I'm so glad my people do not worship Whites

Traffic lights, Refrigerated trucks, Coffee(Ethiopia), Carbon Light Bulb Filament and many other things.
A misleading virtue signalling article. Improvements aren’t Inventions. Obv you didn’t read tho
13DA12BD 1050 4491 8654 3AF5CE220FA5 256B881F 3E7A 42BF BF1F CBB138645AFB 9CDE0BCD F647 4496 8088 181CB2EDC7C6 9CEDA637 A9C8 462D 91DE 40AACCB42849
I took a DNA test and my ancient ancestry is a weird Frankenstein mix of Australian Aboriginal and Jewish :forcedsmile:
So how did you come up 97% Somali?
So how did you come up 97% Somali?
23andme only checks recent ancestry, but there are sites that can track your ancient ancestry.
For example on 23andme I am 97% Somali and the rest is Oceanic/Indian.
But on ancient ancestry sites my ancestry can be broken down as 60% Eurasian 40% Sub-Saharan
I notice I'm somewhat high in Eurasian ancestry compared to most Somalis, as the Somali average is 38% Eurasian.
None of this changes the fact that white people are vastly becoming minorities in their own countries because of ethnics, even ignoring America and Hispanics. You can’t deny that and we both know it.
Cope. The reality is that your very existence is a long-term play by the Spaniards centuries ago to ensure that they'd have a nice legion of buck broken Native Americans who are in love with their culture (Spainaboos) so that they can have a nice Spanish set of continents to come back to so they can mass breed you all over again :feelshah: meanwhile, once Africa gets nice and developed by Chang, we'll 1776 their asses and have a nice comfy continent to ourselves :owo: feels good to know your identity
  • +1
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  • JFL
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So the person who invented the original car is the only car inventor? There are no other car inventors? All the other people who improved on his designs are not inventors? Google the definition of inventor.
Legally you’re correct but they’re more like innovators imo. It would be like saying cus I improved the engine I invented the car. Discredits the major players. Innovators not Inventors D3147F4E 9DF1 4129 A2C4 043571207BC4
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your people worship them in secret because i'ts tabo. rest of the world has accepted the mog and allow themselves to get cucked in the open.
  • JFL
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Legally you’re correct but they’re more like innovators imo. It would be like saying cus I improved the engine I invented the car. Discredits the major players View attachment 2140983
You're just arguing over semantics at this point tbh.
your people worship them in secret because i'ts tabo. rest of the world has accepted the mog and allow themselves to get cucked in the open.
No, we don't have a weird complex for white people unlike you. Don't project your insecurities.
  • +1
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You're just arguing over semantics at this point tbh.

No, we don't have a weird complex for white people unlike you. Don't project your insecurities.
No they’re different
Inventor: creator
Innovator: improver
Like comparing a prophet to a god
  • Hmm...
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Black people are not inherently lower IQ and I will prove it

Black African students have higher testing scores than native White British people in the UK:

Asians have seen massive jumps in IQ in accordance with the Flynn effect:

Asian countries IQ rose by 30 fucking points as they escaped poverty. Imagine if Africa gets close to that Asian leap. Realistically they will surpass it because many African countries current position is worse than those Asian countries were back in the day.

Do you think the white founding people of America were the same IQ as current day white people? If you thought the answer to that was "yes" you'd be wrong.
IQ was severely stunted back in the day. Pre-industrial revolution due to lack of nutrients, poor food and water quality. And post-industiral revolution due to contaminants and lack of food safety regulations. Adding iodine to the American diet increased the average IQ by 15 full points in a single generation:

The average American IQ in some states increased by 15 points once they incorporated sufficient iodine into their diets.
Now consider the extreme starvation, famine and dietary issues in Africa and how much more damage that is doing than this.

Holy fuck what is this retard nigger ape cope lmfao. Mongolia and Cambodia are significantly worse off and poorer than many African countries and have been for a while and their IQ is still 100, higher than almost every European country, meanwhile those African countries have IQs below 70. Niggers literally have way lower IQs than races like Pacific Islanders and Eskimos who’ve been stuck on underdeveloped isolated islands with zero human contact for thousands of years. It’s fucking genetic, Negroids will never even come close remotely close to surpassing East Asians in IQ. Your race has naturally small brains and low IQ just like East Asians have naturally big brains and high IQ.
And you are coping extremely hard if you think Africa was hard to survive in. It’s the complete opposite, Africa was literally one of the easiest continents to survive in, which is the reason they didn’t have to develop their IQ or naturally select for it to survive. All modern anthropologists and scientists agree with this.


Still lower and anyone can pull stats favoring their arguement. Real genius isn’t test scores but rather invention, which asians lack. They are only good for ripping off white mans idea “Chinese knockoff” and remembering information. They don’t understand they remember. Blacks meanwhile contribute 0 to advancement
View attachment 2140953

Mentally retarded 50 IQ cumskin cope. Only reason Europeans have invented this much in the past few centuries is because of rapid mass industrialization and modernization due to getting lucky and finding and colonizing resource rich lands like the Americas. Nordics, Germanics, and Celts (Aka Northwest Euros) were living in mud huts for thousands of years while East Asians, Mediterraneans, and MENA were rapidly advancing civilization and living in ornate palaces. Search up which country contributed the most inventions and innovations in the ancient era, you’ll get one overwhelming answer (China). Today, now that East Asians have industrialized and modernized as well and are on an equal playing field with Europeans, they utterly dominate in innovations and inventions and advancements. This is why they’re easily and quickly surpassing white countries technologically and militarily. Evidence is in this thread.


Cope. The reality is that your very existence is a long-term play by the Spaniards centuries ago to ensure that they'd have a nice legion of buck broken Native Americans who are in love with their culture (Spainaboos) so that they can have a nice Spanish set of continents to come back to so they can mass breed you all over again :feelshah: meanwhile, once Africa gets nice and developed by Chang, we'll 1776 their asses and have a nice comfy continent to ourselves :owo: feels good to know your identity

You’re coping extremely hard with absolutely zero evidence and having full on schizo fantasy delusions. Check out the link I sent above, the west knows it will for a fact lose to China. Today, China would already utterly rape and sodomize the entire European Union and United Kingdom combined in a war like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars have historically done to Europeans for all of history. In the future, the power gap will be even more substantial as China completely dominates the world. Even your country leadership is getting overtaken by other races. Your entire nation of the United Kingdom is ruled by a curry prime minister, your Scot minister is a curry, and the mayor of your capital is a curry. UK leadership is completely ethnic dominated. All this as you get bred out by pure blood ethnics and niggers in all your countries, not just mutts.

C5BF7134 092C 48AD 8EB0 3344235CF19E

Just look at the population projections per continent from now until 2100, and look at Europe and North America compared to other continents. They are shrinking hard in comparison to other continents. That counts all immigrants and ethnics and mixed mutts too, so imagine how it is for pure whites who are becoming minorities in their own countries. This is the case in nearly every developed western white country. Here's actual evidence. Your race is going extinct and there's nothing you can do about it lmfao. Cope and seethe for me.
FED5E31C 4B83 49F1 8D45 D9D1E91EFFE0


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Holy fuck what is this retard nigger ape cope lmfao. Mongolia and Cambodia are significantly worse off and poorer than many African countries and have been for a while and their IQ is still 100, higher than almost every European country, meanwhile those African countries have IQs below 70. Niggers literally have way lower IQs than races like Pacific Islanders and Eskimos who’ve been stuck on underdeveloped isolated islands with zero human contact for thousands of years. It’s fucking genetic, Negroids will never even come close remotely close to surpassing East Asians in IQ. Your race has naturally small brains and low IQ just like East Asians have naturally big brains and high IQ.
And you are coping extremely hard if you think Africa was hard to survive in. It’s the complete opposite, Africa was literally one of the easiest continents to survive in, which is the reason they didn’t have to develop their IQ or naturally select for it to survive. All modern anthropologists and scientists agree with this.


Mentally retarded 50 IQ cumskin cope. Only reason Europeans have invented this much in the past few centuries is because of rapid mass industrialization and modernization due to getting lucky and finding and colonizing resource rich lands like the Americas. Nordics, Germanics, and Celts (Traditional white people) were living in mud huts for thousands of years while East Asians, Mediterraneans, and MENA were rapidly advancing civilization and living in ornate palaces. Search up which country contributed the most inventions and innovations in the ancient era, you’ll get one overwhelming answer (China). Today, now that East Asians have industrialized and modernized as well and are on an equal playing field with Europeans, they utterly dominate in innovations and inventions and advancements. This is why they’re easily and quickly surpassing white countries technologically and militarily. Evidence is in this thread.


You’re coping extremely hard with absolutely zero evidence and having full on schizo fantasy delusions. Check out the link I sent above, the west knows it will for a fact lose to China. China would already utterly rape and sodomize the entire European Union and United Kingdom combined in a war like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars have historically done to Europeans for all of history. In the future, the power gap will be even more substantial as China completely dominates the world. Even your country leadership is getting overtaken by other races. Your entire nation of the United Kingdom is ruled by a curry prime minister, your Scot minister is a curry, and the mayor of your capital is a curry. All this as you get bred out by pure blood ethnics and niggers in all your countries, not just mutts.
View attachment 2140994
Just look at the population projections per continent from now until 2100, and look at Europe and North America compared to other continents. They are shrinking hard in comparison to other continents. That counts all immigrants and ethnics and mixed mutts too, so imagine how it is for pure whites who are becoming minorities in their own countries. This is the case in nearly every developed western white country. Here's actual evidence. Your race is going extinct and there's nothing you can do about it lmfao. Cope and seethe for me.
View attachment 2140995
View attachment 2140990

I don’t see how navigating the globe, finding resource rich lands and conquering them is drawn up to “luck.” That requires, navagation skills and technologies, boats and a strong military. Even resource extraction and refinement requires Bronze Age technology
I don’t see how navigating the globe, finding resource rich lands and conquering them is drawn up to “luck.” That requires, navahatioms skills and technologies, boats and a strong military

They were literally trying to find India when they luckily landed upon the Americas. They thought it was India at first and called the native peoples Indians.

If a Middle Eastern empire or China had the intention to travel by ship found the and colonized Americas beforehand, history would be vastly different.
  • +1
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They were literally trying to find India when you luckily landed upon the Americas. They thought it was India at first and called the native peoples Indians.

If a Middle Eastern empire or China had the intention to travel by ship and colonize and found the Americas beforehand, history would be vastly different.
Shoulda woulda coulda
If but maybe
:owo:Holy fuck what is this retard nigger ape cope lmfao. Mongolia and Cambodia are significantly worse off and poorer than many African countries and have been for a while and their IQ is still 100, higher than almost every European country, meanwhile those African countries have IQs below 70. Niggers literally have way lower IQs than races like Pacific Islanders and Eskimos who’ve been stuck on underdeveloped isolated islands with zero human contact for thousands of years. It’s fucking genetic, Negroids will never even come close remotely close to surpassing East Asians in IQ. Your race has naturally small brains and low IQ just like East Asians have naturally big brains and high IQ.
And you are coping extremely hard if you think Africa was hard to survive in. It’s the complete opposite, Africa was literally one of the easiest continents to survive in, which is the reason they didn’t have to develop their IQ or naturally select for it to survive. All modern anthropologists and scientists agree with this.


