Masteron E and Testosterone E ordered.

Wassup pussy nigga high Inhib I will be doing roids summer time to mog you out of gandy city FUCK PCT blast trt for life my nigga
not you again, you DMed me for like 3 months straight on discord. You are 14, you aren't making any real gains on roids except some muscle and some water weight. You are a high inhib low iq mixed race retard trying to get advice from niggas that actually know what they're doing and then when we give you advice you don't listen because you only want to hear what you want to do. Blast test, whatever IDGAF I warned you out of the goodness of my heart to not do it cus ur test WILL NOT recover at 14. Ur mom is also probably gonna find ur shit cus if you are low IQ enough to do it at 14 you are probably also low IQ enough to not know how to hide it. Same goes for @halloweed , IDGAF what you do at the end of the day but everyone warned you. Your test levels aren't even at peak yet, at best you will go back down to like 100-200ng and at worst you'll be stuck on TRT for the rest of your life and never have developed normally. I changed a shitload from 16-18, you will too. But you know everything cus you are clearly high IQ, yeah right nigga

@DNRDniggerking i can't anymore bro
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Reactions: Outerz14 and DNRDniggerking
Ive been on roids and coached ppl, i also replied to him explaining why hes wrong, but stay biased nigga
If you coached people I seriously feel bad for those people considering you advised a 14 year old to take roids and said that PCT isn't needed
500 is test not sarms, sarms are worst than injectables, variability isnt high if u do everything right
like it or not, SARMS are much more selective and will do less damage to your hpta
not you again, you DMed me for like 3 months straight on discord. You are 14, you aren't making any real gains on roids except some muscle and some water weight. You are a high inhib low iq mixed race retard trying to get advice from niggas that actually know what they're doing and then when we give you advice you don't listen because you only want to hear what you want to do. Blast test, whatever IDGAF I warned you out of the goodness of my heart to not do it cus ur test WILL NOT recover at 14. Ur mom is also probably gonna find ur shit cus if you are low IQ enough to do it at 14 you are probably also low IQ enough to not know how to hide it. Same goes for @halloweed , IDGAF what you do at the end of the day but everyone warned you. Your test levels aren't even at peak yet, at best you will go back down to like 100-200ng and at worst you'll be stuck on TRT for the rest of your life and never have developed normally. I changed a shitload from 16-18, you will too. But you know everything cus you are clearly high IQ, yeah right nigga

@DNRDniggerking i can't anymore bro
Jfl I rage bait you soo hard nigga haha
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If you coached people I seriously feel bad for those people considering you advised a 14 year old to take roids and said that PCT isn't needed
Nah i recommend PCT until more studies, logically pct is pointless tho, and everyone ive coached has had no issues
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like it or not, SARMS are much more selective and will do less damage to your hpta
SARMS are way worse, this is an agreed on fact by everyone who knows anything about roids
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Least retarded cycle on
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Reactions: Outerz14 and forgmeth
Jfl I rage bait you soo hard nigga haha
you weren't rage baiting, you were retarded and trying to get advice and I gave you advice which is to not roid at 14
but whatever nigga you have no idea how to train anyway so you wont mog anyone

talk to me when ur SBD is over 1000lbs otherwise never speak on my posts again

@DNRDniggerking this dude DMed me since like june asking for steroid advice, I gave him training advice and eating advice but he stayed steadfast. he wants roids for his face mainly as well, like no bro roids wont overhaul ur face other than make ur hair fall out
he wants to go HTN or some shit but hes like some black 14 year old who's clueless

his mom prolly gonna find his syringes considering he's 14, nigga gonna pin and give himself an oil embolism from injecting straight into an artery
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: DNRDniggerking, Outerz14 and halloweed
Nah i recommend PCT until more studies, logically pct is pointless tho, and everyone ive coached has had no issues
mirin IQ
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged and Outerz14
you weren't rage baiting, you were retarded and trying to get advice and I gave you advice which is to not roid at 14
but whatever nigga you have no idea how to train anyway so you wont mog anyone

