I'm so glad my people do not worship Whites

We wuz kangz.
Castration? Well clearly it wasn’t as common as your making out as dna tests show their African ancestry comes from men and most Arabs have bbc male in their line 😉. Make of that what you will
arab harems were mainly guarded by castrated black slaves. it was not just common, it was the law.
arabs were not dumb as whites to leave a harem full of babes being guarded by BBCs. they were smart.
arab harems were mainly guarded by castrated black slaves. it was not just common, it was the law.
arabs were not dumb as whites to leave a harem full of babes being guarded by BBCs. they were smart.
And still black men still slayed their women to make modern day abdullah have an black great great granddaddy as proven by dna tests XD.

And so what if they had occasional Dravidians and black harem guards? That wasn’t the only role blacks had in the caliphate that was just one role. Unfortunate for the guards sure but most weren’t harem guards and thus kept their dicks and slayed

Meanwhile modern curries are tricked into coming to Dubai and then get their passport stolen and made to work for free and live in shacks like sardines
Who cares who was slaves to who, all of Europe was a tribal, plague-ridden shithole until Mongols came and buck broke the entire continent into submission which finally allowed them to technologically catch up to the Middle East and Africa(through proximity)
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: KingCartierrr23, bug_eye_blackcel, TheAbyssinian and 5 others
If you somehow marry a white woman, even if she's mid your family will view it as improving the genes of your offspring. Such a disgusting mentality to have.
White is right!!! :feelshehe:
Black people are the only race to challenge Whites. They're the only race that can gather clear anti-White support and bring it mainstream. Meanwhile all other races choose to be beneath Whites.

Tales from a broken down mud hut in Somalia. Niggers like you were getting raped and colonized and assfucked by Europeans for centuries. The entirety of Africa was the white man’s property. Every single African country was conquered by the white man except for 2 countries. The vast majority of African Americans have white DNA through their Y-chromosome due to a white male ancestor raping a sheboon slave ancestor. Meanwhile, East Asians fucked and raped Europeans regularly whenever they met before the modern era. Mongols and Avars have minimal to zero paternal Euro YDNA but a notable amount of maternal Euro YDNA, especially Avars.

The Mongols raped and conquered nearly all of Eastern Europe and Central Europe, killing millions of whites and utterly displacing populations. They won fights against Europeans and raped and massacred them even when they were outnumbered 10 to 1. They eradicated entire populations, including half the population of some European countries, and completely subjugated almost all of Eastern and Central Europe. Nobody has ever killed as much Europeans as the Mongols did, not even other Europeans, until the post colonial European modern era. The Huns raped and conquered nearly all of Western Europe and most of Southern Europe, raping and conquering and subjugating the vast majority of Germanic tribes in Western Europe and driving the rest deeper and deeper into Rome, running away like terrified little faggots from the Huns to seek refuge from their unending violence. They made all the Germanic tribes their abused sissy dogs and forced them fight and kill fellow Europeans. The Huns raped their way across Italy and sent all their Germanic subjects to Rome and were the main reason for the fall of Roman Empire. Both the Eastern and Western Roman Empire literally paid the Huns regular tribute to not attack and plunder them. Attila the Hun’s appearance was described as extremely chinky eyed East Asian by every Roman writer, just like all the elites, while their slave class were predominantly Germanic European. The Avars raped and conquered Eastern and Central Europe, making one of the biggest empires in European history despite their elite class being purely homogenously East Asian.

All of history, East Asian barbarians have dominated and subjugated surrounding European barbarians even if they were an absolute minority. All of history, East Asians have subjugated Europeans and made them follow and worship them even if they were an absolute minority. Search up “most feared barbarians in Europe” and there’s only one overwhelming answer. Funny that their most feared barbarians are East Asian. Funny that the Huns and Avars were an East Asian
minority ruling class in Europe ruling their white subjects who followed and worshipped them, similar to what the Indo-Europeans did to the Indians. The Huns and Avars raped and conquered their way across Europe after being utterly destroyed and kicked out by the Chinese, which proves the fact that Chinese > Huns/Avars > Europeans. You can cry about Yemeni conquests which is one single country, but the fact of the matter is the majority of Africans were getting raped and enslaved by MENA, then Mediterraneans, then Germanics for all of known history, all while Europeans were Asiatic rape babies for all of history. Even today, China is quickly surpassing the US in every conceivable aspect and is already capable of defeating the entire European Union. China will easily become the undisputed top dog soon. The elite and the powerful fear East Asians while viewing niggers as helpless paraplegic dogs and pawns. “Black people are the only race to challenge whites” let’s be real, niggers are completely helpless in challenging whites JFL. The anti-racism SJW shit in the west was due to Jews and other whites, not blacks. The white man has feared the yellow man for all of history for a reason. It’s genetically engrained in the rape and slaughter of their ancestors.

850F67C0 A36D 4242 AD07 054F49D6F589

Mongols completely raped, massacred, and subjugated Europeans and displaced them by replacing paternal European YDNA with paternal East Asian YDNA and adding maternal European mtDNA to their ranks during the Mongol conquests. There is a reason there is much more Euro mtDNA in the Mongols than Euro YDNA. This is just the first of the rape baby pill.

“However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations."

"A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]"

"The Mongol invasions displaced populations on a scale never seen before in central Asia or eastern Europe. Word of the Mongol hordes' approach spread terror and panic.[28] The violent character of the invasions acted as a catalyst for further violence between Europe's elites and sparked additional conflicts. The increase in violence in the affected eastern European regions correlates with a decrease in the elite's numerical skills, and has been postulated as a root of the Great Divergence.[29]"

"Colin McEvedy (Atlas of World Population History, 1978) estimates the population of European Russia dropped from 7.5 million prior to the invasion to 7 million after it.[17] Historians estimate that up to half of Hungary's population of two million were victims of the Mongol invasion of Europe.[18]"

5E854A96 D40E 4C26 8A39 E91A57552D1B

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"The Mongols now systematically occupied the Great Hungarian Plains, as well as the slopes of the northern Carpathian Mountains, and Transylvania. Where they found local resistance, they mercilessly killed the population. Where the people did not offer any resistance, they forced the men into servitude in the Mongol army and the women and children were killed or carried off. Still, tens of thousands avoided Mongol domination by taking refuge behind the walls of the few fortresses or by hiding in the huge, jungle-like forests or the large marshes alongside the rivers. The Mongols, instead of leaving already defenseless and helpless peoples behind and continuing their campaign through Pannonia to Western Europe, spent the entire summer and fall securing and "pacifying" the occupied territories. Then, during the winter, contrary to the traditional strategy of the nomadic armies which started campaigns only in springtime, they crossed the Danube and continued their systematic occupation including Pannonia. They eventually reached the Austrian borders and the Adriatic shores in Dalmatia."

“Under their brilliant military leader Attila (A.D. 406 to 453), known by Christians of the time as "the scourge of God," the Huns carved out a huge empire that encompassed large swathes of present-day Russia, Hungary and other parts of Europe, including Germany and France. Attila's army became so powerful that both the Western and Eastern Roman Empires regularly paid tribute to keep these warriors from attacking and plundering Roman provinces.

"The Huns likely entered Western Asia shortly before 370 from Central Asia: they first conquered the Goths and the Alans, pushing a number of tribes to seek refuge within the Roman Empire. In the following years, the Huns conquered most of the Germanic and Scythian barbarian tribes outside of the borders of the Roman Empire."

"In time, this would change as the Huns became one of the primary contributors to the fall of the Roman Empire, as their invasions of the regions around the empire, which were particularly brutal, encouraged what is known as the Great Migration (also known as the "Wandering of the Nations") between roughly 376-476 CE. This migration of peoples, such as the Alans, Goths, and Vandals, disrupted the status quo of Roman society, and their various raids and insurrections weakened the empire.
To cite only one example, the Visigoths under Fritigern were driven into Roman territory by the Huns in 376 CE and, after suffering abuses by Roman administrators, rose in revolt, initiating the First Gothic War with Rome of 376-382 CE, in which the Romans were defeated, and their emperor Valens killed, at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 CE.
Under Attila (r. 434-453 CE) the Huns became the most powerful, and most feared, military force in Europe and brought death and devastation wherever they went."

“Most of the ancient descriptions of the Huns stress their strange appearance from a Roman perspective. These descriptions typically caricature the Huns as monsters.[42]Jordanes stresses that the Huns were short of stature, had tanned skin and round and shapeless heads.[43] Various writers mention that the Huns had small eyes and flat noses.[44] The Roman writer Priscusgives the following eyewitness description of Attila: "Short of stature, with a broad chestand a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with grey; and he had a flat nose and tanned skin, showing evidence of his origin."[45] Many scholars take these to be unflattering depictions of East Asian ("Mongoloid") racial characteristics.[46]

Compare the Huns, Avars, and Hungarian Conquerors and their bodies found in the same regions. The first two were predominantly Mongoloid and raped and conquered all of Europe, subjugating the majority of Germanic and Slavic tribes in Europe under their rule. The third is predominantly Caucasoid and didn’t achieve jack shit, getting cucked by the Mongols later on. Sign that East Asian barbarians were millions of times more effective than European barbarians and Europeans were meant to be led by and worship East Asians. The most effective barbarians in history were all East Asian.

Haplogroups from the Hun-age are consistent with Xiongnu ancestry of European Huns. Most of the Avar-age individuals carry east Eurasian Y haplogroups typical for modern north-eastern Siberian and Buryat populations and their autosomal loci indicate mostly un-admixed Asian characteristics. In contrast the conquering Hungarians seem to be a recently assembled population incorporating un-admixed European, Asian as well as admixed components.”

"The Avar group was assembled from several different cemeteries of a wider timespan, thus they cannot represent the Avar period population of the Carpathian Basin, however their relatively homogenous Hg distribution indicate that the Avar elite embodied the same east Eurasian sub-population throughout their reign, so it appeared to be meaningful to include them in the analysis."

“Most individuals buried with rich grave goods show Mongoloid characters indicating inner Asian origin of the Avar elite, which is also supported by their artifact types, titles (e.g. khagan) and institutions recognized to be derived from Inner Asian Rourans.”

Elite Avars were completely homogenously East Asian paternally and mostly East Asian maternally with some European mtDNA. Low ranking Avar subjects, on the other hand, were East Asian paternally while European maternally.

“A genetic study published in Scientific Reports in November 2019 examined the remains of fourteen Avar males. Eleven of them were dated to the early Avar period, and three were dated to the middle and late Avar period.[55] The eleven early Avar males were found to be carrying the paternal haplogroups N1a1a1a1a3 (four samples), N1a1a (two samples), R1a1a1b2a (two samples), C2, G2a, and I1.[55] The three males dated to the middle and late Avar period carried the paternal haplogroups C2, N1a1a1a1a3 and E1b1b1a1b1a.[55]In short, mostly carried "east Eurasian Y haplogroups typical for modern north-eastern Siberian and Buryat populations". The Avars studied were all determined to have had dark eyes and dark hair, and the majority of them were found to be primarily of East Asian origin.[56]

“A genetic study published in Scientific Reports in January 2020 examined the remains of 26 individuals buried at various elite Avar cemeteries in the Pannonian Basin dated to the 7th century.[57] The mtDNA of these Avars belonged mostly to East Asian haplogroups, while the Y-DNA was exclusively of East Asian origin and "strikingly homogenous", belonging to haplogroups N-M231and Q-M242.[58] The evidence suggests that the Avar elite were largely patrilineal and endogamous for a period of around one century, and entered the Pannonian Basin through migrations from East Asia involving both men and women.[59]

“A genetic study published in scientific journal Current Biology in May 2022 examined 143 Avar samples from various periods, including elite and commoners. It confirmed the Northeast Asian paternal and maternal origin for the Avar elite, with N1a-F4205 being their predominant and characteristic paternal lineage, alongside incorporated Q1a2a1 and R1a-Z94 Hunnic-Iranian remnants, and the rest belonging to local haplogroups found among surrounding populations. Autosomally, the Elite Avar samples "preserved very ancient Mongolian pre-Bronze Age genomes, with ca 90% [Ancient North-East Asian] ancestry", shared deep ancestry with European Huns, but although since Early Avar period started mixing with local and immigrant Hunnic-Iranian related populations, "people with different genetic ancestries were seemingly distinguished, as samples with Hun-related genomes were buried in separate cemeteries". The majority of the Avar Khaganate population consisted of local European peoples (EU_core) but did not display Northeast Asian admixture, supporting a model of elite dominance of arriving horse nomads over a large sedentary population.

