Men of other Races consider Black Men ugly

the part where they say they are scared of blacks is true. Blacks dont have a media halo blacks have a media failo
No it's a complete halo. People think they're nt and cool cuz of the media.
is there an article link or a video or something? I gotta see this shit.


too difficult to find the original video but from the top it says 'avg Korean woman', 'avg Japanese woman', 'avg Chinese woman'
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  • JFL
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Most of them are probably urkels
Exactly unfortunately for blacks if they are non NT and not the stereotype the media pushes of them being thugs they will struggle
Most of the BBC threads have a very simple premise: “Blacks are insane subhumans, how is it even possible they slay? I’m done coping, BBC is law:feelswah:
  • JFL
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Dayum @looksmaxxer234 checkmated you. Whislt South Azn SMV can increase with media exposure there’s a cap to what every race can get and unfortunately the cap for South Azn men is super low due to their race and pheno.

Gooks do well as their skull structure is exotic to non gooks, same with negroids but caucasoid races are hard capped with Media Halo due to women thinking “Why not just date a white guy instead” as curries Arabs etc are all jst subhuman whites
high iq and good point

but gooks do not do well at all
I mean... they ARE?
media halo doesnt mean shit, attraction is determined by genetics not environment, its why rice smv is still shit despite every young person being obssesed with anime, kpop and east asian culture in general

Nigger SMV is more shit according to the vast majority of studies. Media halo and media failo both mean a lot, and so does environment. Asian SMV is vastly higher in Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, or South America than the US for example. They have the highest SMV in Eastern Europe and SEA actually. NTness also matters a lot; East Asians are cucked by non-NT unlike South Asians or Abos for example, who are cucked by attractiveness most of the time. Niggers are ugly monkeys, if they weren't hyper NT or had extreme media halo in the west they'd be absolutely fucked. There's a reason they're the most looked down on race outside of the west and have been for all of history everywhere they went.



yes Im a nigger what are you going to do about it?

He's a big-boned, wide-framed, robust-skulled, high T South Korean descended from Altaic steppe invaders who conquered, raped, slaughtered, and dominated cumskins and sandniggers for all of recorded history. You're an ugly manlet Urkelcel slave nigger descended from mud hut living street shitting disgusting subhuman monkeys getting raped, enslaved, and buck broken by cumskins and sandniggers for all of recorded history. He would buck break you while fucking your nigger sheboon sister raw like the Chinese are doing in Africa as we speak, abusing and oppressing niggers in their own country while mass fucking their women with no consequences due to the cuck African government that relies on Chinese aid to eke out their miserable poverty ridden existence.

thats cuz asian men are fucking pussies that dont talk to foids. if they did they would find their looksmatch noodle. ik this bc i have many gook friends.

Lmao this is exactly the case. It's due to environmental factors mostly. Asians tend to be shorter (Though that's changing very quickly since Chinese and South Koreans are statistically getting taller at the fastest rate of any race, and Chinese were the tallest race for most of history) and more high inhib, focusing on education rather than socialization, so an average Asian male might get mogged in terms of SMV in the west. However, Asians are the definition of high skill cap and heavily succeed as Changs when compard to other races, partly due to wealth and status and partly due to having the best skin/collagen/hair/face/aging. As long as an Asian is tall and well built and good at socializing, he mogs the equivalent of other races (ESPECIALLY outside the west), and East Asians are getting taller and stronger at a faster rate than any other race due to quickly improving nutrition, economy, and living conditions. Small dick size has been disproven by all recent studies btw.

In all TikTok videos asking girls to pick a race of men, Asian men do the best and beat out white, black, and Latino men because they show Chads of every race. Blacks did the worst in these videos too lmao. 8/10 Asian Chang >>> 8/10 Chads of most other races. Both pale prettyboy Kpopmaxxers and darker more robust/masc Asians achieved this result. The videos were posted in one of the comments in the above link but salty non Asians reported them and got them taken down, I'm sure most people there saw the videos though. Ofc there are lots of Asian nerds and Asians tend to be very high inhib and many are non NT, which fucks them over.

"Just be confident bro" jesus stop coping you sound like a redpiller, being a "pussy" doesnt matter. If your attractive foids will fuck you. And even when women are asked to rate facial attractiveness of men asian men still come in last place. And your confidence with women is determined by your succcess with them so asian men being unconfident is due to there lack of success not the other way around
this has nothing to do with anything I said, the point is confidence/wanting to hit on girls more is determined by your genes(looks).

You understand what I mean chads are usually more confident with women than subhumans because they are treated better by women.

doesnt matter if you dont believe it, its what the study says. P values were significant, the study is peer reviewed in one of the best scientific journals, and the model was based on a data set of 10000(high sample size)

it was done on marriages not dating, and blacks are usually poor so women of other races usually dont LTR blacks. But the study was done on pairings in LTRs(marriage).

so we can assume that the black men who are married to other races are wealthier than the typical black man. So all the study says is when black men are able to attain a social and monetary status to attract women of other races they usually get good looking ones, atleast in the uk.

this doesnt contradict the study at all, only 3% of the uk is black meaning only 1.5% of the uk is comprised of black men. So even if we were to equalize every single stat between whites and blacks by sheer numbers most white stacys will be with white men.

Youre not thinking about the study methodoloy. Remember its done on LTRs, so that filters low status and low monetary black men from the sample. So the study essentially controls for status and wealth.
having the gaul to hit on girls is called confidence.

Yes and the quantity of women you attract is determined by your attractivenes(duh). Confidence is the result of positive reinforcement, asian men lacking confidence is caused by foids not liking them. Not the other way around. Even ignoring you cant explain why women rate asian male faces as unattractive.

It was only touched on briefly as the study wasnt about that and it was about the attractiveness of people in certain racial pairings

Here were the result
View attachment 2279163

Nigger cope, that was a shit study with shit sample size. Asians are cucked by environment, not genetics. They're genetically superior to subhuman nigger slave monkeys in every aspect. This is the source btw

"Forty undergraduates studying at Cardiff University took part as face raters either for course credit or for a small cash payment. Twenty were female and twenty were male and all were between the ages of 18 and 30 years. Of the male raters, 15 were White, 2 were Black and 3 were Asian. Of the female raters, 14 were White, 3 were Black and 3 were Asian."

