How I slayed arab girls and how you can too

This guide is only for looksmaxxed or above average looking men. Incels and fags please leave, PSL autists too.

To preface, you must know arab men have lowest SMV. They are no taller than 5'9 on average at best, average arab male penis size ranges from 4-5 inches. Now, add in a raging obesity crisis in Middle East and you quickly realise most arab men are easily moggable if you are tall and gymmaxed.

Now, despite common notions, arab women are very open to all western men, both black and white. From my experience in Lebanon, being Somali did not hurt my SMV and I managed to fuck a beautiful woman despite only a week there. Do not prettyboymaxx, they only want masculine men, also this guide most likely will not work if you short or Indian. Because of 8.7 million Indian labourers in Middle East, they have no status in dating and frequently commit rape and crimes. Sorry.

For reference, this is the arab stacylite I smashed

View attachment 1775688
Arab foids usually have good bodies.
Clean ( muslims have to due to prayer requirements)
Very polite no feminist bullshit.
Arab girls cannot take dick, this confused me a lot. Maybe it was evolutionary trait to match their small dick arab male counterparts, not sure though.
Hairy as fuck.
Risky in some countries, Sharia Law might get your head cut off.


First and most important is Islam larp, if you a white and pretend to convert to Islam, you get massive halo. If you are black with western passport, you will have BBC halo and rapper halo. Being either of these things increases SMV, but if you are a muslim, then girls will think that you will commit to marriage and it will be much easier for them to give up their virginnity to you.

ISLAMMAXXING: This is all you need to know to pass as muslim.

First pillar of Islam is Shahada, it means there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Please right now speak these few lines, "lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāhu muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh". Alhamdulilah, you are now muslim brother.

Second pillar of Islam is Salah (prayer), it is done 5 times a day and you must do Wudu before it. You must learn how to do wudu, and how to pray. Foremostly, prayer reuqires knowledge of two surahs, Al-fatiah and another surah.

Memorise al faitah is is extremely important, "Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil aalameen, Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Maaliki Yawmid-Deen, Iyyaaka na'budu wa lyyaaka nasta'een, Ihdinas-Siraatal-Mustaqeem, Siraatal-lazeena an'amta 'alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi 'alaihim wa lad-daaalleen"

Fourth is Sawm (fasting). Do not attempt to slay during holy month of Ramadan, you will definetly get beheaded.

3rd and 5th pillars are useless forget them.

Statusmaxxing and phenotypemaxxing in Middle East

You must be tall, have a Western passport and accent, and most importantly belong to these 3 phenotypes.
View attachment 1775678View attachment 1775679View attachment 1775680

Mediterranean exotic pheno, North atlantid pheno and racially ambiguous, if you fall into any of these 3 you will slay any arab girl. For some reason Nordic phenotypes did not perform as well, maybe they are too feminine. Either way, these 3 are only phenos that could mog.

"B-but piratemagger your a negro!" Yes, myself a Somali, I fall into none of these phenos, but having curly hair and being 6'3 it did not really matter as I still mogged any arab guy I walked past.

Where to meet girls?

Stay away from gulf countries like Saudi arabia. If caught fornicating with a girl before marriage, an oil rich prince will behead you and then take the girl you are with onto his yacht to fuck for himself. Brutal statuspill. Good countries are Lebanon, Algeria or Morocco. Howeveer, Lebanon should be first on your list.

Do not use tinder unless you are high inhib, arab women are the most approachable due to being sex-deprived and would much rather be with a foreigner than marry their cousin, which alot do. Here is a cousin marriage map of Middle East with percentages.
View attachment 1775681

Cousin marriages happen because of small social circle caused by separation of the sexes. It benefits males much much more than women, I have seen arab stacylites get arranged marriages to subhuman cousins. Arab women do not like this, just look at Saudi Arabia divorce rate.

Is it a coincidence that Saudi Arabia's divorce rate is almost directly proportional to its cousin marriage percentage?

