I hate people from MENA

Yes they can there is reason why indians are called shitskins and not sandniggers. We are just lighter brown Niggas with different phenotype.

But your retarded brain cannot compute that because you think indians are less inferior if they are only called dark. You have been raped by white inferior complex like rest of asia.
ur one of the most retarded people I have ever had the displeasure of conversing with in my 25 years of life, I was born in the west, I can confidently tell you that westerners especially after 9/11 after always mistook indians for arabs or muslims, this is just how westerners think and see things, nobody cares what ur circles think because ur not west and USA is number 1.
Here is an albino Dravidian, he looks like a nord, a swarthier version of this dude likes like u,

Now indians can pass as nordic.
ur one of the most retarded people I have ever had the displeasure of conversing with in my 25 years of life, I was born in the west, I can confidently tell you that westerners especially after 9/11 after always mistook indians for arabs or muslims, this is just how westerners think and see things, nobody cares what ur circles think because ur not west and USA is number 1.

Some indians can be confused with arabs like Pakistanis but muslim dont just represent arabs. They represent south asia and mena. Just call Mongolians as japenese and call it an day like retard you are.
Some indians can be confused with arabs like Pakistanis but muslim dont just represent arabs. They represent south asia and mena. Just call Mongolians as japenese and call it an day like retard you are.
ur argument is even more ratarded because the race which east asians are referred to is literally mongoloid, u have it mistaken, its you who pass for indian not the other way around, and for the vast majority of you, indeed pass as indian, just face the facts, u look closer to indians than 2 europeans or even slavs for that matter, now you can look at this as a good thing or a bad thing the choice is urs.
ur argument is even more ratarded because the race which east asians are referred to is literally mongoloid, u have it mistaken, its you who pass for indian not the other way around, and for the vast majority of you, indeed pass as indian, just face the facts, u look closer to indians than 2 europeans or even slavs for that matter, now you can look at this as a good thing or a bad thing the choice is urs.
You did not get my fucking point because you are brain death. Asians belongs to Mongoloid race but they still look different from each other. People can see difference between japenese and MOngolians. tamils are caucasoid . If you use that as argumennt you can just call whole europe as indian passing.

We dont look like tamils. Some of your people can pass as arabs because of stronger caucasoid genes but you dont pass as whole.
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Like culturally and religiously. I have no respect for these countries: 🇸🇦🇱🇾🇪🇬🇹🇷🇮🇷🇮🇶🇩🇿🇹🇳🇲🇦

I don't know why everyone thinks I have some inferiority complex for them just because I'm curry and Muslimcel. I know they don't like us anyway and racist af. From a religious and cultural perspective I have far higher respect for people of Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Nigeria, Muslim parts of Russia and India. I don't trust people from above flags as my 'Muslim brothers' or very distrustful and backstabbing brothers at best. I think Muslims in the West share my sentiment even MENA diaspora.

Yes a lot of curries especially FOB ones back home worship MENA but out of ignorance really. But they're a disgrace and have been for over a century. They've been culturally colonised and imitation of cultural norms associated with the West have seen political and local support. Yes it's true curries were 'colonised' politically by the British and Indonesians by Dutch, but they made little attempt to change their society culturally and locals were always against. Look at this Saudi cuck @Megas Alexandros crying how Saudi isn't like the West and how life is "brutal".

Don't get me wrong, I would love to fuck phat ass Moroccan, Turk or Iranian. But that's where my admiration stops - between the legs of hot MENA who is still virgin. But even I know quite a lot of the population are incompatible even for curry who is relatively non-religious compared to other curries (90% of curries I know pray 5x a day). I'm in the 10% unfortunately.
Wtf u want bro. I'm just eating my kebab and jerking my cock to white stacy
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Ngl I'm a murtad now. I got no issues with Muslims but I do know what you mean. Anytime some retard says. "lol you're South Asian and Muslim you're le self hating." It pisses me off.
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Just call Finnish people asians theory.
You did not get my fucking point because you are brain death. Asians belongs to Mongoloid race but they still look different from each other. People can see difference between japenese and MOngolians. tamils are mix of two different races which seperate us even more from indians.