“A genetic study published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology in 2018 examined 62 individuals buried in the 8th and 9th centuries at an Avar-Slavic burial in Cífer‐Pác, Slovakia.[51] Of the 46 samples of mtDNA extracted, 93% belonged to west Eurasian lineages, while 6% belonged to east Eurasian lineages.[52] The amount of east Eurasian lineages was higher than among modern European populations, but lower than what has been found in other genetic studies on the Avars.[53] The mtDNA of the examined individuals was found to be quite similar to medieval and modern Slavs, and it was suggested that the mixed population examined had emerged through intermarriage between Avar males and Slavic females.[54]
  • Ugh..
  • +1
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Africans don’t worship whires cos we gentically see Europeans as subhuman pink pussies. Eurasians however they worship whites cos if you’re from the Asain or euro continent whites are the ideal. Even Arabs like white pheno even if they view euros as beasts. I’m greatful that even as slaves blacks still saw whites as beneath them and as filthy pinkoids. Whites are scared to visit west Africa because we kidnap them and ransome them for money west African pirates are more common than Somali now

God bless black people

Tales. Nigger slaves viewed whites as terrifying oppressors and subjugaters. Nigger sheboons got fucked by the white man in spades during the slavery era. Asian conquerors viewed whites as rape victims and cannon fodder and slave subjects. At least niggers regularly assault and kill them nowadays as redemption.

They've accepted a life of being the background character. Watch the eyes of an Indian, Asian, non-white Hispanic man as White chad enters the room. They automatically look down, conditioned to be subservient. It's so cringe and I'm not sure if the damage can be undone.

The selfhate is so deeply rooted it's insane, whenever someone says "Indo-Aryan" I immediately cringe.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting weak nigger. Only South Asians worship whites to that degree since their ruling class was Indo-European conquerors while the majority was just dark skin Indian. Just like the Avar elite ruling class was homogeneously East Asian and the majority slave class was Germanics and Slavics and AMWF rape babies. Arabs, Nafris, Turks, and Asians raped and enslaved Europeans for all of history while your race got utterly dominated every time you came into contact with them as well as with the other races I mentioned like the weak dogs you are. “They automatically look down, conditioned to be subservient” JFL, says the race who got whipped and raped and enslaved for all of recorded history. Conditioned to be submissive to other races, not even making a half assed attempt to fight offyour conquerors, just bowing down to them when you see that they have superior technology like the slave dogs you are.

Hawaii is majority Asian and white people get bullied and abused regularly there by high T Asians. “Kill haole day” used to be an unofficial state holiday for a reason. White Chads get the shit kicked out of them by subhuman Filipinos there. I’ve seen Somali try and look down on other niggers and identify themselves with white people. If anything they’re the white worshippers, likely from getting cucked and fucked by whites during the European colonial era and WW2.

It isn’t and cannot be undone. If your an Eurasian race you are genetically disposed to being in love and subservient to cumskin. Only Arabs are somewhat immune to this prob due to their black ancestry preventing them from being race cucks 😂. It’s sad tbh but I realised jt

This is actually prob why black guys slay white girls a lot more than ethnics cos Becky realises niggas don’t worship her like ethnics

Native Americans and Abos also despise Cumskins as they are non Eurasian. It’s sad I pity Eurasian races they are mentally enslaved by pinkoids

None of this applies to East Asians mentally disabled nigger ape. They fucked and cucked and raped and ruled cumskins for all of history.

Israelites (so-called Negroes), Phutites (so-called Somalis), and cushites (so-called Sudanese) are the most anti-Edomite (so-called White) people in the world while all other nations choose to accept that they’re inferior to Edomites in a docile submissive role. Even a Moabite or Ammonite (so-called Oriental) man did a video on how anti-Edomite Israelites are.

Too bad you niggers (so-called slave apes) are the abused dogs of the Edomite (So-called white) man and can’t do anything to them. Meanwhile they fear Moabite and Ammonite (So-called East Asian) men because the rape and slaughter of their ancestors by Asiatic Changs has been genetically engrained into them. Moabite and Ammonite (So-called East Asian) men are the literal only threat to the white (so-called Edomite) man. Nerdy subhumans like the guy in the video are the exception, not the norm.


Ths why guys like @human304 piss me off like. Blacks only have a lot of GIBS because WE FOUGHT FOR IT. Curries chinks spics etc would never fight for equality THEY SEE WHITES AS ABOVE THEM IT IS WHAT IT IS. Only maybe Arabs would cos Arabs legit view whites as beneath them. Blacks literally got enslaved for 3 centuries we should be the biggest white worshippers but all that did was make us hate Cumskins even more :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: If we were any other race we’d willingly be slaves to this day

Niggers didn’t fight for jack shit JFL. It was the Jews and other whites. If the white man and the Jew wanted to keep the black man enslaved, the black man would still be enslaved today. There’s a reason they willingly submitted to Nafris, Arabs, Meds, and NW Euros as slaves and let themselves be colonized while Native Americans, Latin Americans, and Southeast Asians fought against colonization at all costs.

East Asians view themselves as superior to whites, at least the non-cucked ones like northern Chinese. Asiatic invaders of Europe like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars saw themselves as inferior to the Chinese (Except the Mongols because they were the only ones who actually beat the Chinese, only because the Chinese were infighting and the Song, Jin, and Khitan dynasty were at war) and superior to the Europeans they raped and conquered and subjugated, who were deathly afraid of East Asians and fearmongered their features and ran to the heart of the Roman Empire because they would rather fight the Romans than them.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Cheesyrumble and Deleted member 24507
Tales. Nigger slaves viewed whites as terrifying oppressors and subjugaters. Nigger sheboons got fucked by the white man in spades during the slavery era. Asian conquerors viewed whites as rape victims and cannon fodder and slave subjects. At least niggers regularly assault and kill them nowadays as redemption.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting weak nigger. Only South Asians worship whites to that degree since their ruling class was Indo-European conquerors while the majority was just dark skin Indian. Just like the Avar elite ruling class was homogeneously East Asian and the majority slave class was Germanics and Slavics and AMWF rape babies. Arabs, Nafris, Turks, and Asians raped and enslaved Europeans for all of history while your race got utterly dominated every time you came into contact with them as well as with the other races I mentioned like the weak dogs you are. “They automatically look down, conditioned to be subservient” JFL, says the race who got whipped and raped and enslaved for all of recorded history. Conditioned to be submissive to other races, not even making a half assed attempt to fight offyour conquerors, just bowing down to them when you see that they have superior technology like the slave dogs you are.

Hawaii is majority Asian and white people get bullied and abused regularly there by high T Asians. “Kill haole day” used to be an unofficial state holiday for a reason. White Chads get the shit kicked out of them by subhuman Filipinos there. I’ve seen Somali try and look down on other niggers and identify themselves with white people. If anything they’re the white worshippers, likely from getting cucked and fucked by whites during the European colonial era and WW2.

None of this applies to East Asians mentally disabled nigger ape. They fucked and cucked and raped and ruled cumskins for all of history.

Too bad you niggers (so-called slave apes) are the abused dogs of the Edomite (So-called white) man and can’t do anything to them. Meanwhile they fear Moabite and Ammonite (So-called East Asian) men because the rape and slaughter of their ancestors by Asiatic Changs has been genetically engrained into them. Moabite and Ammonite (So-called East Asian) men are the literal only threat to the white (so-called Edomite) man. Nerdy subhumans like the guy in the video are the exception, not the norm.

View attachment 2140683

Niggers didn’t fight for jack shit JFL. It was the Jews and other whites. If the white man and the Jew wanted to keep the black man enslaved, the black man would still be enslaved today. There’s a reason they willingly submitted to Nafris, Arabs, Meds, and NW Euros as slaves and let themselves be colonized while Native Americans, Latin Americans, and Southeast Asians fought against colonization at all costs.

East Asians view themselves as superior to whites, at least the non-cucked ones like northern Chinese. Asiatic invaders of Europe like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars saw themselves as inferior to the Chinese (Except the Mongols because they were the only ones who actually beat the Chinese, only because the Chinese were infighting and the Song, Jin, and Khitan dynasty were at war) and superior to the Europeans they raped and conquered and subjugated, who were deathly afraid of East Asians and fearmongered their features and ran to the heart of the Roman Empire because they would rather fight the Romans than them.

Too bad Edomite (so-called White) men don’t fear Moabite and Ammonite (so-called Oriental) men since y’all are ugly emasculated men and getting cuckolded by Edomite men 😂.


Edomite men fear Israelite (so-called Negro) men because when we ride their kingdom falls and gets destroyed (2 Esdras 6:9) and we invented everything

I love your cope though, ricecel nigger.

Golden Girls Lol GIF by HULU
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 27219, PrinceLuenLeoncur and Deleted member 13787
Tales. Nigger slaves viewed whites as terrifying oppressors and subjugaters. Nigger sheboons got fucked by the white man in spades during the slavery era. Asian conquerors viewed whites as rape victims and cannon fodder and slave subjects. At least niggers regularly assault and kill them nowadays as redemption.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting weak nigger. Only South Asians worship whites to that degree since their ruling class was Indo-European conquerors while the majority was just dark skin Indian. Just like the Avar elite ruling class was homogeneously East Asian and the majority slave class was Germanics and Slavics and AMWF rape babies. Arabs, Nafris, Turks, and Asians raped and enslaved Europeans for all of history while your race got utterly dominated every time you came into contact with them as well as with the other races I mentioned like the weak dogs you are. “They automatically look down, conditioned to be subservient” JFL, says the race who got whipped and raped and enslaved for all of recorded history. Conditioned to be submissive to other races, not even making a half assed attempt to fight offyour conquerors, just bowing down to them when you see that they have superior technology like the slave dogs you are.

Hawaii is majority Asian and white people get bullied and abused regularly there by high T Asians. “Kill haole day” used to be an unofficial state holiday for a reason. White Chads get the shit kicked out of them by subhuman Filipinos there. I’ve seen Somali try and look down on other niggers and identify themselves with white people. If anything they’re the white worshippers, likely from getting cucked and fucked by whites during the European colonial era and WW2.

None of this applies to East Asians mentally disabled nigger ape. They fucked and cucked and raped and ruled cumskins for all of history.

Too bad you niggers (so-called slave apes) are the abused dogs of the Edomite (So-called white) man and can’t do anything to them. Meanwhile they fear Moabite and Ammonite (So-called East Asian) men because the rape and slaughter of their ancestors by Asiatic Changs has been genetically engrained into them. Moabite and Ammonite (So-called East Asian) men are the literal only threat to the white (so-called Edomite) man. Nerdy subhumans like the guy in the video are the exception, not the norm.

