JB appealmaxxing/slaying guide by EnglandBadman

Disclaimer 1: By 'Jbs', im only referring to girls between the age of 18-20 (for legal reasons)

Disclaimer 2: Threads can never give specific advice to an individual so this thread will simply hopefully give you knowledge on the topic, what you need to do with the information will be specific to yourself. Everyone will have different and sometimes opposite strategies depending on what their situation calls for (e.g if you have a masculine face your advice would be different to someone who has a feminine face)

The thread that would be the catalyst in me getting cancelled.

Many people have asked me how to slay JBs so I might as well make a brief thread on the main pillars of JB slaying. As we know JBs are the best of the best when it comes to females.

In general, JBs are no different to mature women when it comes to what they find attractive so a lot of this will be water. The main difference with attracting JBs is that they are more likely to follow their primal desires and not be effected by social constructs (e.g white men being superior). So the key to attracting prime women is to activate their primal desires/fantasies.

Bibliography in order of importance
1. Looks
a. Ideal face
b. Hair
c. Body
d. Height
2. Personality + Status
a. Socialmaxxed/NTmaxxed
b. Status maxxed

The good thing about Jbs is that they have the widest preference in men. This means you can fall into a variety of archetypes and still be attractive to JBs. Looks is the most important thing when it comes to slaying JBs since they are at an age where they don't have to worry about their survival (money/resources), they simply just want to carry out their romance fantasies. Movies have a massive role on JB's preferences in men since movies they grow up with are most likely going to influence their beliefs through puberty. JBs basically want their own prince charming or any other Disney prince in their life. You should look at various male archetypes from female romance media directed towards young girls as inspiration for how you should look for JB appeal. A big reason for my own appeal is simply because i resemble a Disney prince (which is what females have told me is what attracted them to me), in terms of body, hair, style and a mix of masculine and feminine dimorphic features etc.

View attachment 2491288View attachment 2491287 In short just copy all the positive characteristics of a disney prince (balanced dimorphism, high status, mature, classically handsome and desired by other females)

a. Ideal face. The most common thing in common with all attractive male archetypes to JBs is that they have more feminine features (aka prettyboys). However im sure most of you know that already so im gonna talk about misconceptions instead. (Also prettyboys typically do actually have masculine features that look like they havent matured yet. You cant attract a girl with a truly feminine face. Attracting younger girls just means you need to be slightly more feminine than average but still maintain an overall masculine image, its all about balance, 50/50, for example I attract JBs with a beard because the rest of my face is too feminine).
-"JBs don't like guys with beards"-WRONG. Its all about a balance of masculine and feminine features. When I grew a beard I ended up having even more JB appeal because i already had foundational feminine features without a beard, so overall my face was TOO feminine before, to balance out masc and fem features, i grew a beard which increased females primal attraction to me. Basically if you have an overall feminine face then you definitely should look to masculinise it, and if you have a masculine face(which is rare) then you should try to feminise it (through growing hair out, staying clean shaven etc).
-"Jbs don't like dark/ethnic guys"-WRONG. Although white males are still preferred, ethnic men are more likely to attract JBs because JBs only listen to their primal attraction and not their brain so they don't care as much about white men being stereotypically rich and high status etc.
-"PSL equates to attractiveness"-WRONG. The most important thing is having as little failos as possible with a harmonious and average face like Chico. Young women are also more likely to have 'ICKS' so its important to avoid them. You basically just want to have a face that scores highly in the 3 categories of the pillars of facial aesthetics:

- Balancing your masculine and feminine features is the most important thing to do because it will give you the most appeal to the largest number pool of women. Some women prefer masculine, some prefer feminine, however if you fall into the middle range, you will attract the most amount of women possible. Nichemaxxing will shrink your dating pool. The reason Edward from Twilight is attractive clean shaven is because his face is already very masculine. Growing a big bushy beard will make him too masculine, however feminising himself by growing his hair out and using makeup like a faggot will only boost his SMV.

The three pillars of facial aesthetics:
1. Balanced dimorphism
2. Facial averageness
3. Facial harmony

I cant cover all of the ways of how to create harmony by changing the perception of your bad ratios so I will just say to find out which of your ratios are off and fix them with softmaxxing illusions or hardmaxxing. For example with myself, i have a long midface. To balance how my ratios are percieved, i both, grew a stubble and also grew out a long middle part. This distracts the human eye from the midface area and creates a more harmonious face. Find your own bad ratios and fix them. Only people with perfect ratios like Chico can pull off anything. People like Delisola acsended very hard in a similar way to me, by growing out his hair and beard, due to his long midface.

As a side note, to increase your attractiveness to all women, eyebrowmaxxing is a must. Thick, straight and dark eyebrows signal youth, masculinity and give a piercing look that will elicit the most emotion out women (giving her butterflies etc). Eyes are more important than any other feature when attracting younger women since it elicits the most emotional response from women and are the most unique part of any persons face. Groom your eyebrows by shaving the top and arched ends to give yourself a lower set eyebrow and more of a positive tilted eyebrow. Also thicken them with minoxidil, rosemary oil, argan oil, derma rolling, all that shit.

For more detail on the key to having an appealing face:

b. Hair. In almost all cases, you want to grow out your hair. This is super important/the most important thing in attracting JBs, as all of the movie princes have long youthful hair. The more thick luscious hair you have, the younger and trendier you will be perceived. I cannot stress how important growing your hair out and styling it is, it is likely to be the main factor in what helped me have JB appeal, once I grew out my hair, my JB appeal was noticeably higher.

You need to combine this information with your ratios to figure out what hairstyle to choose, in order to make your ratios/feautres as harmonious and averaged out as possible. As a general rule you should search your face shape and it's ideal hairstyles to maximise harmony:
Also if possible, you should try to pick the trendier options that appeal to the youth to seem NTmaxxed.

c. Body. The most attractive male bodies are universally attractive to women of all ages. Quite simply put, you want a lean/muscular physique with a high shoulder to waist ratio. It should look like you go to the gym but dont tryhard it, you should look like you simply have dominant genetics. Focus on working out your lats, shoulders, traps, chest and arms. Its hard to change your genetics when it comes to shoulder to hip ratio, which is unfortunate since it is the most important aspect of male body appeal. Examples:
View attachment 2491179 My physique is probably the number 2 thing that gives me appeal. Its not about how much muscle you have, its about your shoulder width to hip/waist ratio. I talk about in my slaying threads, how my body is the number 1 thing I was complimented on by JBs.

Here is some proof that gymaxxing is not cope:

d. Height-the ideal height is not 6'6+ like some of you retards think (although thats better than 5'9), the ideal height falls between 6'0-6'4. There was a study done which said that women were happiest when their partners were 5 inches taller than themselves, however being abnormally tall is not a good thing. Also remember that being tall is a masculinising feature so if your tall and have a masculine face, you may benefit from prettyboymaxxing your face to balance it out (like the guy in the picture).