Tiny size of 20 male raters and 20 female raters. Not only that, there were literally only 2 black male raters, 3 Asian male raters, 3 black female raters, and 3 Asian female raters. So literally only 2-3 people as a sample size for two thirds of the statistics on the graph. You literally only bark about that one single study to bark about nigger supremacy while ignoring literally every other study showing niggers do the worst lmao.

You try to cherrypick shit trying to convince people that African niggers are higher IQ than Germanic whites too despite niggers doing dogshit in every IQ adoption study time and time again compared to other races as well as having the lowest IQ countries in the world by far with the least advancement. Real we wuz kangz nigger here. Race of mentally retarded primitive buck broken submissive slaves getting raped and enslaved by other races for all of history and living in mud huts for thousands of years, mentally recessed Negroid monkeys didn't even invent the wheel thousands of years after other races did lmao. Also, average IQ goes white, then mixed black-white, then black. Niggers fuck more pussy than Asians do that's true, but let's be real, with stuff like height/NT/environment equalized East Asians mog niggers in every conceivable aspect.

Also, you do know that Chinese are literally MASS FUCKING sheboons in Africa (Completely voluntary sex) while abusing and oppressing and beating nigger men in their own countries right? While Asian women utterly despise nigger men the most according to all dating studies. The amount of Chinese men getting with sheboons is becoming a major problem in places in Africa where Chinese go. They're either marrying all the top tier ones and leaving none for the nigger men, or pumping and dumping the whores and leaving them with genetically superior Blasian babies. I'll blackpill you with posts if you ask but I'm too lazy to find them now.
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  • JFL
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What about my vibes makes you think I’m curry? I didn’t even know currys had a vibe tbh.

Most guys hit on girls once in a while, usually they’ll use the easiest way to hit on them. But they do get girls every now and then.

I agree but as I said most guys hit on girls every now and or else they won’t get laid bc they aren’t Chad or htn. Also, bad example bc Gandy is an abused dog due to growing up fat. He isn’t very confident with models saying they laid themselves out bare for him but he didn’t make a move.

I honestly don’t believe it. The most attractive Asian women date black guys first and white guys second? Seems like a stretch. And the most attractive white women date blacks? That’s definitely cap, they are mayo cock only. The most attractive Stacy’s are usually with white guys.

Next time look into studies that people try to post to push an agenda, use your Korean high IQ lmao. Some of the ratings on the graph literally only had 2-3 people total rating it. The others didn't have much more than that. GilfHunter is an Urkel nigger supremacist so he will literally defend that 3 sample size study to the ends of the Earth because it says niggers are attractive when literally every single dating study with a much bigger sample size show the exact opposite. By the way, I'm talking about the people rating, not the faces being rated. The amount of faces being rated could be 10 billion and 3 troll raters could change the entire statistics because they're the only people rating. Utter shit sample size, doesn't correlate with other studies which have much larger sample sizes and show niggers as doing the worst by far in dating, even compared to media failoed East/SEA/South Asians (Who are all lumped in one group in the west, also bringing down East Asian statistics).

It's pretty obvious that niggers tend to date uglier, fatter females than other races. On average of course. Even the good-looking/famous ones. Some shit study with an utter dogshit sample size doesn't change the facts.

inhibition is determined by your genes not your culture, men who are successful with women are low inhib due to there success. High inhibition is caused by being treated badly due to your shit genes.

genes are everything.

No it's highly determined by culture actually. Many kids are high inhib as fuck before ever asking out or showing interest women. Many ugly subhumans are low inhib as fuck too. Genes matter the most but they are far from the only aspect, and East Asians have good genes but shit Confucianist high inhib studycuck culture. Chinese were literally the tallest race for most of history, they're growing taller at the fastest rate of any race along with South Koreans, and they have won every single Olympic weightlifting competition since 2000 ever since getting out of poverty. Polynesians, who are 90% descended from coastal southern Chinese, have adapted to their harsher environment which selects more for strength rather than IQ and are today the physically biggest and strongest race on average by far.
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Chinese were literally the tallest race for most of history, they're growing taller at the fastest rate of any race along with South Koreans
even asians who grew up in the usa are still short also source for them being the tallest race throughout history, poverty isnt the reason asians are short because even young men living in developed countries like korea and japan are still manlets
even asians who grew up in the usa are still short also source for them being the tallest race throughout history, poverty isnt the reason asians are short because even young men living in developed countries like korea and japan are still manlets

Japanese are manlets just like SEA. Northeast Asians were the tallest. The Chinese referred to Japanese as Wa (Dwarves) for all of history. American WW2 propaganda said one of the main ways to tell Chinese and Japanese apart was their height, since Japanese were significantly shorter. Don't know why they're so short, maybe because of diet or Jomon genetics. Northern Chinese used to average taller than Europeans just a few centuries back. Also, Dutch were like the shortest in Europe at 5'4 and now they're the tallest lmao.

Even further back, Ancient Chinese in Shandong were 5'11 and grew up to 6'3, much taller than any other race of ancient human at the time. Europeans were 5'5 at this time.

Not to mention, Chinese and South Koreans are today growing in height faster than any other country. Poverty, nutrition, and environment is the detractor of East Asian height rather than genetics. If you haven't noticed East Asian zoomers in the west completely heightmog their parents to oblivion. There's a reason Dutch were among the shortest in Europe and now they're the tallest in just a few centuries.

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  • JFL
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Nigger SMV is more shit according to the vast majority of studies. Media halo and media failo both mean a lot, and so does environment. Asian SMV is vastly higher in Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, or South America than the US for example. They have the highest SMV in Eastern Europe and SEA actually. NTness also matters a lot; East Asians are cucked by non-NT unlike South Asians or Abos for example, who are cucked by attractiveness most of the time. Niggers are ugly monkeys, if they weren't hyper NT or had extreme media halo in the west they'd be absolutely fucked. There's a reason they're the most looked down on race outside of the west and have been for all of history everywhere they went.