We dont look like tamils. Some of your people can pass as arabs because of stronger caucasoid genes but you dont pass as whole.
Looking at mixes of lineages is irrelevant when what matters is the appearance of the people, having neanderthal admixture doesn't change ur look in the same way tamils having some Denisovan or whatever admixture changes their primary base look, secondly, most indians are a mix, you won't find pure blooded AASI anymore, that just how things are, India being the far larger country on the world stage with nuclear weapons and a successful space program means its influence is large enough to swallow your peoples under a stereotypical context, sorry but this is just how it is, u pass as Indian, accept the truth or keep taking ur copium and hope ur jew nose is big enough of a pheno difference.
Looking at mixes of lineages is irrelevant when what matters is the appearance of the people, having neanderthal admixture doesn't change ur look in the same way tamils having some Denisovan or whatever admixture changes their primary base look, secondly, most indians are a mix, you won't find pure blooded AASI anymore, that just how things are, India being the far larger country on the world stage with nuclear weapons and a successful space program means its influence is large enough to swallow your peoples under a stereotypical context, sorry but this is just how it is, u pass as Indian, accept the truth or keep taking ur copium and hope ur jew nose is big enough of pheno difference.

Its not irrelevant you dungus. If i used your Logic. I would just call west people as indians because they belong to same race. I dont give an shit what indians have achieved its completely irrelevant and its seems you are in defense mode because you dont like that people are calling your race as dark.

We are semitic people We are not darvidians. You will not find Mumbai looking people as majority in Beirut.

Also muh mixed race. There are only 30m punjabis in indian yet there are over 1,400 billions indians.
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Its not irrelevant you dungus. If i used your Logic. I would just call west people as indians because they belong to same race. I dont give an shit what indians have achieved its completely irrelevant and its seems you are in defense mode because you dont like that people are calling your race as dark.

We are semitic people We are not darvidians. You will not find Mumbai looking people as majority in Beirut.
Ur actually a dumbass who hardly knows a thing about lineages under an Abrahamic context, my take actually alligns with the scholars who study genealogies of Noah, semities are descendants of Shem, even with this argument of classifying ur race ur wrong because Mumbai or Kerala is highly likely to be Ophir who is a son of Shem, ur knowledge on this topic gets completely mogged by me, lastly, the context of what I was saying was under the understanding of how stereotypes work, lastly, the further back in history u go the darker semites get, you would know this if u listened to your imam and studied history, Moses was a dark nigga, you seem to be assuming I see dark as inferior.
Its not irrelevant you dungus. If i used your Logic. I would just call west people as indians because they belong to same race. I dont give an shit what indians have achieved its completely irrelevant and its seems you are in defense mode because you dont like that people are calling your race as dark.

We are semitic people We are not darvidians. You will not find Mumbai looking people as majority in Beirut.

Also muh mixed race. There are only 30m punjabis in indian yet there are over 1,400 billions indians.
You dont need to take word for it u can take scholars who spend their entire lives dedicated to this.
Ur actually a dumbass who hardly knows a thing about lineages under an Abrahamic context, my take actually alligns with the scholars who study genealogies of Noah, semities are descendants of Shem, even with this argument of classifying ur race ur wrong because Mumbai or Kerala is highly likely to be Ophir who is a son of Shem, ur knowledge on this topic gets completely mogged by me, lastly, the context of what I was saying was under the understanding of how stereotypes work, lastly, the further back in history u go the darker semites get, you would know this if u listened to your imam and studied history, Moses was a dark nigga, you seem to be assuming I see dark as inferior.

We have all came from africa you dungus. Indians are caucasian but that does not mean they look carbon copy of white people or middle eastern.

darvidians dont look like arabs. You dont find Mumbai from levant.
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You are confusing your minority Arab passing phenotype with whole india.
We have all came from africa you dungus. Indians are caucasian but that does not mean they look carbon copy of white people or middle eastern.

darvidians dont look like arabs. You dont find Mumbai from levant.
U absolute retard it’s Dravidian not Darvidian you light skin Indian. Secondly it’s like I and many people think, can’t really tell the difference between a lighter skinned Indian and someone from levant, idk what trivial features are sticking out like a sore thumb for you but it’s trivial, most of u pass as Indian looking. If u use the word Semite it has it be under an abrahamic context as this is where the word comes from, if Indians are Semites then my take is true of Semites looking very close to each other.
U absolute retard it’s Dravidian not Darvidian you light skin Indian. Secondly it’s like I and many people think, can’t really tell the difference between a lighter skinned Indian and someone from levant, idk what trivial features are sticking out like a sore thumb for you but it’s trivial, most of u pass as Indian looking. If u use the word Semite it has it be under an abrahamic context as this is where the word comes from, if Indians are Semites then my take is true of Semites looking very close to each other.
Lighter skinned indians are minority. As i said before We all came from africa. We are all related with each other in someway.
All of you pass as Indians idk where ur getting minority Arabs from; from ur princes to ur commoners.
We dont pass as tamil. It simple as that and your Whiter race is just minority.
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We dont pass as tamil. It simple as that and your Whiter race is just minority.
u realize lighter-skinned Tamils exist as well? its actually the jetblack tamils who are a minority, most indians are just a brown color and ur arab ancestors were prob as dark as tamils which means they prob looked just like tamils.
We dont pass as tamil. It simple as that and your Whiter race is just minority.
u levants and arabs are very funny, you know ur pure semitic ancestors were darker, the prophets were dark, (which would look tamil) and yet you embrace being a heavily mixed mutts for the lighter skin tones because its closer to the sons of japheth.
u realize lighter-skinned Tamils exist as well? its actually the jetblack tamils who are a minority, most indians are just a brown color and ur arab ancestors were prob as dark as tamils which means they prob looked just like tamils.
Arabs are mixed with all diff races but we dont have that many of dark skin pheno mixatures as indians. Population wise. Yemenis are prob darkest looking arabs.