Mentally retarded 50 IQ cumskin cope. Only reason Europeans have invented this much in the past few centuries is because of rapid mass industrialization and modernization due to getting lucky and finding and colonizing resource rich lands like the Americas. Nordics, Germanics, and Celts (Traditional white people) were living in mud huts for thousands of years while East Asians, Mediterraneans, and MENA were rapidly advancing civilization and living in ornate palaces. Search up which country contributed the most inventions and innovations in the ancient era, you’ll get one overwhelming answer (China). Today, now that East Asians have industrialized and modernized as well and are on an equal playing field with Europeans, they utterly dominate in innovations and inventions and advancements. This is why they’re easily and quickly surpassing white countries technologically and militarily. Evidence is in this thread.


You’re coping extremely hard with absolutely zero evidence and having full on schizo fantasy delusions. Check out the link I sent above, the west knows it will for a fact lose to China. China would already utterly rape and sodomize the entire European Union and United Kingdom combined in a war like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars have historically done to Europeans for all of history. In the future, the power gap will be even more substantial as China completely dominates the world. Even your country leadership is getting overtaken by other races. Your entire nation of the United Kingdom is ruled by a curry prime minister, your Scot minister is a curry, and the mayor of your capital is a curry. All this as you get bred out by pure blood ethnics and niggers in all your countries, not just mutts.
View attachment 2140994
Just look at the population projections per continent from now until 2100, and look at Europe and North America compared to other continents. They are shrinking hard in comparison to other continents. That counts all immigrants and ethnics and mixed mutts too, so imagine how it is for pure whites who are becoming minorities in their own countries. This is the case in nearly every developed western white country. Here's actual evidence. Your race is going extinct and there's nothing you can do about it lmfao. Cope and seethe for me.
View attachment 2140995
View attachment 2140990

Out of all the times you've seen me shit on Europe in every argument you came to the conclusion that I'm white? :feelskek: you should watch who you're calling "Low-IQ" you retard, but it makes sense, you refusing to read the other guy's studies on IQ(the whole basis of your shitty race superiority argument) and instead huffing that Copium like it's going out of style is music to my ears.

Let's look at that last graph you posted, you buck-broken Native American :owo: you notice how to Latin American portion of the graph doesn't change at all? It's almost like your Hispanic take over fantasy will finally happen on a 1:1 scale! And as we Africans become a superpower with the Asians, we'll make sure to get real comfy watching you accept Spain(Full-blooded Whites) with open arms and fuck the shit out of you all yet again until America is fully white again:lul:
Out of all the times you've seen me shit on Europe in every argument you came to the conclusion that I'm white? :feelskek: you should watch who you're calling "Low-IQ" you retard, but it makes sense, you refusing to read the other guy's studies on IQ(the whole basis of your shitty race superiority argument) and instead huffing that Copium like it's going out of style is music to my ears.

Let's look at that last graph you posted, you buck-broken Native American :owo: you notice how to Latin American portion of the graph doesn't change at all? It's almost like your Hispanic take over fantasy will finally happen on a 1:1 scale! And as we Africans become a superpower with the Asians, we'll make sure to get real comfy watching you accept Spain(Full-blooded Whites) with open arms and fuck the shit out of you all yet again until America is fully white again:lul:

Based nigger if you support China, but they’ll forever be your masters and utterly control your entire race. You won’t come close to 1776ing them. You’re forgetting that the first Americans were British colonists, the exact same race and the exact same peoples who were given the same amount of power and technology PLUS help from other Europeans, which is why they were able to rebel.

Low IQ niggers will never be able to come close to doing jack shit to a genetically engineered, space traveling, AI-dominated utter #1 superpower China with 190+ IQ on average genetically engineered Chinese in the future. The richest and most powerful people in your continent are literally white or Asian. Drop your schizo delusional fantasies before the Chinese rape and abuse you like they’re doing to some of your uncivilized brethren in Africa.

Although possibly based, you still have naturally low nigger IQ since you’re posting blatant lying shit without evidence and coming up with fantasy schizo delusions. That won’t happen to the Hispanics. The United States would rape the entire European Union single handedly, let alone Spain.

The Horn nigger’s copes have been completely disproven by me. Every anthropologist and scientist agrees that nigger IQ evolved because they didn’t have to naturally select for higher IQ at all due to evolving in the easiest to live in continent in the world that didn’t require any higher of an IQ to survive. Even accounting for environmental factors and factoring in adoption, niggers have consistently lower IQs than other races, even Pacific Islanders and Eskimos who lived in completely isolated islands in mud huts and igloos separated from contact with anybody else for thousands of years.
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Based nigger if you support China, but they’ll forever be your masters and utterly control your entire race. You won’t come close to 1776ing them. You’re forgetting that the first Americans were British colonists, the exact same race, which is why they were able to rebel.

Low IQ niggers will never be able to come close to doing jack shit to a genetically engineered, space traveling, AI-dominated utter #1 superpower China with 130+ IQ on average Chinese in the future. The richest and most powerful people in your continent are literally white or Asian. Drop your schizo delusional fantasies please.

Although based, you still have naturally low nigger IQ since you’re posting blatant lying shit without evidence and coming up with fantasy schizo delusions. That won’t happen to the Hispanics. The United States would rape the entire European Union single handedly, let alone Spain.

The Horn nigger’s copes have been completely disproven by me. Every anthropologist and scientist agrees that nigger IQ evolved because they didn’t have to naturally select for higher IQ at all due to evolving in the easiest to live in continent in the world that didn’t require any higher of an IQ to survive. Even accounting for environmental factors and factoring in adoption, niggers have consistently lower IQs than other races, even Pacific Islanders and Eskimos who lived in completely isolated islands in mud huts and igloos separated from contact with anybody else for thousands of years.
It's common knowledge that IQ is based off of mainly socioeconomic factors, you have to be brain-dead to think that some races just process information worse or better than others. The genetic factors that do contribute to it are whether or not you have a cognitive disorder like Parkinson's Disease that actually affect you neurologically.

JFL that this has to be explained to you, did your parents raise you on Fox News? Do you actually think a black 10 year old who was sent to a private academy from age 3+ with God-Tier Nutrition will do similarly on standardized tests than a white or Asian kid the same age except middle-class and raised on Mickey Dees and hot pockets? Race-copers are a joke
It's common knowledge that IQ is based off of mainly socioeconomic factors, you have to be brain-dead to think that some races just process information worse or better than others. The genetic factors that do contribute to it are whether or not you have a cognitive disorder like Parkinson's Disease that actually affect you neurologically.

JFL that this has to be explained to you, did your parents raise you on Fox News? Do you actually think a black 10 year old who was sent to a private academy from age 3+ with God-Tier Nutrition will do similarly on standardized tests than a white or Asian kid the same age except middle-class and raised on Mickey Dees and hot pockets? Race-copers are a joke

Nigger monkey cope.

A black 10 year old who was sent to a private academy with god-tier nutrition will have consistently much lower test scores than an East Asian doing the same.

Black adoptees with equalized socioeconomic factors adopted into rich white families still do much worse on IQ tests than white adoptees adopted into those families. Mulatto adoptees did better than blacks, but worse than whites. You can find many other studies showing this. IQ is extremely heritable, more so than almost any other racial factor tbh. It’s as heritable as height if not more so.

“The data corrected for the Flynn effect was published in 2000 by John Loehlin in the Handbook of Intelligence.[7]The data showed mixed adoptees scoring lower than white adoptees with gaps of 6.1 and 8.3 points at ages 7 and 17, while black adoptees scored 20.1 and 17.8 points below white adoptees at ages 7 and 17.”

Genetics nigga. Niggers can accept the fact they have good muscle building genetics but can’t accept the fact that they have shit IQ genetics JFL
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that's because your women are white women painted black. east african women are some of the most beautiful in the world. but also some of the most dangerous lol.

LOL. SAYS YOU MOTHERFUCKER, FUCK YOU!!! you lucked out you fucker. east africans are always being praised for their hair. east african hair literally drops when it gets long and doesn't stand. FUCK YOUOOOUOUOUO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

if you all weren't muslim and fucking crazy i would be married and be fucking them all the time!!!!
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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Nigger monkey cope.

A black 10 year old who was sent to a private academy with god-tier nutrition will have consistently much lower test scores than an East Asian doing the same.

Black adoptees with equalized socioeconomic factors adopted into rich white families still do much worse on IQ tests than white adoptees adopted into those families. Mulatto adoptees did better than blacks, but worse than whites. You can find many other studies showing this. IQ is extremely heritable, more so than almost any other racial factor tbh. It’s as heritable as height if not more so.

“The data corrected for the Flynn effect was published in 2000 by John Loehlin in the Handbook of Intelligence.[7]The data showed mixed adoptees scoring lower than white adoptees with gaps of 6.1 and 8.3 points at ages 7 and 17, while black adoptees scored 20.1 and 17.8 points below white adoptees at ages 7 and 17.”

Genetics nigga. Niggers can accept the fact they have good muscle building genetics but can’t accept the fact that they have shit IQ genetics JFL
Controlled my ass, here's the background behind your retarded study:

"In the tests, the white children, who generally were adopted at an earlier age than the other groups, scored 1 1 1 on the average. The blacks averaged 106, and the Asian and Indian children, usually older when placed with new families, scored at the national average of 100"

Wow! :soy: the people who were adopted when they were at an earlier stage of development actually, get this, developed better! Even the magical genius Asians you loved scored the lowest on average out of all of them because they were adopted much older.

also the ACTN3 Gene isn't just limited to Africans, but that would destroy your race coper worldview so nvm:feelskek:
Controlled my ass, here's the background behind your retarded study:

"In the tests, the white children, who generally were adopted at an earlier age than the other groups, scored 1 1 1 on the average. The blacks averaged 106, and the Asian and Indian children, usually older when placed with new families, scored at the national average of 100"

Wow! :soy: the people who were adopted when they were at an earlier stage of development actually, get this, developed better! Even the magical genius Asians you loved scored the lowest on average out of all of them because they were adopted much older.

also the ACTN3 Gene isn't just limited to Africans, but that would destroy your race coper worldview so nvm:feelskek:

“Of the 176 adopted children In the study, 130 were black and 46 were either white, Asian or American Indian. Among the blacks, 22 percent had two black parents, 52 percent had one black and one white parent and 26 percent had one black parent and a parent of unknown or Asian ancestry.”

