Protein powder/whey is a complete scam for earning money on newbies and delusional people who are working out.



Feb 20, 2022
Protein powder is a scam by multibillionaire companies to earn money and also a coverup game for steroid abusers. Funniest thing is how they promote "U gOttA EaT 1G oF PrOtEiN PeR PoUnD." Some scamers even recommend 1.5g per pound which is an absolute joke to anyone who thinks rationally.

Except not every pound/kilogram of your body mass is muscle mass, you are supposed to feed the muscle mass with protein not your fucking fat, bones and water weight lol. In most cases everyone who is working out is pretty much taking enough protein without tryharding. It's all about testosterone, GH, sarms, peptides, fat burners etc.
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Bullshit and complete ignorance of nutrition

When you consume protein, it is broken into amino acids which are absorbed by your gut

Same mechanism and principle works for every protein, whether it's eggs, meat, fish, and whey protein
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Bullshit and complete ignorance of nutrition

When you consume protein, it is broken into amino acids which are absorbed by your gut

Same mechanism and principle works for every protein, whether it's eggs, meat, fish, and whey protein
I never said that protein whey doesn't work lmao, I'm saying that you can easily get enough protein by eating regularly and not overeating bunch of food, the main point is you don't need as much protein as your favorite autistic youtubers promote, which would exaclty mean that purchasing whey is a waste of money, not that it doesn't work.
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protein powder is NOT a scam PERIOD

YOU ARE SCAM :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
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Reactions: KingCartierrr23, Deleted member 5180, paranakee and 3 others
in general it is a scam, but i have a hard time getting my daily protein without protein powder as im on OMAD
NEIN, Sie können nicht leicht genug bekommen, wenn Sie einen Job haben oder nicht genug Zeit haben, um gut zu essen
eigentlich hast du recht...... wenn du arbeitslos bist und kein proteinpulver kaufen kannst, ist es normal, dass du denkst, es sei Betrug und Geldverschwendung

du hast auch recht, verdammter youtuber mit "yOu nEeD xxx gram" ist nicht wahr
1,5 maybe 2pro KG völlig ausreichend (hängt natürlich von deiner Muskulatur ab)
warum du schreibst auf deutsch bruder
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warum du schreibst auf deutsch bruder
it was written in english but i wanted to check the words with fucking google translate and i dont know
im drunk
  • JFL
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it was written in english but i wanted to check the words with fucking google translate and i dont know
im drunk
over for drunkcels like you :lul:
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Protein powder amounts for, at the absolute best, 5% of your physique.
It's an easy to use tool to reliably hit the required protein amounts for high-protein diets, that's all. They're not a magic pill that makes you muscular (that would be steroids). It's just easier to chug some protein powder than eat an entire fucking family of chickens every day.
tbh yea just eat food nigga:lul:
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Protein powder is one the cheapest sources of protein
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Protein powder amounts for, at the absolute best, 5% of your physique.
It's an easy to use tool to reliably hit the required protein amounts for high-protein diets, that's all. They're not a magic pill that makes you muscular (that would be steroids). It's just easier to chug some protein powder than eat an entire fucking family of chickens every day.
Pretty much every gymmaxxer today is on whey protein, yet most of them honestly look like bloated turd and I've visited more than few gyms, people are just constipating themselves with protein and body cannot use all of it so it becomes fat.

Point is you do not need high protein diets, everything should be moderate.

One example I know of is my father's friend who in his 20s just did labor work while eating bacon and atleast 1kg of bread daily lmao.
I've seen photos of him in 20s and 30s dude was so fucking aesthethic looking, he had that lean and slightly muscular look which is pretty much ideal in my ideal. He was living in poverty, he didn't count calories and stuff himself with some protein powder and yet he looked better than 95% of natural gym goers in my opinion.