talk to me when ur SBD is over 1000lbs otherwise never speak on my posts again

@DNRDniggerking this dude DMed me since like june asking for steroid advice, I gave him training advice and eating advice but he stayed steadfast. he wants roids for his face mainly as well, like no bro roids wont overhaul ur face other than make ur hair fall out
he wants to go HTN or some shit but hes like some black 14 year old who's clueless

his mom prolly gonna find his syringes considering he's 14, nigga gonna pin and give himself an oil embolism from injecting straight into an artery
Jfl nigga thinks I can't train I have a decent workout routine that will ascend me hard son
  • +1
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Jfl nigga thinks I can't train I have a decent workout routine that will ascend me hard son
post SBD numbers

and yes I think you can't train you are correct :blackpill:
  • +1
Reactions: Outerz14
dudes be 14 asking for steroid advice on an incel forum like bro go outside no JB your age wants a roided out freakazoid
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Halloweed is gonna get sum crazy bones
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: halloweed and Rzn
I'm 16 and a month
not a bad age, much better than outerz being 14

but still just heed these words broseph: Be careful, you and your mind aren't fully developed yet. You have a high chance of not recovering your full test levels
  • +1
Reactions: Outerz14 and halloweed
not a bad age, much better than outerz being 14

but still just heed these words broseph: Be careful, you and your mind aren't fully developed yet. You have a high chance of not recovering your full test levels
I agree with the things you've said, I'm just gonna run this cycle, get bloods done and see how it goes.
I agree with the things you've said, I'm just gonna run this cycle, get bloods done and see how it goes.
all good i'm not hating on you at all, the other dude is a different story

as long as you are smart you should be fine, but realistically being 16 you need to find a reliable way to get bloods done, most labs wont take people under 18 without a parent present
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed and Outerz14
Yo OP, all these niggas dumb af, ive given arguements to all their points n then they stop replying or fold, none of the niggas who replied knows shit, tbh u prolly mad confused so do your own thing atp, but if u need help lmk, i promise u ik more than any bum ass nigga in these replies
not a bad age, much better than outerz being 14

but still just heed these words broseph: Be careful, you and your mind aren't fully developed yet. You have a high chance of not recovering your full test levels
I'm 15 nigga
  • +1
Reactions: Rzn and MA_ascender
Also op, learn what ancillaries, and take pharma ones, not a single mention abt them on here, ull be messed up without them
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
Quoting a user

“They checked actual testosterone levels though, and from the last discussion in r/steroids the no-PCT group had higher test levels (16.3 for no PCT vs. 14.4 nmol/L for people who did PCT) at 3 months post-cycle.

Then their follow-up at 8 months showed virtually no difference in final test level.

If only they checked levels more often post cycle, maybe the PCT group would do better at 1 months and 2 months? Or maybe PCT isn't all that beneficial.”


That being in “reference image” doesnt mean anything, since it means that both on pct and off pct recovered the same saying pct is useless

failing pct is extremely hard and almost impossible from what ive seen, ive also done cycles

This isnt a “dont fuck around with ur hormones”

If yk what ur doing ull be fine

Ive done cycles and have been fine, and the ppl ive coached through cycles have been fine too

Its a knowledge diff
I want to delay roiding until I'm done heightcelling is this retarded? I'm 15.3 years old and 15.00 bone age
  • +1
Reactions: wastedspermcel
So basically you just send me some money. I do 1 dollar per 1 gbp saar

