Those are the statistics man. These self-hating whores crave white dick.
It is hard to believe that it's so bad for Asian guys.
  • +1
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Thats just how it is. Which is why its laughable saying blacks have it harder than Asians.
I bet it's easier to betabuxx as an Asian guy than as a black guy.
I bet it's easier to betabuxx as an Asian guy than as a black guy.
Its not cuz the guy is Asian, its cuz Asian men go into high-paying careers while blacks slack off.

And no one wants to be a betabuxx.
Its not cuz the guy is Asian, its cuz Asian men go into high-paying careers while blacks slack off.

And no one wants to be a betabuxx.
Asian guys have the stereotype of doing well careerwise, which signals to women that they are good betabuxxers. Black men don't have that privilege.
Asian guys have the stereotype of doing well careerwise, which signals to women that they are good betabuxxers. Black men don't have that privilege.
Who wants to be a betabuxx?

If black men get well-paying careers that looks even better for them because they defy the stereotype which gets women more interested. They have both the masculine archtype + provider archtype in one.
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Many, many men end up being a betabuxer. That's the harsh reality.
True, thats the only way to get into an ltr tbh.

But as I said, as long as black men get well-paying careers the failo works for them because they break the stereotype.
  • +1
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So.... thug maxing still applies to beta looking white guys right? Asking for a "friend".
So.... thug maxing still applies to beta looking white guys right? Asking for a "friend".
No dimwit. If you think the dating market is a harsh playing field then how are you going to compete amongst thugs and gangsters?
  • JFL
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Cope if you think Asians have it easier. East and South Asians are thought of as immasculate and no women prefers to be with one. Even the mentally healthy Stacys(any race) prefer to be with White High-Tier Normie over Asian Chads.

In the dating scene its easier being a black than an Asian because you are percieved as masculine, NT, and big penis halo(doesnt matter if its true or not, girls and society think it is). If you are high iq as a black you can get a good job, and women will be impressed because it goes against the stereotype. And doing this is not hard, just study and youll do well.

Asians on the other hand are percieved as immasculate, and having a good career only further cement their role as a betabuxx. Its a harsher dating environment and Asian men have to compensate with their masculinity. Being black is nowhere near as difficult as being asian in the dating scene. And saying it is is cope.

At least you can pump and dump, Asians dont even have the option to.

Luckily Kpop halo is helping Asian men somewhat, even then their women dont want them. WMAF relationships are rising not falling.

However its over for currys. No woman wants to date a shitskin, and there will never be a good media portrayal for them. Currys are the most oppressed race in the West.
In the Bay Area Indian and South Asian men date like everyone else tbh. I’ve seen them with white, East Asian, black, Latino women and men as partners 🤷🏾

East Asian men date everyone as well here.
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Black guys can still get away with being recessed though just look at Michael b Jordan :rage: :rage: :rage:
I'm sick & tired of you autists telling us black men here to "Just thug max if you're not a Tyrone, or rapper, athlete, or celebrity bro".

First of all, if any black guy here is taking advice from a non-black on dating/looksmaxing advice, STOP RIGHT NOW. Dating advice for white & black men are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. As black men we need to work 5X as hard as the average white guy.

Lets look at the definition of thug for a min

View attachment 874071

You think Becky who was raised in the suburbs who went to a wealthy private school wants to deal with a thug maxed black man on a long term basis? Let alone what her parents will think when they meet you.. You wanna know what happens when you thug max? You attract these type of bitches below

View attachment 874107View attachment 874108
View attachment 874128View attachment 874145
View attachment 874153View attachment 874249
This is why thug maxing is retarded.. all you do is attract thug energy type of women. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. Most of us blacks are educated, speak properly, live in the suburbs and dress moderately well. We want women who have the same qualities. Why should we accept the REJECTS of other races? We as black men need to stop being the garbage men of the world. WE NEED TO STOP LIVING UP TO THE NEGATIVE STEREOTYPES.

1) Men of her race must want to date her
2) She must be attractive

Ex: Paul Pogba's wife

WE LITERALLY HAVE TO BE SUPERHEROES (looks, height, BBC, overall masculinity) to attract the small % of attractive white/non-black women.

View attachment 874204


View attachment 874231View attachment 874259View attachment 874263

You see the difference? NONE OF THEM ARE CHADS, OVER 6 FT, GYMCELS, ETC. Literally all you need is a beard & some hair on your head. White men can literally AFFORD to be AVERAGE in all aspects & they'll still get a decent looking woman.

