Norwood 1
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Coloring-Maxxing is the most important softmax that you can perform, unquestionably.
As you can see, my appeal improved tremendously, as well as my health indicators. I look like a healthy individual for the first time in my life.
1. Tanning (Melanotan-2)
-I started melanotan-2 just last week, and already have gotten decent results, DESPITE wearing SPF daily.
-I only wear 35 SPF and dont tan, I just want passive results over the course of a few months instead of getting super dark in a few days.
-I am currently dosing my melanotan at 350MCG daily, I administer in the AM after eating so that I dont feel as sick from it.
-Melanotan can be used as an appetite suppressant aswell.
-I source my melanotan from researchem.store
-you will need melanotan 2 powder, and BAC water to mix it with.
2. Eye color.
For this one, I have been using an eye lightening serum to go from dark-light green.
I dont use elbastardos formula but I would recommend it over mine
Since im a cheapcel, I just use
-pharma pure DMSO dmso
-Saline saline
-MSM powder MSM
-Sclera whitening drops eyedrops
As well as mixing bottles here
I used these ingredients because I deemed them most potent in their lightening properties in retrospect to the price of the chemicals. I also take 8 grams of the MSM powder orally everyday.
I do about .75mL of pure DMSO to every 6 mL of saline or it hurts my eyes, I also put about half a teaspoon of MSM powder into the dropper and an a random amount of sclera drops.
Realistically, white sclera is the biggest looksmax you will achieve but this is important for health indicators and coloring.
3. Eyelash and Eyebrow maxxing
Im not gonna reiterate whats been posted a billion times on eyebrow-maxxing so here
But I have been using a special eyebrow dye imported from europe to max them my dye
-looks out of stock right now but if you can get it, do it.
I apply the developer straight onto my brows and lashes, wait 2 min then put the dye on top, I leave it on for about 20 minutes then wipe it off with a paper towel or tissues for max results. currently dyeing every 2 weeks or so.
Also use vaseline around the dye locations so it doesnt stain your skin, just spam it all around.
4. Hair color-maxxing
I dyed my hair with blonde highlights (not DIY with a stylist)
But she did not go light enough unfortunately so I will have to revise this.
I wanted this color like strijid, but My hair didnt come out quite right, still a looksmax and mogs hard in the sunlight so its ok for my first attempt.
But if you want a whitepill on frauding blonde hair
Peter Otoole AKA the god of coloring doesnt have naturally blonde hair, its bleached then dyed.
5. Skin color maxxing (undertones)
Tan is the biggest looksmax for skin coloring, but you need to have good undertones aswell.
I take Beta-carotine supplements and eat carrots but the bio-availability of supplements is shit so I spam sweet potatoes for an extra boost aswell.
I also need to have pure flawless skin which is why I have been using .05% topical tretinion to rid any acne I have, and give my skin a more youthful appearance.
I have some red undertones which are actually a failo in some cases.
Heres an example of red undertones (failo) VS pink undertones (halo)
Heres a good redness guide from @NorwoodAscender , you may have the condition he mentions so check it out.
I will prob get Vbeam done (PDL laser) to fix the broken capillaries in my skin and even out the undertones
I also use azelaic acid 10% every morning layered under my moisturizer and sunscreen, would use PM but I cant stack it with tretinoin. I also ordered isotretinoin (accutane) to microdose ontop of the topical tret at 5-10 MG daily.
Fake tan
I use self tanning drops daily to fraud even more tan skin, this hides the undertones well. Clarions drops
-I use clarions bronzing drops, I recommend them because they are acne safe and dont clog pores, been using for months.
I use bro-glo on my neck because its more permanent and the neck doesnt really breakout as much. Dont just do your face or it will look weird, also do neck.
6. Redlips maxxing
Having bright red/pink lips is ideal for coloring, for me I try to go for more of a reddish tone, but this will change person to person what looks ideal
I spam brushing lips with a toothbrush to make them look bigger, aswell as keeping them moisturized at all times.
I use tinted lipstick to fraud red lips, its completely undetectable and super cheap link
Keep this at all times.
7. white teeth maxxing
Look how much this guy gets halo'd by white teeth. I use
@pneumocystosis teeth whitening guide (glad u got contributor badge it was overdue!)
I also use this when im in a rush whitening gel , i would get this to start out. It is pretty much as good. You dont need the gum barrier stuff with it either
just a mouth opening tool here
-I use it for about 30 minutes then rinse it out. I will invisalign max soon too.
8. Colored contacts.
Heres the best colored contacts available here , pick a color close to your natural one. Dont try to fraud A10s as a dalit.
A good example is me having dark green eyes and frauding nordic light green eyes. These are giga expensive but worth, I will buy them soon and start wearing when I go to uni cuz no one will know me.
More tips and reasonings
Coloring is legit 2 PSL worth of your overall rating, but thankfully you can softmax it easily. This is the Otooles pill, swallow it
The guy on the left (vasily stepanov) looks way more highclass then salludon and mogs him brutally despite having worse harmony %. He can wear a white tshirt and look like royalty and salludon could wear a 10k suit and still be perceived as low class.
Your example
I recommend you pick someone with good coloring but achievable for you to softmax, for me I picked Thom Strijid because all of his coloring is fraudable for me, but obviously a mediterranean couldn't fraud that so they should go for someone like Gandy or Kortejerna's coloring.
I think you should go lighter for all your coloring instead of trying to fraud dark triad. The reason is that lighter coloring is more approachable by far, and as an autist (you reading this rn) you will only have a chance with a girl if she approaches you first.
@Orc looks way better with dark black hair but told me he gets more dates with his hair being blonde.
I mean seriously who do you think a girl is more likely to approach @BrahminBoss
But thanks for reading, tags
@dragomaxxer @Carv @coispet @Michael Myers @NumbThePain @NorwoodAscender @hollowcaulk @pneumocystosis @ChadL1te @Gaygymmaxx @ElBastardo @<6PSLcel