Can I benefit from this?

Yes, the arab woman I met and smashed was 27 and divorced. But muslim autists will think "b-b-but muslim girl sooo trad!" JFL if you think this, I will debunk it even further for you copers.

Maldives has highest divorce rate on Earth, they even won a fucking noble prize for it. How funny that the country with highest divorce rate on Planet Earth is also the only 100% muslim country on fucking planet?

Mega blackpill for muslim copers, retads actually think their wife won't leave them for gandy JFL.

How do I approach?

Now you are mostly ready, you must know one thing that I cannot stress enough, do not fucking use tinder. Geomaxxing in Middle East is not same as in Southeast Asia, girls here are sluts but still have some standard. I recommend clubmaxxing or if you are mega low inhib you can cold approach.

They will always give you their number if you speak with a Western accent. Once you have got her number, wait one day and text her the following evening asking if she is free tonight. Majority of time, it is an easy smash. Worked for both my friend and I after we got their numbers at club.

Congratulations, you can now slay some arab pussy. May Allah Bless you.
I don’t think arab men are low smv, imo they’re like black women where they’re either under a 3 or over a 7 and no in between

Arab low class = street shitting subhuman muzzie

Arab high class = exotic Persian prince
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Does this work with Arab christians? obvs ignoring the muslim maxxing part and focusing on the location and arab cultural part irl I have negative experiences with arab muslim women and positive with arab christian women

You can try Armenians too but generally arab Christians are more westernised
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what about if i have hand tattoos? its not possible?
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Yes of course just pretend you got it before "converting" to Islam
why does converting work?

will they not just laugh at me clearly trying to fit in somewhere i dont belong?
why does converting work?

will they not just laugh at me clearly trying to fit in somewhere i dont belong?
Nah massive halo, they all want their kids to have white features and white converts to Islam are fetishized

My blue eyed nordic friend larped as muslim to arab foids and 90% of women wanted him, ded srs he was like a God to them
  • JFL
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Nah massive halo, they all want their kids to have white features and white converts to Islam are fetishized

My blue eyed nordic friend larped as muslim to arab foids and 90% of women wanted him, ded srs he was like a God to them
whats it like following islam? is it hard?
whats it like following islam? is it hard?
You can just larp as muslim with some knowledge of basics but if you want marriage then you have to convert ded srs.
  • +1
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Nah massive halo, they all want their kids to have white features and white converts to Islam are fetishized

My blue eyed nordic friend larped as muslim to arab foids and 90% of women wanted him, ded srs he was like a God to them
How did they react when the uncut weiner showed
  • JFL
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  • JFL
  • Woah
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  • Woah
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This guide is only for looksmaxxed or above average looking men. Incels and fags please leave, PSL autists too.

To preface, you must know arab men have lowest SMV. They are no taller than 5'9 on average at best, average arab male penis size ranges from 4-5 inches. Now, add in a raging obesity crisis in Middle East and you quickly realise most arab men are easily moggable if you are tall and gymmaxed.

Now, despite common notions, arab women are very open to all western men, both black and white. From my experience in Lebanon, being Somali did not hurt my SMV and I managed to fuck a beautiful woman despite only a week there. Do not prettyboymaxx, they only want masculine men, also this guide most likely will not work if you short or Indian. Because of 8.7 million Indian labourers in Middle East, they have no status in dating and frequently commit rape and crimes. Sorry.

For reference, this is the arab stacylite I smashed

View attachment 1775688
Arab foids usually have good bodies.
Clean ( muslims have to due to prayer requirements)
Very polite no feminist bullshit.
Arab girls cannot take dick, this confused me a lot. Maybe it was evolutionary trait to match their small dick arab male counterparts, not sure though.
Hairy as fuck.
Risky in some countries, Sharia Law might get your head cut off.


