Mossad agent tries debating religion JFL

Ur seething cuz u know it’s true buddy Muslims love fucking their cousins that’s why yall r ugly brown manlets jfl.

Also how can I cope I’m a 6ft mulatto I really wish I was a short goat fucker 😭😭
I’m not pajeet or Arab so I can’t say shit abt ur first part.

Nigga ur a mulatto, ur bloodline is 5’7 :feelskek: face is law and 6ft ain’t nowhere near enough to save ur truecel face that’s why ur BITCHLESS NIGGA :lul:

Also mulatto is not a halo JFL why tf u mentioning that shit like it’s helping u. Framecel brown niggas w shir beards. That’s why ur girls all flock to bbc niggas :feelshaha:
  • JFL
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IMG 1955

How I would’ve been if I was from the gulf nigga, go give ur rent to the cartel for a house u bought nigga
  • JFL
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I'm half palestinian and I love you bro, thank you for defending palestine
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I’m not pajeet or Arab so I can’t say shit abt ur first part.
So u admit their is an epidemic of incestuous goat fuckers that follow ur religion jfl
Nigga ur a mulatto, ur bloodline is 5’7
What does this even mean lol. Mulattos are not short @murdah mulatto pill this shitskin
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So u admit there is an epidemic of incestuous goat fuckers that follow ur religion jfl

What does this even mean lol. Mulattos are not short @murdah mulatto pill this shitskin
Idgaf abt Arabs nigga get off my dick :feelskek: I’m a Muslim, not an Arab lover. Stfu w ur subhuman cope

Don’t care abt ur mulatto shit. I mog u nigga, that’s all I care
  • JFL
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Brotha ma mom is 5’7.5. She literally taller than the average Muslim male jfl

idc abt ur mom nigga she fucked 20 different niggas w u inside that’s why ur such a fucking retard, all that physical traumas gotta do something. Get off my dick w ur Muslim bs I’m European nigga we enslaved u hoes.
  • JFL
Reactions: VisageVirtuoso√

idc abt ur mom nigga she fucked 20 different niggas w u inside that’s why ur such a fucking retard, all that physical traumas gotta do something. Get off my dick w ur Muslim bs I’m European nigga we enslaved u hoes.
IMG 8076

IMG 8075
  • JFL
Reactions: VisageVirtuoso√ and murdah
jfl if you think im reading allat

idc abt ur mom nigga she fucked 20 different niggas w u inside that’s why ur such a fucking retard, all that physical traumas gotta do something. Get off my dick w ur Muslim bs I’m European nigga we enslaved u hoes.
european and muslim?
Failed thread because you're the dumbass here. Religion is the most obvious form of population control in history
  • JFL
Reactions: jacky hanma
Posting Redditors with quotes written by stinky sandniggers is not some form of argument or wit.

You have to be severely low IQ to buy into religion. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc all believe they are right, when we know them all being right is impossible
  • JFL
Reactions: jacky hanma
You have to be severely low IQ to buy into religion. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc all believe they are right, when we know them all being right is impossible :incel:

People don’t just choose their religion based off random choice :feelskek: unless they’re born into it. Most people have reasons for it. I doubted it from age fucking 11, but the more I researched it, the more I found it to align well, and I cba to explain it on a fucking looksmaxxing forum.
Posting Redditors with quotes written by stinky sandniggers is not some form of argument or wit. :feelsuhh:
its not an argument retard it just fit what u were saying, if you really think that’s meant to be an attempt of argument from me your nowhere near as smart as you think you are :feelshaha:
  • JFL
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People don’t just choose their religion based off random choice :feelskek: unless they’re born into it. Most people have reasons for it. I doubted it from age fucking 11, but the more I researched it, the more I found it to align well, and I cba to explain it on a fucking looksmaxxing forum.

its not an argument retard it just fit what u were saying, if you really think that’s meant to be an attempt of argument from me your nowhere near as smart as you think you are :feelshaha:
Just do your reeeesearch bro:soy::soy:

What research? Jfl. There is nothing factual or scientific about religion. Your "research" is warped ramblings of a biased member of that religion.

Also, obviously most people are born into their religion. Which is why religion varies by region

Religion is just telling people what they want to hear, based on absolutely nothing. Except lies and books written by humans. There is an undeniable fact: the bible and quran are contradictory, and thus at least one of them is wrong and lies. But try telling any Christian or Muslim that. You are very foolish to unironically believe in any particular religion. Imagine you, a human, thinking you know anything about the universe in order to be able to choose the religion you believe to be correct after "research":feelshaha::feelshaha:
  • +1
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It’s true tho. This MD did a thesis paper on why males in the Netherlands saw rapid height increase in a relatively short time period.

He attributed it to sexual selection by way of female choice (heightpill)

There is no female sexual selection in Muslim societies. That’s why their height has stayed stagnant.

Religion literally is just so people who are unlucky in life can cope with justice, fairness, and afterlife etc.

Also the fact a lot of theist are vehemently against the entire idea of science is very telling. No you shouldn’t blindly believe the conclusions of every study because there is such a thing as biased or bad faith science.
Yes certain institutions have incentives to bend the truth to fit their agenda. This does not mean science is inherently bad.

We all learned the scientific method in school dude. We all know you don’t get to make a claim with out substantial evidence backing it up. There is just no significant empirical evidence to support Islam, particularly the more fantastic claims.

