Pinhead Health Rabit Holes


Deleted member 12248

Feb 1, 2021
He clearly has an excellent source of health related information which is directly corelated with attractiveness due to the biological purpose of attractiveness being the signaling genetic health. I will link the AMA at the bottom of this post.
Retin-a is good but overrated IMO.

I personally take a more broad spectrum approach which I think is more beneficial and allows more freedom with regards to sun exposure

For collagen I do: Red light therapy, collagen rich cuts of meat, collagen powder, goat colostrum (high retinol content), Vit C serum (has vit E too) and urea moisturiser. Urea is probably the most powerful skincare product on the market and seldom talked about.

I'm also contrarian with regards to anti aging and believe the sun when experienced with a clean body and with all wavelengths of light experienced is anti-aging to a point. It causes so many enzymatic (chemical reactions) in the body that help tighten gut junction, lower inflammation, stimulates collagen (yes really), boosts endorphins, dopamine, melatonin, boosts hormesis, mitochondrial function, Nitric Oxide production, decreases lactic acid build up, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood glucose, primes circadian rhythm which affects all chemical outputs in the body. Fucked circadian rhythm = higher cortisol, higher inflammation = faster aging

One other thing I do is blood donations. Excessive iron stores itself in the liver primarily but also the gut and every other organ in the body including skin. What happens to an iron gate over time? it rusts, right? well excessive iron is a modern problem due to iron fortification in our food, the amount of iron has gone up 380% in the last 80 years. Our bodies also recycle 24 of 25mg required per day through the RES (reticuloendothelial system) but this can only be done with copper. Eating copper rich foods and lowering iron intake but when you do get it from your diet it is HEME bound iron - beef liver, steak etc. Excessive iron causes one of the most inflammatory reactions possible - ROS. Reactive oxygen species. You're basically an inflammation powerhouse and this is the fastest way to age on the planet that I know of

For IBS this could be a misdiagnosis. It's a bucket term used by doctors and Gastroenterologists that don't understand how the gut really functions. There's SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and LIBO (large intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and then the fungal versions of these as well. There's also leaky gut which will be made worse by many modern food products (food sensitivities leaking through to the blood stream causing inflammatory reactions) which further damages the lining of the gut.

IBS or what I say is general gut dysfunction is a multi pronged approach:

Sleep hygiene

Dietary intake of toxins

Water quality

Stress levels

Mineral status be it high or low, or a mixture of too much of certain things and not enough of others (which is linked to all of this as the body doesn't run in separation from other mechanisms)

Hormonal status

Body temperature/Thyroid/ and how this influences digestive enzyme secretion/acid secretion/chemical reactions elsewhere in body

Previous lifestyle and how that may have given you multiple toxicity issues (Lyme, heavy metals, chemicals stored in tissues, PUFA) to name a few

It's quite complicated but to simplify it here's a basic framework and further advice if you wish to investigate on your own (I simply do not have the time, it takes hours and hours to go through and it takes previous lifestyle history into account)


Nutrient dense, easy to break down foods.

PROTEIN: Salmon, cod, prawns, scallops, oysters, mussels. Beef/Bison liver. Beef/Venison heart. Eggs. Bacon. If you get post eating symptoms it's likely you have low stomach acid so things like steak could be an issue. Experimentation is key since it's nuanced and the best diet will vary slightly by the individual


White jasmine rice. Brown rice is less nutritious since the antinutrients lower the overall bioavailability of the minerals inside. Potatoes, sweet potatoes/yams, plantains, maple syrup, raw milk/cheese ideally goat milk, goat kefir.


This will vary by location of course and you should be careful with these if you have IBS as some can trigger things until you find out the underlying reason why you have IBS(gut dysfunction) could simply be low digestive enzyme secretion which is controlled by having sufficient stomach acid.

Blueberries, raspberries (very high fibre, watch out if IBS), bananas, oranges, pineapple (good natural digestive enzymes here), passion fruit, pomegranate (good for gut bacteria), Kiwi (more digestive enzymes)


Only cook in Ghee, Coconut oil, lard or tallow. Duck fat works too IIRC.

Application of fats onto food: Organic olive oil with high polyphenol content. Ghee and coconut oil as above are good too. Avocado a good source of fats. The above foods in other categories also have the best fats in them if you know about the basic nutritional stuff you'll know which ones have them.


