NT-Pill DEBUNKED [Hard to Swallow Edition]

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  • JFL
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I felt like it was necessary cuz theres an increasing amount of ppl here spreading NT-Pill propaganda and other bluepilled shit disguised in different lingo. But if you examine the underlying presuppositions and shit, you find that aside from the obvious NT threads theres a lot more threads pushing the same shit underhandely. Thats why i had to make this thread.
Also, this thread is convoluted af, i couldve cut it down and refined much more but i shat this out quick. But all the info is there and its still conclusive ngl. So im fine with it as it is.
True, but the number of anti-NTcope crusaders are rising aswell. I will be doing my part at least by upvoting stuff like your post and doing posts of my own. May NTCope eventually be laid to rest so that PSL can actually fucking move on and spend energy on more usefull frontiers
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True, but the number of anti-NTcope crusaders are rising aswell. I will be doing my part at least by upvoting stuff like your post and doing posts of my own. May NTCope eventually be laid to rest so that PSL can actually fucking move on and spend energy on more usefull frontiers
JFL thx for support, yes, this shit needs to die. I see younger guys here also lack a lot of basic integrated knowledge that simply makes NT-Pill laughable if you just follow through with its assertions.
Also kek, i thought you are ceo of sex for a moment, you know, the retard i was arguing in this thread on page 1?
Anyway, thank you for your support.
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JFL thx for support, yes, this shit needs to die. I see younger guys here also lack a lot of basic integrated knowledge that simply makes NT-Pill laughable if you just follow through with its assertions.
Also kek, i thought you are ceo of sex for a moment, you know, the retard i was arguing in this thread on page 1?
Anyway, thank you for your support.
lmao no i know we have similair names but i was arguing with him aswell in a different thread. He unironically stated he sees ltn-mtns not only ltr but SLAY htbs and up jfl. In the UK of all places too, hypergamy central according to many users here. Someone needs to knock some sense into him for real. I feel like i am the joker to his batman lol
  • JFL
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lmao no i know we have similair names but i was arguing with him aswell in a different thread. He unironically stated he sees ltn-mtns not only ltr but SLAY htbs and up jfl. In the UK of all places too, hypergamy central according to many users here. Someone needs to knock some sense into him for real. I feel like i am the joker to his batman lol
too many smoothskins in this motherfucker recently, seen cunts defending foids here, saying men are cause of violence in world bla bla bla
shit making me cray cray you know. Uk is brutal from what I heard from many ppl.
too many smoothskins in this motherfucker recently, seen cunts defending foids here, saying men are cause of violence in world bla bla bla
shit making me cray cray you know. Uk is brutal from what I heard from many ppl.
imo foids arent to blame for this stuff, that's where you and i split paths. But we can both agree that nt is gigacope atleast
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for some reason this forum has become more bluepilled on average with time, instead of blackpilled as you would expect. Maybe this is a pendulum/natural back and forth natural oscilation thing and in a few months it will be blackpill central again.
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for some reason this forum has become more bluepilled on average with time, instead of blackpilled as you would expect. Maybe this is a pendulum/natural back and forth natural oscilation thing and in a few months it will be blackpill central again.
lets hope so. I feel like there is an effort to push certain things in this sphere. Theres only a minority of active posters, so derailing the entire system is quite easy.
I feel like tyronelite and his disciples are a big driver of the blue/redpilllization (or "crimsonpill" as he likes to cope) of this forum, but he is a literal mod so there is 0 way to stop him. Over for this forum tbh. Lookism needs to go back up or something else must take it's place
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I feel like tyronelite and his disciples are a big driver of the blue/redpilllization (or "crimsonpill" as he likes to cope) of this forum, but he is a literal mod so there is 0 way to stop him. Over for this forum tbh. Lookism needs to go back up or something else must take it's place
crimsonpill comes from that one foid on yt doesnt it?
lmao no it's invented by tyronelite (i dont want to tag him to risk him comming to this thread and debating me) as a mix between redpill and blackpill. He starts off saying looks are obviously important (good so far) and then halfway starts talking about the importance of game in keeping around stacies, how your behavior, masculinty etc all that bullshit is neccesary in getting and keeping stacies .
That may or may not be true but it is completely irrelevant to 99% of this forum since none of us will ever reach the level were we can even be on a stacy's radar (except maybe arvid) and even then its prob bullshit. Another bluepill disguised as black/redpill.
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lmao no it's invented by tyronelite (i dont want to tag him to risk him comming to this thread and debating me) as a mix between redpill and blackpill. He starts off saying looks are obviously important (good so far) and then halfway starts talking about the importance of game in keeping around stacies, how your behavior, masculinty etc all that bullshit is neccesary in getting and keeping stacies .
That may or may not be true but it is completely irrelevant to 99% of this forum since none of us will ever reach the level were we can even be on a stacy's radar (except maybe arvid) and even then its prob bullshit. Another bluepill disguised as black/redpill.
yeah if you read michelle langleys books on female infidielty you basically understand that nobody, not even the most beautiful man alive, could keep a woman around. They never committ to anything, especially not relationships. Its not in the female psyche.
yeah if you read michelle langleys books on female infidielty you basically understand that nobody, not even the most beautiful man alive, could keep a woman around. They never committ to anything, especially not relationships. Its not in the female psyche.
idk about that but if that is true then no ammount of game will preven that, and even if it did it is porbably not worth the effort
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idk about that but if that is true then no ammount of game will preven that, and even if it did it is porbably not worth the effort
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NT-Pill is absolute cope. This thread should be the most water-wet shit but there's been too many NT-Pill spreading Propaganda here lately.
1. Looks form peoples first impression of you, even if told not to judge by looks
2. social skills are not real. Most of communication is body language and body language is pseudoscience

3."muh most people are average, looks only apply at extremes"
- 50% of population (foids) are extremely looks biased. NT-Copers like to produce some sort of stupid "debunking" of okupid or tinder studies, ignoring the huge body of data outside of these studies that demonstrates that looks is what makes people (both genders) react positively to you. Then you have to include the percentage of men that are obedient slaves to foids, which is huge. Ive seen this at my job, where simps joined foids in their campaign to bully a man out of his job because he was ugly.
This reduces the amount of people that you can apply your aquired NT-skills on even further than 50%. Women are doing 85-90% of all customer spending. Have been for long time (relevant book, "Generation of Vipers" from 1940s, already talked about women being 70% of customers).

This data implies that a HUGE amount of men are giving HUGE amounts of their money to foids. Around 40% of the money women are spending has to come from men, aka simps. I want you to consider this. The vast majority of men are simps and will go along with foids judgement of other people. Women control the economy and social life with absolute dominance. You are dogshit, you have no power. Nothing you can do will change this. Society IS women. If you don't provide value to women, you are barred from entering society. Even when average looking, not having a gf or wife will exclude you from a lot of man-only activities because most dudes are dogs on the leash of their gfs/wifes.

The above information implies this: The argument that looks only matter at the extremes of society, aka for chads and ugly people, is false because all foids are looks-biased to an extreme. This removes 50% of the population from the pool of people you can "NT-maxx" on. Now, as I have shown, most guys are giga-simps, and or effeminate, further reducing this pool of people.
These "men" only interact with other men for the sake of mogging them and acquiring brownie points with women. Your NT-Skills wont work on them unless you mog them status wise or with looks. Their lives revolve around foids to an extreme degree.

How much are we left with? I can not tell you but lets say, 20% of men. Maybe. So basically the only people you can apply your "social skills" on will be ugly men, incels and autists. Which is why this forum exists in the first place. Boom, so we have come full circle and this is just provides further credence to determinism.

