It's time my friends... goodbye.

Here, have some more dopamine

Imma have Nose ban me and I’ll change my passwords
No offense but we are here forever , you can quit but eventually you'll come back
  • JFL
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I dont know you but farewell.
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Sent you a discord req tbh ngl.
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Jfl I know who you are. You're the guy who went through a coding bootcamp a few months.
indeed indeed
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See u tomorrow
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Goodbye Bro. See you again soon.
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WhatsApp Image 2020 06 26 at 20941 AM

It's been a good run guys. I've learned a lot, laughed a lot, and felt welcome in times that I really needed it.

inb4 see you tmrw: yeah I’ll be here tomorrow to say bye

TLDR: OOGABOOGA out this bitch. Much love and God bless all you faggots.

When I joined here I was a redpilled, bluepilled coper, trying to figure out my life. I couldn't put in words why I'd faced certain difficulties in life, but deep down it was clear. For over a year I'd been a full blown oneitiscel for a girl I'd met at Jesus camp, thinking that she'd stay this naive, good girl who would wait til marriage. The next summer, she'd turned into your standard party girl. Not quite a hoe yet, but once she's off to college, she will be. I could tell she didn't meet the image I'd created of her in my mind. She just really isn't that special, and a handful of good experiences with her made me think otherwise.

At camp, I almost hooked up with her one night while we were drunk, and things went downhill from there. She got really awkward around me, and then invited another guy up to camp to join us. The two ended up spending all their time together, and ended up dating for a while. It was a slap in the face, not so much to me, but to what I thought the world was like. She didn't give a damn that I was a good guy, committed to her but not in a simpy way. She wanted the better looking guy.

Fast forward a month or two and I'm mewing, trying to fix my posture, and knocking back supplements, thinking that one day I'd wake up to a different quality of life. All these things to improve my looks, before I even realized just how important looks truly are. One day I saw a reddit post about mewing, with a few pictures of a guy who looked a good bit like me in terms of facial development. In the comments, someone said that he looked like was recessed, and asked if he had sleep apnea or had ever considered jaw surgery. I had finally entered the rabbit hole.

I finally had an explanation for why I had always struggled in school, despite being one of the smartest people in every class I took. I understood why other people seemed so awake and alive, when I could barely get out of bed every day. I knew why people could balance school, hobbies, and an active social life, when almost all of my time was spent in school, in bed, or on the couch. I had avoided the few opportunities girls had given me because I knew my dick didn't work like it was supposed to, and now it made sense why I had such low sex drive and no morning wood despite having ~900 test, deadlifting 500 pounds at 19, and being lean and athletic all my life. And most importantly, I understood why I never looked as good as my friends. Fuck you jaw recession, and fuck you sleep apnea.

First I lurked on Lookism, and then ended up making an account on *. The first thread I ever made I posted a pic of myself and asked if I should get jaw surgery. My nigga @Dante1 told to "lose weight you fat fuck." I had and still have a 6 pack so he was wrong, but Dante you're a bro, I'll find you on Discord. Within a week the site went down, so I came here.

I dreaded that it was over when @cocainecowboy blew up threads where he shat on surgery. I dreamt I would ascend do chaddom by making @CopeAndRope's facepuller. I laughed my ass off when @Petsmart and @6ft5manlet ripped into any and anyone. I laughed even harder when @Short Ugly and Brown's oneitis got doxxed after he tried to pay her $1000 for a kiss.

I learned a lot of bullshit and a lot of truth, made some friends, and felt like I had somewhere to be when nothing seemed to matter. I had fun, but that winter hit me hard.

At the time I was in a shitty little studio apartment in the city for school. I was surrounded by people but I was so damn alone. I had temptations to jump on the tracks every time I caught a train, but I knew as soon as I got on the train one of you fuckers would give me something to laugh about. When I started cutting myself and posting pics of my dripping blood on here, a forum that seemed so toxic turned out to be full of people who wanted the best for each other. I know there were plenty of people who reached out to me and helped me through those days, but my dude @Fuk stands out most clearly. No offense to anyone else who cared about me then, but his height and looks halo made me value him higher. Anyways, it felt like I had a good friend I could talk to and joke with, so thanks dude. And thanks all of you.

