[RARE] Looksmax AMA session

What about the bonesmashing and, and injecting test after 18 for more facial bones?
All of that is bullshit. I'm just being real here.
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The masseters? I guess just exercising them, chewing mastic/falim gum maybe?

I does nothing aesthetic wise. Ruins good faces in my opinion. The sagittal length of the mandible is what matters, along with being lean enough to have a defined gonion and a tight submental (without much fat or sagging skin). That's just straight up what makes a jaw look good.

Not hypertrophied masseters.
Ty! The softmaxes for the eyes would be lightening drops(for redness), and castor oil/lattise for eyelashes and rosemary oil + dermarolling for brows then?
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Thank you for your reply. Could u please elab how a modifed lefort 3 can help in this case? I thought getting more wideness would be a fix
I doubt you'd be a candidate but you'd need to contact someone like Raffaini or Sailer if you're actually serious. I'm not an expert in maxillofacial research, nor can I give encouragement or advice for someone thinking about surgery. It's probably not a great solution.

LF3 is an extreme, there's stuff like palatal expansion, MSE, vivos DNA etc which are orthodontic appliances which widen the maxilla.
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How much should you weigh at 5'11 while being ripped/lean to maximise body halo?
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How much should you weigh at 5'11 while being ripped/lean to maximise body halo?
Depends on your look. Probably like 170-180lbs
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What exactly is jutting?
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sarms opinion
All questions welcomed. Won't respond to trolls. Not talking about sourcing illegal substances. Not answering stuff that I've already posted about
What is the best way to debloat without damaging your kidneys, and can you do it consistently or only on rare occasions?

What is the best way to grow eyelashes and eyebrows without fat pad loss (latisse) or collagen loss (minox)? recently bought the ordinary peptide serum for lashes.

Can you share videos of tails from his deleted channel? you said they were pure blackpill, and there are few reuploaded on youtube

and what do you think about makeup frauding?
What is the best way to debloat without damaging your kidneys, and can you do it consistently or only on rare occasions?

What is the best way to grow eyelashes and eyebrows without fat pad loss (latisse) or collagen loss (minox)? recently bought the ordinary peptide serum for lashes.

Can you share videos of tails from his deleted channel? you said they were pure blackpill, and there are few reuploaded on youtube

and what do you think about makeup frauding?
u won’t get collagen loss from oral minox
  • Hmm...
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dht gel. any sources or alternatives?
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What is the best way to debloat without damaging your kidneys, and can you do it consistently or only on rare occasions?

What is the best way to grow eyelashes and eyebrows without fat pad loss (latisse) or collagen loss (minox)? recently bought the ordinary peptide serum for lashes.

Can you share videos of tails from his deleted channel? you said they were pure blackpill, and there are few reuploaded on youtube

and what do you think about makeup frauding?
  • Potassium pills, 10L+ per day water, long sauna sessions with elevated feet (to lower vasopressin), dandelion root extract to piss more, no salt or sodium for a while + hot bath with epsom salts. That'll debloat you for an event - short term. Long term, keep your weight really low and exercise a lot, keep your blood sugar very low (hard to do).
  • YEP - the ordinary peptide serum is literally what I use. Other stuff is cope. Myristoyl-Pentapeptide18 is the main ingredient you want to look for (maybe it was 17 I forget)
  • DM me but if you haven't seen them then you might get giga blackpilled fast so can you confirm you're atleast 18?
  • Men will probably be wearing makeup a lot in the future. I think GHK-cu is pretty close to frauding good skin, without it being makeup, but it's expensive.
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  • Hmm...
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Does taking caster oil orally rape collagen?
what downsides
Depression, anxiety, complete HPTA shutdown, acne, gyno, hairloss, immense feelings of insecurity, body dymorphia, shrunken testicles, loss of erection quality, bursts of uncontrolled anger.