To bring this around to NT-Pill. It simply does not work. Your options are bowing to the system and becoming a betabuxxer or being lonely and rejected. Having a social life is not a choice. You have very little choice about very few things in life. You did not choose your place or time of birth. The skull grows to 90% of its adult mass in the first 5 years of life. Mouthbreathing causes ADHD and dental malocclusion and it depends on factors such as your mother breastfeeding you. Which you had no choice over.
NT-Pill is for people that can not cope with the absolute and brutal reality of determinism. One thing I have observed about life: Most things in life are really simple. It's just volume and presentation. And when something is not simple, its usually just because copers like psychologists develop INSANE levels of lore to not accept the inevitable. They create an entire body of "theories" that amounts to high fiction and then they start citing each others fiction and it turns into pseudo-scientific racket, where people start producing books upon books on shit, none of which help anybody. That's why the self-help market exists, thats why theres so many YT videos on being charismatic or how to have good body language. If there was a solution, there would be no market. Supply-Demand. By that alone, you can deduce that they can not possibly be telling the truth. The truth is really simple and usually devastatingly sobering. And NT-Copers cant deal with this. They would rather fall for just-world-fallacy instead of accepting that its all factors outside of their control, like looks.
Even if looks were not real. Even if NT-Pill was 100% true, life would still be deterministic. You still don't choose your parents, place of birth, the time and politics, economy, what you are fed when young which drastically impacts your future health and mental function...

Even if we made all these acknowledgements to NT-Copers, saying hands down it's all NT, it would not change the ultimate reality of life being deterministic.
You chose nothing. You are at the mercy of fate/God, whatever you choose to cope with. There is no reason to be proud of anything, no reason to have confidence in yourself. Your so called achievements have prospered from a soil you did not provide. Someone else might have had the same potential but his circumstance did not allow him to become anything.

I will not pretend to have a solution. Just like with everything else, the solution will find you when and if the time comes.



The evidence for looks mattering above everything, in every single aspect of life, is overwhelming.
Both anecdotes and the scientific literature confirm this. The amount of research data is stunning.

For instance, take the confirmed fact that 90% of CEO's in America are above average height.

Think about what this means for you if you are below average height.
And anyone here who has ever held a job that wasn't playing minesweeper in the Gaza strip knows that tall people get promoted quickly,
that everyone in management and the upper echelon of the corporate structure is usually above average height, even in small companies.
People simply do not trust average to below-average height people with responsibility.

Your looks literally anchor you in life. It even works both ways. Yes, bad looking people can't get higher-tier jobs because people can't see an ugly person having high status (study below), BUT - good looking people also have a harder time applying for low-tier jobs!

fucking kill me.

Now, we could go on listing supporting studies here, we could probably accumulate hundreds of papers if necessary.
Just from a really really sloppy google search that took me half an hour, I came up with THIRTY-THREE relevant links:

As one can see, looks create a sort of "rubber-band" effect for your life. Aka, you can move up and down with some freedom, but it is like a rubber band that is attached to your back and no matter what you do, eventually you get pulled back to your natural, looks-determined social status level.
This applies to relationships with other people and of course your overall success (if defined materially) as well.

Now, this being established, I want to say a things regarding the NT-Pill.
Most NT-copers try to be agreeable which makes me vomit.
They say shit like "oh, Looks only matter at the extremes bro." "if you are normie looking it doesnt apply. Most people are average."
This is fucking retarded. Yes, most foids are looksmatched with most guys, if you stop thinking with your cock, most foids are ugly, just like guys.
This also destroyed the "muh natural selection argument" since unlike men, most foids get to reproduce REGARDLESS OF SHIT GENES/HEALTH.
However, foids being foids and having insane selection bias, this does not even matter. We all know how they rate most guys.
So this excludes 50% of the population from being factored into NT-Pill already, good riddance.

Now, how many guys are influenced by foids and shit and can be added to that 50%? I am sure you can imagine a number. Add that to the 50% of population (foids) that are judging extremely harsh based on looks. The pool of viable targets for your NT-Cope is shrinking drastically.

Or rather, only subhumans are left. Aka, this forum.

Of course the researchers here conflate looks with social skills. You put a bunch of looksmatched people together, they communicate easier. However, even in this context, the "communication" comes down to who-mogs-who and social hierarchy games, simply because looks are not sufficient to establish the pecking order in this environment. More on this and "friendships" and "LTR" later.

Also, I'd like NT-Copers to explain shit like this (thx for pointing this @rightfulcel):


Old people are also consistently the most affected by social isolation. I am using the term "social isolation" as in the clinical definition.
If social skills matter so much, why is this the case? Shouldn't they get even better at "making friends" as they age and gain more experience, more "social skill?"

How do you loose social skills in the first place? Are all these old people self-isolating on purpose because they are NEETs and play Genshin Impact all day? Is this the mysterious cause behind their sudden decline of social skills? NT-Copers step up, I want answers.

How is NT-Real when they say that between 60-90% of communication is based on body language, aka visual?

"OH!" goes the NT-coper, "got it, you gotta learn body language!"
Hold on there little pipsqueak, not so fast.
The "science" behind body language is very feeble. In fact, studies have found that people are shit at reading others, especially when it comes to detecting lies and deception. This goes as far as some people advocating to drop the use of body-language cues when it comes to law-enforcement investigations.

Reading body language is a pseudoscience and has no real life application. It's ripe to the brim with ambiguity, depending on culture, circumstance, personal history of the person being "read" etc...
If you were to acknowledge some weird universal lawcode for body language, people would have to be machines reacting to simplified cues. Even if we exclude the impact of culture (in india for example, making eye contact can be taken as very rude), the mood and mental state of the person you are talking to absolutely impacts how they will judge your "body language."

Which brings us full circle to looks of course. First impressions in particular. This is what decides how the content of your communication (word content + body language) will be judged. Its an aggregate of your targets current mental state, mood and your looks. What you actually do or say comes very very very last in this list of factors.

Additional information regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:
I will start with this article and add my comments to first 2 points made in it:

This intersects with Normie thinking. Most people are prone to falling back on heuristics when making judgements, meaning, they make big picture conclusions based on very limited data. This is where shit like oofy-doofy comes from. They see one ethnic with a white woman in public and suddenly "ETHNICS ARE SLAYERS BRO I SWEAR." This is Forest-First thinking. See the forest, not the trees. Or rather, see one tree and conclude there is a forest.

Autistic people do not do this. They do tree-first thinking and after having seen enough trees, they conclude that there is a forest. This is why autistic people are right on many things more often than not, when it comes to certain conclusions. Unlike the NT, they assemble a data cloud of details that forms a big picture, and not start with the big picture and fill in the details.

Important point. Most NT People interact with each other based on pure self interest. To that end they put on a facade of agreeableness (virtue signaling) which they often mistake for being virtuous. This is why people get pissed when you deny them, when they are trying to do you a "favor." - their anger indicates that their intention was self-gratification.

So this further complicates the matter of learning to be NT, reading others and signalling correctly. It becomes a game of scoundrels where everyone is out for himself. Your "LTR" gf is with you because it benefits her, and she has vastly more power than you, financially, socially. And you are going to compromise for her, you have to, you have less or no power, even if you are chad. So even here, "being NT" just comes down to being an agreeable simp.