I just started coloring-maxxing last week, i will have more gains soon enough bhais.
As you can see, my appeal improved tremendously, as well as my health indicators. I look like a healthy individual for the first time in my life.
1. Tanning (Melanotan-2)
-I started melanotan-2 just last week, and already have gotten decent results, DESPITE wearing SPF daily.
-I only wear 35 SPF and dont tan, I just want passive results over the course of a few months instead of getting super dark in a few days.
-I am currently dosing my melanotan at 350MCG daily, I administer in the AM after eating so that I dont feel as sick from it.
-Melanotan can be used as an appetite suppressant aswell.
-I source my melanotan from researchem.store
-you will need melanotan 2 powder, and BAC water to mix it with.
Your melanotan 2 will come in powder form in a small vial, take your BAC water and draw out 1ML of water, and slowly drop it against the side of the vial in or you will damage the MT-2.
heres how to calculate your desired dosage
-I pin sub-q into my stomach with a 1cc 30 Gauge insulin pin.

heres how to calculate your desired dosage
Peptide Calculator – Researchem | Empirical Research Compounds

2. Eye color.
For this one, I have been using an eye lightening serum to go from dark-light green.

I dont use elbastardos formula but I would recommend it over mine

ElBastardo's Guide to Eye Lightening and Color Change with instructions for mixing your own solution of color changing & lightening eye drops
This guide will explain how the processes (both natural and artificial) that causes eye color to change. I will also be giving instructions on how to mix your own eye drop solution which will lighten/change the eye color and has the side benefit of whitening the sclera of the eye. The formula...
Since im a cheapcel, I just use
-pharma pure DMSO dmso
-Saline saline
-MSM powder MSM
-Sclera whitening drops eyedrops
As well as mixing bottles here
I used these ingredients because I deemed them most potent in their lightening properties in retrospect to the price of the chemicals. I also take 8 grams of the MSM powder orally everyday.
I do about .75mL of pure DMSO to every 6 mL of saline or it hurts my eyes, I also put about half a teaspoon of MSM powder into the dropper and an a random amount of sclera drops.
Realistically, white sclera is the biggest looksmax you will achieve but this is important for health indicators and coloring.
3. Eyelash and Eyebrow maxxing
Im not gonna reiterate whats been posted a billion times on eyebrow-maxxing so here

The Eyebrowmaxxing Guide
The Eyebrowmaxxing Guide how to get... ideal eyebrows . Eyebrows are often neglected and undervalued, but they can affect your looks vastly just like haircuts do. In this thread I am going to introduce you to my perception of ideal eyebrows and the importance of them, elobrate the reasons...

Eyebrow Looksmaxxing Guide: An Important Pillar To Your Eye Area
Eyebrow Looksmaxxing Guide: An Important Pillar To Your Eye Area by @enchanted_elixir, requested by @bogii Table Of Contents Introduction Importance Of Eyebrows How To Enhance Your Eyebrows Conclusion Introduction I was requested by @bogii to make this thread. Not much else to say here...
But I have been using a special eyebrow dye imported from europe to max them my dye
-looks out of stock right now but if you can get it, do it.
I apply the developer straight onto my brows and lashes, wait 2 min then put the dye on top, I leave it on for about 20 minutes then wipe it off with a paper towel or tissues for max results. currently dyeing every 2 weeks or so.
Also use vaseline around the dye locations so it doesnt stain your skin, just spam it all around.
4. Hair color-maxxing
I dyed my hair with blonde highlights (not DIY with a stylist)

But she did not go light enough unfortunately so I will have to revise this.

