I’m the subhuman Johnny Depp I dc what anyone says



Oct 15, 2022
  • JFL
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Reactions: HerpDerpson, Deleted member 23017, justinzayn and 10 others
Legit look nothing like Johny Depp
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  • JFL
Reactions: womanappreciator, Deleted member 21340, HerpDerpson and 30 others
Maybe if you grew out hair and lean maxxed
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Reactions: tallnegga
Maybe if you grew out hair and lean maxxed
I just started both right now.

ill be the 6 foot 4 jacked sub human Johnny depp and niggas on here going to be jealous with their face bones big chins and jaws but still looking like fem boys. Know I’m saying nigga?

Cracking Up Lol GIF
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Reactions: justinzayn, Nebula, Geist and 5 others
u need to leanmaxx and change this hair cut
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Reactions: justinzayn, to be human and tallnegga
nothing about you is similar to johnny depp

youre just the subhuman

no offense bro
  • JFL
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U only get to slay 1 type of women. Jungle gooks in SEA
nothing about you is similar to johnny depp

youre just the subhuman

no offense bro

nah I see a resemblance. Dude don’t be jealous. I already height mog you and I look like subhuman Johnny depp
  • JFL
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Reactions: justinzayn, ascension, MakinMogReturns and 1 other person
You just look like a normie
nah I see a resemblance. Dude don’t be jealous. I already height mog you and I look like subhuman Johnny depp
im just being honnest cuzzo, how tall are you?
i cant see it bro. not subhuman tho
you have similair bone structure as @fucclife especially the zygos miren
  • JFL
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Reactions: tallnegga
yes u height mog by 2 inches

what do you think about your face resembles johnny depp
Also I’m pretty sure you can’t rep 315 on the bench like it’s light shit. Since we’re talking about male gaze shit here.
you have similair bone structure as @fucclife especially the zygos miren
why do you spout gibberish narrow faced joke, no he doesnt

really destroys your credibility u acting like an emotional little girl
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Reactions: Deleted member 19157
why do you spout gibberish narrow faced joke, no he doesnt

really destroys your credibility u acting like an emotional little girl
both of you guys have johnny deep bone structure of course its fucking similair, u literally said it urself lmfao
  • JFL
Reactions: MakinMogReturns and Erik-Jón
His eyes look feminine to me. So I want to see the rest of it
Its the worst part of his face and everything else is perfect + he has looksmaxxed his eyes i saw new pics they look good now
  • JFL
Reactions: Erik-Jón
both of you guys have johnny deep bone structure of course its fucking similair, u literally said it urself lmfao
I thought this thread would be from fucci and I saw this neega and just started dying laughing

Delusion narcy pheno
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  • JFL
Reactions: Geist, MakinMogReturns and StrangerDanger
Its the worst part of his face and everything else is perfect + he has looksmaxxed his eyes i saw new pics they look good now
Don’t matter the eyes is all I need. I can see the bitch in him.
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Reactions: StrangerDanger
I thought this thread would be from fucci and I saw this neega and just started dying laughing

Delusion narcy pheno

Bro imma come back at 12 percent bodyfat with a skin glow up and fillers for my eyes and you phaggots are going to suck my dick about how much I look like Johnny depp
both of you guys have johnny deep bone structure of course its fucking similair, u literally said it urself lmfao
johnny depp and i both have more lateral projection although the shape is somewhat similar. no shit though 🤡
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Reactions: StrangerDanger
johnny depp and i both have more lateral projection although the shape is somewhat similar. no shit though 🤡
exactly what I said bro, u guys have similar bone structures
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Reactions: Erik-Jón
Delusion narcy pheno
what a fucking projection u retarded autistic little faggot 🤡😂😂😂😂😂 you literally compare yourseld to andreas and says he has shit zygos nothing you say holds any credibility you are fucking DUMB

im actually a handsome johnny depp ergo why i get 100+ matches on tinder within hours with random selfies

what are your tinder results? good luck with your 12 matches you autistic looking little boy
  • JFL
Reactions: Erik-Jón
what a fucking projection u retarded autistic little faggot 🤡😂😂😂😂😂 you literally compare yourseld to andreas and says he has shit zygos nothing you say holds any credibility you are fucking DUMB

im actually a handsome johnny depp ergo why i get 100+ matches on tinder within hours with random selfies

what are your tinder results? good luck with your 12 matches you autistic looking little boy
Let’s see your Instagram where you get 100+ dms?
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Reactions: StrangerDanger
such a dumb little schitzophrenic delusional trolling cuck


im so glad this forum hates you little fag
  • JFL
Reactions: Erik-Jón
such a dumb little schitzophrenic delusional trolling cuck


im so glad this forum hates you little fag
I get 100+ tinder match’s to tee hee hee
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Reactions: StrangerDanger
Getting tinder matches from having good pics means nothing. Anyone can take a picture where they look good. And niggas actually believe their best angle is how they look in real life. Nothing count unless you smash and have vids of smashing.
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Reactions: MakinMogReturns
Nigga this is Johnny Shallow
  • JFL
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Reactions: Sviken, WanderingBurro, Geist and 2 others
I get 100+ tinder match’s to tee hee hee
Funniest part of it is dylans gotta make up fake numbers to get to the amount if matches u actually get om Tinder 💀
  • JFL
Reactions: Erik-Jón
I get 100+ tinder match’s to tee hee hee
you dont get shit uggo eyebrowless little faggot stop lying. even in ur frauded photos ur jaw looks unaesthetic and retarded

fucking deluded little narcy freak

i would curb stomp you into oblivion for being such an honorless disgraceful little punk

again so glad this forum hates you, ur fucking ugly with ur 0 harmony tomato retard face and you couldnt lose bloat if uou sucked in your cheeks and got buccal fat removal you have such a fatass improperly placed face

have fun dying your eyebrows every week for the rest of your life you down syndrome looking abomination
  • JFL
Reactions: It'snotover, RecessedChinCel, fruitgunpop and 2 others
you dont get shit uggo eyebrowless little faggot stop lying. even in ur frauded photos ur jaw looks unaesthetic and retarded

fucking deluded little narcy freak

i would curb stomp you into oblivion for being such an honorless disgraceful little punk

again so glad this forum hates you, ur fucking ugly with ur 0 harmony tomato retard face and you couldnt lose bloat if uou sucked in your cheeks and got buccal fat removal you have such a fatass improperly placed face

have fun dying your eyebrows every week for the rest of your life you down syndrome looking abomination
damn someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed
  • JFL
Reactions: Erik-Jón
Funniest part of it is dylans gotta make up fake numbers to get to the amount if matches u actually get om Tinder 💀
funniest part is im not making shit up 💀 dipshit loser

keep crying for me every single day of thhe week, i control you faggot

youre delusional as shit

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