NT-Pill DEBUNKED [Hard to Swallow Edition]

NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impress
dnrd, cope
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So old people despise each other at bars for old people due to decline in looks?
i dont understand what you are trying to say here? are you disagreeing or agreeing with me?
The data shows that huge amount of old people are affected by social isolation.
Then look at the other thing that says that old people "loose their social skills" which makes no fucking sense by any metric.

Basically old people just become ugly and nobody wants to be with them anymore, thus many of them end up lonely and isolated. Social skills have nothing to do with it.
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i dont understand what you are trying to say here? are you disagreeing or agreeing with me?
The data shows that huge amount of old people are affected by social isolation.
Then look at the other thing that says that old people "loose their social skills" which makes no fucking sense by any metric.

Basically old people just become ugly and nobody wants to be with them anymore, thus many of them end up lonely and isolated. Social skills have nothing to do with it.

I am asking if it applies when around other old people or do females adjust for age some so they aren't repulsed?
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I am asking if it applies when around other old people or do females adjust for age some so they aren't repulsed?
that would imply that young people are attracted to old people because a 3/10 teenager would be on same lookslevel as 3/10 grandma.

So i dont think peoples preferences adapt as they age. They just take the scraps that are left as long as they can and then they have nothing left eventually. The looks thing is simply health, its linear. There is no change to it, no matter how old. Old men still find young foids attractive, not old ones. Old foids still want chad.

An old person would hang out with young people if they could. But as they cant, their best shot is to stay in their grumpy social circle of boomers that shit on young people as cope, because they are old and ugly.
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My sister literally put shit in her ass and made my parents smell it, she is the definition of mentally unstable. Yet she is married to a doctor now.
JFL bro :feelskek: keked. Amazing thread, deserves to be pinned @Alexanderr @her @Lorsss

Based on my personal experience, i tried the hardest to NT max out of anybody on this platform (Going to social events, going to clubs, calling friends out, etc), and while i managed to get some respect from dudes, i am still incel without girlfriend, and you are right OP, you have to simp if you want to get a gf, because i betabuxxed a stacy and almost ended up with her, she rejected me because i wasn't obedient to her JFL, still KHHV though @rightfulcel
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JFL bro :feelskek: keked. Amazing thread, deserves to be pinned @Alexanderr @her @Lorsss

Based on my personal experience, i tried the hardest to NT max out of anybody on this platform (Going to social events, going to clubs, calling friends out, etc), and while i managed to get some respect from dudes, i am still incel without girlfriend, and you are right OP, you have to simp if you want to get a gf, because i betabuxxed a stacy and almost ended up with her, she rejected me because i wasn't obedient to her JFL, still KHHV though @rightfulcel
yes, i have lots of stories from my family, from multiple generations. 100 years of degeneracy. But I did not want to overdo it since the other guy was just looking to drag the argument down into throwing insults at each other while never addressing my actual points. The same sister also fucked drug dealers from age 15-21 and got fired for stealing drugs from hospital (she is nurse). The drug dealers also harassed our family and one of them got arrested.

Then she betabuxxed this engineer who now has a doctorate for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS. Eight years they were in LTR and then she allowed him to put a ring on it and now they have 2 kids.

My other sister is even worse, bitch got a mobile phone in her teens from my dad (early 2000s) and then these random dudes started calling suddenly in middle of night. Cars driving up and down our house at night, 30yr old dudes. Eventually my dad figured out that she was fucking these guys in hotel rooms. She was 15. Did this affect her social life? Nope. Model student, went to university, played piano, now has a degree and manages a nursing home. I bet her current partner has no idea about any of this.

I can go back even decades. My dad told me one of his old relatives died. On day of funeral he walked in on two people fucking on the couch. My great-grandma had a ton of illegitimate kids and didnt give a fuck about them. Dropped of my grandpa at her mothers house. Her mom was old af, fucking died, grandpa was in apartment with dead body until they found him. This is in ww2 so it took like years to locate relatives and get him under someones wings.

My grandma on mothers side would tie my mom to a chair with a rope and just leave and do garden work and let my mom scream and shit herself. She also took photos of my crying mom as toddler. She also beat the fuck of my uncle and he would jump from balcony and run away. My first memory of her is getting smacked in the face cuz I took her yellow rubber ducky. I was like 3 years old.

Im just scratching the surface. My families history is pure blackpill, 100 years of blackpill. It comes down to dudes trying to fix shit, coping, getting with foids, foid abuses kids, ruins entire family and destroys everything. Four generations of this.

Anyway thx for replying, appreciate it. There is no winning in this shit.
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You cite studies that indicate that the reason autists make negative first impressions and are later in rejected is because of particularly their non-verbal cues, including prosody, facial expressions, body posture, but also poor groomings and fashion style.
Autists, beside fixing their groomings and fashion style, take social skills classes because their oddness leads to isolation and suffering. Are you avoiding eye contact ? Aspie, don’t want to interact with you. Is your voice monotone ? Same. Those are fixable depending on where you are on the spectrum. Having a constant bitch resting face and being mute ? You seem aspie I don’t want to interact with you. They actually see improvement, how is that not NT maxxing ? How is being conscious of your voice projection and how well you articulate the words you pronounce and making sure you are nice to listen to not so that you get invited and accepted and maybe increase your chance of getting pussy or a LTR or a raise not NT maxxing ?

