Please rate and provide looksmaxxing/surgery suggestions (26, 5'6", 73kg)

  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7776

Lemme bump that thread about you being a fraud with this screenshot. Brb.
LOL at him / them for believing my LARP so much. This just goes to show how efficient it was.
  • JFL
I caged too much reading all those copers. I still am if I think of it.
  • +1
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7776 and Deleted member 8765
lets meet irl you sub 6ft creature il l cut your fucking head off
Hey calm down there cowboy what do you think your FBI agent will say about you in the conference later? Not nice at all.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7776 and
oops I accidentally forwarded the video of suspect to_stop_da_cope masturbating to joker anime girl to my boss oh shit Oh shit
I dont think I never jerked off to such bs, I prolly was on acid or shit, but my dick is fucking nonexistent on drugs so idk
I dont think I never jerked off to such bs, I prolly was on acid or shit, but my dick is fucking nonexistent on drugs so idk
Look at this civilian faggot he still thinks we play by His rules JFL
please get off this website and go cope for your own mental health
I would rank him in at a 5.5/10 atm. His maxillas are flat. There seems a little vertical downward growth, but the mandible is lengthy which saves him. Including the body 6/10.

I would do what I'm doing and get bimaxillary.
Mfw u said I was 5/10 and thus he mogs me
  • So Sad
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 6191 and
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6191
Yeah he's better looking than you. You;ve got a strong gonial angle and mandible. In general your lower-tier is good, but I dunno, there's something more fucked up with your phenotype than the average ethnic.

Take a video-clip. Distorted, but less distorted than photos. I could be wrong.
IRL people have assumed I’m not Arab and white oddly enough. My eyes are similar to the first pic as I’m clearly squinting in it.
The first pic is from a video.
Did you just ask a 28 year old man if he's got SnapChat?

When you've passed puberty we can talk.
JFL imagine being 28 and rotting here, truly the lowest of the low
  • +1
Did you just ask a 28 year old man if he's got SnapChat?

When you've passed puberty we can talk.
yeah Im 11 years older and 11 more slays than you bro just give me your fucking messenger
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7776
JFL imagine being 28 and rotting here, truly the lowest of the low

Its national lockdown in the UK since beginning of this month bruh. This is a pass-time lol. The UK are locked down for the whole of November. Don't ask me why. Pisses me off.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 7776 and
I barely post otherwise. Go check history.
yeah Im 11 years older and 11 more slays than you bro just give me your fucking messenger

So you're a whopping 39 years of age and using SnapChat as a messenger service? LMAO
  • Ugh..
Its national lockdown in the UK since beginning of this month bruh. This is a pass-time lol. The UK are locked down for the whole of November. Don't ask me why. Pisses me off.
ye I also feel bad for your 4 inch "cock"
I seen you posting on lookism but nobody answers you there

Nah had lots of conversations there. It's just more fast-moving and a lot more shit-posts.

Go have a shower anyway man. You got some fungus to get off you with 2,710 posts in over 40 days. Fuckodoodleoo.
IRL people have assumed I’m not Arab and white oddly enough. My eyes are similar to the first pic as I’m clearly squinting in it.
The first pic is from a video.

Take a fucking video-clip.
Nah had lots of conversations there. It's just more fast-moving and a lot more shit-posts.

Go have a shower anyway man. You got some fungus to get off you with 2,710 posts in over 40 days. Fuckodoodleoo.
bro I'm so sorry, I totally forgot that you are curry
I will stop bullying you as you will never overcome 3 psl
bro I'm so sorry, I totally forgot that you are curry
I will stop bullying you as you will never overcome 3 psl

Feel-better? Ah. That's right. In aaaand out. In aaaaaaaaand out. In again, out again.
Take a fucking video-clip.
ELAB HOW OP MOGS ME HE LOOKS LIKE BELOW AVG-AVG GUY I SEE IRL. Videos look very aspie I’ll look for the one I have in my gallery when I get home
As the title says. I'm open to any suggestion.
I think that eye area or jawline/chin surgery might be worthwhile -- what's your opinion?