I thank God of course, but there's this joke about God that goes something like this. A hurricane hits a city, and as everyone tries to escape, one man of faith decides to stay because he believes God will protect him. Before the streets flood, his friends pull up to his house and offer him a ride out of the city. He says "God will save me" and prays. The streets begin to flood, and a rescue team drives by in a boat. They tell him to swim to them so they can take him to safety. He says "God will save me" and prays. Hours later, he is waiting on his roof, with the water dangerously close to submerging his entire house. A helicopter flies by and offers him a ride to safety but he tells them "God will save me." A few hours later he has drowned and gone to heaven and he asks "God, why didn't you save me? I was praying for your help." And God tells him "I tried to save you. I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopter!"

The point is, God works in mysterious ways. I don't know if I would've killed myself if not for you guys, but I know I thought about it every single day for months. So thank you God for using this shit hole of a forum to save me from my despair.

Anyway, a couple months of jew pills later and one day I stopped thinking of suicide completely. I stopped the drugs soon after and still haven't been suicidal since. Around that time, you retards were shitting your pants over the kung flu, insisting you were all gonna die and pinning threads about hand sanitizer. I left for a few months and came back in the spring, a happier, smarter man, finally officially diagnosed with sleep apnea and on my way to a better life. These last few months have been a great time honestly. I've made so many friends here and I'd say I built up a decent bit of status here. No matter what happens irl, I know that all I need to get some laughs and dopamine is an internet connection.

The thing is, nothing can last forever. I can't keep ldaring in my parents basement, I need to take steps forward in my life. At this point I'm waking up to 10-20 reacts, spending the first hour my day here, then checking back on an hourly basis to rot throughout the day. I just got offered a huge offer to be mentored by and work for my app developer friend who makes a grand or two daily, and drives a 2020 bmw m4 at 19 years old. It's crunch time tbh. If I can sleep right and grind, I could be making six figures within a year as far as I know. He knows the game, and believes in me, even if I have my doubts.

I also just reconnected with my best friend from school. Last I checked he was a stoner and permarotter, and now all of a sudden he's in crazy shape, cutting out games, drugs, porn(sorta), and really getting on the right track. He's really inspiring me to get my shit together, and I have to start with this place bc it takes more time than anything else and fries my dopa receptors. It's a guilty pleasure I can't keep justifying to myself.

I wish you all the best. I hope you find God if you haven't yet, ascend to the best of your ability, and have kids you can give a better shot at life than we had. If you're interested here's my current status lookswise and my plans to ascend:

-6ft tall -> Good enough, fuck LL, maybe I'd use lifts if I ever became a club rat but I don't see that happening.
-muh dick -> Libido is fucked from sleep apnea, but hopefully this will improve as I continue treating it. I might see a urologist to make sure there aren't other issues
-White, western european mix, pale but able to tan a bit -> MT2 and good nutrition so I can get a tan, helps me a lot
-Medium-light brown hair -> could be worse, I'll experiment with dying darker
-thick brown eyebrows -> might dye them too unless it looks retarded, we'll see
-Hair is thick but I have balding genes on both sides, currently nw 1.5 or so -> I'll try dermarolling, and once my dick starts working better, I'll give fin another try. I took it for a month and it completely halted shedding, but my libido was already too weak to handle it psychologically. Side effects and shedding returned after 1 week off, so hopefully I'm not at risk for PFS. I also expect that I'll get a hair transplant back to nw0. Should be cheap to get a few thousand follicles overseas
-patellar tendinitis -> comes and goes but keeps me from training legs or cardio. Been unable to stick to a PT schedule bc I'm tired af and lazy. So just pt eventually
-body fat ~18% -> I have a slight 6 pack but still have an inch+ of pubic fat pad bc of weird fat distribution and good ab inserts. Eat less train more duh.
-Decent frame and muscle -> Keep training natty for a while until other health issues are sorted out, might consider sarms and/or test down the line but I don't aspire to be some instagram/tinder/nightclub slayer pulling whores. Currently got about 21 inch bidelt and I've definitely got room to grow natty
-15-16 inch neck -> I'll try to squeeze out a couple more inches once my sleep is no longer an issue
-Beard is thick but too light for stubble -> apparently mt2 can darken facial hair like crazy so fingers crossed. If not, no big deal.
-7x5.5 dick -> Not bad on paper, but stupidly big fat pad like I said. Already have bathmate so if that gives me girth, great. If not, well it still gives the temporary girth pump which gets me to about 6 inches. For length I'll just do basic manual stretching with ads to get over 8 bp and over 7 nbp
-teeth could be whiter -> so I'll whiten them
-acne -> Mostly gone 5 months into accutane, no sides other than a bit of dryness btw. My scars aren't too bad but I'll look into laser treatment, chemical peels, derminator, and maybe retin-a in the winter
-decent collagen I suppose -> fuck sunscreen, so I hope that MT2 and diet prevent sun from causing damage to collagen. I will try to stay pretty natural, with things like derminator, aloe vera, a clean diet, and a healthy+sober lifestyle
-Blue eye halo -> keep coping ethnics
-White is right -> see above ^
-Circumcel -> Restore foreskin after reaching PE goals, or maybe before who knows.
-Big skull, warrioresque occiput -> you mirin?
-Wide, strong mandible(12-13 cm), but recessed with weak chin -> hopefully I can get trimax covered bc of sleep apnea. Hoping for ccw, high cut lf1+bsso+genio.
-short ramus(~3 cm) but not a huge deal bc of wide bigonial -> might get lengthened a bit with my jaw surgery, tbd
-Recessed maxilla -> Depending on how I look after first lefort I might consider going for another if the first is covered by surgery. If so I'd save up for a higher, quadrangular cut, as close to lf2 as possible, overseas. I'm not expecting to get much room to prioritize aesthetics if it's being covered for medical reasons. I know it's ridiculous to get jaw surgery twice, but I'm pretty pan faced tbh
-Top percentile zygo width but a bit recessed -> I think zygo implants look better if used for forward projection, whereas the fake and gay look comes more from adding width to the arch. Eppley full midface implants to match forward growth of lefort(s).
-Recessed midface -> see above ^
-Recessed and low orbital rims giving shit ues and prey eye look if not squinting -> see above ^^
-decently wide palate already and perfect occlusion -> all good there
-neutral or slightly negative canthal tilt -> maaaaybe cantho but I'll decide after rims and everything else. Occulo surgery seems to turn out uncanny, and the main problem there for me is the bones.
-Low, pretty strong brow but no visible browridge -> whatever, minimal difference, not worth changing
-Mediocre upper eye/hooding -> looks good if I squint but otherwise weak, upper eyelid fat injections or whatever people do seem to work well
-Nose is fine, hopefully leforts don't fuck it up
-Ears are fine, no need for otoplasty
-Wrist implants brah :feelsez:

I know that's a lot, but if I had the money(40k tops unless I want two leforts or insurance won't cover the first) it could be all done within two years. People here generally rate me between 4.5-5 psl, but take away good lighting and a squint and that rating drops a bit so lets say low 4s, or 4.5 on a good day. Mid to low tier normie sounds about right. With my bigonial width and mandible size, a chin and some more forward growth would give a pretty damn good jaw. Failo to halo honestly, and a second bimax would be icing on the cake. Advancing my whole midface will make an already pretty nice smile a lot nicer. Undereye support will let me reap the benefits of color halo and my good eyebrows. Advancing my zygos and everything will give me guaranteed hollow cheeks. Improving my skin, getting back to nw0, and contrast maxxing will certainly help too. All said and done I think I'll end up around 5.5 psl. Add in height, physique, and dick halo and I'd be high tier normie, bordering on chadlite. Like Chris Evans with worse eyes and a better jaw, i hope.

After ascending I hope to Trad max with Russian bride maxxing and possibly polygamy as described in these threads:

Alright! Long ass read so if you stuck around for it all then props to you. If not then thanks for bumping me thread with a dnr you fuckin homo. I finally made a Discord, so if you're a bro, find me at Oogastein_Boogaberg#0031. I'll probably stay away from the big groups so it isn't much of a time suck, but I still want to be able to keep in touch with you guys.

Here comes the mass tag of bros to rep me. Thanks for the good advice and great times. I really love this community and I'm gonna miss it. God bless you all, I hope this site makes your life better like it has for me. Be fruitful and multiply, don't be fruity and blow a guy. OOGABOOGA out.

@Gargantuan @JackSparrow @forwardgrowth @Subhuman trash @theREALbleachcel @Dogs @LordNorwood @Nosecel (PLEEEEASE DON'T DELETE THIS THREAD IF I TAG TOO MANY PEOPLE) @Ritalincel @Pietrosiek @6ft1 @BigBiceps @Elias @austrianvirgin @TraumatisedOgre @Yuyevon @john2 @Lifeisgood72 @Dr Shekelberg @stuckneworleans @Chad1212 @Chadeep @Chadelite @RAITEIII @SubhumanCurrycel @Htobrother @Gazzamogga @Deliciadecu @Over @Shrek2OnDvD @Hades @Toth's thot @Patrick Baitman @Daw @Danish_Retard @Dyorotic2 @TsarTsar444 @maxmendietta @alexjones @Mathafack @karbo @Aesthetics_III @larsanova69 @nelson @penis3 @diggbicc @turkproducer @AleksVs @TheMewingBBC if I didn’t tag you, cry for me. And mods please don’t rape my thread. Lemme say bye to my negros in peace pls.