View attachment 2140683

Niggers didn’t fight for jack shit JFL. It was the Jews and other whites. If the white man and the Jew wanted to keep the black man enslaved, the black man would still be enslaved today. There’s a reason they willingly submitted to Nafris, Arabs, Meds, and NW Euros as slaves and let themselves be colonized while Native Americans, Latin Americans, and Southeast Asians fought against colonization at all costs.

East Asians view themselves as superior to whites, at least the non-cucked ones like northern Chinese. Asiatic invaders of Europe like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars saw themselves as inferior to the Chinese (Except the Mongols because they were the only ones who actually beat the Chinese, only because the Chinese were infighting and the Song, Jin, and Khitan dynasty were at war) and superior to the Europeans they raped and conquered and subjugated, who were deathly afraid of East Asians and fearmongered their features and ran to the heart of the Roman Empire because they would rather fight the Romans than them.
Tales. Nigger slaves viewed whites as terrifying oppressors and subjugaters. Nigger sheboons got fucked by the white man in spades during the slavery era. Asian conquerors viewed whites as rape victims and cannon fodder and slave subjects. At least niggers regularly assault and kill them nowadays as redemption.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting weak nigger. Only South Asians worship whites to that degree since their ruling class was Indo-European conquerors while the majority was just dark skin Indian. Just like the Avar elite ruling class was homogeneously East Asian and the majority slave class was Germanics and Slavics and AMWF rape babies. Arabs, Nafris, Turks, and Asians raped and enslaved Europeans for all of history while your race got utterly dominated every time you came into contact with them as well as with the other races I mentioned like the weak dogs you are. “They automatically look down, conditioned to be subservient” JFL, says the race who got whipped and raped and enslaved for all of recorded history. Conditioned to be submissive to other races, not even making a half assed attempt to fight offyour conquerors, just bowing down to them when you see that they have superior technology like the slave dogs you are.

Hawaii is majority Asian and white people get bullied and abused regularly there by high T Asians. “Kill haole day” used to be an unofficial state holiday for a reason. White Chads get the shit kicked out of them by subhuman Filipinos there. I’ve seen Somali try and look down on other niggers and identify themselves with white people. If anything they’re the white worshippers, likely from getting cucked and fucked by whites during the European colonial era and WW2.

None of this applies to East Asians mentally disabled nigger ape. They fucked and cucked and raped and ruled cumskins for all of history.

Too bad you niggers (so-called slave apes) are the abused dogs of the Edomite (So-called white) man and can’t do anything to them. Meanwhile they fear Moabite and Ammonite (So-called East Asian) men because the rape and slaughter of their ancestors by Asiatic Changs has been genetically engrained into them. Moabite and Ammonite (So-called East Asian) men are the literal only threat to the white (so-called Edomite) man. Nerdy subhumans like the guy in the video are the exception, not the norm.

View attachment 2140683

Niggers didn’t fight for jack shit JFL. It was the Jews and other whites. If the white man and the Jew wanted to keep the black man enslaved, the black man would still be enslaved today. There’s a reason they willingly submitted to Nafris, Arabs, Meds, and NW Euros as slaves and let themselves be colonized while Native Americans, Latin Americans, and Southeast Asians fought against colonization at all costs.

East Asians view themselves as superior to whites, at least the non-cucked ones like northern Chinese. Asiatic invaders of Europe like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars saw themselves as inferior to the Chinese (Except the Mongols because they were the only ones who actually beat the Chinese, only because the Chinese were infighting and the Song, Jin, and Khitan dynasty were at war) and superior to the Europeans they raped and conquered and subjugated, who were deathly afraid of East Asians and fearmongered their features and ran to the heart of the Roman Empire because they would rather fight the Romans than them.
You're retarded for grouping all Blacks together as one race yet separating different types of Asians. There's more genetic diversity within Africa than outside of it. Somalis were never enslaved en masse, we have always been a free and nomadic people. And you have zero proof that Somalis were enslaved en masse.

In short, cope.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Tales from a broken down mud hut in Somalia. Niggers like you were getting raped and colonized and assfucked by Europeans for centuries. The entirety of Africa was the white man’s property. Every single African country was conquered by the white man except for 2 countries. The vast majority of African Americans have white DNA through their Y-chromosome due to a white male ancestor raping a sheboon slave ancestor. Meanwhile, East Asians fucked and raped Europeans regularly whenever they met before the modern era. Mongols and Avars have minimal to zero paternal Euro YDNA but a notable amount of maternal Euro YDNA, especially Avars.

The Mongols raped and conquered nearly all of Eastern Europe and Central Europe, killing millions of whites and utterly displacing populations. They won fights against Europeans and raped and massacred them even when they were outnumbered 10 to 1. They eradicated entire populations, including half the population of some European countries, and completely subjugated almost all of Eastern and Central Europe. Nobody has ever killed as much Europeans as the Mongols did, not even other Europeans, until the post colonial European modern era. The Huns raped and conquered nearly all of Western Europe and most of Southern Europe, raping and conquering and subjugating the vast majority of Germanic tribes in Western Europe and driving the rest deeper and deeper into Rome, running away like terrified little faggots from the Huns to seek refuge from their unending violence. They made all the Germanic tribes their abused sissy dogs and forced them fight and kill fellow Europeans. The Huns raped their way across Italy and sent all their Germanic subjects to Rome and were the main reason for the fall of Roman Empire. Both the Eastern and Western Roman Empire literally paid the Huns regular tribute to not attack and plunder them. Attila the Hun’s appearance was described as extremely chinky eyed East Asian by every Roman writer, just like all the elites, while their slave class were predominantly Germanic European. The Avars raped and conquered Eastern and Central Europe, making one of the biggest empires in European history despite their elite class being purely homogenously East Asian.

All of history, East Asian barbarians have dominated and subjugated surrounding European barbarians even if they were an absolute minority. All of history, East Asians have subjugated Europeans and made them follow and worship them even if they were an absolute minority. Search up “most feared barbarians in Europe” and there’s only one overwhelming answer. Funny that their most feared barbarians are East Asian. Funny that the Huns and Avars were an East Asian
minority ruling class in Europe ruling their white subjects who followed and worshipped them, similar to what the Indo-Europeans did to the Indians. The Huns and Avars raped and conquered their way across Europe after being utterly destroyed and kicked out by the Chinese, which proves the fact that Chinese > Huns/Avars > Europeans. You can cry about Yemeni conquests which is one single country, but the fact of the matter is the majority of Africans were getting raped and enslaved by MENA, then Mediterraneans, then Germanics for all of known history, all while Europeans were Asiatic rape babies for all of history. Even today, China is quickly surpassing the US in every conceivable aspect and is already capable of defeating the entire European Union. China will easily become the undisputed top dog soon. The elite and the powerful fear East Asians while viewing niggers as helpless paraplegic dogs and pawns. “Black people are the only race to challenge whites” let’s be real, niggers are completely helpless in challenging whites JFL. The anti-racism SJW shit in the west was due to Jews and other whites, not blacks. The white man has feared the yellow man for all of history for a reason. It’s genetically engrained in the rape and slaughter of their ancestors.

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Mongols completely raped, massacred, and subjugated Europeans and displaced them by replacing paternal European YDNA with paternal East Asian YDNA and adding maternal European mtDNA to their ranks during the Mongol conquests. There is a reason there is much more Euro mtDNA in the Mongols than Euro YDNA. This is just the first of the rape baby pill.

“However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations."

"A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]"

"The Mongol invasions displaced populations on a scale never seen before in central Asia or eastern Europe. Word of the Mongol hordes' approach spread terror and panic.[28] The violent character of the invasions acted as a catalyst for further violence between Europe's elites and sparked additional conflicts. The increase in violence in the affected eastern European regions correlates with a decrease in the elite's numerical skills, and has been postulated as a root of the Great Divergence.[29]"

"Colin McEvedy (Atlas of World Population History, 1978) estimates the population of European Russia dropped from 7.5 million prior to the invasion to 7 million after it.[17] Historians estimate that up to half of Hungary's population of two million were victims of the Mongol invasion of Europe.[18]"

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"The Mongols now systematically occupied the Great Hungarian Plains, as well as the slopes of the northern Carpathian Mountains, and Transylvania. Where they found local resistance, they mercilessly killed the population. Where the people did not offer any resistance, they forced the men into servitude in the Mongol army and the women and children were killed or carried off. Still, tens of thousands avoided Mongol domination by taking refuge behind the walls of the few fortresses or by hiding in the huge, jungle-like forests or the large marshes alongside the rivers. The Mongols, instead of leaving already defenseless and helpless peoples behind and continuing their campaign through Pannonia to Western Europe, spent the entire summer and fall securing and "pacifying" the occupied territories. Then, during the winter, contrary to the traditional strategy of the nomadic armies which started campaigns only in springtime, they crossed the Danube and continued their systematic occupation including Pannonia. They eventually reached the Austrian borders and the Adriatic shores in Dalmatia."

“Under their brilliant military leader Attila (A.D. 406 to 453), known by Christians of the time as "the scourge of God," the Huns carved out a huge empire that encompassed large swathes of present-day Russia, Hungary and other parts of Europe, including Germany and France. Attila's army became so powerful that both the Western and Eastern Roman Empires regularly paid tribute to keep these warriors from attacking and plundering Roman provinces.

"The Huns likely entered Western Asia shortly before 370 from Central Asia: they first conquered the Goths and the Alans, pushing a number of tribes to seek refuge within the Roman Empire. In the following years, the Huns conquered most of the Germanic and Scythian barbarian tribes outside of the borders of the Roman Empire."

"In time, this would change as the Huns became one of the primary contributors to the fall of the Roman Empire, as their invasions of the regions around the empire, which were particularly brutal, encouraged what is known as the Great Migration (also known as the "Wandering of the Nations") between roughly 376-476 CE. This migration of peoples, such as the Alans, Goths, and Vandals, disrupted the status quo of Roman society, and their various raids and insurrections weakened the empire.
To cite only one example, the Visigoths under Fritigern were driven into Roman territory by the Huns in 376 CE and, after suffering abuses by Roman administrators, rose in revolt, initiating the First Gothic War with Rome of 376-382 CE, in which the Romans were defeated, and their emperor Valens killed, at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 CE.
Under Attila (r. 434-453 CE) the Huns became the most powerful, and most feared, military force in Europe and brought death and devastation wherever they went."

“Most of the ancient descriptions of the Huns stress their strange appearance from a Roman perspective. These descriptions typically caricature the Huns as monsters.[42]Jordanes stresses that the Huns were short of stature, had tanned skin and round and shapeless heads.[43] Various writers mention that the Huns had small eyes and flat noses.[44] The Roman writer Priscusgives the following eyewitness description of Attila: "Short of stature, with a broad chestand a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with grey; and he had a flat nose and tanned skin, showing evidence of his origin."[45] Many scholars take these to be unflattering depictions of East Asian ("Mongoloid") racial characteristics.[46]

Compare the Huns, Avars, and Hungarian Conquerors and their bodies found in the same regions. The first two were predominantly Mongoloid and raped and conquered all of Europe, subjugating the majority of Germanic and Slavic tribes in Europe under their rule. The third is predominantly Caucasoid and didn’t achieve jack shit, getting cucked by the Mongols later on. Sign that East Asian barbarians were millions of times more effective than European barbarians and Europeans were meant to be led by and worship East Asians. The most effective barbarians in history were all East Asian.