View attachment 2301554

View attachment 2301557

He's a big-boned, wide-framed, robust-skulled, high T South Korean descended from Altaic steppe invaders who conquered, raped, slaughtered, and dominated cumskins and sandniggers for all of recorded history. You're an ugly manlet Urkelcel slave nigger descended from mud hut living street shitting disgusting subhuman monkeys getting raped, enslaved, and buck broken by cumskins and sandniggers for all of recorded history. He would buck break you while fucking your nigger sheboon sister raw like the Chinese are doing in Africa as we speak, abusing and oppressing niggers in their own country while mass fucking their women with no consequences due to the cuck African government that relies on Chinese aid to eke out their miserable poverty ridden existence.

Lmao this is exactly the case. It's due to environmental factors mostly. Asians tend to be shorter (Though that's changing very quickly since Chinese and South Koreans are statistically getting taller at the fastest rate of any race, and Chinese were the tallest race for most of history) and more high inhib, focusing on education rather than socialization, so an average Asian male might get mogged in terms of SMV in the west. However, Asians are the definition of high skill cap and heavily succeed as Changs when compard to other races, partly due to wealth and status and partly due to having the best skin/collagen/hair/face/aging. As long as an Asian is tall and well built and good at socializing, he mogs the equivalent of other races (ESPECIALLY outside the west), and East Asians are getting taller and stronger at a faster rate than any other race due to quickly improving nutrition, economy, and living conditions. Small dick size has been disproven by all recent studies btw.

In all TikTok videos asking girls to pick a race of men, Asian men do the best and beat out white, black, and Latino men because they show Chads of every race. Blacks did the worst in these videos too lmao. 8/10 Asian Chang >>> 8/10 Chads of most other races. Both pale prettyboy Kpopmaxxers and darker more robust/masc Asians achieved this result. The videos were posted in one of the comments in the above link but salty non Asians reported them and got them taken down, I'm sure most people there saw the videos though. Ofc there are lots of Asian nerds and Asians tend to be very high inhib and many are non NT, which fucks them over.

Nigger cope, that was a shit study with shit sample size. Asians are cucked by environment, not genetics. They're genetically superior to subhuman nigger slave monkeys in every aspect. This is the source btw

"Forty undergraduates studying at Cardiff University took part as face raters either for course credit or for a small cash payment. Twenty were female and twenty were male and all were between the ages of 18 and 30 years. Of the male raters, 15 were White, 2 were Black and 3 were Asian. Of the female raters, 14 were White, 3 were Black and 3 were Asian."

Tiny size of 20 male raters and 20 female raters. Not only that, there were literally only 2 black male raters, 3 Asian male raters, 3 black female raters, and 3 Asian female raters. So literally only 2-3 people as a sample size for two thirds of the statistics on the graph. You literally only bark about that one single study to bark about nigger supremacy while ignoring literally every other study showing niggers do the worst lmao.

You try to cherrypick shit trying to convince people that African niggers are higher IQ than Germanic whites too despite niggers doing dogshit in every IQ adoption study time and time again compared to other races as well as having the lowest IQ countries in the world by far with the least advancement. Real we wuz kangz nigger here. Race of mentally retarded primitive buck broken submissive slaves getting raped and enslaved by other races for all of history and living in mud huts for thousands of years, mentally recessed Negroid monkeys didn't even invent the wheel thousands of years after other races did lmao. Also, average IQ goes white, then mixed black-white, then black. Niggers fuck more pussy than Asians do that's true, but let's be real, with stuff like height/NT/environment equalized East Asians mog niggers in every conceivable aspect.

Also, you do know that Chinese are literally MASS FUCKING sheboons in Africa (Completely voluntary sex) while abusing and oppressing and beating nigger men in their own countries right? While Asian women utterly despise nigger men the most according to all dating studies. The amount of Chinese men getting with sheboons is becoming a major problem in places in Africa where Chinese go. They're either marrying all the top tier ones and leaving none for the nigger men, or pumping and dumping the whores and leaving them with genetically superior Blasian babies. I'll blackpill you with posts if you ask but I'm too lazy to find them now.
we dont know if its due to environmental factors "mostly", the "genetic limit" is completely unknown. also lol how you cite adoption studies as evidence of genetic difference in IQ, which also find an extremely high personality trait + height heritability. seems totally legit

It could even be that asians are taller than their genetic limit at the moment, and will decrease in height in a few generations
we dont know if its due to environmental factors "mostly", the "genetic limit" is completely unknown. also lol how you cite adoption studies as evidence of genetic difference in IQ, which also find an extremely high personality trait + height heritability. seems totally legit

It could even be that asians are taller than their genetic limit at the moment, and will decrease in height in a few generations

Then why are they growing in height faster than any other race despite not even being manlets anymore while white countries like America and the Netherlands are stagnating or decreasing in height? Copium tbh
Black people are oppressed
Nigger SMV is more shit according to the vast majority of studies. Media halo and media failo both mean a lot, and so does environment.
Theres no such thing as a media halo or media failo, attraction is determined by genetics. Dating studies are bullshit, dating studies also say that 6'6 men have the same dating success as 5'7 men, that bald men are more attractive than blonde men and that male attractiveness peaks at 45.

Nigger cope, that was a shit study with shit sample size.
did you read the study? the sample size for the model was 10000 "An implementation of the attractiveness-based marriage model was carried out in which the 10,000 individuals (half female and half male) were randomly assigned to being Black, Asian or White."
So literally only 2-3 people as a sample size for two thirds of the statistics on the graph
are you retarded? Raters rated races of each race and not just there respective races
You literally only bark about that one single study to bark about nigger supremacy while ignoring literally every other study showing niggers do the worst lmao.
Every other study confirms it

In the study mixed race faces were rated most attractive, black male faces second, then white male faces last.

Another study which examined just black and white faces

sample size was N = 292

In this study N = 392(56% female) In the first, in the first experiment black male faces werent rated more attractive, but when more robust models for faces and increased sample size black male faces were rated as more attractive. Mixed race faces were rated as most attractive in both in studies

Heres another study

in the asian male faces were rated as least attractive in both studies, in the first study white male faces were rated as more attractive, but in the second study when when they more than doubled the sample size to 137 black male faces were rated as more attractive.

