I'm so glad my people do not worship Whites

I give zero fucks about ancient history I care about the present and from what I see the USA mics China into the grave this is why every mf wants to immigrate to America if you want opportunities it’s the go to place

Nigga wtf is your IQ? Everything I replied to you with is literally about modern day, aka today, and the future as well, not ancient history. China is economically and technologically dominating the US at an ever increasing rate, and is projected to militarily dominate as well by defense experts and US generals since its military is strengthening at a much quicker and more efficient rate
Nigga wtf is your IQ? Everything I replied to you with is literally about modern day, aka today, and the future as well, not ancient history. China is economically and technologically dominating the US at an ever increasing rate, and is projected to militarily dominate as well by defense experts and US generals since its military is strengthening at a much quicker and more efficient rate
I zoned out at the chromosome shit bruv I could not read all that shit projections mean nothing to me only what’s here right now I’ll change my tune when mfs want to immigrate to China witch they fucking don’t because no one wants to live under a communist dictatorship we’re you have no freedoms


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I live in the United States and was descended from the Hispanics here, so no not really, Scandinavian men wouldn’t be worshipped. They are the norm here and are oppressed here in their own countries.

JFL at your red herring and ad hominem. If I had an inferiority complex I wouldn’t be shit talking them here and bullying them irl. And we were talking about East Asians, not Hispanics. East Asians fucked and cucked and raped and conquered whites for all of history and whites have worshipped them for thousands of years. They would literally make ships trying to get to China to try and appease them with goods. Can’t respond to this huh: Take it this way; Europeans mass raped niggers, Asians mass raped Europeans. Europeans and MENA subjugated niggers for all of history, Asians subjugated Europeans and MENA for all of history. That’s how shit goes. No amount of cope will change that.

The white man colonized and raped your entire country and did even more to the rest of Africa. Your country is an utterly poor dirty broken down shithole, worse than pretty much every Latin American country. Half the niggers in Africa would drop dead in a decade without the aid of China. Hispanics are literally breeding white people out in their own countries, the United States will be Hispanic dominant soon. Meanwhile African nigger abused dog slaves will never be capable of doing anything to any other race on any remotely wide scale.
Idk why you're such a cuck for East Asia but Europeans didn't try to "appease them with goods". Like I said, Opium was Britain's NUMBER 1(WHICH MEANS MOST PROFITABLE) EXPORT, which came from the demand for it that was already there because of Eastern Medicine.

No Developing(So-Called Third World) country is better than the other. It's either their economy is still export-focused from its colonial days due to corrupt leaders that don't want to focus on Intranational Development (Nigeria, Brazil, etc.) Or They're being embargo'd by NATO because they're being used as a Socialist front from the "Communist" countries (Venezuela, Gaddafi's Libya, etc.)

Funny that you bring up "Hispanics" breeding out white when that Identity is literally either White + Native American or Black + Native American. That's like saying Mixed race black people(So-Called Mulattos) are breeding out African people :lul:
Ths why guys like @human304 piss me off like. Blacks only have a lot of GIBS because WE FOUGHT FOR IT. Curries chinks spics etc would never fight for equality THEY SEE WHITES AS ABOVE THEM IT IS WHAT IT IS. Only maybe Arabs would cos Arabs legit view whites as beneath them. Blacks literally got enslaved for 3 centuries we should be the biggest white worshippers but all that did was make us hate Cumskins even more :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: If we were any other race we’d willingly be slaves to this day
At the end of the day it doesn't mean shit. Blacks in reality have the least amount of power as a whole. Making cumskins watch cuck porn doesn't change that africans are poorer and easily exploited compared to the rest of the world.

The 1% of the black population in the west doesn't represent the global situation for the rest of the blacks. And even then blacks in the west have the lowest life expectancies compared to other westerners.
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Many schizo ramblings from @cloUder and @Geneticist

All I have gathered is that cumskins are being bred out of existence by niggas
  • JFL
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Idk why you're such a cuck for East Asia but Europeans didn't try to "appease them with goods". Like I said, Opium was Britain's NUMBER 1(WHICH MEANS MOST PROFITABLE) EXPORT, which came from the demand for it that was already there because of Eastern Medicine.

