Have you ever noticed how movies/books/shows/etc bashed by the mainstream are often superior?



Jan 2, 2019
Because normies are retards it seems like nobody can make edgy or interesting stories and characters whilst consistently staying above a 4 star rating. Everything needs to be safe and mainstream so it doesn't get downvoted/roasted by easily triggered people and trolls. It's completely changed the way I view content in the 3-4 star range. I no longer exclude 3 star content in my searches.

5 star rating = mass produced garbage for NPCs.

EDIT: The stuff below was originally posted in response to @Trilogy question in which he requested examples.

Just go look at most highly rated (as in 4-5 stars) content. Nearly all of it is careful to not to include any characters or story tropes that might annoy/anger somebody unless it's the villain, in which case it will be a 2D character that's obviously evil (Voldemort, Darth Vader ,etc).

Mainstream entertainment is designed to pander to the masses by playing on popular insecurities and desires. Twilight is a good example where some uber-Chad is lusting after a generic foid for what seems like no reason.

Another example is how during test screenings for movies, film studios are know for changing the ending even if the movie is finished if the test audience didn't like the ending for emotional reasons (even if the original ending make more logical sense). Everything needs a 'happy' ending, the 'bad guy' needs to get what he 'deserves' etc.

Nobody can make a blackpilled and nihilist movie/show/book/whatever (unless it's about some mainstream bullshit issue like global warming) and expect it to enjoy massive mainstream success because normies can't handle realistic or dark stuff like that. At best, it will get a 3/5 star rating and them become a minor cult classic whilst staying in obscurity otherwise.

EDIT: I'll also add that most normies are simply too stupid and socially illiterate to understand complex settings/characters.
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Reactions: NoReedemingFeature, IAMNOTANINCEL, Deleted member 52057 and 2 others
sounds like a nitpick
I find every single films/series unwatchable.
Can you give an example
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 31457
@Mr. Nobody
Can you give an example
Just go look at most highly rated (as in 4-5 stars) content. Nearly all of it is careful to not to include any characters or story tropes that might annoy/anger somebody unless it's the villain, in which case it will be a 2D character that's obviously evil (Voldemort, Darth Vader ,etc).

Mainstream entertainment is designed to pander to the masses by playing on popular insecurities and desires. Twilight is a good example where some uber-Chad is lusting after a generic foid for what seems like no reason.

Another example is how during test screenings for movies, film studios are know for changing the ending even if the movie is finished if the test audience didn't like the ending for emotional reasons (even if the original ending make more logical sense). Everything needs a 'happy' ending, the 'bad guy' needs to get what he 'deserves' etc.

Nobody can make a blackpilled and nihilist movie/show/book/whatever (unless it's about some mainstream bullshit issue like global warming) and expect it to enjoy massive mainstream success because normies can't handle realistic or dark stuff like that. At best, it will get a 3/5 star rating and them become a minor cult classic whilst staying in obscurity otherwise.

EDIT: Gonna copy/paste this into the OP tbh.
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  • +1
Reactions: Trilogy
it's funny how people try to imitate what they see in movies irl
Because normies are retards it seems like nobody can make edgy or interesting stories and characters whilst consistently staying above a 4 star rating. Everything needs to be safe and mainstream so it doesn't get downvoted/roasted by easily triggered people and trolls. It's completely changed the way I view content in the 3-4 star range. I no longer exclude 3 star content in my searches.

5 star rating = mass produced garbage for NPCs.

EDIT: The stuff below was originally posted in response to @Trilogy question in which he requested examples.

Just go look at most highly rated (as in 4-5 stars) content. Nearly all of it is careful to not to include any characters or story tropes that might annoy/anger somebody unless it's the villain, in which case it will be a 2D character that's obviously evil (Voldemort, Darth Vader ,etc).

Mainstream entertainment is designed to pander to the masses by playing on popular insecurities and desires. Twilight is a good example where some uber-Chad is lusting after a generic foid for what seems like no reason.

Another example is how during test screenings for movies, film studios are know for changing the ending even if the movie is finished if the test audience didn't like the ending for emotional reasons (even if the original ending make more logical sense). Everything needs a 'happy' ending, the 'bad guy' needs to get what he 'deserves' etc.

Nobody can make a blackpilled and nihilist movie/show/book/whatever (unless it's about some mainstream bullshit issue like global warming) and expect it to enjoy massive mainstream success because normies can't handle realistic or dark stuff like that. At best, it will get a 3/5 star rating and them become a minor cult classic whilst staying in obscurity otherwise.

EDIT: I'll also add that most normies are simply too stupid and socially illiterate to understand complex settings/characters.
Nigga what u think its lowest common denominator u are the problem not the normies bc u are nd

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