Haplogroups from the Hun-age are consistent with Xiongnu ancestry of European Huns. Most of the Avar-age individuals carry east Eurasian Y haplogroups typical for modern north-eastern Siberian and Buryat populations and their autosomal loci indicate mostly un-admixed Asian characteristics. In contrast the conquering Hungarians seem to be a recently assembled population incorporating un-admixed European, Asian as well as admixed components.”

"The Avar group was assembled from several different cemeteries of a wider timespan, thus they cannot represent the Avar period population of the Carpathian Basin, however their relatively homogenous Hg distribution indicate that the Avar elite embodied the same east Eurasian sub-population throughout their reign, so it appeared to be meaningful to include them in the analysis."

“Most individuals buried with rich grave goods show Mongoloid characters indicating inner Asian origin of the Avar elite, which is also supported by their artifact types, titles (e.g. khagan) and institutions recognized to be derived from Inner Asian Rourans.”

Elite Avars were completely homogenously East Asian paternally and mostly East Asian maternally with some European mtDNA. Low ranking Avar subjects, on the other hand, were East Asian paternally while European maternally.

“A genetic study published in Scientific Reports in November 2019 examined the remains of fourteen Avar males. Eleven of them were dated to the early Avar period, and three were dated to the middle and late Avar period.[55] The eleven early Avar males were found to be carrying the paternal haplogroups N1a1a1a1a3 (four samples), N1a1a (two samples), R1a1a1b2a (two samples), C2, G2a, and I1.[55] The three males dated to the middle and late Avar period carried the paternal haplogroups C2, N1a1a1a1a3 and E1b1b1a1b1a.[55]In short, mostly carried "east Eurasian Y haplogroups typical for modern north-eastern Siberian and Buryat populations". The Avars studied were all determined to have had dark eyes and dark hair, and the majority of them were found to be primarily of East Asian origin.[56]

“A genetic study published in Scientific Reports in January 2020 examined the remains of 26 individuals buried at various elite Avar cemeteries in the Pannonian Basin dated to the 7th century.[57] The mtDNA of these Avars belonged mostly to East Asian haplogroups, while the Y-DNA was exclusively of East Asian origin and "strikingly homogenous", belonging to haplogroups N-M231and Q-M242.[58] The evidence suggests that the Avar elite were largely patrilineal and endogamous for a period of around one century, and entered the Pannonian Basin through migrations from East Asia involving both men and women.[59]

“A genetic study published in scientific journal Current Biology in May 2022 examined 143 Avar samples from various periods, including elite and commoners. It confirmed the Northeast Asian paternal and maternal origin for the Avar elite, with N1a-F4205 being their predominant and characteristic paternal lineage, alongside incorporated Q1a2a1 and R1a-Z94 Hunnic-Iranian remnants, and the rest belonging to local haplogroups found among surrounding populations. Autosomally, the Elite Avar samples "preserved very ancient Mongolian pre-Bronze Age genomes, with ca 90% [Ancient North-East Asian] ancestry", shared deep ancestry with European Huns, but although since Early Avar period started mixing with local and immigrant Hunnic-Iranian related populations, "people with different genetic ancestries were seemingly distinguished, as samples with Hun-related genomes were buried in separate cemeteries". The majority of the Avar Khaganate population consisted of local European peoples (EU_core) but did not display Northeast Asian admixture, supporting a model of elite dominance of arriving horse nomads over a large sedentary population.

“A genetic study published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology in 2018 examined 62 individuals buried in the 8th and 9th centuries at an Avar-Slavic burial in Cífer‐Pác, Slovakia.[51] Of the 46 samples of mtDNA extracted, 93% belonged to west Eurasian lineages, while 6% belonged to east Eurasian lineages.[52] The amount of east Eurasian lineages was higher than among modern European populations, but lower than what has been found in other genetic studies on the Avars.[53] The mtDNA of the examined individuals was found to be quite similar to medieval and modern Slavs, and it was suggested that the mixed population examined had emerged through intermarriage between Avar males and Slavic females.[54]
Imagine typing all this up when you could've said, "I'm Asian and insecure about how my people worship Whites." It would've had the same effect.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
You're retarded for grouping all Blacks together as one race yet separating different types of Asians. There's more genetic diversity within Africa than outside of it. Somalis were never enslaved en masse, we have always been a free and nomadic people. And you have zero proof that Somalis were enslaved en masse.

In short, cope.

Wym? Europe completely conquered and colonized Somalia you absolute fucktard. Your people (Horn Africans) are physically weaker than Indians JFL. Your countries are some of the shittiest and poorest in the world for a reason. You also group all blacks together so I did so as well. You try and claim the cultural/media achievements and physicality of West Africans while trying to separate yourselves from them when slavery or rape is mentioned. You can’t have both.

Imagine typing all this up when you could've said, "I'm Asian and insecure about how my people worship Whites." It would've had the same effect.

I’m Hispanic not East Asian lmao, though we do have Asiatic admixture. And East Asians (At least Chinese, which is the overwhelming majority of East Asians and the only ones that matter atm) look down on whites just like they have for all of history. Take it this way: Europeans mass raped niggers, Asians mass raped Europeans. Europeans and MENA subjugated niggers for all of history, Asians subjugated Europeans and MENA for all of history. That’s how shit goes. No amount of cope will change that.
  • +1
Reactions: lightskinbengali
Wym? Europe completely conquered and colonized Somalia you absolute fucktard. Your people (Horn Africans) are physically weaker than Indians JFL. Your countries are some of the shittiest and poorest in the world for a reason. You also group all blacks together so I did so as well. You try and claim the cultural/media achievements and physicality of West Africans while trying to separate yourselves from them when slavery or rape is mentioned. You can’t have both.

I’m Hispanic not East Asian lmao, though we do have Asiatic admixture. And East Asians (At least Chinese, which is the majority of East Asians) look down on whites just like they have for all of history. Take it this way: Europeans mass raped niggers, Asians mass raped Europeans. Europeans and MENA subjugated niggers for all of history, Asians subjugated Europeans and MENA for all of history. That’s how shit goes. No amount of cope will change that.
Ok now your inferiority complex to Whites makes complete sense.
You're literally the product of slavery and rape and you worship the men who raped your female ancestors. Always remember that if a Scandinavian man enters your country he is your God, and there's nothing you can do to unbreak this societal scale cuckoldry.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: bug_eye_blackcel, PrinceLuenLeoncur and Deleted member 24940
Ok now your inferiority complex to Whites makes complete sense.
You're literally the product of slavery and rape and you worship the men who raped your female ancestors. Always remember that if a Scandinavian man enters your country he is your God, and there's nothing you can do to unbreak this societal scale cuckoldry.

I live in the United States and was descended from the Hispanics here, so no not really, Scandinavian men wouldn’t be worshipped. They are the norm here and are oppressed here in their own countries.

JFL at your red herring and ad hominem. If I had an inferiority complex I wouldn’t be shit talking them here and bullying them irl. And we were talking about East Asians, not Hispanics. East Asians fucked and cucked and raped and conquered whites for all of history and whites have worshipped them for thousands of years. They would literally make ships trying to get to China to try and appease them with goods. Can’t respond to this huh: Take it this way; Europeans mass raped niggers, Asians mass raped Europeans. Europeans and MENA subjugated niggers for all of history, Asians subjugated Europeans and MENA for all of history. That’s how shit goes. No amount of cope will change that.

The white man colonized and raped your entire country and did even more to the rest of Africa. Your country is an utterly poor dirty broken down shithole, worse than pretty much every Latin American country. Half the niggers in Africa would drop dead in a decade without the aid of China. Hispanics are literally breeding white people out in their own countries, the United States will be Hispanic dominant soon. Meanwhile African nigger abused dog slaves will never be capable of doing anything to any other race on any remotely wide scale.
  • Love it
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This is even true in my country even though its european. Women here often brag about getting a german/dutch/swedish husband. Although for women the beauty standard isnt as white as possible. For men, a north/west european pheno is seen as high class.

Where do you live? Italy?
I live in the United States and was descended from the Hispanics here, so no not really, Scandinavian men wouldn’t be worshipped. They are the norm here and are oppressed here in their own countries.

JFL at your red herring and ad hominem. If I had an inferiority complex I wouldn’t be shit talking them here and bullying them irl. And we were talking about East Asians, not Hispanics. East Asians fucked and cucked and raped and conquered whites for all of history and whites have worshipped them for thousands of years. They would literally make ships trying to get to China to try and appease them with goods. Can’t respond to this huh: Take it this way; Europeans mass raped niggers, Asians mass raped Europeans. Europeans and MENA subjugated niggers for all of history, Asians subjugated Europeans and MENA for all of history. That’s how shit goes. No amount of cope will change that.

The white man colonized and raped your entire country and did even more to the rest of Africa. Your country is an utterly poor dirty broken down shithole, worse than pretty much every Latin American country. Half the niggers in Africa would drop dead in a decade without the aid of China. Hispanics are literally breeding white people out in their own countries, the United States will be Hispanic dominant soon. Meanwhile African nigger abused dog slaves will never be capable of doing anything to any other race on any remotely wide scale.
Oh so you're Mexican lmao, one of the worst types of Hispanic to be :forcedsmile:.
Legit 5'4 brown goblins who wish they were White.
Unlike your people my people were not mass killed and their women stolen and raped.
British Somaliland was one of the most hands off colonies of all time, and was self-governed by Somalis.
Also imagine going "waaaaah waaaaaah Ad Hom!" lmao, how soft are you.

You exist only because of White conquest and you're attempting push this insecurity onto me.
Oh so you're Mexican lmao, one of the worst types of Hispanic to be :forcedsmile:.
Legit 5'4 brown goblins who wish they were White.
Unlike your people my people were not mass killed and their women stolen and raped.
British Somaliland was one of the most hands off colonies of all time, and was self-governed by Somalis.
Also imagine going "waaaaah waaaaaah Ad Hom!" lmao, how soft are you.

You exist only because of White conquest and you're attempting push this insecurity onto me.
He's larping, he's chinese.
  • JFL
Reactions: fauxfox
Theres a very young somali girl who is into me, smile and stare at me everytime i see her, she is 13 years younger than me, she is also a hijabi, but she is definately western inspired.
Oh so you're Mexican lmao, one of the worst types of Hispanic to be :forcedsmile:.
Legit 5'4 brown goblins who wish they were White.
Unlike your people my people were not mass killed and their women stolen and raped.
British Somaliland was one of the most hands off colonies of all time, and was self-governed by Somalis.
Also imagine going "waaaaah waaaaaah Ad Hom!" lmao, how soft are you.

You exist only because of White conquest and you're attempting push this insecurity onto me.
Its brutal for latinos tho. Majority of their ydna is european, meanwhile their mtdna is 90+% east asian
Even the original native americans were majority caucasoid (Q) paternally and east asian (A, B, C, D) maternally.
  • +1
Reactions: fauxfox
He's larping, he's chinese.
With the number of times he talked about East Asians being a master race I suspected it too.
Regardless he is cucked by Whites. Both groups worship whiteness and their women chase white men. Their societies idealize the physical traits of white people and view breeding with white people as improving their genepools.

There's just no way for him to respond to this, the cuckoldry is too deeply ingrained. All his female relatives fantasize about white men and having half white kids.

