
He has a perfect maxilla lol. If you had his maxilla you wouldnt have a .8 midface ratio
My midface are purely genetic AND it has nothing do with muh maxilla. I have more forward grown maxilla than this hapa dude.

  • JFL
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My midface are purely genetic AND it has nothing do with muh maxilla. I have more forward grown maxilla than this hapa dude.

View attachment 2126344
Dude your midface length is literly the height of your maxilla xD. Yours is too downwards grown and fucks your ratios
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holy fuckign shit every attractived simpled on male have SUPER GOOD BONES AND LEAN FACES ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDRDJLFLJEZOFJEMZFJEZMF
They are good looking for other reason than starving look.
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Seems like a larp (why would french friends talk to you in english) but if real fake ass niggas
we were in an international section in a magnet school.
That’s why we all went to top schools/unis. We were like the the elite of our school.
Sometimes we speak English, sometimes we speak french.
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Dude your midface length is literly the height of your maxilla xD. Yours is too downwards grown and fucks your ratios
Do you understand that there is no correlation between naturally grown downward grown face and maxilla? You can have non downward grown face with recessed maxilla and vica versa. . You are now arguing like biased dude.

His maxilla are sunken as hell.

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you know you mog them when they always go party together but never with you

they know they‘ll be inivisible
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This is normal.

Ascentions are a great way to weed out fake friends.

I started to mog a few of my "buddies" and they quickly turned into coping red pill rabid dogs.

Not gonna talk about the manlet "friends"of mine who will try and test me with everything they got.

Sam Hyde has a real good advice about such cases. Just slowly disappear from the life of these toxic people - don't make big fuzz about it or fight with them. Just slowly get out of their lives and let the toxicity and cortisol dissapear.

Probably, this whole thread is a shitty larp but if someone is actually experiencing this, the above mentioned advice is legit. Saved me so much cortisol spikes and wasted time.
how in the world am i larping dawg
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Do you understand that there is no correlation between naturally grown downward grown face and maxilla? You can have non downward grown face with recessed maxilla. You are now arguing like biased dude.
Dude you have a funny philtrum area and long nose which is your maxillary area. When i first saw you, you looked like youre sad like a cartoon dragging its whole face downwards lol idk why ur arguing against this
  • JFL
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Dude you have a funny philtrum area and long nose which is your maxillary area. When i first saw you, you looked like youre sad like a cartoon dragging its whole face downwards lol idk why ur arguing against this
I have naturally longmidface but not recessed maxilla. I was talking about this asian dude. So I dont know why you are draggin my face in this argument. Do you really think his maxilla is not sunken? You also have long philtrum and long nose AND YOu still get chad treatment. So why you are coping with midface?

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I have longmidface but not recessed maxilla. I was talking about this asian dude. So I dont know why you are draggin my face in this argument. Do you really think his maxilla is not sunken? You also have long philtrum and long nose AND YOu still have chad treatment. So why you are coping with midface?

View attachment 2126388
he mogs you ure high MTN
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I have naturally longmidface but not recessed maxilla. I was talking about this asian dude. So I dont know why you are draggin my face in this argument. Do you really think his maxilla is not sunken? You also have long philtrum and long nose AND YOu still get chad treatment. So why you are coping with midface?

View attachment 2126388
midface isnt a cope but its weird that you always keep saying that i have a .8 midface like you brah. Okay
he mogs you ure high MTN
He is chadlite . Of course he mogs me. iM HTN. I have done like 4-5 polls and majority have rated me htn.
midface isnt a cope but its weird that you always keep saying that i have a .8 midface like you brah. Okay
Bro you have very long midface. like same tiers as mine.
Les hommes beaux sont détestés par les hommes qui ne sont pas beaux
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Might be autistic but why don't you call them out?