Personality + Status
Personality and Status go hand in hand here because, the majority of your status when it comes to attracting JBs will be to have many friends/be socialcirclemaxxed. You need a ton of friends to make her feel comfortable that your a normie who has a fun life, and not some weirdo who only cares about getting girls.

a. Socialmaxxing/NTmaxxing-For your personality, other than the water (be confident, assertive, funny, caring, masculine, dont look desperate or chase etc), you need to be able to relate to younger humour, concepts and trends. This is very important or else the JB will think your an oldcel and be unattracted + you'll have nothing to talk about. You also want to activate their emotions, which will make them more attached to you. Personality is an extremely complicated and long topic to talk about so instead I will link an important videos which is super information packed with what prime JBs find attractive in men.
You want to seem only a bit older than the JB but also be able to relate to younger trends to make the attraction seem natural. Always try to relate with the girl and her age demographic (if your also a JB, this will be easy).

Socialcirclemaxxing/statusmaxxing is also so important because of pre selection bias. Pre selection bias is even more prevalent in younger girls since they are more likely to have more friends. If the majority of her friends find you attractive, she will too, and they will talk about you which further increases her attraction for you:

b. Statusmaxxed-This is different to what you think. For status, basically you just want to seem as close proximity to the JB as possible in day to day life. You want to appear like your a normie with lots of young male friends. If your older, this will make you less likely to look like a creep as you already seem as though you are already integrated into a young teen life. For example you could make friends with younger guys at the gym. I look older (even though im 18) but if it wasn't for my obviously teen friends, JBs might think i was 25 or older and see me as taboo territory. You want to seem as young as possible basically, through making friend younger than yourself (if your old) or friends the same age as yourself (if your young like me). If you only chilled with 40 year old men, JBs would see you as one of them, and not as a romantic interest who could have a similar lifestyle to herself.

If your young like me, having a car is a must. Unlike statusmaxxing for adults, you don't need to buy a house if your already young, you just need desirable resources in relation to your age range. In the UK, people can start driving at age 17, however not alot of people at this age have cars. By having a car at a young age, you will be way ahead of the competition in terms of attractiveness through status. Having a car at a young age is probably the most statusmaxxed thing you can do, since its so rare and offers so many opportunities for more things. If you have a car, girls will want you to drive them desperately. Since driving is out of their abilities/reach, they find it cool and fun. Slaying will become much easier as you now have a quiet, private and confined space where you can set the mood with music. Young women are also more likely to be turned on by public sex acts as they are in their rebellious stage, and it activates their emotions. A real life example of how I activated a girls emotions of danger and excitement through public acts:

A car also offers easy opportunities into getting alone with girls (them asking you if you can drive them, which happened to me btw, or you asking if they need a lift anywhere or just want to drive on some quiet roads for fun etc, there is so much opportunity to set up a drive link up while maintaining a friendly atmosphere).

Final Notes:
-If your much older then you either need to be a chad, or you need to start collagenmaxxing or trying to look younger through various methods asap, JBs are not so stupid to get with old men in most cases, they will settle for anything under 25 though.
-NEVER approach without being given multiple IOIS or assurance that shes into you. Its too risky for your embarrassment, trust me. Your success rate will go up 80% if you only approach girls who give IOIs first.
-Most of this info also applies for attracting women of all ages (since most attractive features in men remain the same no matter what age of the woman)
-One glove size doesn't fit all hands. Remember that this thread information isn't specific to anyone and you should instead use the information to make logical decisions based on your own situation. (for example I am a feminine looking nigga, so I gymmaxxed and beardmaxxed to balance my dimorphism)
-You need to attract, not pursue. That is why it is vital that you seem life your life is completely fulfilled, in order and fun if you want to attract her and invite her into your lifestyle which she will be curious about if you remain mysterious and contempt with life without her.
-USE YUBO if your only online. Yubo will allow you to match with girls who are at the age of consent of your country e.g 16 in the UK. I have made threads on this before and completely forgot to mention/go into detail about it here, this is more of a general/generic thread.
-More important/useful threads related to this topic:

-This isn't an attempt at writing the Bible or anything, I just got bored and initially started writing as a joke cos I thought it was a funny thread, but ended up writing everything on my mind for the last 35 minutes, so a lot of this post will be disorganised, generic, not specific, water etc and I will have missed out a lot of information. I do hope you gained even just a little bit of knowledge from it.

Disclaimer 1: By 'Jbs', im only referring to girls between the age of 18-20 (for legal reasons)

Disclaimer 2: Threads can never give specific advice to an individual so this thread will simply hopefully give you knowledge on the topic, what you need to do with the information will be specific to yourself. Everyone will have different and sometimes opposite strategies depending on what their situation calls for (e.g if you have a masculine face your advice would be different to someone who has a feminine face)

The thread that would be the catalyst in me getting cancelled.

Many people have asked me how to slay JBs so I might as well make a brief thread on the main pillars of JB slaying. As we know JBs are the best of the best when it comes to females.

In general, JBs are no different to mature women when it comes to what they find attractive so a lot of this will be water. The main difference with attracting JBs is that they are more likely to follow their primal desires and not be effected by social constructs (e.g white men being superior). So the key to attracting prime women is to activate their primal desires/fantasies.

Bibliography in order of importance
1. Looks
a. Ideal face
b. Hair
c. Body
d. Height
2. Personality + Status
a. Socialmaxxed/NTmaxxed
b. Status maxxed

The good thing about Jbs is that they have the widest preference in men. This means you can fall into a variety of archetypes and still be attractive to JBs. Looks is the most important thing when it comes to slaying JBs since they are at an age where they don't have to worry about their survival (money/resources), they simply just want to carry out their romance fantasies. Movies have a massive role on JB's preferences in men since movies they grow up with are most likely going to influence their beliefs through puberty. JBs basically want their own prince charming or any other Disney prince in their life. You should look at various male archetypes from female romance media directed towards young girls as inspiration for how you should look for JB appeal. A big reason for my own appeal is simply because i resemble a Disney prince (which is what females have told me is what attracted them to me), in terms of body, hair, style and a mix of masculine and feminine dimorphic features etc.

View attachment 2491288View attachment 2491287 In short just copy all the positive characteristics of a disney prince (balanced dimorphism, high status, mature, classically handsome and desired by other females)

a. Ideal face. The most common thing in common with all attractive male archetypes to JBs is that they have more feminine features (aka prettyboys). However im sure most of you know that already so im gonna talk about misconceptions instead. (Also prettyboys typically do actually have masculine features that look like they havent matured yet. You cant attract a girl with a truly feminine face. Attracting younger girls just means you need to be slightly more feminine than average but still maintain an overall masculine image, its all about balance, 50/50, for example I attract JBs with a beard because the rest of my face is too feminine).
-"JBs don't like guys with beards"-WRONG. Its all about a balance of masculine and feminine features. When I grew a beard I ended up having even more JB appeal because i already had foundational feminine features without a beard, so overall my face was TOO feminine before, to balance out masc and fem features, i grew a beard which increased females primal attraction to me. Basically if you have an overall feminine face then you definitely should look to masculinise it, and if you have a masculine face(which is rare) then you should try to feminise it (through growing hair out, staying clean shaven etc).
-"Jbs don't like dark/ethnic guys"-WRONG. Although white males are still preferred, ethnic men are more likely to attract JBs because JBs only listen to their primal attraction and not their brain so they don't care as much about white men being stereotypically rich and high status etc.
-"PSL equates to attractiveness"-WRONG. The most important thing is having as little failos as possible with a harmonious and average face like Chico. Young women are also more likely to have 'ICKS' so its important to avoid them. You basically just want to have a face that scores highly in the 3 categories of the pillars of facial aesthetics:

- Balancing your masculine and feminine features is the most important thing to do because it will give you the most appeal to the largest number pool of women. Some women prefer masculine, some prefer feminine, however if you fall into the middle range, you will attract the most amount of women possible. Nichemaxxing will shrink your dating pool. The reason Edward from Twilight is attractive clean shaven is because his face is already very masculine. Growing a big bushy beard will make him too masculine, however feminising himself by growing his hair out and using makeup like a faggot will only boost his SMV.