I can't imagine living like that tbh. No matter how poor Somalis are we will never be this cucked.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
With the number of times he talked about East Asians being a master race I suspected it too.
Regardless he is cucked by Whites. Both groups worship whiteness and their women chase white men. Their societies idealize the physical traits of white people and view breeding with white people as improving their genepools.

There's just no way for him to respond to this, the cuckoldry is too deeply ingrained. All his female relatives fantasize about white men and having half white kids.

I can't imagine living like that tbh. No matter how poor Somalis are we will never be this cucked.
East asian society worships feminine looks, both for men and women. They have the exact same beauty standards for both sexes. That's why all the kpop stars, kdrama stars and chinese drama stars look extremely feminine, almost like women.
Theres a very young somali girl who is into me, smile and stare at me everytime i see her, she is 13 years younger than me, she is also a hijabi, but she is definately western inspired.
prod the waters and see if she’s a Hoejabi if she is after your done smashing expose to her parents as ruined goods for being a hoe
I live in the United States and was descended from the Hispanics here, so no not really, Scandinavian men wouldn’t be worshipped. They are the norm here and are oppressed here in their own countries.

JFL at your red herring and ad hominem. If I had an inferiority complex I wouldn’t be shit talking them here and bullying them irl. And we were talking about East Asians, not Hispanics. East Asians fucked and cucked and raped and conquered whites for all of history and whites have worshipped them for thousands of years. They would literally make ships trying to get to China to try and appease them with goods. Can’t respond to this huh: Take it this way; Europeans mass raped niggers, Asians mass raped Europeans. Europeans and MENA subjugated niggers for all of history, Asians subjugated Europeans and MENA for all of history. That’s how shit goes. No amount of cope will change that.

The white man colonized and raped your entire country and did even more to the rest of Africa. Your country is an utterly poor dirty broken down shithole, worse than pretty much every Latin American country. Half the niggers in Africa would drop dead in a decade without the aid of China. Hispanics are literally breeding white people out in their own countries, the United States will be Hispanic dominant soon. Meanwhile African nigger abused dog slaves will never be capable of doing anything to any other race on any remotely wide scale.
Mate Somalia was so called colonized for a couple decades they eventually gave up because Somalis were uncontrollable rabid niggas that did not fear death sure they nabbed a couple cities but 99 percent of the country aka country side it was suicide for them to step outside the cities
  • +1
Reactions: fauxfox
prod the waters and see if she’s a Hoejabi if she is after your done smashing expose to her parents as ruined goods for being a hoe
i think she is, she lives just 100 meters from me, we are nearly neighbours, her father is an imam, but she doesnt seem to care, if shes alone i will talk to her next time
i think she is, she lives just 100 meters from me, we are nearly neighbours, her father is an imam, but she doesnt seem to care, if shes alone i will talk to her next time
Do you intend to seduce the hoejabi
Mate Somalia was so called colonized for a couple decades they eventually gave up because Somalis were uncontrollable rabid niggas that did not fear death sure they nabbed a couple cities but 99 percent of the country aka country side it was suicide for them to step outside the cities
Walaalo he doesn't understand our history. The British part was almost completely hands off and the Italian part although more closely managed, still didn't have much change. It'd not like India where they extracted a fuck ton of resources and killed millions of people. Somalia was probably one of the most hands off colonized places in Africa. They were only there because it's a very strategic location and so that other European powers don't get there first.
Africans don’t worship whires cos we gentically see Europeans as subhuman pink pussies. Eurasians however they worship whites cos if you’re from the Asain or euro continent whites are the ideal. Even Arabs like white pheno even if they view euros as beasts. I’m greatful that even as slaves blacks still saw whites as beneath them and as filthy pinkoids. Whites are scared to visit west Africa because we kidnap them and ransome them for money west African pirates are more common than Somali now

God bless black people
This post screams SBC vibes
  • JFL
Reactions: bug_eye_blackcel
Walaalo he doesn't understand our history. The British part was almost completely hands off and the Italian part although more closely managed, still didn't have much change. It'd not like India where they extracted a fuck ton of resources and killed millions of people. Somalia was probably one of the most hands off colonized places in Africa. They were only there because it's a very strategic location and so that other European powers don't get there first.
Prob cause Somalis was a barren wasteland they got to India cuz it was rich asf I think they only nabbed Somalia for trade route control but they gave up cuz them mfs had no chill and refused to be cucks
  • +1
Reactions: bug_eye_blackcel and fauxfox
shes nice, just turned 16, why not,
Rip to the cuck that ends up with your sloppy seconds spare the poor nigga that shit and subtly expose the hoejabi to her father
Prob cause Somalis was a barren wasteland they got to India cuz it was rich asf I think they only nabbed Somalia for trade route control but they gave up cuz them mfs had no chill and refused to be cucks
Barren wasteland is an exaggeration, the South is extremely fertile and the North has the only forests in Somalia. The country could be much more fertile if there were proper infrastructure to catch rainwater considering how often it rains. We have large untapped uranium and oil reserves too.
Barren wasteland is an exaggeration, the South is extremely fertile and the North has the only forests in Somalia. The country could be much more fertile if there were proper infrastructure to catch rainwater considering how often it rains. We have large untapped uranium and oil reserves too.
My nigga the second that shit is tapped the west is gonna swoop in and cuck us
  • +1
Reactions: fauxfox
This post screams SBC vibes
Cry for the truth little Eurasian

My kind as natrally immune to your peoples tricks in our culture lighter men are seen as women and you are all women to us
  • Hmm...
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Oh so you're Mexican lmao, one of the worst types of Hispanic to be :forcedsmile:.
Legit 5'4 brown goblins who wish they were White.
Unlike your people my people were not mass killed and their women stolen and raped.
British Somaliland was one of the most hands off colonies of all time, and was self-governed by Somalis.
Also imagine going "waaaaah waaaaaah Ad Hom!" lmao, how soft are you.

You exist only because of White conquest and you're attempting push this insecurity onto me.

Somali IQ and retard chimpout JFL. Disgusting Horn nigger got mad after I mentally raped and eviscerated him and gave him an inferiority complex on the basis of his shit tier abused race.

JFL at attacking Hispanics because you can’t attack East Asians. Hispanics are literally breeding out whites in their own countries and are about to be the majority race in the United States. By that time, China and Russia combined will be able to completely eviscerate all white majority countries combined in a war. Be thankful, East Asians raped and abused and subjugated your conquerors and oppressors for all of history. British men are wholly descended from the Germanics that the Asiatic Huns and Avars raped and enslaved and subjugated for centuries. The vast majority of Germanics were under Hunnic rule, not just a few. Meanwhile, the Huns and Avars got utterly destroyed and kicked out by the Chinese.

I would give you ancestral colonial PTSD if you even looked at me the wrong way irl and you know it, disgusting Horn African Urkelcel slave nigger. You mentioned that you can’t do a single push up, how much of an utter weakling are you lmfao. Don’t even have West African slave physicality and muscle. Cucked by pathetic piss weak East African genetics. I’m 190lb after bulking and I can still do 70+ at this weight even though I never do push ups. I would brutally rape and sodomize you like British conquerors did to your whore women centuries ago and Chinese men are still doing to your whore women today.

He's larping, he's chinese.

Nope, I’m Hispanic. Believe what you want though. By the way, never forget that the disgusting Balkan shitholes you’re from (if you’re not LARPing) got fucked and raped by multiple different East Asian groups and ruled by East Asian elites for centuries throughout history. Balkan subhumans were subjugated and enslaved like helpless dogs while their disgusting whore women were mass raped by East Asian men. You have East Asian paternal DNA from Mongol, Hun, and Avar conquerors mass raping your Balkan whore ancestors, which might be the reason you worship Asian girls on an incel forum.

With the number of times he talked about East Asians being a master race I suspected it too.
Regardless he is cucked by Whites. Both groups worship whiteness and their women chase white men. Their societies idealize the physical traits of white people and view breeding with white people as improving their genepools.

There's just no way for him to respond to this, the cuckoldry is too deeply ingrained. All his female relatives fantasize about white men and having half white kids.

I can't imagine living like that tbh. No matter how poor Somalis are we will never be this cucked.

East Asians are completely different than Southeast Asians. East Asian Stacies only go for East Asian men. Look up all the hottest Asian celebrities and social media stars, even in the west and in majority white areas, they only go for Asian Changs. Only unattractive Asian rejects and SEAmonkeys go for white guys. There’s a reason why even white Chads date down and are seen with only ugly or average Asian girls. This “white worship” is complete and utter cope when you look at the Chinese rather than the SEAmonkeys they subjugated. White girls were Asian rape victims and slaves for all of history and white people are going fast extinct, except in Eastern Europe where they’re getting mass cucked by Chinese men in spades.

The Chinese look down on white people. Eastern Europeans look up to Chinese men. There’s more Chinese male + Russian female couples in Russia than all WMAF couples combined in the entirety of the United States. You never see the genders switched. Eastern European women worship Asian cock. It’s engrained in their Asian rape baby DNA after Mongols, Huns, and Avars all conquered Eastern and Central Europe, mass slaughtered Slavics like dogs, and mass raped their whore women.

The Chinese are abusing and oppressing you disgusting nigger slaves in your OWN countries while mass fucking and impregnating your whore ape sheboon women while you worship them like savior gods. This is happening in pretty much all the strongest African countries, including South Africa and Nigeria, and also in your Somali shithole. They’re abusing and killing you in your own countries and and bragging about it and getting away with it while having harems of sheboon women. Meanwhile, nigger slaves are regularly oppressed and abused in China.

Let’s be real: Horn niggers are cucked, the slave of the white man and Asian man. They’re dirt poor, shitholes, low IQ, no advancements, zero capability of ever asserting their power over either of those races. Meanwhile the white man fears the Asian man, has been raped and slaughtered and conquered and subjugated by the Asian man for all of history, has worshipped and looked up to the Asian man for most of history, and knows the Asian man will easily surpass and overtake them soon, while they look at Horn niggers like you like inferior dirt poor helpless paraplegic dogs that need saving JFL.
Nope, I’m Hispanic. Never forget that the disgusting Balkan shitholes you’re from (if you’re not LARPing) got fucked and raped by multiple different East Asian groups and ruled by East Asian elites for centuries throughout history. Balkan subhumans were subjugated and enslaved like helpless dogs while their disgusting whore women were mass raped by East Asian men. You have East Asian paternal DNA from Mongol, Hun, and Avar conquerors mass raping your disgusting Balkan whore ancestors, which might be the reason you worship Asian girls on an incel forum.
All incorrect.
Somali IQ and retard chimpout JFL. Disgusting Horn nigger got mad after I mentally raped and eviscerated him and gave him an inferiority complex on the basis of his shit tier abused race.

JFL at attacking Hispanics because you can’t attack East Asians. Hispanics are literally breeding out whites in their own countries and are about to be the majority race in the United States. By that time, China and Russia combined will be able to completely eviscerate all white majority countries combined in a war. Be thankful, East Asians raped and abused and subjugated your conquerors and oppressors for all of history. British men are wholly descended from the Germanics that the Asiatic Huns and Avars raped and enslaved and subjugated for centuries. The vast majority of Germanics were under Hunnic rule, not just a few. Meanwhile, the Huns and Avars got utterly destroyed and kicked out by the Chinese.

I would give you ancestral colonial PTSD even looked at me the wrong way irl and you know it disgusting Horn African Urkelcel slave nigger. You mentioned that you can’t do a single push up, how much of a are you lmfao. Cucked, pathetic, piss weak East African genetics. I’m 190lb after bulking and I can still do 70+ at this weight even though I never do push ups. I would brutally rape and sodomize you like British conquerors did to your whore women centuries ago and Chinese men are still doing to your whore women today.

