LTN Blonde white guy yet gooks and shitskins all over me

@Gargantuan show your face you subhuman faggot. Hopefully asap you'll grow tired of coping and trip on a noose and do a bicep curl with it. What a fucking loser, modding an incel forum jfl. Kill yourself unironically. Your mom will thank you
@Gargantuan show your face you subhuman faggot. Hopefully asap you'll grow tired of coping and trip on a noose and do a bicep curl with it. What a fucking loser, modding an incel forum jfl. Kill yourself unironically. Your mom will thank you
unironically this isn't an incel forum this is a slayers forum

you belong to .is where you can coexist with your fellow recessed subhumans who fantasize about eating asian women's shit.
  • JFL
Reactions: the BULL
keep coping white girls love my BBC and chinks too
You aint got no BBC you fucking idiot JFL. You are some gypsy dog rotting in Romania. I seen your ugly mug. AND on top opf that you have post covid. Your health AND your looks suck major balls. It's unironically over for you. I hope you end it asap.
unironically this isn't an incel forum this is a slayers forum

you belong to .is where you can coexist with your fellow recessed subhumans who fantasize about eating asian women's shit.
JFL I already slayed when I was 14. Meanwhile you're in your twenties, suffering from a debilitating disease AND you still haven't fucked a single pussy. Over
You aint got no BBC you fucking idiot JFL. You are some gypsy dog rotting in Romania. I seen your ugly mug. AND on top opf that you have post covid. Your health AND your looks suck major balls. It's unironically over for you. I hope you end it asap.
you haven't seen my cock you gay faggot
??? why is every cumskin a subhuman faggot

the only decent human who is a cumskin on this forum is @Dr. Bruh
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 21044
you haven't seen my cock you gay faggot
I dont want to either. Pretty sure a subanimal like you cant be packing tho, following simple logic. I hgope your parents grow tiredf of your debilitated moaning all day and kill you.
I dont want to either. Pretty sure a subanimal like you cant be packing tho, following simple logic. I hgope your parents grow tiredf of your debilitated moaning all day and kill you.
lets meet irl subhuman

1v1 melee no guns lets see who eats shit you short subhuman pale nordic dog
lets meet irl subhuman

1v1 melee no guns lets see who eats shit you short subhuman pale nordic dog
I height mog you. I race mog you. I dick mog you. Last but not least, I health mog thus LIFE MOG you. You have zero self-awareness. Hopefully you realize that asap and end it. You're in your twenties, you have zero pussy, you have zero health, you're in pain all day long and you can barely do anything coz post covid. Why do you keep on existing? Just end it unironically. You say let's fightr but how are you even going to get up out of the bed? You can.t You won't. You're weak. You lost. You have fallen. It's over.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
JFL I shut this subhuman dog up for good. Good. On your knees gypsy. Good dog. Now go and kill yourself, you have lost in life.
  • JFL
Reactions: Esteban1997
I height mog you
you larp your height on every new account, pretty sure you moaned about being 5'8 on your original account and if that's larp as well it's safe to assume you're no taller than 5'7
I race mog you.
you're a pale diseased recessed unwanted cumskin, literally nobody wants cumskins in 2023 unless you got hollywood tier stunning looks

I health mog thus LIFE MOG you.
I can drive a car just fine and thus crush your subhuman skull in just fine and then post it here for jfl reacts
I dick mog you.
same size as mine AND its your only "redeeming" quality. just rope
I height mog you. I race mog you. I dick mog you. Last but not least, I health mog thus LIFE MOG you. You have zero self-awareness. Hopefully you realize that asap and end it. You're in your twenties, you have zero pussy, you have zero health, you're in pain all day long and you can barely do anything coz post covid. Why do you keep on existing? Just end it unironically. You say let's fightr but how are you even going to get up out of the bed? You can.t You won't. You're weak. You lost. You have fallen. It's over.
You don't mog anybody You delusional whitecel
  • +1
Reactions: Cheesyrumble and exo
@Gargantuan show your face you subhuman faggot. Hopefully asap you'll grow tired of coping and trip on a noose and do a bicep curl with it. What a fucking loser, modding an incel forum jfl. Kill yourself unironically. Your mom will thank you
Ur obviously an alt account because u already know which user is which lmao
  • So Sad
Reactions: Bushman
:what: :what:

The future is bright for young noodles

Screenshot 20230327 220907 TikTok
Screenshot 20230327 220919 TikTok

This video has caused thousands of korean women to cancel their study abroad trips
that video was made by an r/aznidentitycel who studies in some shithole christian school
look at the tiktok acc, no followers or other vids, no indication that its a female
"basedselflover" - spoken like a true r/aznidentity incel who larps as a korean female that's anti white
View attachment 2129093View attachment 2129094
This video has caused thousands of korean women to cancel their study abroad trips
literally the first korean comment thread I found (red indicates what comments were translated)

