Do you take the caffeine pills everyday?
What’s the difference between caffeine pills and redbull, are the pills slow release?
Insane facial harmony, eye area looks so good despite it feeling like it shouldnt from a PSL perspective
@greeneyes rate him
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that’s awesome to know. Have often had facial bloat this past year? If not, that would be amazing news for me…
I also get your second point, it makes sense
Nah I didnt really have bloated face cuz I eat very clean, in fact it looks less bloated now
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Very good improving op, if you gymaxx you will be chad trust me. Even if you'll be a bit bloated in the beginning it's still worth because having a muscular body is a long term looksmax. Btw my biggest problem is being Non NT, wbu ? have you improved that ?
thank you for your kind and insightful comment.

being non-nt is probably the main reason I had not pulled at all during high school.
I believe that since I've gone to uni, I have been making crazy progress.

I started by getting drunk and going out. Getting validation from girls at the club (despite having negative game 😂) gave me the confidence to approach more girls. Then, as I spoke to more and more girls, I learned to become more nt. I believe that becoming nt can be achieved by talking to a lot of people, especially women. You’ll make mistakes and say/do stupid things. But as you gain experience, your brain will start to tell what to and not to do/say.

I still feel like an aspie, but around girls I can control my aspieness now, more or less.

So yeah, if you’re still struggling with being non-nt, I’d recommend you go out of your confort zone and talk/approach new people (+1 of they’re a girl). You can do it while drunk in the beginning if you find it easier.

This is only my experience though, I still hope it helps you :)
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Do you take the caffeine pills everyday?
yes, every morning.
diuretic + improves brain function, what more can you want? Caffeine is so underrated!
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Insane facial harmony, eye area looks so good despite it feeling like it shouldnt from a PSL perspective
@greeneyes rate him
Thank you so much for the nice comment man!
Nah I didnt really have bloated face cuz I eat very clean, in fact it looks less bloated now
bet, lean bulk starts on Saturday. Thank youI’m looking forward!!
How much do you eat over maintenance?
  • +1
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bet, lean bulk starts on Saturday. Thank youI’m looking forward!!
How much do you eat over maintenance?
Idk whats my maintenance a day, I just eat as much as possible(my appetite is very high since I began training)
  • Woah
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Welcome to Pneumo's transformation thread.
See how a virgin mtn became a chadlite club slayer (still virgin tho)

I started my looksmaxxing journey around October 2021 as I started working out and eating more, thinking I would become some Sam Dezz mogger in a few months. I was 17.

I joined this Godsend of a forum late December 2021, 2 months into my journey. I took some notes from relevant and botb threads, but at first I didn't really apply them. I was an inconsistent and a lazy piece of shit back then.
The way in which this forum has helped me the most was in identifying my flaws. As you will see, I had a lot of them, yet my family or friends would never point them out. It could have been out of politeness, but I think it's because the average person cannot identify such flaws. One would acknowledge that my face was shit, but would not be able to point out and name what was making me ugly. You can't expect the average bluepiller to know about canthal tilts, facial bloat, or what's wrong with a recessed mandible.

Posting my pictures in December 2021, albeit frauded, in the ratings section has helped me immensely. I'd once again like to thank every one who took the time to leave a rating and/or advice under my post.

Subsequently, I was able to looksmax the right parts of my face efficiently.

Here are, in my opinion, the most important looksmaxxes I have done. I believe they are the main transformations that have lead to my ascension.
They are listed from most to least important, even though they all are.

    There are plenty of BOTB threads out there to help you get perfect skin. Just make sure you know if your skin tends to be dry or greasy.
    The main things that have helped me clear my skin are drinking 3L of water per day, benzoyl peroxide to avoid acne outbreaks and La Roche Posay's Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of acne scars.
    The main things that have helped me with my coloration are the sun (this summer only) and increasing my alpha and beta carrotene intakes. I eat at least 2 large carrots and 1 tomato per day. Be aware that the sun is a deadly laser for your skin. Now that it's getting cold, I apply mattifying SPF cream to my skin. I also apply a small amount of mattifying CC cream on my scars when I have some.
    This won't apply to everyone, as we are all different (duh). My chin developped like shit during my puberty, so at 17 I was left with a pathetically small, low-T chin. There's not much I could/can do unfortunately. Bonesmashing would be cope, and on top of that, my jaw was recessed so my subhuman chin makes it harder for me to articulate properly. I can speak perfectly fine, but when I get tired, people tend to have a hard time deciphering what I said.
    What I did and what I am doing though, is simply frauding. I push my jaw forwards 24/7. I have been doing this for months, and I legitimately think my chin has developped (a bit).
    This should be top 2 for most people. I'm referring to facial leanness, meaning little facial fat and no puffiness/facial bloat. If you're high bf%, you know what to do. I don't want to give you people a target bf% to achieve, as everyone's fat distribution is different and I'm not knowledgeable enough on this topic. Cutting down to low bf% is the first step. The second is much more difficult. You need to get rid of facial bloat. To do so, being in a caloric deficit is not enough. You need to be aware of 3 major things: sodium intake, water intake, and potassium intake.
    Your sodium intake should be as low as humanly possible. If you want to be lean on a daily basis and not just for a special event, keep your sodium intake at around 500mg. If you need to debloat within a day or two, go lower. Reminder: in 1 gram of salt there is 387mg of sodium. You should drink at least 3L of water every day, if you're not doing this already then you're not even trying to looksmax. Your potassium intake should be high, aim for a 4:1 potassium/sodium intake ratio. The higher the better. Eat foods like bananas and avocadoes to increase your potassium intake.
    Also, if you want debloat faster, you need to be consuming diuretics. Diuretics are foods/beverages that help you evacuate water and salts. The diuretic I like the most is caffeine and I try to consume at least 600mg of it per day, which is quite a lot. My main source is MyProtein's Thermopure pills (198mg per 3 pills), but you can also get around 200mg of caffeine from a cappuccino or any other coffee.

    Next, the eye area. Most times it's the first thing people notice about you.
    You must know that hunter eyes is not necessarily the way to go as it could throw off harmony.
    In a lot of cases, notably mine, almond eyes look better. However I was born with round eyes. What I have been doing for the past few months, is pulling the skin around my medial and lateral canthi. I pull it outwards for a few seconds, and it allows me to get almond eyes for a few minutes/hours depending on how hard I pull. I feel like my eyes look more almond-like naturally than they used to a few months ago.
    Please note that this is purely anecdotal, not backed by science, and I don't believe anyone else on this forum does this. Proceed with caution.

    Next, make sure your eyebrows are on point. Yes, dark, dense and wide eyebrows are great, but there are more factors that come into consideration.
    The most important one being the tilt. Eyebrow tilt is more important than canthal tilt! If you unluckily have a negative eyebrow tilt like me, do not worry, it's not over.
    As with your eyes, you can pull and push your eyebrows to give them a postive tilt, it works temporarily. Then, you need to relax your frontalis muscle. A lot of people unconsciously tense it, pushing the inner brows upwards. On the other hand, you can also consciously tense your frontalis in a way that gives you a positive eyebrow tilt (pretty much frowning but with without squinting too hard).