So we have study after study done all coming to the same conclusion Mixed race men > black men > white men > asian men when it comes to facial attractiveness
3 sample size study to the ends of the Earth because it says niggers are attractive
The sample size was more than 3 and the fact that there were less raters who were minorities only proves my point because wouldnt whites be more biased toward rating european faces as more attractive?

East/SEA/South Asians (Who are all lumped in one group in the west, also bringing down Eastv Asian statistics).
Filipino men are more likely to be in relationships than east asian men and fuck more white women than east asian men statistically, SEAs are literally just tanned east asians and being tan is sought over in the west.

South Asians
south asians have higher smv than east asians,

east asian men have the lowest median partner counts, even lower than south asian men
Asian men do the best and beat out white, black, and Latino men because they show Chads of every race.
look if you think asian men are more attractive than black men fine, but thinking asian are more attractive than white and latino men :feelskek:

Asians do that's true, but let's be real, with stuff like height/NT/environment equalized East Asians mog niggers in every conceivable aspect.
women look for genetic superiority, not environment. East asians cant even mog indian men

Small dick size has been disproven by all recent studies btw.
no asians do indeed have small dicks

penis size, by country with sources included, theres not a single asian country with a dick size a measured above 6 inches, meanwhile all black african countries have a measured size of above 6 inches or at 6 inches except for tanzania which was due to poor study design.
Then why are they growing in height faster than any other race despite not even being manlets anymore while white countries like America and the Netherlands are stagnating or decreasing in height? Copium tbh
why are chinese people who grow up in the USA still manlets?
Then why are they growing in height faster than any other race despite not even being manlets anymore while white countries like America and the Netherlands are stagnating or decreasing in height? Copium tbh
They arent currently malnourished so Idk why you think it would continue to increase. they are lactoce intolerance genetically, which obviously makes it gentically harder to grow..

I am speaking in facts
  • +1
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SMV is vastly higher in Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, or South America than the US for example. They have the highest SMV in Eastern Europe and SEA actually
white men have the highest smv in SEA by far and in all of europe, show data suggesting otherwise
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Also, you do know that Chinese are literally MASS FUCKING sheboons in Africa (Completely voluntary sex) while abusing and oppressing and beating nigger men in their own countries right? While Asian women utterly despise nigger men the most according to all dating studies
Anyone cant cherry pick an example of anything and claim its reality, data is everything
You try to cherrypick shit trying to convince people that African niggers are higher IQ than Germanic whites too despite niggers doing dogshit in every IQ adoption study time and time again compared to other races as well as having the lowest IQ countries in the world by far with the least advancement.
race and iq arent related you dont want to debate me on this topic
didn't even invent the wheel thousands of years after other races did lmao.
africans knew about the wheel it was just impractical to use, for the same reason certain native american societies didnt adopt the wheel. And for the same reason european explores abadoned the wheel at times which exploring africa
Race of mentally retarded primitive buck broken submissive slaves getting raped and enslaved by other races for all of history and living in mud huts for thousands of years
The only race which conquered africans were whites and white occupation didnt last long and we were literally the last continent to be conquered, slaves were sold to arabs and whites by africans lol. How did "please sell us your slaves" turn to "haha we conquered and raped you"? You of course didnt study history.
bbc is law, that's it it's that simple thanks for reading.
and more high inhib, focusing on education rather than socialization, so an average Asian male might get mogged in terms of SMV in the west.
even in every study just focusing on facial attractiveness asian men are rated least attractive
Nigger SMV is more shit according to the vast majority of studies. Media halo and media failo both mean a lot, and so does environment.
Theres no such thing as a media halo or media failo, attraction is determined by genetics. Dating studies are bullshit, dating studies also say that 6'6 men have the same dating success as 5'7 men, that bald men are more attractive than blonde men and that male attractiveness peaks at 45.

Nigger cope, that was a shit study with shit sample size.
did you read the study? the sample size for the model was 10000 "An implementation of the attractiveness-based marriage model was carried out in which the 10,000 individuals (half female and half male) were randomly assigned to being Black, Asian or White."
So literally only 2-3 people as a sample size for two thirds of the statistics on the graph
are you retarded? Raters rated races of each race and not just there respective races
You literally only bark about that one single study to bark about nigger supremacy while ignoring literally every other study showing niggers do the worst lmao.
Every other study confirms it

In the study mixed race faces were rated most attractive, black male faces second, then white male faces last.

Another study which examined just black and white faces

sample size was N = 292

In this study N = 392(56% female) In the first
Poverty, nutrition, and environment is the detractor of East Asian height rather than genetics
east asians arent malnourished anymore and are still manlets and even in the USA after living there for over 100 years east asians are still manlets
did you read the study? the sample size for the model was 10000 "An implementation of the attractiveness-based marriage model was carried out in which the 10,000 individuals (half female and half male) were randomly assigned to being Black, Asian or White."

are you retarded? Raters rated races of each race and not just there respective races

The sample size is 10000 for the faces being rated, not the raters. Retarded nigger. We've been over this, there were 2-3 raters TOTAL for half the statistics and not much more for the rest. The sample size of the people doing the rating is way too small to be significant. Did you not read the part where I said it doesn't matter how much faces were being rated when the sample size of the actual people doing the rating was dogshit? Imagine 2-3 people being able to sway a whole study lmao.

In the study mixed race faces were rated most attractive, black male faces second, then white male faces last.

In this study N = 392(56% female) In the first, in the first experiment black male faces werent rated more attractive, but when more robust models for faces and increased sample size black male faces were rated as more attractive. Mixed race faces were rated as most attractive in both in studies

For those studies, is that the sample size of the raters or the people being rated? If it's not the former then it's a shit study. If it is, show evidence.

Heres another study

in the asian male faces were rated as least attractive in both studies, in the first study white male faces were rated as more attractive, but in the second study when when they more than doubled the sample size to 137 black male faces were rated as more attractive.

