Is HGH dangerous? Let’s talk. How to prevent Facial growth when heightmaxxing, and how to increase it. Read

It's right up there with "HCG desensitizes your testicles" as far as stupid misinformation by 89IQ steroid boomers. Now, if your growth plates and sutures are still open, the vast majority of bone growth will be across your long bone growth plates and sutures. It may look somewhat acromegalic depending on dose, duration, and what bone age you started, but it's not something to worry about for most. Unless you are doing retarded insane doses for years straight, the worst you conceivably have to worry about is that maybe your nose will get a bit more bulbous and ears will get a bit larger.
Well, I mostly agree but also slightly disagree as well. Yes, it is true that in 99% of cases, you shouldn’t showcase any acromegalic features, after relatively short periods of extremely elevated IGF-1 levels, I do think it’s possible that their will be outlier cases of people experiencing facial soft tissue growth after pretty short periods of time.

But it’s something that you can’t really confirm or deny, as there isn’t any measurable way to tell, as going off photos is pretty inaccurate, and instead would require you to measure and asses your facial features before hopping on. But yeah, overall, getting facial growth, especially with levels that are hovering around the 300-600 range (roughly) SHOULDNT be high enough to gain some facial issues.
Ok. Well, I’ve never recommended T3 usage and have only recommend low dose T4 for more optimized thyroid levels! And yes, T4 does not increase adult height, however, why shouldn’t we try to reach desired height faster?
Because maybe you don't wanna reduce your lifespan? Stop spreading misinformation.
Because maybe you don't wanna reduce your lifespan? Stop spreading misinformation.
How I’m I spreading misinformation. I list multiple studies in my thread showcasing the purpose of adding T4 for height growth and safely? I’ve never promoted hyperthyroidism. Only suggested that having elevated thyroid levels can help reach your goals faster.
@Osie I saw your comments in this thread, overall it's a pretty good thread I feel.
I am vey invested in hgh causing changes to my face, my chin is a little weak/ brow ridge but both are in amazing postions that just need bone mass and a few mm of growth forward. I also would like my midface and nose to lengthn, so I want to know what I can do to get this to happeb
Although some of my threads have been deleted relating to my experience with HGH and peptides. I still have tons of people in my DMS on discord asking me what dosages I took to lead to the outcome I experienced. I’ve come to clear some stuff up about this. This is going to be a megathread relating to heightmaxxing and what to expect, and how not to have the outcome I had.

People have been asking me how bad was it? It wasn’t like I was deformed but it did have a negative impact on my PSL rating. The soft tissue growth from Hgh created the illusion of lots of negative facial features. Lots of people can attest to this after seeing me on discord. However I’m in a better state of mind now that I know it’s fixable with surgery. Although the mental aspect is still brutal. Imagine being a pretty boy who is 5’9 and taking growth hormone to become 5’10-11. But you don’t grow a mm and instead your no longer a prettyboy, and still 5’9. That’s brutal right? Similar to aging lol… accept worse.

So heightmaxxing, let’s talk about it. Is HGH dangerous?

Well no, it really isn’t, I spoke to endocrinologists with this and the thing that happened to me is like, a genetic rarity. It’s 1 In 10000. It’s unheard of. A 16 year old kid with open spine plates (presumably) open clavicles (closes at the earliest of 18) and with a bone age of 16-17 and experiences nothing but soft tissue unproportionate growth? Doesn’t exist. It’s almost like I had some sort of gene that triggered acromelegy, and closed my plates instantly. At least that’s the conclusion many have come to. There were also a lot of variables a lot didn’t mention, the other theory for this (something easily avoidable) is since soft tissue grows first and is more sensitive to serum IGF1 levels, the dosage of mk677 and CJC dac in me grew my soft tissues and didn’t grow my bone, and after the first two months of my cycle my receptors were desensitized. Creating in proportionate growth, also apparently my mom towards the middle of my cycle was replacing my BAC water with sterile water. So after the first 2-3 months where I saw this soft tissue growth, coincidentally, I saw no other changes after 3 months to my face or body after she started mixing with sterile water? But sterile water is also used with injections so nobody knows if this is verified yet. The theory I believe is that my iGF1 receptors were desensitized after the first 2-3 months, from the CJC dac and mk, which is still possible but it’s unheard of. It’s also not even proven soft tissue actually grows before hard tissues from IGF1, unless someone can provide some proof @Osie tagging you because I couldn’t find any info on it. But I know your highly regarded in this subject.

If you haven’t read Danny’s guide on HGH already you should, it provides a good theory on facial growth and non proportionate growth from HGH (aka acro). However there’s one flaw, although GH bleeds is commonly seen in acromelgy, there’s also different types of acromelegy, some acromelegy is actually caused by tumors in the thyroid gland, or tumors that cause a secondary reaction to the natural pituitary gland causing actual massive GH SPIKES, so it’s unlikely related to a gh bleed (me and a friend researched this last night because I’m still so interested in how I turned out). It’s also known that IGF1 levels are still consistent throughout the day despite GH spikes, so the real reason for acromelegy is possibly the elevated consistent increase in SERUM IGF1 levels. I’ll provide sources for all of these in my replies, currently in school just sharing my thoughts. Anyways, how do we avoid this? Well, it’s almost impossible but Danny was right about one thing, it’s almost unheard of to get non proportionate growth from natural gh spikes, it’s the natrual way a healthy man grows, females do not grow like this only men do. So sticking as close to natural as possible is what’s best.