No Developing(So-Called Third World) country is better than the other. It's either their economy is still export-focused from its colonial days due to corrupt leaders that don't want to focus on Intranational Development (Nigeria, Brazil, etc.) Or They're being embargo'd by NATO because they're being used as a Socialist front from the "Communist" countries (Venezuela, Gaddafi's Libya, etc.)

Funny that you bring up "Hispanics" breeding out white when that Identity is literally either White + Native American or Black + Native American. That's like saying Mixed race black people(So-Called Mulattos) are breeding out African people :lul:

Nigga are you slow? I was talking about Europe before the colonial era. They looked up to China and viewed it as a more advanced nation. They were getting on ships to try and sail to China and appease them with goods and check out their superior civilization. The Opium War happened long after that period. This also applies to India, and the whole reason Europeans got lucky and discovered America, a rich land with plenty of resources for rapid industrialization and modernization, was by pure luck while they were trying to get to India.

As for Hispanics, they’re far from pure white and can be considered a completely different race depending on how much white admixture they have. Less than 50% then they’re not white. So yes, we’re breeding out white people, or at least muttifying them. Besides that, immigrants and minorities like Arabs and Africans and Indians are swarming other western countries and breeding white people out in them. Northern and Western Euros are widely becoming a minority in their own countries lmao.
Black people are the only race to challenge Whites. They're the only race that can gather clear anti-White support and bring it mainstream. Meanwhile all other races choose to be beneath Whites. Such a cuck mentality.

I'm sure there's some hoes that do but Somalis still have one of if not the lowest outmarriage rates of any ethnic group in the West.
Blacks don’t challenge whites in the slightest. Black people to whites are like an annoying pet we keep feeding but it bites our hand but we keep it around because we don’t want our neighbors to think we’re cruel people. If whites stopped supporting blacks and stopped feeding them with tax dollars. There would be no blacks in America today. That is just the harsh truth. Blacks need whites to survive and live a modern lifestyle.
At the end of the day it doesn't mean shit. Blacks in reality have the least amount of power as a whole. Making cumskins watch cuck porn doesn't change that africans are poorer and easily exploited compared to the rest of the world.

The 1% of the black population in the west doesn't represent the global situation for the rest of the blacks. And even then blacks in the west have the lowest life expectancies compared to other westerners.
What does this have to do with the fact that pinkoids are seen as subhumans outside of Eurasia cultures?. when we first saw them thought they were sea demons and cannibals. We still hold these belifs whites are only treated ok in africa due to the natives trying to get money from the pink man same would happen to a chink.
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What does this have to do with the fact that pinkoids are seen as subhumans outside of Eurasia cultures?. when we first saw them thought they were sea demons and cannibals. We still hold these belifs whites are only treated ok in africa due to the natives trying to get money from the pink man same would happen to a chink.
I actually agree with u. But the thread got off topic when I replied to a comment about "power" in the real world.

Outside of Eurasia, Africans are definitely the least white worshiping
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A French tourist has admitted impregnating more than 600 women in six African countries within two years. Forty-year old Jean Michel made the revelation on an online news site “Africa24”.

I agree with your point that you wrote somewhere about eurasians looking down when they see a white person, black people are the only race that are able to look a white guy in their eyes, but you are conflating a lot of different things. JBW 100% works in africa, white guys just don't go there because they aren't attracted to black woman and east asia is safer with actually attractive women.
fake story btw the Frenchman provided no evidence so it’s fiction. It’s a well known fact that black men do over triple times better with white woman than vice versa so imagine the BBC game being ran in Europe and USA/Canada rn by the bbc horde. There’s a reason why the largest mutt population are Mullatos 😉
Ok now your inferiority complex to Whites makes complete sense.
You're literally the product of slavery and rape and you worship the men who raped your female ancestors. Always remember that if a Scandinavian man enters your country he is your God, and there's nothing you can do to unbreak this societal scale cuckoldry.
@Geneticist on Sui watch. There’s no cope for him a 5’5 cumskin from Italy would be a god in his spic shithole meanwhile in mine hed be mocked and bullied for being the same colour as a woman
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Nigga are you slow? I was talking about Europe before the colonial era. They looked up to China and viewed it as a more advanced nation. They were getting on ships to try and sail to China and appease them with goods and check out their superior civilization. The Opium War happened long after that period. This also applies to India, and the whole reason Europeans got lucky and discovered America, a rich land with plenty of resources for rapid industrialization and modernization, was by pure luck while they were trying to get to India.