The three pillars of facial aesthetics:
1. Balanced dimorphism
2. Facial averageness
3. Facial harmony

I cant cover all of the ways of how to create harmony by changing the perception of your bad ratios so I will just say to find out which of your ratios are off and fix them with softmaxxing illusions or hardmaxxing. For example with myself, i have a long midface. To balance how my ratios are percieved, i both, grew a stubble and also grew out a long middle part. This distracts the human eye from the midface area and creates a more harmonious face. Find your own bad ratios and fix them. Only people with perfect ratios like Chico can pull off anything. People like Delisola acsended very hard in a similar way to me, by growing out his hair and beard, due to his long midface.

As a side note, to increase your attractiveness to all women, eyebrowmaxxing is a must. Thick, straight and dark eyebrows signal youth, masculinity and give a piercing look that will elicit the most emotion out women (giving her butterflies etc). Eyes are more important than any other feature when attracting younger women since it elicits the most emotional response from women and are the most unique part of any persons face. Groom your eyebrows by shaving the top and arched ends to give yourself a lower set eyebrow and more of a positive tilted eyebrow. Also thicken them with minoxidil, rosemary oil, argan oil, derma rolling, all that shit.

For more detail on the key to having an appealing face:

b. Hair. In almost all cases, you want to grow out your hair. This is super important/the most important thing in attracting JBs, as all of the movie princes have long youthful hair. The more thick luscious hair you have, the younger and trendier you will be perceived. I cannot stress how important growing your hair out and styling it is, it is likely to be the main factor in what helped me have JB appeal, once I grew out my hair, my JB appeal was noticeably higher.

You need to combine this information with your ratios to figure out what hairstyle to choose, in order to make your ratios/feautres as harmonious and averaged out as possible. As a general rule you should search your face shape and it's ideal hairstyles to maximise harmony:
Also if possible, you should try to pick the trendier options that appeal to the youth to seem NTmaxxed.

c. Body. The most attractive male bodies are universally attractive to women of all ages. Quite simply put, you want a lean/muscular physique with a high shoulder to waist ratio. It should look like you go to the gym but dont tryhard it, you should look like you simply have dominant genetics. Focus on working out your lats, shoulders, traps, chest and arms. Its hard to change your genetics when it comes to shoulder to hip ratio, which is unfortunate since it is the most important aspect of male body appeal. Examples:
View attachment 2491179 My physique is probably the number 2 thing that gives me appeal. Its not about how much muscle you have, its about your shoulder width to hip/waist ratio. I talk about in my slaying threads, how my body is the number 1 thing I was complimented on by JBs.

Here is some proof that gymaxxing is not cope:

d. Height-the ideal height is not 6'6+ like some of you retards think (although thats better than 5'9), the ideal height falls between 6'0-6'4. There was a study done which said that women were happiest when their partners were 5 inches taller than themselves, however being abnormally tall is not a good thing. Also remember that being tall is a masculinising feature so if your tall and have a masculine face, you may benefit from prettyboymaxxing your face to balance it out (like the guy in the picture).

Personality + Status
Personality and Status go hand in hand here because, the majority of your status when it comes to attracting JBs will be to have many friends/be socialcirclemaxxed. You need a ton of friends to make her feel comfortable that your a normie who has a fun life, and not some weirdo who only cares about getting girls.

a. Socialmaxxing/NTmaxxing-For your personality, other than the water (be confident, assertive, funny, caring, masculine, dont look desperate or chase etc), you need to be able to relate to younger humour, concepts and trends. This is very important or else the JB will think your an oldcel and be unattracted + you'll have nothing to talk about. You also want to activate their emotions, which will make them more attached to you. Personality is an extremely complicated and long topic to talk about so instead I will link an important videos which is super information packed with what prime JBs find attractive in men.
You want to seem only a bit older than the JB but also be able to relate to younger trends to make the attraction seem natural. Always try to relate with the girl and her age demographic (if your also a JB, this will be easy).

Socialcirclemaxxing/statusmaxxing is also so important because of pre selection bias. Pre selection bias is even more prevalent in younger girls since they are more likely to have more friends. If the majority of her friends find you attractive, she will too, and they will talk about you which further increases her attraction for you:

b. Statusmaxxed-This is different to what you think. For status, basically you just want to seem as close proximity to the JB as possible in day to day life. You want to appear like your a normie with lots of young male friends. If your older, this will make you less likely to look like a creep as you already seem as though you are already integrated into a young teen life. For example you could make friends with younger guys at the gym. I look older (even though im 18) but if it wasn't for my obviously teen friends, JBs might think i was 25 or older and see me as taboo territory. You want to seem as young as possible basically, through making friend younger than yourself (if your old) or friends the same age as yourself (if your young like me). If you only chilled with 40 year old men, JBs would see you as one of them, and not as a romantic interest who could have a similar lifestyle to herself.

If your young like me, having a car is a must. Unlike statusmaxxing for adults, you don't need to buy a house if your already young, you just need desirable resources in relation to your age range. In the UK, people can start driving at age 17, however not alot of people at this age have cars. By having a car at a young age, you will be way ahead of the competition in terms of attractiveness through status. Having a car at a young age is probably the most statusmaxxed thing you can do, since its so rare and offers so many opportunities for more things. If you have a car, girls will want you to drive them desperately. Since driving is out of their abilities/reach, they find it cool and fun. Slaying will become much easier as you now have a quiet, private and confined space where you can set the mood with music. Young women are also more likely to be turned on by public sex acts as they are in their rebellious stage, and it activates their emotions. A real life example of how I activated a girls emotions of danger and excitement through public acts:

A car also offers easy opportunities into getting alone with girls (them asking you if you can drive them, which happened to me btw, or you asking if they need a lift anywhere or just want to drive on some quiet roads for fun etc, there is so much opportunity to set up a drive link up while maintaining a friendly atmosphere).

