if you have no social circle after uni are you pretty much restricted to online dating indefinitely?

a lot of threads talk about this

Once you leave uni

*no environment to meet women (post covid bars/clubs are dead. Even open clubs women just huddle in their groups).
*at work you are surrounded by old white people (can't meet women there)
*normies are in hardcore career mode and/or SIMPLY are not interested in meeting ANYONE (even chad) I refer to this as "dating limbo" https://incels.wiki/w/Dating_Limbo
*normies "had their fill" (legit normies say this) they met all the friends they wanted in school and partied/had fun. Now they just want to focus on their career and watch netflix in their spare time while we on the other hand are emotionally stunted 15 year olds mentally. Normies are like the old dog who wants to take a nap before being put to sleep like old yeller (not interested in meeting people), and we are puppies eager to play (jumping out of our skin to meet people).

I have a theory for this. Dunbar's number states that give or take humans are only capable of knowing a 100 people before they start cutting themselves off. (possibly a defense mechanism for mate guarding. Humans (even in modern times) lived in a small neighborhood with about 100 people in town. If more dudes moved in it would look like an invasion. (Mongol hoards would flood villages/towns and take the women). So this is a normies defense mechanism against an invasion/displacement.

-so what are we left with?
online? (even online is a sausage fest since it is 70% male and most girls online are damaged)
Whiteboys never recovered from this ruthless bullying.
Whiteboys never recovered from this ruthless bullying.
no its not bullying. my kike dad emphasised school and did not let me socialize (despite him going to giant rager parties as a teenager, snorting cocaine/drinking 'till he vommitted, fucking hot puerto ricans) etc. I just want to go to parties, have sex with random women, get blackout drunk/use illicit drugs (IN GTA 5 of course NOT IRL) get in a bar fight, be the big man on campus etc. At 22 normies are in hard core career mode, get fat, start having kids its FUCKING OVER I wanted to prove myself and be cool. Then after all this craziness pop out a son who could repeat the cycle. That is ALL I EVER WANTED. NGL if a magic fairy came down and granted me my wish in exchange for having to be homeless and suck dicks under a bridge for the rest of my life I would gladly do so!
and then your "friends" will move away in a heart beat. everyone is in hard core career mode after uni at 22. (its adorable frankly these stupid goys think they can climb up the corporate ladder while their boss Schlomo owns the fucking company and hires his nephew). Corporate environments are like a cult! (like Heaven's Gate Cult they encourage people to cut off friends/family)
I'm not against career maxing, but you have to do it for yourself, not women or other people.
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Yes, online dating and cold approach are the main options. Both are flawed but it's still possible to be successful as long as you're at least normie tier in looks and socially proficient.

Aside from that you can make friends with people at work around your age who may have an extended network you can tap into.
You can also join sports clubs / volunteer or do another hobby with people around your age.

^ Pretty much your only options. I have sourced all of my sexual partners (100+) from online dating and cold approach as I never got laid as a teen.
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even if you make friends in uni, it's tough once you graduate because, like you said, people are focused on their capitalistic dream and starting a family. There is no life after uni.
Yeah that's just not true at all.