"Is that the average?"
"no no, everyone viewing the original video are all surprised... lololol exactly what school is this?"
"no no, I am a middle schooler in america and almost all the white kids are good looking"
"no no"
"The guy wearing the cowboy hat with the glasses looks like the average"
"Not many white kids in Oregan" (wtf is this bitch talking about) "but the white kids are almost all good looking and thin... there's a looot of asian kids but they look ugly"

the korean comment you took a pic of is upvoted by shitskin westerner girls. you can tell because all the replies are in english.
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
literally the first korean comment thread I found (red indicates what comments were translated)
View attachment 2135774
"Is that the average?"
"no no, everyone viewing the original video are all surprised... lololol exactly what school is this?"
"no no, I am a middle schooler in america and almost all the white kids are good looking"
"no no"
"The guy wearing the cowboy hat with the glasses looks like the average"
"Not many white kids in Oregan" (wtf is this bitch talking about) "but the white kids are almost all good looking and thin... there's a looot of asian kids but they look ugly"

the korean comment you took a pic of is upvoted by shitskin westerner girls. you can tell because all the replies are in english.
wow i had no idea about this. lifefuel
wow i had no idea about this. lifefuel
i just looked at other actual korean comments and all are saying there are good looking white kids where they are in the US. i was thinking of translating them but there's literally so much that it's a waste of time.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
i just looked at other actual korean comments and all are saying there are good looking white kids where they are in the US. i was thinking of translating them but there's literally so much that it's a waste of time.
reminder to self:

always look into whatever propaganda asians throw at you. There's a 90% chance its bullshit
reminder to self:

always look into whatever propaganda asians throw at you. There's a 90% chance its bullshit

Other way around. "Nordic" Eurocentrists and West African Afrocentrists are some of the most propaganda spewing retards of all time, claiming history that is repeatedly proven to not be theirs.

One obscure example doesn't disprove the fact that Asians tend to do this far less than other races and provide actual sources for their claims. High IQ trait.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
Other way around. "Nordic" Eurocentrists and West African Afrocentrists are some of the most propaganda spewing retards of all time, claiming history that is repeatedly proven to not be theirs.

One obscure example doesn't disprove the fact that Asians tend to do this far less than other races and provide actual sources for their claims. High IQ trait.
Asians claim history that's not theirs all the time. Some guy here claimed ANE derived groups were mongoloid, as well as gravettians and other ancient european HGs. Not to mention groups like scythians, huns, turks, etc.
Asians claim history that's not theirs all the time. Some guy here claimed ANE derived groups were mongoloid, as well as gravettians and other ancient european HGs. Not to mention groups like scythians, huns, turks, etc.

One specific person doesn't change the facts that Germanic whites claim literally everything that's not theirs at a much higher rate than every other race except for West Africans. Also, the Huns were without a doubt primarily Mongoloid. They started off in Asia, got kicked out by the Chinese, moved into Europe, and only intermixed with Europeans as they raped and pillaged all across Europe.





Now some of the nomad groups who invaded Europe were predominantly Caucasoid, like the conquering Hungarians and Tatars. Many of these groups were a mutt mix. But the Huns, the most successful group by far, were definitely predominantly Asian. No we wuz kangz Nerdic BS.
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One specific person doesn't change the facts that Germanic whites claim literally everything that's not theirs at a much higher rate than every other race except for West Africans. Also, the Huns were without a doubt primarily Mongoloid. They started off in Asia, got kicked out by the Chinese, moved into Europe, and only intermixed with Europeans as they raped and pillaged all across Europe.

View attachment 2135813

i'll read that later and write a response. Bear in mind that mongolia wasnt always populated by mongoloid people. For example the ordos who were Aryans and spoke an indo iranian language
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Geneticist
i'll read that later and write a response. Bear in mind that mongolia wasnt always populated by mongoloid people. For example the ordos who were Aryans and spoke an indo iranian language

Mongolia was predominantly populated by Mongoloid people though. Sure, a few Caucasoids might have moved in, but it was always predominantly Mongoloid from the start. To my current information at least.

It also seems that there was a lot more West Eurasian mtDNA than YDNA in the Mongols. The few West Eurasian contributions to Mongol blood have apparently been predominantly maternal while East Asians dominated the paternal line and YDNA. According to this link, ancient Mongol groups had significant West Eurasian mtDNA but minimal West Eurasian YDNA.

Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics (Nasidze et al. 2005; Wells et al. 2001; Xue et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2005). The prevalence of the Mongolian Y chromosome in Central Asians support the inequity admixture due to Genghis Khan’s military success (Zerjal et al. 2002, 2003), that is, the Mongolia conqueror contributed the dominant Y chromosome to the descendant admixture populations. This happened in the Indo-Europeans admixture in the caste establishment in India (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006), and similar situations were found among Spanish Conquistadors and British colonialists in North America and Australia (Carvajal-Carmonn et al. 2000). The Y-chromosome data support Mongolian impact in the genetics of Central and northern East Asians, however, Mongolian impact from maternal lineage was not significant (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006).

Our recent study indicated that all Mongolians clustered together in Y-STR data, including the TongHai Mongolians (our unpublished data). The extant TongHai Mongolians take the north-prevalent haplogroups (51.5%), and no European-specific haplotypes were observed.

European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were identified in all five major Xinjiang populations
, and 14% of these haplogroups were found in the Xinjiang Mongolians but only 2% in the Mongolians who lived in the east part of plateau of Mongolia (Kong et al. 2003b). European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were also identified in the populations of northeast Mongolia far away the Silk Road (Kolman et al. 1996).

The European haplogroups were detected in Mongolians who inhabited Central Asia, such as Xingjing Autonomous region, and central Inner Mongolian. The Silk Road (second century BC to the thirteenth century AD) would have brought the European-specific genetics into those regions. However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). The Mongolian populations played an important role in promoting the historical development of Eurasia. Genghis Khan (1162–1227) and his descendants waged three wars in the west and established the united multiethnic Mongolian empire crossing Eurasia, which had 3.5 million km2 and a 100 million people. The Mongolians continued to dominate the region north of the Great Wall of China and west to the Aral Sea for two more centuries after the Mongolian empire ended in 1368. Then, some Mongolian descendants moved back to their hometowns from thousands of kilometers away. Those who migrated back carried some exotic genetic components with them. During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations.

