Hacking Your Hunger: The Science of Effortless Weight Loss

I just see this as leveling the playing field to be honest.
You can go into semi-conspiracy territory here. "Create problem and provide a solution, but not of the root cause, rather treating symptoms". Food industry may actually be not in antagonistic but symbiotic relationships with weight loss and fintess industry (and medical, of course).
  • +1
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just eat less theory
  • +1
Reactions: watah, Lookologist003, cc_7373 and 1 other person
I literally forget to eat and am too lazy to eat sometimes. If my mum didn't cook for me, I'd only eat once a day
I literally forget to eat and am too lazy to eat sometimes. If my mum didn't cook for me, I'd only eat once a day
Yea thats because you naturally have low appetite luckily
  • +1
Reactions: uksucks
These foods are artificially manufactured to be as addictive as possible, they’re manipulating human biology to create the most addictive food, whilst also making it such that you get hungrier quicker.
It's just sugar.

There’s a reason every country that gets introduced to these ultra processed foods instantly sees their obesity rates skyrocket, even in cultures where discipline is highly favored.
It's literally just sugar.

Just sugar and MSG. The average American eats something like 125g of sugar a day. That's like eighty pounds a year, which is four-fold higher than it was in the nineteenth century. The WHO recommends 25g maximum.

Sugar is the culprit, because it has psychoactive properties that gets Americans, and everyone else for that matter, eating too damn much. Also nothing will be done about it because the sugar industry is huge with huge quotas and sugar has inelastic demand. There is sugar in cigarettes. There's sugar in drugs. Wonderbread is by weight 10 added sugar.

its always greycels with those stupid ass comments
For most men, it really is as difficultly simple as changing their eating habits, which means less sugar and calorie deficit. Not all men can lose weight from being on a calorie deficit because obesity has a genetic factor. I used to be friends with a very fat kid who I knew well and he never ate very much as I saw from sleepovers and stuff. Life can just be that unfair and brutal that subhuman insulin problems are genetic. The brutality has no bounds, only becomes more brutal the more you know.
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  • +1
Reactions: Alexanderr
It's just sugar.

It's literally just sugar.

Just sugar and MSG. The average American eats something like 125g of sugar a day. That's like eighty pounds a year, which is four-fold higher than it was in the nineteenth century. The WHO recommends 25g maximum.

Sugar is the culprit, because it has psychoactive properties that gets Americans, and everyone else for that matter, eating too damn much. Also nothing will be done about it because the sugar industry is huge with huge quotas and sugar has inelastic demand. There is sugar in cigarettes. There's sugar in drugs. Wonderbread is by weight 10 added sugar.

For most men, it really is as difficultly simple as changing their eating habits, which means less sugar and calorie deficit. Not all men can lose weight from being on a calorie deficit because obesity has a genetic factor. I used to be friends with a very fat kid who I knew well and he never ate very much as I saw from sleepovers and stuff. Life can just be that unfair and brutal that subhuman insulin problems are genetic. The brutality has no bounds, only becomes more brutal the more you know.
Ultra-processed foods aren't just sugar bombs. Salt amplifies cravings and enhances flavor. Fat, especially combined with sugar, hits a "bliss point" that's hard to resist. Artificial additives like MSG and certain sweeteners boost palatability and can increase appetite. This trio - salt, fat, and additives - works with sugar to create a hyper-rewarding experience that overrides our natural satiety cues. It's a calculated formula designed to keep us eating, exploiting our biology for profit.
  • +1
Reactions: NZb6Air
You can go into semi-conspiracy territory here. "Create problem and provide a solution, but not of the root cause, rather treating symptoms". Food industry may actually be not in antagonistic but symbiotic relationships with weight loss and fintess industry (and medical, of course).
I’d be inclined to say that as well, if it weren’t for the fact that having used these for over a year now, they almost entirely decimate any appetite for the stuff food manufacturers produce en masse.

It’s not as if the general public eating less unhealthy foods and just smaller portions doesn’t hurt their profits, it does.

I can imagine food manufacturers funding studies that’ll find some “previously unknown” side effects to these drugs in an effort to limit their accessibility to the general public.