Final Notes:
-If your much older then you either need to be a chad, or you need to start collagenmaxxing or trying to look younger through various methods asap, JBs are not so stupid to get with old men in most cases, they will settle for anything under 25 though.
-NEVER approach without being given multiple IOIS or assurance that shes into you. Its too risky for your embarrassment, trust me. Your success rate will go up 80% if you only approach girls who give IOIs first.
-Most of this info also applies for attracting women of all ages (since most attractive features in men remain the same no matter what age of the woman)
-One glove size doesn't fit all hands. Remember that this thread information isn't specific to anyone and you should instead use the information to make logical decisions based on your own situation. (for example I am a feminine looking nigga, so I gymmaxxed and beardmaxxed to balance my dimorphism)
-You need to attract, not pursue. That is why it is vital that you seem life your life is completely fulfilled, in order and fun if you want to attract her and invite her into your lifestyle which she will be curious about if you remain mysterious and contempt with life without her.
-USE YUBO if your only online. Yubo will allow you to match with girls who are at the age of consent of your country e.g 16 in the UK. I have made threads on this before and completely forgot to mention/go into detail about it here, this is more of a general/generic thread.
-More important/useful threads related to this topic:

-This isn't an attempt at writing the Bible or anything, I just got bored and initially started writing as a joke cos I thought it was a funny thread, but ended up writing everything on my mind for the last 35 minutes, so a lot of this post will be disorganised, generic, not specific, water etc and I will have missed out a lot of information. I do hope you gained even just a little bit of knowledge from it.

TLDR: Just be HTN+, same as any woman, not that complicated
Disclaimer 1: By 'Jbs', im only referring to girls between the age of 18-20 (for legal reasons)

Disclaimer 2: Threads can never give specific advice to an individual so this thread will simply hopefully give you knowledge on the topic, what you need to do with the information will be specific to yourself. Everyone will have different and sometimes opposite strategies depending on what their situation calls for (e.g if you have a masculine face your advice would be different to someone who has a feminine face)

The thread that would be the catalyst in me getting cancelled.

Many people have asked me how to slay JBs so I might as well make a brief thread on the main pillars of JB slaying. As we know JBs are the best of the best when it comes to females.

In general, JBs are no different to mature women when it comes to what they find attractive so a lot of this will be water. The main difference with attracting JBs is that they are more likely to follow their primal desires and not be effected by social constructs (e.g white men being superior). So the key to attracting prime women is to activate their primal desires/fantasies.

Bibliography in order of importance
1. Looks
a. Ideal face
b. Hair
c. Body
d. Height
2. Personality + Status
a. Socialmaxxed/NTmaxxed
b. Status maxxed

The good thing about Jbs is that they have the widest preference in men. This means you can fall into a variety of archetypes and still be attractive to JBs. Looks is the most important thing when it comes to slaying JBs since they are at an age where they don't have to worry about their survival (money/resources), they simply just want to carry out their romance fantasies. Movies have a massive role on JB's preferences in men since movies they grow up with are most likely going to influence their beliefs through puberty. JBs basically want their own prince charming or any other Disney prince in their life. You should look at various male archetypes from female romance media directed towards young girls as inspiration for how you should look for JB appeal. A big reason for my own appeal is simply because i resemble a Disney prince (which is what females have told me is what attracted them to me), in terms of body, hair, style and a mix of masculine and feminine dimorphic features etc.

View attachment 2491288View attachment 2491287 In short just copy all the positive characteristics of a disney prince (balanced dimorphism, high status, mature, classically handsome and desired by other females)

a. Ideal face. The most common thing in common with all attractive male archetypes to JBs is that they have more feminine features (aka prettyboys). However im sure most of you know that already so im gonna talk about misconceptions instead. (Also prettyboys typically do actually have masculine features that look like they havent matured yet. You cant attract a girl with a truly feminine face. Attracting younger girls just means you need to be slightly more feminine than average but still maintain an overall masculine image, its all about balance, 50/50, for example I attract JBs with a beard because the rest of my face is too feminine).
-"JBs don't like guys with beards"-WRONG. Its all about a balance of masculine and feminine features. When I grew a beard I ended up having even more JB appeal because i already had foundational feminine features without a beard, so overall my face was TOO feminine before, to balance out masc and fem features, i grew a beard which increased females primal attraction to me. Basically if you have an overall feminine face then you definitely should look to masculinise it, and if you have a masculine face(which is rare) then you should try to feminise it (through growing hair out, staying clean shaven etc).
-"Jbs don't like dark/ethnic guys"-WRONG. Although white males are still preferred, ethnic men are more likely to attract JBs because JBs only listen to their primal attraction and not their brain so they don't care as much about white men being stereotypically rich and high status etc.
-"PSL equates to attractiveness"-WRONG. The most important thing is having as little failos as possible with a harmonious and average face like Chico. Young women are also more likely to have 'ICKS' so its important to avoid them. You basically just want to have a face that scores highly in the 3 categories of the pillars of facial aesthetics:

- Balancing your masculine and feminine features is the most important thing to do because it will give you the most appeal to the largest number pool of women. Some women prefer masculine, some prefer feminine, however if you fall into the middle range, you will attract the most amount of women possible. Nichemaxxing will shrink your dating pool. The reason Edward from Twilight is attractive clean shaven is because his face is already very masculine. Growing a big bushy beard will make him too masculine, however feminising himself by growing his hair out and using makeup like a faggot will only boost his SMV.

The three pillars of facial aesthetics:
1. Balanced dimorphism
2. Facial averageness
3. Facial harmony

I cant cover all of the ways of how to create harmony by changing the perception of your bad ratios so I will just say to find out which of your ratios are off and fix them with softmaxxing illusions or hardmaxxing. For example with myself, i have a long midface. To balance how my ratios are percieved, i both, grew a stubble and also grew out a long middle part. This distracts the human eye from the midface area and creates a more harmonious face. Find your own bad ratios and fix them. Only people with perfect ratios like Chico can pull off anything. People like Delisola acsended very hard in a similar way to me, by growing out his hair and beard, due to his long midface.

As a side note, to increase your attractiveness to all women, eyebrowmaxxing is a must. Thick, straight and dark eyebrows signal youth, masculinity and give a piercing look that will elicit the most emotion out women (giving her butterflies etc). Eyes are more important than any other feature when attracting younger women since it elicits the most emotional response from women and are the most unique part of any persons face. Groom your eyebrows by shaving the top and arched ends to give yourself a lower set eyebrow and more of a positive tilted eyebrow. Also thicken them with minoxidil, rosemary oil, argan oil, derma rolling, all that shit.

For more detail on the key to having an appealing face:

b. Hair. In almost all cases, you want to grow out your hair. This is super important/the most important thing in attracting JBs, as all of the movie princes have long youthful hair. The more thick luscious hair you have, the younger and trendier you will be perceived. I cannot stress how important growing your hair out and styling it is, it is likely to be the main factor in what helped me have JB appeal, once I grew out my hair, my JB appeal was noticeably higher.

You need to combine this information with your ratios to figure out what hairstyle to choose, in order to make your ratios/feautres as harmonious and averaged out as possible. As a general rule you should search your face shape and it's ideal hairstyles to maximise harmony:
Also if possible, you should try to pick the trendier options that appeal to the youth to seem NTmaxxed.

c. Body. The most attractive male bodies are universally attractive to women of all ages. Quite simply put, you want a lean/muscular physique with a high shoulder to waist ratio. It should look like you go to the gym but dont tryhard it, you should look like you simply have dominant genetics. Focus on working out your lats, shoulders, traps, chest and arms. Its hard to change your genetics when it comes to shoulder to hip ratio, which is unfortunate since it is the most important aspect of male body appeal. Examples:
View attachment 2491179 My physique is probably the number 2 thing that gives me appeal. Its not about how much muscle you have, its about your shoulder width to hip/waist ratio. I talk about in my slaying threads, how my body is the number 1 thing I was complimented on by JBs.