This too.

A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly in Mongolia during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]
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It also seems that there was a lot more West Eurasian mtDNA than YDNA in the Mongols. The few West Eurasian contributions to Mongol blood have apparently been predominantly maternal while East Asians dominated the paternal line and YDNA. According to this link, ancient Mongol groups had significant West Eurasian mtDNA but minimal West Eurasian YDNA.
Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics (Nasidze et al. 2005; Wells et al. 2001; Xue et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2005). The prevalence of the Mongolian Y chromosome in Central Asians support the inequity admixture due to Genghis Khan’s military success (Zerjal et al. 2002, 2003), that is, the Mongolia conqueror contributed the dominant Y chromosome to the descendant admixture populations. This happened in the Indo-Europeans admixture in the caste establishment in India (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006), and similar situations were found among Spanish Conquistadors and British colonialists in North America and Australia (Carvajal-Carmonn et al. 2000). The Y-chromosome data support Mongolian impact in the genetics of Central and northern East Asians, however, Mongolian impact from maternal lineage was not significant (Bamshad et al. 2001; Thanseem et al. 2006).

Our recent study indicated that all Mongolians clustered together in Y-STR data, including the TongHai Mongolians (our unpublished data). The extant TongHai Mongolians take the north-prevalent haplogroups (51.5%), and no European-specific haplotypes were observed.

European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were identified in all five major Xinjiang populations
, and 14% of these haplogroups were found in the Xinjiang Mongolians but only 2% in the Mongolians who lived in the east part of plateau of Mongolia (Kong et al. 2003b). European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were also identified in the populations of northeast Mongolia far away the Silk Road (Kolman et al. 1996).

The European haplogroups were detected in Mongolians who inhabited Central Asia, such as Xingjing Autonomous region, and central Inner Mongolian. The Silk Road (second century BC to the thirteenth century AD) would have brought the European-specific genetics into those regions. However, few European-specific haplogroups have been found in Han and Tibetan populations who lived along the Silk Road (Yao et al. 2002; Qian et al. 2001), which supports the hypothesis that the Silk Road contributed little genetic admixture between the Europeans and East Asians. In history, the Parthian empire prevented any mass migration of strange people, usually only allowing caravans of traders to pass, so population migration freely between Europe and East Asia could not occur (Dubs 1957). Thus, the genetic admixture of Europeans with northern East Asians in Central Asian can only be explained by the later conquer of the Mongolian empire (1271–1368 AD). The Mongolian populations played an important role in promoting the historical development of Eurasia. Genghis Khan (1162–1227) and his descendants waged three wars in the west and established the united multiethnic Mongolian empire crossing Eurasia, which had 3.5 million km2 and a 100 million people. The Mongolians continued to dominate the region north of the Great Wall of China and west to the Aral Sea for two more centuries after the Mongolian empire ended in 1368. Then, some Mongolian descendants moved back to their hometowns from thousands of kilometers away. Those who migrated back carried some exotic genetic components with them. During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations.
This study doesnt say that dummy. Theyre talking about tonghai mongols (south china) and tibetian/han asians who obviously are not european admixed. West eurasian Ydna is found more commonly than mtDna in central asians and mongols, for sure. They also said its not the silk road that caused the admixture, because tibetians arent west eurasian admixed. Im arguing that mongols were already part west eurasian during their conquering. Even modern day mongolia has 20% west eurasian ydna(Q, R, J, I, G):


west eur mtdna lower than 20% in most mongols, slightly higher in north and west mongols who have more than 20% west eur Ydna (khotons, tuvans)

This study doesnt say that dummy. Theyre talking about tonghai mongols (south china) and tibetian/han asians who obviously are not european admixed. West eurasian Ydna is found more commonly than mtDna in central asians and mongols, for sure. They also said its not the silk road that caused the admixture, because tibetians arent west eurasian admixed. Im arguing that mongols were already part west eurasian during their conquering. Even modern day mongolia has 20% west eurasian ydna:


west eur mtdna lower than 20% in most mongols, slightly higher in north and west mongols who have more than 20% west eur Ydna (khotons, tuvans)

This study doesnt say that dummy.

Oh it says that. Where does it say Mongols had any West Eurasian YDNA? Nowhere. Other way around in fact. It said that that no European-specific Y haplotypes were observed in the Mongols, and that "Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics." Now where does it say they had West Eurasian mtDNA? Everywhere in the study. Ctrl + F.

You can Google it too. If you google "Mongol European mtDNA" you'll find multiple results and studies claiming they had European mtDNA. If you google "Mongol European YDNA" you'll find nothing except for one single study accounting for only 5 bodies. It's pretty clear and the common idea that West Eurasian contribution was overwhelmingly maternal rather than paternal.

West eurasian Ydna is found more commonly than mtDna in central asians and mongols, for sure.

Nope, it's the other way around.

Link? For all I know this could be fake or a cherrypick of 10 bodies.