I wanted this color like strijid, but My hair didnt come out quite right, still a looksmax and mogs hard in the sunlight so its ok for my first attempt.
But if you want a whitepill on frauding blonde hair

Peter Otoole AKA the god of coloring doesnt have naturally blonde hair, its bleached then dyed.
5. Skin color maxxing (undertones)
Tan is the biggest looksmax for skin coloring, but you need to have good undertones aswell.
I take Beta-carotine supplements and eat carrots but the bio-availability of supplements is shit so I spam sweet potatoes for an extra boost aswell.
I also need to have pure flawless skin which is why I have been using .05% topical tretinion to rid any acne I have, and give my skin a more youthful appearance.
I have some red undertones which are actually a failo in some cases.

Heres an example of red undertones (failo) VS pink undertones (halo)

Red Skin: The Condition That Derms Keep Misdiagnosing w/Solutions (Redcels GTFIH)
Take a quick look at this picture. What is the very first thing you notice? other than my big ass nose or pencilneck:lul: Im assuming most of you noticed the red cheeks correct? What is my condition? What I have is a skin condition called Keratosis pilaris rubra faceii. This condition gets...
Heres a good redness guide from @NorwoodAscender , you may have the condition he mentions so check it out.
I will prob get Vbeam done (PDL laser) to fix the broken capillaries in my skin and even out the undertones
I also use azelaic acid 10% every morning layered under my moisturizer and sunscreen, would use PM but I cant stack it with tretinoin. I also ordered isotretinoin (accutane) to microdose ontop of the topical tret at 5-10 MG daily.
Fake tan
I use self tanning drops daily to fraud even more tan skin, this hides the undertones well. Clarions drops
-I use clarions bronzing drops, I recommend them because they are acne safe and dont clog pores, been using for months.
I use bro-glo on my neck because its more permanent and the neck doesnt really breakout as much. Dont just do your face or it will look weird, also do neck.
6. Redlips maxxing
Having bright red/pink lips is ideal for coloring, for me I try to go for more of a reddish tone, but this will change person to person what looks ideal
I spam brushing lips with a toothbrush to make them look bigger, aswell as keeping them moisturized at all times.
I use tinted lipstick to fraud red lips, its completely undetectable and super cheap link
Keep this at all times.
7. white teeth maxxing

Look how much this guy gets halo'd by white teeth. I use
@pneumocystosis teeth whitening guide (glad u got contributor badge it was overdue!)

I used to have yellow teeth. My teeth were so yellow that some girls would point it out. This is strange, because I have always maintained top-tier buccal hygiene; therefore I thought I just had shit teeth genetics and cried myself to sleep every night knowing that I'd never get that...
I also use this when im in a rush whitening gel , i would get this to start out. It is pretty much as good. You dont need the gum barrier stuff with it either
just a mouth opening tool here
-I use it for about 30 minutes then rinse it out. I will invisalign max soon too.
8. Colored contacts.

Heres the best colored contacts available here , pick a color close to your natural one. Dont try to fraud A10s as a dalit.
A good example is me having dark green eyes and frauding nordic light green eyes. These are giga expensive but worth, I will buy them soon and start wearing when I go to uni cuz no one will know me.
More tips and reasonings
Coloring is legit 2 PSL worth of your overall rating, but thankfully you can softmax it easily. This is the Otooles pill, swallow it

The guy on the left (vasily stepanov) looks way more highclass then salludon and mogs him brutally despite having worse harmony %. He can wear a white tshirt and look like royalty and salludon could wear a 10k suit and still be perceived as low class.
Your example
I recommend you pick someone with good coloring but achievable for you to softmax, for me I picked Thom Strijid because all of his coloring is fraudable for me, but obviously a mediterranean couldn't fraud that so they should go for someone like Gandy or Kortejerna's coloring.
I think you should go lighter for all your coloring instead of trying to fraud dark triad. The reason is that lighter coloring is more approachable by far, and as an autist (you reading this rn) you will only have a chance with a girl if she approaches you first.
@Orc looks way better with dark black hair but told me he gets more dates with his hair being blonde.

I mean seriously who do you think a girl is more likely to approach @BrahminBoss
But thanks for reading, tags
@dragomaxxer @Carv @coispet @Michael Myers @NumbThePain @NorwoodAscender @hollowcaulk @pneumocystosis @ChadL1te @Gaygymmaxx @ElBastardo @<6PSLcel
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