Why are you lying? In the first experiment it literally says that the Asian men and the black men were equal lmao.

So we have study after study done all coming to the same conclusion Mixed race men > black men > white men > asian men when it comes to facial attractiveness

Literally two total studies that include Asian men that you posted, including your OG one. Shit sample size. All dating studies prove that blacks do the worst by far and there's a reason for that.

Filipino men are more likely to be in relationships than east asian men and fuck more white women than east asian men statistically, SEAs are literally just tanned east asians and being tan is sought over in the west.

That's definitely true from my personal experience. But Filipinos are much shorter and have stereotypically uglier features. They're known for this. It's also considered extremely easy to SEAmaxx for Koreans and Chinese, and SEA are known for worshipping NEA features. Pretty obvious that them slaying in the US significantly more is due to culture and NT rather than genetics, the former matters a significant amount.

why are chinese people who grow up in the USA still manlets?

The vast majority of Chinese in America are deep southern Chinese from coastal Guangdong, many of which have majority SEA admixture and are shorter. But even they're growing taller quick. I personally know many 6'1+ southern Chinese. And no, Asian Americans aren't manlets and they're only growing taller. Northern Chinese Americans and Central Chinese Americans for example average 5'10.5 which is above the national average and they're only growing taller.


south asians have higher smv than east asians,

east asian men have the lowest median partner counts, even lower than south asian men

Partner count doesn't mean shit tbh. Like I've already said, East Asians are cucked by their culture and non-NTness.

no asians do indeed have small dicks

penis size, by country with sources included, theres not a single asian country with a dick size a measured above 6 inches, meanwhile all black african countries have a measured size of above 6 inches or at 6 inches except for tanzania which was due to poor study design.

ROFL at linking some random Github. Probably made by a coping niggercel like you. In reality dick size doesn't differ much between races.

Caucasian penile length measurements from institutional research:

Asian penile length measurements from institutional research:

Black penile length measurements from institutional research:

Data from 14,597 penile measurements of Vietnamese men
The median values are 9.03 cm for flaccid length, 14.67 cm (= 5.8 inches) for stretched length, 8.39 cm for mid-shaft circumference, and 2.86 cm for unaroused glans diameter.
I literally dont remember ever seeing a small or even slightly small "black penis". Literally have not seen one. BBC theory is obviously true.
The sample size is 10000 for the faces being rated, not the raters. Retarded nigger. We've been over this, there were 2-3 raters TOTAL for half the statistics and not much more for the rest. The sample size of the people doing the rating is way too small to be significant. Did you not read the part where I said it doesn't matter how much faces were being rated when the sample size of the actual people doing the rating was dogshit? Imagine 2-3 people being able to sway a whole study lmao.

For those studies, is that the sample size of the raters or the people being rated? If it's not the former then it's a shit study. If it is, show evidence.

Why are you lying? In the first experiment it literally says that the Asian men and the black men were equal lmao.

Literally two total studies that include Asian men that you posted, including your OG one. Shit sample size. All dating studies prove that blacks do the worst by far and there's a reason for that.

That's definitely true from my personal experience. But Filipinos are much shorter and have stereotypically uglier features. They're known for this. It's also considered extremely easy to SEAmaxx for Koreans and Chinese, and SEA are known for worshipping NEA features. Pretty obvious that them slaying in the US significantly more is due to culture and NT rather than genetics, the former matters a significant amount.

The vast majority of Chinese in America are deep southern Chinese from coastal Guangdong, many of which have majority SEA admixture and are shorter. But even they're growing taller quick. I personally know many 6'1+ southern Chinese. And no, Asian Americans aren't manlets and they're only growing taller. Northern Chinese Americans and Central Chinese Americans for example average 5'10.5 which is above the national average and they're only growing taller.

View attachment 2303408

Partner count doesn't mean shit tbh. Like I've already said, East Asians are cucked by their culture and non-NTness.

ROFL at linking some random Github. Probably made by a coping niggercel like you. In reality dick size doesn't differ much between races.

Caucasian penile length measurements from institutional research:

Asian penile length measurements from institutional research:

Black penile length measurements from institutional research:

Data from 14,597 penile measurements of Vietnamese men
The median values are 9.03 cm for flaccid length, 14.67 cm (= 5.8 inches) for stretched length, 8.39 cm for mid-shaft circumference, and 2.86 cm for unaroused glans diameter.

stretched length isnt a measure of erect penis size
They arent currently malnourished so Idk why you think it would continue to increase. they are lactoce intolerance genetically, which obviously makes it gentically harder to grow..

I am speaking in facts

Because they were taller than white people for the vast majority of history and are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race. If they don't grow then no other race will because no other race is growing in height faster than them lmao. Also, Neolithic Northern Chinese were literally the tallest Neolithic people tmi.

white men have the highest smv in SEA by far and in all of europe, show data suggesting otherwise

There are no dating studies conducted there, but given how much Koreans and Chinese geomax there and the fact that Korean men have significantly more intermarriage rates than Korean women in Korea due to SEA girls, it's pretty obvious. Northeast Asian men mog white men to dust in terms of SMV in SEA, tons of zoomers there have crushes on random Koreans or Chinese who they never met. Not to mention from what I've noticed white guys really like dating ugly dark SEAmonkeys for some reason, even the GL white guys, while East Asian guys only go for the attractive ones.


Thevye been in the USA for over 100 years now at this point and are still manlets

Like I've already said, the vast majority of East Asians are southern Chinese but even they're getting taller quick as I've shown above. A few Koreans. The rest are dwarf Japanese or SEA. Average northern Chinese and central Chinese American height mogs average white and black American. Height is mostly genetic but still partly environmental, just look at the average height of African countries.
Because they were taller than white people for the vast majority of history and are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race. If they don't grow then no other race will because no other race is growing in height faster than them lmao. Also, Neolithic Northern Chinese were literally the tallest Neolithic people tmi.