Either way, I see that you often claim Europeans raped Mongols, not the other way around. That seems very unlikely given that the Mongols eradicated and displaced entire populations and completely subjugated the majority of Eastern European countries while the Huns raped and conquered the majority of Germanic tribes in Western Europe and drove the others deeper and deeper into Rome to seek refuge from their unending violence. They raped and conquered their way across Western Europe after being destroyed and kicked out by the Chinese. Meanwhile there is no record of Europeans ever invading or massacring Mongolia, or East Asia for that matter, during the entire medieval period. Typical we wuz kangz Eurocentrist. "always look into whatever propaganda asians throw at you. There's a 90% chance its bullshit" Ironic JFL.

"The Mongol invasions displaced populations on a scale never seen before in central Asia or eastern Europe. Word of the Mongol hordes' approach spread terror and panic.[28] The violent character of the invasions acted as a catalyst for further violence between Europe's elites and sparked additional conflicts. The increase in violence in the affected eastern European regions correlates with a decrease in the elite's numerical skills, and has been postulated as a root of the Great Divergence.[29]"

"Colin McEvedy (Atlas of World Population History, 1978) estimates the population of European Russia dropped from 7.5 million prior to the invasion to 7 million after it.[17] Historians estimate that up to half of Hungary's population of two million were victims of the Mongol invasion of Europe.[18]"




"The Mongols now systematically occupied the Great Hungarian Plains, as well as the slopes of the northern Carpathian Mountains, and Transylvania. Where they found local resistance, they mercilessly killed the population. Where the people did not offer any resistance, they forced the men into servitude in the Mongol army and the women and children were killed or carried off. Still, tens of thousands avoided Mongol domination by taking refuge behind the walls of the few fortresses or by hiding in the huge, jungle-like forests or the large marshes alongside the rivers. The Mongols, instead of leaving already defenseless and helpless peoples behind and continuing their campaign through Pannonia to Western Europe, spent the entire summer and fall securing and "pacifying" the occupied territories. Then, during the winter, contrary to the traditional strategy of the nomadic armies which started campaigns only in springtime, they crossed the Danube and continued their systematic occupation including Pannonia. They eventually reached the Austrian borders and the Adriatic shores in Dalmatia."

Under their brilliant military leader Attila (A.D. 406 to 453), known by Christians of the time as "the scourge of God," the Huns carved out a huge empire that encompassed large swathes of present-day Russia, Hungary and other parts of Europe, including Germany and France. Attila's army became so powerful that both the Western and Eastern Roman Empires regularly paid tribute to keep these warriors from attacking and plundering Roman provinces.

"The Huns likely entered Western Asia shortly before 370 from Central Asia: they first conquered the Goths and the Alans, pushing a number of tribes to seek refuge within the Roman Empire. In the following years, the Huns conquered most of the Germanic and Scythian barbarian tribes outside of the borders of the Roman Empire."

"In time, this would change as the Huns became one of the primary contributors to the fall of the Roman Empire, as their invasions of the regions around the empire, which were particularly brutal, encouraged what is known as the Great Migration (also known as the "Wandering of the Nations") between roughly 376-476 CE. This migration of peoples, such as the Alans, Goths, and Vandals, disrupted the status quo of Roman society, and their various raids and insurrections weakened the empire.
To cite only one example, the Visigoths under Fritigern were driven into Roman territory by the Huns in 376 CE and, after suffering abuses by Roman administrators, rose in revolt, initiating the First Gothic War with Rome of 376-382 CE, in which the Romans were defeated, and their emperor Valens killed, at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 CE.
Under Attila (r. 434-453 CE) the Huns became the most powerful, and most feared, military force in Europe and brought death and devastation wherever they went."

JFL, search up "Most feared barbarians in Europe" on Google and there is only one overwhelming result. The most effective barbarians in history were all Asian, or predominantly Asian. Hun and Avar elite were pretty much completely East Asian. Huns started off East Asian before conquering Germanic tribes and intermixing with them or adding them to their ranks.

Forgot to mention. During the period of the actual Mongol empire, there's a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry while West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined. BUT, European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were added into the gene pool during the Mongol invasions. Pretty clear that East Asians were the conquerors and by far the main contributor of West Eurasian DNA in the Mongols is maternal. Asian barbarians can actually conquer shit.

"A 2020 study based on ancient DNA found that West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined significantly in Mongolia during the Mongol empire period. The authors detected a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry in the late medieval Mongolian period, noting also the increase in haplogroup C2b, the presumed lineage of Genghis Khan.[18]"

"During their wars, the Mongolian conquerers incorporated some ethnic populations into their groups, and those admixtures expanded the Mongolian gene pool. The European-specific mtDNA haplogroups could be detected in different northern Mongolian populations."
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Asian barbarians can actually conquer advanced civilizations and form large empires unlike most barbarians of other races, which is why the rise of East Asian Y-DNA in Mongolia (Likely the conquering Mongols we know today displacing other tribes in Mongolia) is attributed to the Mongol Empire period. It says Mongolia, so the Mongols we know today probably weren't the only inhabitants of Mongolia at the time. The East Asian Mongols likely added European DNA to its gene pool maternally while displacing everyone else in Mongolia paternally.
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Oh it says that. Where does it say Mongols had any West Eurasian YDNA? Nowhere. It said that that no European-specific Y haplotypes were observed in the Mongols, and that "Y-chromosome studies support the fact that Mongolians have kept East-Asian characteristics." Now where does it say they had West Eurasian mtDNA? Everywhere in the study. Ctrl + F.
It's a study about mtdna... not about Ydna...

And they didnt say that about mongolians in mongolia, but about tonghai mongols.

"The extant TongHai Mongolians take the north-prevalent haplogroups (51.5%), and no European-specific haplotypes were observed."