It’ll be pretty interesting to see how big pharma vs. big food battle this out in court the coming years.
Also can the “just eat less bro :incel:” retards get off my thread? Most of you aren’t even 10%-12% body fat to begin with…
  • JFL
Reactions: NZb6Air
Goyslap lacks any nutrients which just makes your body even hungrier
Thank u dude, ngl I felt like I was reading one of those scam ads at the start 😭😂
  • JFL
Reactions: Alexanderr
Does any of this shit stunt growth?
Does any of this shit stunt growth?
It shouldn't, unless you get way too skinny. If you're still in puberty, 12%-14% bodyfat is a fine range to be in.
  • +1
Reactions: watah and yeeyeeslayer
Just pop an adderall why all these meady drugs?
  • JFL
Reactions: NZb6Air
caging at the troons that can't do a 36h fast
Good thread but isnt there a way to experience similar loss but without injecting allat? I just need to get rid of my love handles notin more, i dont need all that lmao

This is the reality for too many of us. Endless cravings, failed diets, and a gnawing feeling that we're stuck in a body that doesn't reflect who we want to be.

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Let's be honest – we've all got excuses when it comes to weight loss. "I'm too busy," "My genetics are bad," "I just love food too much." But what if those excuses were no longer valid? What if there was a solution that could help you overcome those obstacles and finally achieve the body you deserve?

Been there. Done that. Tried every diet, every workout, every "miracle" pill under the sun. The scale just keeps going up, and the frustration is a constant companion. You're a victim of your own biology, right? Wrong.

This is the weight loss secret that's been quietly transforming bodies for years. Now, it's your turn.
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I'll be honest, this shit's so much of a cheat code, part of me didn't even feel like sharing it, even if it's only to you guys here. Still, as I found out about these drugs on this forum, I felt it was only fair to take on the mantle and spread the word. Now come along boyos, and I'll show you the promised land.
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The Big 3: Semaglutide, Tirzepatide, and Retatrutide

1. Semaglutide (Ozempic/Wegovy)

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Semaglutide mimics GLP-1, a hormone that tells your brain you're full even when you've eaten less. This translates to fewer cravings and a reduced appetite, making it easier to stick to your diet and create the calorie deficit needed for fat loss. Semaglutide also slows down digestion, keeping you satisfied for longer and preventing those energy crashes that often lead to unhealthy snacking. And it doesn't stop there – Semaglutide also helps your body use glucose more efficiently, leading to better blood sugar control and sustained energy levels throughout the day.

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2. Tirzepatide (Mounjaro)
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Tirzepatide takes fat loss a step further by activating both the GLP-1 and GIP receptors. This dual action leads to even more powerful appetite suppression and potentially enhanced fat burning, helping you torch those stubborn pounds more effectively. Tirzepatide might also offer a range of benefits beyond weight loss, including nausea reduction, improved brain health, and stronger bones.

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3. Retatrutide
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Retatrutide is the newest and most potent GLP-1 receptor agonist, setting itself apart by targeting three key receptors: GLP-1, GIP, and glucagon. This triple-action approach creates a potent synergy that will likely significantly accelerate your fat loss.

Retatrutide ramps up appetite control to the extreme, making it easier to stick to your diet without feeling deprived. But what truly sets it apart is its activation of the glucagon receptor. Glucagon is a hormone that helps your body release stored energy, particularly from fat. By stimulating glucagon, Retatrutide encourages your body to tap into its fat reserves for fuel, enhancing fat burning. So, we're not simply talking about eating less here, it'll actively burn fat too. It also optimizes blood sugar control, further contributing to a leaner, healthier physique.

While Retatrutide is still in clinical trials, early results are incredibly promising, suggesting it could be the most effective fat-loss medication yet. So much so that there's already plenty of people purchasing and using it.
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Dosage and Frequency
Each medication has its own recommended dosage and injection frequency. Here's a quick rundown:

  • Semaglutide: Typically injected once a week, starting at a low dose (0.25 mg) and gradually increasing to a maximum of 2.4 mg.
  • Tirzepatide: Also injected once a week, with starting doses ranging from 2.5 mg to 5 mg and potentially increasing to a maximum of 15 mg.
  • Retatrutide: In clinical trials, it's being administered once a week, with dosages ranging from 1 mg to 12 mg.
Tip: Some users find that injecting every 5 days instead of every 7 helps maintain better appetite control throughout the week.