First and most important is Islam larp, if you a white and pretend to convert to Islam, you get massive halo. If you are black with western passport, you will have BBC halo and rapper halo. Being either of these things increases SMV, but if you are a muslim, then girls will think that you will commit to marriage and it will be much easier for them to give up their virginnity to you.

ISLAMMAXXING: This is all you need to know to pass as muslim.

First pillar of Islam is Shahada, it means there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Please right now speak these few lines, "lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāhu muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh". Alhamdulilah, you are now muslim brother.

Second pillar of Islam is Salah (prayer), it is done 5 times a day and you must do Wudu before it. You must learn how to do wudu, and how to pray. Foremostly, prayer reuqires knowledge of two surahs, Al-fatiah and another surah.

Memorise al faitah is is extremely important, "Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil aalameen, Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Maaliki Yawmid-Deen, Iyyaaka na'budu wa lyyaaka nasta'een, Ihdinas-Siraatal-Mustaqeem, Siraatal-lazeena an'amta 'alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi 'alaihim wa lad-daaalleen"

Fourth is Sawm (fasting). Do not attempt to slay during holy month of Ramadan, you will definetly get beheaded.

3rd and 5th pillars are useless forget them.

Statusmaxxing and phenotypemaxxing in Middle East

You must be tall, have a Western passport and accent, and most importantly belong to these 3 phenotypes.
View attachment 1775678View attachment 1775679View attachment 1775680

Mediterranean exotic pheno, North atlantid pheno and racially ambiguous, if you fall into any of these 3 you will slay any arab girl. For some reason Nordic phenotypes did not perform as well, maybe they are too feminine. Either way, these 3 are only phenos that could mog.

"B-but piratemagger your a negro!" Yes, myself a Somali, I fall into none of these phenos, but having curly hair and being 6'3 it did not really matter as I still mogged any arab guy I walked past.

Where to meet girls?

Stay away from gulf countries like Saudi arabia. If caught fornicating with a girl before marriage, an oil rich prince will behead you and then take the girl you are with onto his yacht to fuck for himself. Brutal statuspill. Good countries are Lebanon, Algeria or Morocco. Howeveer, Lebanon should be first on your list.

Do not use tinder unless you are high inhib, arab women are the most approachable due to being sex-deprived and would much rather be with a foreigner than marry their cousin, which alot do. Here is a cousin marriage map of Middle East with percentages.
View attachment 1775681

Cousin marriages happen because of small social circle caused by separation of the sexes. It benefits males much much more than women, I have seen arab stacylites get arranged marriages to subhuman cousins. Arab women do not like this, just look at Saudi Arabia divorce rate.

Is it a coincidence that Saudi Arabia's divorce rate is almost directly proportional to its cousin marriage percentage?

Can I benefit from this?

Yes, the arab woman I met and smashed was 27 and divorced. But muslim autists will think "b-b-but muslim girl sooo trad!" JFL if you think this, I will debunk it even further for you copers.

Maldives has highest divorce rate on Earth, they even won a fucking noble prize for it. How funny that the country with highest divorce rate on Planet Earth is also the only 100% muslim country on fucking planet?

Mega blackpill for muslim copers, retads actually think their wife won't leave them for gandy JFL.

How do I approach?

Now you are mostly ready, you must know one thing that I cannot stress enough, do not fucking use tinder. Geomaxxing in Middle East is not same as in Southeast Asia, girls here are sluts but still have some standard. I recommend clubmaxxing or if you are mega low inhib you can cold approach.

They will always give you their number if you speak with a Western accent. Once you have got her number, wait one day and text her the following evening asking if she is free tonight. Majority of time, it is an easy smash. Worked for both my friend and I after we got their numbers at club.

Congratulations, you can now slay some arab pussy. May Allah Bless you.
Being somali you must've had a big dick for her to enjoy lmao
is arab pussy tight?
Pog guide bro. Im learning Arabic rn and plan to geomaxx to MENA sometimes to cuck all the manlets there xd.
Over for me and my prettyboylooking ass :ogre:
Images 18
Images 3
  • +1
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Will Sanguinius pheno type slay? See profile pic
i am arab and 6"1 cope thread, chaddams are common go to beruit and you will be brutally mogged by half the guys low smv in the west cos muh culture incompatible
2956599 1656180594059
This guide is only for looksmaxxed or above average looking men. Incels and fags please leave, PSL autists too.