How many of your friends would stay loyal if you committed a murder. Would your mother hide you in the trunk of your car and drive you to the border to hide you from police? Their affection is disingenuous and conditional, aka it is not affection at all. They hang out with you because it gives them pleasure. And you do the same. This is the basis for "NT." If they don't benefit from your presence, you are rejected. How do they benefit? From you talking about anime? The shit you brag about? What is your shared purpose that makes up the foundation of that relationship? Talking about soccer? I am telling you this, you have no friends in this world. And if you ever had one, you will only know once that motherfucker truly and sincerely lays down his life for you. Then you know what he was.

This is the crux of the NT-Pill. It shatters on every level. Looks, the lack of any skill you can learn to improve your "social skills," the ambiguity and pseudo-science of body-language. There is nothing you can do here. Nothing at all. You are trapped in your looks prison.
You can not make people like you.
(which is another retarded assertion of NT-Pill. People are not machines that you press a button on and they suddenly feel affection for you.)

Moving on to my next points regarding the importance of first impressions and the fallibility of body language:


Below are more links on the speed of first impressions.
This goes into my final point regarding Personality:

1. It is GIVEN (by looks present since birth, mothers treat ugly baby worse right away), leading to shit bonding and mental health issues.
2. People judge your personality based on looks RAPIDLY, within microseconds.
3. Unless you looskmax you, can't change these things.

Ugly people often report people fearing them in public, crossing the street to avoid them etc... the above study confirms that, people feel viscerally threatened by your cripple ass.

This next study goes into this even deeper and says people literally can not help themselves in their visual judgement of others,

Again, NT-copers BTFO. Even if you are extremely nice to others, they can not help but judge you based on your looks. Even if they know its wrong. Even if they know you are actually a good person. You are making them feel guilty for existing lmfao. And so they don't want to be around you.

Slightly unrelated but even being dark triad just backfires if you are ugly:

I can already here them coming, "this doesn't apply, most people are average not ugly."
1. Then why are you on looksmax you cumgobbler? Go to reddit or watch some yt videos about being confident and charismatic.
2. Even if average, I just highlighted that you can't change anything significant about your life without looksmaxing. This applies to job opportunities, whether people like you and judge you as competent on first impression etc... You can not make people like you. And society is people. We all are at the mercy of others 24/7. Also, relationships are the biggest indicator of happiness.

The thing is, if you are average, you will not stand out. You are positively neutral in a crowd of nobodies, aka invisible, unless you make yourself stand out by being pathetic - jestermaxxing, putting in all the effort into maintaining friendships/relationships (simping), etc... And you can not change that. Again, even with average looks, NT-Coping comes down to pleasuring other men to receive conditional validation from them. Gay.

If you have to work for it, it's not worth it. If you have work for something others get for free, you are already lower status, you are signalling it, you are admitting it. You will never get to the point where it feels natural. As you age your looks decline and magically and for no reason at all, so will your "social skills." People will suddenly be rude to you, whereas before they were not. The only acceptable behavior left will be to rot at home (thus leading to the social isolation epidemic among old people.) NT-Pill will not save you from this. It's not gonna make you immortal, sorry. Even if it was true, these last points i just made would still be true.
Absolutely fantastic Post. Honestly smells of 145+ iq

Mogged NT copers to oblivion
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instead of this nonsese we should further refine facial analysis (stuff like pinpointing what harmony is and making it measurable, finding new ways to asses foreward growth, cranial base, influence of hormones, puberty, environment and how much, finding out why certain features are attractive beyond ornament/sexual selection pill, discovering new ratios etc)
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Absolutely fantastic Post. Honestly smells of 145+ iq

Mogged NT copers to oblivion
my thread got deleted but
added to guest list for next assault

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Nt copers will slowly over time take over looksmax.org mod inner circle i am sure of it we need to nip it in the bud
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Nt copers will slowly over time take over looksmax.org mod inner circle i am sure of it we need to nip it in the bud
I love how none of them have really made an arguments here yet push it so much
  • JFL
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I love how none of them have really made an arguments here yet push it so much
all they ever say is "duh i havent read thread, u autist/schizo" and then spout some shit.
or like with ceo of sex here, he goes "i dont need to read it, ive debated many autists like u over the years" :lul::lul::lul:
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all they ever say is "duh i havent read thread, u autist/schizo" and then spout some shit.
or like with ceo of sex here, he goes "i dont need to read it, ive debated many autists like u over the years" :lul::lul::lul:
i always cage when they show the "high tier becky" the "subhuman" slayed and its some gigafrauded makeupmaxxed plank mtb and then a bad picture of a mtn
  • JFL
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This is one of the best posts on this site. Thank you for taking the time for this work
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gold post it’s true all of it. people judge you within split second
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Bit convoluted but im low energy af, sickly street mongrel, so this is the best i could muster my dear.
I was about to include some shit from Ecclesiastes but then deleted it, too far. Lots of people will trip over their bias and stop reading once you invoke the almighty, know what im saying?
And as I said, if he finds you, he finds you. No need for me to force it down anybodies throat.
  • JFL
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legit. sometimes this forum becomes too much howtofuckgirls.org

looksmaxxing is way more efficent than being nt.

your looks determine how you are percieved by people.
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its convoluted af but I shat it out really quickly.
theres few things I would add at this point and restructure to make it more streamlined, but it still holds up imo.

for example, ive since found a yale study that shows that "introverted, depressed people" actually have much better social judgement than normies. Theres even a quiz test included where you can judge your own ability to judge human behavior. Theres terms like "depressive realism" and such.
So this is another destruction of nt-pill, the so called basement dwelling, autistic loosers actually turn out to have superior social judgement to most normal "adjusted" people.

its fucking ridculous. It just confirms what I said, people dont self isolate because they WANT. They isolate because they figure out that this is the least painful way of existing. So they are actually showing good social judgement by making the choice not to run into a wall over and over again. NT-pill also fails to mention that many incels online actually did try for years, gymmaxxed successfully and got nohting, ive talked to ppl that did over 200 cold approaches.

anyway, just fucking lol at copers
I can confirm as an autist. I took cold showers, gymmaxxed (lean) etc & STILL I got nothing out of it.
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I can confirm as an autist. I took cold showers, gymmaxxed (lean) etc & STILL I got nothing out of it.
Exactly, thx for reply
i also did my fair share of NT maxxing, I jestermaxxed hard for 3 years, at first deluding myself into thinking it was working. Then I realized people laugh AT me not with me.
Elab how is autism and adhd related? I thought adhd is comorbid with ocd, sociopathy and depression more then with autism?

I have ADHD but also this fear that i have autism as well never diagnosed. But i would have been diagnosed if i had autism by middle school mandatory psychologist and i didn't.

Things i suspect are from autism:
1. Can't look someone in the eyes too long, like get anxiety when i do
2. When im standing, i got no clue how should a person stand, like whej waiting for the red light to turn green in trafic, idk if my arms should be in my pockets, crossed or whatever. This is worse when im talking to someone while we are both standing

Tbh these are the only 2 i suspect, but they can also be symptoms of anxiety (first one) and anxiety/adhd (second one).

I have other symptoms which are more obvios adhd, and the rest are more about anxiety. My voice can get monotone for example but thats only when im with someone new and feeljng social anxiety to talk
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Elab how is autism and adhd related? I thought adhd is comorbid with ocd, sociopathy and depression more then with autism?

I have ADHD but also this fear that i have autism as well never diagnosed. But i would have been diagnosed if i had autism by middle school mandatory psychologist and i didn't.