All that aside, it's a stupid decision when you realise having big muscles doesn't change anything. It's a (negative) reward-prediction error, through and through.
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have u got growth from it?
Growth, not sure. It makes your lashes look very beautiful though. I already have naturally long ones. It helps enhance them for sure.
- does dht fuck up elastin
- is diazoxide a "collagen-friendly" alternative to minoxidil
- does hgh bring gains without serious consequences
- does verteporfin actually allow for infinite hair transplants
- are hair products like conditioner powder and others worth it
- would injecting pluripotent stem cells at the resting zone of the growth plates, inducing their differentiation into chondrocytes and subsequent proliferation and stopping calcifying allow for safe and sound torso growth? long bones dont really matter since elevator shoes and limb lengthening alr exist
- in your opinion how much time will there be until facial harmony becomes 100% quantifiable
- is penis enlargement legit
- what would happen if one found a way to stop dopamine receptor downregulation and blasted stims? would they forget previous experiences that are key to development like childhood after sufficient caine snorting?
- are greater trochanter reduction osteotomies good solutions for hipcels like lorsss?
- what are the things that you currently find to be absolutely quantifiable when it comes to facial harmony?
- does dht fuck up elastin
- is diazoxide a "collagen-friendly" alternative to minoxidil
- does hgh bring gains without serious consequences
- does verteporfin actually allow for infinite hair transplants
- are hair products like conditioner powder and others worth it
- would injecting pluripotent stem cells at the resting zone of the growth plates, inducing their differentiation into chondrocytes and subsequent proliferation and stopping calcifying allow for safe and sound torso growth? long bones dont really matter since elevator shoes and limb lengthening alr exist
- in your opinion how much time will there be until facial harmony becomes 100% quantifiable
- is penis enlargement legit
- what would happen if one found a way to stop dopamine receptor downregulation and blasted stims? would they forget previous experiences that are key to development like childhood after sufficient caine snorting?
- are greater trochanter reduction osteotomies good solutions for hipcels like lorsss?
- what are the things that you currently find to be absolutely quantifiable when it comes to facial harmony?
  • Elastin no. Collagen and hair yes.
  • no.
  • can stimulate muscle growth and fat loss. However, it carries risks, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, increased insulin resistance, and potential contributions to cancer growth.
  • Verteporfin is being researched for its potential to inhibit the pathway involved in scarring and fibrosis, possibly making repeated hair transplants more viable. However, "infinite hair transplants" is an overstatement until more research is available.
  • Yes!
  • Injecting pluripotent stem cells into growth plates is speculative and experimental. The process of safely inducing chondrocyte differentiation and proliferation without unintended consequences remains a significant challenge.
  • AI will attempt to quantify harmony but it will be in vain, in my opinion. I don't think "top tier harmony" will ever be able to be properly quantified. Instead you need to look at examples of people where there's a majority agreement that they have insane harmony (i.e., Chico), and work backwords. AI will be used to try and reverse engineer it. But all factors and genes influencing the facial harmony, in specific, won't be public info or even properly explainable or understood for a very very long time. That's not to say never.
  • Some methods (surgery, certain devices) can provide results, but the effectiveness and safety vary. Non-surgical methods often lack scientific support and can carry risks.
  • Preventing downregulation theoretically could sustain stimulant effects without tolerance buildup. However, it doesn't necessarily lead to forgetting developmental experiences but could exacerbate psychological dependency and side effects. Will also lead to alzheimers, schizophrenia etc, especially to those who are prone. Would also make the person become insanely driven, productive, achieving, and possibly increasingly less emphatetic and more amoral.
  • Yes could help him if he wants to do that surgery
  • "Absolutely" quantifiable is too far reaching. "Quantifiable" I'd say ES ratio, equal facial fifths, equal facial thirds, youthfulness (skin), full healthy head of hair, adequate leanness (harmony can be ruined by facial fat), adequate forward growth, and the interplay among all those things.