To preface, you must know arab men have lowest SMV. They are no taller than 5'9 on average at best, average arab male penis size ranges from 4-5 inches. Now, add in a raging obesity crisis in Middle East and you quickly realise most arab men are easily moggable if you are tall and gymmaxed.

Now, despite common notions, arab women are very open to all western men, both black and white. From my experience in Lebanon, being Somali did not hurt my SMV and I managed to fuck a beautiful woman despite only a week there. Do not prettyboymaxx, they only want masculine men, also this guide most likely will not work if you short or Indian. Because of 8.7 million Indian labourers in Middle East, they have no status in dating and frequently commit rape and crimes. Sorry.

For reference, this is the arab stacylite I smashed

View attachment 1775688
Arab foids usually have good bodies.
Clean ( muslims have to due to prayer requirements)
Very polite no feminist bullshit.
Arab girls cannot take dick, this confused me a lot. Maybe it was evolutionary trait to match their small dick arab male counterparts, not sure though.
Hairy as fuck.
Risky in some countries, Sharia Law might get your head cut off.


First and most important is Islam larp, if you a white and pretend to convert to Islam, you get massive halo. If you are black with western passport, you will have BBC halo and rapper halo. Being either of these things increases SMV, but if you are a muslim, then girls will think that you will commit to marriage and it will be much easier for them to give up their virginnity to you.

ISLAMMAXXING: This is all you need to know to pass as muslim.

First pillar of Islam is Shahada, it means there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Please right now speak these few lines, "lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāhu muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh". Alhamdulilah, you are now muslim brother.

Second pillar of Islam is Salah (prayer), it is done 5 times a day and you must do Wudu before it. You must learn how to do wudu, and how to pray. Foremostly, prayer reuqires knowledge of two surahs, Al-fatiah and another surah.

Memorise al faitah is is extremely important, "Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil aalameen, Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Maaliki Yawmid-Deen, Iyyaaka na'budu wa lyyaaka nasta'een, Ihdinas-Siraatal-Mustaqeem, Siraatal-lazeena an'amta 'alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi 'alaihim wa lad-daaalleen"

Fourth is Sawm (fasting). Do not attempt to slay during holy month of Ramadan, you will definetly get beheaded.

3rd and 5th pillars are useless forget them.

Statusmaxxing and phenotypemaxxing in Middle East

You must be tall, have a Western passport and accent, and most importantly belong to these 3 phenotypes.
View attachment 1775678View attachment 1775679View attachment 1775680

Mediterranean exotic pheno, North atlantid pheno and racially ambiguous, if you fall into any of these 3 you will slay any arab girl. For some reason Nordic phenotypes did not perform as well, maybe they are too feminine. Either way, these 3 are only phenos that could mog.

"B-but piratemagger your a negro!" Yes, myself a Somali, I fall into none of these phenos, but having curly hair and being 6'3 it did not really matter as I still mogged any arab guy I walked past.

Where to meet girls?

Stay away from gulf countries like Saudi arabia. If caught fornicating with a girl before marriage, an oil rich prince will behead you and then take the girl you are with onto his yacht to fuck for himself. Brutal statuspill. Good countries are Lebanon, Algeria or Morocco. Howeveer, Lebanon should be first on your list.

Do not use tinder unless you are high inhib, arab women are the most approachable due to being sex-deprived and would much rather be with a foreigner than marry their cousin, which alot do. Here is a cousin marriage map of Middle East with percentages.
View attachment 1775681

Cousin marriages happen because of small social circle caused by separation of the sexes. It benefits males much much more than women, I have seen arab stacylites get arranged marriages to subhuman cousins. Arab women do not like this, just look at Saudi Arabia divorce rate.