You then argue that reading body language is pseudoscience by explaining that reading body language in an order to detect lies is pseudoscience. True it’s pseudoscience, but it’s not the same thing as picking up on cues during a conversation in an order to assess wether or not we want to hang with you, which is what the study puts forth, we pick up non verbal cues to make an impression of someone, not trying to guess whether he’s lying or saying the truth, completely different things. Physical attractiveness is not the only thing we pick up on. Whether you want it or not you are going to read my body language and feel aspie vibes from me because I am not looking you in the eye and have odd prosody, all other things being equal you’d rather hang with the less aspie version of me. Why are you citing studies that prove people can’t use body language cues like crossed arms to detect deceit that’s not relevant.

As for old people losing social skills why are you so sure the cause is decrease in attractiveness, there’s correlation with fading looks but it could be many things. Are you NT yourself ? Maybe you are born NT and skilled in social interactions and have never suffered rejection because of it hence why you don’t see the point or utility. I used to be a mute at parties but still got Offered sex based on looks alone despite aspie vibes so true looks is n1, but now that I worked on my speech/voice and gaze patterns guys and girls are more engaged when I talk. It’s actually crazy how much a difference does it make. Mind you I haven’t’ started looksmaxxing so the difference in engagement stems not from attractiveness. People care about style and delivery not only substance. Articulate better breath from your diaphragm speak with intent don’t try to sound lower or higher don’t be monotone use hand gestures is proper NT maxxing advice it works do it. This won’t turn a sub5 into a slayer and it doesn’t matter as much as looks but the lack of it will failo you hard.
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So old people despise each at old people bars due to decline in looks?
Is that fucking rocket science for you? Old people are sterile, weaker, wrinkly, and prone to diseases because their genetic make up has corrupted (they lived out their life term and are about to die). Old people might be respected in certain communities but they have zero value in the dating market. Being NT won't save you if you're a dried up prune.

I will say that unlike most things that can hinder your SMV this is uncontrollable and it happens to everyone.
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You cite studies that indicate that the reason autists make negative first impressions and are later in rejected is because of particularly their non-verbal cues, including prosody, facial expressions, body posture, but also poor groomings and fashion style.
Autists, beside fixing their groomings and fashion style, take social skills classes because their oddness leads to isolation and suffering. Are you avoiding eye contact ? Aspie, don’t want to interact with you. Is your voice monotone ? Same. Those are fixable depending on where you are on the spectrum. Having a constant bitch resting face and being mute ? You seem aspie I don’t want to interact with you. They actually see improvement, how is that not NT maxxing ? How is being conscious of your voice projection and how well you articulate the words you pronounce and making sure you are nice to listen to not so that you get invited and accepted and maybe increase your chance of getting pussy or a LTR or a raise not NT maxxing ?

You then argue that reading body language is pseudoscience by explaining that reading body language in an order to detect lies is pseudoscience. True it’s pseudoscience, but it’s not the same thing as picking up on cues during a conversation in an order to assess wether or not we want to hang with you, which is what the study puts forth, we pick up non verbal cues to make an impression of someone, not trying to guess whether he’s lying or saying the truth, completely different things. Physical attractiveness is not the only thing we pick up on. Whether you want it or not you are going to read my body language and feel aspie vibes from me because I am not looking you in the eye and have odd prosody, all other things being equal you’d rather hang with the less aspie version of me. Why are you citing studies that prove people can’t use body language cues like crossed arms to detect deceit that’s not relevant.

As for old people losing social skills why are you so sure the cause is decrease in attractiveness, there’s correlation with fading looks but it could be many things. Are you NT yourself ? Maybe you are born NT and skilled in social interactions and have never suffered rejection because of it hence why you don’t see the point or utility. I used to be a mute at parties but still got Offered sex based on looks alone despite aspie vibes so true looks is n1, but now that I worked on my speech/voice and gaze patterns guys and girls are more engaged when I talk. It’s actually crazy how much a difference does it make. Mind you I haven’t’ started looksmaxxing so the difference in engagement stems not from attractiveness. People care about style and delivery not only substance. Articulate better breath from your diaphragm speak with intent don’t try to sound lower or higher don’t be monotone use hand gestures is proper NT maxxing advice it works do it. This won’t turn a sub5 into a slayer and it doesn’t matter as much as looks but the lack of it will failo you hard.
I have autism too. Family. Uncle has 4 diagnosed kids.
Thank you for your reply, its one of the few constructive ones in this thread.