You can Google it too. If you google "Mongol European mtDNA" you'll find multiple results and studies claiming they had European mtDNA. If you google "Mongol European YDNA" you'll find nothing except for one single study accounting for only 5 bodies. It's pretty clear and the common idea that West Eurasian contribution was overwhelmingly maternal rather than paternal.

I just showed you that modern day mongols in Ulaan Baatar have 20% west eurasian Ydna. Modern day mongols are even less paternally west eurasian than medieval and even more so than ancient ones. Even if its not 20% you cant deny it's there. 10-20% of their Ydna is west eurasian

Nope, it's the other way around.

Lol. Not what mtdna and Ydna stats show.

Link? For all I know this could be fake or a cherrypick of 10 bodies.
Here's the link:

sample was 148 for the mongolian group which is good when its from a single city (the capital, where the majority of mongolia's population lives).

Either way, I see that you often claim Europeans raped Mongols, not the other way around. That seems very unlikely given that the Mongols eradicated entire populations and completely subjugated the majority of Eastern European countries while the Huns raped and conquered the majority of Germanic tribes in Western Europe and drove the others deeper and deeper into Rome to seek refuge from their unending violence. They raped and conquered their way across Western Europe after being destroyed and kicked out by the Chinese. Meanwhile there is no record of Europeans ever invading or massacring Mongolia, or East Asia for that matter, during the entire medieval period. Typical we wuz kangz Eurocentrist. "always look into whatever propaganda asians throw at you. There's a 90% chance its bullshit" Ironic JFL.

I didnt claim europeans raped mongols during the medieval times. I said europeans raped them for thousands of years beforehand. Which is true and evident from asia's steppe dna. Especially in central asia.

"The Mongol invasions displaced populations on a scale never seen before in central Asia or eastern Europe. Word of the Mongol hordes' approach spread terror and panic.[28] The violent character of the invasions acted as a catalyst for further violence between Europe's elites and sparked additional conflicts. The increase in violence in the affected eastern European regions correlates with a decrease in the elite's numerical skills, and has been postulated as a root of the Great Divergence.[29]"

"Colin McEvedy (Atlas of World Population History, 1978) estimates the population of European Russia dropped from 7.5 million prior to the invasion to 7 million after it.[17] Historians estimate that up to half of Hungary's population of two million were victims of the Mongol invasion of Europe.[18]"

View attachment 2091987

View attachment 2091983

View attachment 2091984

"The Mongols now systematically occupied the Great Hungarian Plains, as well as the slopes of the northern Carpathian Mountains, and Transylvania. Where they found local resistance, they mercilessly killed the population. Where the people did not offer any resistance, they forced the men into servitude in the Mongol army and the women and children were killed or carried off. Still, tens of thousands avoided Mongol domination by taking refuge behind the walls of the few fortresses or by hiding in the huge, jungle-like forests or the large marshes alongside the rivers. The Mongols, instead of leaving already defenseless and helpless peoples behind and continuing their campaign through Pannonia to Western Europe, spent the entire summer and fall securing and "pacifying" the occupied territories. Then, during the winter, contrary to the traditional strategy of the nomadic armies which started campaigns only in springtime, they crossed the Danube and continued their systematic occupation including Pannonia. They eventually reached the Austrian borders and the Adriatic shores in Dalmatia."

And they left no genetic impact. So whats the point?


"The Huns likely entered Western Asia shortly before 370 from Central Asia: they first conquered the Goths and the Alans, pushing a number of tribes to seek refuge within the Roman Empire. In the following years, the Huns conquered most of the Germanic and Scythian barbarian tribes outside of the borders of the Roman Empire."

In time, this would change as the Huns became one of the primary contributors to the fall of the Roman Empire, as their invasions of the regions around the empire, which were particularly brutal, encouraged what is known as the Great Migration (also known as the "Wandering of the Nations") between roughly 376-476 CE. This migration of peoples, such as the Alans, Goths, and Vandals, disrupted the status quo of Roman society, and their various raids and insurrections weakened the empire.
To cite only one example, the Visigoths under Fritigern were driven into Roman territory by the Huns in 376 CE and, after suffering abuses by Roman administrators, rose in revolt, initiating the First Gothic War with Rome of 376-382 CE, in which the Romans were defeated, and their emperor Valens killed, at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 CE.
Under Attila (r. 434-453 CE) the Huns became the most powerful, and most feared, military force in Europe and brought death and devastation wherever they went.

The catch: conqueror huns and avars werent east asians.


Conquerors clustering with europeans:


Phenotypes and admixture results of conqueror samples:


The 2 women were also fully east asian.

East Germanic ancient DNA samples often have East Asian mtDNA lineages from Huns. NW Euros pretty much cucked the Huns.

"The origin and composition of the Conqueror paternal lineages fairly mirrors that of their maternal ones10; 20,7% of the Y-Hg-s originated from East Eurasia, this value is 30,4% for mtDNA; proportion of west Eurasian paternal lineages is 69% compared to 58,8% for mtDNA;"

"It wasn’t just the skull modifications: While the men’s genes showed that they likely had blond hair and blue eyes, the women likely had brown eyes and blond or brown hair.

Looks were just the tip of the iceberg. The researchers compared the ancient genes to those of modern people and found some big differences between male and female.

The men’s genes were similar to those of northern and central Europeans. The women with modified skulls, however, had a much more diverse set of ancestors. The majority matched up with southeastern Europeans like Romanians and Bulgarians, and one even had East Asian ancestors."
It's a study about mtdna... not about Ydna...

