Looks like I'm 5'10 now


Deleted member 2205

Jul 1, 2019
I thought I was 5'8 for a while now but I measured myself and I was 1.7 inches taller than in January?

How you ask? Genetics. Early puberty, I'm turning 16 on the 15th.

If you want to ODand crash your estrogen with aromosin or letrozole go ahead. If you want too have a big nose and big ears, go ahead and take mk.everything is cope except CJC. It's over for us youngcels. We don't even have enough money for actual height maxxing.

Also over for manlets. I'd rather be 6'1 5 PSL than 5'7 7 PSL. Because there is no surgery for height? Wait there is, just have to pay double of what most of you are earnig yearly.

It's over. Everything is over. I will forever be 5'10 and probably 5'11. I'll never be 6'2. I'm fucked. Goodbye
I can't even change the title. This isn't "motivation". It's just sad. Looks like I'm going to be a manlet forever :feelsautistic: :feelsohgod:
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JFL if you think you're going to make your nose or ears bigger with mk677, even large doses of HGH for months wouldn't do that, it's a situation of acromegaly if that's the case.

Also if the HGH would make the nose growth, CJC makes it growth too.
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JFL if you think you're going to make your nose or ears bigger with mk677, even large doses of HGH for months wouldn't do that, it's a situation of acromegaly if that's the case.

Also if the HGH would make the nose growth, CJC makes it growth too.
Multiple people on this site are claiming it made their noses bigger though
Multiple people on this site are claiming it made their noses bigger though

Placebo effect, whatever happens mk677 is shit, just have the money for CJC 1295 and an AI or HGH and an AI and there will almost necessarily be growth that worth it. Everyone has growth plates in their legs open before the age of 18, we have to stop screwing around, I'm without any explainable reason probably have a growth spurt at 16.5 years old, so....
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Go kys then
Multiple people on this site are claiming it made their noses bigger though
Did they provide any evidence? If no they can fuck off and their word is as valid as me saying 25,000 IU’s of vitamin d gave me a 10 inch dick without any proof

Also 5’10 isn’t that bad, if you think you’re a manlet you’re also a brainlet

Also if you think MK-677 would make your nose grow, why wouldn’t CJC make your nose grow? You’re obviously just listening to people on this forum instead of doing your own research.
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Now say it with me lads:

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Now say it with me lads:

It's over. I'll never fuck a qt redhead I'm stuck with chinks, curries, and ugly brunnetes for the rest of my life:feelsohgod:
  • JFL
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I thought I was 5'8 for a while now but I measured myself and I was 1.7 inches taller than in January?

How you ask? Genetics. Early puberty, I'm turning 16 on the 15th.

If you want to ODand crash your estrogen with aromosin or letrozole go ahead. If you want too have a big nose and big ears, go ahead and take mk.everything is cope except CJC. It's over for us youngcels. We don't even have enough money for actual height maxxing.

Also over for manlets. I'd rather be 6'1 5 PSL than 5'7 7 PSL. Because there is no surgery for height? Wait there is, just have to pay double of what most of you are earnig yearly.

It's over. Everything is over. I will forever be 5'10 and probably 5'11. I'll never be 6'2. I'm fucked. Goodbye
I can't even change the title. This isn't "motivation". It's just sad. Looks like I'm going to be a manlet forever :feelsautistic: :feelsohgod:
You're 16 year old and growing on a good pace. You could become fking 6'4 for all I know. Some men grow till their 20s.
It's over. I'll never fuck a qt redhead I'm stuck with chinks, curries, and ugly brunnetes for the rest of my life:feelsohgod:
That's what you deserve boy.
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Keep crying for my dog :lul: Why do you always comment on my posts? Would you like to suck my dick?:soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:

Shut up you ugly carrot head subhuman
Massive cope WE all know that your my little submissive bitch
Massive cope WE all know that your my little submissive bitch
Only if you're a true redhead
Placebo effect, whatever happens mk677 is shit, just have the money for CJC 1295 and an AI or HGH and an AI and there will almost necessarily be growth that worth it. Everyone has growth plates in their legs open before the age of 18, we have to stop screwing around, I'm without any explainable reason probably have a growth spurt at 16.5 years old, so....
I'll keep hoping bro. I really need to be 6 foot bc I can't afford LL
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Maximus and Deleted member 1551
Only if you're a true redhead

I'll keep hoping bro. I really need to be 6 foot bc I can't afford LL

The best thing is that instead of hoping you find a way to make money, I'm a special case on my height because my father grew up well after 16 years old, but I think most don't grow much after 16 years old, probably because of the fusion rate of the growth plates combined with a decrease in the GH level.
I'm turning 16 on the 15th.
you are in the middle of puberty jfl. Why the fuck do you even ask?

But yeah I am sure a miracle has happened
I stopped growing in height at age 14
Indian genes allow for more time until growth stops im fucking sure of it.
but OP what happened to you is normal
actually very average that you grow more than 2 inches after your major growth spurt tbh
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lifefuel for u OP I have a friend who was about 5'11-6ft when he was 16 and is now nearing 19 and is 6'4
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Party bhai and Sui fuel for me
Indian genes allow for more time until growth stops im fucking sure of it.
but OP what happened to you is normal
actually very average that you grow more than 2 inches after your major growth spurt tbh
Indians have delayed puberty. They even age later jfl
  • JFL
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My uncle had crazy growth sprout when he was 19. He legit went from 5’10 to 6’2. Just cope with lifts anyways you could easily fraud 6’3.
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If you get to 5’11 barefoot you can’t fraud 6ft with regular shoes that’s what I do
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Indians have delayed puberty. They even age later jfl
Our brains so large the body catches up latet on average
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