one of you high iq fuckers better come in here and solve inceldom in 1 succinct post. otherwise whats the point of the site



Just shave it bro. Tall forehead is ideal
Jul 18, 2019
why do you keep coming back to this site? validation? compensating for lack of social circle? depressed? dopamine hit from funny posts?

you fuckers are waiting for 1 high iq post to come in and change your entire worldview and make you a chad. not gonna happen boyo. ur doomed forever. stay depressed and incel
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: LowTierNormie, Deleted member 2810, Truecel14 and 2 others
socialism will save us all
Radical islam
  • +1
Reactions: AscendenceImminent
Very encouraging and useful post!
jul 2019 strikes back
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Reactions: Blitz, Vitruvian, Deleted member 1774 and 2 others
i like it bc of the community and dopamine.

Chad fucks your psl7 oneitus while you are forever stuck in the dark void of your mind,
surrounded by mental scars and childhood trauma while you toss around the idea of telling someone but you’re too scared to because you’re scared of judgement for 10 seconds yet you constantly daydream of living a care free life and venture deeper and deeper in your mind’s abyss with no rope leading you back to the surface. you are stuck like spongebob at the bikini bottom bus stop. the bus comes yet you don’t board it because you’re scared to come back to the surface. you don’t know where to start if you were to go back.

you’re scared of the judgment. the rumors. the laughter. the social isolation. you’re scared to relive your childhood. and now it’s manifesting in your current life. you either will end up ending it by going ER [ :feelsyay: ]or will get better. you struggle day by day thinking about what you want to do. you dont want to get out of bed. you are in a constant battle. you struggle deeper and harder. you had enough. u go into ur dresser and pull out your mk4 k2 pills. you grab 34 and gubble them down. you fall asleep.


the scars of childhood stay with you forever until you address them.
  • JFL
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Reactions: 2030, Aesthetic, Zygos4Life and 1 other person
I'm here because I'm rotting, hate normalshits, but have the natural desire for some human communication.
  • +1
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I came here because I got tired of redpill shit
imagine being proud you were introduced to the blackpill via this backwater site and not lookism

lol boyo
>JoinedJul 18, 2019
it is over
imagine being proud you were introduced to the blackpill via this backwater site and not lookism

lol boyo
your website was a laggy piece of shit that had like every thread deleted, and i was introduced to the blackpill via .co, not this website
Train your body and mind to the maximum.

Force yourself to be social.

Exercise every day and eat very healthy. Both cardio and muscle training. Focus on shoulder width and getting sub 10% body fat.

Study and work hard.

Sleep 8 hours a day.

Attend all possible social events related to school/work.

If you get invited somewhere and don't want to go, still go.

Wear good clothes and get a good hairstyle.

Actively pursue girls even if it feels impossible.

Don't give up even if you seem to make no progress.

Accept reality and make the best of it. Focus on the present moment.

Don't watch porn and masturbate as little as possible.

Shower every day and trim facial hair including nose hair.

Brush teeth 2x a day.

Use as little drugs as possible, except alcohol for social interactions in moderate amounts and psychedelics with purpose.

Don't smoke cigarettes.

Get wisdom teeth removed, they can cause infections.

If you are sub 3psl get surgery on your face.

Life is an endless battle, it's not over until it's over.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Mayorga
I am coming back when i have nothing to do
Just for fun
Just get the fuck out of the house and do your fucking best in everything you do : gym, education, job. Throw yourself in the most anxiety inducing situations, if you don't have a panic attack you're becoming stronger, if you have one and survive do it again. Stop fapping and eating shit you instant gratification monkey. Learn that things worth achieving take time. Literally stop being the bitch you've been your entire life. Jfl at thinking that you must be fucking O'Pry to pick up a psl 5 in a club. Jfl at roping you inconsiderate fucks. Be thankful you're alive, able to walk and talk and think. Grab a notepad and write down everything you need to do to ascend, then start fucking do it and start crossing things off the list as you progress. Only way to ascend. At the end of each day be thankful you're not a 5'4" fat curry because then it's truly over.
one of you high iq fuckers better come in here and solve racism already 😤😤
Train your body and mind to the maximum.

Force yourself to be social.

Exercise every day and eat very healthy. Both cardio and muscle training. Focus on shoulder width and getting sub 10% body fat.

Study and work hard.

Sleep 8 hours a day.

Attend all possible social events related to school/work.

If you get invited somewhere and don't want to go, still go.

Wear good clothes and get a good hairstyle.

Actively pursue girls even if it feels impossible.

Don't give up even if you seem to make no progress.

Accept reality and make the best of it. Focus on the present moment.

Don't watch porn and masturbate as little as possible.

Shower every day and trim facial hair including nose hair.

Brush teeth 2x a day.

Use as little drugs as possible, except alcohol for social interactions in moderate amounts and psychedelics with purpose.

Don't smoke cigarettes.

Get wisdom teeth removed, they can cause infections.

If you are sub 3psl get surgery on your face.

Life is an endless battle, it's not over until it's over.
Just get the fuck out of the house and do your fucking best in everything you do : gym, education, job. Throw yourself in the most anxiety inducing situations, if you don't have a panic attack you're becoming stronger, if you have one and survive do it again. Stop fapping and eating shit you instant gratification monkey. Learn that things worth achieving take time. Literally stop being the bitch you've been your entire life. Jfl at thinking that you must be fucking O'Pry to pick up a psl 5 in a club. Jfl at roping you inconsiderate fucks. Be thankful you're alive, able to walk and talk and think. Grab a notepad and write down everything you need to do to ascend, then start fucking do it and start crossing things off the list as you progress. Only way to ascend. At the end of each day be thankful you're not a 5'4" fat curry because then it's truly over.
In the whole of looksmax there are only 2 high iq fuckers

In the whole of looksmax there are only 2 high iq fuckers


the irony is those were the 2 worst posts

just accept shit in life and learn to cope. make friends with other people who cope with the same problems you have better than you do.

focus on things you can excel at not things chads excel at that you try to force.

things come to you when you let them not when you force them
the irony is those were the 2 worst posts

just accept shit in life and learn to cope. make friends with other people who cope with the same problems you have better than you do.

focus on things you can excel at not things chads excel at that you try to force.

things come to you when you let them not when you force them
It's not about trying to be chad, it's about being the best version of yourself and beating your former self.

Social skills for example are something everyone but the worst autists can improve that can greatly improve your life quality.

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