And they didnt say that about mongolians in mongolia, but about tonghai mongols.

"The extant TongHai Mongolians take the north-prevalent haplogroups (51.5%), and no European-specific haplotypes were observed."

I just showed you that modern day mongols in Ulaan Baatar have 20% west eurasian Ydna. Modern day mongols are even less paternally west eurasian than medieval and even more so than ancient ones. Even if its not 20% you cant deny it's there. 10-20% of their Ydna is west eurasian

Lol. Not what mtdna and Ydna stats show.

Here's the link:

sample was 148 for the mongolian group which is good when its from a single city (the capital, where the majority of mongolia's population lives).

I didnt claim europeans raped mongols during the medieval times. I said europeans raped them for thousands of years beforehand. Which is true and evident from asia's steppe dna. Especially in central asia.

And they left no genetic impact. So whats the point?

The catch: conqueror huns and avars werent east asians.


Conquerors clustering with europeans:


Phenotypes and admixture results of conqueror samples:


The 2 women were also fully east asian.

East Germanic ancient DNA samples often have East Asian mtDNA lineages from Huns. NW Euros pretty much cucked the Huns.

"The origin and composition of the Conqueror paternal lineages fairly mirrors that of their maternal ones10; 20,7% of the Y-Hg-s originated from East Eurasia, this value is 30,4% for mtDNA; proportion of west Eurasian paternal lineages is 69% compared to 58,8% for mtDNA;"

"It wasn’t just the skull modifications: While the men’s genes showed that they likely had blond hair and blue eyes, the women likely had brown eyes and blond or brown hair.

Looks were just the tip of the iceberg. The researchers compared the ancient genes to those of modern people and found some big differences between male and female.

The men’s genes were similar to those of northern and central Europeans. The women with modified skulls, however, had a much more diverse set of ancestors. The majority matched up with southeastern Europeans like Romanians and Bulgarians, and one even had East Asian ancestors."
Another study with bigger sample size(800+), probably from broad mongolia, showcases around 15% west eurasian Ydna:

So at best they have the same west eur ydna and mtdna frequencies. This doesnt take into account medieval Ydna composition tho, where i'd assume they would have more(?) west eurasian ydna? Unless a recent event of maybe russians mixing with mongol women and increasing the %.

Other surrounding groups have way more, from 30%, to 70% in altaians
It's a study about mtdna... not about Ydna...

And they didnt say that about mongolians in mongolia, but about tonghai mongols.

"The extant TongHai Mongolians take the north-prevalent haplogroups (51.5%), and no European-specific haplotypes were observed."

I just showed you that modern day mongols in Ulaan Baatar have 20% west eurasian Ydna. Modern day mongols are even less paternally west eurasian than medieval and even more so than ancient ones. Even if its not 20% you cant deny it's there. 10-20% of their Ydna is west eurasian

Lol. Not what mtdna and Ydna stats show.

Here's the link:

sample was 148 for the mongolian group which is good when its from a single city (the capital, where the majority of mongolia's population lives).

I didnt claim europeans raped mongols during the medieval times. I said europeans raped them for thousands of years beforehand. Which is true and evident from asia's steppe dna. Especially in central asia.

And they left no genetic impact. So whats the point?

The catch: conqueror huns and avars werent east asians.


Conquerors clustering with europeans:


Phenotypes and admixture results of conqueror samples:


The 2 women were also fully east asian.

East Germanic ancient DNA samples often have East Asian mtDNA lineages from Huns. NW Euros pretty much cucked the Huns.

"The origin and composition of the Conqueror paternal lineages fairly mirrors that of their maternal ones10; 20,7% of the Y-Hg-s originated from East Eurasia, this value is 30,4% for mtDNA; proportion of west Eurasian paternal lineages is 69% compared to 58,8% for mtDNA;"

"It wasn’t just the skull modifications: While the men’s genes showed that they likely had blond hair and blue eyes, the women likely had brown eyes and blond or brown hair.

Looks were just the tip of the iceberg. The researchers compared the ancient genes to those of modern people and found some big differences between male and female.

The men’s genes were similar to those of northern and central Europeans. The women with modified skulls, however, had a much more diverse set of ancestors. The majority matched up with southeastern Europeans like Romanians and Bulgarians, and one even had East Asian ancestors."

It's a study about mtdna... not about Ydna...

But it goes into YDNA. It claims that Mongols had and kept East Asian YDNA throughout their rule and had European mtDNA, yet lacked European YDNA. During the period of the actual Mongol empire, there's a male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry while West Eurasian autosomal ancestry declined. BUT, European-specific mtDNA haplogroups were added into the gene pool during the Mongol invasions. Pretty clear that East Asians were the conquerors and the main contributor of West Eurasian DNA in the Mongols is maternal. All Mongols were predominantly East Asian YDNA, and it increased in Mongolia throughout the period of dominance when the Mongol Empire actually conquered other lands. The study was wide-range and encompassed a huge variety of different Mongolian populations, not cherrypicked.

Asian barbarians can actually conquer advanced civilizations and form large empires unlike most barbarians of other races, which is why the rise of East Asian Y-DNA in Mongolia (Likely the conquering Mongols we know today displacing other tribes in Mongolia) is attributed to the Mongol Empire period, where they stopped infighting and created the biggest contiguous empire of all time with the biggest percentage kill count in all of history even though they started from mud huts with a relatively small population. It says Mongolia, so the Mongols we know today probably weren't the only inhabitants of Mongolia at the time. The East Asian Mongols likely added European DNA to its gene pool maternally while displacing everyone else in Mongolia paternally. It's also likely the reason why the conquering Hungarians you linked me, who were primarily European, didn't achieve jack shit. While the other two groups mentioned, the Avars and Huns who were primarily East Asian, were some of the most successful barbarians in all of history and formed massive empires raping and plundering their way across Europe.

