I ran ColdLightskin tinder profile in my city

True but at the same time I never expected to slay in anyone top tier country especially fat. Y’all keep comparing me to all these niggas who are 10-12 body fat lol. I’m literally 230 lbs 21-23 body fat
They even have better bones too
Nah Plus northern Italy is more brutal
Yeah, in Bologna i got like 15 likes. Brutal indeed. In America i get way more. Time to americamaxx and steal some pussy from mutts
  • JFL
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Yeah could be true, leanmaxx and then you can see your full potential.
I understand I’m not on those guys level, but y’all do keep comparing me to niggas that are lean asf 😂😂😂😂😂😂 compare me to other fatties who are actually over 20%not lying about it, then I won’t cope
Lowkey tho niggas are haters 😂😂😍this thread blew up lmao
I understand I’m not on those guys level, but y’all do keep comparing me to niggas that are lean asf 😂😂😂😂😂😂 compare me to other fatties who are actually over 20%not lying about it, then I won’t cope
If you are fat its your fault bro, you act like you could slay everywhere, i showed not. This "yeah but compare me to people with my bf" is cope, this is your competition, i don't compare myself to bald dudes and say "yeah, i look better than the average baldy" i compare myself to people who look good because they compete with me. They are lean that's true, but they have better features already, like lips, who are fuller, and they are not crazy lean but more like 13/14% bodyfat, first guy doesn't even has abs.

Lowkey tho niggas are haters 😂😂😍this thread blew up lmao
And here we go with the ego cope, that's why people "hate" because you can't take criticism and label everything as hate. We don't hate you or love you, its entertainment for me since i can't go out due to quarantine, as much as i know you we could even be good friend IRL since you seem like a decent guy and we share the same interests.
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  • JFL
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If you are fat its your fault bro, you act like you could slay everywhere, i showed not. This "yeah but compare me to people with my bf" is cope, this is your competition, i don't compare myself to bald dudes and say "yeah, i look better than the average baldy" i compare myself to people who look good because they compete with me. They are lean that's true, but they have better features already, like lips, who are fuller, and they are not crazy lean but more like 13/14% bodyfat, first guy doesn't even has abs.

And here we go with the ego cope, that's why people "hate" because you can't take criticism and label everything as hate. We don't hate you or love you, its entertainment for me since i can't go out due to quarantine, as much as i know you we could even be good friend IRL since you seem like a decent guy and we share the same interests.
If you are fat its your fault bro, you act like you could slay everywhere, i showed not. This "yeah but compare me to people with my bf" is cope, this is your competition, i don't compare myself to bald dudes and say "yeah, i look better than the average baldy" i compare myself to people who look good because they compete with me. They are lean that's true, but they have better features already, like lips, who are fuller, and they are not crazy lean but more like 13/14% bodyfat, first guy doesn't even has abs.

And here we go with the ego cope, that's why people "hate" because you can't take criticism and label everything as hate. We don't hate you or love you, its entertainment for me since i can't go out due to quarantine, as much as i know you we could even be good friend IRL since you seem like a decent guy and we share the same interests.
Nah my posts of success didn’t even get this much attention. Niggas rather see downfall than uprise ! Not saying you I’m saying the miserable fucks in the forum who GET no pussy
Nah my posts of success didn’t even get this much attention. Niggas rather see downfall than uprise ! Not saying you I’m saying the miserable fucks in the forum who GET no pussy
Usually success stories are good when the guy starts as an underdog, your post history just shows that you had success so people took it as brag since this website is full of narcys. Btw maybe a thread with how you started, your looks level before looksmaxxing and a tindermaxxing guide would be helpful ti understand how you got there and why you feel bad for a woman who called you hideous that lives at 15k km distance.
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View attachment 978907View attachment 978909
I asked the girl if she is sorry, she said "in dead"
Then she proceeds to mock his physical appearance, she called him a slim faded nigga with no beard and strabismus. Brutal.
That girl is crazy
She said that he's slim, but he's quite muscular
And he's saying al day "muh I need to leanmaxx"...
What's her type of man? The 120 kg roided bodybuilder?
That girl is crazy
She said that he's slim, but he's quite muscular
And he's saying al day "muh I need to leanmaxx"...
What's her type of man? The 120 kg roided bodybuilder?
She likes super dom bearded guys
  • JFL
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Lowkey tho niggas are haters 😂😂😍this thread blew up lmao
Yeah cus we thought you killed yourself so we wanted to be part of the @ColdLightskin .me suicide arc
  • JFL
Reactions: gamma
Since he has great results in his home country, i decided to run an experiment myself in my own city to see the kind of results i would have.
I used the pics he posted in his tinder thread.
View attachment 977667View attachment 977668View attachment 977669View attachment 977670View attachment 977671View attachment 977672
To make everything fair and don't let the algohoritm suspect I was running some type of experiment, I used my same name and birthday, so the algo still thinks is me.
I even translated his bio in italian, making it very clear that he is 6ft2 (or 188cm in the metric system)
View attachment 977682View attachment 977675
Since he said that he swipes selectively, and swipes left to girls that have IG in their bio, i did the same. I swiped right 10% of the time, took me lot of time to finish my likes.
Anyway, those are the results.
View attachment 977677View attachment 977678
In 2 hours i received zero likes. Nada.
So my conclusions are those:
1) He either has very small appeal in Italy.
2) In Italy the threeshold to slay on tinder is super high that even decent looking guys struggle.