As for Hispanics, they’re far from pure white and can be considered a completely different race depending on how much white admixture they have. Less than 50% then they’re not white. So yes, we’re breeding out white people, or at least muttifying them. Besides that, immigrants and minorities like Arabs and Africans and Indians are swarming other western countries and breeding white people out in them. Northern and Western Euros are widely becoming a minority in their own countries lmao.
I already agreed with you in the first paragraph, the second paragraph is straight retarded though. If any race could be "Bred out" it would've happened millennium ago with the countless mass rapes. Hispanics are either more Native American or more White/black/Indian, there's no "New Race" Mulattos and Mestizos aren't "New Races" if they get with someone from the conquering race they just become White, if they get with someone from their Native Race(Native American) they become more of that. Your mindset is already cucked because you're letting yourself be defined by a term created by White people in 1977 to encourage you into becoming the next second-class citizen after Black people(Cultural Assimilation)
Blacks don’t challenge whites in the slightest. Black people to whites are like an annoying pet we keep feeding but it bites our hand but we keep it around because we don’t want our neighbors to think we’re cruel people. If whites stopped supporting blacks and stopped feeding them with tax dollars. There would be no blacks in America today. That is just the harsh truth. Blacks need whites to survive and live a modern lifestyle.
I don't care about American blacks, they're alien to me. Somalis were self sufficient for thousands of years without any "help" from the white man. They lived ascetic and minimalist lives herding animals and exploring vast cave systems.
I hope all foreign aid ceases immediately.
I don't care about American blacks, they're alien to me. Somalis were self sufficient for thousands of years without any "help" from the white man. They lived ascetic and minimalist lives herding animals and exploring vast cave systems.
I hope all foreign aid ceases immediately.
This applies to all black Africans though. We literally evolved in the harshest environment for humans on earth (excluding the poles which no human lived on for obvs reasons)

If cumskins dissapear today we’d still be here, we are the first race and will be the last race to be here this is something that sends pinkoids and spics on a rampage cos they know genetically in their blood that what I say is true. We blacks do NOT and have NOT ever needed pinkoids we are the most resilient pretty strong ppl on earth and god made us to endure any hardships because he knows Eurasians are Ops
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I don't care about American blacks, they're alien to me. Somalis were self sufficient for thousands of years without any "help" from the white man. They lived ascetic and minimalist lives herding animals and exploring vast cave systems.
I hope all foreign aid ceases immediately.

Somalia is and always was a shit hole.

Think about this scenario. Imagine if white people took out all black people like we did to native Americans in America. Do you understand what kind of a golden age the world would go into with all those resources in Africa being properly used by whites?

But it won’t be whites who accomplish this. I suspect this is chinas plan all along. They will release a virus in Africa that will have a high mortality rate and be exclusively caught only by people of African descent. Then they will take Africa for themselves.
  • Hmm...
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This applies to all black Africans though. We literally evolved in the harshest environment for humans on earth (excluding the poles which no human lived on for obvs reasons)

If cumskins dissapear today we’d still be here, we are the first race and will be the last race to be here this is something that sends pinkoids and spics on a rampage cos they know genetically in their blood that what I say is true. We blacks do NOT and have NOT ever needed pinkoids we are the most resilient pretty strong ppl on earth and god made us to endure any hardships because he knows Eurasians are Ops
I love you
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This applies to all black Africans though. We literally evolved in the harshest environment for humans on earth (excluding the poles which no human lived on for obvs reasons)

If cumskins dissapear today we’d still be here, we are the first race and will be the last race to be here this is something that sends pinkoids and spics on a rampage cos they know genetically in their blood that what I say is true. We blacks do NOT and have NOT ever needed pinkoids we are the most resilient pretty strong ppl on earth and god made us to endure any hardships because he knows Eurasians are Ops
What? The only harsh places in Africa are the deserts. Africa in the lush tropical zones are super easy to survive in. Which is why IQs remained low.