Here is some proof that gymaxxing is not cope:

d. Height-the ideal height is not 6'6+ like some of you retards think (although thats better than 5'9), the ideal height falls between 6'0-6'4. There was a study done which said that women were happiest when their partners were 5 inches taller than themselves, however being abnormally tall is not a good thing. Also remember that being tall is a masculinising feature so if your tall and have a masculine face, you may benefit from prettyboymaxxing your face to balance it out (like the guy in the picture).

Personality + Status
Personality and Status go hand in hand here because, the majority of your status when it comes to attracting JBs will be to have many friends/be socialcirclemaxxed. You need a ton of friends to make her feel comfortable that your a normie who has a fun life, and not some weirdo who only cares about getting girls.

a. Socialmaxxing/NTmaxxing-For your personality, other than the water (be confident, assertive, funny, caring, masculine, dont look desperate or chase etc), you need to be able to relate to younger humour, concepts and trends. This is very important or else the JB will think your an oldcel and be unattracted + you'll have nothing to talk about. You also want to activate their emotions, which will make them more attached to you. Personality is an extremely complicated and long topic to talk about so instead I will link an important videos which is super information packed with what prime JBs find attractive in men.
You want to seem only a bit older than the JB but also be able to relate to younger trends to make the attraction seem natural. Always try to relate with the girl and her age demographic (if your also a JB, this will be easy).

Socialcirclemaxxing/statusmaxxing is also so important because of pre selection bias. Pre selection bias is even more prevalent in younger girls since they are more likely to have more friends. If the majority of her friends find you attractive, she will too, and they will talk about you which further increases her attraction for you:

b. Statusmaxxed-This is different to what you think. For status, basically you just want to seem as close proximity to the JB as possible in day to day life. You want to appear like your a normie with lots of young male friends. If your older, this will make you less likely to look like a creep as you already seem as though you are already integrated into a young teen life. For example you could make friends with younger guys at the gym. I look older (even though im 18) but if it wasn't for my obviously teen friends, JBs might think i was 25 or older and see me as taboo territory. You want to seem as young as possible basically, through making friend younger than yourself (if your old) or friends the same age as yourself (if your young like me). If you only chilled with 40 year old men, JBs would see you as one of them, and not as a romantic interest who could have a similar lifestyle to herself.

If your young like me, having a car is a must. Unlike statusmaxxing for adults, you don't need to buy a house if your already young, you just need desirable resources in relation to your age range. In the UK, people can start driving at age 17, however not alot of people at this age have cars. By having a car at a young age, you will be way ahead of the competition in terms of attractiveness through status. Having a car at a young age is probably the most statusmaxxed thing you can do, since its so rare and offers so many opportunities for more things. If you have a car, girls will want you to drive them desperately. Since driving is out of their abilities/reach, they find it cool and fun. Slaying will become much easier as you now have a quiet, private and confined space where you can set the mood with music. Young women are also more likely to be turned on by public sex acts as they are in their rebellious stage, and it activates their emotions. A real life example of how I activated a girls emotions of danger and excitement through public acts:

A car also offers easy opportunities into getting alone with girls (them asking you if you can drive them, which happened to me btw, or you asking if they need a lift anywhere or just want to drive on some quiet roads for fun etc, there is so much opportunity to set up a drive link up while maintaining a friendly atmosphere).

Final Notes:
-If your much older then you either need to be a chad, or you need to start collagenmaxxing or trying to look younger through various methods asap, JBs are not so stupid to get with old men in most cases, they will settle for anything under 25 though.
-NEVER approach without being given multiple IOIS or assurance that shes into you. Its too risky for your embarrassment, trust me. Your success rate will go up 80% if you only approach girls who give IOIs first.
-Most of this info also applies for attracting women of all ages (since most attractive features in men remain the same no matter what age of the woman)
-One glove size doesn't fit all hands. Remember that this thread information isn't specific to anyone and you should instead use the information to make logical decisions based on your own situation. (for example I am a feminine looking nigga, so I gymmaxxed and beardmaxxed to balance my dimorphism)
-You need to attract, not pursue. That is why it is vital that you seem life your life is completely fulfilled, in order and fun if you want to attract her and invite her into your lifestyle which she will be curious about if you remain mysterious and contempt with life without her.
-USE YUBO if your only online. Yubo will allow you to match with girls who are at the age of consent of your country e.g 16 in the UK. I have made threads on this before and completely forgot to mention/go into detail about it here, this is more of a general/generic thread.
-More important/useful threads related to this topic:

-This isn't an attempt at writing the Bible or anything, I just got bored and initially started writing as a joke cos I thought it was a funny thread, but ended up writing everything on my mind for the last 35 minutes, so a lot of this post will be disorganised, generic, not specific, water etc and I will have missed out a lot of information. I do hope you gained even just a little bit of knowledge from it.

Disclaimer 1: By 'Jbs', im only referring to girls between the age of 18-20 (for legal reasons)

Disclaimer 2: Threads can never give specific advice to an individual so this thread will simply hopefully give you knowledge on the topic, what you need to do with the information will be specific to yourself. Everyone will have different and sometimes opposite strategies depending on what their situation calls for (e.g if you have a masculine face your advice would be different to someone who has a feminine face)

The thread that would be the catalyst in me getting cancelled.

Many people have asked me how to slay JBs so I might as well make a brief thread on the main pillars of JB slaying. As we know JBs are the best of the best when it comes to females.

In general, JBs are no different to mature women when it comes to what they find attractive so a lot of this will be water. The main difference with attracting JBs is that they are more likely to follow their primal desires and not be effected by social constructs (e.g white men being superior). So the key to attracting prime women is to activate their primal desires/fantasies.

Bibliography in order of importance
1. Looks
a. Ideal face
b. Hair
c. Body
d. Height
2. Personality + Status
a. Socialmaxxed/NTmaxxed
b. Status maxxed

The good thing about Jbs is that they have the widest preference in men. This means you can fall into a variety of archetypes and still be attractive to JBs. Looks is the most important thing when it comes to slaying JBs since they are at an age where they don't have to worry about their survival (money/resources), they simply just want to carry out their romance fantasies. Movies have a massive role on JB's preferences in men since movies they grow up with are most likely going to influence their beliefs through puberty. JBs basically want their own prince charming or any other Disney prince in their life. You should look at various male archetypes from female romance media directed towards young girls as inspiration for how you should look for JB appeal. A big reason for my own appeal is simply because i resemble a Disney prince (which is what females have told me is what attracted them to me), in terms of body, hair, style and a mix of masculine and feminine dimorphic features etc.