Nope, I’m Hispanic. Never forget that the disgusting Balkan shitholes you’re from (if you’re not LARPing) got fucked and raped by multiple different East Asian groups and ruled by East Asian elites for centuries throughout history. Balkan subhumans were subjugated and enslaved like helpless dogs while their disgusting whore women were mass raped by East Asian men. You have East Asian paternal DNA from Mongol, Hun, and Avar conquerors mass raping your disgusting Balkan whore ancestors, which might be the reason you worship Asian girls on an incel forum.

East Asians are completely different than Southeast Asians. East Asian Stacies only go for East Asian men. Look up all the hottest Asian celebrities and social media stars, even in the west and in majority white areas, they only go for Asian Changs. Only unattractive Asian rejects and SEAmonkeys go for white guys. There’s a reason why even white Chads date down and are seen with only ugly or average Asian girls. This “white worship” is complete and utter cope when you look at the Chinese rather than the SEAmonkeys they subjugated. White girls were Asian rape victims and slaves for all of history and white people are going fast extinct, except in Eastern Europe where they’re getting mass cucked by Chinese men in spades.

The Chinese look down on white people. Eastern Europeans look up to Chinese men. There’s more Chinese male + Russian female couples in Russia than all WMAF couples combined in the entirety of the United States. You never see the genders switched. Eastern European women worship Asian cock. It’s engrained in their Asian rape baby DNA after Mongols, Huns, and Avars all conquered Eastern and Central Europe, mass slaughtered Slavics like dogs, and mass raped their whore women.

The Chinese are abusing and oppressing you disgusting nigger slaves in your OWN countries while mass fucking and impregnating your whore ape sheboon women while you worship them like savior gods. This is happening in pretty much all the strongest African countries, including South Africa and Nigeria, and also in your Somali shithole. They’re abusing and killing you in your own countries and and bragging about it and getting away with it while having harems of sheboon women. Meanwhile, nigger slaves are regularly oppressed and abused in China.

Let’s be real: Horn niggers are cucked, the slave of the white man and Asian man. They’re dirt poor, shitholes, low IQ, no advancements, zero capability of ever asserting their power over either of those races. Meanwhile the white man fears the Asian man, has been raped and slaughtered and conquered and subjugated by the Asian man for all of history, has worshipped and looked up to the Asian man for most of history, and knows the Asian man will easily surpass and overtake them soon, while they look at Horn niggers like you like inferior dirt poor helpless paraplegic dogs that need saving JFL.
Writing essays like this is hella cucked China sure as hell will not surpass the west when their one trade sanction away from being crippled the USA can simply refute up their old factorisand be fine after a couple decades China will not there gonna be crippled military wise their moved to the grave by the west iq wise China mogs tho
Daily reminder that central asians have majority european paternal dna and mongolia has 12-20% european paternal dna. Meanwhile europe has no east asian paternal dna.
This is even true in my country even though its european. Women here often brag about getting a german/dutch/swedish husband. Although for women the beauty standard isnt as white as possible. For men, a north/west european pheno is seen as high class.
Ethnicity and Phenopilled
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
Somali IQ and retard chimpout JFL. Disgusting Horn nigger got mad after I mentally raped and eviscerated him and gave him an inferiority complex on the basis of his shit tier abused race.

JFL at attacking Hispanics because you can’t attack East Asians. Hispanics are literally breeding out whites in their own countries and are about to be the majority race in the United States. By that time, China and Russia combined will be able to completely eviscerate all white majority countries combined in a war. Be thankful, East Asians raped and abused and subjugated your conquerors and oppressors for all of history. British men are wholly descended from the Germanics that the Asiatic Huns and Avars raped and enslaved and subjugated for centuries. The vast majority of Germanics were under Hunnic rule, not just a few. Meanwhile, the Huns and Avars got utterly destroyed and kicked out by the Chinese.

I would give you ancestral colonial PTSD if you even looked at me the wrong way irl and you know it, disgusting Horn African Urkelcel slave nigger. You mentioned that you can’t do a single push up, how much of an utter weakling are you lmfao. Don’t even have West African slave physicality and muscle. Cucked by pathetic piss weak East African genetics. I’m 190lb after bulking and I can still do 70+ at this weight even though I never do push ups. I would brutally rape and sodomize you like British conquerors did to your whore women centuries ago and Chinese men are still doing to your whore women today.

Nope, I’m Hispanic. Believe what you want though. By the way, never forget that the disgusting Balkan shitholes you’re from (if you’re not LARPing) got fucked and raped by multiple different East Asian groups and ruled by East Asian elites for centuries throughout history. Balkan subhumans were subjugated and enslaved like helpless dogs while their disgusting whore women were mass raped by East Asian men. You have East Asian paternal DNA from Mongol, Hun, and Avar conquerors mass raping your Balkan whore ancestors, which might be the reason you worship Asian girls on an incel forum.

East Asians are completely different than Southeast Asians. East Asian Stacies only go for East Asian men. Look up all the hottest Asian celebrities and social media stars, even in the west and in majority white areas, they only go for Asian Changs. Only unattractive Asian rejects and SEAmonkeys go for white guys. There’s a reason why even white Chads date down and are seen with only ugly or average Asian girls. This “white worship” is complete and utter cope when you look at the Chinese rather than the SEAmonkeys they subjugated. White girls were Asian rape victims and slaves for all of history and white people are going fast extinct, except in Eastern Europe where they’re getting mass cucked by Chinese men in spades.

The Chinese look down on white people. Eastern Europeans look up to Chinese men. There’s more Chinese male + Russian female couples in Russia than all WMAF couples combined in the entirety of the United States. You never see the genders switched. Eastern European women worship Asian cock. It’s engrained in their Asian rape baby DNA after Mongols, Huns, and Avars all conquered Eastern and Central Europe, mass slaughtered Slavics like dogs, and mass raped their whore women.

The Chinese are abusing and oppressing you disgusting nigger slaves in your OWN countries while mass fucking and impregnating your whore ape sheboon women while you worship them like savior gods. This is happening in pretty much all the strongest African countries, including South Africa and Nigeria, and also in your Somali shithole. They’re abusing and killing you in your own countries and and bragging about it and getting away with it while having harems of sheboon women. Meanwhile, nigger slaves are regularly oppressed and abused in China.

Let’s be real: Horn niggers are cucked, the slave of the white man and Asian man. They’re dirt poor, shitholes, low IQ, no advancements, zero capability of ever asserting their power over either of those races. Meanwhile the white man fears the Asian man, has been raped and slaughtered and conquered and subjugated by the Asian man for all of history, has worshipped and looked up to the Asian man for most of history, and knows the Asian man will easily surpass and overtake them soon, while they look at Horn niggers like you like inferior dirt poor helpless paraplegic dogs that need saving JFL.
Schizo ramblings by a 5'4 mexican slave to whites dnrd
  • JFL
Reactions: bug_eye_blackcel, TheAbyssinian and Deleted member 13787
All incorrect.
Daily reminder that central asians have majority european paternal dna and mongolia has 12-20% european paternal dna. Meanwhile europe has no east asian paternal dna.

Daily reminder that I’ve shown studies of Mongols and other groups having significant Euro mtDNA but little to no Euro YDNA from the Asian men fucking European women. Daily reminder that you haven’t shown me the same or any mtDNA studies. Daily reminder that both the Mongols and Avars conquered the Balkans and Bulgaria, which can be found with a simple Google search. Daily reminder that @cloUder is a lying we wuz kangz retard (Nordics are even more we wuz kangz than niggers here) that tried to show me the genetics of Hungarian conquerors and tried to pass them off as Huns and Avars, assuming I didn’t read my own studies that I sent. Face it nigga, you’re an East Asian rape baby. Tiny cherry-picked samples of specific parts of Europe don’t change that fact.

“A genetic study published in Scientific Reports in November 2019 examined the remains of fourteen Avar males. Eleven of them were dated to the early Avar period, and three were dated to the middle and late Avar period.[55] The eleven early Avar males were found to be carrying the paternal haplogroups N1a1a1a1a3 (four samples), N1a1a (two samples), R1a1a1b2a (two samples), C2, G2a, and I1.[55] The three males dated to the middle and late Avar period carried the paternal haplogroups C2, N1a1a1a1a3 and E1b1b1a1b1a.[55]In short, mostly carried "east Eurasian Y haplogroups typical for modern north-eastern Siberian and Buryat populations". The Avars studied were all determined to have had dark eyes and dark hair, and the majority of them were found to be primarily of East Asian origin.[56]

“A genetic study published in Scientific Reports in January 2020 examined the remains of 26 individuals buried at various elite Avar cemeteries in the Pannonian Basin dated to the 7th century.[57] The mtDNA of these Avars belonged mostly to East Asian haplogroups, while the Y-DNA was exclusively of East Asian origin and "strikingly homogenous", belonging to haplogroups N-M231and Q-M242.[58]The evidence suggests that the Avar elite were largely patrilineal and endogamous for a period of around one century, and entered the Pannonian Basin through migrations from East Asia involving both men and women.[59]

“A genetic study published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology in 2018 examined 62 individuals buried in the 8th and 9th centuries at an Avar-Slavic burial in Cífer‐Pác, Slovakia.[51] Of the 46 samples of mtDNA extracted, 93% belonged to west Eurasian lineages, while 6% belonged to east Eurasian lineages.[52] The amount of east Eurasian lineages was higher than among modern European populations, but lower than what has been found in other genetic studies on the Avars.[53] The mtDNA of the examined individuals was found to be quite similar to medieval and modern Slavs, and it was suggested that the mixed population examined had emerged through intermarriage between Avar males and Slavic females.[54]

“A genetic study published in scientific journal Current Biology in May 2022 examined 143 Avar samples from various periods, including elite and commoners. It confirmed the Northeast Asian paternal and maternal origin for the Avar elite, with N1a-F4205 being their predominant and characteristic paternal lineage, alongside incorporated Q1a2a1 and R1a-Z94 Hunnic-Iranian remnants, and the rest belonging to local haplogroups found among surrounding populations. Autosomally, the Elite Avar samples "preserved very ancient Mongolian pre-Bronze Age genomes, with ca 90% [Ancient North-East Asian] ancestry", shared deep ancestry with European Huns, but although since Early Avar period started mixing with local and immigrant Hunnic-Iranian related populations, "people with different genetic ancestries were seemingly distinguished, as samples with Hun-related genomes were buried in separate cemeteries". The majority of the Avar Khaganate population consisted of local European peoples (EU_core) but did not display Northeast Asian admixture, supporting a model of elite dominance of arriving horse nomads over a large sedentary population.


Remember that I already disproved your lying we wuz kangz copes about the Huns and Mongols here. East Asians legit raped and slaughtered and subjugated Europeans for all of history JFL.

Schizo ramblings by a 5'4 mexican slave to whites dnrd

6’2 breeder of white women, which is why they’re becoming a minority in their own countries.

And you read and swallowed every single letter like the cock hungry nigger slave dog you are.
Schizo ramblings by a 5'4 mexican slave to whites dnrd
From the way he defends chinks to his dying breath you would assume he’s a coping ricecel
  • +1
Reactions: fauxfox
Daily reminder that I’ve shown studies of Mongols and other groups having significant Euro mtDNA but little to no Euro YDNA from the Asian men fucking European women. Daily reminder that you haven’t shown me the same or any mtDNA studies. Daily reminder that both the Mongols and Avars conquered the Balkans and Bulgaria, which can be found with a simple Google search. Daily reminder that @
@cloUder is a lying we wuz kangz retard (Nordics are even more we wuz kangz than niggers here) that tried to show me the genetics of Hungarian conquerors and tried to pass them off as Huns and Avars, assuming I didn’t read my own studies that I sent. Face it nigga, you’re an East Asian rape baby. Tiny cherry-picked samples of specific parts of Europe don’t change that fact.

