JBW is a myth: Asian girls think white men are ugly on average

I never said it specifically was. But America going head to head with Japan, both representing the best of the best proved who is the superior one. White technological might proved us to be the superior race. Yes, Jews played all sides, but ultimately asians are inferior. China has been owned and controlled by the US since WW2. You are white and Jew owned, you silly China man. The average Chinese has a 4.5 inch dick with an insanely low birth rate. Women, regardless of their country globally don't like sub high tier men. That's why asians like you and whites like me are on this forum.
Japanese are the irrelevant subhuman abused dogs of East Asia who used their first taste of power to get back at Koreans and Han who abused them for 2000 years, JFL at them being the best of East Asia.
Jews don't play China, it is open knowledge in China that Jews run the West. LGBT immigrant run westoid thinks we share this fate :feelskek:
>China has been owned and controlled by the US since WW2
CNN tales :feelskek::feelskek: US helped China during WW2 and Deng's reign, but we never allowed any infiltration in our politics. US seethes and cucks to China now.
>4.5 inch dick
debunked myth
>Low birth rate
I agree that hypergamy is the reason for low fertility for asian and white countries
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This phenomenon only exists in America where white men and Jews sit at the top of society. So, of course they'll feel that their men are inferior to whites because women are hypergamous. It yet again has nothing to do with height, dick size, muscles, looks, hence the study I used for this initial post. That's why they call it structural racism.
agreed it has nothing to do with looks, that's why its JBW thanks for proving your a retard bye
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Romany Gypsy father offers £3,500 for a 15-year-old wife for his son |  Daily Mail Online
Japanese are the irrelevant subhuman abused dogs of East Asia who used their first taste of power to get back at Koreans and Han who abused them for 2000 years, JFL at them being the best of East Asia.
Jews don't play China, it is open knowledge in China that Jews run the West. LGBT immigrant run westoid thinks we share this fate :feelskek:
>China has been owned and controlled by the US since WW2
CNN tales :feelskek::feelskek: US helped China during WW2 and Deng's reign, but we never allowed any infiltration in our politics. US seethes and cucks to China now.
>4.5 inch dick
debunked myth
>Low birth rate
I agree that hypergamy is the reason for low fertility for asian and white countries
I agree to disagree.
The fact whitecels fight tooth and nail to "prove" the ugliest race of women in the world find them attractive and make that the ugliest race of women in the world supposedly find them attractive a huge part of there identity already proves how bad white men have it.
Is Anthony a whitecel?
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agreed it has nothing to do with looks, that's why its JBW thanks for proving your a retard bye
You're now shifting the goal post. JBW has always been about below average to average looking white men scoring with average looking asian women and above purely down to asian women finding white men more physically attractive. This has never been the case because I've conclusively proven asian women hooking up with white men are doing it for the superior Western lifestyle and they end up divorce raping the white man/westerner shortly after arriving. Again, the motivations of the asian bitch are purely fiancial. They don't find white men, on average, to be sexy, only merely as tools to be used and later discarded.

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It's always the ethnics gaslighting with the JBW shit. srs.
I have 510 likes and 115 matches on OKcupid when it forcefully extended my radius to SEA and not one of the girls wants to meet up. They see us as walking ATMs / greencards. JBW is a myth and has never existed. I recieve 4 DMs a day from asian girls. All they're after is validation and money.

Screenshot 20240830 232358 OkCupid
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They find white men more attractive if they have colored eyes, hair and good chin projection.

But either way, Asian girls are obsessed with money, regardless of the man type..

They are taught from a young age by their parents to secure their financial comfort through education, career or a partner, so that they don't have to live in the poverty that their parents and grandparents probably had to go through.
They find white men more attractive if they have colored eyes and good chin projection.
Yeah, if the white man is good looking. But that's not what we're discussing. The whole JBW Theory is based on the idea that asian women prefer below average to average white men over their asian counterparts purely based on the white man being more attractive. This has no basis in reality and is a basement tier theory that I've easily disproven in this thread.
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"fairtale list" it's the list that every site has sorry
Every westoid propaganda site
Cope. Welsh and Italian men have 6.5 to 6.8 inch dick length on average. The Chinese are small at a merely 5 inches on average.
5 inches girth
Guangzhou, China - Average girth: 5 inches