There are no dating studies conducted there, but given how much Koreans and Chinese geomax there and the fact that Korean men have significantly more intermarriage rates than Korean women in Korea due to SEA girls, it's pretty obvious. Northeast Asian men mog white men to dust in terms of SMV in SEA, tons of zoomers there have crushes on random Koreans or Chinese who they never met. Not to mention from what I've noticed white guys really like dating ugly dark SEAmonkeys for some reason, even the GL white guys, while East Asian guys only go for the attractive ones.

View attachment 2303439

Like I've already said, the vast majority of East Asians are southern Chinese but even they're getting taller quick as I've shown above. A few Koreans. The rest are dwarf Japanese or SEA. Average northern Chinese and central Chinese American height mogs average white and black American. Height is mostly genetic but still partly environmental, just look at the average height of African countries.
they are lactose intolerant, which is genetic. Dairy products make it easier to grow therefor they are genetically smaller
measuring stretched penis size as a proxy for erect penis size is p-hacking (penis-hacking). I would expect there to be variation in the difference between erect and stretched and flaccid, between races
The sample size is 10000 for the faces being rated, not the raters. Retarded nigger. We've been over this, there were 2-3 raters TOTAL for half the statistics and not much more for the rest.
The in this case im talking about the faces that men rated, since men rated the female faces. So why would men have a bias towards rating women married to black men as more attractive when they didnt even know which female was married to which race? Youre not making any sense.
For those studies, is that the sample size of the raters or the people being rated? If it's not the former then it's a shit study. If it is, show evidence.
Its the sample size for the amount of raters, all you had to do was read the study to find out.
Why are you lying? In the first experiment it literally says that the Asian men and the black men were equal lmao.
Did you read the study?


black male faces were rated as more attractive than asian male faces for both high and medium masculinity, chink men are rated as LEAST attractive in literally every study.
Literally two total studies that include Asian men that you posted, including your OG one. Shit sample size. All dating studies prove that blacks do the worst by far and there's a reason for that.
the second study I posted showed that asian men were rated least attractive and had a high sample size plus p values and f tests were significant. Chink men arent attractive to women.

Pretty obvious that them slaying in the US significantly more is due to culture and NT rather than genetics, the former matters a significant amount.
Theyre rated as least attractive facially in every single study ever done, and even indian men outslay you chinks despite being just as high inhib and focused on studies.

Partner count doesn't mean shit tbh. Like I've already said, East Asians are cucked by their culture and non-NTness.
partner count is everything, women still date and marry oofy doofy betabuxxes if you want to know what truly attracts women look at who they FUCK.

this graph proves my point lol the tallest western raised asian men are still two inches shorter than the western average of 5'10

And thats if we cherry pick the TALLEST group of asian, asians on average are 5'6 - 5'7 when raised in the west so yeah asians are manlets.

ROFL at linking some random Github. Probably made by a coping niggercel like you. In reality dick size doesn't differ much between races.
the sources are given in the website retard and sample size as well. Westerns have like 5.5 inches on average and asians are like 4.5 - 5 inches on average(Im talking only about measured size) While african countries are 6 inches are the smallest when measured.

Show me a single asian country which has 6 inch dicks(they dont exist), even a few western countries have 6 inch penises when measured.
Black penile length measurements from institutional research:

Data from 14,597 penile measurements of Vietnamese men
The median values are 9.03 cm for flaccid length, 14.67 cm (= 5.8 inches) for stretched length, 8.39 cm for mid-shaft circumference, and 2.86 cm for unaroused glans diameter.
That nigerian study is cope because when we read the study they used old men with erectile dsyfunction and they still made it to the world average jfl. To prove to you the study isnt the true average of nigerian men look at this study

nigerian men had a mean flaccid penis length of 4.85 inches, that would mean that if we were to take the study you posted as the erect average for nigerian men it would correspond to a % increase of 8% approximately when fully erect. Which is an impossibly small increase.

the average % increase for penises is approximately 37%

so increasing the 4.85 flaccid length of nigerian men we get a more accurate estimate of nigerian penis size at 6.64 inches which is near identical to the size found by gerofi et al.

Even if the study were correct it wouldnt matter since black africans in general have measured sizes of atleast 6 inches cherry picking one african country in the dozens that exist doesnt change that.
I literally dont remember ever seeing a small or even slightly small "black penis". Literally have not seen one. BBC theory is obviously true.

stretched length isnt a measure of erect penis size

Didn't you say you were Jewish? If you are I can see why you would say this lmao.

The only race which conquered africans were whites and white occupation didnt last long and we were literally the last continent to be conquered, slaves were sold to arabs and whites by africans lol. How did "please sell us your slaves" turn to "haha we conquered and raped you"? You of course didnt study history.

Lol copium, Arabs and Nafris and Horners (Who are basically Arabs) expanded into sub-Saharan Africa with zero struggle. They forcefully took black slaves and slaughtered and raped niggers to their leisure. Why did Arabs, Berbers, whites, and Meds enslave niggers and not other races (besides a few Slavs and curries)? Why did they trade them like cheap commodities and not other races? Why was the nigger slave trade the biggest slave trade in the world for all of history? Meanwhile not a single East Asian country was conquered by the west even when the west conquered 99% of the world with their luck-based industrialization and vastly superior technology. Now they're falling behind in innovations and advancements behind East Asian countries due to the fact that they have industrialized as well and are on a level playing field.

A third of African Americans have white YDNA from their ugly sheboon ancestors getting raped and buck broken by whites. 1 in every 3 is literally paternally white lmfao. Meanwhile, East Asians have absolutely zero white YDNA. Finns and Baltics have over 50% Asian YDNA through Haplogroup N and less than 1% Asian mtDNA, indicating it was all the men doing the rape. Finland went from over 90% R1A to only 3% R1A after getting replaced by Asian YDNA. Russians and Swedens have around 20% Asian YDNA and less than 1% Asian mtDNA as well. Huns, Avars, Mongols, Turkics, and Sino-Uralics utterly dominated Europe despite being a minority of their population. It seems that niggers have always been absolute dogshit at intraracial competition lmao. Actually, did Africans (Besides Nafris are Horners who are MENA) even conquer land outside sub-Saharan Africa? Bred to be cucked and enslaved tbh.

they are lactose intolerant, which is genetic. Dairy products make it easier to grow therefor they are genetically smaller

Doesn't stop them from drinking milk. All the Chinese I know drink 3 cups of milk every day with no detriment. They were the tallest for most of history for a reason. They're getting taller at the fastest rate of any race for a reason.
Because they were taller than white people for the vast majority of history and are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race. If they don't grow then no other race will because no other race is growing in height faster than them lmao. Also, Neolithic Northern Chinese were literally the tallest Neolithic people tmi.
that was due to differing environments likely when asians are raised in the west(same environment) they are manlets compared to whites
There are no dating studies conducted there
Then thats the end of it, if there are no scientific studies supporting your beliefs im not going to entertain it. Come back with data and not some "look at this random tiktok chink that foids like".

