Only East Asians have raped or conquered other East Asians while all other races in Eurasia got raped and conquered by them. China will 100% take over



Mar 30, 2023
Only East Asians ever raped, conquered, or enslaved other East Asians despite doing the same to a bunch of other races. Mongols, Huns, Avars, Turkics, and Sino-Uralics conquered, raped, and dominated Europe and the Middle East for eons. China has widely enslaved foreign races for all of its history, even those of other superpowers, meanwhile never being enslaved themselves except by other East Asians. Mongols and Manchus conquered and raped China, but China did the same back to them. China got revenge on both its invaders and will do the same to the third one eventually before finishing the work of the Mongol Empire.

China annexed Inner Mongolia. The Chinese mass genocided Mongols on two separate occasions, killing overwhelming percentages of the Mongol population in Inner Mongolia. Most Mongols are in Inner Mongolia as of today and are thus under control of the CCP. Even Outer Mongolia has a decent chance of being taken by China soon now that Russia is falling so far behind China.




Mass genocides of Manchus occured across all major Chinese cities during and after the 1911 Revolution. Surviving Manchus were forced to change their names and assimilate with the Chinese to avoid death, and their culture and language are pretty much completely eradicated today. Manchus went from being the richest racial minority to China to being one of the poorest and living in abject poverty. China annexed Manchuria soon after.




It's pretty funny how only East Asians were able to conquer, rape, or enslave other East Asians while Mongols, Huns, Avars, Turkics (OG ones were East Asian), and Sino-Uralics were all able to conquer and rape all other races in Eurasia for thousands of years. Only East Asians were able to beat other East Asians while also absolutely destroying other races. Russia is one exception since it conquered Kazakhstan for a little while, but it's one of the worst examples since it got conquered and raped by Asians like the Mongols, Huns, and Sino-Uralics so hard for all of history that Russia has 17% Asian paternal YDNA but less than 1% Asian maternal mtDNA. Asian YDNA Haplogroups like N have mass replaced European YDNA haplogroups like R and I throughout all of North and East Europe. If you search up the most feared invaders of Europe on Google, they're literally Asian (Huns, who got raped and kicked out of Central Asia by Han Dynasty China then fled to Europe, where they subjugated the vast majority of Germanic tribes there and became a minority ruling class and made the Roman Empire pay tribute) and not European, signifying just how badly and brutally Asians have been conquering, raping, dominating, and traumatizing Europe for all of history.

Now onto Japan. It didn't conquer all of China like the former two races, just barely held coastal provinces while it was a modernized and industrialized country going up against an underdeveloped feudal agricultural nation racked by famines, poverty, and infighting. However, it still brutalized parts of China hard. Even as a tiny island with very limited resources, because Japan actually followed in Europe's footsteps and industrialized unlike literally every other non-European/American country, it was able to destroy them in battles, kicking Russia out of Manchuria, kicking Great Britain out of Malaysia and Singapore, kicking the Netherlands out of Indonesia, kicking America out of the Philippines, and kicking France out of Indochina, achieving massive KDR counts with inferior numbers. Even 30k Japanese destroyed 85k British. This is despite the fact that Japan was a shithole country with little resources which just recently industrialized fighting wars against established and powerful industrialized European empires. Japan was the very last Axis country to surrender and only did so after getting nuked twice.




Just like how the Avars and Huns became a minority ruling class race over a much larger European population or how the Mongols destroyed European armies 10x their size, Europeans are shit at war compared to East Asians without vastly superior technology, which they are quickly falling behind East Asia in today due to the fact that East Asians have also industrialized and are on a level playing field. The British Empire conquered uncivilized niggers, abos, and Native Americans who fought with sticks and stones with the best technology and military in the world by far due to luck-based industrialization giving them an extremely unfair advantage (then got dominated by Japan in war after they industrialized as well), meanwhile the Mongol Empire conquered continental superpowers with vastly superior technology and vastly superior numbers all across the world as a small number of underdeveloped tent-living steppe nomads.

If Japan achieved this despite being a tiny shithole nation with extremely limited resources which recently industrialized, just imagine what China could have done had it industrialized before WW2. It missed its chance back then, but it will inevitably take over today. All other East Asians besides the Japanese will be united under China just like they were under the Mongol Empire. It will begin with revenge on Japan just as pattern predicts with a nuking of the mainland and a Rape of Tokyo, and then China will finally go on to finally finish the work of the various Turco-Mongol empires of old.

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Chinese got cucked hard by eurocucks during the 19th and 20th centuries but now they're overtaking them. Congrats
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85FBF9E3 E846 4BE8 A763 ADCF99811BA5

The huns raped germanic tribes or scandivanians so hard they were forces to flee to rome, their worst enemy, to survive. Attila the hun based
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39A30564 95BA 4D76 9029 ADDCADE3742B

nomads aka turkic tribes, siberians or mongols whatever you wanna call them, are the strongest warriors and raped almost every empire except muslims and the romans who barely survived because hardly any turkic tribe attacked them, but when they did, roman empire was almost powerless and weak against them. basically only the muslims beat the turkic tribes or mongols in history.
CCP we rise!!!!
@andy9432 @Xangsane @Jungcuck @Eli
cope gook birth rate is like 1.2 its ober for them
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