height means nothing to women. It is a funny tik tok trend but completely meaningless in the real world. Face is law, now and forever



Curry has descended...its over.
Nov 17, 2023
-said by an actual user on this forum. yeah bro the hundreds of real world example of ugly tall people getting girls is all a "meme" bro🤣
  • JFL
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Nigga made me delete essays
Nigga made me delete essays
height means nothing blud, as a legit mtn 6 foot 2 (not larping bro i swear) face is king and height don's matter
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height means nothing blud, as a legit mtn 6 foot 2 (not larping bro i swear) face is king and height don's matter
Yes bro face is indeed king. Muh 8 inch or death.

Put your face inside her vagina and watch her orgasm with it.
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For some height matters more and for some face matters more
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but they will always matter to some extent with every women
Face vs height has been a debate for a long time.

It's complicated since different girls will have different preferences.
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Face vs height has been a debate for a long time.

It's complicated since different girls will have different preferences.
And it doesn’t matter wht you have because you’re still a curry slave
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-said by an actual user on this forum. yeah bro the hundreds of real world example of ugly tall people getting girls is all a "meme" bro🤣
you had me in the first half ngl
i swear i would have fucked the one of the hotest girls in my school if i was 6 inches taller

height is a must
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bro thinks 6 4 is to tall to be desierable to women, gotta be the dumbest user ngl
there is only too short actually
even if you above 6'7 as long as your face is good woman will look up
there is only too short actually
even if you above 6'7 as long as your face is good woman will look up
yeah retards are brainwashed cause taller people tend to be ugly, but if u put the same exact face but just make the high taller u will never lose appeal
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Height is cope beyond 5'9-5'10
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sun 6'2 men dont exist irl
Height is cope. When you see women saying they would only date a guy that’s 6ft+ if they see a chad, that goes out the window. Unless you’re below 5”7.
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You’re severely clueless and uneducated about most topics, including this one.
Height is cope. When you see those videos of women saying they would only date a guy that’s 6ft+ if they see a chad, that goes out the window. Unless you’re below 5”7.
yes height doesn't matter cause a 0.1% man could appear and mog u, great logic bro!
  • JFL
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-said by an actual user on this forum. yeah bro the hundreds of real world example of ugly tall people getting girls is all a "meme" bro🤣
height is only a problem if you're like really short, like the type of height where you stand out as a midget everywhere you go. If you are tall and ugly you will slay, if you are average height and facially attractive you will also slay. You need to be atleast chadlite facially if you wanna easily slay at average height, if you are htn you can slay only if you are either NTmaxxed or dark triad bad boy low inhib maxxed. NTmaxxed Gamemaxxed Stylemaxxed MTN can never slay but they can get LTR but ofc they will eventually be dumped
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height is only a problem if you're like really short, like the type of height where you stand out as a midget everywhere you go.
not really talking about it being a "problem" a 5 10 person doesn't have a high problem but there's no doubt that being 6 2 increases ur attraction
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yes height doesn't matter cause a 0.1% man could appear and mog u, great logic bro!
I am 5"9 in the US. Hooked up with 97 women in 4 years. Happy to hear your explanation. I am no Chad either, HTN. If height was truly that important, I should have had shit results with online dating and meeting them irl.

Please include in your explanation why 6'4 people often have way lower bcs than me. If height is an important variable, they surely must outslay a relatively shy 5"9 guy.
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I am 5"9 in the US. Hooked up with 97 women in 4 years. Happy to hear your explanation. I am no Chad either, HTN. If height was truly that important, I should have had shit results with online dating and meeting them irl.
but on the inverse a lot of 6 4 htn are slayers, so you can say if looks were truly that important they wouldn't be a slayer
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but on the inverse a lot of 6 4 htn are slayers, so you can say if looks were truly that important they wouldn't be a slayer
So by this logic you are saying i am a statistical anomaly.
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So by this logic you are saying i am a statistical anomaly.
when did i ever say that bud? 5 9 isn't short so you shouldn't struggle getting women if ur htn. also don't know the quality of women u slept with to make conclusive data
Another retarded Anthony thread, more news at 11
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when did i ever say that bud? 5 9 isn't short so you shouldn't struggle getting women if ur htn. also don't know the quality of women u slept with to make conclusive data
Fair enough. Well the quality varies. The rare few who are amateur IG models with 200k, to normal highly educated girls HTB to MTBs. I only have sex with whites (or latinas or middle eastern). Never with black, asian, indian etc simply due to phenotypic preference.
Fair enough. Well the quality varies. The rare few who are amateur IG models with 200k, to normal highly educated girls HTB to MTBs. I only have sex with whites (or latinas or middle eastern). Never with black, asian, indian etc simply due to phenotypic preference.
by your own logic, if looks mattered then how does htn pull htbs and IG models, accoring to looks theory these women should be reserved for chadlite/chad only. (this isn't a debunk of looks theory im just saying it's not always black and white)
Height is cope. When you see women saying they would only date a guy that’s 6ft+ if they see a chad, that goes out the window. Unless you’re below 5”7.
Jfl their perception of 6 ft isn't align with a real 6 footer. More like 5 ft 10 night
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by your own logic, if looks mattered then how does htn pull htbs and IG models, accoring to looks theory these women should be reserved for chadlite/chad only. (this isn't a debunk of looks theory im just saying it's not always black and white)
Because its not an everyday occurence that I pull IG models lol. It just happened I was exactly her type looks wise, right place right time (which comes down to luck).
when did i ever say that wouldn't happen? face is king isn't the part i'm disagreeing with btw
hes a troll, he also said 5-9 and 5-10 is ideal
Nigga when did I say it was ideal jfl at your comprehension. I said that it's the cut off mark that you need to meet. Anything beyond that is just a bonus.
Nigga when did I say it was ideal jfl at your comprehension. I said that it's the cut off mark that you need to meet. Anything beyond that is just a bonus.

Swarthy Knight


JoinedOct 18, 2021Posts1,214Reputation1,375
Cope. 5'9-5'10 is the ideal height
Jfl my nigga u went ghost for a few days just to come back and make this shit thread?
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I am 5"9 in the US. Hooked up with 97 women in 4 years. Happy to hear your explanation. I am no Chad either, HTN. If height was truly that important, I should have had shit results with online dating and meeting them irl.

Please include in your explanation why 6'4 people often have way lower bcs than me. If height is an important variable, they surely must outslay a relatively shy 5"9 guy.
because unlike what basement dwellers say NT and status is extremely important, one guy from my school was a legit slayer with a higher body count than you and he wasn't even HTN he straight up looked ugly, wasn't short or tall he was 5'10

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