Genetics and work will give you aesthethics or take steroids if you got fucked by mother nature, counting your calories and overstuffing yourself with protein powders will give you nothing.
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Yeah legit, i get around 190g of protein (143g animal source) daily on a 3000 calorie diet with no protein powders jfl
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Yeah legit, i get around 190g of protein (143g animal source) daily on a 3000 calorie diet with no protein powders jfl
Even with food you got to amount of protein which is too much in my opinion. What's your height, weight, bf % and are you natty?
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Even with food you got to amount of protein which is too much in my opinion. What's your height, weight, bf % and are you natty?
You think its too much? I mean i know that it is technically but im just playing it 1000% safe jfl.
6'1, 74kg, 14% bf
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You think its too much? I mean i know that it is technically but im just playing it 1000% safe jfl.
6'1, 74kg, 14% bf
Your body type is likely an ectomorph, you are meant to be quite lean which is good, way better than being fat.
Muscle gaining process is harder for you than for other body and metabolism types, but not impossible.

Well think of it this way, social media recommends 2.2grams of protein per kg, you use protein to build muscle.
Do people ever think that most of your body mass isn't muscle? Of course not, they just blindly follow their rolemodels on instagram and youtube.

Anyways there is your skeleton weight, water weight, fat weight, your muscle weight, to build enough protein you need only enough of it for MUSCLE MASS ONLY, you can just get enough protein for half of your weight and it would be more than enough most likely to gain muscle. I had same doubts as you before, It's just a bulking meme where you just gain more fat than muscle in the end by consuming bunch of protein and other calories. So yeah too much imo. But if you want both fat and muscle, different story lol.
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Your body type is likely an ectomorph, you are meant to be quite lean which is good, way better than being fat.
Muscle gaining process is harder for you than for other body and metabolism types, but not impossible.

Well think of it this way, social media recommends 2.2grams of protein per kg, you use protein to build muscle.
Do people ever think that most of your body mass isn't muscle? Of course not, they just blindly follow their rolemodels on instagram and youtube.

Anyways there is your skeleton weight, water weight, fat weight, your muscle weight, to build enough protein you need only enough of it for MUSCLE MASS ONLY, you can just get enough protein for half of your weight and it would be more than enough most likely to gain muscle. I had same doubts as you before, It's just a bulking meme where you just gain more fat than muscle in the end by consuming bunch of protein and other calories. So yeah too much imo. But if you want both fat and muscle, different story lol.
How did you know i have an ecto build?
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Because usually mesomorph and endomorph builds at your height would in most cases have your bf % at higher weights from 80 kg to even 92-93 kg, while ectomorphs are lighter.
Interesting, is this from less muslce and bone weight that ectomorphs have? Like my wrists are small af (6.4 inches), so it means i have light bones. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an ectomorph?
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Interesting, is this from less muslce and bone weight that ectomorphs have? Like my wrists are small af (6.4 inches), so it means i have light bones. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an ectomorph?
Exactly, less muscle and bone weight.

Advantages: - eating like crazy and not gaining fat
- usually good at endurance sports like long distance runs
- can be tall so they outrange manlets in low mma categories lol
- lean face

- Difficulty gaining muscle because of body wanting to have less muscle naturally, also thanks to smaller joints and smaller bone structures body isn't just supporting that much muscle compared to others
- Usually less strenght than other body types

There's more but all I could think of rn.
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Exactly, less muscle and bone weight.

Advantages: - eating like crazy and not gaining fat
- usually good at endurance sports like long distance runs
- can be tall so they outrange manlets in low mma categories lol
- lean face

- Difficulty gaining muscle because of body wanting to have less muscle naturally, also thanks to smaller joints and smaller bone structures body isn't just supporting that much muscle compared to others
- Usually less strenght than other body types

There's more but all I could think of rn.
This is super legit, even when i was 22% bf at my peak 80iq dirty bulk period, i had some mild hollowing on the cheeks.

And true about cardio, i can legit run for 90 minutes with not a single pause while only breathing through my nose the whole time, not using my mouth at all
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Protein is a globalist scam
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Reactions: Yerico7 and WhoAmIReally
Protein powder is a scam by multibillionaire companies to earn money and also a coverup game for steroid abusers. Funniest thing is how they promote "U gOttA EaT 1G oF PrOtEiN PeR PoUnD." Some scamers even recommend 1.5g per pound which is an absolute joke to anyone who thinks rationally.

Except not every pound/kilogram of your body mass is muscle mass, you are supposed to feed the muscle mass with protein not your fucking fat, bones and water weight lol. In most cases everyone who is working out is pretty much taking enough protein without tryharding. It's all about testosterone, GH, sarms, peptides, fat burners etc.
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