Didn’t look at the study in detail enough tbh, didn't see that the sample size was this damn small. It had low IQ American Indian children bringing down the average for the Asian and American Indian group. I’m assuming that there were much less than 46 in that sample size for Asians and American Indians since white is part of that 46. So extremely small sample size for that group but they were adopted later on which means that they likely had developmental issues and issues from the start since they were thrown away and parentless for such a long time (which can very likely mean since they took the test at 17, they didn't have enough time to learn study the minimum for the IQ test). But blacks and whites in the study were both adopted at the same ages and consistently, blacks have lower IQ than white-blacks who have lower IQ than whites. Also, the study accounted for 17 year olds, not full grown adults, which is the age where IQ is most heritable.

Pretty much every study similar to this with bigger sample sizes and higher control shows that blacks have consistently lower IQ than whites who have lower than East Asians even when accounting for and equalizing environmental factors. Meanwhile, mixed race adoptees have an IQ in the middle of each of their two races. Face it, racial differences in IQ are genetic. Retarded coping nigger monkey. Open the quote down below and prepare to be blackpilled.

Let us begin with a simple analogy;

  1. height : genes :: intelligence : ?
  • a) genes
  • b) income
  • c) education
The answer is a, quite obviously. Here we prescribe the biggest factor that can affect the two biological traits, height and intelligence.

It becomes simple to see the relationship between genes and intelligence when thinking about parents and their offspring. Tall parents tend to have tall kids. Smart parents tend to have smart kids. That's just hereditability for you.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
IQ, when it matters most (during adulthood), has a genetic loading of 88%.

This figure depicts the Wilson effect; the increase in hereditability of IQ with age. This could explain why some of you who were "gifted" as kids are no longer living up to expectations as adults. There is a simple height analogy to this as well. Those of you kids who used to be the tallest ones in the classroom in 8th grade but never grew an inch since then are now below average and short in height. As one becomes older, the genetic component of intelligence takes over while the environmental component fades.

Here is a prime example of SES vs IQ.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
There is a gap at every SES level.

What's the meaning of this? Equating for SES doesn't make the gap disappear??? What kind of sorcery is this? It's not sorcery! It's genetics! Yes, genes. They are responsible for the gap. As we previously saw, genes are responsible for 88% of the variance in intelligence. Therefore, this gap is mostly due to genes. It's that simple!

But what if those rich blacks were less educated than their white counterparts? Fear not! I got that one covered as well.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Same trend is observed.

Indeed, the gap is actually getting wider as the level of education is increased. Why is that? Blacks have lower IQ means and standard deviations than whites. At the extremes, the differences become more important than at the means. It's kind of the same story about why there are about 10x less women than men at IQs above 145.

Still not convinced? Then, what if the black kid had white parents?

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Same story

Adopted or not, blacks still rank lower than any other race. I'm finding it hard to believe this isn't due to genes.

Wait... What if the tests are biased against BLACK PEOPLE?

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
The tests measure the same thing for whites as they do for blacks.

Indeed, this is a culture-fair test (Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices), where there provably is no cultural bias.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Blacks score higher on Verbal Comprehension than Perceptual Reasoning, blow the "cultural bias" narrative out of the water.

As we just saw, neither income nor education could possibly shrink the gap between asians, whites and blacks because neither factor affects IQ as much as genes do.

Let's take brain size. If one decides to plot race IQ and brain-size pairs and calculate the correlation, it is r = 0,9998.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
The same pattern emerges.

Racial differences are primarily genetic. No one would reasonably say that differences in skin color are caused by differences in SES level. The same goes for intelligence, height and a myriad of other traits. They don't simply stop at the skin.
“Of the 176 adopted children In the study, 130 were black and 46 were either white, Asian or American Indian. Among the blacks, 22 percent had two black parents, 52 percent had one black and one white parent and 26 percent had one black parent and a parent of unknown or Asian ancestry.”

Didn’t look at the study in detail enough tbh, didn't see that the sample size was this damn small. It had low IQ American Indian children bringing down the average for the Asian and American Indian group. I’m assuming that there were much less than 46 in that sample size for Asians and American Indians since white is part of that 46. So extremely small sample size for that group but they were adopted later on which means that they likely had developmental issues and issues from the start since they were thrown away and parentless for such a long time (which can very likely mean since they took the test at 17, they didn't have enough time to learn study the minimum for the IQ test). But blacks and whites in the study were both adopted at the same ages and consistently, blacks have lower IQ than white-blacks who have lower IQ than whites. Also, the study accounted for 17 year olds, not full grown adults, which is the age where IQ is most heritable.

Pretty much every study similar to this with bigger sample sizes and higher control shows that blacks have consistently lower IQ than whites who have lower than East Asians even when accounting for and equalizing environmental factors. Meanwhile, mixed race adoptees have an IQ in the middle of each of their two races. Face it, racial differences in IQ are genetic. Retarded coping nigger monkey. Open the quote down below and prepare to be blackpilled.
Literally coping over sample sizes and missing the entire point of the study :feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: what an embarrassment. No retard, the blacks and whites were NOT adopted at the same time, as the report said, the whites were adopted when they were youngest, then the blacks when they were a little older, then the Asians when they were the oldest.

Whoever the fellow coping faggot you referenced in that quote literally contradicted himself in the first graph he posted: "mu-muh genes are most important in determining IQ ofc guys!!:feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" Literally shows that Non-genetic factors(Non-shared + Shared Environmental factors) make up 74% of IQ Development at the Age of 5(the end of toddler cognitive development) and still at 60% at age 7, let alone how important it is from before those ages.

I wonder what this "genetic loading" could be from ages 0-7? Couldn't POSSIBLY be the child being raised in the socioeconomic conditions afforded to him by being raised in a proper home with good nutrition and parenting?? YOU FAGGOT. I might have to agree with you though, somebody HAD to have bred you to be this retarded
Literally coping over sample sizes and missing the entire point of the study :feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: what an embarrassment. No retard, the blacks and whites were NOT adopted at the same time, as the report said, the whites were adopted when they were youngest, then the blacks when they were a little older, then the Asians when they were the oldest.

Whoever the fellow coping faggot you referenced in that quote literally contradicted himself in the first graph he posted: "mu-muh genes are most important in determining IQ ofc guys!!:feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" Literally shows that Non-genetic factors(Non-shared + Shared Environmental factors) make up 74% of IQ Development at the Age of 5(the end of toddler cognitive development) and still at 60% at age 7, let alone how important it is from before those ages.

I wonder what this "genetic loading" could be from ages 0-7? Couldn't POSSIBLY be the child being raised in the socioeconomic conditions afforded to him by being raised in a proper home with good nutrition and parenting?? YOU FAGGOT. I might have to agree with you though, somebody HAD to have bred you to be this retarded

Desperately coping nigger chimpout. I never said IQ was completely genetic you mentally disabled illiterate nigger ape slave, learn to read. You're ignoring literally everything else with PROOF that IQ is very genetic at literally all levels. Socioeconomic factors do matter yes, but genetics is always at play no matter what, and it matters the most by far. Hard grasping at straws and desperately coping with a single study that doesn't even prove your point well while literally EVERY other study I've referenced below supports my point that there are literal racial differences with IQ lmfao.

I clearly said that IQ increased in genetic heritability with age you retarded illiterate shitskin chimp, with heritability being the highest at adult age, which is the age that IQ matters the most by far. Non-genetic factors influence IQ yes, but mostly at younger ages just like you said (0-7), and they influence it less and less as a child grows up. You're blatantly ignoring the fact that I said that. Just like height, IQ genetic heritability increases with age. It doesn't matter if you're 5'9 in 6th grade and far taller than all your peers if you're only 5'11 in 12th grade. The first graph clearly shows that the genetics matter a lot more and non-genetic factors matter a lot less as a child grows older. I never claimed that they didn't matter at a young age, but their IQ at a young age literally doesn't matter just like height at a young age literally doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you're smarter than a poor kid in 5th grade if he becomes smarter than you at your smartest. It doesn't matter if you're taller than a short kid in 5th grade if he becomes taller than you at your tallest.

Disgusting subhuman dirty slave. There's a reason your people are the poorest, lowest IQ, have advanced the least, and were raped and subjugated and put on a leash by multiple other races for thousands like the helpless pussified dogs you were for all of history, while East Asians were at the top for 99% of history and are at the top now, easily surpassing whites in every conceivable aspect after industrializing as well. There's a reason you disgusting subhuman mentally disabled shitskin slave monkeys were shitting in mud huts and caves for thousands of years without evolving while other nations were living in ornate palaces and discussing metaphysics. There's a reason you 50 IQ mentally disabled subhuman chimp nigger slaves didn't advance past the Stone Age literally 2500 years after other races reached the Iron Age. Half the subhuman monkeys in your country would die without the aid of China, a superior IQ nation with superior IQ people. They literally oppress and abuse you cucked slave faggots in your own countries and mass fuck and impregnate your whore women while you worship them like gods lmfao.

Not only that, only West African American niggers have strength and muscle, likely due to being bred for it when they were buck broken submissive slaves doing physical labor 24/7 for their white masters. East Africans are one of the physically weakest races in the world, ON TOP of having the lowest IQs in the world along with other Africans and Abos. Your shit tier race is absolute genetic dead ends like you, you repulsive, hideous, cucked, worthless slave nigger.

Read every single word instead of hard focusing on one single tiny sample study to try and support your desperate nigger slave cope. You will never be able to counter these absolute blackpill studies. Try and respond to each one, go ahead. You won't because you know your pathetically weak argument got raped and sodomized into oblivion like all your submissive sissy slave ancestors did by superior races for all of history. You and I both know IQ is primarily genetic, and that niggers genetically have significantly lower IQs than other races on average no matter what even if socioeconomic factors also play a part.

Let us begin with a simple analogy;

  1. height : genes :: intelligence : ?
  • a) genes
  • b) income
  • c) education
The answer is a, quite obviously. Here we prescribe the biggest factor that can affect the two biological traits, height and intelligence.

It becomes simple to see the relationship between genes and intelligence when thinking about parents and their offspring. Tall parents tend to have tall kids. Smart parents tend to have smart kids. That's just hereditability for you.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence

IQ, when it matters most (during adulthood), has a genetic loading of 88%.

This figure depicts the Wilson effect; the increase in hereditability of IQ with age. This could explain why some of you who were "gifted" as kids are no longer living up to expectations as adults. There is a simple height analogy to this as well. Those of you kids who used to be the tallest ones in the classroom in 8th grade but never grew an inch since then are now below average and short in height. As one becomes older, the genetic component of intelligence takes over while the environmental component fades.

Here is a prime example of SES vs IQ.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
There is a gap at every SES level.

What's the meaning of this? Equating for SES doesn't make the gap disappear??? What kind of sorcery is this? It's not sorcery! It's genetics! Yes, genes. They are responsible for the gap. As we previously saw, genes are responsible for 88% of the variance in intelligence. Therefore, this gap is mostly due to genes. It's that simple!