Things i suspect are from autism:
1. Can't look someone in the eyes too long, like get anxiety when i do
2. When im standing, i got no clue how should a person stand, like whej waiting for the red light to turn green in trafic, idk if my arms should be in my pockets, crossed or whatever. This is worse when im talking to someone while we are both standing

Tbh these are the only 2 i suspect, but they can also be symptoms of anxiety (first one) and anxiety/adhd (second one).

I have other symptoms which are more obvios adhd, and the rest are more about anxiety. My voice can get monotone for example but thats only when im with someone new and feeljng social anxiety to talk
Autism is basically ADHD+.
A lot of the features of adhd are found in autism, like the executive dysfunction issues, issues concentrating etc...
Basically, if you have autism, you have all the features of ADHD + a shitton of health issues on top.

Hence, some observant folk like @rightfulcel have pointed out that often times it seems that Autistic people are regarded as ugly, whereas the looks-stigma is far less with ADHD.
Nobody associates ADHD with anything but mogging, high energy bla bla bla
But with autism it conjures up the image of the drooling, bespectacled retard with lanky arms and a huge nose who plays with bionicles.

Just google the two terms on google images and you will see it.

Screenshot from 2022 09 21 15 32 05

Screenshot from 2022 09 21 15 32 44

ADHD kid

Screenshot from 2022 09 21 15 33 32

Autism and ADHD are allowed to be diagnosed in the same person, they are no longer mutually exclusive.

If you really want to know if you have autism, you basically have to set aside the diagnostic criteria and take a deep dive into the co-morbid disorders.

Look up co-morbid health conditions, how many you have. Theres a huge range, from gut issues to muscle tone, respiratory issues etc...

Also read this book:

This goes more into the classic issues autistic people have with understanding social stuff. The author breaks down how people think in his experience.
Last edited:
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Autism is basically ADHD+.
A lot of the features of adhd are found in autism, like the executive dysfunction issues, issues concentrating etc...

Autism and ADHD are allowed to be diagnosed in the same person, they are no longer mutually exclusive.

If you really want to know if you have autism, you basically have to set aside the diagnostic criteria and take a deep dive into the co-morbid disorders.

Look up co-morbid health conditions, how many you have. Theres a huge range, from gut issues to muscle tone, respiratory issues etc...

Also read this book:

This goes more into the classic issues autistic people have with understanding social stuff. The author breaks down how people think in his experience.
I'm extremely scared of reading this and learning i have autism, but how come autism and adhd have similar symptoms?

Autism: monotone voice, expression on face, calm stiff body position, extremely obsessed with a ONE certain topic for very long periods of time (math, physics, history)

ADHD: opposite of monotone voice, overly expressive face (i move my eyebrows way to much when talking jfl), hard time standing calmly basically having a need to move or sit, having changing interests constantly from one thing to another, spontaneously getting bored from one topic and starting something new.

Also some studies where people with ADHD found to have more sexual partners on average
(No links to them but they were posted on here long ago by some person that had autism)
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I'm extremely scared of reading this and learning i have autism, but how come autism and adhd have similar symptoms?

Autism: monotone voice, expression on face, calm stiff body position, extremely obsessed with a ONE certain topic for very long periods of time (math, physics, history)

ADHD: opposite of monotone voice, overly expressive face (i move my eyebrows way to much when talking jfl), hard time standing calmly basically having a need to move or sit, having changing interests constantly from one thing to another, spontaneously getting bored from one topic and starting something new.

Also some studies where people with ADHD found to have more sexual partners on average
(No links to them but they were posted on here long ago by some person that had autism)
why are scared, nothing would change for you after all.

The very fact that you are scared highlights what I wrote earlier - there is a huge negative stigma associated with autism and its not because autistic people are known to have bad personalities, HINT HINT.
Its because autism = bad looks.

And this is verified by studies that show that autistic people have identifiable facial features + like I said, the list of co-morbid PHYSICAL issues is nigh infinite.

Now, you really have to plunge yourself into this young man, sigh sigh sigh
statements like these are rrrather reductionist I am afraid ahem:

Autism: monotone voice, expression on face, calm stiff body position, extremely obsessed with a ONE certain topic for very long periods of time (math, physics, history)
The obsession with one topic (savant syndrome) for example can only be found in around 50% of people with ASD.
The topic is also not limited to STEM or technical subjects.

The montone voice, expression etc... are often results of prolonged negative feedback from the environment.
A lot of so called primary indicators of autism turn out to be secondary coping mechanism for the actual underlying issues.

One example, the always talked about anal adherence to structure and schedules.
From people that work with autistic individuals for long periods we hear that often, once the person retires or goes on welfare, this obsession with scheduling and routines disappears.

It seems that due to the giga high stress put on them, autistic people develop these routines to cope. The routines are not a symptom but a coping mechanism resulting form actual symptoms like

- shit executive dysfunction (cant stick to things, autistic intertia, hard time switching tasks, bad short term memory, unorganized mind due to high associative thinking etc...)
- high latent stress level due to sensory issues aka, a normal person is at 10% stress 80% of the time, but an autistic person is at 40% most of the time.
This also leads to a constant nagging wish for suicide, suicide in the sense of wanting to stop existing to experience relief.

Most of the symptoms can be broken down like this, into their actual underlying causes. When we do this, the similarities between autism and ADHD become even more apparent.

ADHD: opposite of monotone voice, overly expressive face (i move my eyebrows way to much when talking jfl), hard time standing calmly basically having a need to move or sit, having changing interests constantly from one thing to another, spontaneously getting bored from one topic and starting something new.
These can also be autism traits.
You are "stimming" aka fiddling a lot. The expressive way of talking etc...
Its just that in some people this behavior gets punished and in some it doesnt.

Hence the obseration, as @rightfulcel pointed out, that the difference between ADHD and Autism seems to be looks.
If you look good enough you can get away with more so you retain the behavior.
Look around you and really, objectively, assess peoples behavior.
People around you act "autistic" or "adhd" constantly, yet they are neither punished or sent to a doctor.
Women sperg out in public, sing loud, they eat their hair or whatever.
You will see people with weird interests yet nobody cares.

A girl in my class said she wants to eat human flesh. Nobody gave a fuck. If I said that I would be on meds right now.

The medium is the message. Hence this thread. Social Skills = Acting according to your looks level. Thats all it is. And if you look like shit, all you can do is damage control, be quiet, dont interact - woha suddenly I have some mental disorder.

This also explains why ADHD people have higher partner count - their SMV is simply higher.
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why are scared, nothing would change for you after all.

The very fact that you are scared highlights what I wrote earlier - there is a huge negative stigma associated with autism and its not because autistic people are known to have bad personalities, HINT HINT.
Its because autism = bad looks.

And this is verified by studies that show that autistic people have identifiable facial features + like I said, the list of co-morbid PHYSICAL issues is nigh infinite.

Now, you really have to plunge yourself into this young man, sigh sigh sigh
statements like these are rrrather reductionist I am afraid ahem:

The obsession with one topic (savant syndrome) for example can only be found in around 50% of people with ASD.
The topic is also not limited to STEM or technical subjects.

The montone voice, expression etc... are often results of prolonged negative feedback from the environment.
A lot of so called primary indicators of autism turn out to be secondary coping mechanism for the actual underlying issues.

One example, the always talked about anal adherence to structure and schedules.
From people that work with autistic individuals for long periods we hear that often, once the person retires or goes on welfare, this obsession with scheduling and routines disappears.