    Next, solid under-eye support is vital. Try hard-mewing or thumbpulling if you have a recessed maxilla. If you have droopy skin below your eyes, try plumping it up by hydrating it, applying or injecting hyaluronic acid, or applying volufiline (volufiline's effectiveness is debated on this forum).
    Your zygomatic bones also play a role in under-eye support. Try bonesmashing them if you're boneless.
    Squinting is always an option too, just make sure you practice in the mirror before doing it in public, it could be quite disconcerting and give off aspie vibes.

    There are tons of nice haircuts out there. Choose one that fits your aesthetic (e.g. high class, urban, e-boy, etc.). I believe, in all humility, that I have ideal hair. It is straight dense and brown. Dark brown would be better for med dark triad, but that's not really my aesthetic as a youg collagen-ful prettyboy, so it's not too hindering.
    Take care of your hair as you want, their is no one-guide-fits-all. You know your hair better than anyone else.
    My mistake has been choosing an old barber to cut my hair. Dude botched me every time and got rid of all my density. Make sure you change barbers from time to time, you could be surprised.
    My hairstyle now is classic low-fade. Other barber fucked me up with his high fadeless-fades. It can suit many different aesthetics. I style my hair with hair powder, I'd recommend the same for fellow men with straight dense hair.

    I will only cover teeth whitening here. If your teeth aren't straight, get braces, I can't help you with that.
    I whitened my teeth by myself and made this legendary thread about it, check it out:
    White teeth is cherry on the cake really, so focus on the other points first. It especially helps with self-confidence.

    Your side profile is quite important, albeit less important than your front profile.
    Achieving an aesthetic side profile is a combination of many different factors. You should focus on not being recessed (chin, jaw, maxilla), having tight hyoid skin, having an aesthetic nose and masculine supraorbitals (deep-set eyes). Bonesmashing may help with the latter, and hard-mewing with the former. Having good posture at all times is necessary though.

There is a lot to looksmaxxing. It is not a simple straightforward process.
People will need more time than others and there's nothing wrong about that.

If I could only give one piece of advice, it'd be to try new things out. I have tried so many creams, moisturisers, diets, etc, have spent so much time and money, but I have only made progress. Even if something failed, I simply learned from it and tried something else. Do not get discouraged if an £80 eye cream you bought doesn't do shit. Look at the ingredients in it, figure out what's missing or what could, and try another cream. Keep trying until you find what's right. Trial and error.

I believe I am chadlite on most days now. However, depending on my skin, diet and facial bloat, that can change from a day to another. Looksmaxxing is a continous process. Nothing is ever achieved forever.

Also, frauding IRL is okay. As long as you can maintain that fraud 24/7, go for it. Don't be ashamed. Whether it's pushing your jaw forwards or modifying your eyebrow tilt.

I am aware that I am exposing myself in this thread. If my new IRL friends saw these old pics (or even this thread jfl) they would bully me lmao. I just want to be genuine, and I hope this motivates you.

Finally, change your mindset before looksmaxxing. Don't expect an end goal, wish for one. Then, do everything you can to achieve it.

Hope this helps.


Really happy for you.
You showed us that WAGMI if we try our hardest.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
thanks man, looking forward to seeing your ascension thread one day
  • +1
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sorry I’m on mobile rn i couldn’t see
Yeah well now you know.
Your transformation is unlike anything I've seen. What motivated you to go to such lengths? The teeth whitening bit left me in shock to be completely honest with you.
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Welcome to Pneumo's transformation thread.
See how a virgin mtn became a chadlite club slayer (still virgin tho)

I started my looksmaxxing journey around October 2021 as I started working out and eating more, thinking I would become some Sam Dezz mogger in a few months. I was 17.

I joined this Godsend of a forum late December 2021, 2 months into my journey. I took some notes from relevant and botb threads, but at first I didn't really apply them. I was an inconsistent and a lazy piece of shit back then.
The way in which this forum has helped me the most was in identifying my flaws. As you will see, I had a lot of them, yet my family or friends would never point them out. It could have been out of politeness, but I think it's because the average person cannot identify such flaws. One would acknowledge that my face was shit, but would not be able to point out and name what was making me ugly. You can't expect the average bluepiller to know about canthal tilts, facial bloat, or what's wrong with a recessed mandible.

Posting my pictures in December 2021, albeit frauded, in the ratings section has helped me immensely. I'd once again like to thank every one who took the time to leave a rating and/or advice under my post.

Subsequently, I was able to looksmax the right parts of my face efficiently.

Here are, in my opinion, the most important looksmaxxes I have done. I believe they are the main transformations that have lead to my ascension.
They are listed from most to least important, even though they all are.

    There are plenty of BOTB threads out there to help you get perfect skin. Just make sure you know if your skin tends to be dry or greasy.
    The main things that have helped me clear my skin are drinking 3L of water per day, benzoyl peroxide to avoid acne outbreaks and La Roche Posay's Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of acne scars.
    The main things that have helped me with my coloration are the sun (this summer only) and increasing my alpha and beta carrotene intakes. I eat at least 2 large carrots and 1 tomato per day. Be aware that the sun is a deadly laser for your skin. Now that it's getting cold, I apply mattifying SPF cream to my skin. I also apply a small amount of mattifying CC cream on my scars when I have some.
    This won't apply to everyone, as we are all different (duh). My chin developped like shit during my puberty, so at 17 I was left with a pathetically small, low-T chin. There's not much I could/can do unfortunately. Bonesmashing would be cope, and on top of that, my jaw was recessed so my subhuman chin makes it harder for me to articulate properly. I can speak perfectly fine, but when I get tired, people tend to have a hard time deciphering what I said.
    What I did and what I am doing though, is simply frauding. I push my jaw forwards 24/7. I have been doing this for months, and I legitimately think my chin has developped (a bit).
    This should be top 2 for most people. I'm referring to facial leanness, meaning little facial fat and no puffiness/facial bloat. If you're high bf%, you know what to do. I don't want to give you people a target bf% to achieve, as everyone's fat distribution is different and I'm not knowledgeable enough on this topic. Cutting down to low bf% is the first step. The second is much more difficult. You need to get rid of facial bloat. To do so, being in a caloric deficit is not enough. You need to be aware of 3 major things: sodium intake, water intake, and potassium intake.
    Your sodium intake should be as low as humanly possible. If you want to be lean on a daily basis and not just for a special event, keep your sodium intake at around 500mg. If you need to debloat within a day or two, go lower. Reminder: in 1 gram of salt there is 387mg of sodium. You should drink at least 3L of water every day, if you're not doing this already then you're not even trying to looksmax. Your potassium intake should be high, aim for a 4:1 potassium/sodium intake ratio. The higher the better. Eat foods like bananas and avocadoes to increase your potassium intake.
    Also, if you want debloat faster, you need to be consuming diuretics. Diuretics are foods/beverages that help you evacuate water and salts. The diuretic I like the most is caffeine and I try to consume at least 600mg of it per day, which is quite a lot. My main source is MyProtein's Thermopure pills (198mg per 3 pills), but you can also get around 200mg of caffeine from a cappuccino or any other coffee.