Most resilient yet need the most help out of any race. JFL
fake story btw the Frenchman provided no evidence so it’s fiction

@Geneticist on Sui watch. There’s no cope for him a 5’5 cumskin from Italy would be a god in his spic shithole meanwhile in mine hed be mocked and bullied for being the same colour as a woman

I live in the United States, not a “spic shithole.” We’re about to become the majority race in the most powerful nation in the world (along with China). White people are far from worshipped here, quite the opposite. White people are literally oppressed in their own countries here JFL, you can be racist to them and they can’t be racist back while high T Hispanics and niggers rape and assault and murder them without consequence.

already agreed with you in the first paragraph, the second paragraph is straight retarded though. If any race could be "Bred out" it would've happened millennium ago with the countless mass rapes. Hispanics are either more Native American or more White/black/Indian, there's no "New Race" Mulattos and Mestizos aren't "New Races" if they get with someone from the conquering race they just become White, if they get with someone from their Native Race(Native American) they become more of that. Your mindset is already cucked because you're letting yourself be defined by a term created by White people in 1977 to encourage you into becoming the next second-class citizen after Black people(Cultural Assimilation)

White people made Native Americans (Ones in the US, not other bordering countries) near extinct. Either way, pure white people are dying out quick. Even not considering mixed races, white people are being overtaken by pure race minorities and immigrants in majority western countries. White people are quickly losing power and becoming minorities in their own countries just like they made Native Americans become minorities in their own countries. Yes, a race can be bred out, which is what conquerors often do to natives.

This applies to all black Africans though. We literally evolved in the harshest environment for humans on earth (excluding the poles which no human lived on for obvs reasons)

If cumskins dissapear today we’d still be here, we are the first race and will be the last race to be here this is something that sends pinkoids and spics on a rampage cos they know genetically in their blood that what I say is true. We blacks do NOT and have NOT ever needed pinkoids we are the most resilient pretty strong ppl on earth and god made us to endure any hardships because he knows Eurasians are Ops

Is this a joke? Do you have a reliable source? Because you’re completely and utterly wrong lmfao. It’s completely the other way around, and every modern anthropologist and scientist agrees. Black people literally evolved in the easiest to survive environments for humans where they didn’t have to develop much intelligence or naturally select for it to survive. They do have stronger immune systems yes, but that’s because they had to naturally select for it since they weren’t intelligent enough to be able to develop things that saved themselves from suffering infections and disease in the first place. Since they weren’t didn’t develop the intelligence to be able to save themselves from it, the ones with weak immune systems died while the ones with strong immune systems survived.
Somalia is and always was a shit hole.

Think about this scenario. Imagine if white people took out all black people like we did to native Americans in America. Do you understand what kind of a golden age the world would go into with all those resources in Africa being properly used by whites?

But it won’t be whites who accomplish this. I suspect this is chinas plan all along. They will release a virus in Africa that will have a high mortality rate and be exclusively caught only by people of African descent. Then they will take Africa for themselves.
You clearly know nothing about Somali history.
Proto-Somalia was a mssive trading hub that facilitated trading between the east and the west. The latin word "Aroma" originated from the Somali port city of Aromata which is where Romans got all their cinnamon.
Look up the Land of Punt.
What? The only harsh places in Africa are the deserts. Africa in the lush tropical zones are super easy to survive in. Which is why IQs remained low.

Most resilient yet need the most help out of any race. JFL
Imagine speaking so confidently when you know so little, everything you know comes from /pol/ infographics. Africa has the most difficult land to farm. Africa (apart from Ethiopia and parts of Somalia) is very bad for civilization building. Jungle soil is too acidic for farming purposes. Africa is full of so many diseases that quickly kill any foreigners too which stifles trade. Sahara desert also heavily stifled trade.
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What? The only harsh places in Africa are the deserts. Africa in the lush tropical zones are super easy to survive in. Which is why IQs remained low.

