This was straight up tinder experiment, so women judged this guy based on his looks only, and while he doesn't look decent in the other aspects, HIS BODY SAVED HIM !! And he got some pretty sweet matches to be honest

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⭐ Women perceive the body the same way we do. ⭐

It's super legit, frame is underrated but looks is still #1
Literally all you need to do is lift twice a week full body to maintain good muscle and shoulder width. With emphasis on pullups rows side laterals and OHP to create a better V-taper.
  • JFL
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As a fellow 5'5 manlet that has tried to natty gymmaxx, It definitely helps man BUT neveer in your fucking life dirty bulk.Thats the worst mistake you can make in your gymaxixng.Also never go over 15 percent bodyfat if you try to lean bulk.

What's "Dirty bulk"?
In contributes about 25% of overall attractiveness in this small study
here the acrtual FULL paper. And exact percentages.

About 76% of a man TOTAL physical appearance attractiveness is decided by face + body. (pretty brutal Blackpill by the way)
About 52% is face.
About 24% is body.

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"Unless you're below 5'10, and 5 PSL facially - It's a fairytale myth. Most girls are single just because they expect a chad to commit to them. Women are hornier for chad than even the most sex-starved incel is for 18 yr old Stacy. Being a buffed average dude still doesn't mean that women don't secretly thirst over you."


How many users on here are 5PSL and also 5'10 minimum?

You typed a great thread. Insanely convincing, but ultimately counted for nothing.

Why? Because normie is 4PSL and high tier normie is 5PSL.

When I'm lean and mean facially and physically, I am 5PSL irl, BUT I am 5'8. So I fail by virtue of height and therefore what you are inadvertently telling me is that gym maxing is cope, unless I get leg lengthening, which I will.

Do you feel me?

IT GETS WORSE THO. YES IT GETS FUCKING WORSE. The average user on this forum (There are a ton who don't post their pictures) is a 3PSL. It's just that barely anyone under 4PSL posts their pictures. So you are not even catering to the members of this forum when you say what you do. And also the users that are 5PSL at least 25% are bound to be below 5'10. So really gym maxing is cope for this site. Going based on what you've said here.
Lol youre just coping because youre fat as shit man, no offense.Better to do something than ldaring
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Lol youre just coping because youre fat as shit man, no offense.Better to do something than ldaring

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz shut up. Greycel.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzz shut up. Greycel.
Better to be a Greycel than an obese currycel who wants people to just fucking give up.Suck my dick and buy a fucking t-shirt
  • JFL
Reactions: Offensive Bias, AscendingHero, Pussyslayer and 2 others
Body seems to have a remarkable effect on women. I never got compliments on my face but got them on my arms & shoulders a lot.
Body seems to have a remarkable effect on women. I never got compliments on my face but got them on my arms & shoulders a lot.
Another Gymmaxxed Chad. I stared muh gym plan 1 month ago. I should get decent by the summer time, I hope so
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Did you look like you lifted with clothes on?
Yeah. I wore size large and you could clearly see that I lifted. My chest and traps filled out most shirts, arms depended on the brand of the shirt. Never got even a single comment on my body by a woman.
  • JFL
Reactions: Uglybrazilian and Deleted member 10516
Yeah. I wore size large and you could clearly see that I lifted. My chest and traps filled out most shirts, arms depended on the brand of the shirt. Never got even a single comment on my body by a woman.
Show pics of body so i can judge myself
Another Gymmaxxed Chad. I stared muh gym plan 1 month ago. I should get decent by the summer time, I hope so
I'm not gymmaxxed at all - I have shit-tier muscle building genetics, but even when I was kinda bear mode (built/fat) still got compliments. The bar is not high at all - even having SOME muscle will be appreciated by girls.
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Better to be a Greycel than an obese currycel who wants people to just fucking give up.Suck my dick and buy a fucking t-shirt

You're a fucking larping cunt.

Here's some quick info:

- I've had an amazing body in the past and it can easily happen again
- I've a degree in a field which covers this stuff, heavily
- I'm 5'8. That's under 5'10. Read what the retarded OP said. Therefore he says gym is cope for me. UGH DUH YOU DUH BRAIN.
- I body count mog you (Lol at giving-up)
- I have more and better life experiences than you
- I have a better body than you and I'm overweight
- You're a little pussy incel that quoted me on a post from hours ago, because you saw a couple of pics in other threads. Bitch move.

Stop larping. I made you feel like shit. I remind you of the kids that bullied you at school. You wish you had my spirit, energy and extroversion. You think you can get at me behind your computer, because you'd never have the balls to do it irl. I read you easily. Get out of here kid.
Body seems to have a remarkable effect on women. I never got compliments on my face but got them on my arms & shoulders a lot.

Post your body since it's not identifiable. Sick of your larping.
Why do you think I'm larping?