    Next, the eye area. Most times it's the first thing people notice about you.
    You must know that hunter eyes is not necessarily the way to go as it could throw off harmony.
    In a lot of cases, notably mine, almond eyes look better. However I was born with round eyes. What I have been doing for the past few months, is pulling the skin around my medial and lateral canthi. I pull it outwards for a few seconds, and it allows me to get almond eyes for a few minutes/hours depending on how hard I pull. I feel like my eyes look more almond-like naturally than they used to a few months ago.
    Please note that this is purely anecdotal, not backed by science, and I don't believe anyone else on this forum does this. Proceed with caution.

    Next, make sure your eyebrows are on point. Yes, dark, dense and wide eyebrows are great, but there are more factors that come into consideration.
    The most important one being the tilt. Eyebrow tilt is more important than canthal tilt! If you unluckily have a negative eyebrow tilt like me, do not worry, it's not over.
    As with your eyes, you can pull and push your eyebrows to give them a postive tilt, it works temporarily. Then, you need to relax your frontalis muscle. A lot of people unconsciously tense it, pushing the inner brows upwards. On the other hand, you can also consciously tense your frontalis in a way that gives you a positive eyebrow tilt (pretty much frowning but with without squinting too hard).

    Next, solid under-eye support is vital. Try hard-mewing or thumbpulling if you have a recessed maxilla. If you have droopy skin below your eyes, try plumping it up by hydrating it, applying or injecting hyaluronic acid, or applying volufiline (volufiline's effectiveness is debated on this forum).
    Your zygomatic bones also play a role in under-eye support. Try bonesmashing them if you're boneless.
    Squinting is always an option too, just make sure you practice in the mirror before doing it in public, it could be quite disconcerting and give off aspie vibes.

    There are tons of nice haircuts out there. Choose one that fits your aesthetic (e.g. high class, urban, e-boy, etc.). I believe, in all humility, that I have ideal hair. It is straight dense and brown. Dark brown would be better for med dark triad, but that's not really my aesthetic as a youg collagen-ful prettyboy, so it's not too hindering.
    Take care of your hair as you want, their is no one-guide-fits-all. You know your hair better than anyone else.
    My mistake has been choosing an old barber to cut my hair. Dude botched me every time and got rid of all my density. Make sure you change barbers from time to time, you could be surprised.
    My hairstyle now is classic low-fade. Other barber fucked me up with his high fadeless-fades. It can suit many different aesthetics. I style my hair with hair powder, I'd recommend the same for fellow men with straight dense hair.

    I will only cover teeth whitening here. If your teeth aren't straight, get braces, I can't help you with that.
    I whitened my teeth by myself and made this legendary thread about it, check it out:
    White teeth is cherry on the cake really, so focus on the other points first. It especially helps with self-confidence.

    Your side profile is quite important, albeit less important than your front profile.
    Achieving an aesthetic side profile is a combination of many different factors. You should focus on not being recessed (chin, jaw, maxilla), having tight hyoid skin, having an aesthetic nose and masculine supraorbitals (deep-set eyes). Bonesmashing may help with the latter, and hard-mewing with the former. Having good posture at all times is necessary though.

There is a lot to looksmaxxing. It is not a simple straightforward process.
People will need more time than others and there's nothing wrong about that.

If I could only give one piece of advice, it'd be to try new things out. I have tried so many creams, moisturisers, diets, etc, have spent so much time and money, but I have only made progress. Even if something failed, I simply learned from it and tried something else. Do not get discouraged if an £80 eye cream you bought doesn't do shit. Look at the ingredients in it, figure out what's missing or what could, and try another cream. Keep trying until you find what's right. Trial and error.

I believe I am chadlite on most days now. However, depending on my skin, diet and facial bloat, that can change from a day to another. Looksmaxxing is a continous process. Nothing is ever achieved forever.

Also, frauding IRL is okay. As long as you can maintain that fraud 24/7, go for it. Don't be ashamed. Whether it's pushing your jaw forwards or modifying your eyebrow tilt.

I am aware that I am exposing myself in this thread. If my new IRL friends saw these old pics (or even this thread jfl) they would bully me lmao. I just want to be genuine, and I hope this motivates you.

Finally, change your mindset before looksmaxxing. Don't expect an end goal, wish for one. Then, do everything you can to achieve it.

Hope this helps.


Nice, but stop wearing those gay ass Supreme shirts. And don't whiten your teeth. 3rd world teeth mog. With such white teeth you just look the same as every other stupid Westerner.
  • JFL
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Yeah well now you know.
Your transformation is unlike anything I've seen. What motivated you to go to such lengths? The teeth whitening bit left me in shock to be completely honest with you.
i initially wanted to looksmax to get with my crush.

i wanted her so bad. I saw myself marrying her. she was on my mind every single fucking hour. i even failed classes because i was thinking about her, no joke. She was stunning. I still want to marry her ngl.
I didn't even know if she found me attractive, so I was desperate to be the best looking i could.

I was so so desperate to get white teeth cus mine were unnaturally yellow, so that was my main focus when looksmaxxing. I haven't done anything as extreme since. (I am currently considering injecting hyaluronic acid under my eyes to get chico-like aegyo sal, but that's even more dangerous than whitening my teeth.)

in the end i never even spoke to her before leaving high school (she found a boyfriend in the mean time). i was depressed and deicded that instead of crying like a bitch i'd make her regret. that's when I really ascended (around june-july).

If you have any questions on whatever topic pertaining to looksmaxxing, I'm always down to help. That'd make me happy
  • +1
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Reactions: charliewillascend, ripikke and PURE ARYAN GENETICS
Nice, but stop wearing those gay ass Supreme shirts. And don't whiten your teeth. 3rd world teeth mog. With such white teeth you just look the same as every other stupid Westerner.
just be ugly to stand out theory. gotcha (y)
  • +1
Reactions: Makeup_Rules
just be ugly to stand out theory. gotcha (y)
My teeth are jacked (got character) and it drives the girls crazy. You don't know what you're talking about.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
i initially wanted to looksmax to get with my crush.

i wanted her so bad. I saw myself marrying her. she was on my mind every single fucking hour. i even failed classes because i was thinking about her, no joke. She was stunning. I still want to marry her ngl.
I didn't even know if she found me attractive, so I was desperate to be the best looking i could.
That's a very respectable goal for such a monumental improvement. I'd imagine it was a bloody good motivator when you felt like the teeth stuff was a bit extreme (and dangerous). How would you rate yourself on the 1-10 scale? I'd give you something from a very solid 7.8 or wonderful 8.4/10
(I am currently considering injecting hyaluronic acid under my eyes to get chico-like aegyo sal, but that's even more dangerous than whitening my teeth.)
That's your choice, but I feel like that's going too far for my taste. That's just me though. Perhaps I'm just less motivated to improve myself.
in the end i never even spoke to her before leaving high school (she found a boyfriend in the mean time). i was depressed and deicded that instead of crying like a bitch i'd make her regret. that's when I really ascended (around june-july).
That's a proper villain backstory you got there :whatfeels:

If you have any questions on whatever topic pertaining to looksmaxxing, I'm always down to help. That'd make me happy
Nothing for now, thanks a lot for the offer though.
I'm just acclimating to the forum for now.
If there's anything to inquire into I'll know who to talk to :)
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Was doing whitening yourself worth it? Id rather go to a dentist
What I have been doing for the past few months, is pulling the skin around my medial and lateral canthi. I pull it outwards for a few seconds, and it allows me to get almond eyes for a few minutes/hours depending on how hard I pull. I feel like my eyes look more almond-like naturally than they used to a few months ago.
Please note that this is purely anecdotal, not backed by science, and I don't believe anyone else on this forum does this. Proceed with caution.
could you please show a video of you doing it?
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: ripikke and Deleted member 16673
Welcome to Pneumo's transformation thread.
See how a virgin mtn became a chadlite club slayer (still virgin tho)

I started my looksmaxxing journey around October 2021 as I started working out and eating more, thinking I would become some Sam Dezz mogger in a few months. I was 17.