Most resilient yet need the most help out of any race. JFL
Ahahah your a retard if you think living on a land as that’s isolated with hardly any fertile soil with a few crops and hardly any large range of beasts of burden as well as unpredictable seasons and weather patterns with extreme biomes/climates and the world most deadly fauna (yes africa has more fucked up animals than even Australia just do a Google search) is easy.

I guess west Africans having to literally evolve fast twitch muslces and sicklecel due to the fucked up living creatures of their region is a sign that the place was an easy place to evolve in 😂🤣. Oh what a retard you are, jsut be greatful your people come from an easy to live In Continent of Eurasia, mine how to go through hell by evolving in africa a literal trail by fire the ultimate gauntlet no other race can compete with us due to that alone
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Wait r u that brick face looking dude
Ahahah your a retard if you think living on a land as that’s isolated with hardly any fertile soil with a few crops and hardly any large range of beasts of burden as well as unpredictable seasons and weather patterns with extreme biomes/climates and the world most deadly fauna (yes africa has more fucked up animals than even Australia just do a Google search) is easy.

I guess west Africans having to literally evolve fast twitch muslces and sicklecel due to the fucked up living creatures of their region is a sign that the place was an easy place to evolve in 😂🤣. Oh what a retard you are, jsut be greatful your people come from an easy to live In Continent of Eurasia, mine how to go through hell by evolving in africa a literal trail by fire the ultimate gauntlet no other race can compete with us due to that alone
I will never understand this lie that people think Africa is the ideal land for civilization building.

The ideal land for civilization building in South China/India and the USA. You need a top tier river system, plenty of flat arable land, access to the coast, mountains for natural fortifications, etc. African topsoil is some of the worst in the world for farming. I swear these people read a few /pol/ threads and now they think they understand the world.
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Ahahah your a retard if you think living on a land as that’s isolated with hardly any fertile soil with a few crops and hardly any large range of beasts of burden as well as unpredictable seasons and weather patterns with extreme biomes/climates and the world most deadly fauna (yes africa has more fucked up animals than even Australia just do a Google search) is easy.

I guess west Africans having to literally evolve fast twitch muslces and sicklecel due to the fucked up living creatures of their region is a sign that the place was an easy place to evolve in 😂🤣. Oh what a retard you are, jsut be greatful your people come from an easy to live In Continent of Eurasia, mine how to go through hell by evolving in africa a literal trail by fire the ultimate gauntlet no other race can compete with us due to that alone
What unpredictable seasons? In the tropical zones the seasons are WET AND DRY. The soil is good enough to grow a bunch of different shit, and there is water everywhere. Also there are beasts of burden in Africa. Somalis have hella cows and shit. The problem isn’t Africa, ITS AFRICANS.
F14C6175 A04E 4364 9BC2 E98E81691A87

Everything blue green or yellow is perfect climate for civilization. As you can see only the desert areas suck ass.
What unpredictable seasons? In the tropical zones the seasons are WET AND DRY. The soil is good enough to grow a bunch of different shit, and there is water everywhere. Also there are beasts of burden in Africa. Somalis have hella cows and shit. The problem isn’t Africa, ITS AFRICANS.
Ahahah you think it rains every year in africa? You think it’s wet at one part of the year and the next it’s not like in Europe where every year the seasons act accordingly 😂😂😂. Let me tell you something dumbass, in africa it may have a wet season for 2 years straight but then have a dry season for a couple years, and depending on the weathers mood that year it can fluctuate between mostly wet all year to a little dry or mostly dry to a little wet. Due to global warming the latter is becoming very common and making Africas already unpredictable seasonal bipolar more sporratic.

Somalia is in the horn Aka access to Indian Ocean and Middle East they are one of the fortunete ones to have access to the cattle you speak off unforutnely 90% of SSA doesnt have this same advantage keep cherry picking sumbass and beasts of burden in africa are rare compare to Eurasia. We only have more than the native Americans/Abos but that’s about it (all of ours were imported from eurasia as well except for one oxen proving my point 😉)

The problem is AFRICA it made us have to focus on survival or die, you Eurasians had evolution easy so you could chill out and think my people couldn’t we were constantly battling against the continent
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View attachment 2140934