I had more fun after uni than during. As long as you have friends that are still single and want to go out and meet women life barely changes. You think people just become husks immediately upon turning 22? Jlol. You're talking out of your ass.
JFL know a guatamalan chick adopted by white parents. she got knocked up and the Papi left (granted at 18-ish)
i went to campus in the bronx, mostly spanish girls, you would literally see 19 year old spanish girls with a 10/10 face and 10/10 body walking on campus with their 2 year old children, i shit you not. In new york you will see 8/10s-10/10s its not as rare in nyc, la, miami, alanta. In a smaller cities or towns you might see a 8/10-10/10 maybe every few years. In those big cities in the summer you will see them every few weeks/ months.
Usually this women got pregnant by some highschool boyfriend who she grew with in her neighborhood with or went to elementary school or junior high with. You will iterally see some some 6/10 spanish guy with a 10/10 spanish women and hes 19 and has 1-2 kids by her.
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and then your "friends" will move away in a heart beat. everyone is in hard core career mode after uni at 22. (its adorable frankly these stupid goys think they can climb up the corporate ladder while their boss Schlomo owns the fucking company and hires his nephew). Corporate environments are like a cult! (like Heaven's Gate Cult they encourage people to cut off friends/family)
folks are crazy unless your in some fortune 500 company that makes like billions, your not climbing, were your gonna make 300k+ a year.
The guys who are owners of the bussiness are gonna make the money, then let their children or nephews run the bussiness . So the nephew with little experience is gonna work much less hours then you, and make 2-4x your salary.
You (sort of) have a 'second chance' when you start workceling.
You (sort of) have a 'second chance' when you start workceling.
no you just work with old boomers (unless that is what yer into IDK) but other than that you don't have a chance. man its amazing how you can ruin your life in 4 short years:ROFLMAO:
folks are crazy unless your in some fortune 500 company that makes like billions, your not climbing, were your gonna make 300k+ a year.
The guys who are owners of the bussiness are gonna make the money, then let their children or nephews run the bussiness . So the nephew with little experience is gonna work much less hours then you, and make 2-4x your salary.
exactly people used to just have jobs not careers. (I had Sicilian ancestors who could make a living being a garbageman/selling pizza on the street. Friends/family are more important. Don't give me this bullshit about wages. Go to a hispanic enclave they sell tortillas/cut grass for a living. They live to work. Normie values are work to live and live their life like a broadway show where they "make it" or some bullshit
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exactly people used to just have jobs not careers. (I had Sicilian ancestors who could make a living being a garbageman/selling pizza on the street. Friends/family are more important. Don't give me this bullshit about wages. Go to a hispanic enclave they sell tortillas/cut grass for a living. They live to work. Normie values are work to live and live their life like a broadway show where they "make it" or some bullshit
i agree, folks use to have jobs, and most only worked 25-28 hours a week. They had enough to save for a home, and raise children etc.
Now if you don't have a career your gona be living pay check to pay check, and you won't be able to assist your family or parents if illness or shit should happen.

if you don't believe go online and search for jobs now, low wages no, pensions or benefits. back then you could pick your jobs and be what ever you wanted. I went trade school for electrical, do i love electrical work hell to the fkn no. But electrical at least grabs my interest somewhat, you gota pic your poison, else you will be homeless.
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i agree, folks use to have jobs, and most only worked 25-28 hours a week. They had enough to save for a home, and raise children etc.
They could still do this today. White people are careerists. Go to a hispanic enclave relatives all live under one roof/shop at thrift stores/buy used cars/live cheaply etc. Nothing stopping from whites doing this. But its also due to demographics. We have an aging population so we need to work more hours. Go to Nigeria (no they don't live in dirt huts they live in apartment buildings like us). People work less hours due to a higher birth rate. (5 young people can support 1 old person etc rather than in the u.s 1 person supporting 5 old people). But ask your average white woman why she won't have kids. she won't say: "because of da jooz" she will say: "i want my career/doggies/vacations" white MEN talk like this too. people don't want kids period! Go to Nigeria ask a nigerian woman why she wants kids. She will say "its part of my culture/traditions"
Now if you don't have a career your gona be living pay check to pay check, and you won't be able to assist your family or parents if illness or shit should happen.
not true. look at hispanics they share 1 house and all live with their parents/grandparents. (whites can do this too if they go on welfare like white trailer trash do but their EGO gets in the way).
if you don't believe go online and search for jobs now, low wages no, pensions or benefits. back then you could pick your jobs and be what ever you wanted.
Again careerism. Hispanics don't "choose" to cut grass they just do a job to feed their burrito babies. They work to live while whites live to work. But I agree job benefits suck now (but that is partially due to demographics/dumb white rednecks who vote against their self interest etc).
I went trade school for electrical, do i love electrical work hell to the fkn no. But electrical at least grabs my interest somewhat, you gota pic your poison, else you will be homeless.
that's the flaw here. you won't go homeless if your parents let you live with them. I never understood whites kicking their kids out. It saves so much money living with your parents. You can also pool money/keep the resources within the family. (I can also help my aging mother much easier as well). Hispanics live with their parents heck even Italians do this too. whites could EASILY do this but their "hurr durr big man john wayne" ego gets in the way.
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They could still do this today. White people are careerists. Go to a hispanic enclave relatives all live under one roof/shop at thrift stores/buy used cars/live cheaply etc. Nothing stopping from whites doing this. But its also due to demographics. We have an aging population so we need to work more hours. Go to Nigeria (no they don't live in dirt huts they live in apartment buildings like us). People work less hours due to a higher birth rate. (5 young people can support 1 old person etc rather than in the u.s 1 person supporting 5 old people). But ask your average white woman why she won't have kids. she won't say: "because of da jooz" she will say: "i want my career/doggies/vacations" white MEN talk like this too. people don't want kids period! Go to Nigeria ask a nigerian woman why she wants kids. She will say "its part of my culture/traditions"