I want to delay roiding until I'm done heightcelling is this retarded? I'm 15.3 years old and 15.00 bone age
Plate closures caused by estrogen (some other factors unrelated to T), u can heightcell on roids
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
taking out the competition is smart tbh
I love giving proof and arguement and then someone replies with some stupid troll shit or doesnt reply at all, doesnt make u look good bud
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
Plate closures caused by estrogen (some other factors unrelated to T), u can heightcell on roids
I might run soft shit like 250 test and just skip PCT entirely. Idk if I can blast and cruise yet until I gauge my reaction to the test
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
I love giving proof and arguement and then someone replies with some stupid troll shit or doesnt reply at all, doesnt make u look good bud
Where is any proof that you gave? I didn't see shit. Also, you misspelled like half the shit you said which doesn't make you look good either
I might run soft shit like 250 test and just skip PCT entirely. Idk if I can blast and cruise yet until I gauge my reaction to the test
As long as you are over 16/17 its not the end of the world, I would take a SERM after if ur on any test because any amount will suppress natural levels

take 250 as maintenance, its just high dose TRT you wont really make much growth though
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
I might run soft shit like 250 test and just skip PCT entirely. Idk if I can blast and cruise yet until I gauge my reaction to the test
The side difference between 250 and 500 is super negligible, just run 500, ur not being safe by using 250 ur js using the same risk as 500 while barely getting any gains

For anyone who thinks im wrong say it pussy ass nigga THERES A FUCKING anabolic threshold

Dont blast and cruise till ur older

U can counter sides on cycles, but on B and cruise the sides build up like cooking meat on low heat
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
Where is any proof that you gave? I didn't see shit. Also, you misspelled like half the shit you said which doesn't make you look good either
I didnt misspell anything maybe like 2 words that doesnt make me look bad… wtf are u talking about… go to the 2nd page and look for replies, maybe actually read before saying shit
Plate closures caused by estrogen (some other factors unrelated to T), u can heightcell on roids
idk abt this one. so much conflicting evidence for example high E2 levels increase IGF-1 which means more growth of everything but it is also stated that estrogen closes growth plates.
The side difference between 250 and 500 is super negligible, just run 500, ur not being safe by using 250 ur js using the same risk as 500 while barely getting any gains

For anyone who thinks im wrong say it pussy ass nigga THERES A FUCKING anabolic threshold

Dont blast and cruise till ur older

U can counter sides on cycles, but on B and cruise the sides build up like cooking meat on low heat
Yeah I should prolly hit 500. Gotta make some cash and add cjc and ghrp to my cope stack of mk and anastro. Then add in the test (cheap asl from the pharmacy. I already got offered test by the pharmacist when I was buying anastrozole)
  • +1
Reactions: Outerz14 and Rigged
As long as you are over 16/17 its not the end of the world, I would take a SERM after if ur on any test because any amount will suppress natural levels

take 250 as maintenance, its just high dose TRT you wont really make much growth though
I'm 15
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
idk abt this one. so much conflicting evidence for example high E2 levels increase IGF-1 which means more growth of everything but it is also stated that estrogen closes growth plates.
Through ERa, which means it would be timing dependant
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
I didnt misspell anything maybe like 2 words that doesnt make me look bad… wtf are u talking about… go to the 2nd page and look for replies, maybe actually read before saying shit
you posted some meaningless reddit study, I'd rather trust years of science than one BS study you quoted from REDDIT of all places

idk abt this one. so much conflicting evidence for example high E2 levels increase IGF-1 which means more growth of everything but it is also stated that estrogen closes growth plates.
Also tamox and ralox block ERa
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  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
Yeah I should prolly hit 500. Gotta make some cash and add cjc and ghrp to my cope stack of mk and anastro. Then add in the test (cheap asl from the pharmacy. I already got offered test by the pharmacist when I was buying anastrozole)
how tf they give u it like that, i had to get mine from some chinese labs
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
how tf they give u it like that, i had to get mine from some chinese labs
Live in shithole and pharmacists used to gymcels getting roids there

Also rep me bhaia
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it was a review of a pubmed study, i literally said to ignore the reddit part and go to the study u dumbass
ok bud, there are 1 thousand other studies saying the opposite
what you are doing is cherrypicking your data, doesn't look too good
Yo OP, all these niggas dumb af, ive given arguements to all their points n then they stop replying or fold, none of the niggas who replied knows shit, tbh u prolly mad confused so do your own thing atp, but if u need help lmk, i promise u ik more than any bum ass nigga in these replies

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