Everything blue green or yellow is perfect climate for civilization. As you can see only the desert areas suck ass.
You must be trolling, the blue zones are literal JUNGLE.
Tropical Jungles are one of the WORST biomes for civilization building. Their topsoil is of extremely low quality, they're full of deadly animals and diseases. You can't just find arable land to plant you'd have to carve out forest and gamble your crops grow on that shitty topsoil ,and even if they somehow grow they'll be low in nutrients because the soil has been drained of all it's nutrients.
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View attachment 2140934

Everything blue green or yellow is perfect climate for civilization. As you can see only the desert areas suck ass.
@fauxfox look at this retard 😂🤣 everybody knows jungle environments are terrible for creating civilisations due to the dense vegetation diseases aggressive wildlife and humidity which make construction harder not to method crop issues. This guys an idiot I’m done replying to him. Soon he’s going to ask why the Amazon doesn’t host the worlds largest civikisation.

The only civilisations that had jungle climates had a great harbour port by the sea/ocean. Mayas, Asante, Thai, South Asia Tamil. All of which kind you RELIED ON TRADE with NON JUNGLE regions TO NOT COMPLETELY BUST (Mayas went bust due to trade network failure)
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Black people are the only race to challenge Whites. They're the only race that can gather clear anti-White support and bring it mainstream. Meanwhile all other races choose to be beneath Whites. Such a cuck mentality.

I'm sure there's some hoes that do but Somalis still have one of if not the lowest outmarriage rates of any ethnic group in the West.
Black people are also low iq, still in the Stone Age
  • Hmm...
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You must be trolling, the blue zones are literal JUNGLE.
Tropical Jungles are one of the WORST biomes for civilization building. Their topsoil is of extremely low quality, they're full of deadly animals and diseases. You can't just find arable land to plant you'd have to carve out forest and gamble your crops grow on that shitty topsoil ,and even if they somehow grow they'll be low in nutrients because the soil has been drained of all it's nutrients.
Soil is only bad in the rainforest, jungled areas can still have good land. It’s called slash and burn and it worked in South America for the natives and currently working for the farmers there. Africans are just useless and low IQ
  • JFL
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@fauxfox look at this retard 😂🤣 everybody knows jungle environments are terrible for creating civilisations due to the dense vegetation diseases aggressive wildlife and humidity which make construction harder not to method crop issues. This guys an idiot I’m done replying to him
How do you explain Mayans and Aztecs then? They lived in that same environment and weren’t a bunch of starving peasants who couldn’t grow shit.
How do you explain Mayans and Aztecs then? They lived in that same environment and weren’t a bunch of starving peasants who couldn’t grow shit.
I updated my comment annd answered that idiot. Aztecs weren’t from the jungle either theirs was Savannah. Mayas had coastal settlement and ironically the best jungle region in latin america so their soil was particularly nutritious. Still as I said they collapsed like the Olmecs due to them BEING JUNGLE CIVILISATIONS BASED ON TRADE.

Not to mention how less aggresive South American fauna is to africa and how little deadly diseases there were present. Africa is just an Australia/SA on steroids

The slash and burn techniques are used in africa as well retard, it’s jsut that the technique only produces the results you speak of on high elevation (mountains/hills) which South America has a lot of… Africa doesn’t have this though so yeah there ya go
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I live in the United States, not a “spic shithole.” We’re about to become the majority race in the most powerful nation in the world (along with China). White people are far from worshipped here, quite the opposite. White people are literally oppressed in their own countries here JFL, you can be racist to them and they can’t be racist back while high T Hispanics and niggers rape and assault and murder them without consequence.

White people made Native Americans (Ones in the US, not other bordering countries) near extinct. Either way, pure white people are dying out quick. Even not considering mixed races, white people are being overtaken by pure race minorities and immigrants in majority western countries. White people are quickly losing power and becoming minorities in their own countries just like they made Native Americans become minorities in their own countries. Yes, a race can be bred out, which is what conquerors often do to natives.