Regarding your first paragraph

1. Aspies are judged visually extremely quickly. Autism and ADHD and related disorders usually come alongside a huge list of co-morbid disorders which can be boiled down to being looks-impacting health issues, such as disturbed sleep patterns from hormonal issues, mineral deficiency, low muscle tone, respiratory issues, a huge amount of blind people also happen to have autism. It is a physical disease. You can not NT-Maxx yourself out of that, I am sorry.
People can spot an autistic person like you and me can spot a leper from a mile away, because it simply boils down to autistic people being unhealthy.

Here, across three studies, we find that first impressions of individuals with ASD made from thin slices of real-world social behavior by typically-developing observers are not only far less favorable across a range of trait judgments compared to controls, but also are associated with reduced intentions to pursue social interaction. These patterns are remarkably robust, occur within seconds, do not change with increased exposure, and persist across both child and adult age groups. However, these biases disappear when impressions are based on conversational content lacking audio-visual cues, suggesting that style, not substance, drives negative impressions of ASD. Collectively, these findings advocate for a broader perspective of social difficulties in ASD that considers both the individual’s impairments and the biases of potential social partners.

The bar on the far right. They showed NT people ONE FRAME of a video clip of an autistic person. Look at the red bar. That's how negatively they were rated based on one frame.

2. Regarding your second paragraph.
The study I cited even said that the entire field of reading body-language should be regarded as pseudoscience, and not just that the more unreliable aspects of body-language such as lie detection should be dropped.

This is more apparent when considering that the founder of synergology has also stated that ‘what we absolutely do not believe in within synergology is experiment, because body language is made in such a way that when we participate in an experiment, it does not work’ (European Institute of Synergology, 2015, the authors translation) and argued that ‘you can’t use replication when dealing with humans’ (Jarry, 2016).

The pseudoscience of synergology

Synergology is a self-proclaimed ‘scientific discipline for reading body language’ (Synergology, 2019b, authors’ translation). The proponents of synergology claim that the approach allows the extrapolation of specific states of mind from non-verbal behaviour, supposedly based upon the rigorous analysis of thousands of videos (e.g. Axelrad, 2012; Jarry, 2016, 2018; Moody, 2014; Turchet, 2012). Training sessions in synergology are offered to health, education, justice and security professionals by synergologists (individuals who have received at least 200 hours of synergology training; see Synergology, 2019a). Recently, synergology has been marketed as a discipline that can help in preventing terrorist attacks:

Whether used for crowd monitoring, interrogation, videos analysis or through surveillance cameras, the observation of a suspect or of an interaction between people could prevent terrorist attacks, manage a crisis and more. Synergology’s analysis of non-verbal behaviour is a logical complement to the important work of the various security officers in reading a threat. (Gagnon, 2018)

According to the founder of synergology, ‘[e]motions hold a fundamental place in our lives as human beings. They are at the root of all our decisions, yet they are, paradoxically ignored by mainstream science’ (Turchet, 2012, p. 17). Synergology thus purports to offer a way to understand emotions: ‘Scratching the body or the face is an expression of repressed emotions’ (Turchet, 2012, p. 150). For example, according to the founder of synergology,

[t]he joints give flexibility to the body. The brain moves the hands there each time that the ability to be or an interest in being flexible is questioned […] When someone scratches the inside of the left elbow, the need to become flexible, to change the rhythm of the relationship, is tackled. (Turchet, 2012, pp. 182–183)

Synergology associates such meanings with all parts of the face and body. Claims specific to synergology do not appear to have been subjected to peer review or replication – yet when synergology is in the spotlight, its proponents are fairly proficient at providing counterarguments.

Regarding the lack of falsifiability, the proponents of synergology assert that claims specific to their approach are falsifiable and therefore scientific (Quebec Association of Synergology, 2019). This misuse of scientific vocabulary will not be apparent to those members of the justice community who do not understand what falsifiability is. Falsifiability refers to the potential for a theory or hypothesis to be shown as false through contradictive statements or observation, and is an essential component of the scientific method. If the theory or hypothesis is not thoroughly justified, falsifiability cannot be ascertained – and if it does not allow for testable predictions, it is not falsifiable (Popper, 1968).

However, claims specific to synergology are not published in peer-reviewed papers. According to Philippe Turchet, the founder of synergology, as well as other synergologists, ‘a synergologist has no peer’ (Jarry, 2016) – i.e. nobody but a synergologist can criticise synergology. Therefore, a statement regarding falsifiability is misleading – more so considering that falsifiability as a demarcation criterion is still debated (Pigliucci & Boudry, 2013b) and that pseudoscientists can offer falsifiable claims (e.g. graphologists; see Lilienfeld & Landfield, 2008). This is more apparent when considering that the founder of synergology has also stated that ‘what we absolutely do not believe in within synergology is experiment, because body language is made in such a way that when we participate in an experiment, it does not work’ (European Institute of Synergology, 2015, the authors translation) and argued that ‘you can’t use replication when dealing with humans’ (Jarry, 2016).