Avoid these at ALL COSTS. PUFA. Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids. There's loads of them and they're in almost all restaurant food (cheap to mass produce), almost all processed food and they even blend them into olive oil and avocado oil to make more profit. More found on this here

Supplements for IBS

I'd say you'd mostly want to focus on digestion optimisation. Increased breakdown of food that you're eating.

For this I'd recommend:

Ancestral Supplements beef pancreas (pancreas is where enzymes are stored in the body)

Betaine Hydrochloric acid supplement.

Whole food vitamin C to lower inflammation.

Some kind of binding agent like zeolite clinoptilolite to mop up nasty intestinal stuff

Adrenal cocktail. This is a pinch of clean sea salt (icelandic or kosher salt best) with a fresh squeezed fruit juice or potassium chloride dosed to elemental weight 200mg (dosing is usually on the packaging. Bulksupplements have this) in water. Good alternative for potassium is coconut water. Stomach acid is made up of the electrolyte salts (sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium primarily) so you'd want to also take a magnesium supplement, probably glycinate as that seems well tolerated and doesn't flush the bowel unlike citrate.

This post is getting too long but it's hard to go much further without individual nuance. If you have slow digestive emptying then I'd recommend a motility agent (speeds up the digestive system) like Ginger, Motilpro (a supplement name for a combination of ingredients)

There's basic stuff like:

Don't drink water or liquids too close to eating and definitely do NOT take with meals unless small sips. You'll dilute stomach acid and make the pH of the stomach more alkaline - digestive enzymes only get released from the pancreas when the pH of the stomach is low enough to create the trigger response.

Chew food appropriately, most people eat too fast, lack too much awareness and often times are in a hurry or stressed. Stress impairs digestion by switching nervous system states which lowers enzyme and acid output which is what breaks down food.

There's something called the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) which is the intestinal sweep to clean up old debris in the Digestive Tract from previous meals, this gets interrupted if you snack all the time. Eat in strict intervals 2-3x a day 3-4 hours apart. This gives the MMC time to sweep properly and make sure no bacteria grow due to undigested mass. Don't eat about 2 hours before bed either as sleep quality is worsened by having a full stomach.

There's lots of other basic lifestyle things but this post is an essay and I haven't proof read it either (tbh never do with posts) I can respond in more detail if U give more input on specific issues but I'd recommend seeing a naturopath or a root cause protocol practitioner (google root cause protocol)

Testing can help pinpoint where the root cause of your digestive issues will be coming from but in nearly all cases it's multiple problems at once.

Here is some advice I found useful regarding dermarolling/needling

You need to be careful though because damaging the skin and creating a repair response should only be done when the internal systems of your body can output enough of what the skin needs to fully repair. I'd only do it with good sleep hygiene, good nutrient dense diet, low stress and proper skin hydration with a functional skin barrier. Ideally on top of this direct application of beneficial ingredients (copper peptides, vit c serum) to create a synergy

Something I was really curious about was his interest in ferrous Iron and its effects on aging
Iron overload triggers an amygdala fear response and everyone is body toxic with ferrous iron w/inability to move and chelate it from the body. Iron in the food supply is up 380% since 1940's

Look into the root cause protocol - get a full monty iron blood panel (root cause protocol will explain this). Balancing iron in the body with copper to reboot the iron recycling system and keep it online.

That and keeping stress tolerance high and stress low

Magnesium is the primary mineral in buffering stress. Magnesium chloride baths, magnesium chloride spray, magnesium glycinate capsules, magnesium bicarbonate water

Whole food vit c and Vit E - main antioxidants in the body

Sodium/Potassium/Magnesium - cellular hydration to create EZ water in our bodies (gelatinous structured water) and to make hydrochloric acid in the stomach for digestion - nutrient breakdown is very important as the minerals and vitamins we assimilate into the cell are what run the enzyme (chemical reactions) in our bodies that regulate immune system and nervous system function


Correct circadian rhythm priming - no blue light before bed, sunlight in morning (even through clouds this works)

Eat breakfast and instead opt for finishing eating earlier in the day if you need to fit in a fasting window. Digestion is strongest in the morning and it's a great buffer for stress

Curating information feeds - avoid what stresses you, do what destresses you

All of this information was available on his AMA
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Itโ€™s a tragedy he deleted his account he had so much knowledge
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