I just showed you that modern day mongols in Ulaan Baatar have 20% west eurasian Ydna. Modern day mongols are even less paternally west eurasian than medieval and even more so than ancient ones. Even if its not 20% you cant deny it's there. 10-20% of their Ydna is west eurasian
Here's the link:

sample was 148 for the mongolian group which is good when its from a single city (the capital, where the majority of mongolia's population lives).

I can't find the picture you sent anywhere in that entire link.

Lol. Not what mtdna and Ydna stats show.

Lol. But they do, which is why there aren't sources saying Mongols had more YDNA than mtDNA but there are sources saying Mongols had West Eurasian mtDNA but not YDNA.

I didnt claim europeans raped mongols during the medieval times. I said europeans raped them for thousands of years beforehand. Which is true and evident from asia's steppe dna. Especially in central asia.

Not true at all, which is why there's a reason nobody says it but you and your alt @Detona on You can find everyone saying Mongols raped Europeans online, and even if you search up "did Europeans rape Mongols" no results of that turn up, while literally all the results turn up saying Mongols raped Europeans instead JFL. Mongols raped and massacred Europe, and Mongols were never touched by anybody but other East Asians like the Chinese and Manchus.

The catch: conqueror huns and avars werent east asians.


Conquerors clustering with europeans:


Phenotypes and admixture results of conqueror samples:


The 2 women were also fully east asian.

East Germanic ancient DNA samples often have East Asian mtDNA lineages from Huns. NW Euros pretty much cucked the Huns.

"The origin and composition of the Conqueror paternal lineages fairly mirrors that of their maternal ones10; 20,7% of the Y-Hg-s originated from East Eurasia, this value is 30,4% for mtDNA; proportion of west Eurasian paternal lineages is 69% compared to 58,8% for mtDNA;"

Nice attempt at disinterpreting information, I read my own study nigga. All of the above of that is talking about the conqueror Hungarians, not the Huns or Avars. Why you lying? Huns and Avars are both completely separate groups and actually did shit and achieved much, much more the Hungarians, especially the Huns. I already told you I admitted that the Hungarian conquerors were predominantly Caucasoid, as seen in the quote below. That's the difference. I admit shit and I don't claim shit that's not my own, you do, and want to claim "we wuz kangz" and act like whites were never cucked by anyone and always cucked others, including races that are well known to have mass conquered and subjugated them like the Arabs and Mongols while they have never done the same the other way around.

Now some of the nomad groups who invaded Europe were predominantly Caucasoid, like the conquering Hungarians and Tatars. Many of these groups were a mutt mix. But the Huns, the most successful group by far, were definitely predominantly Asian. No we wuz kangz Nerdic BS.

Everything in the study says Attila and the Huns were predominantly East Asian, as were the Avars and Avar elites. Just like all written sources claim that Attila completely resembled an East Asian, as did all European records describing the Huns. They all originated from East Asia and started off completely East Asian before raping and conquering Germanic and Slavic tribes and intermixing with them or adding them to their ranks. As time passed and they invaded more and more of Europe, you saw more and more Europeans in their empires. But as you got higher up the hierarchy, you saw more East Asians, with the elite and leaders being homogenously East Asian. The slave class comprised of entirely Caucasoids. Attila's family had purely Asian ancestry, but a lot of Hunnic subjects and vassals were Caucasoid. The Gepids, Rugii, and Goths were Germanic. The Alans were Iranic.





Most of the ancient descriptions of the Huns stress their strange appearance from a Roman perspective. These descriptions typically caricature the Huns as monsters.[42] Jordanes stresses that the Huns were short of stature, had tanned skin and round and shapeless heads.[43] Various writers mention that the Huns had small eyes and flat noses.[44] The Roman writer Priscus gives the following eyewitness description of Attila: "Short of stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with grey; and he had a flat nose and tanned skin, showing evidence of his origin."[45] Many scholars take these to be unflattering depictions of East Asian ("Mongoloid") racial characteristics.[46]

Let's see your own study that you sent now. Even it claims Huns and Avars were East Asian.

Haplogroups from the Hun-age are consistent with Xiongnu ancestry of European Huns. Most of the Avar-age individuals carry east Eurasian Y haplogroups typical for modern north-eastern Siberian and Buryat populations and their autosomal loci indicate mostly un-admixed Asian characteristics. In contrast the conquering Hungarians seem to be a recently assembled population incorporating un-admixed European, Asian as well as admixed components.

The literal first paragraph says European Huns have Xiongnu ancestry and Avars carry East Eurasian Y haplogroups with un-admixed Asian characteristics. The conquering Hungarians were separate and "un-admixed European" as well as admixed components.

"The Avar group was assembled from several different cemeteries of a wider timespan, thus they cannot represent the Avar period population of the Carpathian Basin, however their relatively homogenous Hg distribution indicate that the Avar elite embodied the same east Eurasian sub-population throughout their reign, so it appeared to be meaningful to include them in the analysis."

The Avar elite remained homogenously East Eurasian throughout their reign according to this.