“A genetic study published in Scientific Reports in November 2019 examined the remains of fourteen Avar males. Eleven of them were dated to the early Avar period, and three were dated to the middle and late Avar period.[55] The eleven early Avar males were found to be carrying the paternal haplogroups N1a1a1a1a3 (four samples), N1a1a (two samples), R1a1a1b2a (two samples), C2, G2a, and I1.[55] The three males dated to the middle and late Avar period carried the paternal haplogroups C2, N1a1a1a1a3 and E1b1b1a1b1a.[55]In short, mostly carried "east Eurasian Y haplogroups typical for modern north-eastern Siberian and Buryat populations". The Avars studied were all determined to have had dark eyes and dark hair, and the majority of them were found to be primarily of East Asian origin.[56]

“A genetic study published in Scientific Reports in January 2020 examined the remains of 26 individuals buried at various elite Avar cemeteries in the Pannonian Basin dated to the 7th century.[57] The mtDNA of these Avars belonged mostly to East Asian haplogroups, while the Y-DNA was exclusively of East Asian origin and "strikingly homogenous", belonging to haplogroups N-M231and Q-M242.[58]The evidence suggests that the Avar elite were largely patrilineal and endogamous for a period of around one century, and entered the Pannonian Basin through migrations from East Asia involving both men and women.[59]

“A genetic study published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology in 2018 examined 62 individuals buried in the 8th and 9th centuries at an Avar-Slavic burial in Cífer‐Pác, Slovakia.[51] Of the 46 samples of mtDNA extracted, 93% belonged to west Eurasian lineages, while 6% belonged to east Eurasian lineages.[52] The amount of east Eurasian lineages was higher than among modern European populations, but lower than what has been found in other genetic studies on the Avars.[53] The mtDNA of the examined individuals was found to be quite similar to medieval and modern Slavs, and it was suggested that the mixed population examined had emerged through intermarriage between Avar males and Slavic females.[54]

“A genetic study published in scientific journal Current Biology in May 2022 examined 143 Avar samples from various periods, including elite and commoners. It confirmed the Northeast Asian paternal and maternal origin for the Avar elite, with N1a-F4205 being their predominant and characteristic paternal lineage, alongside incorporated Q1a2a1 and R1a-Z94 Hunnic-Iranian remnants, and the rest belonging to local haplogroups found among surrounding populations. Autosomally, the Elite Avar samples "preserved very ancient Mongolian pre-Bronze Age genomes, with ca 90% [Ancient North-East Asian] ancestry", shared deep ancestry with European Huns, but although since Early Avar period started mixing with local and immigrant Hunnic-Iranian related populations, "people with different genetic ancestries were seemingly distinguished, as samples with Hun-related genomes were buried in separate cemeteries". The majority of the Avar Khaganate population consisted of local European peoples (EU_core) but did not display Northeast Asian admixture, supporting a model of elite dominance of arriving horse nomads over a large sedentary population.
Literally nothing in this garbage wall of text says anything about europeans having east asian Ydna or Mongols not having it. Nor have avars or huns or mongols ever left their lineages in bulgaria. Literally nobody has east asian ydna in europe lel.

Multiple studies show mongols having 12-20% european Ydna, you keep duking the facts as hard as you possibly can tho.




Can you provide me a single statistic on Ydna showing east asian haplogroups in europe, or a complete lack of european haplogroups in mongolia, let alone central asia?
Daily reminder that I’ve shown studies of Mongols and other groups having significant Euro mtDNA but little to no Euro YDNA from the Asian men fucking European women. Daily reminder that you haven’t shown me the same or any mtDNA studies.
Also i showed you studies before. Youre just lying. And you tried to pass off south chinese people with mongol origins not having euro Ydna as all mongols not having it. I kept calling you out on it and you never addressed it.
Somali IQ and retard chimpout JFL. Disgusting Horn nigger got mad after I mentally raped and eviscerated him and gave him an inferiority complex on the basis of his shit tier abused race.

JFL at attacking Hispanics because you can’t attack East Asians. Hispanics are literally breeding out whites in their own countries and are about to be the majority race in the United States. By that time, China and Russia combined will be able to completely eviscerate all white majority countries combined in a war. Be thankful, East Asians raped and abused and subjugated your conquerors and oppressors for all of history. British men are wholly descended from the Germanics that the Asiatic Huns and Avars raped and enslaved and subjugated for centuries. The vast majority of Germanics were under Hunnic rule, not just a few. Meanwhile, the Huns and Avars got utterly destroyed and kicked out by the Chinese.

I would give you ancestral colonial PTSD if you even looked at me the wrong way irl and you know it, disgusting Horn African Urkelcel slave nigger. You mentioned that you can’t do a single push up, how much of an utter weakling are you lmfao. Don’t even have West African slave physicality and muscle. Cucked by pathetic piss weak East African genetics. I’m 190lb after bulking and I can still do 70+ at this weight even though I never do push ups. I would brutally rape and sodomize you like British conquerors did to your whore women centuries ago and Chinese men are still doing to your whore women today.

Nope, I’m Hispanic. Believe what you want though. By the way, never forget that the disgusting Balkan shitholes you’re from (if you’re not LARPing) got fucked and raped by multiple different East Asian groups and ruled by East Asian elites for centuries throughout history. Balkan subhumans were subjugated and enslaved like helpless dogs while their disgusting whore women were mass raped by East Asian men. You have East Asian paternal DNA from Mongol, Hun, and Avar conquerors mass raping your Balkan whore ancestors, which might be the reason you worship Asian girls on an incel forum.

East Asians are completely different than Southeast Asians. East Asian Stacies only go for East Asian men. Look up all the hottest Asian celebrities and social media stars, even in the west and in majority white areas, they only go for Asian Changs. Only unattractive Asian rejects and SEAmonkeys go for white guys. There’s a reason why even white Chads date down and are seen with only ugly or average Asian girls. This “white worship” is complete and utter cope when you look at the Chinese rather than the SEAmonkeys they subjugated. White girls were Asian rape victims and slaves for all of history and white people are going fast extinct, except in Eastern Europe where they’re getting mass cucked by Chinese men in spades.

The Chinese look down on white people. Eastern Europeans look up to Chinese men. There’s more Chinese male + Russian female couples in Russia than all WMAF couples combined in the entirety of the United States. You never see the genders switched. Eastern European women worship Asian cock. It’s engrained in their Asian rape baby DNA after Mongols, Huns, and Avars all conquered Eastern and Central Europe, mass slaughtered Slavics like dogs, and mass raped their whore women.

The Chinese are abusing and oppressing you disgusting nigger slaves in your OWN countries while mass fucking and impregnating your whore ape sheboon women while you worship them like savior gods. This is happening in pretty much all the strongest African countries, including South Africa and Nigeria, and also in your Somali shithole. They’re abusing and killing you in your own countries and and bragging about it and getting away with it while having harems of sheboon women. Meanwhile, nigger slaves are regularly oppressed and abused in China.

Let’s be real: Horn niggers are cucked, the slave of the white man and Asian man. They’re dirt poor, shitholes, low IQ, no advancements, zero capability of ever asserting their power over either of those races. Meanwhile the white man fears the Asian man, has been raped and slaughtered and conquered and subjugated by the Asian man for all of history, has worshipped and looked up to the Asian man for most of history, and knows the Asian man will easily surpass and overtake them soon, while they look at Horn niggers like you like inferior dirt poor helpless paraplegic dogs that need saving JFL.
This is stupid, both East Asians and Africans got tricked in the same ways by honkeys.

Nigeria was literally created because the good 'ole Bri'ish wanted to help recapture the slaves still apart of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade at the end of that area. Then, one they got a good amount(150,000) of former slaves who were grateful to their white massas, they launched a surprise war and got the Yoruba people to cede Lagos to them, the rest is history.

The same with the Chinese Opium Crisis. The good 'ole Bri'ish just wanted to contribute to Chinese culture and supply them opium for their Gigacope Medicines, and when the Chinese actually started pushing back on the Single-most profitable British export at the time, the British beat their ass and forced them to cede Hong Kong; which is still a little cucked state that the West uses to push their influence into China today.

Neither race is better than the other, it's just that whites are the slimiest of them all
This man singlehandedly destroyed Somali SMV in the West, absolutely insane the amount of damage he has done. I wonder if he's even aware.

I liked his appearance on Bladerunner though
He’s the most ugly Somali I have ever seen. Every aber so e Somali on the street mogs him to death.
  • +1
Reactions: fauxfox
Africans don’t worship whires cos we gentically see Europeans as subhuman pink pussies. Eurasians however they worship whites cos if you’re from the Asain or euro continent whites are the ideal. Even Arabs like white pheno even if they view euros as beasts. I’m greatful that even as slaves blacks still saw whites as beneath them and as filthy pinkoids. Whites are scared to visit west Africa because we kidnap them and ransome them for money west African pirates are more common than Somali now

God bless black people
A French tourist has admitted impregnating more than 600 women in six African countries within two years. Forty-year old Jean Michel made the revelation on an online news site “Africa24”.

I agree with your point that you wrote somewhere about eurasians looking down when they see a white person, black people are the only race that are able to look a white guy in their eyes, but you are conflating a lot of different things. JBW 100% works in africa, white guys just don't go there because they aren't attracted to black woman and east asia is safer with actually attractive women.
Writing essays like this is hella cucked China sure as hell will not surpass the west when their one trade sanction away from being crippled the USA can simply refute up their old factorisand be fine after a couple decades China will not there gonna be crippled military wise their moved to the grave by the west iq wise China mogs tho

JFL at your low IQ nigger grammar. I hope you’re not a native English speaker. China is literally surpassing the west in every conceivable aspect, including economy, military, technology, influence, etc. World leaders, defense experts, economic experts, Pentagon scientists, US generals, and the richest billionaires all agree on this. Look at this thread for evidence.

You are an absolute braindead moron if you think sanctions fuck China more than it does the US lmao. It’s completely the other way around. Just look at the trade deficit and trade ratio. Everyone agrees that the US is extremely economically dependent on China. The insane economic dependence will only grow exponentially as China’s economy gets stronger and stronger. Not only that, China is increasingly dominating economy and trade with other countries over America and is increasingly monopolizing global trade.


58D25243 6E65 49CC A915 41F55DFA6CFD

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/americas-dependence-china-crisis-the-making[/URL]

This is stupid, both East Asians and Africans got tricked in the same ways by honkeys.

Nigeria was literally created because the good 'ole Bri'ish wanted to help recapture the slaves still apart of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade at the end of that area. Then, one they got a good amount(150,000) of former slaves who were grateful to their white massas, they launched a surprise war and got the Yoruba people to cede Lagos to them, the rest is history.

The same with the Chinese Opium Crisis. The good 'ole Bri'ish just wanted to contribute to Chinese culture and supply them opium for their Gigacope Medicines, and when the Chinese actually started pushing back on the Single-most profitable British export at the time, the British beat their ass and forced them to cede Hong Kong; which is still a little cucked state that the West uses to push their influence into China today.