I don't care about homosexual dick measuring contests. But

> Results: The median values of penile dimensions recorded in the present study are flaccid length 9.0 cm, flaccid circumference, at the middle of the shaft, 10.0 cm, and stretched length 12.5 cm. We also observed that the penile dimensions are highly correlated with height and weight.
But either way, Asian girls are obsessed with money, regardless of the man type..
Women don't give a toss about how much money Chad has.
Every westoid propaganda site

5 inches girth
Guangzhou, China - Average girth: 5 inches

I don't care about homosexual dick measuring contests. But

> Results: The median values of penile dimensions recorded in the present study are flaccid length 9.0 cm, flaccid circumference, at the middle of the shaft, 10.0 cm, and stretched length 12.5 cm. We also observed that the penile dimensions are highly correlated with height and weight.
British superiority > China.

449686DC00000578 4909884 Welsh men are blessed with the largest manhoods in the UK measur a 46
meanwhile average asian experience:

first of all the study was conducted on asian-american women and not asian women. they were asked on social media and participated for a chance to get a visa giftcard. it doesn't matter a lot but asian-american women are less racist than asian women.

the study is about racism. when you ask questions about racism and then ask questions like “Everything else being equal, how likely would you be to consider a (Asian/Black/Latino/White) man as a dating partner?” you're not gonna get the actual answer to that question. the girls are being honest in their thinking but their actions would be different.

if a white guy looked exactly the same as an asian guy (short, small dick, small eyes, round face etc) but only his skin color was different then of course being white has a very small or no advantage.

the asian girl reading the question will think that by answering her preference as white she is racist and she wouldn't accept that thinking of herself especially since all other factors are equal. it doesn't matter that it's anonymous it's about how the average american woman thinks. no american woman is gonna say that if only race matters she would prefer a white partner, because that sounds the most racist.

the question is valid to know how the women think but it's not measuring their actions. the reality is that asian women anywhere in the world have a dating preference for white men. i understand your point that when you only care about skin color and not white-features like tall height and better skull the results will be different, but it's very hard to get an honest answer to know if asian women have a preference of purely the white skin color. that's mostly because white men are more likely to also have 'white' features.

Article 2511049 198EF34E00000578 538 636x382

it doesn't matter if this man has a brown skin color or a white skin color. he doesn't have the typical asian features. facial features are not bound to race but many will still think that this men is mixed race despite both his parents being asian.

Godfrey Gao in the Louis  010

in the real world the average asian guy vs the average white guy:

Main qimg 01ae5518319e8e706c050bc315bf6d60 pjlq

it wouldn't matter if the guy on the right was more brown than the guy on the left. if in the study the asian women had to choose between these two men they would have a strong preference for the white guy. i agree with you that just being white (skin color) is not enough and you need to actually have white features to have a 'white halo'. if the guy on the left becomes less brown his attractiveness increases but he would still be considered asian and not as attractive.
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the study is about racism. when you ask questions about racism and then ask questions like “Everything else being equal, how likely would you be to consider a (Asian/Black/Latino/White) man as a dating partner?” you're not gonna get the actual answer to that question. the girls are being honest in their thinking but their actions would be different.
I've been to Asia and Asian women don't like white men. Outliers in their race do but these women aren't the norm.
if a white guy looked exactly the same as an asian guy (short, small dick, small eyes, round face etc) but only his skin color was different then of course being white has a very small or no adadvantage.
Wrong. Inclusive fitness, assortative mating, kin selection are the facts of evolutionary biology. People have a genetic predisposition to prefer their own race because it elevates their Darwinian fitness. This has been established in the field of evolutionary biology for many years. You're painfully out of touch.

the asian girl reading the question will think that by answering her preference as white she is racist and she wouldn't accept that thinking of herself especially since all other factors are equal. it doesn't matter that it's anonymous it's about how the average american woman thinks. no american woman is gonna say that if only race matters she would prefer a white partner, because that sounds the most racist.
You'd have to prove this to be the case, which you can't. Once status is removed from the equation, asian women find white men to be ugly. From my own life experiences from my time in Asia, this is the reality.