Is it a coincidence that Saudi Arabia's divorce rate is almost directly proportional to its cousin marriage percentage?

Can I benefit from this?

Yes, the arab woman I met and smashed was 27 and divorced. But muslim autists will think "b-b-but muslim girl sooo trad!" JFL if you think this, I will debunk it even further for you copers.

Maldives has highest divorce rate on Earth, they even won a fucking noble prize for it. How funny that the country with highest divorce rate on Planet Earth is also the only 100% muslim country on fucking planet?

Mega blackpill for muslim copers, retads actually think their wife won't leave them for gandy JFL.

How do I approach?

Now you are mostly ready, you must know one thing that I cannot stress enough, do not fucking use tinder. Geomaxxing in Middle East is not same as in Southeast Asia, girls here are sluts but still have some standard. I recommend clubmaxxing or if you are mega low inhib you can cold approach.

They will always give you their number if you speak with a Western accent. Once you have got her number, wait one day and text her the following evening asking if she is free tonight. Majority of time, it is an easy smash. Worked for both my friend and I after we got their numbers at club.

Congratulations, you can now slay some arab pussy. May Allah Bless you.

I sense bullshit.
Lebanon is only partly muslim. 40% are christians.
Plus if you're black, especially from africa rather than USA, then you're automatically seen as a dirty stinky immigrant laborer who mops floors 12 hours a day for a $200 salary. You could give a different vibes in nightclubs for sure, and maybe get some ioi from those 0.1% of girls who are into bbc and western rapper niche, but you wont come close to slaying. I'm not saying this to humiliate you, but so that other black brothers don't get misled by your shitty post.

Also lebanese men have some of the biggest dicks. Check google penis size charts and you'll see.

Cold approaches and nightclub pickups will rarely work too, and many girls wont fuck before a few dates.

I guess you'd have a better chance in morroco where they like black dick. But cold approach a girl in lebanon as a black dude and you might as well get your ass mob beaten by the 5'9 guys you mentioned. Your height will not be intimidating if you're black.
I sense bullshit.
Lebanon is only partly muslim. 40% are christians.
Plus if you're black, especially from africa rather than USA, then you're automatically seen as a dirty stinky immigrant laborer who mops floors 12 hours a day for a $200 salary. You could give a different vibes in nightclubs for sure, and maybe get some ioi from those 0.1% of girls who are into bbc and western rapper niche, but you wont come close to slaying. I'm not saying this to humiliate you, but so that other black brothers don't get misled by your shitty post.

Also lebanese men have some of the biggest dicks. Check google penis size charts and you'll see.

Cold approaches and nightclub pickups will rarely work too, and many girls wont fuck before a few dates.

I guess you'd have a better chance in morroco where they like black dick. But cold approach a girl in lebanon as a black dude and you might as well get your ass mob beaten by the 5'9 guys you mentioned. Your height will not intimidating if you're black.
Cope greycel I was there a week with some friends as a digital nomad and I wasn't even trying but still got laid by a stacylite muslim lebanese I met in club. Maybe you are ugly, but tbh being 6"3, HTN brown-lightskinned facially with western passport, it was over. My SMV was high and I got attention. I'm one of only posters here to show proof so you can throw larp accusation buts its just cope.

Arabs have highest assimilating rates worldwide and are biggest self haters, that's not to humiliate you or anything but just is the cold truth, see data below. Why do you think all their media stars are borderline white when they are shitskin?

In US of all immigrants, arabs also are the least faithful group with some of the highest interracial marriage rates, no proof that they are "muh loyal to race", in fact its the opposite.