Regarding the absence of connectivity, pseudoscientists can combine their claims with common sense and scientific assertions, which may suggest that their theories or hypotheses were not developed in isolation (e.g. Denault & Jupe, 2017). For example, proponents of synergology regularly assert that one should not jump to conclusions whilst observing others (e.g. Moody, 2014), something that has been advised by academics in the past (e.g. Ekman 1992). However, they subsequently make extravagant claims, such as that the holding of your right hand with your left hand ‘indicates a control of the speech, a filtering of the words used and the rationalization of the emotion’ (Gagnon, 2018). Several other extravagant claims are made – for example: ‘Our methods permit the detection of 80 percent of lies in this test called “guilty/innocent” […] The success rate is 90 percent when people work in a group’ (Turchet, 2012, p. 322).

However, if judicial officers do not understand the science around the topic within the training sessions they receive, these common sense and scientific assertions will likely appease suspicions of extravagant claims – more so if pseudoscientists describe their field as a scientific discipline. This is even more likely if pseudoscientists refer to important practitioners and organisations to which they have also provided training (Denault, Larivée, Plouffe, & Plusquellec, 2015). Although such an argument from authority should raise questions, it can also be quite persuasive to naïve observers. Ultimately, if pseudoscientists are challenged by academics regarding their arguments from authority, their retaliatory statements can infer that the academics are themselves using arguments from authority when they refer to peer-reviewed papers, and that their criticism is therefore unfounded – notably because the pseudoscientists’ approach has allegedly evolved, thus counteracting a supposed lack of self-correction (Denault, 2019).

In view of the foregoing, for dubious claims to be rejected by members of the judiciary there needs to first be an understanding of what constitutes a peer-reviewed paper. This must include an understanding of the publishing process; that is, how academics empirically and/or theoretically study a specific aspect within the justice system and then have their work scrutinised by members of the scientific community both before and after it is published in a scientific journal (Ware, 2008).

For example, after academics have run an empirical study, a manuscript is prepared that reports on all aspects of their research process. The academics thoroughly explain in writing how they conducted their study, the results they obtained, how they carried out the analysis of their results, their conclusions and also any limitations of their analysis (Shipman, 2014). The reasons for work being so rigorously reported is to allow readers to draw sound evaluative conclusions from a manuscript while considering any pitfalls and allowing for replication; that is, can another researcher take the manuscript and run the same study again to either support or contest the original findings? This is a critical part of the publishing process within psychological science (Asendorpf et al., 2013; Lindsay, 2015).

Once completed, the manuscript is subsequently submitted to a scientific journal – also known as a peer-reviewed journal – and subjected to a critical review from experts on the subject of the manuscript. Following the critical review, the manuscript may be rejected, the authors may be asked to revise and resubmit with major or minor amendments or it may be accepted for publication. Once a manuscript is accepted, it is then published in accordance with the journal’s specifications and becomes a peer-reviewed paper. This is a process that has been adapted over the years to suit the ever-growing need for a stringent evaluation process (Spier, 2002).

It should be noted, however, that the publication process is lengthy at best. Scientific journals can take three to six months to undertake an initial review of a manuscript, and then – depending on subsequent requests – a further three to nine months for amendments and a further three to six months for publication. These are approximate figures, which vary within disciplines and from one scientific journal to another. Rejection rates also differ between scientific journals. American Psychological Association (APA) journals have an average rejection rate of 70% – for example, Psychological Review has a rejection rate of 86% and Professional Psychology: Research and Practice has a rejection rate of 56% (American Psychological Association, 2018).

There are of course instances when manuscripts are not reviewed by individuals with the specific credentials required (Elmore, 2017), and weakly founded articles do occasionally slip through the net and into publication – but such instances will likely decline with the recent transition to more open and transparent science (Open Science Collaboration, 2012). This allows other academics worldwide to evaluate peer-reviewed papers critically and provide commentary – and in cases of serious misrepresentation, papers may be retracted. The humanities, however, have been shown to be one of the most stringent in terms of the peer-review process (Huisman & Smits, 2017). Therefore, if judicial officers understand what peer-reviewed papers are, they will more frequently reject approaches which are claimed to be ‘rigorous’ or ‘scientifically founded’ but in fact have never been subject to the process of critical appraisal.

Regarding what you say, "whether you want to or not you will read my body language" - that is completely visual. People form an impression of you in seconds and the ambiguity is huge. Chad farts = funny. You fart = disgusting.
Chad stands there not talking like a mute = mysterious
You stand there like a mute = creepy school shooter.

The ambivalence in these judgements has nothing to do with body language. The same body language can be interpreted differently.
Chad signal being uncomfortable in situation = he is asserting dominance and expressing discontent because hes confident and strong willed.
You do the same thing = you are an ungrateful cretin that doesn't know how good you have it and you should be thankful for what you have, you are prideful and entitled

Think about like animals. A big dog wags its tail. Intimidating. Could maybe move towards you because it shows interest.
A small dog does the same thing and its a joke, maybe even fun.
A cat purrs = cute.
A tiger purrs = intimidating.
Only difference is physical appearance.

Their body language is not the deciding factor.
Looks is the filter through which all perceptions must travel to receive their seasoning of bias.