the question is valid to know how the women think but it's not measuring their actions. the reality is that asian women anywhere in the world have a dating preference for white men. i understand your point that when you only care about skin color and not white-features like tall height and better skull the results will be different, but it's very hard to get an honest answer to know if asian women have a preference of purely the white skin color. that's mostly because white men are more likely to also have 'white' features.
No, they don't. As I've highlighted, the facts tell us that women are evolved to their locality and thus driven to select according to how natural selection moulded their genetic make up. The majority of asian women even in America still marry and reproduce with asian men despite being a very small minority spread out all across America.
it doesn't matter if this man has a brown skin color or a white skin color. he doesn't have the typical asian features. facial features are not bound to race but many will still think that this men is mixed race despite both his parents being asian.
Facial features are bound by your racial group. The morphological facial structure of the different races are the result of alleles at many loci having being fixed in their racial groups genome. This guy is definitely mixed with caucasian.
it wouldn't matter if the guy on the right was more brown than the guy on the left. if in the study the asian women had to choose between these two men they would have a strong preference for the white guy. i agree with you that just being white (skin color) is not enough and you need to actually have white features to have a 'white halo'. if the guy on the left becomes less brown his attractiveness increases but he would still be considered asian and not as atattractive.
No, they wouldn't have a strong preference for the asian male hence the study in question show casing that the majority of WMAF relationships are money and status based, not attraction based!
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Gook cope
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Here's new data. Asian American women rank white men the LEAST attractive. JBW has always been about white men betabuxing old Asian hags and using greencard game to get with jungle gook whores. There's a reason white men go to the Philippines and not Japan. It's down to money and status differential making the interaction worthwhile to the jungle whores.

View attachment 3134759
Holy cope. You're ethnic arent you :lul:
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People have a genetic predisposition to prefer their own race because it elevates their Darwinian fitness. This has been established in the field of evolutionary biology for many years. You're painfully out of touch.
that sentence is enough for me to know you're too dumb to argue with.

first off all race is a social construct, but i will still argue your point that reproducing with your 'own race', which translates to less genetic diversity, elevates fitness. the truth is that more genetic diversity increases the chances of improving the genetic fitness of a population.
genetic diversity increases genetic variation and diverse populations are more likely to include individuals with traits that help them survive and reproduce under various environmental conditions, thereby enhancing the population's overall fitness.

more genetic diversity (reproducing outside 'own race') improves a population's ability to adapt to new challenges, resist diseases, and reduce the likelihood of genetic disorders, thus increasing the chances of improving genetics over generations.

if people prefer to date someone of their own race it is more likely due to other factors than genetic fitness.
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that sentence is enough for me to know you're too dumb to argue with
You've already lost the debate because you had to resort to an ad hominem attack.

first off all race is a social construct
No, it is not. Race is a biological fact. This is firmly established in the field of biology.

the truth is that more genetic diversity increases the chances of improving the genetic fitness of a population.
Not necessarily. A population that is heavily inbred and that is finely tuned to the environment is at no disadvantage. Any deviation in genetic diversity would equal inferior genes in said environment.

genetic diversity increases genetic variation and diverse populations are more likely to include individuals with traits that help them survive and reproduce under various environmental conditions, thereby enhancing the population's overall fitness.
Key word, 'environment.' When conditions are harsh but predictable, that's the natural state for humans in Eurasia btw, the gene complexes i.e 'race' are finely tuned to the environment, so outbreeding with a person who is not apart of their race will result in a reduction of Darwinian fitness.

more genetic diversity (reproducing outside 'own race') improves a population's ability to adapt to new challenges
Not true. It reduces the native species ability to survive because outside species carry alleles that aren't adaptive, thus lowering the fitness of the natives.

if people prefer to date someone of their own race it is more likely due to other factors than genetic fitness.
That's not true. Kin selection is a well known established fact of natural selection. Similar gene frequencies will help and protect their own where copies can be found.

You've been debunked.
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@HeightPilledum so broootal :feelswhy:
Here's new data. Asian American women rank white men the LEAST attractive. JBW has always been about white men betabuxing old Asian hags and using greencard game to get with jungle gook whores. There's a reason white men go to the Philippines and not Japan. It's down to money and status differential making the interaction worthwhile to the jungle whores.

View attachment 3134759
Wrong. @cromagnon would slay in Japan
but on a real this is data from a 2021 study called the dating divide


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first of all the study was conducted on asian-american women and not asian women. they were asked on social media and participated for a chance to get a visa giftcard. it doesn't matter a lot but asian-american women are less racist than asian women.
Ok, why does it matter? and asian-american women are way uglier and more self-hating, yet they still showed higher levels of attraction torwards asian men.
That is true, asian american women are more likely to tolerate ugly short white boys then you, instead of getting brutally rejected.
the study is about racism. when you ask questions about racism and then ask questions like “Everything else being equal, how likely would you be to consider a (Asian/Black/Latino/White) man as a dating partner?” you're not gonna get the actual answer to that question. the girls are being honest in their thinking but their actions would be different.
No, the study was about the radical dating preferences of asian-american women, the study literally said the only reason asian women go for white men is because of self-hate (internalised racism), and betabux (desire for status).
In the new recent data, WMAF coupling is decreasing at a very high rate and that asian women swiped right on asian men the most.