I joined this Godsend of a forum late December 2021, 2 months into my journey. I took some notes from relevant and botb threads, but at first I didn't really apply them. I was an inconsistent and a lazy piece of shit back then.
The way in which this forum has helped me the most was in identifying my flaws. As you will see, I had a lot of them, yet my family or friends would never point them out. It could have been out of politeness, but I think it's because the average person cannot identify such flaws. One would acknowledge that my face was shit, but would not be able to point out and name what was making me ugly. You can't expect the average bluepiller to know about canthal tilts, facial bloat, or what's wrong with a recessed mandible.

Posting my pictures in December 2021, albeit frauded, in the ratings section has helped me immensely. I'd once again like to thank every one who took the time to leave a rating and/or advice under my post.

Subsequently, I was able to looksmax the right parts of my face efficiently.

Here are, in my opinion, the most important looksmaxxes I have done. I believe they are the main transformations that have lead to my ascension.
They are listed from most to least important, even though they all are.

    There are plenty of BOTB threads out there to help you get perfect skin. Just make sure you know if your skin tends to be dry or greasy.
    The main things that have helped me clear my skin are drinking 3L of water per day, benzoyl peroxide to avoid acne outbreaks and La Roche Posay's Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of acne scars.
    The main things that have helped me with my coloration are the sun (this summer only) and increasing my alpha and beta carrotene intakes. I eat at least 2 large carrots and 1 tomato per day. Be aware that the sun is a deadly laser for your skin. Now that it's getting cold, I apply mattifying SPF cream to my skin. I also apply a small amount of mattifying CC cream on my scars when I have some.
    This won't apply to everyone, as we are all different (duh). My chin developped like shit during my puberty, so at 17 I was left with a pathetically small, low-T chin. There's not much I could/can do unfortunately. Bonesmashing would be cope, and on top of that, my jaw was recessed so my subhuman chin makes it harder for me to articulate properly. I can speak perfectly fine, but when I get tired, people tend to have a hard time deciphering what I said.
    What I did and what I am doing though, is simply frauding. I push my jaw forwards 24/7. I have been doing this for months, and I legitimately think my chin has developped (a bit).
    This should be top 2 for most people. I'm referring to facial leanness, meaning little facial fat and no puffiness/facial bloat. If you're high bf%, you know what to do. I don't want to give you people a target bf% to achieve, as everyone's fat distribution is different and I'm not knowledgeable enough on this topic. Cutting down to low bf% is the first step. The second is much more difficult. You need to get rid of facial bloat. To do so, being in a caloric deficit is not enough. You need to be aware of 3 major things: sodium intake, water intake, and potassium intake.
    Your sodium intake should be as low as humanly possible. If you want to be lean on a daily basis and not just for a special event, keep your sodium intake at around 500mg. If you need to debloat within a day or two, go lower. Reminder: in 1 gram of salt there is 387mg of sodium. You should drink at least 3L of water every day, if you're not doing this already then you're not even trying to looksmax. Your potassium intake should be high, aim for a 4:1 potassium/sodium intake ratio. The higher the better. Eat foods like bananas and avocadoes to increase your potassium intake.
    Also, if you want debloat faster, you need to be consuming diuretics. Diuretics are foods/beverages that help you evacuate water and salts. The diuretic I like the most is caffeine and I try to consume at least 600mg of it per day, which is quite a lot. My main source is MyProtein's Thermopure pills (198mg per 3 pills), but you can also get around 200mg of caffeine from a cappuccino or any other coffee.

    Next, the eye area. Most times it's the first thing people notice about you.
    You must know that hunter eyes is not necessarily the way to go as it could throw off harmony.
    In a lot of cases, notably mine, almond eyes look better. However I was born with round eyes. What I have been doing for the past few months, is pulling the skin around my medial and lateral canthi. I pull it outwards for a few seconds, and it allows me to get almond eyes for a few minutes/hours depending on how hard I pull. I feel like my eyes look more almond-like naturally than they used to a few months ago.
    Please note that this is purely anecdotal, not backed by science, and I don't believe anyone else on this forum does this. Proceed with caution.

    Next, make sure your eyebrows are on point. Yes, dark, dense and wide eyebrows are great, but there are more factors that come into consideration.
    The most important one being the tilt. Eyebrow tilt is more important than canthal tilt! If you unluckily have a negative eyebrow tilt like me, do not worry, it's not over.
    As with your eyes, you can pull and push your eyebrows to give them a postive tilt, it works temporarily. Then, you need to relax your frontalis muscle. A lot of people unconsciously tense it, pushing the inner brows upwards. On the other hand, you can also consciously tense your frontalis in a way that gives you a positive eyebrow tilt (pretty much frowning but with without squinting too hard).

    Next, solid under-eye support is vital. Try hard-mewing or thumbpulling if you have a recessed maxilla. If you have droopy skin below your eyes, try plumping it up by hydrating it, applying or injecting hyaluronic acid, or applying volufiline (volufiline's effectiveness is debated on this forum).
    Your zygomatic bones also play a role in under-eye support. Try bonesmashing them if you're boneless.
    Squinting is always an option too, just make sure you practice in the mirror before doing it in public, it could be quite disconcerting and give off aspie vibes.

    There are tons of nice haircuts out there. Choose one that fits your aesthetic (e.g. high class, urban, e-boy, etc.). I believe, in all humility, that I have ideal hair. It is straight dense and brown. Dark brown would be better for med dark triad, but that's not really my aesthetic as a youg collagen-ful prettyboy, so it's not too hindering.
    Take care of your hair as you want, their is no one-guide-fits-all. You know your hair better than anyone else.
    My mistake has been choosing an old barber to cut my hair. Dude botched me every time and got rid of all my density. Make sure you change barbers from time to time, you could be surprised.
    My hairstyle now is classic low-fade. Other barber fucked me up with his high fadeless-fades. It can suit many different aesthetics. I style my hair with hair powder, I'd recommend the same for fellow men with straight dense hair.

    I will only cover teeth whitening here. If your teeth aren't straight, get braces, I can't help you with that.
    I whitened my teeth by myself and made this legendary thread about it, check it out:
    White teeth is cherry on the cake really, so focus on the other points first. It especially helps with self-confidence.

    Your side profile is quite important, albeit less important than your front profile.
    Achieving an aesthetic side profile is a combination of many different factors. You should focus on not being recessed (chin, jaw, maxilla), having tight hyoid skin, having an aesthetic nose and masculine supraorbitals (deep-set eyes). Bonesmashing may help with the latter, and hard-mewing with the former. Having good posture at all times is necessary though.