Brutalize them with reality
I don’t wanna seem like a low T bitch.
I’ll just keep life mogging them tbh
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Fuck them they are just jealous and its pathetic tbh keep being friends with them too life mogg them
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He is chadlite . Of course he mogs me. iM HTN. I have done like 4-5 polls and majority have rated me htn.
in my book youre MTN your nothing special and every 3rd guy looks like you

@David Rothschild @Blackgymmax @St.TikTokcel

im a htn no way were on the same level
Too many words for me to read especially when it isn’t related to me

I suggest you beat his ass, but in mutual hand to hand combat, that way it is legal, and whoever wins is the real mogger
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in my book youre MTN your nothing special and every 3rd guy looks like you

@David Rothschild @Blackgymmax @St.TikTokcel

im a htn no way were on the same level
If I look mtn. WHy I get Ios and girls treatme very well?


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But regarding the OP, a lot of your social life is directly correlated with your looks (water), especially in nightmare mode UK. Imagine if you were in a British college pre-ascension. I know I probably wouldn't stand a chance due to my race/pheno and height, for example.
Thanks for your really nice comments man.
But trust me, you would do really damn good here.
I have an east asian friend that you mog to a whole other planet, and he gets with girls all the time. They’re usually mtbs, so you’d probably get better.
Once he even walked up to a htb asian dancing with an indian dude and they made out on the spot, in front of the dude.

I’m not trying to gaslight or anything, but i think your pheno wouldn’t be too penalising, if at all, in the UK.
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After highschool, most of the boys stayed in France and went to some of the best prep schools.
I however, went to a top uni in the UK.

The atmospheres are quite different:

-They study 90 hours a week and have no social life.

-I go clubbing 3 times a week, have a girlfriend, have sex 12 times a week, have pizza nights, drink a lot, pull girls every week, go to the gym 2 hours a day every day, all while being guaranteed a great degree.

I lifemog them to another universe. I also mog them looks-wise real hard, since I ascended during summer.

However, now they hate on me for everything.
They call me a retard, tell me I have no future, tell me I'm a dickhead, tell me my life is shit and that I look like shit.

These are a few examples of what they've said:

When I sent my physique just as I hopped on my rad-140 cycle:

3 replies. None of them were positive. All of them trying to get a giggle out of me. Pathetic.

Then, the 5'6 guy sends his physique. Look at this shit:

What the fuck? In which fucking universe does your 1600kcal/day for maintenance manlet-ass even compare to me? I'll snap your pencil neck with my fucking fingers.
But that's not the worst part.
They hype mr.manlet up and tell him he's a "monster". WHAT?!!?!!

Then some other dude comes in to criticise my physique AGAIN:

He meant "prepubescent".


Here's another example of how much they hate me.
I updated my status to "self-proclaimed chess GM" on insta.
Well, 10 minutes later, this nerd added a status for the first time.



Then one time I posted a cute video of my girlfriend and I playing fortnite.
Look at their replies! (swipe for second pic):



Here is some other normie.
They were mocking me for being down bad for a girl last year.
I sent a pic of me taking the piss out of myself saying "so many efforts, yet so little puss".

I know my pic isn't the best, but i was bloated and just taking a pic for the boys' group chat.
HOW DARE HE???:feelsuhh:

There are so many more examples which are a lot worse. I just can't scroll up the chat for hours to find them.
They always compare themselves to me and claim to be better than me as soon as they can.

They do shit like:

-One time they told a girl in a club (that I was about to get with) that I had a girlfriend. These motherfuckers ruined my slay just for the hell of it. What kinda "friends" do that shit???

-They mass-reported the tiktok of my jaw evolution that went kinda viral because it was posted without my consent. I DIDNT TELL THEM TO REPORT IT. I TOLD THEM TO STOP REPORTING BUT THEY KEPT DOING IT "FOR MY PRIVACY". Like bitch, I know you just want that shit taken down cus you're all jealous.

-Posted old subhuman pics of me in their stories for my birthday. They never EVER posted me in their stories for my birthday, but this year (now that i've escaped the normie-race) they all decided to post ugly pics of me. THEY CHOSE THE WORST PICS FROM 1-2 YEARS AGO. Fuck them. Of course my oneitis saw them :hnghn:

-They created a new boys group chat without me. reasoning: "well you don't live in France anymore so we thought it was pointless for you to be in the convo". Brah, they all live in different parts of the country and only see each other over holidays, and I always come back for the holidays too. Can they make it more obvious that they hate me?