But what if those rich blacks were less educated than their white counterparts? Fear not! I got that one covered as well.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Same trend is observed.

Indeed, the gap is actually getting wider as the level of education is increased. Why is that? Blacks have lower IQ means and standard deviations than whites. At the extremes, the differences become more important than at the means. It's kind of the same story about why there are about 10x less women than men at IQs above 145.

Still not convinced? Then, what if the black kid had white parents?

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Same story

Adopted or not, blacks still rank lower than any other race. I'm finding it hard to believe this isn't due to genes.

Wait... What if the tests are biased against BLACK PEOPLE?

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence

The tests measure the same thing for whites as they do for blacks.

Indeed, this is a culture-fair test (Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices), where there provably is no cultural bias.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence

Blacks score higher on Verbal Comprehension than Perceptual Reasoning, blow the "cultural bias" narrative out of the water.

As we just saw, neither income nor education could possibly shrink the gap between asians, whites and blacks because neither factor affects IQ as much as genes do.

Let's take brain size. If one decides to plot race IQ and brain-size pairs and calculate the correlation, it is r = 0,9998.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
The same pattern emerges.

Racial differences are primarily genetic. No one would reasonably say that differences in skin color are caused by differences in SES level. The same goes for intelligence, height and a myriad of other traits. They don't simply stop at the skin.
that's because your women are white women painted black. east african women are some of the most beautiful in the world. but also some of the most dangerous lol.

LOL. SAYS YOU MOTHERFUCKER, FUCK YOU!!! you lucked out you fucker. east africans are always being praised for their hair. east african hair literally drops when it gets long and doesn't stand. FUCK YOUOOOUOUOUO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

if you all weren't muslim and fucking crazy i would be married and be fucking them all the time!!!!
Our women are decent I guess...I still prefer white and east Asian women though
Desperately coping nigger chimpout. I never said IQ was completely genetic you mentally disabled illiterate nigger ape slave, learn to read. You're ignoring literally everything else with PROOF that IQ is very genetic at literally all levels. Socioeconomic factors do matter yes, but genetics is always at play no matter what, and it matters the most by far. Hard grasping at straws and desperately coping with a single study that doesn't even prove your point well while literally EVERY other study I've referenced below supports my point that there are literal racial differences with IQ lmfao.

I clearly said that IQ increased in genetic heritability with age you retarded illiterate shitskin chimp, with heritability being the highest at adult age, which is the age that IQ matters the most by far. Non-genetic factors influence IQ yes, but mostly at younger ages just like you said (0-7), and they influence it less and less as a child grows up. You're blatantly ignoring the fact that I said that. Just like height, IQ genetic heritability increases with age. It doesn't matter if you're 5'9 in 6th grade and far taller than all your peers if you're only 5'11 in 12th grade. The first graph clearly shows that the genetics matter a lot more and non-genetic factors matter a lot less as a child grows older. I never claimed that they didn't matter at a young age, but their IQ at a young age literally doesn't matter just like height at a young age literally doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you're smarter than a poor kid in 5th grade if he becomes smarter than you at your smartest. It doesn't matter if you're taller than a short kid in 5th grade if he becomes taller than you at your tallest.

Disgusting subhuman dirty slave. There's a reason your people are the poorest, lowest IQ, have advanced the least, and were raped and subjugated and put on a leash by multiple other races for thousands like the helpless pussified dogs you were for all of history, while East Asians were at the top for 99% of history and are at the top now, easily surpassing whites in every conceivable aspect after industrializing as well. There's a reason you disgusting subhuman mentally disabled shitskin slave monkeys were shitting in mud huts and caves for thousands of years without evolving while other nations were living in ornate palaces and discussing metaphysics. There's a reason you 50 IQ mentally disabled subhuman chimp nigger slaves didn't advance past the Stone Age literally 2500 years after other races reached the Iron Age. Half the subhuman monkeys in your country would die without the aid of China, a superior IQ nation with superior IQ people. They literally oppress and abuse you cucked slave faggots in your own countries and mass fuck and impregnate your whore women while you worship them like gods lmfao.

Not only that, only West African American niggers have strength and muscle, likely due to being bred for it when they were buck broken submissive slaves doing physical labor 24/7 for their white masters. East Africans are one of the physically weakest races in the world, ON TOP of having the lowest IQs in the world along with other Africans and Abos. Your shit tier race is absolute genetic dead ends like you, you repulsive, hideous, cucked, worthless slave nigger.

Read every single word instead of hard focusing on one single tiny sample study to try and support your desperate nigger slave cope. You will never be able to counter these absolute blackpill studies. Try and respond to each one, go ahead. You won't because you know your pathetically weak argument got raped and sodomized into oblivion like all your submissive sissy slave ancestors did by superior races for all of history. You and I both know IQ is primarily genetic, and that niggers genetically have significantly lower IQs than other races on average no matter what even if socioeconomic factors also play a part.

Let us begin with a simple analogy;

  1. height : genes :: intelligence : ?
  • a) genes
  • b) income
  • c) education
The answer is a, quite obviously. Here we prescribe the biggest factor that can affect the two biological traits, height and intelligence.

It becomes simple to see the relationship between genes and intelligence when thinking about parents and their offspring. Tall parents tend to have tall kids. Smart parents tend to have smart kids. That's just hereditability for you.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence

IQ, when it matters most (during adulthood), has a genetic loading of 88%.

This figure depicts the Wilson effect; the increase in hereditability of IQ with age. This could explain why some of you who were "gifted" as kids are no longer living up to expectations as adults. There is a simple height analogy to this as well. Those of you kids who used to be the tallest ones in the classroom in 8th grade but never grew an inch since then are now below average and short in height. As one becomes older, the genetic component of intelligence takes over while the environmental component fades.

Here is a prime example of SES vs IQ.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
There is a gap at every SES level.

What's the meaning of this? Equating for SES doesn't make the gap disappear??? What kind of sorcery is this? It's not sorcery! It's genetics! Yes, genes. They are responsible for the gap. As we previously saw, genes are responsible for 88% of the variance in intelligence. Therefore, this gap is mostly due to genes. It's that simple!

But what if those rich blacks were less educated than their white counterparts? Fear not! I got that one covered as well.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Same trend is observed.

Indeed, the gap is actually getting wider as the level of education is increased. Why is that? Blacks have lower IQ means and standard deviations than whites. At the extremes, the differences become more important than at the means. It's kind of the same story about why there are about 10x less women than men at IQs above 145.

Still not convinced? Then, what if the black kid had white parents?

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Same story

Adopted or not, blacks still rank lower than any other race. I'm finding it hard to believe this isn't due to genes.

Wait... What if the tests are biased against BLACK PEOPLE?

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence

The tests measure the same thing for whites as they do for blacks.

Indeed, this is a culture-fair test (Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices), where there provably is no cultural bias.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence

Blacks score higher on Verbal Comprehension than Perceptual Reasoning, blow the "cultural bias" narrative out of the water.

As we just saw, neither income nor education could possibly shrink the gap between asians, whites and blacks because neither factor affects IQ as much as genes do.

Let's take brain size. If one decides to plot race IQ and brain-size pairs and calculate the correlation, it is r = 0,9998.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
The same pattern emerges.

Racial differences are primarily genetic. No one would reasonably say that differences in skin color are caused by differences in SES level. The same goes for intelligence, height and a myriad of other traits. They don't simply stop at the skin.
Not a single syllable you mentally-recessed burrito-monkey :owo:
Not a single syllable you mentally-recessed burrito-monkey :owo:

You read and accepted every single molecule you buck broken slave nigger monkey, which is why it took you 9 minutes from first seeing it to respond with one sentence.

You're not responding because I utterly raped and sodomized and disproved all your low IQ nigger copes. Good to know I'm 100% correct. Racial differences between IQ are extremely genetic, just like IQ itself is.
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You read and accepted every single molecule you buck broken slave nigger monkey, which is why it took you 9 minutes from first seeing it to respond with one sentence.

You're not responding because I utterly raped and sodomized and disproved all your low IQ nigger copes. Good to know I'm 100% correct. Racial differences between IQ are extremely genetic, just like IQ itself is.
Sorry Taco-tranny, I refuse to listen to someone from the buck-broken class of the Native American race fail to interpret data to me :owo: maybe try and learn some critical thinking skills(you people have teeny tiny skulls so take your time) and re-read your quote a couple hundred times and come back to me!
Africans don’t worship whires cos we gentically see Europeans as subhuman pink pussies. Eurasians however they worship whites cos if you’re from the Asain or euro continent whites are the ideal. Even Arabs like white pheno even if they view euros as beasts. I’m greatful that even as slaves blacks still saw whites as beneath them and as filthy pinkoids. Whites are scared to visit west Africa because we kidnap them and ransome them for money west African pirates are more common than Somali now

God bless black people
a lot of black men worship white pussy tbh, albeit their women don't
Sorry Taco-tranny, I refuse to listen to someone from the buck-broken class of the Native American race fail to interpret data to me :owo: maybe try and learn some critical thinking skills(you people have teeny tiny skulls so take your time) and re-read your quote a couple hundred times and come back to me!

You're not responding because I utterly raped and sodomized and disproved all your low IQ nigger copes. Good to know I'm 100% correct. Racial differences between IQ are extremely genetic, just like IQ itself is.

Niggers are truly the most abused, cucked, buck broken slave race. Bred to be submissive to superior races. You literally got enslaved by nearly every single race for all of history, including Native American moggers who whipped and buck broke you into submission regularly. Today, Chinese Changs are oppressing and abusing you disgusting monkeys in your own countries while mass fucking and impregnating your whore women while you worship them like gods because you rely on them to survive like helpless little dogs.

Glad to understand you know your place. Couple centuries ago, I’d be putting you on my leash and buck breaking you on the cotton fields while your sheboon sister watches and fingers herself at the thought of how I’d use and abuse her that night.
JFL at your low IQ nigger grammar. I hope you’re not a native English speaker. China is literally surpassing the west in every conceivable aspect, including economy, military, technology, influence, etc. World leaders, defense experts, economic experts, Pentagon scientists, US generals, and the richest billionaires all agree on this. Look at this thread for evidence.

You are an absolute braindead moron if you think sanctions fuck China more than it does the US lmao. It’s completely the other way around. Just look at the trade deficit and trade ratio. Everyone agrees that the US is extremely economically dependent on China. The insane economic dependence will only grow exponentially as China’s economy gets stronger and stronger. Not only that, China is increasingly dominating economy and trade with other countries over America and is increasingly monopolizing global trade.