This mumbai



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Arabs are mixed with all diff races but we dont have that many of dark skin pheno mixatures as indians. Population wise. Yemenis are prob darkest looking arabs.

This mumbai



look like the same people to me only difference being different shades in skin tones, sorry to break it to you .
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Arabs are mixed with all diff races but we dont have that many of dark skin pheno mixatures as indians. Population wise. Yemenis are prob darkest looking arabs.

This mumbai



even the same amount of ugly subhumans walking around.
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look like the same people to me only difference being different shades in skin tones, sorry to break it to you .
even the same amount of ugly subhumans walking around.

White americans looks like indian to me they just have different shaved of colors.
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Be proud of your caucasian nigger race instead of comparing it with other races.
Be proud of your caucasian nigger race instead of comparing it with other races.
cope all ur prophets looked Indian and were swarthy Caucasian niggers. Be proud of ur Indian looking ancestors instead of putting them down.
No u can’t cause albino black people look obviously black race and not Caucasian looking.
You are just white looking niggers. Thats it.

He looks like me.


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cope all ur prophets looked Indian and were swarthy Caucasian niggers. Be proud of ur Indian looking ancestors instead of putting them down.
You are so insecure with your own race that you read history books so you can Connect indians with arabs. Over.


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You are so insecure with your own race that you read history books so you can Connect indians with arabs. Over.
Why would I be insecure to Arabs if I would look inferior as a pure Arab??? I mog 99% of ur race, what hashish r u smoking??
EB82D556 9CAA 4BB1 AA83 AB855D18E52A
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It's such a fucking shame. They get passed around like a joint once they see white chad cock. Iranians are the worst in my experience. That country would've been the absolute worse if those mollahs (who are really a small elite) were in power. Usually the small elites in soyciety are the secularising western worshipping one. ..
Isn't Iran a Theocracy?
Arabs are mixed with all diff races but we dont have that many of dark skin pheno mixatures as indians. Population wise. Yemenis are prob darkest looking arabs.

This mumbai



ur one of the most retarded people I have ever had the displeasure of conversing with in my 25 years of life, I was born in the west, I can confidently tell you that westerners especially after 9/11 after always mistook indians for arabs or muslims, this is just how westerners think and see things, nobody cares what ur circles think because ur not west and USA is number 1.
Just my two cents...

You're right about this but you're supporting ignorance. Americans are just dumb AF and consider any brown person Arab perhaps.

I can easily tell the difference between Arab and South Asians even the south asian passing Arabs and Arab passing south Asians. This guy's @FML0908 thinks he looks Indian and some people call him Indian IRL. However I grew up alongside many curries, Arabs and other races, I've travelled a fair bit, qnd I can easily tell from a mile away he is Arab although from Gulf not NA (which he is from).

But the overlaps are usually secondary. There are general differences between Arabs and south Asians and difference between themselves. I've been mistaken as Arab because I'm lightskin but more people definitely call me paki mostly at least here in UK. In fact, it's the OPPOSITE in the UK from USA many Arabs are probably mistaken as south asians.

Sure if I went to USA, Mexico, Saudi, or fucking Colombia I'd get people assume I'm from every brown country possible.
Just my two cents...

You're right about this but you're supporting ignorance. Americans are just dumb AF and consider any brown person Arab perhaps.

I can easily tell the difference between Arab and South Asians even the south asian passing Arabs and Arab passing south Asians. This guy's @FML0908 thinks he looks Indian and some people call him Indian IRL. However I grew up alongside many curries, Arabs and other races, I've travelled a fair bit, qnd I can easily tell from a mile away he is Arab although from Gulf not NA (which he is from).