I'm starting to question a lot of you non-black guys here complaining about your options.. y'all have no idea how easy it is for you guys to get women of all races. Y'all can run JBW game, social circle, etc. What race wants black men for just being black? Oh right.. there isn't

So the next time someone tells you to thug max castrate them for me please! I'm done


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@Kingkellz @LowInhibIncel @Vvvvxxxx @Jamal2222 @BigBiceps @Blackout.xl @Colvin76 @Tyronecell @goat2x @Blackgymmax @PYT @BigBoy @looksmaxxer234 @Blackmannnns @Morpheus @ConorMcGregor @ascensiongod @africancel @ProAcktiv @EckhartTollemaxx @MoeZart @Good_Little_Goy @kjsbdfiusdf @Bigbeefius @john2
  • +1
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54% of Asian women have a no-Asian dating policy, while almost all black women prefer their own men.
It's not 54% !
Are you serious? I knew that some Asian girls fancy white men, but over half of them having a no-Asian dating policy sounds extreme.

Causes[edit | edit source]​

The higher incel rate among Asians may be attributable to a lower life history speed of North East Asians, meaning a later onset of sexual behavior and lower sex drive as determined by their racial genetics.[1] Being more k-selected may mean more sensitivity to evolutionary mismatches. See also Demographics § Race.

Asian people also have very neotenous (cute) faces, possibly in relation to the aforementioned life history speed. For example, Asian men generally lack facial and body hair.[2] This neoteny makes Asian girls cute, while having disadvantageous effects on the men, who tend to look slightly more harmless, feminine and prepubescent than other races. This results in a super stimulus for Western males, compared to their more masculinized females. In addition, the mean stature for young Asian males in the United States is also 5'7" (170.1 cm),[3] which given the importance women give to male stature during their process of mate selection[4], is a major disadvantage in dating. Such factors may play a greater role within a completely liberated dating landscape as it means reverting to a less civilized courtship in which dominance is all that matters.[5]

There also exists a strong negative stereotype that Asian men have a tendency to be dickcels, with some scientific evidence supporting this stereotype[6] and some studies seeming to disprove it.[7] Regardless of the validity of the stereotype, the widespread belief in it is still harmful, and can very marginally decrease Asians' status among women.
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  • +1
  • WTF
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light skin chadrone here
never felt the need to thugmaxx, i get plenty of matches from white pawgs without it
ur miles may vary tho
  • Woah
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@nurtureiseverything his side profile isn't even that bad. All he needs is a genioplasty which he can afford 6,000 times over
Like I said before white women who like black men are usually low iq and low class whores

While most white women who likes asian men are high quality non primitive

BBC slays more but Asians usually get better quality women

Based @tyronelite
  • Hmm...
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Banger thread but site your sources (KingRichez)
  • +1
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BBC stereotype is a blessing and a curse. Those who don't live upto the streotypes are laughed upon. Still better than what 99% of curries and asians would experience.
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Much respect to you bro we need more awoke blacks like u
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This thread is retarded on so many levels
  • +1
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Like I said before white women who like black men are usually low iq and low class whores

While most white women who likes asian men are high quality non primitive

BBC slays more but Asians usually get better quality women

Based @tyronelite

This is a cope. White women with asian men is one of the rarest combinations and usually completely unheard of. It is true that black dudes are limited in their options with white women, but black men are the only non-white group of men which has at least somewhat of a success with white foids. Blacks are also the only non-whites (except Samoans maybe if you wanna count them), that consistently portray good traits such as tall height, athleticism and aggression. They have their downsides too, such as a proneness to balding (thank the Arabs for dilluting your gene pool with their shit DNA a long time ago) and certain undesirable features, but they mog the other races, i.e. Curry, Rice, Arab and Abo, to the gates of Gandy heaven and back.
  • +1
Reactions: TYRONELITEMOGGER, Warlow, AscendingHero and 2 others
This is a cope. White women with asian men is one of the rarest combinations and usually completely unheard of. It is true that black dudes are limited in their options with white women, but black men are the only non-white group of men which has at least somewhat of a success with white foids. Blacks are also the only non-whites (except Samoans maybe if you wanna count them), that consistently portray good traits such as tall height, athleticism and aggression. They have their downsides too, such as a proneness to balding (thank the Arabs for dilluting your gene pool with their shit DNA a long time ago) and certain undesirable features, but they mog the other races, i.e. Curry, Rice, Arab and Abo, to the gates of Gandy heaven and back.