Intuition. I think you're either larping or exaggerating.

Post body. Since it doesn't have your face it shouldn't matter.
Show pics of body so i can judge myself
My physique is not what it was before. I don't think I have any pictures because there was no real point in taking any since I was ugly AF. I'm trying to find my old misc account, I had pictures on theirbl for my avi
My physique is not what it was before. I don't think I have any pictures because there was no real point in taking any since I was ugly AF. I'm trying to find my old misc account, I had pictures on their
Ok if you have send me
If a girl has to choose between a 4.5 PSL twig and a 4 PSL gymcel, she will choose the twig. If a girl has to choose between 5 PSL twig and 5 PSL gymcel, she will pick the gymcel. That's the full extent to how much gymceling can do, it can only, at best, help you compete against guys who are of equal attractiveness.
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Intuition. I think you're either larping or exaggerating.

Post body. Since it doesn't have your face it shouldn't matter.
JFL. Never posting anything like that here. Low IQ move.

Your intuition is garbage. I already had my 3rd Lay for 2021 last night and we're only 16 days in. Keep coping doe
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 10516 and Deleted member 6512
JFL. Never posting anything like that here. Low IQ move.

Your intuition is garbage. I already had my 3rd Lay for 2021 last night and we're only 16 days in. Keep coping doe

So that really makes no sense. Unless you think your body is distinguishable amongst all the other mogger bodies out there in England?

3rd lay off 2021 last night. Where'd you reel this hook-up in from?
You're a fucking larping cunt.

Here's some quick info:

- I've had an amazing body in the past and it can easily happen again
- I've a degree in a field which covers this stuff, heavily
- I'm 5'8. That's under 5'10. Read what the retarded OP said. Therefore he says gym is cope for me. UGH DUH YOU DUH BRAIN.
- I body count mog you (Lol at giving-up)
- I have more and better life experiences than you
- I have a better body than you and I'm overweight
- You're a little pussy incel that quoted me on a post from hours ago, because you saw a couple of pics in other threads. Bitch move.

Stop larping. I made you feel like shit. I remind you of the kids that bullied you at school. You wish you had my spirit, energy and extroversion. You think you can get at me behind your computer, because you'd never have the balls to do it irl. I read you easily. Get out of here kid.
Did I really hurt your feelings so much that you have to post this wall of text AND pm it to me? Holy shit if you cant take criticism dont plaster the forum with your pics.Secondly youre making ALOT of baseless assumption on the life of me, A "greycel " whos smart enough not to post many details of my life.Only point I'll respond to, is how the fuck do you think you have a better body than me if I been going to the gym for 7 years and youre overweight? Like come the fuck on.Instead of discouraging others of improving themselvesrs just lose some weight first
  • +1
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Did I really hurt your feelings so much that you have to post this wall of text AND pm it to me? Holy shit if you cant take criticism dont plaster the forum with your pics.Secondly youre making ALOT of baseless assumption on the life of me, A "greycel " whos smart enough not to post many details of my life.Only point I'll respond to, is how the fuck do you think you have a better body than me if I been going to the gym for 7 years and youre overweight? Like come the fuck on.Instead of discouraging others of improving themselvesrs just lose some weight first

You're literally a dwarflet. You have no right to speak. Shut the fuck up. Imagine being that short and still that outspoken. Keep your small trap shut little one, before I stamp on your face.
Blocking this newbie. Can tell we aren't gonna get on, early.

Screams small man syndrome.
  • JFL
Reactions: Curlbrahhh
I don't think you can really have a body halo unless you roid so you look like Jeff Seid. I have been working my ass off and I don't think I can go any further without roids.
I have never been complimented on my body by anyone except my last ex gf.
I have to wear size small shirts so you can even see my pecs and arms. Otherwise I look like DYEL?
My body as I currently have it offers me no halo whatsoever.