Okay, now that you know the players, let's break down how they work and why they're creating so much buzz.

How They Work​

So, how do these drugs actually work? Well, here's the gist.

They work by cleverly mimicking the actions of natural gut hormones that already play a key role in regulating your appetite, metabolism, and how your body processes food.

Think of it like this: your gut and your brain are in constant communication, sending signals back and forth about hunger, fullness, and energy levels. GLP-1 receptor agonists basically "hack" this communication system, amplifying the signals that tell your brain "I'm full" and "Slow down digestion."

Let's delve a bit more into detail.

Appetite Control. GLP-1 receptor agonists bind to specific receptors in your brain that are involved in regulating hunger and satiety. This directly reduces those nagging hunger pangs and cravings that usually make dieting such a struggle. You'll find yourself feeling satisfied with smaller portions and less tempted by those unhealthy snacks (it's genuinely crazy, I haven't eaten sweets in months).

Slower Digestion. These medications also delay gastric emptying, which is the process of food moving from your stomach to your intestines. This means food stays in your stomach for longer, further contributing to that feeling of fullness and preventing those rapid blood sugar spikes that can lead to cravings and energy crashes. This could affect (delay) the absorption of some oral medication or supplements you might be consuming, however.

Enhanced Insulin Response. GLP-1 receptor agonists also stimulate your pancreas to release more insulin, the hormone responsible for shuttling glucose (sugar) from your bloodstream into your cells for energy. This improves your body's ability to utilize glucose, leading to better blood sugar control and more stable energy levels.
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These medications are basically working with your body, not against it, to help you lose weight and even get healthier. Welcome to the future lads.

What you need to know before you start
While GLP-1s sound like a dream come true for any guy looking to level up his physique, they're not without their potential downsides.

Muscle Loss
While GLP-1s primarily target fat loss, some studies suggest they could affect muscle mass. (Likely due to quick, significant weight loss). To avoid this, prioritize protein intake (at least 1 gram per pound of body weight) and keep hitting the weights.

Nausea is a common side effect, especially when you're first starting or increasing your dosage. It also depends on which exact GLP-1 you are using. It usually subsides, but out of caution, start low and go slow. Staying hydrated can also help.

The Cost Factor.
These medications are expensive, and insurance coverage varies. For now, it's a barrier to entry for most. (Thank God). But as demand increases, prices and accessibility might improve. You'd likely still need a prescription though.

Luckily for you, there are (far cheaper) prescription-free ways you can get your hands on this shit, which will be explored later on in this thread.

The "Ozempic Face" Myth
That more defined facial appearance is primarily due to overall weight loss, not a unique effect of the medication.

Long-Term Commitment
GLP-1s are typically used long-term (maybe for life). To maintain your results, you'll either need to stay on it or adopt a healthy lifestyle so you don't regain most of the weight.

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Moving on...

1. The Ideal Scenario: Talk to a Doctor
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Listen, guys, consulting with a doctor is (almost) always the safest and smartest move. They're the experts, and they can provide the personalized guidance you need for optimal results.

Alright, now that I've got my ass covered...

2. Going Solo?

Now I know most of you guys will be going this route. Hell, I went this route, and I get it – sometimes (most) times, a doctor's visit isn't feasible. Maybe you don't have insurance or diabetes, or your insurance won't cover it (because you don't have diabetes), or the medication is simply unavailable in your region.

In any case, if you wanna go at it alone, a quick word of caution.

Self-administering medications like GLP-1s comes with risks. You could get the dosage wrong, experience unexpected side effects, or have an interaction with other medications you're taking. Take some responsibility, do a bit of research (this thread isn't enough, sorry boyos), and then decide whether it'd be worth it.

(It almost certainly would be, but you know how these disclaimers go).

Right, so you've made up your mind? Done your research? No? But still, determined to go at it alone? Well, here's how.

3. Reconstituting Peptides
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Most GLP-1s you'll find online come in powder form and need to be mixed with bacteriostatic water ("bac water") before injecting. This is called reconstitution. It's not as complicated as it sounds.