not true. look at hispanics they share 1 house and all live with their parents/grandparents. (whites can do this too if they go on welfare like white trailer trash do but their EGO gets in the way).

Again careerism. Hispanics don't "choose" to cut grass they just do a job to feed their burrito babies. They work to live while whites live to work. But I agree job benefits suck now (but that is partially due to demographics/dumb white rednecks who vote against their self interest etc).

that's the flaw here. you won't go homeless if your parents let you live with them. I never understood whites kicking their kids out. It saves so much money living with your parents. You can also pool money/keep the resources within the family. (I can also help my aging mother much easier as well). Hispanics live with their parents heck even Italians do this too. whites could EASILY do this but their "hurr durr big man john wayne" ego gets in the way.

i went to campus in the bronx, these spanish folks be in one house with like 6- 8 people, and they have 4 bed rooms, and they turn part of living room to room, so now its 6-8 people and 5 rooms. In other countries its crazy, folks are literally working 20 hours a week and have one bedroom apartment. The had crazy pensions and benefits back in the day, and retirement was 20 years now they pushed it to 30 years.
Your only hope after college is to become friends with other PSLers
When I finished college I went clubbing hard because I was looksmaxed from roids and melanotan and most nights I went out alone except for the nights when a guy I met from lookism was also going out
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i went to campus in the bronx, these spanish folks be in one house with like 6- 8 people, and they have 4 bed rooms, and they turn part of living room to room, so now its 6-8 people and 5 rooms.
white people can easily do this but their ego gets in the way.
In other countries its crazy, folks are literally working 20 hours a week and have one bedroom apartment. The had crazy pensions and benefits back in the day, and retirement was 20 years now they pushed it to 30 years.
because they have better demographics/higher birth rate. ironically if america started having more (insert whiny nasally white voice) "kids they can't afford" that would actually help their economy. Think about it for a minute if you have lots of children running around their are LOTS of things they want which provide HUGE economic opportunity. Shows like spongebob needed a big crew to make that hired a TON of people! Or notice in the 90's their was a ton of carnivals? guess what? that hired a TON of people because in case you didn't know this KIDS tend to go to carnivals not 65 year old boomers. Notice why music was better? You had a BIG BASE of young people and slightly older people who were very talented. YOUNG people are the first adopters.

But now in the west we have a bunch of old fucks waiting to die who did not have kids to supplement the economy. Old people suck! They are set in their ways, they listen to recycled music and just eat old toast and cheese! They need a lot like children but in unproductive healthcare. Kids while a pain in the ass at times are FUN and their are many productive economic opportunities for the "fun economy" (that's why the 90's rocked because you had all these echo-boomers).

Notice why a lot of Sub-Saharan countries like Nigeria have fast growing economies and have a better work/life balance? (they don't live in dirt huts ya know). Its because they have a high birth rate, lots of kids, which help take care of the elder population. (old people should only be 10% of your country not 25% or more like a america!). And those kids provide tremendous employment opportunities to music artists/enterprising entrepreneurs, or even just everyday folk who need a job at a carnival making peanuts.
a lot of threads talk about this

Once you leave uni

*no environment to meet women (post covid bars/clubs are dead. Even open clubs women just huddle in their groups).
*at work you are surrounded by old white people (can't meet women there)
*normies are in hardcore career mode and/or SIMPLY are not interested in meeting ANYONE (even chad) I refer to this as "dating limbo" https://incels.wiki/w/Dating_Limbo
*normies "had their fill" (legit normies say this) they met all the friends they wanted in school and partied/had fun. Now they just want to focus on their career and watch netflix in their spare time while we on the other hand are emotionally stunted 15 year olds mentally. Normies are like the old dog who wants to take a nap before being put to sleep like old yeller (not interested in meeting people), and we are puppies eager to play (jumping out of our skin to meet people).