I will wait all day to see his full results. Before someone says something about being shadowbanned, i actived and deactivated my account multiple times during the years, I always had some kind of success, never zero, but maybe its because not many girls are connected (even if my best friend ran and experiment registering a Chad as a lesbian woman, in order to appear to lesbian women, and got 10 likes before getting banned, this in late night on thuesday)
you should have added some status indicators.
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  • JFL
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Pic of coldskin crying?
Pic of coldskin crying?
  • JFL
Reactions: gamma, Deleted member 6512 and RichardSpencel
What is this, is this more of coldlightskins low t crying like a little pathetic bitch.

Your eye area is garbage too mate so don't get ahead of yourself here, I wasn't the one told they were hideous by some fucking landwhale
Neither of our eye areas are garbage. I just said your ipd is trash you cuck. I get way more pussy than you ever will
Neither of our eye areas are garbage. I just said your ipd is trash you cuck. I get way more pussy than you ever will
Lmao why are you so mad all I was saying was people wanted to be a part of the coldlightskin suicide arc, and he did ask for pics of you crying so if you post them what do you fucking expect.

Cool one of us is trying to slay the other one isn't so huge iq
What is this, is this more of coldlightskins low t crying like a little pathetic bitch.

Your eye area is garbage too mate so don't get ahead of yourself here, I wasn't the one told they were hideous by some fucking landwhale
Lmao why are you so mad all I was saying was people wanted to be a part of the coldlightskin suicide arc, and he did ask for pics of you crying so if you post them what do you fucking expect.

Cool one of us is trying to slay the other one isn't so huge iq
You couldn’t slay that’s the problem. You have no tik tok pretty appeal or white chad masc appeal
  • JFL
Reactions: SendMePicsToRate
Since he has great results in his home country, i decided to run an experiment myself in my own city to see the kind of results i would have.
I used the pics he posted in his tinder thread.
View attachment 977667View attachment 977668View attachment 977669View attachment 977670View attachment 977671View attachment 977672
To make everything fair and don't let the algohoritm suspect I was running some type of experiment, I used my same name and birthday, so the algo still thinks is me.
I even translated his bio in italian, making it very clear that he is 6ft2 (or 188cm in the metric system)
View attachment 977682View attachment 977675
Since he said that he swipes selectively, and swipes left to girls that have IG in their bio, i did the same. I swiped right 10% of the time, took me lot of time to finish my likes.
Anyway, those are the results.
View attachment 977677View attachment 977678
In 2 hours i received zero likes. Nada.
So my conclusions are those:
1) He either has very small appeal in Italy.
2) In Italy the threeshold to slay on tinder is super high that even decent looking guys struggle.

I will wait all day to see his full results. Before someone says something about being shadowbanned, i actived and deactivated my account multiple times during the years, I always had some kind of success, never zero, but maybe its because not many girls are connected (even if my best friend ran and experiment registering a Chad as a lesbian woman, in order to appear to lesbian women, and got 10 likes before getting banned, this in late night on thuesday)

That was to be expected since he is ethnic. When I, blond and white, was in Rome a year ago, I installed Tinder for fun and tested my "market value". Very good results and a lot of first messages directly from foids. Race pill is brutal
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  • Woah
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@ConorMcGregor Ask the same italian chicks what they think of me :lul: I'd love to hear their brutal response
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 9090
@ConorMcGregor Ask the same italian chicks what they think of me :lul: I'd love to hear their brutal response
They will probably Say that you look like a FOB immigrant
  • JFL
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lmao lets do it I need some brutal rejections
I do It another day i already played my aspie card asking girls about ColdLightskin
  • JFL
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based. that's for those that deny the importance of location.
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Brutal thread and brutal copes by a lot of people here. “Muh Elo”,”muh he looks unique” “muh not the right pics”

Italy is brutal and few guys can run Tinder with good results, I showed that to my friends when they saw my Tinder and thought it’s an easy way to meet a lot of chicks. They all uninstalled 3 days later when they realized that getting hundreds of matches a week isn’t doable by everyone in Italy.
You slay in italy? Idk i saw your rate me thread you are not chad or smth, maybe people are coping with "muh italy hard"
You slay in italy? Idk i saw your rate me thread you are not chad or smth, maybe people are coping with "muh italy hard"
He doesn't slay he is virgin but we ran a tinder experiment both in Italy and USA and he got more than double matches there with multiple girls texting him first and calling him a catfish
  • Woah
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He doesn't slay he is virgin but we ran a tinder experiment both in Italy and USA and he got more than double matches there with multiple girls texting him first and calling him a catfish
Yoo wtf. Hes 4-5psl maybe idk. Maybe im a horrible rater..

Ok something is wrong with italian Girls
Yoo wtf. Hes 4-5psl maybe idk. Maybe im a horrible rater..

Ok something is wrong with italian Girls
Nah he is gl maybe you saw the thread before looksmaxxing, he is definitely at least PSL 5
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I’m confused tho bro.
I’m not cross eyed so is she just making stuff up?
She just doesn't like your face man, its instinctual i think, the reasons she came up could be multiple but since she saw your face her brain tought "ugly" and its usually hard to explain why
  • JFL
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I asked another 2 but one didn't answer and the other one basically said you are not her type
See not her type is such a nice civil answer instead of casso
  • JFL
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Yeah lol some girls are savages, jfl you put hideous in your bio
I got called ugly before I can’t lie but hideous actually had me in my feelings cause I felt like that was too over exaggerated 😂😂🤷🏿‍♂️
I got called ugly before I can’t lie but hideous actually had me in my feelings cause I felt like that was too over exaggerated 😂😂🤷🏿‍♂️
It is what it is, move on bro, teach us the how to algomaxx

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