There is a lot to looksmaxxing. It is not a simple straightforward process.
People will need more time than others and there's nothing wrong about that.

If I could only give one piece of advice, it'd be to try new things out. I have tried so many creams, moisturisers, diets, etc, have spent so much time and money, but I have only made progress. Even if something failed, I simply learned from it and tried something else. Do not get discouraged if an £80 eye cream you bought doesn't do shit. Look at the ingredients in it, figure out what's missing or what could, and try another cream. Keep trying until you find what's right. Trial and error.

I believe I am chadlite on most days now. However, depending on my skin, diet and facial bloat, that can change from a day to another. Looksmaxxing is a continous process. Nothing is ever achieved forever.

Also, frauding IRL is okay. As long as you can maintain that fraud 24/7, go for it. Don't be ashamed. Whether it's pushing your jaw forwards or modifying your eyebrow tilt.

I am aware that I am exposing myself in this thread. If my new IRL friends saw these old pics (or even this thread jfl) they would bully me lmao. I just want to be genuine, and I hope this motivates you.

Finally, change your mindset before looksmaxxing. Don't expect an end goal, wish for one. Then, do everything you can to achieve it.

Hope this helps.


Damn sick improvements. I think u missed out one thing though, ur coloring improved alot, did u use beta carotene etc or just tanned.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19620 and Deleted member 16673
looking good. you don't need to be on here lol.
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Damn sick improvements. I think u missed out one thing though, ur coloring improved alot, did u use beta carotene etc or just tanned.
thanks man. I eat 2 carrots and 1 tomato a day to get my alpha and beta carrotene intake.
I did tan this summer, but if I want to have good coloring this winter, I need to keep eating these carrots lol
  • +1
Reactions: Elvisandreaa
lookin good before and after tbh

what’s ur opinion on manual lip stretching for wider palate?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
lookin good before and after tbh

what’s ur opinion on manual lip stretching for wider palate?
lip stretching won't widen the palate.
i have widened my palate by thumpulling and hard mewing.
I tried lip stretching to get wider, more aesthetic lips but the results weren't there so i stopped.
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: Tr0ubLe and Deleted member 22126
lip stretching won't widen the palate.
i have widened my palate by thumpulling and hard mewing.
I tried lip stretching to get wider, more aesthetic lips but the results weren't there so i stopped.
how thumb pulling works?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22126 and Elvisandreaa
Awesome transformation man!

Bf really does matter, i think you and i have the same problem when you are extra sensitive to salt. Whenever i eat alot of salt it ruins my face for the whole day.

Back when i was skinny, 5’11 at 140lbs i looked like this. 1 meal a day, and i ate whatever i wanted. Never worked out or did any cardio.

in these pics i tried to bulk up and worked out. Was at 170lbs. 3 big meals a day, full of sodium & carbs. The huge amount of sodium&food made my face look really puffy instantly and i basically lost all definition of my face. I think people with thinner bones/ectomorph people are more sensitive to this. I have stopped bulking now. I only focus on keeping salt intake really low.

Anyways hows strict are you with your diet? How much do you eat? How much do you avoid bread, high sodium foods and so on?

Wait a minute you're the dude that did the self teeth whitening, one of the most autistic schizo posts that I've read on this forum :lul:

But I can't argue with results, the fact you even went through with that honestly says you're more into the looksmaxxing journey than most people.

Insane transformation, that jaw alone is :feelsmega:
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: lucifer6969 and Deleted member 16673
6'0 63kg 1700kcals/day
no breakfast
banana + 2 carrots + tomato for lunch
333g of minced beef or chicken breasts + broccoli, avocadoes, corn, low salt low sugar ketchup and skyr for dinner
I also snack on bananas during the day
how tf do you deal with cravings if you eat this
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Welcome to Pneumo's transformation thread.
See how a virgin mtn became a chadlite club slayer (still virgin tho)

I started my looksmaxxing journey around October 2021 as I started working out and eating more, thinking I would become some Sam Dezz mogger in a few months. I was 17.

I joined this Godsend of a forum late December 2021, 2 months into my journey. I took some notes from relevant and botb threads, but at first I didn't really apply them. I was an inconsistent and a lazy piece of shit back then.
The way in which this forum has helped me the most was in identifying my flaws. As you will see, I had a lot of them, yet my family or friends would never point them out. It could have been out of politeness, but I think it's because the average person cannot identify such flaws. One would acknowledge that my face was shit, but would not be able to point out and name what was making me ugly. You can't expect the average bluepiller to know about canthal tilts, facial bloat, or what's wrong with a recessed mandible.

Posting my pictures in December 2021, albeit frauded, in the ratings section has helped me immensely. I'd once again like to thank every one who took the time to leave a rating and/or advice under my post.

Subsequently, I was able to looksmax the right parts of my face efficiently.

Here are, in my opinion, the most important looksmaxxes I have done. I believe they are the main transformations that have lead to my ascension.
They are listed from most to least important, even though they all are.

    There are plenty of BOTB threads out there to help you get perfect skin. Just make sure you know if your skin tends to be dry or greasy.
    The main things that have helped me clear my skin are drinking 3L of water per day, benzoyl peroxide to avoid acne outbreaks and La Roche Posay's Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of acne scars.
    The main things that have helped me with my coloration are the sun (this summer only) and increasing my alpha and beta carrotene intakes. I eat at least 2 large carrots and 1 tomato per day. Be aware that the sun is a deadly laser for your skin. Now that it's getting cold, I apply mattifying SPF cream to my skin. I also apply a small amount of mattifying CC cream on my scars when I have some.
    This won't apply to everyone, as we are all different (duh). My chin developped like shit during my puberty, so at 17 I was left with a pathetically small, low-T chin. There's not much I could/can do unfortunately. Bonesmashing would be cope, and on top of that, my jaw was recessed so my subhuman chin makes it harder for me to articulate properly. I can speak perfectly fine, but when I get tired, people tend to have a hard time deciphering what I said.
    What I did and what I am doing though, is simply frauding. I push my jaw forwards 24/7. I have been doing this for months, and I legitimately think my chin has developped (a bit).
    This should be top 2 for most people. I'm referring to facial leanness, meaning little facial fat and no puffiness/facial bloat. If you're high bf%, you know what to do. I don't want to give you people a target bf% to achieve, as everyone's fat distribution is different and I'm not knowledgeable enough on this topic. Cutting down to low bf% is the first step. The second is much more difficult. You need to get rid of facial bloat. To do so, being in a caloric deficit is not enough. You need to be aware of 3 major things: sodium intake, water intake, and potassium intake.
    Your sodium intake should be as low as humanly possible. If you want to be lean on a daily basis and not just for a special event, keep your sodium intake at around 500mg. If you need to debloat within a day or two, go lower. Reminder: in 1 gram of salt there is 387mg of sodium. You should drink at least 3L of water every day, if you're not doing this already then you're not even trying to looksmax. Your potassium intake should be high, aim for a 4:1 potassium/sodium intake ratio. The higher the better. Eat foods like bananas and avocadoes to increase your potassium intake.
    Also, if you want debloat faster, you need to be consuming diuretics. Diuretics are foods/beverages that help you evacuate water and salts. The diuretic I like the most is caffeine and I try to consume at least 600mg of it per day, which is quite a lot. My main source is MyProtein's Thermopure pills (198mg per 3 pills), but you can also get around 200mg of caffeine from a cappuccino or any other coffee.