In addition to seeing how AAPI men rank among women of different ethnicities, we also took a look at how many likes men from different ethnicities get in total. We found that AAPI men got the largest share of likes from women, regardless of the woman’s ethnicity.

Furthermore, WMAF is literally betabux, studies from pew research show WMAF betabux is way more prevalent then AMWF.


AMs in AMWF only earn $10K more than WFs. Compare that to the WMs in WMAF who make a whopping $31K more than AFs. Despite the fact that Asian males are the highest earning group in America by far, they still make less money in comparison to their white wives than white males in comparison to their Asian wives. The data also shows that AMWF has a higher rate where the wife makes more than the husband than WMAF. 31.3% of white wives make more than their Asian husbands, compared to 24.6% of Asian wives making more than their white husbands.

The final brutal blackpill is that although white males in WMAF are the highest earning group of interracial male in the US and earn $8k more than Asian males in AMWF, AMWF earns more money on average and is the highest salary interracial couple in the US because the HQNP white women in AMWF earn almost double the money as the betabuxxmaxxing LTB ugly asian girls in WMAF. Asian men in AMWF are poorer than white men in WMAF but still have wives who make almost double the money as the Asian women in WMAF lmfao. Brutal betabux pill.

it doesn't matter if this man has a brown skin color or a white skin color. he doesn't have the typical asian features. facial features are not bound to race but many will still think that this men is mixed race despite both his parents being asian.

View attachment 3137878
He literally is 100% asian and has strong mongoloid features, just because he doesnt look like a 1940s japanese propaganda pamplet caricature with buck teeth doesnt mean hes not asian. No woman would look at him and think he is mixed, you are being delusional

Here is what a mixed asian man looks like :

As you can see, they have more caucasoid features and european undertones and hair color, while the guy you posted has mongoloid features and asian undertones, heres him standing next to a white person.

As you can see there features look like the complete opposite from one another, godfrey gao lools visibly east asian mongoloid, while the other guy looks european caucasoid.

Him and his family literally looks phenotypically east asian/mongoloid as fuck with no traces of admixture. Keep coping and seething
in the real world the average asian guy vs the average white guy:

View attachment 3137888View attachment 3137890

it wouldn't matter if the guy on the right was more brown than the guy on the left. if in the study the asian women had to choose between these two men they would have a strong preference for the white guy. i agree with you that just being white (skin color) is not enough and you need to actually have white features to have a 'white halo'. if the guy on the left becomes less brown his attractiveness increases but he would still be considered asian and not as attractive.
False, you already made a mistake by cherrypicking. The white male composite is not even what the average white male looks like, jsut lol. No source for both the pictures too.
In reality, this is what the average white male phenotype looks like



Now you are not basing this off pure scientific analysis, but by pure cope and speculation. The asian women, out of these two faces, would rank the asian male face higher based on pure genetic predeterminism and sexual attraction. Asian women are biologically the most attracted to asian men, as can be seen with the study.

In this study, korean people literally rated their faces higher then white people rated their own faces, also white people rated korean faces the same as they rated their own white faces.
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Wrong. @cromagnon would slay in Japan
I doubt, this white guy went to japan and said he kept on getting rejected. He has the aryan blonde phenotype which i doubt cromagnon has.

if a white guy looked exactly the same as an asian guy (short, small dick, small eyes, round face etc) but only his skin color was different then of course being white has a very small or no advantage.
No, again miscontructing the average features of an asian man based on bullshit and non-scientific data.

Firstly, asians arent even short lol, china has the same genetic potential as western europe for height. which i can prove through actual studies, not tales from the basement ramblings.

Height :
Below is a list of well-known height-determinant genes, which were discovered in the 3 studies and reproduced in other studies which I have not included.

Ranking of Height-Associated Allele Frequencies by Ethnicity​

With the exception of CEU, all HapMap groupings here represent populations that are among the tallest, but not the tallest of their home countries.

CHB had a total of 19.61 units.