It seems that due to the giga high stress put on them, autistic people develop these routines to cope. The routines are not a symptom but a coping mechanism resulting form actual symptoms like

- shit executive dysfunction (cant stick to things, autistic intertia, hard time switching tasks, bad short term memory, unorganized mind due to high associative thinking etc...)
- high latent stress level due to sensory issues aka, a normal person is at 10% stress 80% of the time, but an autistic person is at 40% most of the time.
This also leads to a constant nagging wish for suicide, suicide in the sense of wanting to stop existing to experience relief.

Most of the symptoms can be broken down like this, into their actual underlying causes. When we do this, the similarities between autism and ADHD become even more apparent.

These can also be autism traits.
You are "stimming" aka fiddling a lot. The expressive way of talking etc...
Its just that in some people this behavior gets punished and in some it doesnt.

Hence the obseration, as @rightfulcel pointed out, that the difference between ADHD and Autism seems to be looks.
If you look good enough you can get away with more so you retain the behavior.
Look around you and really, objectively, assess peoples behavior.
People around you act "autistic" or "adhd" constantly, yet they are neither punished or sent to a doctor.
Women sperg out in public, sing loud, they eat their hair or whatever.
You will see people with weird interests yet nobody cares.

A girl in my class said she wants to eat human flesh. Nobody gave a fuck. If I said that I would be on meds right now.

The medium is the message. Hence this thread. Social Skills = Acting according to your looks level. Thats all it is. And if you look like shit, all you can do is damage control, be quiet, dont interact - woha suddenly I have some mental disorder.

This also explains why ADHD people have higher partner count - their SMV is simply higher.
Yeah but how to know that i have autism tho? I was a class clown and did delinquent stuff in elementary, middle school, basically was quite nt and low inhib with my male friends.

The reason im scared of learning i have it is cause im coping now that my non NT behavior is just result of bullying i experienced during early childhood cause i was the fattest kid and also i was from a minority and the main ethnic groups in my country would harass me for that when i was a kid. Then when i entered puberty i lost weight but got lots of acne and still got passively ridiculed by girls in middle school. Now im 22 and my cope is that with exposure therapy and tretinoin im using im going to become "NT", but if i learn i have autism then there is no fixing my non NT, its basically over and time to rope

Isn't autism easily diagnosed tho? I went to psychiatrist he diagnosed me with adhd, in middle school the psychologist also didn't give me autism diagnosis.

Can you elab comorbid stuff associated with autism? The thing i do know is that adhd is mostly comorbid with OCD and Sociopathy not autism but idk.
  • So Sad
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Yeah but how to know that i have autism tho? I was a class clown and did delinquent stuff in elementary, middle school, basically was quite nt and low inhib with my male friends.

The reason im scared of learning i have it is cause im coping now that my non NT behavior is just result of bullying i experienced during early childhood cause i was the fattest kid and also i was from a minority and the main ethnic groups in my country would harass me for that when i was a kid. Then when i entered puberty i lost weight but got lots of acne and still got passively ridiculed by girls in middle school. Now im 22 and my cope is that with exposure therapy and tretinoin im using im going to become "NT", but if i learn i have autism then there is no fixing my non NT, its basically over and time to rope

Isn't autism easily diagnosed tho? I went to psychiatrist he diagnosed me with adhd, in middle school the psychologist also didn't give me autism diagnosis.

Can you elab comorbid stuff associated with autism? The thing i do know is that adhd is mostly comorbid with OCD and Sociopathy not autism but idk.

Ok first of all a few things.
1. Autism can not be healed in most cases BUT - it can be improved. This goes into the co-morbidities I mentioned. Gut issues for example, the gut-brain axis and such. So with a targeted low inflammatory diet approach, anxiety, depression and finally autism symptoms can be alleviated

2. What you are coping with is that you essentially have a personality disorder, meaning, something that you acquired later in life as a result of adverse circumstances.
It may be of interest you that there are indeed personality disorders that are extremely similar with ASD, like Schizoid Personality Disorder. The diagnostic process is extremely difficult, especially in adulthood. The only semi-reliable way to establish whether the person suffers from ASD or SPD is to examine the childhood, draw on report cards, the parents etc...

However, you are diagnosed with ADHD which is physiological in nature (if diagnosis is genuine, hard to tell with ADHD as its such a meme and tool to sell drugs to kids)

So, on one hand I can offer you comfort in that ADHD as such does not exist, and neither does Autism.
These are just Umbrella terms to describe a cluster of symptoms. The origins of these symptoms are hardly ever addressed, which brings us to co-morbid conditions

Basically, Autism, ADHD etc...
all of these are fundamentally PHYSIOLOGICAL in origin and nature. They are health issues, not mental issues.
So, dont be scared about not being able to change yourself. You can make changes and improvements. Maybe look into the GAPS diet or such, it talks about autism, adhd and diet.

Because psychology does not address these, the diagnostic process for autism is very tedious. It often takes years to get a diagnosis. The process is a bunch of interviews and tests with different goals. They try to get as much information on you as possible - excluding your general health and dietary habits - an absolutely retarded thing if you just look at the wikipedia article i linked.

Each case should be analyzed individually and treated individually - impossible of course, thats the parents job, but who can expect a parent that fucked up their child in the first place, to fix what they have done later? Unlikely to happen ngl.

Regarding your exposure therapy, that can only work if you are not using the full spectrum of advantages that your looks-level affords you. Lets say your looks would allow for 75% NT-ness but you are operating at 50% due to false beliefs about yourself (this is not really possible ok, but I didnt want to crush you too much).
In that case, exposure therapy would naturally lead to an objective improvement in how you perceive life.

However, all people go through a natural stage of exposure therapy. Its called childhood and teenage years.
In these years, you test boundaries, you try new things and see what you can get away with. At the end of that, you are left with a realistic idea of what you can and can not get away with among people.

Hence what I said in this thread, depressed, socially isolated people actually exhibit BETTER social judgement than other people. They have done the field work and they picked the way of the least resistance/pain like everyone else, and thats where they end up - alone.

Again, I am not meaning to crush you here by highlighting just how brutally deterministic life is.

If you want to know if you have autism, here is what you do
1. look at the diseases associated with autism and check if and how many you have
2. read "the complete guide to aspergers syndrome" - its a foundational work
3. stay away from aspergers subreddit and quizzes. Watch tony attwood videos

Its very difficult to find genuine resources. Psychology is not a science. There is huge biases.
There are political agendas and mumbo jumbo everywhere. Stay away from those.
Almost everyone you see on YT is not representative of what autism is actually like. Most are narc foids that larp.

This is an example of a good video. Concise, goes into the health issues.

Overtime you accumulate enough evidence where the picture becomes very clear on whether you have it or not.


You have skin issues.
Liver will help. eat liver, its good for you. Cut out carbs to lower inflammation and water retention.
100g of beef Liver contains 800 times the recommended daily amount of vitamin A. - its not toxic for you though to eat huge amounts, dont fall for that.

Cutting out carbs and going keto will also help you to become more NT as it improves anxiety.
The gut-brain axis is a real thing, most of your hormones are based on animal fats and produced in the gut, not in the brain.

I think you know this already though as you made that thread about how you fucked yourself up with oats and you have IBS now and shit. Good riddance dude, that is terrible. Fuck the cunts that promote this shit, shit should be a crime.
  • +1
Reactions: TsarTsar444
Ok first of all a few things.
1. Autism can not be healed in most cases BUT - it can be improved. This goes into the co-morbidities I mentioned. Gut issues for example, the gut-brain axis and such. So with a targeted low inflammatory diet approach, anxiety, depression and finally autism symptoms can be alleviated

2. What you are coping with is that you essentially have a personality disorder, meaning, something that you acquired later in life as a result of adverse circumstances.
It may be of interest you that there are indeed personality disorders that are extremely similar with ASD, like Schizoid Personality Disorder. The diagnostic process is extremely difficult, especially in adulthood. The only semi-reliable way to establish whether the person suffers from ASD or SPD is to examine the childhood, draw on report cards, the parents etc...