    Next, the eye area. Most times it's the first thing people notice about you.
    You must know that hunter eyes is not necessarily the way to go as it could throw off harmony.
    In a lot of cases, notably mine, almond eyes look better. However I was born with round eyes. What I have been doing for the past few months, is pulling the skin around my medial and lateral canthi. I pull it outwards for a few seconds, and it allows me to get almond eyes for a few minutes/hours depending on how hard I pull. I feel like my eyes look more almond-like naturally than they used to a few months ago.
    Please note that this is purely anecdotal, not backed by science, and I don't believe anyone else on this forum does this. Proceed with caution.

    Next, make sure your eyebrows are on point. Yes, dark, dense and wide eyebrows are great, but there are more factors that come into consideration.
    The most important one being the tilt. Eyebrow tilt is more important than canthal tilt! If you unluckily have a negative eyebrow tilt like me, do not worry, it's not over.
    As with your eyes, you can pull and push your eyebrows to give them a postive tilt, it works temporarily. Then, you need to relax your frontalis muscle. A lot of people unconsciously tense it, pushing the inner brows upwards. On the other hand, you can also consciously tense your frontalis in a way that gives you a positive eyebrow tilt (pretty much frowning but with without squinting too hard).

    Next, solid under-eye support is vital. Try hard-mewing or thumbpulling if you have a recessed maxilla. If you have droopy skin below your eyes, try plumping it up by hydrating it, applying or injecting hyaluronic acid, or applying volufiline (volufiline's effectiveness is debated on this forum).
    Your zygomatic bones also play a role in under-eye support. Try bonesmashing them if you're boneless.
    Squinting is always an option too, just make sure you practice in the mirror before doing it in public, it could be quite disconcerting and give off aspie vibes.

    There are tons of nice haircuts out there. Choose one that fits your aesthetic (e.g. high class, urban, e-boy, etc.). I believe, in all humility, that I have ideal hair. It is straight dense and brown. Dark brown would be better for med dark triad, but that's not really my aesthetic as a youg collagen-ful prettyboy, so it's not too hindering.
    Take care of your hair as you want, their is no one-guide-fits-all. You know your hair better than anyone else.
    My mistake has been choosing an old barber to cut my hair. Dude botched me every time and got rid of all my density. Make sure you change barbers from time to time, you could be surprised.
    My hairstyle now is classic low-fade. Other barber fucked me up with his high fadeless-fades. It can suit many different aesthetics. I style my hair with hair powder, I'd recommend the same for fellow men with straight dense hair.

    I will only cover teeth whitening here. If your teeth aren't straight, get braces, I can't help you with that.
    I whitened my teeth by myself and made this legendary thread about it, check it out:
    White teeth is cherry on the cake really, so focus on the other points first. It especially helps with self-confidence.

    Your side profile is quite important, albeit less important than your front profile.
    Achieving an aesthetic side profile is a combination of many different factors. You should focus on not being recessed (chin, jaw, maxilla), having tight hyoid skin, having an aesthetic nose and masculine supraorbitals (deep-set eyes). Bonesmashing may help with the latter, and hard-mewing with the former. Having good posture at all times is necessary though.

There is a lot to looksmaxxing. It is not a simple straightforward process.
People will need more time than others and there's nothing wrong about that.

If I could only give one piece of advice, it'd be to try new things out. I have tried so many creams, moisturisers, diets, etc, have spent so much time and money, but I have only made progress. Even if something failed, I simply learned from it and tried something else. Do not get discouraged if an £80 eye cream you bought doesn't do shit. Look at the ingredients in it, figure out what's missing or what could, and try another cream. Keep trying until you find what's right. Trial and error.

I believe I am chadlite on most days now. However, depending on my skin, diet and facial bloat, that can change from a day to another. Looksmaxxing is a continous process. Nothing is ever achieved forever.

Also, frauding IRL is okay. As long as you can maintain that fraud 24/7, go for it. Don't be ashamed. Whether it's pushing your jaw forwards or modifying your eyebrow tilt.

I am aware that I am exposing myself in this thread. If my new IRL friends saw these old pics (or even this thread jfl) they would bully me lmao. I just want to be genuine, and I hope this motivates you.

Finally, change your mindset before looksmaxxing. Don't expect an end goal, wish for one. Then, do everything you can to achieve it.

Hope this helps.


You still have zero sex appeal. Look like 12 yr old that watches Justin bieber. Keep crying while the 6’3 roidmaxxed guy steals your girl.
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 8365
how tf do you deal with cravings if you eat this
gum lol.
And that's my maintenance. When I go out at night (clubbing) I have to fast during the day so that my cheeks stay hollow in spite of the alcohol bloat
  • +1
Reactions: Elvisandreaa and BigBundaSlapper
You still have zero sex appeal. Look like 12 yr old that watches Justin bieber. Keep crying while the 6’3 roidmaxxed guy steals your girl.
thanks for your input, decadouche57
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 32747
Did your smile get wider from thumbpulling
Awesome transformation man!

Bf really does matter, i think you and i have the same problem when you are extra sensitive to salt. Whenever i eat alot of salt it ruins my face for the whole day.

in these pics i tried to bulk up and worked out. Was at 170lbs. 3 big meals a day, full of sodium & carbs. The huge amount of sodium&food made my face look really puffy instantly and i basically lost all definition of my face. I think people with thinner bones/ectomorph people are more sensitive to this. I have stopped bulking now. I only focus on keeping salt intake really low.

Anyways hows strict are you with your diet? How much do you eat? How much do you avoid bread, high sodium foods and so on?
Thanks for your comment!
and yeah, the probably we have with salt is soooo annoying.

My main focuses for my diet are:
  • 150g of protein a day
  • less than 500mg of sodium (1.25g of salt)
  • 2g of potassium
  • huge amounts of alpha and beta carotene
  • 400mg caffeine
  • low carbs
  • 1400-1700 kcals
This would be a typical day:
6'0 63kg 1700kcals/day
no breakfast
banana + 2 carrots + tomato for lunch
333g of minced beef or chicken breasts + broccoli, avocadoes, corn, low salt low sugar ketchup and skyr for dinner
I also snack on bananas and carrots during the day
but most times i don't even have ketchupp or skyr.

I will never eat bread again, ever! Hard to say as a frenchcel, but the bloat I get from eating the slightest amount of bread is unbelievable. It has no nutritional value and is full of carbs, gluten and salt.
Same for high sodium foods like fast food. I will only eat some if I know i'm staying at home the next day. My bdd is so bad i don't even go to class when I sense the slightest facial bloat. it's that bad.