View attachment 2491288View attachment 2491287 In short just copy all the positive characteristics of a disney prince (balanced dimorphism, high status, mature, classically handsome and desired by other females)

a. Ideal face. The most common thing in common with all attractive male archetypes to JBs is that they have more feminine features (aka prettyboys). However im sure most of you know that already so im gonna talk about misconceptions instead. (Also prettyboys typically do actually have masculine features that look like they havent matured yet. You cant attract a girl with a truly feminine face. Attracting younger girls just means you need to be slightly more feminine than average but still maintain an overall masculine image, its all about balance, 50/50, for example I attract JBs with a beard because the rest of my face is too feminine).
-"JBs don't like guys with beards"-WRONG. Its all about a balance of masculine and feminine features. When I grew a beard I ended up having even more JB appeal because i already had foundational feminine features without a beard, so overall my face was TOO feminine before, to balance out masc and fem features, i grew a beard which increased females primal attraction to me. Basically if you have an overall feminine face then you definitely should look to masculinise it, and if you have a masculine face(which is rare) then you should try to feminise it (through growing hair out, staying clean shaven etc).
-"Jbs don't like dark/ethnic guys"-WRONG. Although white males are still preferred, ethnic men are more likely to attract JBs because JBs only listen to their primal attraction and not their brain so they don't care as much about white men being stereotypically rich and high status etc.
-"PSL equates to attractiveness"-WRONG. The most important thing is having as little failos as possible with a harmonious and average face like Chico. Young women are also more likely to have 'ICKS' so its important to avoid them. You basically just want to have a face that scores highly in the 3 categories of the pillars of facial aesthetics:

- Balancing your masculine and feminine features is the most important thing to do because it will give you the most appeal to the largest number pool of women. Some women prefer masculine, some prefer feminine, however if you fall into the middle range, you will attract the most amount of women possible. Nichemaxxing will shrink your dating pool. The reason Edward from Twilight is attractive clean shaven is because his face is already very masculine. Growing a big bushy beard will make him too masculine, however feminising himself by growing his hair out and using makeup like a faggot will only boost his SMV.

The three pillars of facial aesthetics:
1. Balanced dimorphism
2. Facial averageness
3. Facial harmony

I cant cover all of the ways of how to create harmony by changing the perception of your bad ratios so I will just say to find out which of your ratios are off and fix them with softmaxxing illusions or hardmaxxing. For example with myself, i have a long midface. To balance how my ratios are percieved, i both, grew a stubble and also grew out a long middle part. This distracts the human eye from the midface area and creates a more harmonious face. Find your own bad ratios and fix them. Only people with perfect ratios like Chico can pull off anything. People like Delisola acsended very hard in a similar way to me, by growing out his hair and beard, due to his long midface.

As a side note, to increase your attractiveness to all women, eyebrowmaxxing is a must. Thick, straight and dark eyebrows signal youth, masculinity and give a piercing look that will elicit the most emotion out women (giving her butterflies etc). Eyes are more important than any other feature when attracting younger women since it elicits the most emotional response from women and are the most unique part of any persons face. Groom your eyebrows by shaving the top and arched ends to give yourself a lower set eyebrow and more of a positive tilted eyebrow. Also thicken them with minoxidil, rosemary oil, argan oil, derma rolling, all that shit.

For more detail on the key to having an appealing face:

b. Hair. In almost all cases, you want to grow out your hair. This is super important/the most important thing in attracting JBs, as all of the movie princes have long youthful hair. The more thick luscious hair you have, the younger and trendier you will be perceived. I cannot stress how important growing your hair out and styling it is, it is likely to be the main factor in what helped me have JB appeal, once I grew out my hair, my JB appeal was noticeably higher.

You need to combine this information with your ratios to figure out what hairstyle to choose, in order to make your ratios/feautres as harmonious and averaged out as possible. As a general rule you should search your face shape and it's ideal hairstyles to maximise harmony:
Also if possible, you should try to pick the trendier options that appeal to the youth to seem NTmaxxed.

c. Body. The most attractive male bodies are universally attractive to women of all ages. Quite simply put, you want a lean/muscular physique with a high shoulder to waist ratio. It should look like you go to the gym but dont tryhard it, you should look like you simply have dominant genetics. Focus on working out your lats, shoulders, traps, chest and arms. Its hard to change your genetics when it comes to shoulder to hip ratio, which is unfortunate since it is the most important aspect of male body appeal. Examples:
View attachment 2491179 My physique is probably the number 2 thing that gives me appeal. Its not about how much muscle you have, its about your shoulder width to hip/waist ratio. I talk about in my slaying threads, how my body is the number 1 thing I was complimented on by JBs.

Here is some proof that gymaxxing is not cope:

d. Height-the ideal height is not 6'6+ like some of you retards think (although thats better than 5'9), the ideal height falls between 6'0-6'4. There was a study done which said that women were happiest when their partners were 5 inches taller than themselves, however being abnormally tall is not a good thing. Also remember that being tall is a masculinising feature so if your tall and have a masculine face, you may benefit from prettyboymaxxing your face to balance it out (like the guy in the picture).

Personality + Status
Personality and Status go hand in hand here because, the majority of your status when it comes to attracting JBs will be to have many friends/be socialcirclemaxxed. You need a ton of friends to make her feel comfortable that your a normie who has a fun life, and not some weirdo who only cares about getting girls.

a. Socialmaxxing/NTmaxxing-For your personality, other than the water (be confident, assertive, funny, caring, masculine, dont look desperate or chase etc), you need to be able to relate to younger humour, concepts and trends. This is very important or else the JB will think your an oldcel and be unattracted + you'll have nothing to talk about. You also want to activate their emotions, which will make them more attached to you. Personality is an extremely complicated and long topic to talk about so instead I will link an important videos which is super information packed with what prime JBs find attractive in men.
You want to seem only a bit older than the JB but also be able to relate to younger trends to make the attraction seem natural. Always try to relate with the girl and her age demographic (if your also a JB, this will be easy).

Socialcirclemaxxing/statusmaxxing is also so important because of pre selection bias. Pre selection bias is even more prevalent in younger girls since they are more likely to have more friends. If the majority of her friends find you attractive, she will too, and they will talk about you which further increases her attraction for you:

b. Statusmaxxed-This is different to what you think. For status, basically you just want to seem as close proximity to the JB as possible in day to day life. You want to appear like your a normie with lots of young male friends. If your older, this will make you less likely to look like a creep as you already seem as though you are already integrated into a young teen life. For example you could make friends with younger guys at the gym. I look older (even though im 18) but if it wasn't for my obviously teen friends, JBs might think i was 25 or older and see me as taboo territory. You want to seem as young as possible basically, through making friend younger than yourself (if your old) or friends the same age as yourself (if your young like me). If you only chilled with 40 year old men, JBs would see you as one of them, and not as a romantic interest who could have a similar lifestyle to herself.