However, you are diagnosed with ADHD which is physiological in nature (if diagnosis is genuine, hard to tell with ADHD as its such a meme and tool to sell drugs to kids)

So, on one hand I can offer you comfort in that ADHD as such does not exist, and neither does Autism.
These are just Umbrella terms to describe a cluster of symptoms. The origins of these symptoms are hardly ever addressed, which brings us to co-morbid conditions

Basically, Autism, ADHD etc...
all of these are fundamentally PHYSIOLOGICAL in origin and nature. They are health issues, not mental issues.
So, dont be scared about not being able to change yourself. You can make changes and improvements. Maybe look into the GAPS diet or such, it talks about autism, adhd and diet.

Because psychology does not address these, the diagnostic process for autism is very tedious. It often takes years to get a diagnosis. The process is a bunch of interviews and tests with different goals. They try to get as much information on you as possible - excluding your general health and dietary habits - an absolutely retarded thing if you just look at the wikipedia article i linked.

Each case should be analyzed individually and treated individually - impossible of course, thats the parents job, but who can expect a parent that fucked up their child in the first place, to fix what they have done later? Unlikely to happen ngl.

Regarding your exposure therapy, that can only work if you are not using the full spectrum of advantages that your looks-level affords you. Lets say your looks would allow for 75% NT-ness but you are operating at 50% due to false beliefs about yourself (this is not really possible ok, but I didnt want to crush you too much).
In that case, exposure therapy would naturally lead to an objective improvement in how you perceive life.

However, all people go through a natural stage of exposure therapy. Its called childhood and teenage years.
In these years, you test boundaries, you try new things and see what you can get away with. At the end of that, you are left with a realistic idea of what you can and can not get away with among people.

Hence what I said in this thread, depressed, socially isolated people actually exhibit BETTER social judgement than other people. They have done the field work and they picked the way of the least resistance/pain like everyone else, and thats where they end up - alone.

Again, I am not meaning to crush you here by highlighting just how brutally deterministic life is.

If you want to know if you have autism, here is what you do
1. look at the diseases associated with autism and check if and how many you have
2. read "the complete guide to aspergers syndrome" - its a foundational work
3. stay away from aspergers subreddit and quizzes. Watch tony attwood videos

Its very difficult to find genuine resources. Psychology is not a science. There is huge biases.
There are political agendas and mumbo jumbo everywhere. Stay away from those.
Almost everyone you see on YT is not representative of what autism is actually like. Most are narc foids that larp.

This is an example of a good video. Concise, goes into the health issues.

Overtime you accumulate enough evidence where the picture becomes very clear on whether you have it or not.


You have skin issues.
Liver will help. eat liver, its good for you. Cut out carbs to lower inflammation and water retention.
100g of beef Liver contains 800 times the recommended daily amount of vitamin A. - its not toxic for you though to eat huge amounts, dont fall for that.

Cutting out carbs and going keto will also help you to become more NT as it improves anxiety.
The gut-brain axis is a real thing, most of your hormones are based on animal fats and produced in the gut, not in the brain.

I think you know this already though as you made that thread about how you fucked yourself up with oats and you have IBS now and shit. Good riddance dude, that is terrible. Fuck the cunts that promote this shit, shit should be a crime.

"Carbohydrate digestion and transport is impaired in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, which is thought to be attributed to functional disturbances that cause increased intestinal permeability, deficient enzyme activity of disaccharides, increased secretin-induced pancreatico-biliary secretion, and abnormal fecal flora Clostridia taxa."

"They may be poorly coordinated, or have an odd or bouncy gait or posture, poor handwriting, other hand/dexterity impairments, or problems with visual-motor integration, visual-perceptual skills, and conceptual learning.[18][20] They may show problems with proprioception (sensation of body position) on measures of developmental coordination disorder, balance, tandem gait, and finger-thumb apposition."

"Studies have confirmed a link between hereditary connective tissue disorders such as Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS)"

"The prevalence of anxiety disorders in children with ASD has been reported to be anywhere between 11% and 84%; the wide range is likely due to differences in the ways the studies were conducted."

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are prone to mental health disorders, and their children face an increased risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to a new study by researchers at Cardiff University's Neuroscience and Mental Health

  • JFL
Reactions: Aladin
I don't know how anyone of sound mind can hate this post....

This is legit one of the best threads against the NTpill this site has ever had.

I read every word and it is definitely pretty smart stuff.

I am not anti NT but don't believe NT is life changing either outside of the confines of proper looks.

If anyone says cope they clearly did not read this post entirely enough.

NT only will get a brother so far ... Looks are mostly everything.
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 17997 and Aladin
"Carbohydrate digestion and transport is impaired in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, which is thought to be attributed to functional disturbances that cause increased intestinal permeability, deficient enzyme activity of disaccharides, increased secretin-induced pancreatico-biliary secretion, and abnormal fecal flora Clostridia taxa."

"They may be poorly coordinated, or have an odd or bouncy gait or posture, poor handwriting, other hand/dexterity impairments, or problems with visual-motor integration, visual-perceptual skills, and conceptual learning.[18][20] They may show problems with proprioception (sensation of body position) on measures of developmental coordination disorder, balance, tandem gait, and finger-thumb apposition."

"Studies have confirmed a link between hereditary connective tissue disorders such as Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS)"

"The prevalence of anxiety disorders in children with ASD has been reported to be anywhere between 11% and 84%; the wide range is likely due to differences in the ways the studies were conducted."

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are prone to mental health disorders, and their children face an increased risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to a new study by researchers at Cardiff University's Neuroscience and Mental Health

View attachment 1877574
Geert wilders laugh
Laugh lohan

yeah, its a physical disease nigga kek
just be NT bro lol
just go outside bro

Like I said, some things can be helped with diet, some things are trauma from negative experiences that can be unlearned, but fundamentally, if you have it, you have it period.

I don't know how anyone of sound mind can hate this post....

This is legit one of the best threads against the NTpill this site has ever had.

I read every word and it is definitely pretty smart stuff.

I am not anti NT but don't believe NT is life changing either outside of the confines of proper looks.

If anyone says cope they clearly did not read this post entirely enough.

NT only will get a brother so far ... Looks are mostly everything.
thx for nice reply

The thread is very convoluted and I had plans on making an improved version but I Just dont have the energy.
There are more weak points in the NT-Pill that could be addressed but this thread is enough for now.
If anyone can read my drivel in full, they are capable of understanding my overarching point and that suffices.

If you really follow through with the assertions of the NT-Pill, you quickly venture into pure bluepill territory.
It basically implies that women are better people than men + that women are struggling just as much as men on the dating market.
It does this by

a) either presuming that women do not have disproportional advantages over men in every area of life, be it finance, education or social arena. Aka men and women are basically the same = lie of gender equality = bluepill

b) women do have these advantages which they get from the state and simps, yet they do not act on them for some reason. Aka women are the largest group of human beings in history that has never ever fallen for the morally corrosive effect of being empowered. Hence they must be better people than men, since they are not tempted by the insane buffet of options that is laid out before them.
Women are basically philosopher Queens, the whole lot of them.

