I've concluded that location matters A TON

>Rammstein pfp
I didn’t say that i was conservative but that I have more success with conservative Cities. Despite that, Rammstein could be considered conservative compared to todays zeitgeist
Your Coping if you think any major city is any good. 300-600k is the maximum amount. After the million mark hypergamy gets to bad. And once again demographics have to be considered. Women are stupid and require you be some fucking legit rarity for them to give a fuck.

Now that I’m in a much more whiter city , cute white foids show more interest in me and online give me less shit ( though still getting flakes, but before was getting left on seen and not much replies after a week or two). It is a numbers game. I haven’t added more then like 10-15 foids in my local area.

Apparently Derek from more plates more dates said he would convert like 1/50 to 1/70 approaches to a lay. Seems a lot considering he was tall white and jacked and reasonable looking face wise.

My guess would be at least 70-120 for a cute foid lay.
I love Derek and most should aspire to be more like him, but saying he's reasonable looking face-wise is a massive stretch.

I'm not surprised he was getting 1/50-70
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I didn’t say that i was conservative but that I have more success with conservative Cities. Despite that, Rammstein could be considered conservative compared to todays zeitgeist
bro not after the black Germany vídeo
Rammstein is pure cuckery accept it already

I love Derek and most should aspire to be more like him, but saying he's reasonable looking face-wise is a massive stretch.

I'm not surprised he was getting 1/50-70
The irony is Paul jenka who never touched weights but had a chad face got apparently a 4.5% conversion rate. So let’s say 4%, so 1/25 bitches he could smash. That’s actually pretty good if you think about. And a lot better then Derek who spent years juicing and lifting hard in the gym only to get mogged by a man older then him and who never bothered with the gym.

cause bitches try to be nice a lot many give number out and then block. I would say maybe 1/4-1/6 gave numbers.

I would say however the stats don’t know if the user had Seen other pick up videos. Perhaps his numbers were worse As a 1/25 lay rate is really good.

Another user who called himself as tall white and handsome and going after girls who showed ioi claimed 1/60-1/80 conversion. Sounds worse then Derek who did random foids. Probably exaggerated his stats about his “ good looks”.

But yea if your not willing to take it personally it’s a better alternative then feel out of place in some cuck faggot social circle with fake status or money obsessed idiots.
But I plan to live to 150 years old perfectly healthy. The doctor I follow has cured every disease and was black listed from humanity by big pharma for doing it
Make a guide for us

I’ll pin :Comfy:
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and the pharma grade multivitamin / mineral supplement which provides every single nutrient (over 90) that the human body needs to optimize
Where to get this?
sme as I do for health and looking young

gluten free diet and removal of ALL inflammatory foods which are:

all oils (olive, coconut, canola, etc)
all fried food
carbonated beverages with a meal
meats preserved with nitrates
skins of potatoes
well done meat

inflammation and/or free radical damage = aging. I also mega dose antioxidants and eat large amount of antioxidant foods (berries for the most part)

and the pharma grade multivitamin / mineral supplement which provides every single nutrient (over 90) that the human body needs to optimize function

this is an entire thread onto itself. But I plan to live to 150 years old perfectly healthy. The doctor I follow has cured every disease and was black listed from humanity by big pharma for doing it
What doctor do you follow?
  • +1
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Geomaxxing is more effective for average looking men than any surgery would be.

If you're legit deformed (e.g severely recessed mandible) you need to fix it but if there's nothing wrong with you that stands out you're better off just geomaxxing.
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