Also considering leg lengthening surgery and LASIK, but I've read quite a lot of horror stories for both. I will open a thread on LL surgery soon, but happy to hear your thoughts here as well.

Stopped reading at 5'6 mirin physique tho
Here's a video. Please let me know PSL rating and IRL rating, and suggest surgeries. I am open to face surgeries, just don't know what the fuck to get.

  • JFL
Reactions: Warlow, 5'8manlet and Deleted member 1862
Here's a video. Please let me know PSL rating and IRL rating, and suggest surgeries. I am open to face surgeries, just don't know what the fuck to get.

Yeah that's a little better to make an assessment from.

I can see loads of girls finding you cute. Loads of Becky girls (Average) and obviously ugly too.

You have ok eyes and an ok brow-ridge. Your forehead is very good and square, though the hairline does ruin it a bit. Your nose doesn't appear a weakness and is nice and masculine. Your mouth is your strength and you're smart to compliment it with that box. Your mandible (Jaw-line) is long/lengthy and that is good. It gives you masculine appeal. However your mandible (Jaw-line) while long/lengthy is not even close to being parrelel with the ground. (L shaped) In other words it is grown doward-wards and vertically, rather than straight. Either it's downward grown or your ramus is too short. Well either way it's apparent that both are a visible appearing weakness. If your ramus wasn't short and your jawline wasn't DOWNWARD grown, you would be Chad-lite imo. However that alone makes a massive enough difference for me to personally rank you in at mid-tier normie. I see why you're beard frauding and it makes sense since you do have such a short ramus and the vertical jawline won't look as bad with the beard.

On a normie scale I would give you between a 5.5/10 and a 6/10. Guys on here are obsessed with forward growth so will rate you 4.5/10 or 5/10. They're using science. Girls aren't as particular on this stuff if you decent harmony however and that is what you have. I am myself only able to use science as well but I can tell you're at least marginally, MARGINALLY above average. It's your mouth/lips and LENGTH of the jawline which saves you. The fact you're 5'6 means even with a softmax you'll never touch 7/10. Only LL and crazy jaw surgery. Oh and both your maxillas are flat.
View attachment 810286
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10782
Yeah that's a little better to make an assessment from.

I can see loads of girls finding you cute. Loads of Becky girls (Average) and obviously ugly too.

You have ok eyes and an ok brow-ridge. Your forehead is very good and square, though the hairline does ruin it a bit. Your nose doesn't appear a weakness and is nice and masculine. Your mouth is your strength and you're smart to compliment it with that box. Your mandible (Jaw-line) is long/lengthy and that is good. It gives you masculine appeal. However your mandible (Jaw-line) while long/lengthy is not even close to being parrelel with the ground. (L shaped) In other words it is grown doward-wards and vertically, rather than straight. Either it's downward grown or your ramus is too short. Well either way it's apparent that both are a visible appearing weakness. If your ramus wasn't short and your jawline wasn't DOWNWARD grown, you would be Chad-lite imo. However that alone makes a massive enough difference for me to personally rank you in at mid-tier normie. I see why you're beard frauding and it makes sense since you do have such a short ramus and the vertical jawline won't look as bad with the beard.

On a normie scale I would give you between a 5.5/10 and a 6/10. Guys on here are obsessed with forward growth so will rate you 4.5/10 or 5/10. They're using science. Girls aren't as particular on this stuff if you decent harmony however and that is what you have. I am myself only able to use science as well but I can tell you're at least marginally, MARGINALLY above average. It's your mouth/lips and LENGTH of the jawline which saves you. The fact you're 5'6 means even with a softmax you'll never touch 7/10. Only LL and crazy jaw surgery. Oh and both your maxillas are flat.
View attachment 810286

Thanks. Is there any surgery that would be worthwhile? Genioplasty? Jaw implants? Something in the eye area?
Just talked to a maxillo surgeon, he can do this for around 10k USD. Worth it?


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