How is this cope? I literally said BBC slay more but get worse quality women

Type "amwf" up on youtube see that compare to booty shaking white hoes that goes for black guys, you're the one coping here
How is this cope? I literally said BBC slay more but get worse quality women

Type "amwf" up on youtube see that compare to booty shaking white hoes that goes for black guys, you're the one coping here

The number of gooks that end up with white women is still astronomically low, they have the same chance as curries essentially. Cherrypicking one couple doesn't prove anything, plus it's usually a Chang anyway, and we know Chang is as rare as a unicorn.


Iskra Lawrence and her husband, NO gook is able to pull that off. And once again I repeat myself that yes, black men don't have it easy with white women, but they still do much, much better than any other non white race with white foids. Cope over.
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The number of gooks that end up with white women is still astronomically low, they have the same chance as curries essentially. Cherrypicking one couple doesn't prove anything, plus it's usually a Chang anyway, and we know Chang is as rare as a unicorn.


Iskra Lawrence and her husband, NO gook is able to pull that off. And once again I repeat myself that yes, black men don't have it easy with white women, but they still do much, much better than any other non white race with white foids. Cope over.

I'm not saying they don't do better you fucking idiot, I'm saying black men usually get low quality women, not just in looks but ones with a bad head on their shoulder.

Also the girl you posted is a fucking whale JFL


I can cherry pick too coping fagget
  • +1
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I'm not saying they don't do better you fucking idiot, I'm saying black men usually get low quality women, not just in looks but ones with a bad head on their shoulder.

Also the girl you posted is a fucking whale JFL

View attachment 1004208 View attachment 1004209

I can cherry pick too coping fagget

Black men do better with white women than asian men. Black men get better quality white women than asian men. Black men marry white women more often than asian men marry white women. All apparent from statistical evidence. Stop coping kys. Also JFL @ shit talking Iskra Lawrence, ofc she's bloated after being on her "big is beautiful" trip (which she only does to get money out of ugly landwhales), however she once looked like this:

  • JFL
  • +1
Black men do better with white women than asian men. Black men get better quality white women than asian men. Black men marry white women more often than asian men marry white women. All apparent from statistical evidence. Stop coping kys. Also JFL @ shit talking Iskra Lawrence, ofc she's bloated after being on her "big is beautiful" trip (which she only does to get money out of ugly landwhales), however she once looked like this:




I'm not denying that black men do better with white women than Asian men but black men definitely get lower quality women you cretin

Also marriage don't mean shit, look how many black celebrity get their shit taken away and used by these trash white hoes

The type of white women that usually go for black men are trash period
  • +1
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View attachment 1004223


I'm not denying that black men do better with white women than Asian men but black men definitely get lower quality women you cretin

Also marriage don't mean shit, look how many black celebrity get their shit taken away and used by these trash white hoes

The type of white women that usually go for black men are trash period

Yet you claim that asian men get better quality white women, which is simply not true. Asians don't get shit unless they're Gigachang, which is one of the rarest creatures living on this earth.
Yet you claim that asian men get better quality white women, which is simply not true. Asians don't get shit unless they're Gigachang, which is one of the rarest creatures living on this earth.


Giga Changs bro
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  • JFL
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Once again, cherrypicking doesn't prove shit as you should be able to tell yourself. The statistics speak for black men. That's right discussion over, cope over, kys.

You just linked a video that proves my point jfl

Low quality women
You just linked a video that proves my point jfl

Low quality women

Keep telling yourself that gooks can pull gl prime white foids, whatever makes you sleep at night boyo.
  • +1
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View attachment 1004285

Keep telling yourself that gooks can pull gl prime white foids, whatever makes you sleep at night boyo.

I will since I am living proof

jfl at you thinking that looks is the only thing that makes a women high quality and not behaviour as well you low standard fucking twat
  • +1
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I will since I am living proof

jfl at you thinking that looks is the only thing that makes a women high quality and not behaviour as well you low standard fucking twat

  • JFL
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Larping ricecel thinking people care about him, mirin delusionmaxxing.

You care since you're still barking for me :lul:
  • +1
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You care since you're still barking for me :lul:

>Getting dopamine rush from an online forum: Check
>Shit talking men that are superior to him: Check
>Larping for self worth: Check
>Thinking people calling out his delusion care about him: Check

  • JFL
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