3. Regarding your third paragraph:
I am sure because it makes no sense to loose social skills. If anything, human being become more experienced as they age and learn and refine their skillsets. Within the NT-Pill framework, this implies that old people should be better at socializing. Somehow this doesn't work though. The entire idea of forgetting how to socialize implies social isolation beforehand. First you get isolated, then your social skills decline. How would your social skills decline if you are constantly socializing? As the adage goes, "iron sharpens iron." But to get socially isolated first, something has to happen. Either the person self-isolates for no reason, which would be strange, or they are driven into isolation by another factor. It is simply no longer appropriate for a person of a certain age to hang out with younger people. Why? If the person was 200 years old but looked 24, it would be ok, right?
The only explanation is that old people are less desired by others because they no longer have the looks. Therefore they get pushed out of social life and get isolated, which leads to the perceived decline in social skills.

Are you NT yourself ? Maybe you are born NT and skilled in social interactions and have never suffered rejection because of it hence why you don’t see the point or utility.
I am most certainly not NT.
I never suffered rejection because I never got to socialize in the first place. My bullies gave me a concussion in grade-school and I was driven into social isolation from a very early age.
I have never been to a party and I am going on 25 years old right now.
I used to be mute at my job and during xmas celebration at my job too, lots of people around. All it got me was people saying to my face that "they knew i hated them." I never offended anybody and I did my work to the best of my limited ability.

Regarding monotone voice: I have it. People have commented on it in past. I can literally not change it. You may ask, how is this possible and I do not know what to say. I have tried. I recorded myself over and over. I can not fake emotions, I am very emotionally dead and lack empathy to a degree. A psychologist once told me he would classify me as schizoid, as in schizoid personality disorder, not to be confused with schizophrenia, which is a completely different thing.
I have an extremely hard time faking my emotions, facial expressions and general behavior. NT-Pill is not an option for me.

When I interact with people in real life, I feel nothing. Their emotions don't reach me and I can not fake it, especially when stressed. It is like there is an invisible wall between us. Their expressions just look like muscle contractions to me. It's like looking at an anus that continually clenches and unclenches. Interestingly enough, there are only a few anus-style ring-muscles in the body, and most of them are in the face, around the eyes.
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NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.
Your post is proof that there is such a distinction as aspie and NT. But you are too retarded to see that and you contradict yourself mutliple times. You are an idiot waste of life.
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Your post is proof that there is such a distinction as aspie and NT. But you are too retarded to see that and you contradict yourself mutliple times. You are an idiot waste of life.
Hes suggesting that being NT is not necessary to date, you don't even know what hes talking about. Imagine an aspie that somehow has above average looks he can still pull NT women.
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Your post is proof that there is such a distinction as aspie and NT. But you are too retarded to see that and you contradict yourself mutliple times. You are an idiot waste of life.
No you are in fact the fucking retard who doesn't read this thread and my replies.
Just one reply above you, I reposted and explained the study about how autistic people are judged very negatively based on just ONE FRAME of a video clip they showed NT participants.

I furthermore explained that autism is not a mental disease but very much a physical disease that impacts your looks. Just look up autistic facial characteristics. There is a huge list of comorbid health issues that go along with autism. These range from hypertonia (low muscle tone) to mineral deficiencies, respiratory issues, sleep disorders such as apnea and a lack of melatonin hormone, epilepsy and many many more. Autism is very much a physical disease and can be spotted visually by other people in microseconds, as the experiment that I linked in my previous reply showed.

The difference between Aspie and NT is therefore purely looks, nothing more. First they look at you, they see indicators of bad health, and they judge you negatively. Even if you stand completely still and do nothing, you don't speak, you just dangle your arms and look around like a good NPC.

Here, across three studies, we find that first impressions of individuals with ASD made from thin slices of real-world social behavior by typically-developing observers are not only far less favorable across a range of trait judgments compared to controls, but also are associated with reduced intentions to pursue social interaction. These patterns are remarkably robust, occur within seconds, do not change with increased exposure, and persist across both child and adult age groups. However, these biases disappear when impressions are based on conversational content lacking audio-visual cues, suggesting that style, not substance, drives negative impressions of ASD. Collectively, these findings advocate for a broader perspective of social difficulties in ASD that considers both the individual’s impairments and the biases of potential social partners.


The two bars on the far right are the ones where they showed participants ONE FRAME. The red bar indicates how autistic people were judged. The blue one is how positively NT people judged, the red one how positively aspies were judged.

There is a visual distinction between healthy and unhealthy people, and that is that.
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No you are in fact the fucking retard who doesn't read this thread and my replies.
Just one reply above you, I reposted and explained the study about how autistic people are judged very negatively based on just ONE FRAME of a video clip they showed NT participants.

I furthermore explained that autism is not a mental disease but very much a physical disease that impacts your looks. Just look up autistic facial characteristics. There is a huge list of comorbid health issues that go along with autism. These range from hypertonia (low muscle tone) to mineral deficiencies, respiratory issues, sleep disorders such as apnea and a lack of melatonin hormone, epilepsy and many many more. Autism is very much a physical disease and can be spotted visually by other people in microseconds, as the experiment that I linked in my previous reply showed.