WITNESSED! So many users leaving
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Reactions: forwardgrowth and OOGABOOGA
Actually read every single word son it was an honour having you on this forum, you are one of the few genuinely high IQ people on here good luck with your ascension bro.
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Actually read every single word son it was an honour having you on this forum, you are one of the few genuinely high IQ people on here good luck with your ascension bro.
Ily(in a straight way)
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Goodbye my brother. Read every single word and I wish you nothing but the best in life, you deserve it and above all, you will make it. You've opened up new ways of thinking about life for me, as well as for my future plans and I'm grateful that you taught me some. God bless you bro and smash life, get that six-figure income, a Russian tradwife and a happy marriage with kids under the supervision of God. They are only a matter of when, not if.
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Reactions: stuckneworleans, diggbicc, OOGABOOGA and 1 other person
Goodbye my brother. Read every single word and I wish you nothing but the best in life, you deserve it and above all, you will make it. You've opened up new ways of thinking about life for me, as well as for my future plans and I'm grateful that you taught me some. God bless you bro and smash life, get that six-figure income, a Russian tradwife and a happy marriage with kids under the supervision of God. They are only a matter of when, not if.
Ily(in a gay way)

you better add me on discord garg
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bro you are supposed to log off now
  • JFL
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omg I fell asleep
  • JFL
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Allahu akbar my friend, allahu akbar
:) bro im getting my shit together too this site frickin changed my life im gonna polygyny max and live in a rural area and grow my own food inshaALlah
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Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets, SteveRogers, stuckneworleans and 1 other person
:) bro im getting my shit together too this site frickin changed my life im gonna polygyny max and live in a rural area and grow my own food inshaALlah
Different books, same God, same path. Whichever faith is right I hope we both can end up in the right place on the other side
  • +1
Reactions: SteveRogers and Chadelite
Different books, same God, same path. Whichever faith is right I hope we both can end up in the right place on the other side
i wish you were muslim but what is wrong with islam?

PM me i can answer your questions
  • JFL
Reactions: OOGABOOGA
i wish you were muslim but what is wrong with islam?

PM me i can answer your questions
E55BAFE9 7018 484B A49A 9A0D9F95B127

Utmost respect for you and yours, but at this point it’s clear neither one of us is gonna convince the other
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  • JFL
Reactions: SteveRogers, stuckneworleans and Chadelite

godspeed boyo

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  • Ugh..
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View attachment 480457@john2

Utmost respect for you and yours, but at this point it’s clear neither one of us is gonna convince the other
mirin still

countrysidemaxxing is legit - the city is shit, degenerate behaviour, food and water is full of estrogen, kids watch videos and play fortnite instead of wrestling and contact sports, women are hoes over there, i would settle for a girl who is only above average - as long as she is thin and stays that way and is submissive then that's fine for me no need for a unicorn psl 7 gigastacy all hot girls are whores except a few but you don't find them in cities
  • +1
Reactions: SteveRogers, W0KESTMOTHF, Gargantuan and 1 other person
i love those too! have a great life boyo, thanks for the laughs :)
Love you too levbro
mirin still

countrysidemaxxing is legit - the city is shit, degenerate behaviour, food and water is full of estrogen, kids watch videos and play fortnite instead of wrestling and contact sports, women are hoes over there, i would settle for a girl who is only above average - as long as she is thin and stays that way and is submissive then that's fine for me no need for a unicorn psl 7 gigastacy all hot girls are whores except a few but you don't find them in cities
Major key man. I’d take 6/10 tall, fit, trad and virgin russki over Madison beer any day
  • +1
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Love you too levbro

Major key man. I’d take 6/10 tall, fit, trad and virgin russki over Madison beer any day
anyways bro you better leave asap - you have an empire to build right?
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Holy shit..😢
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Holy fuck, no way I’m reading all that.
Farewell, gonna miss seeing your avi
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Good luck with life bro, you gotta let go of this forum.
  • JFL
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