And no, im not going to search up penis size charts. Please don't suggest an idea like that again. If you gl you slay, and im gl so I slayed, its that simple. Take the blackpill
  • +1
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Cope greycel I was there a week with some friends as a digital nomad and I wasn't even trying but still got laid by a stacylite muslim lebanese I met in club. Maybe you are ugly, but tbh being 6"3, HTN brown-lightskinned facially with western passport, it was over. My SMV was high and I got attention. I'm one of only posters here to show proof so you can throw larp accusation buts its just cope.

Arabs have highest assimilating rates worldwide and are biggest self haters, that's not to humiliate you or anything but just is the cold truth, see data below. Why do you think all their media stars are borderline white when they are shitskin?

In US of all immigrants, arabs also are the least faithful group with some of the highest interracial marriage rates, no proof that they are "muh loyal to race", in fact its the opposite.

And no, im not going to search up penis size charts. Please don't suggest an idea like that again. If you gl you slay, and im gl so I slayed, its that simple. Take the blackpill

The current financial crisis in the country, which has been going on for like 2 years, is opening doors to anyone with a Western passport, as many women need a exit towards a better life. This may help. But traditionally this hasn't been the case.

My reply to you was more of a warning to other black dudes who might get excited. You might have been lucky, or particularly attractive, but it's not like a white man going to thailand kind of thing.
I've slayed one already, she's my wife.
  • +1
Reactions: soontobechadlite and Darwined
This guide is only for looksmaxxed or above average looking men. Incels and fags please leave, PSL autists too.

To preface, you must know arab men have lowest SMV. They are no taller than 5'9 on average at best, average arab male penis size ranges from 4-5 inches. Now, add in a raging obesity crisis in Middle East and you quickly realise most arab men are easily moggable if you are tall and gymmaxed.

Now, despite common notions, arab women are very open to all western men, both black and white. From my experience in Lebanon, being Somali did not hurt my SMV and I managed to fuck a beautiful woman despite only a week there. Do not prettyboymaxx, they only want masculine men, also this guide most likely will not work if you short or Indian. Because of 8.7 million Indian labourers in Middle East, they have no status in dating and frequently commit rape and crimes. Sorry.

For reference, this is the arab stacylite I smashed

View attachment 1775688
Arab foids usually have good bodies.
Clean ( muslims have to due to prayer requirements)
Very polite no feminist bullshit.
Arab girls cannot take dick, this confused me a lot. Maybe it was evolutionary trait to match their small dick arab male counterparts, not sure though.
Hairy as fuck.
Risky in some countries, Sharia Law might get your head cut off.


First and most important is Islam larp, if you a white and pretend to convert to Islam, you get massive halo. If you are black with western passport, you will have BBC halo and rapper halo. Being either of these things increases SMV, but if you are a muslim, then girls will think that you will commit to marriage and it will be much easier for them to give up their virginnity to you.

ISLAMMAXXING: This is all you need to know to pass as muslim.

First pillar of Islam is Shahada, it means there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Please right now speak these few lines, "lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāhu muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh". Alhamdulilah, you are now muslim brother.

Second pillar of Islam is Salah (prayer), it is done 5 times a day and you must do Wudu before it. You must learn how to do wudu, and how to pray. Foremostly, prayer reuqires knowledge of two surahs, Al-fatiah and another surah.

Memorise al faitah is is extremely important, "Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil aalameen, Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Maaliki Yawmid-Deen, Iyyaaka na'budu wa lyyaaka nasta'een, Ihdinas-Siraatal-Mustaqeem, Siraatal-lazeena an'amta 'alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi 'alaihim wa lad-daaalleen"

Fourth is Sawm (fasting). Do not attempt to slay during holy month of Ramadan, you will definetly get beheaded.

3rd and 5th pillars are useless forget them.

Statusmaxxing and phenotypemaxxing in Middle East

You must be tall, have a Western passport and accent, and most importantly belong to these 3 phenotypes.
View attachment 1775678View attachment 1775679View attachment 1775680

Mediterranean exotic pheno, North atlantid pheno and racially ambiguous, if you fall into any of these 3 you will slay any arab girl. For some reason Nordic phenotypes did not perform as well, maybe they are too feminine. Either way, these 3 are only phenos that could mog.