The difference between Aspie and NT is therefore purely looks, nothing more. First they look at you, they see indicators of bad health, and they judge you negatively. Even if you stand completely still and do nothing, you don't speak, you just dangle your arms and look around like a good NPC.


The two bars on the far right are the ones where they showed participants ONE FRAME. The red bar indicates how autistic people were judged. The blue one is how positively NT people judged, the red one how positively aspies were judged.

There is a visual distinction between healthy and unhealthy people, and that is that.
And what about good looking aspies?
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Bear in mind also that autism =/= aspergers
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NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.
Didn’t read, not going to
Anyway, here is how the world works, the ONLY way the world works, so pay attention:

“muh sub chad or death” is cope from average looking narcies, be slightly above average and up and life is easy mode.

Nt is a prerequisite, not a boost. A truecel who is nt will get nothing, it is what it is. You can’t talk your way into pussy. BUT, and this is important, you CAN and WILL talk yourself OUT of pussy. No one wants to be around awkward people, when you’re normal and not awkward, being around awkward people is absolutely HELLISH. The caveat being that obviously chad can get away with anything, but 99% of men aren’t chad, meaning YOU can’t be overly awkward. This is an aside, but the number 2 pussy drier, just below an ugly face, is insecurity. Never let a woman see insecurity on you (the bad kind obviously nobody cares if you’re an overcompensating douche unless you’re ugly)

The better looking you are, the less nt you have to be, and obviously there are limits to that. Don’t try to argue this, you’re wrong about it, now it’s time to learn.

I skimmed so I saw you talking about the halo effect. Most of you are confused about how the halo effect works. (at least, at sub gigachad levels) what it WILL do: make whatever your personality type/lifestyle/etc is be the RIGHT thing for the girl. If you’re shy it’s cute, if you’re an asshole you’re strong, if you’re a pussy you’re artsy and sensitive, etc etc. what it WON’T do (again sub chad/gigachad) make your OBJECTIVELY horrible traits/actions be okay or preferred. For example, you can’t shit yourself, you can’t murder people (unless you’re a gigachad like Ramirez), you can’t rape babies etc etc. ALL you need to benefit from the halo effect is to at least be passable in terms of social ability, again if you’re too much of a freak it’s not going to work at all unless you’re VERY good looking. THIS is the actual ntpill. Retards think it’s about charisma and being a cult leader type, it’s not, it’s about NOT fucking yourself over.
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And what about good looking aspies?
Bear in mind also that autism =/= aspergers
For one, that would be a rare case and statistically insignificant since there is plenty of information on autistic men having very limited socio-sexual success. The life expectancy for autistic people is also very short, ranging from 35-55 depending on severity of case. It is 16 years less than the average. 80% are unemployed or under-employed.
I do not deny that good looking aspies exist, the reason for existence are debatable.
These men would have no issue getting positive judgement from their peers, many of their behavioral traits maybe overlooked since they are judged first by looks, and then their behavior through the lense of their looks. Martyros on YT (dont know if channel still exists) is an autistic incel from sweden who talked about having a good-looking autistic friend who was worse than he was and yet was having sex with women at his mothers house.

Now, regarding autism not being the same aspergers, the scientific community has a hard time finding a consensus here. They are constantly expanding the definition of autism. We went from the 1989 term Aspergers to having parallel diagnostic options like autism, then the two were combines into ASD, autism spectrum disorder, then there's atypical autism, and also pdd-nos (pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified). So they no longer differentiate between autism and asperger. Instead there is only the umbrella term Autism Spectrum Disorder with associated levels, level 1 being the lowest, and then rising in severity to level 2 and 3.
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For one, that would be a rare case and statistically insignificant since there is plenty of information on autistic men having very limited socio-sexual success. The life expectancy for autistic people is also very short, ranging from 35-55 depending on severity of case. It is 16 years less than the average. 80% are unemployed or under-employed.
I do not deny that good looking aspies exist, the reason for existence are debatable.
These men would have no issue getting positive judgement from their peers, many of their behavioral traits maybe overlooked since they are judged first by looks, and then their behavior through the lense of their looks. Martyros on YT (dont know if channel still exists) is an autistic incel from sweden who talked about having a good-looking autistic friend who was worse than he was and yet was having sex with women at his mothers house.

Now, regarding autism not being the same aspergers, the scientific community has a hard time finding a consensus here. They are constantly expanding the definition of autism. We went from the 1989 term Aspergers to having parallel diagnostic options like autism, then the two were combines into ASD, autism spectrum disorder, then there's atypical autism, and also pdd-nos (pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified). So they no longer differentiate between autism and asperger. Instead there is only the umbrella term Autism Spectrum Disorder with associated levels, level 1 being the lowest, and then rising in severity to level 2 and 3.
Brutal beyond words
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For one, that would be a rare case and statistically insignificant since there is plenty of information on autistic men having very limited socio-sexual success. The life expectancy for autistic people is also very short, ranging from 35-55 depending on severity of case. It is 16 years less than the average. 80% are unemployed or under-employed.
I do not deny that good looking aspies exist, the reason for existence are debatable.
These men would have no issue getting positive judgement from their peers, many of their behavioral traits maybe overlooked since they are judged first by looks, and then their behavior through the lense of their looks. Martyros on YT (dont know if channel still exists) is an autistic incel from sweden who talked about having a good-looking autistic friend who was worse than he was and yet was having sex with women at his mothers house.