Han Chinese in Beijing, China.
TSI had a total of 19.49 units.

Toscani in Italia.
CEU had a total of 19.10 units.

Utah residents with Northern and Western European ancestry from the CEPH collection.
The tallest White Americans.
Most Utahns are of Northern European descent. Utah County has the largest Icelandic American population, while Sanpete County is about a fifth (17%) Danish American. Swedish Americans and Norwegian Americans outnumbered English American ancestry in Central Utah (i.e. Heber City). Finnish Americans, Russian Americans and Ukrainian Americans are significant in number throughout the state (esp. Carbon County, Utah and Wasatch County, Utah areas).
In the 2010 Census estimates, 89.2% of the state population is White and European American.
The largest ancestry groups in Utah are: 27.7% English, 14.9% Scandinavian, 12.4% German, 7.0% American, 6.1% Irish, 4.7% Scottish, 2.9% Italian, 2.2% French, 2.2% Welsh, 1.4% Scotch Irish, 1.3% Swiss.
JPT had a total of 18.76 units.

Japanese in Tokyo, Japan
hgC is inversely correlated with height in Japan as well as in China.
GIH had a total of 18.74 units.

Gujarati Indians in Houston, Texas.
Mostly Gujarati Brahmins.


I have not considered the Africans. They are too diverse to properly represent.


Beijing has a significant Manchurian component. Beijing is also home to many migrants from all over China, especially from Southern China. Studies in Chinese language found that urban Beijing Chinese had less height-associated allele frequencies relative to rural, native Hebei Chinese. Reproducing this difference across the 41 genes, the rural, native Hebei Chinese would have 19.81~ units. This would suggest that the native Hebei Chinese are as maximally tall as the Germans.
Studies in Chinese language found that rural, native Hebei Chinese had less height-associated allele frequencies relative to rural, native Shandong Chinese. Reproducing this difference across the 41 genes, the native Shandong Chinese would have 20.11~ units.
I have not included these Chinese language studies. This is only a preview.

KOR is not an official grouping in HapMap. A few of the 41 genes have KOR entries. KOR frequencies are somewhere between CHB and JPT frequencies, usually much closer to CHB frequencies. Reproducing this difference across the 41 genes, the hypothetical KOR sample would have 19.14~ units.
This is not surprising. Koreans have a significant ancestral Altaic component, which is shared between them and the Japanese.
Mongolians and native Manchurians are not tall.

It's not surprising that CEU has less height-associated allele frequencies relative to TSI.
Central and North Italians are taller than American Whites. It is the South Italians, whom are only as tall as the Portuguese, who lower the Italian average. Otherwise, the listed Italian height would be the same as in Greece and the taller parts of Western Europe. Spanish height is distributed similarly, but with far more Portuguese and North African influence.

Italians consume less meat per capita than American Whites. Utah specializes in beef and cattle, so the average CEU would consume more meat per capita than even the average American White.
American Whites are descended from poor Western and Northern Europeans. If there was a caste system in Europe, they would have come from the lower to middle castes.

This is a very selective population, derived from the richest and most upper-caste Indians that managed to immigrate to America. They have a relation to the native Gujarati that is the exact opposite of the relation of CEU to native Western Europeans. For the 41 genes, the hypothetical GII sample would have 18.74 - (19.49 - 19.10) = 18.35 units or less.


The Northern Chinese and the Western and Central Europeans share a similar maximal height. The Beijing Chinese are somewhere between Western Europe and Germany. Either the native Hebei Chinese are somewhere between the Beijing Chinese and German or the Germans are somewhere between the Beijing Chinese and the native Hebei Chinese.


Below are the allele frequencies for each of the discovered height-determinant genes. Sometimes the allele character changes, so I use snpedia to verify.

The 2 frequencies following CEU and CHB are TSI, GIH, and JPT.