And what do you know? They also assfucked your country. Hell, both the Huns and Avars did. That is if you're really who you claim you are behind the screen.

"The Avars eventually succeeded in establishing the Avar Khaganate, which encompassed a territory corresponding roughly to modern-day Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria down to and including parts of Turkey."

"Due to the rural nature of the local population, Roman control of the region remained weak. In the 5th century, Attila's Huns attacked the territories of today's Bulgaria and pillaged many Roman settlements. By the end of the 6th century, Avars organized regular incursions into northern Bulgaria, which were a prelude to the en masse arrival of the Slavs."

“We address a question that has been a mystery for more than 1400 years: who were the Avar elites, mysterious founders of an empire that almost crushed Constantinople and for more than 200 years ruled the lands of modern-day Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia and Serbia?” (Hint: They were East Asian)

"The Avars settled the Carpathian Basin in 567/68 CE, establishing an empire lasting over 200 years. Who they were and where they came from is highly debated. Contemporaries have disagreed about whether they were, as they claimed, the direct successors of the Mongolian Steppe Rouran empire that was destroyed by the Turks in 550 CE. Here, we analyze new genome-wide data from 66 pre-Avar and Avar-period Carpathian Basin individuals, including the 8 richest Avar-period burials and further elite sites from Avar’s empire core region. Our results provide support for a rapid long-distance trans-Eurasian migration of Avar-period elites. These individuals carried Northeast Asian ancestry matching the profile of preceding Mongolian Steppe populations, particularly a genome available from the Rouran period."

"In contrast to these poorly documented periods, our results provide robust genetic support for the Northeast Asian ancestry of the Avar-period elite in the core region of the Avar empire (DTI in the Carpathian Basin) from the middle third of the 7th CE to the early 8th CE (early to middle Avar period). These results also allow us to confidently conclude that an outstanding genetic variability existed in the early Medieval Carpathian Basin, covering almost the entire genetic variation of present-day Eurasia and providing clear evidence of long-distance trans-Eurasian migrations."

NW Euros didn't cuck the Huns, the Huns raped and conquered the majority of Germanic tribes in Western Europe and made the rest run away like terrified little faggots and seek refuge in Rome to escape their wrath. Huns are the most feared barbarian group in the history of all of Europe for a reason. They dominated the entirety of Western Europe and made all the NW Euro Germanic tribes their abused sissy dogs. Hell, both the Eastern and Roman Empire literally paid the Huns regular tribute to not attack and plunder them JFL. Huns mass cucked and raped and massacred and subjugated NW Euros after being destroyed and kicked out by the Chinese.

Under their brilliant military leader Attila (A.D. 406 to 453), known by Christians of the time as "the scourge of God," the Huns carved out a huge empire that encompassed large swathes of present-day Russia, Hungary and other parts of Europe, including Germany and France. Attila's army became so powerful that both the Western and Eastern Roman Empires regularly paid tribute to keep these warriors from attacking and plundering Roman provinces.

"The Huns likely entered Western Asia shortly before 370 from Central Asia: they first conquered the Goths and the Alans, pushing a number of tribes to seek refuge within the Roman Empire. In the following years, the Huns conquered most of the Germanic and Scythian barbarian tribes outside of the borders of the Roman Empire."

"In time, this would change as the Huns became one of the primary contributors to the fall of the Roman Empire, as their invasions of the regions around the empire, which were particularly brutal, encouraged what is known as the Great Migration (also known as the "Wandering of the Nations") between roughly 376-476 CE. This migration of peoples, such as the Alans, Goths, and Vandals, disrupted the status quo of Roman society, and their various raids and insurrections weakened the empire.
To cite only one example, the Visigoths under Fritigern were driven into Roman territory by the Huns in 376 CE and, after suffering abuses by Roman administrators, rose in revolt, initiating the First Gothic War with Rome of 376-382 CE, in which the Romans were defeated, and their emperor Valens killed, at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 CE.
Under Attila (r. 434-453 CE) the Huns became the most powerful, and most feared, military force in Europe and brought death and devastation wherever they went."

"It wasn’t just the skull modifications: While the men’s genes showed that they likely had blond hair and blue eyes, the women likely had brown eyes and blond or brown hair.

Looks were just the tip of the iceberg. The researchers compared the ancient genes to those of modern people and found some big differences between male and female.

The men’s genes were similar to those of northern and central Europeans. The women with modified skulls, however, had a much more diverse set of ancestors. The majority matched up with southeastern Europeans like Romanians and Bulgarians, and one even had East Asian ancestors."

26 samples, one single woman with East Asian ancestors. Wow, this changes everything. The study even says it has limitations due to its minuscule sample size, but . either way, it doesn't prove anything and seems completely unrelated to the genetics of the Huns. This is the same study I've seen Detona repeatedly copy and paste to try and we wuz kangz the Huns. Nigga even tried to we wuz kangz the Japanese, and every other Asian group that conquered land. JFL you're him nigga.

"The study has its limitations: It doesn’t deal with a large population, and two of the samples were buried later than the rest of the group."

Anyways, the majority seems completely unrelated to the Huns. Ctrl + F and there are like two mentions of the Huns. Tiny Bavarian village with non-Bavarian women (majority Balkan) who came to marry Bavarian men. I don't know what you're trying to prove with this study, but nothing of value was proven.

"Nobody thought that marriage and kinship had a really important function in the period,” says Hakenbeck. The new research could prove that wrong; the women seem to have arrived specifically to marry Bavarian men, perhaps as the result of a strategic alliance."
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