Is this a joke? Do you have a reliable source? Because you’re completely and utterly wrong lmfao. It’s completely the other way around, and every modern anthropologist and scientist agrees. Black people literally evolved in the easiest to survive environments for humans where they didn’t have to develop much intelligence or naturally select for it to survive. They do have stronger immune systems yes, but that’s because they had to naturally select for it since they weren’t intelligent enough to be able to develop things that saved themselves from suffering infections and disease in the first place. Since they weren’t didn’t develop the intelligence to be able to save themselves from it, the ones with weak immune systems died while the ones with strong immune systems survived.
Yeah, the Ethnicities that were made near extinct were literally genocided to extinction, not bred out. And here's a little Cultural Assimilation pill for you:

Let's say this scenario that you and Fox News loves to talk about happens and also Assume the new majority Spanish population is somehow all 51% Native American still. What language does this "New Race" that took America(back) from the white speak? Spanish? Let's pull up a picture of the Spanish Royal Family:
King felipe vi of spain queen letizia of spain princess news photo 1166093202 1565100292
:lul: :lul: :lul: so a bunch of MIXED RACE NATIVE AMERICANS who speak THEIR CONQUERER'S LANGUAGE is supposed to be the "New Race" that "Bred out" the "whites"(Who's language and culture you have because the culture you had before has been completely eradicated, not just by them, but also because of your own desire to become 'white' back in the 70's).

The other paragraphs you posted is just similar bullshit that's not worth responding to
It must be so brutal to come from a culture where the apex of your beauty standards is literally some random white person.

Like some random ass white guy walks into India, Philippines, China, Mexico, etc and he is basically a God. He is automatically seen as the most beautiful person because of his fair skin, light eyes and hair. He has half a foot of height on the average man.

If you somehow marry a white woman, even if she's mid your family will view it as improving the genes of your offspring. Such a disgusting mentality to have.

I take it for granted that Somalis don't worship whites. If I was from a white worshiping culture I'd fall into complete despair. Average white guy would be harassed and held for ransom the second he leaves international zone by a group of random 6'4 lanky Somalis all armed to the teeth with rifles and machetes.

How do you guys go on living like this?
I would rather die than be a cuck.
You Somalis can kidnap me as long as you feed me good and let me chew that chat stuff. Always wanted to try it. Anyways, worshiping is one thing but don't tell me you guys don't admire Italian culture.
  • JFL
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It must be so brutal to come from a culture where the apex of your beauty standards is literally some random white person.

Like some random ass white guy walks into India, Philippines, China, Mexico, etc and he is basically a God. He is automatically seen as the most beautiful person because of his fair skin, light eyes and hair. He has half a foot of height on the average man.

If you somehow marry a white woman, even if she's mid your family will view it as improving the genes of your offspring. Such a disgusting mentality to have.

I take it for granted that Somalis don't worship whites. If I was from a white worshiping culture I'd fall into complete despair. Average white guy would be harassed and held for ransom the second he leaves international zone by a group of random 6'4 lanky Somalis all armed to the teeth with rifles and machetes.

How do you guys go on living like this?
I would rather die than be a cuck.
You got a point. 👍🏽
  • +1
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Black people are also low iq, still in the Stone Age
Black people are not inherently lower IQ and I will prove it

Black African students have higher testing scores than native White British people in the UK:

Asians have seen massive jumps in IQ in accordance with the Flynn effect:

Asian countries IQ rose by 30 fucking points as they escaped poverty. Imagine if Africa gets close to that Asian leap. Realistically they will surpass it because many African countries current position is worse than those Asian countries were back in the day.

Do you think the white founding people of America were the same IQ as current day white people? If you thought the answer to that was "yes" you'd be wrong.
IQ was severely stunted back in the day. Pre-industrial revolution due to lack of nutrients, poor food and water quality. And post-industiral revolution due to contaminants and lack of food safety regulations. Adding iodine to the American diet increased the average IQ by 15 full points in a single generation:

The average American IQ in some states increased by 15 points once they incorporated sufficient iodine into their diets.
Now consider the extreme starvation, famine and dietary issues in Africa and how much more damage that is doing than this.
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I updated my comment annd answered that idiot. Aztecs weren’t from the jungle either theirs was Savannah. Mayas had coastal settlement and ironically the best jungle region in latin america so their soil was particularly nutritious. Still as I said they collapsed like the Olmecs due to them BEING JUNGLE CIVILISATIONS BASED ON TRADE.