If your young like me, having a car is a must. Unlike statusmaxxing for adults, you don't need to buy a house if your already young, you just need desirable resources in relation to your age range. In the UK, people can start driving at age 17, however not alot of people at this age have cars. By having a car at a young age, you will be way ahead of the competition in terms of attractiveness through status. Having a car at a young age is probably the most statusmaxxed thing you can do, since its so rare and offers so many opportunities for more things. If you have a car, girls will want you to drive them desperately. Since driving is out of their abilities/reach, they find it cool and fun. Slaying will become much easier as you now have a quiet, private and confined space where you can set the mood with music. Young women are also more likely to be turned on by public sex acts as they are in their rebellious stage, and it activates their emotions. A real life example of how I activated a girls emotions of danger and excitement through public acts:

A car also offers easy opportunities into getting alone with girls (them asking you if you can drive them, which happened to me btw, or you asking if they need a lift anywhere or just want to drive on some quiet roads for fun etc, there is so much opportunity to set up a drive link up while maintaining a friendly atmosphere).

Final Notes:
-If your much older then you either need to be a chad, or you need to start collagenmaxxing or trying to look younger through various methods asap, JBs are not so stupid to get with old men in most cases, they will settle for anything under 25 though.
-NEVER approach without being given multiple IOIS or assurance that shes into you. Its too risky for your embarrassment, trust me. Your success rate will go up 80% if you only approach girls who give IOIs first.
-Most of this info also applies for attracting women of all ages (since most attractive features in men remain the same no matter what age of the woman)
-One glove size doesn't fit all hands. Remember that this thread information isn't specific to anyone and you should instead use the information to make logical decisions based on your own situation. (for example I am a feminine looking nigga, so I gymmaxxed and beardmaxxed to balance my dimorphism)
-You need to attract, not pursue. That is why it is vital that you seem life your life is completely fulfilled, in order and fun if you want to attract her and invite her into your lifestyle which she will be curious about if you remain mysterious and contempt with life without her.
-USE YUBO if your only online. Yubo will allow you to match with girls who are at the age of consent of your country e.g 16 in the UK. I have made threads on this before and completely forgot to mention/go into detail about it here, this is more of a general/generic thread.
-More important/useful threads related to this topic:

-This isn't an attempt at writing the Bible or anything, I just got bored and initially started writing as a joke cos I thought it was a funny thread, but ended up writing everything on my mind for the last 35 minutes, so a lot of this post will be disorganised, generic, not specific, water etc and I will have missed out a lot of information. I do hope you gained even just a little bit of knowledge from it.

Disclaimer 1: By 'Jbs', im only referring to girls between the age of 18-20 (for legal reasons)

Disclaimer 2: Threads can never give specific advice to an individual so this thread will simply hopefully give you knowledge on the topic, what you need to do with the information will be specific to yourself. Everyone will have different and sometimes opposite strategies depending on what their situation calls for (e.g if you have a masculine face your advice would be different to someone who has a feminine face)

The thread that would be the catalyst in me getting cancelled.

Many people have asked me how to slay JBs so I might as well make a brief thread on the main pillars of JB slaying. As we know JBs are the best of the best when it comes to females.

In general, JBs are no different to mature women when it comes to what they find attractive so a lot of this will be water. The main difference with attracting JBs is that they are more likely to follow their primal desires and not be effected by social constructs (e.g white men being superior). So the key to attracting prime women is to activate their primal desires/fantasies.

Bibliography in order of importance
1. Looks
a. Ideal face
b. Hair
c. Body
d. Height
2. Personality + Status
a. Socialmaxxed/NTmaxxed
b. Status maxxed

The good thing about Jbs is that they have the widest preference in men. This means you can fall into a variety of archetypes and still be attractive to JBs. Looks is the most important thing when it comes to slaying JBs since they are at an age where they don't have to worry about their survival (money/resources), they simply just want to carry out their romance fantasies. Movies have a massive role on JB's preferences in men since movies they grow up with are most likely going to influence their beliefs through puberty. JBs basically want their own prince charming or any other Disney prince in their life. You should look at various male archetypes from female romance media directed towards young girls as inspiration for how you should look for JB appeal. A big reason for my own appeal is simply because i resemble a Disney prince (which is what females have told me is what attracted them to me), in terms of body, hair, style and a mix of masculine and feminine dimorphic features etc.

View attachment 2491288View attachment 2491287 In short just copy all the positive characteristics of a disney prince (balanced dimorphism, high status, mature, classically handsome and desired by other females)

a. Ideal face. The most common thing in common with all attractive male archetypes to JBs is that they have more feminine features (aka prettyboys). However im sure most of you know that already so im gonna talk about misconceptions instead. (Also prettyboys typically do actually have masculine features that look like they havent matured yet. You cant attract a girl with a truly feminine face. Attracting younger girls just means you need to be slightly more feminine than average but still maintain an overall masculine image, its all about balance, 50/50, for example I attract JBs with a beard because the rest of my face is too feminine).
-"JBs don't like guys with beards"-WRONG. Its all about a balance of masculine and feminine features. When I grew a beard I ended up having even more JB appeal because i already had foundational feminine features without a beard, so overall my face was TOO feminine before, to balance out masc and fem features, i grew a beard which increased females primal attraction to me. Basically if you have an overall feminine face then you definitely should look to masculinise it, and if you have a masculine face(which is rare) then you should try to feminise it (through growing hair out, staying clean shaven etc).
-"Jbs don't like dark/ethnic guys"-WRONG. Although white males are still preferred, ethnic men are more likely to attract JBs because JBs only listen to their primal attraction and not their brain so they don't care as much about white men being stereotypically rich and high status etc.
-"PSL equates to attractiveness"-WRONG. The most important thing is having as little failos as possible with a harmonious and average face like Chico. Young women are also more likely to have 'ICKS' so its important to avoid them. You basically just want to have a face that scores highly in the 3 categories of the pillars of facial aesthetics:

- Balancing your masculine and feminine features is the most important thing to do because it will give you the most appeal to the largest number pool of women. Some women prefer masculine, some prefer feminine, however if you fall into the middle range, you will attract the most amount of women possible. Nichemaxxing will shrink your dating pool. The reason Edward from Twilight is attractive clean shaven is because his face is already very masculine. Growing a big bushy beard will make him too masculine, however feminising himself by growing his hair out and using makeup like a faggot will only boost his SMV.

The three pillars of facial aesthetics:
1. Balanced dimorphism
2. Facial averageness
3. Facial harmony

I cant cover all of the ways of how to create harmony by changing the perception of your bad ratios so I will just say to find out which of your ratios are off and fix them with softmaxxing illusions or hardmaxxing. For example with myself, i have a long midface. To balance how my ratios are percieved, i both, grew a stubble and also grew out a long middle part. This distracts the human eye from the midface area and creates a more harmonious face. Find your own bad ratios and fix them. Only people with perfect ratios like Chico can pull off anything. People like Delisola acsended very hard in a similar way to me, by growing out his hair and beard, due to his long midface.

As a side note, to increase your attractiveness to all women, eyebrowmaxxing is a must. Thick, straight and dark eyebrows signal youth, masculinity and give a piercing look that will elicit the most emotion out women (giving her butterflies etc). Eyes are more important than any other feature when attracting younger women since it elicits the most emotional response from women and are the most unique part of any persons face. Groom your eyebrows by shaving the top and arched ends to give yourself a lower set eyebrow and more of a positive tilted eyebrow. Also thicken them with minoxidil, rosemary oil, argan oil, derma rolling, all that shit.