"B-but piratemagger your a negro!" Yes, myself a Somali, I fall into none of these phenos, but having curly hair and being 6'3 it did not really matter as I still mogged any arab guy I walked past.

Where to meet girls?

Stay away from gulf countries like Saudi arabia. If caught fornicating with a girl before marriage, an oil rich prince will behead you and then take the girl you are with onto his yacht to fuck for himself. Brutal statuspill. Good countries are Lebanon, Algeria or Morocco. Howeveer, Lebanon should be first on your list.

Do not use tinder unless you are high inhib, arab women are the most approachable due to being sex-deprived and would much rather be with a foreigner than marry their cousin, which alot do. Here is a cousin marriage map of Middle East with percentages.
View attachment 1775681

Cousin marriages happen because of small social circle caused by separation of the sexes. It benefits males much much more than women, I have seen arab stacylites get arranged marriages to subhuman cousins. Arab women do not like this, just look at Saudi Arabia divorce rate.

Is it a coincidence that Saudi Arabia's divorce rate is almost directly proportional to its cousin marriage percentage?

Can I benefit from this?

Yes, the arab woman I met and smashed was 27 and divorced. But muslim autists will think "b-b-but muslim girl sooo trad!" JFL if you think this, I will debunk it even further for you copers.

Maldives has highest divorce rate on Earth, they even won a fucking noble prize for it. How funny that the country with highest divorce rate on Planet Earth is also the only 100% muslim country on fucking planet?

Mega blackpill for muslim copers, retads actually think their wife won't leave them for gandy JFL.

How do I approach?

Now you are mostly ready, you must know one thing that I cannot stress enough, do not fucking use tinder. Geomaxxing in Middle East is not same as in Southeast Asia, girls here are sluts but still have some standard. I recommend clubmaxxing or if you are mega low inhib you can cold approach.

They will always give you their number if you speak with a Western accent. Once you have got her number, wait one day and text her the following evening asking if she is free tonight. Majority of time, it is an easy smash. Worked for both my friend and I after we got their numbers at club.

Congratulations, you can now slay some arab pussy. May Allah Bless you.
Time to spread Aryan seed and make incels
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  • JFL
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  • +1
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If you don't want to deal with Sharia law or things of the sort, you can just Tunisia-max or Lebanon-max.
  • +1
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Why didn't you keep her?
Was only there for a week tbh and to bring foid back from that shithole you gotta get married and give them citizenship, too much imo

I'll try to geomaxx in SEA sometime soon but I feel like blacks don't do so well over there tbh
Welp, that won't work for me because there's literally almost ZERO Arabs where I live.
  • JFL
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  • +1
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Damn she thick af. What were you doing over there anyways? vacation?
This guide is only for looksmaxxed or above average looking men. Incels and fags please leave, PSL autists too.

To preface, you must know arab men have lowest SMV. They are no taller than 5'9 on average at best, average arab male penis size ranges from 4-5 inches. Now, add in a raging obesity crisis in Middle East and you quickly realise most arab men are easily moggable if you are tall and gymmaxed.

Now, despite common notions, arab women are very open to all western men, both black and white. From my experience in Lebanon, being Somali did not hurt my SMV and I managed to fuck a beautiful woman despite only a week there. Do not prettyboymaxx, they only want masculine men, also this guide most likely will not work if you short or Indian. Because of 8.7 million Indian labourers in Middle East, they have no status in dating and frequently commit rape and crimes. Sorry.

For reference, this is the arab stacylite I smashed

View attachment 1775688
Arab foids usually have good bodies.
Clean ( muslims have to due to prayer requirements)
Very polite no feminist bullshit.
Arab girls cannot take dick, this confused me a lot. Maybe it was evolutionary trait to match their small dick arab male counterparts, not sure though.
Hairy as fuck.
Risky in some countries, Sharia Law might get your head cut off.