View attachment 2140878

View attachment 2140879

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/americas-dependence-china-crisis-the-making[/URL]

This is insane cope. China completely took back has Hong Kong after it easily surpassed Britain in power and the west has absolutely zero power over Hong Kong day. Congrats, you beat an agricultural underdeveloped China as an industrialized militarized empire. Japan did so as well, and now China threatens to repeatedly nuke Japan with zero consequences. There is nothing either country can do to remotely touch China today, China can literally eviscerate the entire European Union and United Kingdom combined. Remember that the British are literally Hun rape babies and all almost every single ancient Germanic tribe (British ancestors) in Western Europe was raped and massacred and subjugated by the Huns. Today, China would eviscerate the entire European Union in a war.

Reread the comment. I literally just showed you that Avars were homogenously East Asian YDNA while they were diverse in mtDNA, and they left their genetic influence on Slavic women in a certain group with over 90% West Eurasian mtDNA. It was Avar men fucking Slavic women, like I blatantly bolded out. Primarily Asian YDNA and Slavic mtDNA. Cherry-picking specific examples in Europe doesn’t change the facts. By the way, there’s a reason you’re not showing studies showing Mongol Euro mtDNA as compared to YDNA. It’s quite clear that Mongols have significantly more European mtDNA than YDNA.

Not only that, the study said the Mongols added European mtDNA ONLY during their conquests like the study said. There was little to no intermixing between Europeans and East Asians AT ALL before the Mongol Empire according to the study. Also, Asian YDNA increased during the Mongol empire period while European autosomal DNA decreased even though the Mongols added European mtDNA only during their conquests. It’s quite clear what happened. Everything points quite clearly to European men not being able to reproduce during the period of the Mongol Empire, while Asian men were able to reproduce and did so with European women. The East Asian Mongols added European mtDNA to their gene pool maternally while displacing Europeans paternally.

“However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations."

"A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]"

Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics(Nasidze et al. 2005; Wells et al. 2001; Xue et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2005). The prevalence of the Mongolian Y chromosome in Central Asians support the inequity admixture due to Genghis Khan’s military success (Zerjal et al. 2002, 2003), that is, the Mongolia conqueror contributed the dominant Y chromosome to the descendant admixture populations. This happened in the Indo-Europeans admixture in the caste establishment in India (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006), and similar situations were found among Spanish Conquistadors and British colonialists in North America and Australia (Carvajal-Carmonn et al. 2000).”

Face it, despite what cherry-picks you try and find, nobody agrees with you. If you search up “did Europeans rape Mongols” no results of it show up, while literally all the Google results of that search return the fact of Mongols raping Europeans lmao. This applies for the Huns and Avars too. Everyone says East Asians raped Europeans, not the other way around. They do this for a reason.

I showed you a study that said Mongols had significant Euro mtDNA and no Euro YDNA, homogenously East Asian YDNA. I search YDNA and I searched MTDNA in that study and those were all the results that popped up. It said that Mongols had Euro mtDNA, and nowhere did it say they had Euro YDNA. If Mongols reallly widely had Euro YDNA, they would say so at least once on the study. I didn’t try and pass anything off, which is exactly what you’re doing. I used the TongHai because it mentioned that Mongols had no Euro YDNA and that all Mongol groups clustered closely together in YDNA, including the TongHai, which means that other Mongols’ YDNA can be extremely similar to it. In the exact same study, it says that Mongols had Euro mtDNA and only got it after the Mongol conquests while YDNA remained East Asian dominant, as I’ve posted above.

“Our recent study indicated that all Mongolians clustered together in Y-STR data, including the TongHai Mongolians (our unpublished data). The extant TongHai Mongolians take the north-prevalent haplogroups (51.5%), and no European-specific haplotypes were observed.

European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were identified in all five major Xinjiang populations, and 14% of these haplogroups were found in the Xinjiang Mongolians but only 2% in the Mongolians who lived in the east part of plateau of Mongolia (Kong et al. 2003b). European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were also identified in the populations of northeast Mongolia far away the Silk Road (Kolman et al. 1996).

You didn’t show me jackshit of Mongol Euro mtDNA compared to YDNA lmao. Stop blatantly lying nigga, like you always try to do in order to try and convince everyone that we wuz kangz. Are you going to address the fact that you tried to pass off the Hungarian conquerors as Huns and Avars to claim they were predominantly white instead of Asian in order to try and mislead me or are you going to conveniently ignore it?

Just like how you tried to pass off Hitler’s quote about Dutch girls being highly attractive, and any “blemishes” in them being purely due to interbreeding with Malays, and the fact that he said the men only fucked them because there was a lack of Dutch girls and they were horny, as him preferring hapa girls to pure Dutch girls? When he literally said that Malay DNA ruined the “lovely” Dutch girls and gave them blemishes lmao. You’ll lie about anything to promote your WMAF fantasy when anyone who doesn’t have a double digit IQ can easily disprove you lmao.

Face it. Before the modern post industrialization era, East Asians have killed over a thousand times more white people and conquered over a million times more white land (realistic number considering Europeans never conquered East Asians TMI) than the other way around. We both know this.
And not a single statistic on european ydna/mtdna was posted on that day. Nothing in those studies disproves my claims.

Meanwhile i posted statistics on both mongol ydna and mtdna. Clearly mongols have around 12-20% west eur ydna from the studies i posted and the same amount in mtdna. If east asian ydna increased in the mongol period, and european mtdna increased, that means there was a bigger disparity before then. Can you not post a single chart showing haplogroup frequencies?

Also tonghai mongols have no european mtdna according to your study. Theyre not representative of mongols in mongolia.

Post a single stat showing europeans have haplogroups O, C in significant numbers, meaning more than 1%.

Xinjiang people have 38% west eurasian Ydna btw

that's because your women are white women painted black. east african women are some of the most beautiful in the world. but also some of the most dangerous lol.
What white women look Somalian or Ethiopian? Horners have literally opposite features from Whites

White women painted black look like this
A98182 tanorexia 4 family
3f8d11cfe52e6ad61c5a49c12d1c31091a 02 tanmom2xrsocialw600

Not a single woman passes as Horner. Horners have much narrower features for example.
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And not a single statistic on european ydna/mtdna was posted on that day. Nothing in those studies disproves my claims.

Nowhere is it mentioned in word that there is more European YDNA than European mtDNA in any significant group. Nowhere is it mentioned that Europeans raped or conquered or subjugated Mongols, Huns, Avars, or ANY Asiatic invader. Meanwhile, the other way around? Millions of results. Because it happened. East Asians have killed thousands times more Europeans than the other way around for all of history before the industrial era. You're ignoring stuff on purpose, just like you ignored my callouts of your blatant lies. Let me engrain it in you again. Avar males were homogenously East Asian YDNA and they mass fucked Slavic females in Europe to the point where groups in Europe had over 90% West Eurasian DNA maternally, yet were primarily East Eurasian paternally.

“A genetic study published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology in 2018 examined 62 individuals buried in the 8th and 9th centuries at an Avar-Slavic burial in Cífer‐Pác, Slovakia.[51] Of the 46 samples of mtDNA extracted, 93% belonged to west Eurasian lineages, while 6% belonged to east Eurasian lineages.[52] The amount of east Eurasian lineages was higher than among modern European populations, but lower than what has been found in other genetic studies on the Avars.[53] The mtDNA of the examined individuals was found to be quite similar to medieval and modern Slavs, and it was suggested that the mixed population examined had emerged through intermarriage between Avar males and Slavic females.[54]
Elite Avar samples "preserved very ancient Mongolian pre-Bronze Age genomes, with ca 90% [Ancient North-East Asian] ancestry", shared deep ancestry with European Huns, but although since Early Avar period started mixing with local and immigrant Hunnic-Iranian related populations, "people with different genetic ancestries were seemingly distinguished, as samples with Hun-related genomes were buried in separate cemeteries". The majority of the Avar Khaganate population consisted of local European peoples (EU_core) but did not display Northeast Asian admixture, supporting a model of elite dominance of arriving horse nomads over a large sedentary population.

Meanwhile i posted statistics on both mongol ydna and mtdna. Clearly mongols have around 12-20% west eur ydna from the studies i posted and the same amount in mtdna. If east asian ydna increased in the mongol period, and european mtdna increased, that means there was a bigger disparity before then. Can you not post a single chart showing haplogroup frequencies?

You clearly can't show a single statistic showing Mongols have more Euro YDNA than mtDNA. You haven't any given any written word saying that any Asian group was more European maternally and East Asian paternally, which I have for the other way around. East Asian YDNA increased in Mongolia during the Mongol Empire period while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased.

You yourself said that not all the groups in Mongolia were Asian, and you would be right. The East Asian Mongols we know today paternally displaced white groups in Mongolia, who were a separate race, while adding white DNA to their gene pool maternally by fucking the women.

My study said that there was no genetic admixture from Europeans and East Asians before the Mongol Empire period yet they added European mtDNA during their conquests, and East Asian YDNA increased while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased. This very clearly signifies that East Asian Mongols were very likely fucking/raping the women and killing the men, or at least out breeding them. The East Asian Mongols who conquered the world that we know today formed the Mongol Empire and dominated the other racial groups in Mongolia who were separate races, including white Euros.

Any European YDNA was very likely from Euros fucking other Euros/hapas from leftover Mongol rape babies, and there would almost definitely be more Euro mtDNA than YDNA. No rape, massacring, conquering, or subjugation like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars did to Europeans for all of history. The Huns and Avars were literally a minority East Asian elite completely ruling over a majority.

Another pathetic attempt at trying to divert and lie like a pathetic rat. I've already disproved you of your lies multiple times. Those aren't all Mongols, they're also Indo-European which were obviously West Eurasian. If you click on the link the graph provides as its source, the study literally says "In all, 14 ethnic groups from Silk Road region in Northwest China belong to either Turkic- and Mongolian-branch of Altaic Family or Indo-European Family, and most of them are Islamic."

If you click on the link the graph provides as its source, your own study shows Asian men fucking European women and the peoples being primarily East Asian paternally and European maternally. Meanwhile, nowhere does it mention anything the other way around. Your own study fucked you JFL.

"An additional finding that 58% of paternal components in the Russ population belonged into haplogroup O was of great interest. An aberrant distribution of the typical East Asian haplogroup was observed in an atypical East Asian population. Thanks to the availability of the unambiguous ethnic origin, the Russ in China was populated by the immigrants from Russia after the eighteenth century. During the process that they admixed into East Asians, a higher mobility of female variants under the context of the patrilocal society gave rise to the sex-biased admixture,67 which resulted in assimilating more genetic components from East Asians into the patrilineal gene pool of this ethnic population. Our unpublished data of mitochondrial DNA, which indicated more mitochondrial DNA lineages from European in the Russ population, substantiated this supposition."