But the overlaps are usually secondary. There are general differences between Arabs and south Asians and difference between themselves. I've been mistaken as Arab because I'm lightskin but more people definitely call me paki mostly at least here in UK. In fact, it's the OPPOSITE in the UK from USA many Arabs are probably mistaken as south asians.

Sure if I went to USA, Mexico, Saudi, or fucking Colombia I'd get people assume I'm from every brown country possible.
Why do south asians see Arabs and Latinos as off white people
Just my two cents...

You're right about this but you're supporting ignorance. Americans are just dumb AF and consider any brown person Arab perhaps.

I can easily tell the difference between Arab and South Asians even the south asian passing Arabs and Arab passing south Asians. This guy's @FML0908 thinks he looks Indian and some people call him Indian IRL. However I grew up alongside many curries, Arabs and other races, I've travelled a fair bit, qnd I can easily tell from a mile away he is Arab although from Gulf not NA (which he is from).

But the overlaps are usually secondary. There are general differences between Arabs and south Asians and difference between themselves. I've been mistaken as Arab because I'm lightskin but more people definitely call me paki mostly at least here in UK. In fact, it's the OPPOSITE in the UK from USA many Arabs are probably mistaken as south asians.

Sure if I went to USA, Mexico, Saudi, or fucking Colombia I'd get people assume I'm from every brown country possible.
Ur right that people who have grown up around the phenos can’t recognize minor differences but my argument is that the ignorance of the westerner is actually justified and rather reasonable take when the genealogy of Noah and the similarities of the descendants of Shem are taken into consideration, south Asians are more than likely to be a Semitic group of people which would explain the similarities of the 2 peoples, the differences while they exist are not considerable differences, this would be like taking a Western african and Eastern african and asking to spot the difference, you would be able to tell the difference but the differences would be trivial.
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Ur right that people who have grown up around the phenos can’t recognize minor differences but my argument is that the ignorance of the westerner is actually justified and rather reasonable take when the genealogy of Noah and the similarities of the descendants of Shem are taken into consideration, south Asians are more than likely to be a Semitic group of people which would explain the similarities of the 2 peoples, the differences while they exist are not considerable differences, this would be like taking a Western african and Eastern african and asking to spot the difference, you would be able to tell the difference but the differences would be trivial.
Western African and Western African are both still black.. Arabs and curries are still both generally considered 'brown' (despite very few white passing Arabs).

It's the same with whites as well. Slavs look different to Angloids.
Western African and Western African are both still black.. Arabs and curries are still both generally considered 'brown' (despite very few white passing Arabs).

It's the same with whites as well. Slavs look different to Angloids.
That’s cause Europeans are different lineages of Japheth hence the obvious similarities but minor differences, the same can be said about south Asians and Arabs lord of similarities and some minor differences because they both descend from Shem, ham is prob ur Congo niggas, while some eastern Africans are prob also a tribe of Shem.
What kind of immigrant are you?
Why would I be insecure to Arabs if I would look inferior as a pure Arab??? I mog 99% of ur race, what hashish r u smoking??
View attachment 2474722
Bro you are one funny guy. You dont even mog me lol. Gets only 2 likes in Tinder. You are just narcy curry.
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Western African and Western African are both still black.. Arabs and curries are still both generally considered 'brown' (despite very few white passing Arabs).

It's the same with whites as well. Slavs look different to Angloids.
All the indians here where i live have their own disting look and you know they are indians because of their indian facial features and dark skin and short height. Mostly Pakistan, aghfanistanis can easily past as Arab via my observation. But who really cares? We still get pheno taxed here. So in end it dont mAtter.
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All the indians here where i live have their own disting look and you know they are indians because of their indian facial features and dark skin and short height. Mostly Pakistan, aghfanistanis can easily past as Arab via my observation. But who really cares? We still get pheno taxed here. So in end it dont mAtter.
thats cause the indians u have seen are super dark dravidians abdullah, u prob mistook the normal brown and light brown ones as a cousin, and cant really tell the difference, I saw a video of an small arab guy looking at a river of sand looked super indian, idk what height u think is short, but westerners are going to be bigger than any arab in the east,
All the indians here where i live have their own disting look and you know they are indians because of their indian facial features and dark skin and short height. Mostly Pakistan, aghfanistanis can easily past as Arab via my observation. But who really cares? We still get pheno taxed here. So in end it dont mAtter.
>indians are short

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