Objections to this could be that this is just a problem of our time. This I would refute with historical examples and data gathered from video games and studies where they made men and women compete in an online RPG game.
You would think that in a fictional universe with no real life repercussions, the men would simply steamroll the women and take their resources aka "rape" them.
The opposite happens.
The women remain in power, acquire most of the resources, while the men bash each others head in for foid attention.

Rape is exceedingly rare historically btw, it hardly ever happens. Its mostly a foid fantasy that they then project on men to absolve themselves of the guilt of having such desires.
Even in Islamic countries where you would think the men would just beat the fuck out of their wifes, this does not occur.
Instead we see public caricatures about wifes beating up husbands. There is also a big gay scene. In some places they dress little boys up like girls and fuck them.

It does not work. Even if you empower men, they still refuse to hurt and abuse women. Women know of the benevolence of men and mercilessly exploit it. Hence, women are fundamentally evil and men are just better people. Women know that a man wont hit them even if prompted by extreme abuse.
And even if he finally snaps and gets physically, its a sign of love. He is desperate to keep her around, and the relationship stable. Why would he not just leave?

Which brings us to the next point. Men and women view relationships in a completely different manner.
Once you understand this, you realize that LTR and relationships basically dont exist and are a complete meme.
Women are not capable of bonding like men imagine they do. For a woman, a relationship is feelings. Once the feeling is gone, the relationship is over. For a man, it is a commitment. Even if he looses feelings, he will stick it out.
Thats why men double down on being nice to their partner if she gets nasty, instead of just leaving.
The woman cant leave because she has to maintain her image (narcissism) so she tries to make the guy break up with her by being a cunt. And he just keeps doubling down. And she resents him for it.
You can see where this is going.

Once you understand this, you realize that men and women can never be in a relationship. Both think they are in a relationship but its like one person thinking they are in a battle tank with their buddy while the other person thinks they are on a day trip to have a picnic with a nice useful idiot paying for the lot of it.

The only one who is in a relationship is the man. She is not in a committed relationship with him.
Ergo, the man is in a relationship with his own fantasy.
Look around when you are outside.
Every single couple.
Every single marriage.
The only one who is engaged, I mean engaged as in committed emotionally, is the man.
She isnt.
Its a myth. Hes living in a matrix of his own design.
She is living reality.

Chad is not excluded from this. They dont view Chad as a person. Women dont view men holistically. You are just a utility on a spectrum between big penis and ATM machine. They have different men for different needs. "Hes the soup guy. Hes the big dick guy. Hes the dinner guy."
Nobody receives love from a woman. They are not capable.

I could say more on this but the bottom line is this: A relationship with a woman is a cult of two. She is in control, all the time, every second. If she does not benefit, she leaves immediately. She is not invested or committed in the slightest, just like a child with a choice of 10000 cookies is not invested in a single cookie. They dont commit to anything, hence why they never claim responsibility. In their mind, they never committed to whatever it is, so they cant be guilty.

They prefer being in limbo between different choices to keep all options open. Plausible deniability.
They have a control fetish. In a relationship, any relationship between people of any gender, the person that cares less has the upper hand. Who can afford to care less? The person with options. The person that is not emotionally invested.

I will stop myself from going further, its an endless pit that leads to hell and beyond.
The genders could not be more different, sometimes I wonder if women are the same species as men.

"A man chases a woman until she catches him."
- old african proverb, found in "the anatomy of female power" (link below)

The rest of my findings are based on 2 books by Michelle Langely, also below.

Last edited:
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View attachment 1877794View attachment 1877795View attachment 1877796

yeah, its a physical disease nigga kek
just be NT bro lol
just go outside bro

Like I said, some things can be helped with diet, some things are trauma from negative experiences that can be unlearned, but fundamentally, if you have it, you have it period.

thx for nice reply

The thread is very convoluted and I had plans on making an improved version but I Just dont have the energy.
There are more weak points in the NT-Pill that could be addressed but this thread is enough for now.
If anyone can read my drivel in full, they are capable of understanding my overarching point and that suffices.

If you really follow through with the assertions of the NT-Pill, you quickly venture into pure bluepill territory.
It basically implies that women are better people than men + that women are struggling just as much as men on the dating market.
It does this by

a) either presuming that women do not have disproportional advantages over men in every area of life, be it finance, education or social arena. Aka men and women are basically the same = lie of gender equality = bluepill

b) women do have these advantages which they get from the state and simps, yet they do not act on them for some reason. Aka women are the largest group of human beings in history that has never ever fallen for the morally corrosive effect of being empowered. Hence they must be better people than men, since they are not tempted by the insane buffet of options that is laid out before them.
Women are basically philosopher Queens, the whole lot of them.

Objections to this could be that this is just a problem of our time. This I would refute with historical examples and data gathered from video games and studies where they made men and women compete in an online RPG game.
You would think that in a fictional universe with no real life repercussions, the men would simply steamroll the women and take their resources aka "rape" them.
The opposite happens.
The women remain in power, acquire most of the resources, while the men bash each others head in for foid attention.

Rape is exceedingly rare historically btw, it hardly ever happens. Its mostly a foid fantasy that they then project on men to absolve themselves of the guilt of having such desires.
Even in Islamic countries where you would think the men would just beat the fuck out of their wifes, this does not occur.
Instead we see public caricatures about wifes beating up husbands. There is also a big gay scene. In some places they dress little boys up like girls and fuck them.

It does not work. Even if you empower men, they still refuse to hurt and abuse women. Women know of the benevolence of men and mercilessly exploit it. Hence, women are fundamentally evil and men are just better people. Women know that a man wont hit them even if prompted by extreme abuse.
And even if he finally snaps and gets physically, its a sign of love. He is desperate to keep her around, and the relationship stable. Why would he not just leave?

Which brings us to the next point. Men and women view relationships in a completely different manner.
Once you understand this, you realize that LTR and relationships basically dont exist and are a complete meme.
Women are not capable of bonding like men imagine they do. For a woman, a relationship is feelings. Once the feeling is gone, the relationship is over. For a man, it is a commitment. Even if he looses feelings, he will stick it out.
Thats why men double down on being nice to their partner if she gets nasty, instead of just leaving.
The woman cant leave because she has to maintain her image (narcissism) so she tries to make the guy break up with her by being a cunt. And he just keeps doubling down. And she resents him for it.
You can see where this is going.

Once you understand this, you realize that men and women can never be in a relationship. Both think they are in a relationship but its like one person thinking they are in a battle tank with their buddy while the other person thinks they are on a day trip to have a picnic with a nice useful idiot paying for the lot of it.

The only one who is in a relationship is the man. She is not in a committed relationship with him.
Ergo, the man is in a relationship with his own fantasy.
Look around when you are outside.
Every single couple.
Every single marriage.
The only one who is engaged, I mean engaged as in committed emotionally, is the man.
She isnt.
Its a myth. Hes living in a matrix of his own design.
She is living reality.

Chad is not excluded from this. They dont view Chad as a person. Women dont view men holistically. You are just a utility on a spectrum between big penis and ATM machine. They have different men for different needs. "Hes the soup guy. Hes the big dick guy. Hes the dinner guy."
Nobody receives love from a woman. They are not capable.

I could say more on this but the bottom line is this: A relationship with a woman is a cult of two. She is in control, all the time, every second. If she does not benefit, she leaves immediately. She is not invested or committed in the slightest, just like a child with a choice of 10000 cookies is not invested in a single cookie. They dont commit to anything, hence why they never claim responsibility. In their mind, they never committed to whatever it is, so they cant be guilty.