Here's the process:
  1. Calculate Your Dose: Use a peptide calculator (like this one: https://primepeptides.co/pages/peptide-calculator) to determine the exact amount of solution you need to draw up to get your desired dose.
  2. Mix it Up: Always use high-quality bac water from a reputable source. Use an insulin syringe (e.g., 31G 1 ml/cc) for accuracy. Inject the water slowly into the peptide vial, letting it slide down the side. Swirl gently to mix (don't shake). The solution should be clear.

Injection Technique​

GLP-1s are injected subcutaneously (under the skin) into fatty tissue. Common sites include your abdomen (at least two inches away from your belly button), thigh (front or outer part), or upper arm.

Thigh injections are preferred because they have fewer side effects, according to a study. Use a needle length of 5/16" (8mm) or shorter.
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Here's how to inject:
  1. Prepare: Wash your hands and gather your supplies (alcohol wipes, syringe, medication vial).
  2. Clean: Clean the vial top and your injection site with alcohol wipes.
  3. Draw: Attach a new, sterile needle to your syringe. Draw air into the syringe equal to your dose. Inject the air into the vial, turn it upside down, and withdraw the calculated amount of solution.
  4. Inject: Pinch the skin at the injection site and insert the needle at a 45-degree angle (or 90-degree, if needle size is short). Slowly inject the medication, withdraw the needle, and dispose of it properly. Don't rub the injection site.
  5. Rotate: Switch injection sites each time (or every few injections) to prevent irritation.
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It's basically like injecting insulin, which millions of people do daily. You really can't fuck this up, (well, maybe you can).

By now, you're probably wondering where to get your hands on all of this.

GLP-1 Forum
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There's a whole community dedicated to GLP-1s, with tons of vendor discussions: https://glp1forum.com/.
It's an independently run forum, so they are more open about discussing sources and vendors than Reddit.

Reputable Sources
The consensus is to stick with the top 2-3 most reputable vendors, even if they're not the cheapest. You'll find a lot of helpful information about vendors on that forum.

The user "dionysos", in particular, has some useful content. Including the following thread on the most actively used vendors on said forum, so you'd at least have a reference for where to start looking.
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Along with some useful Google docs on which vendors might be safest to buy from, and have the best standing. These documents can (currently), all still be found in his signature.

Here's one specifically for the U.S.

Handy Tool
For planning your GLP-1 dosage schedule, check out GLP-1 Plotter: https://glp1plotter.com/
It's a free online tool that helps you visualize different combinations and track your progress.

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Nutrition and Exercise
After all this, I know some of you'll be asking yourself, "With these drugs, do I even need to eat healthy and exercise?"

Well, here's the truth: GLP-1s are not a "get out of jail free card" when it comes to diet and exercise. They still work best when combined with a healthy lifestyle.

Could you get away with eating less-than-ideal food and skipping the gym? Short answer: Yes. You'd still lose weight, but you'd be missing out on the full potential of these medications.

But here's the thing: if you can't eat healthy now with the help of GLP-1s, you're probably never going to be able to stick to a healthy diet later either. So, use this opportunity to improve your nutrition, and learn how to eat & cook healthy food.

A Look Towards The Future
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Looking ahead, the weight loss landscape is changing, pretty rapidly. The current GLP-1 revolution is just the beginning, as researchers delve even deeper into gut hormone science, exploring new medications that promise even greater control over weight loss.

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Combination therapies are one promising development. Imagine targeting multiple hunger hormones simultaneously for a synergistic effect. That's exactly what's happening with Cagrilintide, a potent amylin analog that's showing impressive results in trials, even surpassing some existing GLP-1s. Combining Cagrilintide with Semaglutide has created Cagrisema, a dual-action medication that shows promise in early trials too.
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Scientists are also exploring Peptide YY (PYY) analogs, which could revolutionize appetite control (again). PYY signals fullness and reduces food intake, and long-acting versions are currently being tested, both alone and with GLP-1s.

In short: The weight loss industry is about to become a gold mine, and companies are scrambling to cash in on the next big thing.

Will everyone soon be walking around with 10-12% body fat? I doubt it, but the fact that it's even a plausible question is pretty fuckin' crazy to me.

Guess we'll end with a quote.


when i’m cutting i take nicotine, caffeine, coke 0, zero sugar gums, Yohimbine
1.go to doctor say you have adhd
2.adderal prescription mommy pays for
3. feel hungry? take one
calorie defcit and a tad bit of discpline is all you need

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