Nowhere is it mentioned that Europeans raped or conquered or subjugated Mongols, Huns, or Avars. Meanwhile, the other way around? Millions of results. Because it happened. East Asians have killed thousands times more Europeans and conquered a millions times more European land (realistic number because Europeans never conquered East Asian land TMI) than the other way around for all of history before the industrial era. We both know this for a fact. Stop desperately coping with "we wuz kangz" lmao. East Asians utterly dominated Europeans for all of history just like they're about to utterly dominate them again (if they even need to, because Euros are going extinct by themselves).
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You Somalis can kidnap me as long as you feed me good and let me chew that chat stuff. Always wanted to try it. Anyways, worshiping is one thing but don't tell me you guys don't admire Italian culture.
Italians made us eat pasta every day it’s a staple in Somali diet now jfl
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Face is chink China ain’t the future no one wants to be ruled by communist dictatorship the term Chinese knock offs exists for a reason no innovation just copy the west in America if you say joe Biden sucks your good if you insult the ccp in China you get dragged off and never seen again China countering Africa is cope of the highest degree niggers are inherently wild and uncontrollable
You can’t keep yapping about China while enjoying the luxury and freedom of the USA retard
Face is chink China ain’t the future no one wants to be ruled by communist dictatorship the term Chinese knock offs exists for a reason no innovation just copy the west in America

JFL at your low IQ nigger slave grammar and punctuation. It doesn't matter what you say when officials, intelligence officials, Pentagon scientists, US defense experts, world leaders, the richest billionaires, etc. all agree that China is taking over and dominating in every aspect, economically, militarily, technologically, etc. and that the United States has a huge economic dependence and trade deficit with China that is only increasing and increasing. The "no innovation" cope has been completely disproven, and China is now inventing, innovating, and advancing much more than the west. It's leading in the vast majority of technological sectors and making significantly more breakthroughs than the United States. The United States is literally copying China more than the other way around today. Check out the quote below, China is inevitably and quickly overtaking the west and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Look at the absolute economic takeover.



Look at the based genetic engineering.

View attachment 2134037

Look at the utter AI dominance. Pentagon officials are literally giving up trying to fight China.

Look at the utter gigamogging in technological advancements and innovations.


View attachment 2134054

The United States is copying China now JFL. It's over

if you say joe Biden sucks your good if you insult the ccp in China you get dragged off and never seen again

Not true at all. Typical mentally disabled retarded shitskin nigger, low IQ and low sentience enough to believe every piece of bullshit western media throws at you about China.

China countering Africa is cope of the highest degree niggers are inherently wild and uncontrollable

That didn't stop the entire continent of Africa except for two countries from getting completely colonized and raped of resources by the Europeans. That didn't stop niggers from getting raped and enslaved and buck broken on the cotton fields to do physical labor 24/7 til death by European men. Wild animals are easily controllable by more intelligent humans. Chinese men are literally oppressing and abusing niggers in their own countries while mass fucking and impregnating their women while they get worshipped like gods. China will easily control Africa just as Europe did.
How small is the list of inventors when you gotta list a nigga making coffee as a great invention?
Some of the most important inventions are the ones we find ubiquitous in our day to day life, imagine a world without coffee.
Some of the most important inventions are the ones we find ubiquitous in our day to day life, imagine a world without coffee.
Pretty sure natives of South America made the first coffee. Not that hard to roast some beans and crush them up and strain them.
This is even true in my country even though its european. Women here often brag about getting a german/dutch/swedish husband. Although for women the beauty standard isnt as white as possible. For men, a north/west european pheno is seen as high class.
There is a hierarchy even among whites
Holy fuck what is this retard nigger ape cope lmfao. Mongolia and Cambodia are significantly worse off and poorer than many African countries and have been for a while and their IQ is still 100, higher than almost every European country, meanwhile those African countries have IQs below 70. Niggers literally have way lower IQs than races like Pacific Islanders and Eskimos who’ve been stuck on underdeveloped isolated islands with zero human contact for thousands of years. It’s fucking genetic, Negroids will never even come close remotely close to surpassing East Asians in IQ. Your race has naturally small brains and low IQ just like East Asians have naturally big brains and high IQ.
And you are coping extremely hard if you think Africa was hard to survive in. It’s the complete opposite, Africa was literally one of the easiest continents to survive in, which is the reason they didn’t have to develop their IQ or naturally select for it to survive. All modern anthropologists and scientists agree with this.


Mentally retarded 50 IQ cumskin cope. Only reason Europeans have invented this much in the past few centuries is because of rapid mass industrialization and modernization due to getting lucky and finding and colonizing resource rich lands like the Americas. Nordics, Germanics, and Celts (Aka Northwest Euros) were living in mud huts for thousands of years while East Asians, Mediterraneans, and MENA were rapidly advancing civilization and living in ornate palaces. Search up which country contributed the most inventions and innovations in the ancient era, you’ll get one overwhelming answer (China). Today, now that East Asians have industrialized and modernized as well and are on an equal playing field with Europeans, they utterly dominate in innovations and inventions and advancements. This is why they’re easily and quickly surpassing white countries technologically and militarily. Evidence is in this thread.


You’re coping extremely hard with absolutely zero evidence and having full on schizo fantasy delusions. Check out the link I sent above, the west knows it will for a fact lose to China. Today, China would already utterly rape and sodomize the entire European Union and United Kingdom combined in a war like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars have historically done to Europeans for all of history. In the future, the power gap will be even more substantial as China completely dominates the world. Even your country leadership is getting overtaken by other races. Your entire nation of the United Kingdom is ruled by a curry prime minister, your Scot minister is a curry, and the mayor of your capital is a curry. UK leadership is completely ethnic dominated. All this as you get bred out by pure blood ethnics and niggers in all your countries, not just mutts.

View attachment 2140994

Just look at the population projections per continent from now until 2100, and look at Europe and North America compared to other continents. They are shrinking hard in comparison to other continents. That counts all immigrants and ethnics and mixed mutts too, so imagine how it is for pure whites who are becoming minorities in their own countries. This is the case in nearly every developed western white country. Here's actual evidence. Your race is going extinct and there's nothing you can do about it lmfao. Cope and seethe for me.
View attachment 2140995
View attachment 2140990

Asians can’t invent shit they just take already invented shit and make them better a little bit. Asians have no creativity and never will. Not in their genes.
Nowhere is it mentioned in word that there is more European YDNA than European mtDNA in any significant group. Nowhere is it mentioned that Europeans raped or conquered or subjugated Mongols, Huns, Avars, or ANY Asiatic invader. Meanwhile, the other way around? Millions of results. Because it happened. East Asians have killed thousands times more Europeans than the other way around for all of history before the industrial era. You're ignoring stuff on purpose, just like you ignored my callouts of your blatant lies. Let me engrain it in you again. Avar males were homogenously East Asian YDNA and they mass fucked Slavic females in Europe to the point where groups in Europe had over 90% West Eurasian DNA maternally, yet were primarily East Eurasian paternally.

“A genetic study published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology in 2018 examined 62 individuals buried in the 8th and 9th centuries at an Avar-Slavic burial in Cífer‐Pác, Slovakia.[51] Of the 46 samples of mtDNA extracted, 93% belonged to west Eurasian lineages, while 6% belonged to east Eurasian lineages.[52] The amount of east Eurasian lineages was higher than among modern European populations, but lower than what has been found in other genetic studies on the Avars.[53] The mtDNA of the examined individuals was found to be quite similar to medieval and modern Slavs, and it was suggested that the mixed population examined had emerged through intermarriage between Avar males and Slavic females.[54]
Elite Avar samples "preserved very ancient Mongolian pre-Bronze Age genomes, with ca 90% [Ancient North-East Asian] ancestry", shared deep ancestry with European Huns, but although since Early Avar period started mixing with local and immigrant Hunnic-Iranian related populations, "people with different genetic ancestries were seemingly distinguished, as samples with Hun-related genomes were buried in separate cemeteries". The majority of the Avar Khaganate population consisted of local European peoples (EU_core) but did not display Northeast Asian admixture, supporting a model of elite dominance of arriving horse nomads over a large sedentary population.

You clearly can't show a single statistic showing Mongols have more Euro YDNA than mtDNA. You haven't any given any written word saying that any Asian group was more European maternally and East Asian paternally, which I have for the other way around. East Asian YDNA increased in Mongolia during the Mongol Empire period while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased.

You yourself said that not all the groups in Mongolia were Asian, and you would be right. The East Asian Mongols we know today paternally displaced white groups in Mongolia, who were a separate race, while adding white DNA to their gene pool maternally by fucking the women.

My study said that there was no genetic admixture from Europeans and East Asians before the Mongol Empire period yet they added European mtDNA during their conquests, and East Asian YDNA increased while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased. This very clearly signifies that East Asian Mongols were very likely fucking/raping the women and killing the men, or at least out breeding them. The East Asian Mongols who conquered the world that we know today formed the Mongol Empire and dominated the other racial groups in Mongolia who were separate races, including white Euros.

Any European YDNA was very likely from Euros fucking other Euros/hapas from leftover Mongol rape babies, and there would almost definitely be more Euro mtDNA than YDNA. No rape, massacring, conquering, or subjugation like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars did to Europeans for all of history. The Huns and Avars were literally a minority East Asian elite completely ruling over a majority.

Another pathetic attempt at trying to divert and lie like a pathetic rat. I've already disproved you of your lies multiple times. Those aren't all Mongols, they're also Indo-European which were obviously West Eurasian. If you click on the link the graph provides as its source, the study literally says "In all, 14 ethnic groups from Silk Road region in Northwest China belong to either Turkic- and Mongolian-branch of Altaic Family or Indo-European Family, and most of them are Islamic."

If you click on the link the graph provides as its source, your own study shows Asian men fucking European women and the peoples being primarily East Asian paternally and European maternally. Meanwhile, nowhere does it mention anything the other way around. Your own study fucked you JFL.

"An additional finding that 58% of paternal components in the Russ population belonged into haplogroup O was of great interest. An aberrant distribution of the typical East Asian haplogroup was observed in an atypical East Asian population. Thanks to the availability of the unambiguous ethnic origin, the Russ in China was populated by the immigrants from Russia after the eighteenth century. During the process that they admixed into East Asians, a higher mobility of female variants under the context of the patrilocal society gave rise to the sex-biased admixture,67 which resulted in assimilating more genetic components from East Asians into the patrilineal gene pool of this ethnic population. Our unpublished data of mitochondrial DNA, which indicated more mitochondrial DNA lineages from European in the Russ population, substantiated this supposition."

Nowhere is it mentioned that Europeans raped or conquered or subjugated Mongols, Huns, or Avars. Meanwhile, the other way around? Millions of results. Because it happened. East Asians have killed thousands times more Europeans and conquered a millions times more European land (realistic number because Europeans never conquered East Asian land TMI) than the other way around for all of history before the industrial era. We both know this for a fact. Stop desperately coping with "we wuz kangz" lmao. East Asians utterly dominated Europeans for all of history just like they're about to utterly dominate them again (if they even need to, because Euros are going extinct by themselves).
Not a single chart on euro ydna was posted on that day. Meanwhile i posted sources saying mongols have 12-20% euro ydna.