For more detail on the key to having an appealing face:

b. Hair. In almost all cases, you want to grow out your hair. This is super important/the most important thing in attracting JBs, as all of the movie princes have long youthful hair. The more thick luscious hair you have, the younger and trendier you will be perceived. I cannot stress how important growing your hair out and styling it is, it is likely to be the main factor in what helped me have JB appeal, once I grew out my hair, my JB appeal was noticeably higher.

You need to combine this information with your ratios to figure out what hairstyle to choose, in order to make your ratios/feautres as harmonious and averaged out as possible. As a general rule you should search your face shape and it's ideal hairstyles to maximise harmony:
Also if possible, you should try to pick the trendier options that appeal to the youth to seem NTmaxxed.

c. Body. The most attractive male bodies are universally attractive to women of all ages. Quite simply put, you want a lean/muscular physique with a high shoulder to waist ratio. It should look like you go to the gym but dont tryhard it, you should look like you simply have dominant genetics. Focus on working out your lats, shoulders, traps, chest and arms. Its hard to change your genetics when it comes to shoulder to hip ratio, which is unfortunate since it is the most important aspect of male body appeal. Examples:
View attachment 2491179 My physique is probably the number 2 thing that gives me appeal. Its not about how much muscle you have, its about your shoulder width to hip/waist ratio. I talk about in my slaying threads, how my body is the number 1 thing I was complimented on by JBs.

Here is some proof that gymaxxing is not cope:

d. Height-the ideal height is not 6'6+ like some of you retards think (although thats better than 5'9), the ideal height falls between 6'0-6'4. There was a study done which said that women were happiest when their partners were 5 inches taller than themselves, however being abnormally tall is not a good thing. Also remember that being tall is a masculinising feature so if your tall and have a masculine face, you may benefit from prettyboymaxxing your face to balance it out (like the guy in the picture).

Personality + Status
Personality and Status go hand in hand here because, the majority of your status when it comes to attracting JBs will be to have many friends/be socialcirclemaxxed. You need a ton of friends to make her feel comfortable that your a normie who has a fun life, and not some weirdo who only cares about getting girls.

a. Socialmaxxing/NTmaxxing-For your personality, other than the water (be confident, assertive, funny, caring, masculine, dont look desperate or chase etc), you need to be able to relate to younger humour, concepts and trends. This is very important or else the JB will think your an oldcel and be unattracted + you'll have nothing to talk about. You also want to activate their emotions, which will make them more attached to you. Personality is an extremely complicated and long topic to talk about so instead I will link an important videos which is super information packed with what prime JBs find attractive in men.
You want to seem only a bit older than the JB but also be able to relate to younger trends to make the attraction seem natural. Always try to relate with the girl and her age demographic (if your also a JB, this will be easy).

Socialcirclemaxxing/statusmaxxing is also so important because of pre selection bias. Pre selection bias is even more prevalent in younger girls since they are more likely to have more friends. If the majority of her friends find you attractive, she will too, and they will talk about you which further increases her attraction for you:

b. Statusmaxxed-This is different to what you think. For status, basically you just want to seem as close proximity to the JB as possible in day to day life. You want to appear like your a normie with lots of young male friends. If your older, this will make you less likely to look like a creep as you already seem as though you are already integrated into a young teen life. For example you could make friends with younger guys at the gym. I look older (even though im 18) but if it wasn't for my obviously teen friends, JBs might think i was 25 or older and see me as taboo territory. You want to seem as young as possible basically, through making friend younger than yourself (if your old) or friends the same age as yourself (if your young like me). If you only chilled with 40 year old men, JBs would see you as one of them, and not as a romantic interest who could have a similar lifestyle to herself.

If your young like me, having a car is a must. Unlike statusmaxxing for adults, you don't need to buy a house if your already young, you just need desirable resources in relation to your age range. In the UK, people can start driving at age 17, however not alot of people at this age have cars. By having a car at a young age, you will be way ahead of the competition in terms of attractiveness through status. Having a car at a young age is probably the most statusmaxxed thing you can do, since its so rare and offers so many opportunities for more things. If you have a car, girls will want you to drive them desperately. Since driving is out of their abilities/reach, they find it cool and fun. Slaying will become much easier as you now have a quiet, private and confined space where you can set the mood with music. Young women are also more likely to be turned on by public sex acts as they are in their rebellious stage, and it activates their emotions. A real life example of how I activated a girls emotions of danger and excitement through public acts:

A car also offers easy opportunities into getting alone with girls (them asking you if you can drive them, which happened to me btw, or you asking if they need a lift anywhere or just want to drive on some quiet roads for fun etc, there is so much opportunity to set up a drive link up while maintaining a friendly atmosphere).

Final Notes:
-If your much older then you either need to be a chad, or you need to start collagenmaxxing or trying to look younger through various methods asap, JBs are not so stupid to get with old men in most cases, they will settle for anything under 25 though.
-NEVER approach without being given multiple IOIS or assurance that shes into you. Its too risky for your embarrassment, trust me. Your success rate will go up 80% if you only approach girls who give IOIs first.
-Most of this info also applies for attracting women of all ages (since most attractive features in men remain the same no matter what age of the woman)
-One glove size doesn't fit all hands. Remember that this thread information isn't specific to anyone and you should instead use the information to make logical decisions based on your own situation. (for example I am a feminine looking nigga, so I gymmaxxed and beardmaxxed to balance my dimorphism)
-You need to attract, not pursue. That is why it is vital that you seem life your life is completely fulfilled, in order and fun if you want to attract her and invite her into your lifestyle which she will be curious about if you remain mysterious and contempt with life without her.
-USE YUBO if your only online. Yubo will allow you to match with girls who are at the age of consent of your country e.g 16 in the UK. I have made threads on this before and completely forgot to mention/go into detail about it here, this is more of a general/generic thread.
-More important/useful threads related to this topic:

-This isn't an attempt at writing the Bible or anything, I just got bored and initially started writing as a joke cos I thought it was a funny thread, but ended up writing everything on my mind for the last 35 minutes, so a lot of this post will be disorganised, generic, not specific, water etc and I will have missed out a lot of information. I do hope you gained even just a little bit of knowledge from it.

Good thread man, also liked your other threads. Actually putting in the work and it's motivating, we need more of that in this forum.

Btw are you on nofap or semen retention ? and do you think it's cope?
Btw are you on nofap or semen retention ? and do you think it's cope?
Im on extreme fap, ive been fapping everyday for 7 years now. Its improved a bit now as i used to edge 2 hours a day in my prime. Im not sure if its cope since i have never had the discipline to try it, i think that my best state of mind is post nut where i have no distractions/desires. If i dont beat my meat for more than 2 days i almost die
Im on extreme fap, ive been fapping everyday for 7 years now. Its improved a bit now as i used to edge 2 hours a day in my prime. Im not sure if its cope since i have never had the discipline to try it, i think that my best state of mind is post nut where i have no distractions/desires. If i dont beat my meat for more than 2 days i almost die
Okay, I see.

Also can you send me a pm, I have something else to ask
goodbye pedo currycel .....never come back please

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