So is HGH dangerous? No. It isn’t at all. My experience is 1 n 10000. I promise you, you don’t have as shit genetics as I do, I stayed the same height, got a soft tissue deformed face, and got a NW2 hairline from aromasin and Adex. Many people actually ascended from HGH, @Gaygymmaxx and @SkullDynamics are two people I know of. Both of these kids literally jumped 1-2 PSL points, I’ve seen before and afters of both, however I recommend running test or some form of dht alongside GH for proportionate growth. For example, prov, Anavar, but test is actually the best you can run. Ky runs 600mg and his jaw results are noticeably good at almost 18 years old.

Let’s talk about AI side effects, one of which is balding, you are very unlikely to lose hair on AI, the dht increase actually varies in studies, and some peoples DHT actually went down on asin and arimidex, most stayed the same or went not much above their baseline while their test exploded, however I spoke to people on this and it’s unlikely this test increase does much, as it’s mainly from estrogen depletion, however I have read reports that females who were on aromasin actually gained muscle on it because of the steroids ASIN converts too, something to keep in mind.

So let’s talk about the best heightmaxxing stack. If your a prettyboy like I was, and are absolutely terrified and a pussy and don’t want to mess up your looks. Run HGH with test, or stick to a ghrp and ghrh analogue stack.

Prettyboy stack.

Run T3 and T4 in a 1:3 ratio. For example 12.5mcg of T4 and 50mcg of T3. @BrahminBoss is insanely knowledgeable on this, he actually recommended this to me and after looking up studies there’s really not many sides and most people actually benefit from it, since a lot of people do have mild hypothyroidism.
Ghrp6 and MODGRF dosed at 100mcg 3x a day. (You can do CJC dac and mk677 but this is what caused my soft tissue growth mostly besides Hgh)
Some people say to cycle hexa and ghrp 2 every 2 weeks which is better but it’s almost impossible to become desensitized to ghrp6 so that’s why I say use ghrp6. It’s essentially retard proof. Lol.

It’s also a common misconception on this forum for some reason, that running peptides alongside Hgh does nothing because Hgh shuts down natural production, this isn’t true, yes Hgh suppresses it but it doesn’t shut it down, so running peptides enhances your natural production on HGH. Running CJC dac and ghrp6 with HGH is mogger asf but wouldn’t recommend it if your pretty boy.

Test + 5IU HGH (please don’t go over 8IUS, it’s unneeded seriously and will lead to problems like what happened to me) this is probably a better option for pretty boys because it’s known that test has an impact on frame and facial bones, so running it alongside gh would most likely result in a more favorable outcome. However if your terrified of becoming ogre, don’t run GH or test. But most likely you won’t at all, so if your a prettyboy I would run 4-5IUs of growth without test, and with the peptide protocol and thyroid. If your scared of hair loss on roids, there’s many protocols that almost entirely prevent it, just do some basic research on it, should be water by this point though on this forum.

Best stack in general in my opinion? This right here.

T3 and T4 dosed at 1:3
CJC DAC and ghrp6 (there’s many different dosages for this)
HGH 5IU-8IU (depends if pharma or not, yes there is a difference)
Test (not necessary)
Arimidex 1MG EOD/ED

I’ve had many blood tests on this stuff, also for people coping about mk677 + CJC is equal to GH, it isn’t, please don’t say it is. If anyone is sensitive to IGF1 it’s me. It isn’t correct I’ve had bloods on 8IU growth and 5mg CJC + mk. Growth was higher, cjc will also be more expensive than a generic hgh in the long run, a 5mg legit CJC bottle is like $80 in the US if legit.

I left things out like Ky, and other formulas that deal with gene expression and longitude growth because listen, a lot of that isn’t well studied and also chances are, If you somehow manage to change your genome, it will come with lots of other side effects that will make you regret ever playing with it, similar to me. You don’t want that, please don’t fuck with it.

Also, if you want to maximize your results, please run this stack for at least 1.5 years. Not a couple months, it isn’t enough. I’ve talked to many people on this forum and not. If your 17-18 years old, yes it’s possible to grow, it just takes a bit longer, I spoke to many people who ran things like this in late teams on MPMD subreddit, and on other forums and many of them got results of always at least an inch at 17-18, many got 2-3. But they all ran this stack with some breaks in between for at least 1-2 years, one of them got 2 inches in 2.5 years. It’s a marathon. One thing I will like to add, @Osie has a customized stack for $ for each person. It runs a check though I won’t lie, but it’s worth it and he helps you a lot, he stays up all night studying this stuff, it’s like his job. He knows a lot more than the average info on here to fill up all the pathways for growth, and i personally can say his stacks are crazy good and almost guaranteed results if below 19, but they might come with some sides, but sides aren’t the point if your pushing your body to the max, which is what his stacks do. He uses some compounds with others that people haven’t even really discussed here, it’s crazy good and his doseages and planning for your stack are scientifically based.

I will be needing surgery to correct the things GH did to me at 16. No I didn’t grow, but I didn’t even run this for over 6 months. I was just a hyper responder in bad ways and there were also tons of different variables that happens to me, it won’t happen to you guaranteed, but I was high MTN low HTN and 5’9. Now I’m LTN-subhuman and 5’9, lol, but there’s always a risk :). Contact me on discord @unprayed for more info. I’ve studied this stuff day and night on different ways gh grows the body.
TLDR do it anyway
the use of thyroid can cause hypogonadism unless an actual deficiency is present

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