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gigacope in thread form
I don't think you can really have a body halo unless you roid so you look like Jeff Seid. I have been working my ass off and I don't think I can go any further without roids.
I have never been complimented on my body by anyone except my last ex gf.
I have to wear size small shirts so you can even see my pecs and arms. Otherwise I look like DYEL?
My body as I currently have it offers me no halo whatsoever.
brutals. your body shape is top 5% or better. People should give you halo and props for that, imo.
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Reactions: AscendingHero and Deleted member 6512
I don't think you can really have a body halo unless you roid so you look like Jeff Seid. I have been working my ass off and I don't think I can go any further without roids.
I have never been complimented on my body by anyone except my last ex gf.
I have to wear size small shirts so you can even see my pecs and arms. Otherwise I look like DYEL?
My body as I currently have it offers me no halo whatsoever.
You look like a greek statue bhai
  • +1
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Lmao got blackpilled hard on tinder again
You have to be at least 80KG to be considered somewhat gymmaxed and even this is the bottom line
I told her this would be natty limit for my height and she said dont believe what youtubers say, its just comfort zone
You literally have to be a fake natty at this point to be considered fit by girls who have been brainwashed by the industry
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  • So Sad
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Reactions: Deleted member 7580, WadlowMaxxing, forwardgrowth and 7 others
Gymcelling didn't work for me. At my peak I was 5'10 185lbs 9-10% bf. Than again, I wasn't aware of tinder around that time. But no girls were interested in me IRL like literally nothing was different besides men respecting me off the bat. Than I eventually lost the passion for it and have been on an off for the past 2 years and doing mostly Calesthentics.
Those stats are super impressive for a natty. You are either lying about the stats or about not getting attention or you are deformed.
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If a girl has to choose between a 4.5 PSL twig and a 4 PSL gymcel, she will choose the twig. If a girl has to choose between 5 PSL twig and 5 PSL gymcel, she will pick the gymcel. That's the full extent to how much gymceling can do, it can only, at best, help you compete against guys who are of equal attractiveness.
That's not true it depends on too many things. When you are a normie you can be half point better than someone but It doesn't mean you will get choosen over a worst looking guy every time. If the other guy has a more familiar pheno, flaws that she deems as less dealbreaking ecc she can choose the other guy.
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Reactions: Deleted member 7098, Wallenberg and ConspiracyTheory
If a girl has to choose between a 4.5 PSL twig and a 4 PSL gymcel, she will choose the twig. If a girl has to choose between 5 PSL twig and 5 PSL gymcel, she will pick the gymcel. That's the full extent to how much gymceling can do, it can only, at best, help you compete against guys who are of equal attractiveness.
False. If you have top 1 % body or better you can run niche game with girls who like fitness model type of guys.
Another reason as to why women are generally portraited to hate gymcels is to gaslight you into not improving your physical appearance, they literally don't WANT YOU TO SUCCED. IT MAKES THEM LESS VALUABLE as comparable to YOU !!!
this is the truest thing on this list talking to most women who had an interest in me they did not want me to lose weight encouraged against it, said getting large muscles we're unattractive yet the guys they we're following had just that JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Uglybrazilian and Chintuck22
I don't think you can really have a body halo unless you roid so you look like Jeff Seid. I have been working my ass off and I don't think I can go any further without roids.
I have never been complimented on my body by anyone except my last ex gf.
I have to wear size small shirts so you can even see my pecs and arms. Otherwise I look like DYEL?
My body as I currently have it offers me no halo whatsoever.

You should sacrifice some of that leanness & put on a bit more size.
Then wear tight t-shirts.

Atm you're lean but small.

If you put on 5-10 lbs & then still don't get IOIs wearing tight t-shirts then IDK your face must be dogshit
"A menos que você tenha menos de 5'10 e 5 PSL facialmente - é um mito de conto de fadas . A maioria das garotas são solteiras apenas porque esperam que um chad se comprometa com elas. Stacy, de 18 anos. Ser um cara normal ainda não significa que as mulheres não tenham secretamente sede de você. "

Ri muito.

Quantos usuários aqui têm 5PSL e no mínimo 5'10?

Você digitou um ótimo tópico. Insanamente convincente, mas no final das contas não contava para nada.

Por quê? Porque normie é 4PSL e normie de nível superior é 5PSL.

Quando sou magro e mau, facial e fisicamente, tenho 5PSL irl, MAS tenho 5'8. Portanto, eu fracasso em virtude da altura e, portanto, o que você inadvertidamente está me dizendo é que maximizar a ginástica é enfrentar, a menos que eu estique as pernas, o que irei.

Você me sente?

Pior ainda. SIM FICA MUITO PIOR. O usuário médio neste fórum (há uma tonelada que não posta suas fotos) é um 3PSL. É que quase ninguém com menos de 4PSL posta suas fotos. Então você nem mesmo está atendendo aos membros deste fórum quando diz o que faz. E também os usuários que têm 5PSL pelo menos 25% devem estar abaixo de 5'10. Então, realmente, maximizar a academia é a solução para este site. Indo com base no que você disse aqui.
I do
Lmao got blackpilled hard on tinder again
You have to be at least 80KG to be considered somewhat gymmaxed and even this is the bottom line
I told her this would be natty limit for my height and she said dont believe what youtubers say, its just comfort zone
You literally have to be a fake natty at this point to be considered fit by girls who have been brainwashed by the industry

And 5'10 minimum.
You should sacrifice some of that leanness & put on a bit more size.
I can finally see my cheek bones now so I'll stay lean and small. Face over all anyways.
That video is good proof for Gymmaxing..That Man is not taller than 5''7 but she is actually having a orgasm on cam
That video seems staged tbh

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