I have a theory for this. Dunbar's number states that give or take humans are only capable of knowing a 100 people before they start cutting themselves off. (possibly a defense mechanism for mate guarding. Humans (even in modern times) lived in a small neighborhood with about 100 people in town. If more dudes moved in it would look like an invasion. (Mongol hoards would flood villages/towns and take the women). So this is a normies defense mechanism against an invasion/displacement.

-so what are we left with?
online? (even online is a sausage fest since it is 70% male and most girls online are damaged)
Naaaaaa. It’s of ways to meet girls. Any way you get into a social circle is also the way to meet girls.
Naaaaaa. It’s of ways to meet girls. Any way you get into a social circle is also the way to meet girls.
what other opportunities do you have? tinder, a homosexual based dating app? EVERY girl I know IRL who are married met their boyfriend in school/mutual friends/family set them up etc. I don't know ANYONE who got married off of tinder. (sure it happened, but ya guys gotta get out more! I don't know ANYONE IRL who does this!)
what other opportunities do you have? tinder, a homosexual based dating app? EVERY girl I know IRL who are married met their boyfriend in school/mutual friends/family set them up etc. I don't know ANYONE who got married off of tinder. (sure it happened, but ya guys gotta get out more! I don't know ANYONE IRL who does this!)
No one will get married nowadays anymore
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No one will get married nowadays anymore
no where I live (a liberal state) girls are getting married after college. I agree their not having kids but they are at least married.
white people can easily do this but their ego gets in the way.

because they have better demographics/higher birth rate. ironically if america started having more (insert whiny nasally white voice) "kids they can't afford" that would actually help their economy. Think about it for a minute if you have lots of children running around their are LOTS of things they want which provide HUGE economic opportunity. Shows like spongebob needed a big crew to make that hired a TON of people! Or notice in the 90's their was a ton of carnivals? guess what? that hired a TON of people because in case you didn't know this KIDS tend to go to carnivals not 65 year old boomers. Notice why music was better? You had a BIG BASE of young people and slightly older people who were very talented. YOUNG people are the first adopters.

But now in the west we have a bunch of old fucks waiting to die who did not have kids to supplement the economy. Old people suck! They are set in their ways, they listen to recycled music and just eat old toast and cheese! They need a lot like children but in unproductive healthcare. Kids while a pain in the ass at times are FUN and their are many productive economic opportunities for the "fun economy" (that's why the 90's rocked because you had all these echo-boomers).

Notice why a lot of Sub-Saharan countries like Nigeria have fast growing economies and have a better work/life balance? (they don't live in dirt huts ya know). Its because they have a high birth rate, lots of kids, which help take care of the elder population. (old people should only be 10% of your country not 25% or more like a america!). And those kids provide tremendous employment opportunities to music artists/enterprising entrepreneurs, or even just everyday folk who need a job at a carnival making peanuts.
double trouble, because not only folks gota work more hours, and now retirement is now 30 years when it use to be 20, they are paying lower wages, as companies make record profits and the guys at the top work less, and make more.
It's over, I just graduated a month ago and its all true...
Unbelievable suffering
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double trouble, because not only folks gota work more hours, and now retirement is now 30 years when it use to be 20,
in countries with higher birthrates we could work less hours but talk to your average white person they DON"T WANT KIDS! They want doggies/career/vacation! Talk to a piss poor mexican living 10 to an apartment. They want kids because the bible/culture says so. its really that simple.
they are paying lower wages, as companies make record profits and the guys at the top work less, and make more.
true but a lot of that is due to dumb rednecks voting against their best self interest. You get the government you tolerate. You think countries like yemen/el salvador/nigeria would tolerate what we tolerate? NO! their would be riots/terrorist attacks in the street. Sure americans bitch about working conditions but they seem pretty content since they are voting FOR it and CHOOSE not to have kids.
Literally like half of the people I knew in high school are married and I’m only 22
exactly everyone talks like these secret orgies are happening all around them until women hit 35. I live in a liberal state and women are pretty prudish/asexual
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