They prefer being in limbo between different choices to keep all options open. Plausible deniability.
They have a control fetish. In a relationship, any relationship between people of any gender, the person that cares less has the upper hand. Who can afford to care less? The person with options. The person that is not emotionally invested.

I will stop myself from going further, its an endless pit that leads to hell and beyond.
The genders could not be more different, sometimes I wonder if women are the same species as men.

"A man chases a woman until she catches him."
- old african proverb, found in "the anatomy of female power" (link below)

The rest of my findings are based on 2 books by Michelle Langely, also below.

Brutal, my mom had PCOS so that could be a big reason forbmy diagnosed adhd and maybe aspergers. I listed in the post above the things i do actually suffer from.

Between i was most amazed with the carbs thing, holy shit this sounds interesting, if you go through my post history you will see i made few threads how carbs affect me negatively.

Basically when i go about my day and don't consume any carbs except like 2 glasses of milk, (thats like 20g carbs which is nothing), and instead eat eggs, meat, butter, i feel mentally better, my breathing is better, im better in verbal communication, i feel "lighter" as in motor wise i feel my body is more in tune, my concentration and memory are much better and lastly my libido is significantly higher.

When i had sex with my gf, i feel like on a drug when i come to her home that day and see her flirting with me, get a super hard errection, and fuck her like crazy, when she hugs me i get a huuge rush of feeling good legit almost drug tier. But after sex she prepares some carb heavy meal, we eat, and immediately after i have zero libido, getting an errection is harder, and have more numbness in my penis. Also my voice is more monotone, i just feel numb and sleepy kindy, its not necessarily all negative, the possitive is feeling more calm and content.

What are your thoughts on this with carbs?
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Brutal, my mom had PCOS so that could be a big reason forbmy diagnosed adhd and maybe aspergers. I listed in the post above the things i do actually suffer from.

Between i was most amazed with the carbs thing, holy shit this sounds interesting, if you go through my post history you will see i made few threads how carbs affect me negatively.

Basically when i go about my day and don't consume any carbs except like 2 glasses of milk, (thats like 20g carbs which is nothing), and instead eat eggs, meat, butter, i feel mentally better, my breathing is better, im better in verbal communication, i feel "lighter" as in motor wise i feel my body is more in tune, my concentration and memory are much better and lastly my libido is significantly higher.

When i had sex with my gf, i feel like on a drug when i come to her home that day and see her flirting with me, get a super hard errection, and fuck her like crazy, when she hugs me i get a huuge rush of feeling good legit almost drug tier. But after sex she prepares some carb heavy meal, we eat, and immediately after i have zero libido, getting an errection is harder, and have more numbness in my penis. Also my voice is more monotone, i just feel numb and sleepy kindy, its not necessarily all negative, the possitive is feeling more calm and content.

What are your thoughts on this with carbs?
Cutting out carbs had lots of positive effects for me too.
Im too fucked up to get the same results as you though.
For me, Ive had insomnia my entire life, even as little child.
When I cut out carbs, my sleep time reduces by 2-3 hours.

It also improved my perma crotch rot a lot, fixed my pre-diabetes, lowered anxiety in public tremendously.
I basically went zero carb for 3 months, eating nothing but butter, eggs and meat.

Eating the butter was super hard at first but over time your gallblader adapts to it.
Vegetable oils also destroy your ability to digest fat over time as it fucks up your gallblader.
At first I could only eat like 50g of butter then I felt like throwing up and had to lay down for 4 hours.
And I would get super tired after each meal.

and now:

So overall, just improvements, no downsides.

Breathing also improves for me when I eat no carbs, its like I can actually smell things suddenly.

I do have giga low libido, feel nothing in my dick, depressed bla bla bla, no point in writing a fucking epic about my issues here, but its bad ngl.
I have no expectations on life and will probably die from complications early.
My dick cant get hard. I can look at porn like watching a YT video lol.

The libidio thing, all our hormones are based on animal fats. Your body cant make testosterone if you dont eat fats.
Its all connected.

Get your GF on keto or carnivore. Tell her it will fix period cramps. Look it up online. Women talk about it, they have no cramps anymore, skin is super glowy like they they are preggers.
Thats how you will convince her and then she will stop cooking carbs for you.
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Cutting out carbs had lots of positive effects for me too.
Im too fucked up to get the same results as you though.
For me, Ive had insomnia my entire life, even as little child.
When I cut out carbs, my sleep time reduces by 2-3 hours.

It also improved my perma crotch rot a lot, fixed my pre-diabetes, lowered anxiety in public tremendously.
I basically went zero carb for 3 months, eating nothing but butter, eggs and meat.

Eating the butter was super hard at first but over time your gallblader adapts to it.
Vegetable oils also destroy your ability to digest fat over time as it fucks up your gallblader.
At first I could only eat like 50g of butter then I felt like throwing up and had to lay down for 4 hours.
And I would get super tired after each meal.

and now:

So overall, just improvements, no downsides.

Breathing also improves for me when I eat no carbs, its like I can actually smell things suddenly.

I do have giga low libido, feel nothing in my dick, depressed bla bla bla, no point in writing a fucking epic about my issues here, but its bad ngl.
I have no expectations on life and will probably die from complications early.
My dick cant get hard. I can look at porn like watching a YT video lol.

The libidio thing, all our hormones are based on animal fats. Your body cant make testosterone if you dont eat fats.
Its all connected.

Get your GF on keto or carnivore. Tell her it will fix period cramps. Look it up online. Women talk about it, they have no cramps anymore, skin is super glowy like they they are preggers.
Thats how you will convince her and then she will stop cooking carbs for you.
I'm going do discuss this further with you tomorrow maybe cause i have microbiology final tomorrow so cant type essays now, but basically keto isn't good for women at all cause of how badly it affects thyroid hormones, this is also true for men as well but to a lesser degree. Also keto spikes up cortisol to high ranges
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I'm going do discuss this further with you tomorrow maybe cause i have microbiology final tomorrow so cant type essays now, but basically keto isn't good for women at all cause of how badly it affects thyroid hormones, this is also true for men as well but to a lesser degree. Also keto spikes up cortisol to high ranges
hmm i see
fuck keto then
fat, meat, water boyo

and good luck on your finals
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I'm going do discuss this further with you tomorrow maybe cause i have microbiology final tomorrow so cant type essays now, but basically keto isn't good for women at all cause of how badly it affects thyroid hormones, this is also true for men as well but to a lesser degree. Also keto spikes up cortisol to high ranges
Nigger is your exam finished
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Nigger is your exam finished
Yes, it was a written exam rather then oral which i excell in (over). I have terrible hand writing and use my hand muscles too hard so it ends ups hurting me alot. There were 4 essay questions that you need to write in 45 minutes. When writing its significantly harder to write everything you know cause of time costraint so im not sure if the answers are sufficient enough. I could have said like 2 times the amount of stuff that i wrote there in 15 minutes then in this shit 45 minutes written exam
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Yes, it was a written exam rather then oral which i excell in (over). I have terrible hand writing and use my hand muscles too hard so it ends ups hurting me alot. There were 4 essay questions that you need to write in 45 minutes. When writing its significantly harder to write everything you know cause of time costraint so im not sure if the answers are sufficient enough. I could have said like 2 times the amount of stuff that i wrote there in 15 minutes then in this shit 45 minutes written exam
I could never really use my allocated time effectively in exams either man ngl
Learned helplessness: The Post.

Case in point: Mr. Beast.
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