I'm so glad my people do not worship Whites

Isn’t it a fact that Asians have a more narrow IQ distribution? Meaning less stupid people but also way less geniuses(IQ 150 and higher). If that’s true they simply don’t have enough geniuses to do what whites did

It's not true. It's true that there were more European geniuses than geniuses of any other race during the past few centuries, but that's because they lived in an industrialized advanced society while everyone else was far behind in terms of advancement. Today though, it's actually the other way around.


A s you can see from this Chinese census, certain Chinese regions have a higher average IQ than the Jews (average 113) and also Chinese on average have a greater SD than the white 15.

If you look at the SAT data, Asians not only have a higher average, but a higher SD, meaning a wider curve and more geniuses. Which is why despite being only 4% of the US population, Asians are 46% of Cal Tech.


Asians: 126 127 129
Whites: 103 104 104

Also, if you look at the smartest people alive, there are plenty of East Asians. This was never the case before the modern era, so it's clear there will be an ever increasing amount of East Asian geniuses now that they are actually being given potential to innovate.

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The only reason Mongols have those YDNA haplogroups is because there were West Eurasians in Mongolia who they intermixed with. Who knows, there might have been a more significant amount of West Eurasians there at some point in time. The Mongols we know today who created the Mongol Empire and conquered the world were unanimously East Asian though, since during the reign of the Mongol Empire, there was a male-mediated rise in East Asian YDNA and an increase in European mtDNA yet a decrease in European DNA overall.

You might be right about Asians not leaving their genetics much in Europe, but they definitely displaced the populations. The Mongols killed 1 million people in Hungary, half the whole population, and they also killed half the population in Moldovia and Wallachia. Russia's population dropped from 7.5 to 7 million after the Mongol invasions. The Mongols were a minority class and were often outnumbered at least 5-1 by enemy armies like the Russians, yet still won the battles and completely massacred them. The Huns and Avars were an tiny minority elite ruling class over a much, MUCH larger population of Europeans, so it makes sense that they didn't change the genetics that much. I mean, they don't exist anymore today for a reason.

Huns and Avars were likely far too few in number to make a huge impact on the genetics, which is why the tiny groups assimilated into the huge European populations and they don't exist anymore today. Mongols too, but not only that, they also killed women and children even more than they killed the men, which signifies that they murdered women right after raping. This is very consistent with how much people they massacred in Europe, killing up to half of the population of entire countries.

The Mongols raped and massacred entire populations if they didn't surrender, men, women, and children, and for the cities or nations which surrendered early on, they usually brought civilization to and treated fairly and often didn't rape at all. If, however, resistance had to be overcome, wholesale slaughter or at least enslavement invariably resulted, sparing only those whose special skills or abilities were considered useful (aka usually the men).

According to this link, even when the common people didn't offer any local resistance, if their leaders declared war, the women and children were often still killed or carried off. The women were likely raped and murdered or carried off and taken as concubines elsewhere just like the MENA did to European women. That's very likely the reason why they might not have left a genetic legacy. The Mongols didn't leave any survivors after rape.


"Where they found local resistance, they mercilessly killed the population. Where the people did not offer any resistance, they forced the men into servitude in the Mongol army and the women and children were killed or carried off."

Okay. But what about central asia? There, european ydna dominates. I think the central asian aryans did the same things they did to indians and the resulting euro ydna domination in the region is a result of genociding the natives and raping their women. Cause they were a small group, yet they replaced india's haplogroup H, L with aryan ones - R, Q. Same thing probably happened in central asia. I showed you before how they have majority euro haplogroups.

Also in turkey - turks have 10-20% east eurasian mtdna, but only ~5% east eurasian ydna.

I'll have to do some proper calculations to see the disparity in maternal and paternal ancestry in central asia tho.
Damn I'm a GOD. A white supreme GOD. I want to try to experience a cuckold situation because om tired of always being treated like a GOD
Okay. But what about central asia? There, european ydna dominates. I think the central asian aryans did the same things they did to indians and the resulting euro ydna domination in the region is a result of genociding the natives and raping their women.

Where's your source for this? They did this in India, but I sincerely doubt they did it in Central Asia. Also, there was an increase in East Asian YDNA and an increased in European mtDNA paired with a decrease in European DNA overall during the Mongol Empire period, signifying slaughter of European men and raping of European women by East Asian men during that period.

As for the Russians, 17.3% Haplogroup N YDNA from Chinese reindeer herders is quite a significant amount since they are around 98% West Eurasian mtDNA. That signifies much more Asian YDNA in the Russians than mtDNA.


"Haplogroup N is a descendant of East Asian macro-haplogroup NO. It is believed to have originated in Indochina or southern China approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years ago."

Also in turkey - turks have 10-20% east eurasian mtdna, but only ~5% east eurasian ydna.

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Where's your source for this? They did this in India, not in Central Asia. Also, there was an increase in East Asian YDNA and an increased in European mtDNA paired with a decrease in European DNA overall during the Mongol Empire period, so that very likely signifies murder of European men and raping of European women by East Asian men during that period.
Isnt that for mongol populations? Im talking about the stan countries and maybe xinjiang.

As for the Russians, 17.3% Haplogroup N from Chinese is quite a significant amount since they are around 98% West Eurasian mtDNA.

Back when they intermixed it was uralic people who werent necessarily fully chinese. They intermixed with native siberian - west eurasian populations along their way into europe. When they arrived in finland they genocided the local aryan population and now N is dominant in finland. But thats only a small portion of europe. And its debated whether those people were fully mongoloid. Its just a bottleneck effect tho. It wasnt mass scale as the haplogroup is today.