The point of that graph wasnt to prove mongols have euro ydna, but about people in xinjiang, my autistic friend. Learn to read and stop trying to pathetically duke the facts. I looked into that study, and only 14 individuals out of 140 had european mtdna. So, only like 2% of mongols? So whats the point of posting that study about xinjiang then. 19/35 Dongxiang people in my study had ydna R1a, and theyre mongolic.

Im getting the suspicion that you have no idea which haplogroups are west eurasian and which are east asian, thats why you cant actually post any data lol. Cause if you knew that, you wouldnt be asking me for quotes that say "mongols have west eurasian haplogroups"

Earth-to-dumbshit, studies dont have to say that for it to be true. You can view the data for yourself and see that they have west eurasian ydna.

Post a chart that shows a lack of west eurasian ydna in mongols and a chart showing east asian ydna in europeans. The quotes from your studies aren't saying what you think theyre saying. Why cant you just post some statistics on haplogroups and point to the east asian ones in europeans? Or the lack or european ones in mongols? Because every statistic on ydna in mongols shows they have some R, J, G, etc. haplogroups which are west eurasian.
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Asians can’t invent shit they just take already invented shit and make them better a little bit. Asians have no creativity and never will. Not in their genes.

You are mentally retarded. China literally made the most ancient inventions and was leading the world in inventions for 90% of history. Search up which country made the most ancient inventions and you'll see. Europe rapidly modernized and industrialized and was able to lead the world in inventions for a brief few centuries, but now that East Asian countries have all done the same and are on an equal playing field, all of them are easily surpassing the white countries in inventions. Japan and South Korea have both easily surpassed all of Europe in inventions, while China has easily surpassed the US and all of Europe in inventions and is leading in it. Japan and South Korea have the most per capita inventions today BY FAR, and it's not even close. It doesn’t matter what you say when actually credible people working in the US government disagree. East Asians are more intelligent and more creative than Europeans. Look at the quote below and cry.

Look at the utter gigamogging in technological advancements and innovations.


View attachment 2134054

Look at the based genetic engineering.

View attachment 2134037

Look at the utter AI dominance. Pentagon officials are literally giving up trying to fight China.

Look at the utter gigamogging in technological advancements and innovations.


View attachment 2134054

The United States is copying China now JFL. It's over

Not a single chart on euro ydna was posted on that day. Meanwhile i posted sources saying mongols have 12-20% euro ydna.

The point of that graph wasnt to prove mongols have euro ydna, but about people in xinjiang, my autistic friend. Learn to read and stop trying to pathetically duke the facts. I looked into that study, and only 14 individuals out of 140 had european mtdna. So, only like 2% of mongols? So whats the point of posting that study about xinjiang then. 19/35 Dongxiang people in my study had ydna R1a, and theyre mongolic.

Im getting the suspicion that you have no idea which haplogroups are west eurasian and which are east asian, thats why you cant actually post any data lol. Cause if you knew that, you wouldnt be asking me for quotes that say "mongols have west eurasian haplogroups"

Earth-to-dumbshit, studies dont have to say that for it to be true. You can view the data for yourself and see that they have west eurasian ydna.

Post a chart that shows a lack of west eurasian ydna in mongols and a chart showing east asian ydna in europeans. The quotes from your studies aren't saying what you think theyre saying. Why cant you just post some statistics on haplogroups and point to the east asian ones in europeans? Or the lack or european ones in mongols? Because every statistic on ydna in mongols shows they have some R, J, G, etc. haplogroups which are west eurasian.

I don't have to post any obscure, cherrypicked chart when your own study literally said there was a group that was paternally East Asian but maternally European. The quotes from my studies say exactly what I think they're saying; there were groups that were primarily East Asian paternally but primarily European maternally. You can't show me anything showing that Mongols or any group surrounding them are mainly paternally European, yet mainly maternally East Asian. Meanwhile, your OWN study showed me an example of an European group being mainly paternally East Asian yet mainly maternally European. I've called you out for lying like a pathetic rat and trying to misconstrue the facts and lie multiple times and you've ignored all my callouts, as expected.

It doesn't matter if they have West Eurasian YDNA (Likely from fellow Euros fucking Mongol on Euro rape babies after the Mongols left) if they have more West Eurasian mtDNA. There's a reason you can't show me any statistics of a Mongol group having more Euro YDNA than mtDNA, or being mainly European paternally yet East Asian maternally, yet I've done it for you for an European group the other way around.

Let me copy paste this to you, because you didn't address it.

“However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations."
"A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]"
Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics(Nasidze et al. 2005; Wells et al. 2001; Xue et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2005). The prevalence of the Mongolian Y chromosome in Central Asians support the inequity admixture due to Genghis Khan’s military success (Zerjal et al. 2002, 2003), that is, the Mongolia conqueror contributed the dominant Y chromosome to the descendant admixture populations. This happened in the Indo-Europeans admixture in the caste establishment in India (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006), and similar situations were found among Spanish Conquistadors and British colonialists in North America and Australia (Carvajal-Carmonn et al. 2000).”

East Asian YDNA increased in Mongolia during the Mongol Empire period while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased. You yourself said that not all the groups in Mongolia were Asian, and you would be right. The East Asian Mongols we know today paternally displaced white groups in Mongolia, who were a separate race, while adding white DNA to their gene pool maternally by fucking the women.

My study said that there was no genetic admixture from Europeans and East Asians before the Mongol Empire period yet they added European mtDNA during their conquests, and East Asian YDNA increased while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased. This very clearly signifies that East Asian Mongols were very likely fucking/raping the women and killing the men, or at least out breeding them. The East Asian Mongols who conquered the world that we know today formed the Mongol Empire and dominated the other racial groups in Mongolia who were separate races, including white Euros.

Any European YDNA was very likely from Euros fucking other Euros/hapas from leftover Mongol rape babies, and there would definitely be more Euro mtDNA than YDNA. No rape, massacring, conquering, or subjugation like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars did to Europeans for all of history. The Huns and Avars were literally a minority East Asian elite completely ruling over a majority European slave class.

Just because they have Euro YDNA doesn't mean it came from the Europeans raping Mongols. The East Asian Mongols have for a fact raped much more Europeans than the other way around, if the latter even happened which I doubt. You do get that the Mongols intermixed with the surrounding white tribes right? Like you said, East Asians weren't the only ones in Mongolia. Many other nomadic invaders of China descend from there. An East Asian group just became the dominant tribe and became known as the Mongols we know who formed the Mongol Empire and conquered the world today, which is why East Asian YDNA increased there while European mtDNA also increased and European YDNA decreased overall. Note that the study said there was no intermixing between Europeans and East Asians before the Mongol Empire period, yet the East Asian Mongols added European mtDNA to their gene pool during the Mongol conquests while European DNA overall decreased. Pretty clear what happened.

The Mongols, Huns, and Avars conquered and massacred and completely subjugated most of either Eastern and Central Europe or Western and Southern Europe, and the ruling class as I've shown you were extremely homogenously East Asian in YDNA. Meanwhile, they ruled over a much bigger, sedentary European population. I've shown you quotes talking about studies of European groups being East Asian paternally yet European maternally. You're trying to ignore them and render them invalid for whatever reason.

Nowhere is it mentioned that Europeans raped or conquered or subjugated Mongols, Huns, or Avars. Meanwhile, the other way around? Millions of results. Because it happened. East Asians have killed thousands times more Europeans and conquered a millions times more European land (realistic number because Europeans never conquered East Asian land TMI) than the other way around for all of history before the industrial era. We both know this for a fact. Stop desperately coping with "we wuz kangz" lmao. East Asians utterly dominated Europeans for all of history just like they're about to utterly dominate them again, if Europeans don't go extinct beforehand that is.
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You are mentally retarded. China literally made the most ancient inventions and was leading the world in inventions for 90% of history. Search up which country made the most ancient inventions and you'll see. Europe rapidly modernized and industrialized and was able to lead the world in inventions for a brief few centuries, but now that East Asian countries have all done the same and are on an equal playing field, all of them are easily surpassing the white countries in inventions. Japan and South Korea have both easily surpassed all of Europe in inventions, while China has easily surpassed the US and all of Europe in inventions and is leading in it. Japan and South Korea have the most per capita inventions today BY FAR, and it's not even close. It doesn’t matter what you say when actually credible people working in the US government disagree. East Asians are more intelligent and more creative than Europeans. Look at the quote below and cry.

I don't have to post any obscure, cherrypicked chart when your own study literally said there was a group that was paternally East Asian but maternally European. The quotes from my studies say exactly what I think they're saying; there were groups that were primarily East Asian paternally but primarily European paternally. You can't show me anything showing that Mongols or any group surrounding them are mainly paternally European, yet mainly maternally East Asian. Meanwhile, your OWN study showed me an example of an European group being mainly paternally East Asian yet mainly maternally European. I've called you out for lying like a pathetic rat and trying to misconstrue the facts and lie multiple times and you've ignored all my callouts, as expected.

It doesn't matter if they have West Eurasian YDNA (Likely from fellow Euros fucking Mongol on Euro rape babies after the Mongols left) if they have more West Eurasian mtDNA. There's a reason you can't show me any statistics of a Mongol group having more Euro YDNA than mtDNA, or being mainly European paternally yet East Asian maternally, yet I've done it for you for an European group the other way around.

Let me copy paste this to you, because you didn't address it.

“However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations."
"A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]"
Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics(Nasidze et al. 2005; Wells et al. 2001; Xue et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2005). The prevalence of the Mongolian Y chromosome in Central Asians support the inequity admixture due to Genghis Khan’s military success (Zerjal et al. 2002, 2003), that is, the Mongolia conqueror contributed the dominant Y chromosome to the descendant admixture populations. This happened in the Indo-Europeans admixture in the caste establishment in India (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006), and similar situations were found among Spanish Conquistadors and British colonialists in North America and Australia (Carvajal-Carmonn et al. 2000).”

East Asian YDNA increased in Mongolia during the Mongol Empire period while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased. You yourself said that not all the groups in Mongolia were Asian, and you would be right. The East Asian Mongols we know today paternally displaced white groups in Mongolia, who were a separate race, while adding white DNA to their gene pool maternally by fucking the women.

My study said that there was no genetic admixture from Europeans and East Asians before the Mongol Empire period yet they added European mtDNA during their conquests, and East Asian YDNA increased while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased. This very clearly signifies that East Asian Mongols were very likely fucking/raping the women and killing the men, or at least out breeding them. The East Asian Mongols who conquered the world that we know today formed the Mongol Empire and dominated the other racial groups in Mongolia who were separate races, including white Euros.

Any European YDNA was very likely from Euros fucking other Euros/hapas from leftover Mongol rape babies, and there would almost definitely be more Euro mtDNA than YDNA. No rape, massacring, conquering, or subjugation like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars did to Europeans for all of history. The Huns and Avars were literally a minority East Asian elite completely ruling over a majority.