G | CEU 0.42920354 | CHB 0.37804878 | 0.43750000 | 0.34659091 | 0.22674419 |

G | CEU 0.15833333 | CHB 0.40000001 | 0.19318181 | 0.21590909 | 0.31976745 |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=Rs2274432 | https://www.snpedia.com/index.php/rs2274432

A/T | CEU 0.37962964 | CHB 0.50000000 | 0.25595239 | 0.41860464 | 0.45882353 |

A | CEU 0.42792794 | CHB 0.36046511 | 0.34659091 | 0.27840909 | 0.33333334 |

T | CEU 0.33185840 | CHB 0.47674417 | 0.25000000 | 0.15340909 | 0.51162791 |

T | CEU 0.88495576 | CHB 0.89534885 | 0.86931819 | 0.76704544 | 0.97777778 |

C/G | CEU 0.83482140 | CHB 0.61627907 | 0.84659094 | 0.86931819 | 0.61627907 |

A | CEU 0.50884956 | CHB 0.24418604 | 0.48863637 | 0.61363637 | 0.20930232 |

A | CEU 0.69911504 | CHB 0.23255815 | 0.81250000 | 0.55747128 | 0.13953489 |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=Rs2844479 | https://www.snpedia.com/index.php/rs2844479

A/T | CEU 0.66814160 | CHB 0.61627907 | 0.57386363 | 0.75000000 | 0.53488374 |

T | CEU 0.09292036 | CHB 0.14634146 | 0.07386363 | 0.06250000 | 0.15116279 |

G | CEU 0.84821427 | CHB 0.82558137 | 0.82954544 | 0.80681819 | 0.80232561 |

A | CEU 0.71875000 | CHB 0.71951222 | 0.63636363 | 0.73863637 | 0.66860467 |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=Rs798544 | https://www.snpedia.com/index.php/rs798544

C/G | CEU 0.69911504 | CHB 0.80487806 | 0.73295456 | 0.82954544 | 0.78488374 |

C | CEU 0.36440679 | CHB 0.12222222 | 0.38068181 | 0.14772727 | 0.07558139 |

C | CEU 0.34955752 | CHB 0.03488372 | 0.34090909 | 0.11363637 | 0.01162791 |

C | CEU 0.15625000 | CHB 0.16666667 | 0.22988506 | 0.16091955 | 0.17441860 |

C | CEU 0.28761062 | CHB 0.24418604 | 0.30681819 | 0.37500000 | 0.19186047 |

A | CEU 0.18292683 | CHB 0.18292683 | 0.25568181 | 0.38068181 | 0.25000000 |

C | CEU 0.47345132 | CHB 0.11627907 | 0.41477272 | 0.23863636 | 0.12209302 |

A | CEU 0.61016947 | CHB 0.69999999 | 0.65116280 | 0.61309522 | 0.68888891 |

A | CEU 0.27966103 | CHB 0.18750000 | 0.27966103~ | 0.17500000 | 0.08888889 |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=Rs3760318 | https://www.snpedia.com/index.php/rs3760318

C/G | CEU 0.65044248 | CHB 0.84146339 | 0.63068181 | 0.59090906 | 0.72093022 |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=Rs757608 | https://www.snpedia.com/index.php/rs757608

A/T | CEU 0.31415930 | CHB 0.30487806 | 0.32954547 | 0.40909091 | 0.37790698 |

A | CEU 0.76106197 | CHB 0.77906978 | 0.88636363 | 0.76136363 | 0.77325583 |

T | CEU 0.35833332 | CHB 0.22093023 | 0.30833332~ | 0.30833332~ | 0.27906978 |

G | CEU 0.44508928 | CHB 0.98809522 | 0.56818181 | 0.67045456 | 1.00000000 |

A | CEU 0.12831858 | CHB 0.02439024 | 0.10227273 | 0.10227273 | 0.00581395 |

G | CEU 0.33333334 | CHB/JPT 0.34999999 | low-coverage | CHB has more G allele than JPT but we don't know by how much, since they're merged | 0.30333334~ | 0.30333334~ | 0.34999999~ |

T | CEU 0.19491525 | CHB 0.32926831 | 0.19886364 | 0.10795455 | 0.32558140 |

A | CEU 0.54867256 | CHB 0.61111110 | 0.55681819 | 0.75568181 | 0.54651165 |

C/G | CEU 0.76106197 | CHB 0.92682928 | 0.85227275 | 0.77840906 | 0.97093022 |

C | CEU 0.38053098 | CHB 0.43902439 | 0.36931819 | 0.27840909 | 0.44186047 |

C | CEU 0.47457626 | CHB 0.80487806 | 0.54545456 | 0.61931819 | 0.76162791 |

T | CEU 0.48660713 | CHB 0.95121950 | 0.46022728 | 0.53977275 | 0.90116280 |

T | CEU 0.89380533 | CHB 0.87209302 | 0.92613637 | 0.94886363 | 0.79651165 |

G | CEU 0.69911504 | CHB 0.82926828 | 0.65909094 | 0.60227275 | 0.77906978 |

C | CEU 0.58849555 | CHB 0.52325583 | 0.60227275 | 0.50000000 | 0.47058824 |

A | CEU 0.12946428 | CHB 0.02325581 | 0.16477273 | 0.18181819 | 0.08139535 |

G | CEU 0.45575222 | CHB 0.45848838 | 0.52840906 | 0.40909091 | 0.55813956 |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=Rs2562784 | https://www.snpedia.com/index.php/rs2562784