Neither race is better than the other, it's just that whites are the slimiest of them all

This is insane cope. China completely took back has Hong Kong after it easily surpassed Britain in power and the west has absolutely zero power over Hong Kong day. Congrats, you beat an agricultural underdeveloped China as an industrialized militarized empire. Japan did so as well, and now China threatens to repeatedly nuke Japan with zero consequences. There is nothing either country can do to remotely touch China today, China can literally eviscerate the entire European Union and United Kingdom combined. Remember that the British are literally Hun rape babies and all almost every single ancient Germanic tribe (British ancestors) in Western Europe was raped and massacred and subjugated by the Huns. Today, China would eviscerate the entire European Union in a war.

Literally nothing in this garbage wall of text says anything about europeans having east asian Ydna or Mongols not having it. Nor have avars or huns or mongols ever left their lineages in bulgaria. Literally nobody has east asian ydna in europe lel.

Multiple studies show mongols having 12-20% european Ydna, you keep duking the facts as hard as you possibly can tho.

View attachment 2140865


View attachment 2140871

Can you provide me a single statistic on Ydna showing east asian haplogroups in europe, or a complete lack of european haplogroups in mongolia, let alone central asia?

Reread the comment. I literally just showed you that Avars were homogenously East Asian YDNA while they were diverse in mtDNA, and they left their genetic influence on Slavic women in a certain group with over 90% West Eurasian mtDNA. It was Avar men fucking Slavic women, like I blatantly bolded out. Primarily Asian YDNA and Slavic mtDNA. Cherry-picking specific examples in Europe doesn’t change the facts. By the way, there’s a reason you’re not showing studies showing Mongol Euro mtDNA as compared to YDNA. It’s quite clear that Mongols have significantly more European mtDNA than YDNA.

Not only that, the study said the Mongols added European mtDNA ONLY during their conquests like the study said. There was little to no intermixing between Europeans and East Asians AT ALL before the Mongol Empire according to the study. Also, Asian YDNA increased during the Mongol empire period while European autosomal DNA decreased even though the Mongols added European mtDNA only during their conquests. It’s quite clear what happened. Everything points quite clearly to European men not being able to reproduce during the period of the Mongol Empire, while Asian men were able to reproduce and did so with European women. The East Asian Mongols added European mtDNA to their gene pool maternally while displacing Europeans paternally.

“However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations."

"A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]"

Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics(Nasidze et al. 2005; Wells et al. 2001; Xue et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2005). The prevalence of the Mongolian Y chromosome in Central Asians support the inequity admixture due to Genghis Khan’s military success (Zerjal et al. 2002, 2003), that is, the Mongolia conqueror contributed the dominant Y chromosome to the descendant admixture populations. This happened in the Indo-Europeans admixture in the caste establishment in India (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006), and similar situations were found among Spanish Conquistadors and British colonialists in North America and Australia (Carvajal-Carmonn et al. 2000).”

Face it, despite what cherry-picks you try and find, nobody agrees with you. If you search up “did Europeans rape Mongols” no results of it show up, while literally all the Google results of that search return the fact of Mongols raping Europeans lmao. This applies for the Huns and Avars too. Everyone says East Asians raped Europeans, not the other way around. They do this for a reason.

Also i showed you studies before. Youre just lying. And you tried to pass off south chinese people with mongol origins not having euro Ydna as all mongols not having it. I kept calling you out on it and you never addressed it.

I showed you a study that said Mongols had significant Euro mtDNA and no Euro YDNA, homogenously East Asian YDNA. I search YDNA and I searched MTDNA in that study and those were all the results that popped up. It said that Mongols had Euro mtDNA, and nowhere did it say they had Euro YDNA. If Mongols reallly widely had Euro YDNA, they would say so at least once on the study. I didn’t try and pass anything off, which is exactly what you’re doing. I used the TongHai because it mentioned that Mongols had no Euro YDNA and that all Mongol groups clustered closely together in YDNA, including the TongHai, which means that other Mongols’ YDNA can be extremely similar to it. In the exact same study, it says that Mongols had Euro mtDNA and only got it after the Mongol conquests while YDNA remained East Asian dominant, as I’ve posted above.

“Our recent study indicated that all Mongolians clustered together in Y-STR data, including the TongHai Mongolians (our unpublished data). The extant TongHai Mongolians take the north-prevalent haplogroups (51.5%), and no European-specific haplotypes were observed.

European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were identified in all five major Xinjiang populations
, and 14% of these haplogroups were found in the Xinjiang Mongolians but only 2% in the Mongolians who lived in the east part of plateau of Mongolia (Kong et al. 2003b). European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were also identified in the populations of northeast Mongolia far away the Silk Road (Kolman et al. 1996).

You didn’t show me jackshit of Mongol Euro mtDNA compared to YDNA lmao. Stop blatantly lying nigga, like you always try to do in order to try and convince everyone that we wuz kangz. Are you going to address the fact that you tried to pass off the Hungarian conquerors as Huns and Avars to claim they were predominantly white instead of Asian in order to try and mislead me or are you going to conveniently ignore it?

Just like how you tried to pass off Hitler’s quote about Dutch girls being highly attractive, and any “blemishes” in them being purely due to interbreeding with Malays, and the fact that he said the men only fucked them because there was a lack of Dutch girls and they were horny, as him preferring hapa girls to pure Dutch girls? When he literally said that Malay DNA ruined the “lovely” Dutch girls and gave them blemishes lmao. You’ll lie about anything to promote your WMAF fantasy when anyone who doesn’t have a double digit IQ can easily disprove you lmao.

Face it. Before the modern post industrialization era, East Asians have killed over a thousand times more white people and conquered over a million times more white land (realistic number considering Europeans never conquered East Asians TMI) than the other way around. We both know this.
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JFL at your low IQ nigger grammar. I hope you’re not a native English speaker. China is literally surpassing the west in every conceivable aspect, including economy, military, technology, influence, etc. World leaders, defense experts, economic experts, Pentagon scientists, US generals, and the richest billionaires all agree on this. Look at this thread for evidence.

You are an absolute braindead moron if you think sanctions fuck China more than it does the US lmao. It’s completely the other way around. Just look at the trade deficit and trade ratio. Everyone agrees that the US is extremely economically dependent on China. The insane economic dependence will only grow exponentially as China’s economy gets stronger and stronger. Not only that, China is increasingly dominating economy and trade with other countries over America and is increasingly monopolizing global trade.

View attachment 2140878

View attachment 2140879

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/americas-dependence-china-crisis-the-making[/URL]

This is insane cope. China completely took back has Hong Kong after it easily surpassed Britain in power and the west has absolutely zero power over Hong Kong day. Congrats, you beat an agricultural underdeveloped China as an industrialized militarized empire. Japan did so as well, and now China threatens to repeatedly nuke Japan with zero consequences. There is nothing either country can do to remotely touch China today, China can literally eviscerate the entire European Union and United Kingdom combined. Remember that the British are literally Hun rape babies and all almost every single ancient Germanic tribe (British ancestors) in Western Europe was raped and massacred and subjugated by the Huns. Today, China would eviscerate the entire European Union in a war.

Reread the comment. I literally just showed you that Avars were homogenously East Asian YDNA while they were diverse in mtDNA, and they left their genetic influence on Slavic women in a certain group with over 90% West Eurasian mtDNA. It was Avar men fucking Slavic women, like I blatantly bolded out. Primarily Asian YDNA and Slavic mtDNA. Cherry-picking specific examples in Europe doesn’t change the facts. By the way, there’s a reason you’re not showing studies showing Mongol Euro mtDNA as compared to YDNA. It’s quite clear that Mongols have significantly more European mtDNA than YDNA.

Not only that, the study said the Mongols added European mtDNA ONLY during their conquests like the study said. There was little to no intermixing between Europeans and East Asians AT ALL before the Mongol Empire according to the study. Also, Asian YDNA increased during the Mongol empire period while European autosomal DNA decreased even though the Mongols added European mtDNA only during their conquests. It’s quite clear what happened. Everything points quite clearly to European men not being able to reproduce during the period of the Mongol Empire, while Asian men were able to reproduce and did so with European women. The East Asian Mongols added European mtDNA to their gene pool maternally while displacing Europeans paternally.

“However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations."

"A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]"

Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics(Nasidze et al. 2005; Wells et al. 2001; Xue et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2005). The prevalence of the Mongolian Y chromosome in Central Asians support the inequity admixture due to Genghis Khan’s military success (Zerjal et al. 2002, 2003), that is, the Mongolia conqueror contributed the dominant Y chromosome to the descendant admixture populations. This happened in the Indo-Europeans admixture in the caste establishment in India (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006), and similar situations were found among Spanish Conquistadors and British colonialists in North America and Australia (Carvajal-Carmonn et al. 2000).”

Face it, despite what cherry-picks you try and find, nobody agrees with you. If you search up “did Europeans rape Mongols” no results of it show up, while literally all the Google results of that search return the fact of Mongols raping Europeans lmao. This applies for the Huns and Avars too. Everyone says East Asians raped Europeans, not the other way around. They do this for a reason.

I showed you a study that said Mongols had significant Euro mtDNA and no Euro YDNA, homogenously East Asian YDNA. I search YDNA and I searched MTDNA in that study and those were all the results that popped up. It said that Mongols had Euro mtDNA, and nowhere did it say they had Euro YDNA. If Mongols reallly widely had Euro YDNA, they would say so at least once on the study. I didn’t try and pass anything off, which is exactly what you’re doing. I used the TongHai because it mentioned that Mongols had no Euro YDNA and that all Mongol groups clustered closely together in YDNA, including the TongHai, which means that other Mongols’ YDNA can be extremely similar to it. In the exact same study, it says that Mongols had Euro mtDNA and only got it after the Mongol conquests while YDNA remained East Asian dominant, as I’ve posted above.

“Our recent study indicated that all Mongolians clustered together in Y-STR data, including the TongHai Mongolians (our unpublished data). The extant TongHai Mongolians take the north-prevalent haplogroups (51.5%), and no European-specific haplotypes were observed.

European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were identified in all five major Xinjiang populations, and 14% of these haplogroups were found in the Xinjiang Mongolians but only 2% in the Mongolians who lived in the east part of plateau of Mongolia (Kong et al. 2003b). European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were also identified in the populations of northeast Mongolia far away the Silk Road (Kolman et al. 1996).

You didn’t show me jackshit of Mongol Euro mtDNA compared to YDNA lmao. Stop blatantly lying nigga, like you always try to do in order to try and convince everyone that we wuz kangz. Are you going to address the fact that you tried to pass off the Hungarian conquerors as Huns and Avars to claim they were predominantly white instead of Asian in order to try and mislead me or are you going to conveniently ignore it?

Just like how you tried to pass off Hitler’s quote about Dutch girls being highly attractive, and any “blemishes” in them being purely due to interbreeding with Malays, and the fact that he said the men only fucked them because there was a lack of Dutch girls and they were horny, as him preferring hapa girls to pure Dutch girls? When he literally said that Malay DNA ruined the “lovely” Dutch girls and gave them blemishes lmao. You’ll lie about anything to promote your WMAF fantasy when anyone who doesn’t have a double digit IQ can easily disprove you lmao.

Face it. Before the modern post industrialization era, East Asians have killed over a thousand times more white people and conquered over a million times more white land (realistic number considering Europeans never conquered East Asians TMI) than the other way around. We both know this.
I give zero fucks about ancient history I care about the present and from what I see the USA mics China into the grave this is why every mf wants to immigrate to America if you want opportunities it’s the go to place

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