Now, regarding autism not being the same aspergers, the scientific community has a hard time finding a consensus here. They are constantly expanding the definition of autism. We went from the 1989 term Aspergers to having parallel diagnostic options like autism, then the two were combines into ASD, autism spectrum disorder, then there's atypical autism, and also pdd-nos (pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified). So they no longer differentiate between autism and asperger. Instead there is only the umbrella term Autism Spectrum Disorder with associated levels, level 1 being the lowest, and then rising in severity to level 2 and 3.
''artyros on YT (dont know if channel still exists) is an autistic incel from sweden who talked about having a good-looking autistic friend who was worse than he was and yet was having sex with women at his mothers house.''

@StrangerDanger sounds familiar :feelshah:
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Tried to read up until the studies.

I would tend to agree. But imo its difficult to maintain smth long term if youre not nt
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Not one word.
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No you are in fact the fucking retard who doesn't read this thread and my replies.
Just one reply above you, I reposted and explained the study about how autistic people are judged very negatively based on just ONE FRAME of a video clip they showed NT participants.

I furthermore explained that autism is not a mental disease but very much a physical disease that impacts your looks. Just look up autistic facial characteristics. There is a huge list of comorbid health issues that go along with autism. These range from hypertonia (low muscle tone) to mineral deficiencies, respiratory issues, sleep disorders such as apnea and a lack of melatonin hormone, epilepsy and many many more. Autism is very much a physical disease and can be spotted visually by other people in microseconds, as the experiment that I linked in my previous reply showed.

The difference between Aspie and NT is therefore purely looks, nothing more. First they look at you, they see indicators of bad health, and they judge you negatively. Even if you stand completely still and do nothing, you don't speak, you just dangle your arms and look around like a good NPC.


The two bars on the far right are the ones where they showed participants ONE FRAME. The red bar indicates how autistic people were judged. The blue one is how positively NT people judged, the red one how positively aspies were judged.

There is a visual distinction between healthy and unhealthy people, and that is that.

That dating show with autistic people showed the digust female autistics got from seeing male ones. Hypergamy alive and well even in autistic females.
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That dating show with autistic people showed the digust female autistics got from seeing male ones. Hypergamy alive and well even in autistic females.
autistic females are memes imo, its just narcissim rebranded. Most "autistic" foids on yt show no signs of autism. You can tell right away if they are really autistic, they look like blokes and talk like men too. Most so called autistic cunts also have bfs or are even married with kids. Makes no sense. If its not impacting your life significantly, how is it a disorder? These people are literally the 20% of autistics, whereas 80% die between 30s and 50s from mental anguish, sui, and comorbid disorders, un- or underemployed, single, childless and depressed.
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ntpill is only effective once you meet the looks threshold. High quality thread
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Read every word. Such a brutal thread.

@Zer0/∞ how can you cope
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Read every word. Such a brutal thread.

@Zer0/∞ how can you cope
its convoluted af but I shat it out really quickly.
theres few things I would add at this point and restructure to make it more streamlined, but it still holds up imo.

for example, ive since found a yale study that shows that "introverted, depressed people" actually have much better social judgement than normies. Theres even a quiz test included where you can judge your own ability to judge human behavior. Theres terms like "depressive realism" and such.
So this is another destruction of nt-pill, the so called basement dwelling, autistic loosers actually turn out to have superior social judgement to most normal "adjusted" people.

its fucking ridculous. It just confirms what I said, people dont self isolate because they WANT. They isolate because they figure out that this is the least painful way of existing. So they are actually showing good social judgement by making the choice not to run into a wall over and over again. NT-pill also fails to mention that many incels online actually did try for years, gymmaxxed successfully and got nohting, ive talked to ppl that did over 200 cold approaches.

anyway, just fucking lol at copers
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I got like 70% jfl
still high af ngl, most ppl score super low
just to give example from .is

total imbecile (diagnosed autistic afaik)71.4%
whogivesafucc (banned)36.8%
Deleted member 6087.4%
Deleted member 881.9%
Deleted member 126971.4%
Deleted member 315571.4%


Deleted Member 211929.0%

Miro Chad62.6%

So you getting 70% is not bad at all.
If you read what it says in peoples results in the .is thread, it says "57.1%, Average! Your score was better than 57.1% of other people's scores."
So thats the halfway mark, meaning, 50% of people get below 50 on average, then the other half is somewhere above 50.