Not to mention how less aggresive South American fauna is to africa and how little deadly diseases there were present. Africa is just an Australia/SA on steroids

The slash and burn techniques are used in africa as well retard, it’s jsut that the technique only produces the results you speak of on high elevation (mountains/hills) which South America has a lot of… Africa doesn’t have this though so yeah there ya go
You are tearing this brick face nigga a new asshole
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Black people are not inherently lower IQ and I will prove it

Black African students have higher testing scores than native White British people in the UK:

Asians have seen massive jumps in IQ in accordance with the Flynn effect:

Asian countries IQ rose by 30 fucking points as they escaped poverty. Imagine if Africa gets close to that Asian leap. Realistically they will surpass it because many African countries current position is worse than those Asian countries were back in the day.

Do you think the white founding people of America were the same IQ as current day white people? If you thought the answer to that was "yes" you'd be wrong.
IQ was severely stunted back in the day. Pre-industrial revolution due to lack of nutrients, poor food and water quality. And post-industiral revolution due to contaminants and lack of food safety regulations. Adding iodine to the American diet increased the average IQ by 15 full points in a single generation:

The average American IQ in some states increased by 15 points once they incorporated sufficient iodine into their diets.
Now consider the extreme starvation, famine and dietary issues in Africa and how much more damage that is doing than this.
Still lower and anyone can pull stats favoring their arguement. Real genius isn’t test scores but rather invention, which asians lack. They are only good for ripping off white mans idea “Chinese knockoff” and remembering information. They don’t understand they remember. Blacks meanwhile contribute 0 to advancement
08AD3FC1 9899 4C6B B528 ADA9CA6BC1AE
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Yeah, the Ethnicities that were made near extinct were literally genocided to extinction, not bred out. And here's a little Cultural Assimilation pill for you:

Let's say this scenario that you and Fox News loves to talk about happens and also Assume the new majority Spanish population is somehow all 51% Native American still. What language does this "New Race" that took America(back) from the white speak? Spanish? Let's pull up a picture of the Spanish Royal Family: View attachment 2140940 :lul: :lul: :lul: so a bunch of MIXED RACE NATIVE AMERICANS who speak THEIR CONQUERER'S LANGUAGE is supposed to be the "New Race" that "Bred out" the "whites"(Who's language and culture you have because the culture you had before has been completely eradicated, not just by them, but also because of your own desire to become 'white' back in the 70's).

The other paragraphs you posted is just similar bullshit that's not worth responding to

None of this changes the fact that white people are vastly becoming minorities in their own countries because of ethnics, even ignoring America and Hispanics. You can’t deny that and we both know it.
Interesting, I'm 97.7% Somali according to 23and me. The rest is Melanesian and Indian. Idk why my family has none of the typical failos. My dad has NW0 hairline and everyone is built broad and wide shouldered rather than lanky.
I feel like if I get to this looks again maybe I can finally get a qt Korean gf:

I have never met another Somali who looks like me for some reason.
Med forehead and Nordic facial structure jfl
Still lower and anyone can pull stats favoring their arguement. Real genius comes from invention which asians lack they are only good for ripping off white mans idea “Chinese knockoff” and remembering information. They don’t understand they remember. Blacks meanwhile contribute 0 to advancement
View attachment 2140953
Wow! When you capture the lowest caste Africans who are literal slaves, take them to a foreign country and breed them to do farm labor they turn out low IQ!!?!?!? Who could have predicted that?
  • JFL
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You are tearing this brick face nigga a new asshole
Nah he knows what I’m saying is true. Give Africa to the white man he will be living in the middle of the jungle well fed and in comfort. The problem is Africans.
Wow! When you capture the lowest caste Africans who are literal slaves, take them to a foreign country and breed them to do farm labor they turn out low IQ!!?!?!? Who could have predicted that?
Regardless, name one black invention/inventor lol
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Bruh did u just unironically call me Nordic lmao, I am full African
I know you are, but your features lean that way. Your forehead is Med though not Somali
  • +1
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I know you are, but your features lean that way. Your forehead is Med though not Somali
I took a DNA test and my ancient ancestry is a weird Frankenstein mix of Australian Aboriginal and Jewish :forcedsmile:
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