noobs guide to life / how to not be a degenerate (from a former degenerate)

It was a metaphor, and your being too caught up from internet labels, being submissive doesnt matter, as long as you attain your goals. Thats why I said its a dumb concept. Religon for me can act as a tool, one can do many things but one is that it replaces a thought process that is made through the enviroment and time around me into one of my choosing.
you implied that a "warrior" having a king, doesn't submit to the king, if you didn't need this "metaphor" to try to justify your point, you could stay on submission to god.

I am not being caught up in anything from internet, I'm talking about my experience, you sound like a young man who is caught up in some fraudulent idees such as thinking that "having a purpose", "having drive", believing in a fictional character "god", which asks you to fear him, to submit, makes you a non-degenerate, while some of the things associated with the bible are some of the crudest scams there are to keep you as a fearful, submissive young man, incidentally to make you believe that this makes you special above all "non-believers", to go on the internet to tell people who don't believe in the fictional character "god" that they're degenerates, if you have to choose to call things degenerate, you're closer to it.

"purpose/drive" and "god" have no value in themselves, and many of the people who have these things, and incidentally who promise them on social networks, have a low level of well-being, are potentially depressed, have a less-than-optimal physical development, are potentially far from optimal, start bald quite early, have too high a level of insecurity.

If you think that "being submissive doesn't matter", it's because you have a low enough level of masculinity that it doesn't bother you to submit.

religion can be a tool, a tool far from optimal, especially when it cultivates the fact that a person thinks that being afraid and submitting to a fictional character"god" is optimal, and makes them a better person, and a special one in comparison to non-believers.
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my point was that you serve god and god helps you, I said that your getting too caught up in labels because the labels of submissive and fearful dont matter in certain context.

"If you think that "being submissive doesn't matter", it's because you have a low enough level of masculinity that it doesn't bother you to submit."
This is a large oversimplification. I think your referring to testostrone. I am 90% some I believe have some of the highest t levels out of anyone ive met. Im 14, deepest voice ive heard in real life. 8 inch dick; I dont mean to brag, but just to say that I have a good t level, if thats your point. & all the smaller high t signs. If your not referring to t levels, I am a recent christan, I grew up a athiest. I didnt like god, but I found out that god is good for my life. So for that reason it doesnt matter if god is real or fake, if hes benefical, you should believe in him. Sorry for the off topic rant.

Yes, you fear god, god is a positive force, you work toward the goal of aligning with god. I dont mean becoming religous fixes you immediately, im saying its used as a tool. It doesnt matter if you fear or are submissive to god, b/c god matters more than these labels that have no fruit. Im saying that people that dont have god have a harder life, because they dont have the same resource to use. Christanity is encourages you to be a humble man, and to have humility. I have never called not believing in god degenerate, im saying its way easier to be a degenerate as a non believer. The reason the ideas of having having a purpose, and having drive matter is because the graph of someone not having purpose and no drives dopamine and serotonin is a graph that reaches a deep high then a deep low. While someone working torward a purpose is a consistant up.

Yes, I was I degenerate at 11-13. I meant this for a later thread, but ill put it here
ill give some backstory; when i was 11 i got my first laptop, i already was pretty chronically online but now its rose to insane levels. Not to mention i was told how to jerk off from my older brother.
So I was not going outside, not showering, not brushing my teeth, or any other forms of basic care; at all I wouldnt do any of these months at a time. This was during the pandemic. I would jerk off 2-3 times a day, no friends, this would continue through 2 grades when school came back. Now I almost fully reversed the course of my life, but im still a addicted to porn, but not as bad as before.
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you implied that a "warrior" having a king, doesn't submit to the king, if you didn't need this "metaphor" to try to justify your point, you could stay on submission to god.

I am not being caught up in anything from internet, I'm talking about my experience, you sound like a young man who is caught up in some fraudulent idees such as thinking that "having a purpose", "having drive", believing in a fictional character "god", which asks you to fear him, to submit, makes you a non-degenerate, while some of the things associated with the bible are some of the crudest scams there are to keep you as a fearful, submissive young man, incidentally to make you believe that this makes you special above all "non-believers", to go on the internet to tell people who don't believe in the fictional character "god" that they're degenerates, if you have to choose to call things degenerate, you're closer to it.

"purpose/drive" and "god" have no value in themselves, and many of the people who have these things, and incidentally who promise them on social networks, have a low level of well-being, are potentially depressed, have a less-than-optimal physical development, are potentially far from optimal, start bald quite early, have too high a level of insecurity.

If you think that "being submissive doesn't matter", it's because you have a low enough level of masculinity that it doesn't bother you to submit.

religion can be a tool, a tool far from optimal, especially when it cultivates the fact that a person thinks that being afraid and submitting to a fictional character"god" is optimal, and makes them a better person, and a special one in comparison to non-believers.
Read the message above, I meant to reply to your message.
1. Become Religous
What do degenerates have in common?
No god, no purpose, and no drive.
How do you fix this?
Believe in god.

1a. Pray for your goals
No matter if you believe in a god, praying will help. If god doesnt exist, the placebo effect will take effect whether you believe in a god at all

1b. believe in god
God, even if not real, holds a tangible significance as an idea that provides psychological comfort, moral guidance, and inspiration for benevolent actions, contributing to the betterment of you.

1c. DM me for more info on this
The moderation team are degenerates, I dont even know if they will allow this post; because I am suggesting people should become religous. I made a guide on why you should become religous but it dont moderated. So DM me instead.

2. Sleep Well
I started follow this one fairly recently, but you need sleep. I used to think I naturally didnt need that much sleep, but it doesnt matter if you dont need that much sleep. Sleep outweighs you playing a game on your computer or being on your phone.
2.a How do you get better sleep?
2aa. Read this post
2.ab The things I did to fix my sleep, was;
I bought a weighted blanked around 10% of my body weight, After 8pm I prepare to go to sleep at 9. I also stop using normal lights and switch to candles after 8pm. I know this has bad reviews, but I like it. You put ice and water in it, set it facing your bed at 8pm. Then your good. From 8-9 I dont have a set routine, I just do whatever I need to do before sleeping. Also, wake up early, like 2 hours before you have to go somewhere, Then you can play whatever games and maybe already get your workout done. Also, I like to use thisin the morning around my eye area. I dont like most of the advice on your eye area, most of it is useless. If you eat healthy, workout, live up to par or above life your face will look according to your lifestyle. I also like to drink coffee in the morning. Its a stimulant with little to no downside. Just only drink one cup in the morning.

3. Workout
This not only helps you look good, but it helps replace you replace bad habits with good habits as working out makes you feel good.

4. Do Things & hobbies
To stop doing bad habits, you need good habits to replace them with. Don't overthink this. Just find some local class for something and do it.
amazing post!!!

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