You got 70% ("Your score was better than 71.4% of other people's scores.")
That means in a room of 100 people, you mog 70 at reading others, and 30 are either on ur level or above.
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TLDR OP summarized how NT pill doesn’t exist, it’s actually still just looks theory and out of your control, you’re a cuck if you invest time into it as a method towards achieving power, and it’s right back down to looks theory.
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TLDR OP summarized how NT pill doesn’t exist, it’s actually still just looks theory and out of your control, you’re a cuck if you invest time into it as a method towards achieving power, and it’s right back down to looks theory.
yes, it comes down to things being outside of your control.
almost all points nt copers make are refutable and make no sense if you just think about them.
thx for reply and sorry for the shit
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nt copers be like:
show me a man with no options and i show u a man with two dicks in his mouth
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@Zer0/∞ your NT cope ends today.
@Zer0/∞ your NT cope ends today.
Read every word. Such a brutal thread.

@Zer0/∞ how can you cope

Then explain how do oofy doofies get GFs? And where are the giga chad harems and why are there so many normie couples I go out when people here are saying hypergamy is so high that 80% are incel? :feelsuhh:

Most of them are ugly and short, yet they are breeding while mentalcel 6'0 HTNs here rot. :feelsuhh:

NTpill gang, refute this coper! :feelsree:
@stevielake @Octillionaire @Nobagger @fjor2096 @Stopping@Nothing19
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Then explain how do oofy doofies get GFs? And where are the giga chad harems and why are there so many normie couples I go out when people here are saying hypergamy is so high that 80% are incel? :feelsuhh:

Most of them are ugly and short, yet they are breeding while mentalcel 6'0 HTNs here rot. :feelsuhh:

NTpill gang, refute this coper! :feelsree:
@stevielake @Octillionaire @Nobagger @fjor2096 @Stopping@Nothing19

These are cherrypicked jfl.

These guys have to be extremely NT and outgoing, have hobbies, social circle, money, etc just to get LTR that may or may not last.

It isn’t even close to the same as being GL and fucking women easily. What happens when these oofy doofies get dumped? Or their relationship goes sour for any other reason? They are again stuck with no way of getting pussy for months to years.

Not to mention a lot of these women are straight ugly or fat. And the second some 6’2 GL guy shows interest in them the oofy doofy is liable to get dumped.
Last edited:
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Then explain how do oofy doofies get GFs? And where are the giga chad harems and why are there so many normie couples I go out when people here are saying hypergamy is so high that 80% are incel? :feelsuhh:

Most of them are ugly and short, yet they are breeding while mentalcel 6'0 HTNs here rot. :feelsuhh:

NTpill gang, refute this coper! :feelsree:
@stevielake @Octillionaire @Nobagger @fjor2096 @Stopping@Nothing19

oofy doofy is law:feelswhy:
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Most of them are ugly and short, yet they are breeding while mentalcel 6'0 HTNs here rot. :feelsuhh:

NTpill gang, refute this coper! :feelsree:
@stevielake @Octillionaire @Nobagger @fjor2096 @Stopping@Nothing19
Stop coping. You’re not here because you are autistic, you are here because you are a 2/10 overweight cubefaced acne ridden curry manlet truecel.
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  • So Sad
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NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.
blackpill post 📌
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How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police?
my dad has made a similiar point hes great
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my dad has made a similiar point hes great
great dad, very rare.
Most dads are barely human these days, just extensions of their holes.
my dad is just a simp.
take care of him.
great dad, very rare.
Most dads are barely human these days, just extensions of their holes.
my dad is just a simp.
take care of him.
my dad divorced my mom haha
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JFL at this mf writing an epic of gilgamesh level essay on nt not mattering when anyone with an iq above goldfish level already knows
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JFL at this mf writing an epic of gilgamesh level essay on nt not mattering when anyone with an iq above goldfish level already knows
I felt like it was necessary cuz theres an increasing amount of ppl here spreading NT-Pill propaganda and other bluepilled shit disguised in different lingo. But if you examine the underlying presuppositions and shit, you find that aside from the obvious NT threads theres a lot more threads pushing the same shit underhandely. Thats why i had to make this thread.
Also, this thread is convoluted af, i couldve cut it down and refined much more but i shat this out quick. But all the info is there and its still conclusive ngl. So im fine with it as it is.
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what was your score i got 87.4 %
its convoluted af but I shat it out really quickly.
theres few things I would add at this point and restructure to make it more streamlined, but it still holds up imo.

for example, ive since found a yale study that shows that "introverted, depressed people" actually have much better social judgement than normies. Theres even a quiz test included where you can judge your own ability to judge human behavior. Theres terms like "depressive realism" and such.
So this is another destruction of nt-pill, the so called basement dwelling, autistic loosers actually turn out to have superior social judgement to most normal "adjusted" people.

its fucking ridculous. It just confirms what I said, people dont self isolate because they WANT. They isolate because they figure out that this is the least painful way of existing. So they are actually showing good social judgement by making the choice not to run into a wall over and over again. NT-pill also fails to mention that many incels online actually did try for years, gymmaxxed successfully and got nohting, ive talked to ppl that did over 200 cold approaches.

anyway, just fucking lol at copers
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