C/G | CEU 0.21238938 | CHB 0.36585367 | 0.29545453 | 0.27586207 | 0.27325583 |

Penis size : This study was conducted by european urologist and is part of the european academy of urology and the american society for andrology.
To date, this was the largest prospective, single center study in the world for this type of study. (Highest Sample Size)

Thus, our results could be considered as the reference for normal penis size of Vietnamese men. (14.67 cm stretched flaccid length) 1 cm longer when erect, so 15.67 cm.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 68081
I doubt, this white guy went to japan and said he kept on getting rejected. He has the aryan blonde phenotype which i doubt cromagnon has.

View attachment 3139279

fucking retard is showing 1 fag instead of the countless others, please rope you gooks are pathetic
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 68081 and Ascеnd
Both don't do well but asian men do better overall now a days. Above average looking Asian zoomers are killing it in 2024.
There’s no way you’re serious Asians are subhuman on average trust me I would know I live in a town full of codecels
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 68081
fucking retard is showing 1 fag instead of the countless others, please rope you gooks are pathetic
Kys hindu, you have no argument lil bro.
Even this white geomaxxer in this slums of manila is more objective than you.
There’s no way you’re serious Asians are subhuman on average trust me I would know I live in a town full of codecels
Cope, average facial composites show otherwise. Codecels dont count lol who cares, and asian codecels mog white codecels
cool evidence of a larping indian, sorry your propganda won't improve your smv bro
I already slay irl lul, while you have
JoinedNov 18, 2023Posts26,911
26K posts in less than a fucking year
Asians already have sky high smv online and irl, and valid peer-reviewed studies is not propaganda, rotter.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 12187
Cope, average facial composites show otherwise. Codecels dont count lol who cares, and asian codecels mog white codecels
View attachment 3139315
I have never seen anyone irl who looks like these morphs. If you think Asians mog whites on average you are fucking insane.
  • +1
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I already slay irl lul, while you have
JoinedNov 18, 2023Posts26,911
26K posts in less than a fucking year
Asians already have sky high smv online and irl, and valid peer-reviewed studies is not propaganda, rotter.
nice troll and rage bait
  • +1
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I already slay irl lul, while you have
JoinedNov 18, 2023Posts26,911
26K posts in less than a fucking year
Asians already have sky high smv online and irl, and valid peer-reviewed studies is not propaganda, rotter.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 68081
I have never seen anyone irl who looks like these morphs. If you think Asians mog whites on average you are fucking insane.
these guys are actual trolls, but it is true that while asians tend to have bigger jaws, there features in general are subhuman compared to european ones
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 68081
these guys are actual trolls, but it is true that while asians tend to have bigger jaws, there features in general are subhuman compared to european ones
Yeah this shit has to be racebait or smth
  • +1
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Kys hindu, you have no argument lil bro.
Even this white geomaxxer in this slums of manila is more objective than you.
View attachment 3139311View attachment 3139312
WMAF isnt betabux jfl, in fact AMWF is more betabuxx for geomaxxing in Slavic shitholes while WMAF is prevalent in the West, so we can stfu about betabuxxing argument :lul:

Im not sure about how the situation is in the Phillipines, but no zoomer white guy even really goes there anymore to slay, they do good enough in china and south korea and japan
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_When_Lean and Deleted member 68081
Yeah this shit has to be racebait or smth
this entire thread is racebait, its pretty obvious just by going out that asian women prefer white guys the most, so many studies, hookup data, anonymous surveys and interviews just them saying they want white men
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 68081
this entire thread is racebait, its pretty obvious just by going out that asian women prefer white guys the most, so many studies, hookup data, anonymous surveys and interviews just them saying they want white men
Skin bleaching is popular in Asia for a reason jfl. And Asians are usually short + subhuman + framelet on average.
  • +1
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Skin bleaching is popular in Asia for a reason jfl. And Asians are usually short + subhuman + framelet on average.

debunks entire thread
  • +1
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