18% east eur mtdna here (source is turkish dna project, not a study, just samples submitted by people who did dna tests)

East eur mtdna = A, B, C, D, F, G, Y, Z, M, N9a


They tested 50 turks here in this study on central asians as a whole, 8/50 turks have east eurasian mtdna (16%). So the results replicate.

"Colored sections reflect the frequency of different haplogroup clusters, which group the western Eurasian (HV, pre-HV, N1, J-T, U-K, I, W, and X), the South Asian (M*, U2a-c, U9, R*, R1-R2, R5-R6, N1d, and HV2), the eastern Eurasian (M-CDGZ, A, B, F, and N9a) and the sub-Saharan African (L1, L2, and L3A) lineages."


There were some other studies which tested for central asian maternal and paternal contributions, where they found low central asian mtdna, but they didnt consider east asian mtdna. Which is why they found really low percentages.

Pretty much all Ydna stats on turks show less than 5% east asian Ydna (C, O).

Isnt that for mongol populations? Im talking about the stan countries and maybe xinjiang.

Back when they intermixed it was uralic people who werent necessarily fully chinese. They intermixed with native siberian - west eurasian populations along their way into europe. When they arrived in finland they genocided the local aryan population and now N is dominant in finland. But thats only a small portion of europe. And its debated whether those people were fully mongoloid. Its just a bottleneck effect tho. It wasnt mass scale as the haplogroup is today.

18% east eur mtdna here (source is turkish dna project, not a study, just samples submitted by people who did dna tests)

East eur mtdna = A, B, C, D, F, G, Y, Z, M, N9a


They tested 50 turks here in this study on central asians as a whole, 8/50 turks have east eurasian mtdna (16%). So the results replicate.

"Colored sections reflect the frequency of different haplogroup clusters, which group the western Eurasian (HV, pre-HV, N1, J-T, U-K, I, W, and X), the South Asian (M*, U2a-c, U9, R*, R1-R2, R5-R6, N1d, and HV2), the eastern Eurasian (M-CDGZ, A, B, F, and N9a) and the sub-Saharan African (L1, L2, and L3A) lineages."


There were some other studies which tested for central asian maternal and paternal contributions, where they found low central asian mtdna, but they didnt consider east asian mtdna. Which is why they found really low percentages.

Pretty much all Ydna stats on turks show less than 5% east asian Ydna (C, O).


Check the above post I posted. I actually learned some more on this topic through a couple Google searches. Tldr, clouder was coping extremely hard, East Asians raped whites for all of history so hard that Finns and Baltics have over 50% Asian YDNA while Russians and Swedish have around 20% Asian YDNA across their entire country, while they have less than 1% Asian mtDNA. It was all Asian men doing the raping while white cucks watched. Pretty much zero Asian women were included in these gene pools likely because it was the men who went out conquering foreign lands. All Asian men and white women doing the breeding. Haplogroup N replaced Haplogroup R all across Europe, not just Finland. Meanwhile Haplogroup C replaced white paternal haplogroups in Mongolia and Kazakhstan while adding white maternal haplogroups to their gene pool.

Okay. But what about central asia? There, european ydna dominates. I think the central asian aryans did the same things they did to indians and the resulting euro ydna domination in the region is a result of genociding the natives and raping their women. Cause they were a small group, yet they replaced india's haplogroup H, L with aryan ones - R, Q. Same thing probably happened in central asia. I showed you before how they have majority euro haplogroups.

This is another intentional misleading attempt. European YDNA only dominates in Central Asian countries other than Mongolia and Kazakhstan because European mtDNA dominates there too. Mongols and Kazakhs are the only real Mongoloid East Asians and they both have more white mtDNA than white YDNA. All other countries in Central Asia besides Mongolia and Kazakhstan are either white or Middle Eastern rather than East Asian, and they have more Asian YDNA than they do Asian mtDNA due to the Mongol, Xiongnu, and Uralic invasions.

The brutal fact is: Whites have never cucked or raped East Asians, only SEAmonkeys. Meanwhile, East Asians have fucked, cucked, conquered, slaughtered, raped, replaced, massacred, and dominated whites for all of history before the industrial era of the past few centuries. Now that East Asians are on a level playing field since they industrialized too, they are going to dominate them again as well as all other races, but this time it will be forever due to modern technology and globalization. Take the brutal goldenpill before it consumes you.
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Africans don’t worship whires cos we gentically see Europeans as subhuman pink pussies. Eurasians however they worship whites cos if you’re from the Asain or euro continent whites are the ideal. Even Arabs like white pheno even if they view euros as beasts. I’m greatful that even as slaves blacks still saw whites as beneath them and as filthy pinkoids. Whites are scared to visit west Africa because we kidnap them and ransome them for money west African pirates are more common than Somali now

God bless black people
I am a person with white skin with the cranium of an African tribesman legit or the pls 1+ no black person on planet can see me as being inferior though
  • JFL
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Yeah, the Ethnicities that were made near extinct were literally genocided to extinction, not bred out. And here's a little Cultural Assimilation pill for you:

Let's say this scenario that you and Fox News loves to talk about happens and also Assume the new majority Spanish population is somehow all 51% Native American still. What language does this "New Race" that took America(back) from the white speak? Spanish? Let's pull up a picture of the Spanish Royal Family: View attachment 2140940 :lul: :lul: :lul: so a bunch of MIXED RACE NATIVE AMERICANS who speak THEIR CONQUERER'S LANGUAGE is supposed to be the "New Race" that "Bred out" the "whites"(Who's language and culture you have because the culture you had before has been completely eradicated, not just by them, but also because of your own desire to become 'white' back in the 70's).

The other paragraphs you posted is just similar bullshit that's not worth responding to
the king is a french fag
My people were cuck abeeds for ayrabs

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