Like I've already said, the vast majority of East Asians are southern Chinese but even they're getting taller quick as I've shown above. A few Koreans. The rest are dwarf Japanese or SEA. Average northern Chinese and central Chinese American height mogs average white and black American.
Even the tallest western raised chinese people are two inches shorter than the average western height
Lol copium, Arabs and Nafris and Horners (Who are basically Arabs) expanded into sub-Saharan Africa with zero struggle. They forcefully took black slaves and slaughtered and raped niggers to their leisure.
Amazigh arent arabs and none of subsaharan africa was conquered by arabs, africans sold slaves to arabs and europeans they didnt "take them" study history. I dare you to show me a single source which shows the primary way arabs and europeans acquired slaves was through force, you cant of course.
Lol copium, Arabs and Nafris and Horners (Who are basically Arabs) expanded into sub-Saharan Africa with zero struggle
none of the empires arabs made even touched subsaharan africa

This is just historical fact stop coping chink
Didn't you say you were Jewish? If you are I can see why you would say this lmao.

Lol copium, Arabs and Nafris and Horners (Who are basically Arabs) expanded into sub-Saharan Africa with zero struggle. They forcefully took black slaves and slaughtered and raped niggers to their leisure. Meanwhile not a single East Asian country was conquered by the west even when the west conquered 99% of the world with their luck-based industrialization and vastly superior technology. Now they're falling behind in innovations and advancements behind East Asian countries due to the fact that they have industrialized as well and are on a level playing field.

A third of African Americans have white YDNA from their ugly sheboon ancestors getting raped and buck broken by whites. 1 in every 3 is literally paternally white lmfao. Meanwhile, East Asians have absolutely zero white YDNA. Finns and Baltics have over 50% Asian YDNA through Haplogroup N and less than 1% Asian mtDNA, indicating it was all the men doing the rape. Finland went from over 90% R1A to only 3% R1A after getting replaced by Asian YDNA. Russians and Swedens have around 20% Asian YDNA and less than 1% Asian mtDNA as well. Huns, Avars, Mongols, Turkics, and Sino-Uralics utterly dominated Europe despite being a minority of their population. It seems that niggers have always been absolute dogshit at intraracial competition lmao. Actually, did Africans (Besides Nafris are Horners who are MENA) even conquer land outside sub-Saharan Africa? Bred to be cucked and enslaved tbh.
"race" is a social construct anyways, you are talking in complete nonsense here. History is just random events that happened in this past, they mean basically zero to the people alive today. its like running a rng simulator and analyizing the results, seems legit
  • +1
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did Africans (Besides Nafris are Horners who are MENA) even conquer land outside sub-Saharan Africa?
they did conquer land outside of subsaharan africa with the help of arabs

They held spain for hundreds of years and if you look at the map not a single subsahran african country was conquered
never mind I didnt see the besides nafris
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I've noticed white guys really like dating ugly dark SEAmonkeys for some reason, even the GL white guys, while East Asian guys only go for the attractive ones
data shows asian women married to white men are more attractive than asian women married to asian men
Did you read the study?

View attachment 2303436
black male faces were rated as more attractive than asian male faces for both high and medium masculinity, chink men are rated as LEAST attractive in literally every study.

> "Literally every study"

> TWO studies with Asian men total, one with a complete dogshit sample size

Lol cope, you bark about two shit studies while niggers do the worst in every single dating study known to man. HQNP foids don't want disgusting ugly nigger monkeys. They are the most cucked and submissive bottom bitch slave race in all of history, getting enslaved and slaughtered and their women fucked and raped by all other races. For low masculinity Asian faces were rated as more attractive, but regardless, the difference in all three ratings isn't a significant amount.

the second study I posted showed that asian men were rated least attractive and had a high sample size plus p values and f tests were significant. Chink men arent attractive to women.

Theyre rated as least attractive facially in every single study ever done, and even indian men outslay you chinks despite being just as high inhib and focused on studies.

Two studies total, meanwhile niggers do absolute dogshit in every single dating study like I've shown.

Also you're changing your statements depending on what retarded agenda you're trying to push lmfao. You were JUST saying Indians are low SMV despite being apparently the "most NT", your words not mine. It's also pretty obvious that Indians are significantly lower inhib than East Asians on average.

this graph proves my point lol the tallest western raised asian men are still two inches shorter than the western average of 5'10
Even the tallest western raised chinese people are two inches shorter than the average western height

Are you mentally disabled? The graph literally says Northern Chinese Americans were 179cm average (rounded to 5'10.5 inches) and Central Chinese Americans were 177.5cm (rounded to 5'10 inches) average. That's either the same height or taller than the western average, and they're only getting taller while whites get stay stagnant or get shorter.

that was due to differing environments likely when asians are raised in the west(same environment) they are manlets compared to whites

Copium, they're taller than whites and blacks when raised in the west. Read the graph dumb fuck. Northern Chinese and central Chinese, which I admit are a very tiny fraction of the East Asian diaspora. They're only growing taller and taller. I notice that niggers on the internet for some reason tend to have an intense hate boner for East Asians, it's more intense for them than any other race. If you didn't have this hate boner you wouldn't come up with these coping mental gymnastics lmao.

data shows asian women married to white men are more attractive than asian women married to asian men