Just because they have Euro YDNA doesn't mean it came from the Europeans raping Mongols. The East Asian Mongols have for a fact raped much more Europeans than the other way around, if the latter even happened which I doubt. You do get that the Mongols intermixed with the surrounding white tribes right? Like you said, East Asians weren't the only ones in Mongolia. Many other nomadic invaders of China descend from there. An East Asian group just became the dominant tribe and became known as the Mongols we know who formed the Mongol Empire and conquered the world today, which is why East Asian YDNA increased there while European mtDNA also increased and European YDNA decreased overall. Note that the study said there was no intermixing between Europeans and East Asians before the Mongol Empire period, yet the East Asian Mongols added European mtDNA to their gene pool during the Mongol conquests.

The Mongols, Huns, and Avars conquered and massacred and completely subjugated most of either Eastern and Central Europe or Western and Southern Europe, and the ruling class as I've shown you were extremely homogenously East Asian in YDNA. Meanwhile, they ruled over a much bigger, sedentary European population. I've shown you quotes talking about studies of European groups being East Asian paternally yet European maternally. You're trying to ignore them and render them invalid for whatever reason.

Nowhere is it mentioned that Europeans raped or conquered or subjugated Mongols, Huns, or Avars. Meanwhile, the other way around? Millions of results. Because it happened. East Asians have killed thousands times more Europeans and conquered a millions times more European land (realistic number because Europeans never conquered East Asian land TMI) than the other way around for all of history before the industrial era. We both know this for a fact. Stop desperately coping with "we wuz kangz" lmao. East Asians utterly dominated Europeans for all of history just like they're about to utterly dominate them again, if Europeans don't go extinct beforehand that is.
Lol what a bunch of cope. The most important scientists, mathematicians, and physicists who contributed the most towards society are all white
Lol what a bunch of cope. The most important scientists, mathematicians, and physicists who contributed the most towards society are all white

They contributed that much after they industrialized while China was an agricultural backwards unindustrialized feudal shithole along with the rest of East Asia (And the rest of the world too for that matter). They didn't contribute jack shit before the past few centuries in the ancient era, while China contributed more than any other country.

Today, East Asians are quickly surpassing Europeans in inventions, innovation, and advancement now that they've also industrialized and modernized. East Asians contributed the most in ancient society and they'll contribute the most now and in the future. I've showed you actual statistics and data proving my point, you haven't shown me anything.
I don't have to post any obscure, cherrypicked chart when your own study literally said there was a group that was paternally East Asian but maternally European. The quotes from my studies say exactly what I think they're saying; there were groups that were primarily East Asian paternally but primarily European paternally. You can't show me anything showing that Mongols or any group surrounding them are mainly paternally European, yet mainly maternally East Asian. Meanwhile, your OWN study showed me an example of an European group being mainly paternally East Asian yet mainly maternally European. I've called you out for lying like a pathetic rat and trying to misconstrue the facts and lie multiple times and you've ignored all my callouts, as expected.

It doesn't matter if they have West Eurasian YDNA (Likely from fellow Euros fucking Mongol on Euro rape babies after the Mongols left) if they have more West Eurasian mtDNA. There's a reason you can't show me any statistics of a Mongol group having more Euro YDNA than mtDNA, or being mainly European paternally yet East Asian maternally, yet I've done it for you for an European group the other way around.

Let me copy paste this to you, because you didn't address it.

“However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations."
"A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]"
Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics(Nasidze et al. 2005; Wells et al. 2001; Xue et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2005). The prevalence of the Mongolian Y chromosome in Central Asians support the inequity admixture due to Genghis Khan’s military success (Zerjal et al. 2002, 2003), that is, the Mongolia conqueror contributed the dominant Y chromosome to the descendant admixture populations. This happened in the Indo-Europeans admixture in the caste establishment in India (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006), and similar situations were found among Spanish Conquistadors and British colonialists in North America and Australia (Carvajal-Carmonn et al. 2000).”

East Asian YDNA increased in Mongolia during the Mongol Empire period while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased. You yourself said that not all the groups in Mongolia were Asian, and you would be right. The East Asian Mongols we know today paternally displaced white groups in Mongolia, who were a separate race, while adding white DNA to their gene pool maternally by fucking the women.

My study said that there was no genetic admixture from Europeans and East Asians before the Mongol Empire period yet they added European mtDNA during their conquests, and East Asian YDNA increased while European mtDNA increased and European DNA overall decreased. This very clearly signifies that East Asian Mongols were very likely fucking/raping the women and killing the men, or at least out breeding them. The East Asian Mongols who conquered the world that we know today formed the Mongol Empire and dominated the other racial groups in Mongolia who were separate races, including white Euros.

Any European YDNA was very likely from Euros fucking other Euros/hapas from leftover Mongol rape babies, and there would almost definitely be more Euro mtDNA than YDNA. No rape, massacring, conquering, or subjugation like the Mongols, Huns, and Avars did to Europeans for all of history. The Huns and Avars were literally a minority East Asian elite completely ruling over a majority.

Just because they have Euro YDNA doesn't mean it came from the Europeans raping Mongols. The East Asian Mongols have for a fact raped much more Europeans than the other way around, if the latter even happened which I doubt. You do get that the Mongols intermixed with the surrounding white tribes right? Like you said, East Asians weren't the only ones in Mongolia. Many other nomadic invaders of China descend from there. An East Asian group just became the dominant tribe and became known as the Mongols we know who formed the Mongol Empire and conquered the world today, which is why East Asian YDNA increased there while European mtDNA also increased and European YDNA decreased overall. Note that the study said there was no intermixing between Europeans and East Asians before the Mongol Empire period, yet the East Asian Mongols added European mtDNA to their gene pool during the Mongol conquests.

The Mongols, Huns, and Avars conquered and massacred and completely subjugated most of either Eastern and Central Europe or Western and Southern Europe, and the ruling class as I've shown you were extremely homogenously East Asian in YDNA. Meanwhile, they ruled over a much bigger, sedentary European population. I've shown you quotes talking about studies of European groups being East Asian paternally yet European maternally. You're trying to ignore them and render them invalid for whatever reason.

Nowhere is it mentioned that Europeans raped or conquered or subjugated Mongols, Huns, or Avars. Meanwhile, the other way around? Millions of results. Because it happened. East Asians have killed thousands times more Europeans and conquered a millions times more European land (realistic number because Europeans never conquered East Asian land TMI) than the other way around for all of history before the industrial era. We both know this for a fact. Stop desperately coping with "we wuz kangz" lmao. East Asians utterly dominated Europeans for all of history just like they're about to utterly dominate them again, if Europeans don't go extinct beforehand that is.

Post proof of east asian ydna in europeans. Post proof of a lack of european Ydna in mongols.

Why cant you post a single chart and point to the relevant haplogroups on it, huh? I did that numerous times and you just call it cherry picked lmao. So your quotes which dont have much to do with what im saying arent cherrypicked?

The "russ" in xinjiang arent regular russians and look hapa/east asian if you google them, theyre intermixed. And theyre only like 15K anyways. Russians in russia dont have any mongol Ydna. Mongols in mongolia have euro Ydna in comparable amounts to euro mtdna. What does that tell you? If you want to say the same about dongxiang mongols in xinjiang, thats fine. since theyre 54% european paternally.

  • JFL
Reactions: Geneticist
Dnrd a single molecule chink
@Geneticist Europeans dont have any east asian ydna from mongols, your quotes from those studies are talking about people who dont represent modern euro populations. Look up any ydna chart of any group of modern europeans and you'll see they dont have any mongol haplogroups.

Only finns, balts and some russians have halogroup N in significant amounts, which didnt come from mongols, but from ancient chinese raindeer herders.
They contributed that much after they industrialized while China was an agricultural backwards unindustrialized feudal shithole along with the rest of East Asia (And the rest of the world too for that matter). They didn't contribute jack shit before the past few centuries in the ancient era, while China contributed more than any other country.

Today, East Asians are quickly surpassing Europeans in inventions, innovation, and advancement now that they've also industrialized and modernized. East Asians contributed the most in ancient society and they'll contribute the most now and in the future. I've showed you actual statistics and data proving my point, you haven't shown me anything.
Isn’t it a fact that Asians have a more narrow IQ distribution? Meaning less stupid people but also way less geniuses(IQ 150 and higher). If that’s true they simply don’t have enough geniuses to do what whites did
@Geneticist Europeans dont have any east asian ydna from mongols, your quotes from those studies are talking about people who dont represent modern euro populations. Look up any ydna chart of any group of modern europeans and you'll see they dont have any mongol haplogroups.

Only finns, balts and some russians have halogroup N in significant amounts, which didnt come from mongols, but from ancient chinese raindeer herders.

The only reason Mongols have those YDNA haplogroups is because there were West Eurasians in Mongolia who they intermixed with. Who knows, there might have been a more significant amount of West Eurasians there at some point in time. The Mongols we know today who created the Mongol Empire and conquered the world were unanimously East Asian though, since during the reign of the Mongol Empire, there was a male-mediated rise in East Asian YDNA and an increase in European mtDNA yet a decrease in European DNA overall.

You might be right about Asians not leaving their genetics much in Europe, but they definitely displaced the populations. The Mongols killed 1 million people in Hungary, half the whole population, and they also killed half the population in Moldovia and Wallachia. Russia's population dropped from 7.5 to 7 million after the Mongol invasions. The Mongols were a minority class and were often outnumbered at least 5-1 by enemy armies like the Russians, yet still won the battles and completely massacred or subjugated them. The Huns and Avars were an tiny minority elite ruling class over a much, MUCH larger population of Europeans, so it makes sense that they didn't change the genetics that much. I mean, they don't exist anymore today for a reason.

Huns and Avars were likely far too few in number to make a huge impact on the genetics, which is why the tiny groups assimilated into the huge European populations and they don't exist anymore today. Mongols too, but not only that, they also killed women and children even more than they killed the men, which signifies that they murdered women right after raping. This is very consistent with how much people they massacred in Europe, killing up to half of the population of entire countries.

The Mongols raped and massacred entire populations if they didn't surrender, men, women, and children, and for the cities or nations which surrendered early on, they usually brought civilization to and treated fairly and often didn't rape at all. If, however, resistance had to be overcome, wholesale slaughter or at least enslavement invariably resulted, sparing only those whose special skills or abilities were considered useful (aka usually the men).

According to this link, even when the common people didn't offer any local resistance, if their leaders declared war, the women and children were often still killed or carried off. The women were likely raped and murdered or carried off and taken as concubines elsewhere just like the MENA did to European women. That's very likely the reason why they might not have left a genetic legacy. The Mongols didn't leave any survivors after rape.


"Where they found local resistance, they mercilessly killed the population. Where the people did not offer any resistance, they forced the men into servitude in the Mongol army and the women and children were killed or carried off."

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