For examples Christians believe a JEW came BACK FROM THE DEAD, WALKED ON WATER, TURNED WATER TO WINE. These are all fantastic claims that also need equally fantastic evidence. If you asked a Christian to prove their claims they will just quote a bible verse jfl.

It’s just obvious cope bruh
It’s true tho. This MD did a thesis paper on why males in the Netherlands saw rapid height increase in a relatively short time period.

He attributed it to sexual selection by way of female choice (heightpill)

There is no female sexual selection in Muslim societies. That’s why their height has stayed stagnant.

Religion literally is just so people who are unlucky in life can cope with justice, fairness, and afterlife etc.

Also the fact a lot of theist are vehemently against the entire idea of science is very telling. No you shouldn’t blindly believe the conclusions of every study because there is such a thing as biased or bad faith science.
Yes certain institutions have incentives to bend the truth to fit their agenda. This does not mean science is inherently bad.

We all learned the scientific method in school dude. We all know you don’t get to make a claim with out substantial evidence backing it up. There is just no significant empirical evidence to support Islam, particularly the more fantastic claims.

For examples Christians believe a JEW came BACK FROM THE DEAD, WALKED ON WATER, TURNED WATER TO WINE. These are all fantastic claims that also need equally fantastic evidence. If you asked a Christian to prove their claims they will just quote a bible verse jfl.

It’s just obvious cope bruh
Will read tomorrow bhai
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Just do your reeeesearch bro:soy::soy:

What research? Jfl. There is nothing factual or scientific about religion. Your "research" is warped ramblings of a biased member of that religion.

Also, obviously most people are born into their religion. Which is why religion varies by region

Religion is just telling people what they want to hear, based on absolutely nothing. Except lies and books written by humans. There is an undeniable fact: the bible and quran are contradictory, and thus at least one of them is wrong and lies. But try telling any Christian or Muslim that. You are very foolish to unironically believe in any particular religion. Imagine you, a human, thinking you know anything about the universe in order to be able to choose the religion you believe to be correct after "research":feelshaha::feelshaha:
I cba to debate religion on a website full of subhuman incels JFL get off my dick.

There is an undeniable fact: the bible and quran are contradictory, and thus at least one of them is wrong and lies. But try telling any Christian or Muslim that. You are very foolish to unironically believe in any particular religion. Imagine you, a human, thinking you know anything about the universe in order to be able to choose the religion you believe to be correct after "research":feelshaha::feelshaha:
That’s why they both believe each other is false. In the Quran it states the bibles is corrupted and the Quran is the pure unchanged word of god. That’s why Muslims believe the bible is false, while Christian’s believe the opposite. Your point is shit because it takes a religiously pluralistic viewpoint. All religions aren’t true, no religious person believes that. Tf is ur point nigga.

I would debate the rest of ur points but I cba :sleep:
I cba to debate religion on a website full of subhuman incels JFL get off my dick.

That’s why they both believe each other is false. In the Quran it states the bibles is corrupted and the Quran is the pure unchanged word of god. That’s why Muslims believe the bible is false, while Christian’s believe the opposite. Your point is shit because it takes a religiously pluralistic viewpoint. All religions aren’t true, no religious person believes that. Tf is ur point nigga.

I would debate the rest of ur points but I cba :sleep:
My point is Christians and Muslims both believe they have found the undeniable truth. So I can with confidence say at least one of them is wrong. Which makes billions just like you who are confident that what they believe in is the truth, incorrect
My point is Christians and Muslims both believe they have found the undeniable truth. So I can with confidence say at least one of them is wrong. Which makes billions just like you who are confident that what they believe in is the truth, incorrect
Your debating me and I believe Christianity is wrong because there is ALOOOT wrong w it. So I still believe I’m correct. To me, You’ve just proven Christianity is wrong, which I believe already. Does that affect me nigga?
Ik u think ur point is crazy smart but it really isn’t. Makes sense at first but the more you think of it the stupider it gets :smonk:.
Your debating me and I believe Christianity is wrong because there is ALOOOT wrong w it. So I still believe I’m correct. To me, You’ve just proven Christianity is wrong, which I believe already. Does that affect me nigga?
Ik u think ur point is crazy smart but it really isn’t. Makes sense at first but the more you think of it the stupider it gets :smonk:.
I don't think it's crazy smart. I think it's simple logic which you'd have to be stupid and/or coping to oppose. I could bring a Christian in here and watch you two both say why you're correct, and laugh from the top :feelsohh:

What makes you think you know more than a Christian who shares the same belief that they are right? All religions are dumb af, simple as that. No one knows what any possible god could be
I tried reading your argument but it actually hurts my brain seeing how stupid you guys both seem to be

Free Palestine though
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Name one stupid shit I said
It’s just the way you guys both talked ngl. i.e. Why would I read an RELIGIOUS argument where people are slanging slurs/profanity left and right? Does that even sound like it’s worth wasting my time?
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It’s just the way you guys both talked ngl. i.e. Why would I read an RELIGIOUS argument where people are slanging slurs/profanity left and right? Does that even sound like it’s worth wasting my time?
It’s not worth wasting ur time bhai, the guy literally made 1 shit point and tried proving it repeatedly even after I disproved it :lul: I didn’t make this thread as informative I made it cuz I thought he was retarded as fuck
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