I rarely post in the group chat. I'm not the annoying kid or whatsoever. If anything i'm the quiet one.
But every time I say something they have to shit on me.

This is lifefuel for me.
I am just starting.
Give me a few more months.
I will be a whole different person.
I will be their ropefuel.
They can keep coping with gymcelling.
They will never have the face.
They can think whatever they want.
Actions speak louder than words.
And none of them are getting any action.

Keep ascending, and shut the fuck up while you haven't.

Another narcy thread by pneumo

this sounds like you're the problem aspie,
and that is not a stacylite side profile you posted
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  • JFL
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high MTN is high HTN appeal IRL, no wonder you get attention
mtn or high mtn are invisible irl. Maybe you are overating yourself buddy boy.
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mtn or high mtn are invisible irl. Maybe you are overating yourself buddy boy.
more like underrate, i got chadlite more than htn

but im not on the level as OP who gets rated chadlite, thats why i say HTN
  • Woah
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mtn or high mtn are invisible irl. Maybe you are overating yourself buddy boy.
and high mtn arent invisible

sorry boyo but nothing about your appearance really stands out, you look like an average person
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and high mtn arent invisible

sorry boyo but nothing about your appearance really stands out, you look like an average person
Nah Majority of people voted me htn. So I THINK im htn. I have big chin. Good eyebrows, Good hair, No curry orbitals. None of your rating matters if you dont show up your pics.
  • Woah
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holy fuckign shit every attractived simpled on male have SUPER GOOD BONES AND LEAN FACES ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDRDJLFLJEZOFJEMZFJEZMF
Why are you typing like a zoomer foid JFL
  • JFL
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Nah Majority of people voted me htn. So I THINK im htn. I have big chin. Good eyebrows, Good hair, No curry orbitals. None of your rating matters if you dont show up your pics.
my pics are posted lol
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Can you post frontal pic so I can see your eyes and frontal bode structure. Its impossible rate frauded pic. If you frontal is good. Then I think you could be chadlite and people are underrating you badly.
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You say you went to England while they all stayed in France? Don't you think that's got something to do with it? It's not uncommon for people who move away from a friend group to get hated on since you're basically abandoning them.
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  • JFL
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Yea it really is tbh one time i almost got beaten up by 6 albanians because i was making out with his girl luckily my friends had my back
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Yea it really is tbh one time i almost got beaten up by 6 albanians because i was making out with his girl luckily my friends had my back
yea i always get in trouble with jealous incels too

one time i wanted to get home from a party, approached a group of 2 girls and 2 guys and asked if i can go with them because no other taxis were available, we didnt have space so one of the girls sat on my lap and constantly grinded on me, we made out and i think she was the gf on one of the guys because they started to act very salty

after I provoked them because they were so annoying they wanted to beat the shit out of me, luckily the girls were on my side and held them back and paid for my paid things

one of my slayer stories
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This is normal.

Ascentions are a great way to weed out fake friends.

I started to mog a few of my "buddies" and they quickly turned into coping red pill rabid dogs.

Not gonna talk about the manlet "friends"of mine who will try and test me with everything they got.

Sam Hyde has a real good advice about such cases. Just slowly disappear from the life of these toxic people - don't make big fuzz about it or fight with them. Just slowly get out of their lives and let the toxicity and cortisol dissapear.

Probably, this whole thread is a shitty larp but if someone is actually experiencing this, the above mentioned advice is legit. Saved me so much cortisol spikes and wasted time.
Love sam Hyde
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yea i always get in trouble with jealous incels too

one time i wanted to get home from a party, approached a group of 2 girls and 2 guys and asked if i can go with them because no other taxis were available, we didnt have space so one of the girls sat on my lap and constantly grinded on me, we made out and i think she was the gf on one of the guys because they started to act very salty

after I provoked them because they were so annoying they wanted to beat the shit out of me, luckily the girls were on my side and held them back and paid for my paid things

one of my slayer stories
Holy shit that is dirtyyy.
Man whooooaaaaaa :what: :what:
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mcgregor is clear cut chad, he is mid chadlite
Yea but this mid Chadlite has better apeal for young foids
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