You look amazing with hollow cheeks. The bloat is a deathly looksmin for everyone, not just you so dw. Mirin the eye area also, wow.
  • +1
Reactions: charliewillascend, Tr0ubLe, Deleted member 32747 and 1 other person
Did your smile get wider from thumbpulling
i have always had these lips man. I don't believe thumbpulling helped :/
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 22126
gum lol.
And that's my maintenance. When I go out at night (clubbing) I have to fast during the day so that my cheeks stay hollow in spite of the alcohol bloat
Nice, surprised your chin looks better in the after as well with just softmaxxing
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Nice, surprised your chin looks better in the after as well with just softmaxxing
it's 90% fraud. be careful. I just changed my posture.
The result looks great though it still impresses me, even tho side profile kinda gives it away.
anyway I hope this thread will be useful to you in the future. if u have any questtions just hit the dms i'll try my best to help ya
  • +1
Reactions: Tr0ubLe and BigBundaSlapper

forgive my autism

@HotDeserts @krisal
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: Tr0ubLe, Deleted member 8365, GalacticHero and 2 others
Welcome to Pneumo's transformation thread.
See how a virgin mtn became a chadlite club slayer (still virgin tho)

I started my looksmaxxing journey around October 2021 as I started working out and eating more, thinking I would become some Sam Dezz mogger in a few months. I was 17.

I joined this Godsend of a forum late December 2021, 2 months into my journey. I took some notes from relevant and botb threads, but at first I didn't really apply them. I was an inconsistent and a lazy piece of shit back then.
The way in which this forum has helped me the most was in identifying my flaws. As you will see, I had a lot of them, yet my family or friends would never point them out. It could have been out of politeness, but I think it's because the average person cannot identify such flaws. One would acknowledge that my face was shit, but would not be able to point out and name what was making me ugly. You can't expect the average bluepiller to know about canthal tilts, facial bloat, or what's wrong with a recessed mandible.

Posting my pictures in December 2021, albeit frauded, in the ratings section has helped me immensely. I'd once again like to thank every one who took the time to leave a rating and/or advice under my post.

Subsequently, I was able to looksmax the right parts of my face efficiently.

Here are, in my opinion, the most important looksmaxxes I have done. I believe they are the main transformations that have lead to my ascension.
They are listed from most to least important, even though they all are.

    There are plenty of BOTB threads out there to help you get perfect skin. Just make sure you know if your skin tends to be dry or greasy.
    The main things that have helped me clear my skin are drinking 3L of water per day, benzoyl peroxide to avoid acne outbreaks and La Roche Posay's Effaclar Duo Plus to get rid of acne scars.
    The main things that have helped me with my coloration are the sun (this summer only) and increasing my alpha and beta carrotene intakes. I eat at least 2 large carrots and 1 tomato per day. Be aware that the sun is a deadly laser for your skin. Now that it's getting cold, I apply mattifying SPF cream to my skin. I also apply a small amount of mattifying CC cream on my scars when I have some.
    This won't apply to everyone, as we are all different (duh). My chin developped like shit during my puberty, so at 17 I was left with a pathetically small, low-T chin. There's not much I could/can do unfortunately. Bonesmashing would be cope, and on top of that, my jaw was recessed so my subhuman chin makes it harder for me to articulate properly. I can speak perfectly fine, but when I get tired, people tend to have a hard time deciphering what I said.
    What I did and what I am doing though, is simply frauding. I push my jaw forwards 24/7. I have been doing this for months, and I legitimately think my chin has developped (a bit).
    This should be top 2 for most people. I'm referring to facial leanness, meaning little facial fat and no puffiness/facial bloat. If you're high bf%, you know what to do. I don't want to give you people a target bf% to achieve, as everyone's fat distribution is different and I'm not knowledgeable enough on this topic. Cutting down to low bf% is the first step. The second is much more difficult. You need to get rid of facial bloat. To do so, being in a caloric deficit is not enough. You need to be aware of 3 major things: sodium intake, water intake, and potassium intake.
    Your sodium intake should be as low as humanly possible. If you want to be lean on a daily basis and not just for a special event, keep your sodium intake at around 500mg. If you need to debloat within a day or two, go lower. Reminder: in 1 gram of salt there is 387mg of sodium. You should drink at least 3L of water every day, if you're not doing this already then you're not even trying to looksmax. Your potassium intake should be high, aim for a 4:1 potassium/sodium intake ratio. The higher the better. Eat foods like bananas and avocadoes to increase your potassium intake.
    Also, if you want debloat faster, you need to be consuming diuretics. Diuretics are foods/beverages that help you evacuate water and salts. The diuretic I like the most is caffeine and I try to consume at least 600mg of it per day, which is quite a lot. My main source is MyProtein's Thermopure pills (198mg per 3 pills), but you can also get around 200mg of caffeine from a cappuccino or any other coffee.

    Next, the eye area. Most times it's the first thing people notice about you.
    You must know that hunter eyes is not necessarily the way to go as it could throw off harmony.
    In a lot of cases, notably mine, almond eyes look better. However I was born with round eyes. What I have been doing for the past few months, is pulling the skin around my medial and lateral canthi. I pull it outwards for a few seconds, and it allows me to get almond eyes for a few minutes/hours depending on how hard I pull. I feel like my eyes look more almond-like naturally than they used to a few months ago.
    Please note that this is purely anecdotal, not backed by science, and I don't believe anyone else on this forum does this. Proceed with caution.

    Next, make sure your eyebrows are on point. Yes, dark, dense and wide eyebrows are great, but there are more factors that come into consideration.
    The most important one being the tilt. Eyebrow tilt is more important than canthal tilt! If you unluckily have a negative eyebrow tilt like me, do not worry, it's not over.
    As with your eyes, you can pull and push your eyebrows to give them a postive tilt, it works temporarily. Then, you need to relax your frontalis muscle. A lot of people unconsciously tense it, pushing the inner brows upwards. On the other hand, you can also consciously tense your frontalis in a way that gives you a positive eyebrow tilt (pretty much frowning but with without squinting too hard).

    Next, solid under-eye support is vital. Try hard-mewing or thumbpulling if you have a recessed maxilla. If you have droopy skin below your eyes, try plumping it up by hydrating it, applying or injecting hyaluronic acid, or applying volufiline (volufiline's effectiveness is debated on this forum).
    Your zygomatic bones also play a role in under-eye support. Try bonesmashing them if you're boneless.
    Squinting is always an option too, just make sure you practice in the mirror before doing it in public, it could be quite disconcerting and give off aspie vibes.

    There are tons of nice haircuts out there. Choose one that fits your aesthetic (e.g. high class, urban, e-boy, etc.). I believe, in all humility, that I have ideal hair. It is straight dense and brown. Dark brown would be better for med dark triad, but that's not really my aesthetic as a youg collagen-ful prettyboy, so it's not too hindering.
    Take care of your hair as you want, their is no one-guide-fits-all. You know your hair better than anyone else.
    My mistake has been choosing an old barber to cut my hair. Dude botched me every time and got rid of all my density. Make sure you change barbers from time to time, you could be surprised.
    My hairstyle now is classic low-fade. Other barber fucked me up with his high fadeless-fades. It can suit many different aesthetics. I style my hair with hair powder, I'd recommend the same for fellow men with straight dense hair.

    I will only cover teeth whitening here. If your teeth aren't straight, get braces, I can't help you with that.
    I whitened my teeth by myself and made this legendary thread about it, check it out:
    White teeth is cherry on the cake really, so focus on the other points first. It especially helps with self-confidence.