First and most important is Islam larp, if you a white and pretend to convert to Islam, you get massive halo. If you are black with western passport, you will have BBC halo and rapper halo. Being either of these things increases SMV, but if you are a muslim, then girls will think that you will commit to marriage and it will be much easier for them to give up their virginnity to you.

ISLAMMAXXING: This is all you need to know to pass as muslim.

First pillar of Islam is Shahada, it means there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Please right now speak these few lines, "lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāhu muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh". Alhamdulilah, you are now muslim brother.

Second pillar of Islam is Salah (prayer), it is done 5 times a day and you must do Wudu before it. You must learn how to do wudu, and how to pray. Foremostly, prayer reuqires knowledge of two surahs, Al-fatiah and another surah.

Memorise al faitah is is extremely important, "Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil aalameen, Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Maaliki Yawmid-Deen, Iyyaaka na'budu wa lyyaaka nasta'een, Ihdinas-Siraatal-Mustaqeem, Siraatal-lazeena an'amta 'alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi 'alaihim wa lad-daaalleen"

Fourth is Sawm (fasting). Do not attempt to slay during holy month of Ramadan, you will definetly get beheaded.

3rd and 5th pillars are useless forget them.

Statusmaxxing and phenotypemaxxing in Middle East

You must be tall, have a Western passport and accent, and most importantly belong to these 3 phenotypes.
View attachment 1775678View attachment 1775679View attachment 1775680

Mediterranean exotic pheno, North atlantid pheno and racially ambiguous, if you fall into any of these 3 you will slay any arab girl. For some reason Nordic phenotypes did not perform as well, maybe they are too feminine. Either way, these 3 are only phenos that could mog.

"B-but piratemagger your a negro!" Yes, myself a Somali, I fall into none of these phenos, but having curly hair and being 6'3 it did not really matter as I still mogged any arab guy I walked past.

Where to meet girls?

Stay away from gulf countries like Saudi arabia. If caught fornicating with a girl before marriage, an oil rich prince will behead you and then take the girl you are with onto his yacht to fuck for himself. Brutal statuspill. Good countries are Lebanon, Algeria or Morocco. Howeveer, Lebanon should be first on your list.

Do not use tinder unless you are high inhib, arab women are the most approachable due to being sex-deprived and would much rather be with a foreigner than marry their cousin, which alot do. Here is a cousin marriage map of Middle East with percentages.
View attachment 1775681

Cousin marriages happen because of small social circle caused by separation of the sexes. It benefits males much much more than women, I have seen arab stacylites get arranged marriages to subhuman cousins. Arab women do not like this, just look at Saudi Arabia divorce rate.

Is it a coincidence that Saudi Arabia's divorce rate is almost directly proportional to its cousin marriage percentage?

Can I benefit from this?

Yes, the arab woman I met and smashed was 27 and divorced. But muslim autists will think "b-b-but muslim girl sooo trad!" JFL if you think this, I will debunk it even further for you copers.

Maldives has highest divorce rate on Earth, they even won a fucking noble prize for it. How funny that the country with highest divorce rate on Planet Earth is also the only 100% muslim country on fucking planet?

Mega blackpill for muslim copers, retads actually think their wife won't leave them for gandy JFL.

How do I approach?

Now you are mostly ready, you must know one thing that I cannot stress enough, do not fucking use tinder. Geomaxxing in Middle East is not same as in Southeast Asia, girls here are sluts but still have some standard. I recommend clubmaxxing or if you are mega low inhib you can cold approach.

They will always give you their number if you speak with a Western accent. Once you have got her number, wait one day and text her the following evening asking if she is free tonight. Majority of time, it is an easy smash. Worked for both my friend and I after we got their numbers at club.

Congratulations, you can now slay some arab pussy. May Allah Bless you.
Just buy them from their famillies. Abt 5 goats a pop.
Mega accurate guide. JBW theory legit in Morocco holy shit.

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