Yeah, the exact same data from the exact same study praising niggers which you posted repeatedly with a sample size of 2-3 raters for half the statistics. I've already debunked it hundreds of times. And pretty much everyone know it's the other way around

they did conquer land outside of subsaharan africa with the help of arabs
View attachment 2303489
They held spain for hundreds of years and if you look at the map not a single subsahran african country was conquered
never mind I didnt see the besides nafris

Lol exactly, only Nafris (Specifically Berbers) conquered land outside of sub-Saharan Africa and they were sandniggers and not Negroid niggers. I sincerely doubt you can name a single Negroid nigger empire that conquered land outside of SSA
Anyone cant cherry pick an example of anything and claim its reality, data is everything

Alright, I'll just copy and paste the brutal blackpills of Chinese cucking submissive nigger slave cucks all across Africa. This was already in someone else's comment

Chinese are abusing and oppressing submissive nigger cucks in their own countries while being worshipped by them and mass fucking and impregnating their women to their heart's leisure. Their women willingfully lend themselves to golden cock while their disgusting subhumanoid men get whipped, beat, and worked to death while the cuck government lets all of it slide because they heavily rely on Chinese aid. Though the Chinese are still drastically lowering the sky high death rates and poverty rates and poverty rates and greatly assisting and and civilizing the uncivilized monkeys as their superiors, so it's a fair trade.





Niggers are oppressed and looked down on in China as well.


View attachment 2107816
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 26859
Alright, I'll just copy and paste the brutal blackpills of Chinese cucking submissive nigger slave cucks all across Africa. This was already in someone else's comment

Chinese are abusing and oppressing submissive nigger cucks in their own countries while being worshipped by them and mass fucking and impregnating their women to their heart's leisure. Their women willingfully lend themselves to golden cock while their disgusting subhumanoid men get whipped, beat, and worked to death while the cuck government lets all of it slide because they heavily rely on Chinese aid. Though the Chinese are still drastically lowering the sky high death rates and poverty rates and poverty rates and greatly assisting and and civilizing the uncivilized monkeys as their superiors, so it's a fair trade.





Niggers are oppressed and looked down on in China as well.


View attachment 2107816





  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 26859
Black incels make the second highest group on I was just as suprised as you when I saw the polls tbh.
cool logic album cover pfp

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View attachment 2303504

View attachment 2303506

View attachment 2303507

And cumskins and sandniggers when they first went to Africa and took slaves did much, much, much more to niggers and their land than all this lmao. If anything the Chinese are much nicer to them. Sandniggers chopped every nigger slave's dick off and 1/3 of African-Americans have European YDNA from getting mass raped and cucked by slave owners
TWO studies with Asian men total, one with a complete dogshit sample size
I posted multiple studies in which black men outranked white men and we know white men are more attractive than asian men. Also how do you respond to the one study which had a large sample size just going to ignore it? Keep coping chink man, even korean women living in australia rated korean men as least attractive sample size for the study was above 100

So now we have three studies where chink men are rated as LEAST attractive
Two studies total, meanwhile niggers do absolute dogshit in every single dating study like I've shown.
dating studies are cope, ur dating studies also say 6'6 men have the same dating pool as 5'7 men, that men at 45 are most attractive and that men who are bald are more attractive than blonde men. Plus who cares? Blacks get to fuck women and get their best sex while they are young and fertile and other races can betabuxx and date women? So what how is that a good situation for you?

You were JUST saying Indians are low SMV despite being apparently the "most NT", your words not mine.
Im not sure if thats correct anymore, I based that statement off of the "bobs and vagene" meme but after actually getting to know indians irl I realize most arent like that and have discarded my racism towards indians. Most indians are quite high inhib atleast the ones Ive met.

"muh NT" when studies constantly show physical attributes are the biggest determinants in attractiveness.
Are you mentally disabled? The graph literally says Northern Chinese Americans were 179cm average (rounded to 5'10.5 inches) and Central Chinese Americans were 177.5cm (rounded to 5'10 inches) average.

Congradulations showing that the tallest chinks are two inches shorter than the western average "disproves" my point

Copium, they're taller than whites and blacks when raised in the west.


Yeah, the exact same data from the exact same study praising niggers which you posted repeatedly with a sample size of 2-3 raters for half the statistics.
That specific data point is based on males rating female faces so why would men have a higher bias towards rating asian women married to white men as more attractive than asian women married to white women despite not knowing the race of the husbands of the women who are married to them.

Plus I can understand why you dont want to believe blacks get attractive women of different races, but its common sense that even subpar white men can get with decent asian women
Lol exactly, only Nafris (Specifically Berbers) conquered land outside of sub-Saharan Africa and they were sandniggers and not Negroid niggers. I sincerely doubt you can name a single Negroid nigger empire that conquered land outside of SSA
Meanwhile in the present niggers are fucking all other races off foids, keep living in the past chink man.
Ironic you call menas that derogatory word when they mog chink men to oblivion
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Alright, I'll just copy and paste the brutal blackpills of Chinese cucking submissive nigger slave cucks all across Africa. This was already in someone else's comment

Chinese are abusing and oppressing submissive nigger cucks in their own countries while being worshipped by them and mass fucking and impregnating their women to their heart's leisure. Their women willingfully lend themselves to golden cock while their disgusting subhumanoid men get whipped, beat, and worked to death while the cuck government lets all of it slide because they heavily rely on Chinese aid. Though the Chinese are still drastically lowering the sky high death rates and poverty rates and poverty rates and greatly assisting and and civilizing the uncivilized monkeys as their superiors, so it's a fair trade.





Niggers are oppressed and looked down on in China as well.


View attachment 2107816

doesnt matter we can cherry pick examples of anything to prove a point lol


You see how easy it is to play that game? thats why you should only rely on data, and data says that women find chink men repulsive.
For low masculinity Asian faces were rated as more attractive,
Blacks were rated more attractive in every other case and when the sample size was increased in the second study the results were even more significant with low masculinity black faces being rated a whopping 40% more attractive than chink men of the same level and medium masculinity black faces being rated as 27% more attractive than chink men of the same masculinity level, conveniently you ignored this.

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