    Your side profile is quite important, albeit less important than your front profile.
    Achieving an aesthetic side profile is a combination of many different factors. You should focus on not being recessed (chin, jaw, maxilla), having tight hyoid skin, having an aesthetic nose and masculine supraorbitals (deep-set eyes). Bonesmashing may help with the latter, and hard-mewing with the former. Having good posture at all times is necessary though.

There is a lot to looksmaxxing. It is not a simple straightforward process.
People will need more time than others and there's nothing wrong about that.

If I could only give one piece of advice, it'd be to try new things out. I have tried so many creams, moisturisers, diets, etc, have spent so much time and money, but I have only made progress. Even if something failed, I simply learned from it and tried something else. Do not get discouraged if an £80 eye cream you bought doesn't do shit. Look at the ingredients in it, figure out what's missing or what could, and try another cream. Keep trying until you find what's right. Trial and error.

I believe I am chadlite on most days now. However, depending on my skin, diet and facial bloat, that can change from a day to another. Looksmaxxing is a continous process. Nothing is ever achieved forever.

Also, frauding IRL is okay. As long as you can maintain that fraud 24/7, go for it. Don't be ashamed. Whether it's pushing your jaw forwards or modifying your eyebrow tilt.

I am aware that I am exposing myself in this thread. If my new IRL friends saw these old pics (or even this thread jfl) they would bully me lmao. I just want to be genuine, and I hope this motivates you.

Finally, change your mindset before looksmaxxing. Don't expect an end goal, wish for one. Then, do everything you can to achieve it.

Hope this helps.


  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Thanks for your comment!
and yeah, the probably we have with salt is soooo annoying.

My main focuses for my diet are:
  • 150g of protein a day
  • less than 500mg of sodium (1.25g of salt)
  • 2g of potassium
  • huge amounts of alpha and beta carotene
  • 400mg caffeine
  • low carbs
  • 1400-1700 kcals
This would be a typical day:

but most times i don't even have ketchupp or skyr.

I will never eat bread again, ever! Hard to say as a frenchcel, but the bloat I get from eating the slightest amount of bread is unbelievable. It has no nutritional value and is full of carbs, gluten and salt.
Same for high sodium foods like fast food. I will only eat some if I know i'm staying at home the next day. My bdd is so bad i don't even go to class when I sense the slightest facial bloat. it's that bad.

You look amazing with hollow cheeks. The bloat is a deathly looksmin for everyone, not just you so dw. Mirin the eye area also, wow.
i accidentally removed the pictures, here you can see how much bloat fucks me up, in these pics i was bulked up, and i look like a chipmunk. i only ate sodium high food and this i what i looked like, i still got a lot of female attention bcuz of high t & big bloated body look, but still i looked like completely shit regarding face

compared to me when i was leaner at around 140lbs, only 1 meal a day.
Failo when we pretty boys got thin bones and just one meal filled with salt fucks your whole face up for a whole day

time to pretty boy max and starve myself until i reach female tier weight again :lul:, facial aesthetics and twink body over high t body & bloated face imo

time to go out and fuck some jbs once i am starvedmaxxed :ogre:

also how the f are you reaching 150g of protein with 1400-1700 kcals? are you sucking the breast milk raw from baby cows or do you get it from protein powder?
  • Woah
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forgive my autism

@HotDeserts @krisal

mirin the dedication tbh, but man, for reals just quit the bullshit and go out and fuck some jb tbh :lul::lul:

Happy Hour Drinking GIF
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i initially wanted to looksmax to get with my crush.

i wanted her so bad. I saw myself marrying her. she was on my mind every single fucking hour. i even failed classes because i was thinking about her, no joke. She was stunning. I still want to marry her ngl.
I didn't even know if she found me attractive, so I was desperate to be the best looking i could.

I was so so desperate to get white teeth cus mine were unnaturally yellow, so that was my main focus when looksmaxxing. I haven't done anything as extreme since. (I am currently considering injecting hyaluronic acid under my eyes to get chico-like aegyo sal, but that's even more dangerous than whitening my teeth.)

in the end i never even spoke to her before leaving high school (she found a boyfriend in the mean time). i was depressed and deicded that instead of crying like a bitch i'd make her regret. that's when I really ascended (around june-july).

If you have any questions on whatever topic pertaining to looksmaxxing, I'm always down to help. That'd make me happy
i initially wanted to looksmax to get with my crush.

i wanted her so bad. I saw myself marrying her. she was on my mind every single fucking hour. i even failed classes because i was thinking about her, no joke. She was stunning. I still want to marry her ngl.
I didn't even know if she found me attractive, so I was desperate to be the best looking i could.

I was so so desperate to get white teeth cus mine were unnaturally yellow, so that was my main focus when looksmaxxing. I haven't done anything as extreme since. (I am currently considering injecting hyaluronic acid under my eyes to get chico-like aegyo sal, but that's even more dangerous than whitening my teeth.)

in the end i never even spoke to her before leaving high school (she found a boyfriend in the mean time). i was depressed and deicded that instead of crying like a bitch i'd make her regret. that's when I really ascended (around june-july).

If you have any questions on whatever topic pertaining to looksmaxxing, I'm always down to help. That'd make me happy
Mdr une histoire similaire à la tienne gros
  • So Sad
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hey bro any chance you could hook me up with some prime jb? 🥰
it's 90% fraud. be careful.
are you sure? I reckon fraud becomes natty over time :feelshmm: bateman is a good example

forgive my autism

@HotDeserts @krisal

interesting. seems effective but will probably stretch skin long term. when I do similar stuff I specifically hold against the skin so it doesn't move :feelshmm:
i accidentally removed the pictures, here you can see how much bloat fucks me up, in these pics i was bulked up, and i look like a chipmunk. i only ate sodium high food and this i what i looked like, i still got a lot of female attention bcuz of high t & big bloated body look, but still i looked like completely shit regarding face

compared to me when i was leaner at around 140lbs, only 1 meal a day.
Failo when we pretty boys got thin bones and just one meal filled with salt fucks your whole face up for a whole day

time to pretty boy max and starve myself until i reach female tier weight again :lul:, facial aesthetics and twink body over high t body & bloated face imo

time to go out and fuck some jbs once i am starvedmaxxed :ogre:

also how the f are you reaching 150g of protein with 1400-1700 kcals? are you sucking the breast milk raw from baby cows or do you get it from protein powder?

chadlite with shorter midface
  • Love it
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Absolutely astonishing op! How did your nose change so much though? The tip got way more defined
Camera angles, most of the “transformation” is camera angles, de bloating and OP skellymaxxing himself to 60kg at fucking 6’0.

Now OP, I get it man I skellied to 65kg at 6’1 and also learned how to take better pics. Amazing looksmaxing indeed
  • JFL
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Camera angles, most of the “transformation” is camera angles, de bloating and OP skellymaxxing himself to 60kg at fucking 6’0.

Now OP, I get it man I skellied to 65kg at 6’1 and also learned how to take better pics. Amazing looksmaxing indeed
willing to show ?? 🤣
Not very insane indeed
  • JFL
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