You really put me through my paces LOL
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Reactions: Chintuck22
All questions welcomed. Won't respond to trolls. Not talking about sourcing illegal substances. Not answering stuff that I've already posted about
Thoughts on eating only 3lbs of red meat and water ed forever ?
And maybe if required then add butter , eggs , honey.
Thoughts on eating only 3lbs of red meat and water ed forever ?
And maybe if required then add butter , eggs , honey.
Probably not the best or worst idea. Meat and eggs are great foods but it's better to have more variety in a diet, especially if it's indefinitely for the rest of your life. You probably shouldn't eat the same meals every day forever, even if it doesn't harm you. It just probably isn't needed.
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I tried it before. It's a full on opioid; stay away. You can seriously overdose on it and become addicted.
topical minox kill collagen?
Ah, a lot of these questions could be answered with simple research 🧐 a google search away.

Can we theorize more about how the things we already have can affect the body in positive ways?
Ah, a lot of these questions could be answered with simple research 🧐 a google search away.

Can we theorize more about how the things we already have can affect the body in positive ways?
What things?
Thoughts on eating only 3lbs of red meat and water ed forever ?
And maybe if required then add butter , eggs , honey.

Why would you only eat 3lbs of red meat?
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Reactions: Seth Walsh
Would selegilne be good for Carrermaxxing and ADHD/ concentration?
Would selegilne be good for Carrermaxxing and ADHD/ concentration?
Probably but has downsides. Also realise the corporate ladder isn't meritocratic, nor is the hiring process. Work hard without wit and you'll be the work-horse loaded with unlimited stress and responsibility; but your pay won't just magically synchronously rise.
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What things?

How would retinoids affect the hair?
Why does Volufiline work on others and not some?
I have researched it, and it makes sense. Could it be the fact that it isn’t getting absorbed, and would derma stamps or injections enhance fat pads permanently?

Also, orthotropics are insanely important. As much as people want to dismiss Mike Mew as a "Jew," the real “Jew” is the one who lets people mouth breathe, eat soft food, and doesn't give them enough k2.

Also, diet questions should be asked way less in these forums; there is no best diet.
A lot of these anti-aging MFs are simply coping with rat/vitro studies and throwing out the real evidence.
How would retinoids affect the hair?
Why does Volufiline work on others and not some?
I have researched it, and it makes sense. Could it be the fact that it isn’t getting absorbed, and would derma stamps or injections enhance fat pads permanently?

Also, orthotropics are insanely important. As much as people want to dismiss Mike Mew as a "Jew," the real “Jew” is the one who lets people mouth breathe, eat soft food, and doesn't give them enough k2.

Also, diet questions should be asked way less in these forums; there is no best diet.
A lot of these anti-aging MFs are simply coping with rat/vitro studies and throwing out the real evidence.
Retinoids actually help stimulate scalp hair growth by activating some enzyme I forgot the name of that makes microneedling more effective. I think MPMD mentioned it before.

Not sure I never experimented with it. Was about to at one stage.

Yeah mewing/oral posture DOES influence facial aesthetics but at a very young age. Like I think 11 years old is already too late.

You're right there is no cookie cutter best diet. Just be healthy theory.
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For an individual who knows that the game (competition in the dating market) is rigged, what do you recommend as a best strategy? In other words, what would you recommend a normie, a htn/chadlite, and a chad do in their 20s to achieve an optimal dating life based on their given constraint (looks level) in 2024? Why?

Do you believe in game/neurotypicality mattering? (E.g. a chadlite can compete with a chad in an open social environment if his game is great/he is very nt). If you do, how much do you think it matters?

On average (ignoring extreme outliers) what weights would you give to face, height, and body, as a percentage of overall attractiveness? Individually, and then collectively?
If you want to do it. Go ahead. I use GHK-cu instead
how to apply it? Also seeing baby hairs from minox, should I continue using?
btw I have Norwood 1.
Hey! One more question lol, it's more like advice, but well.

What are some of the best off the shelf food products (that preferably can be eaten right off) in your opinion? Ofc, by best I mean in nutritional value, I don't really cook now since I'm in a dorm.
Is sarms better than test?

Would treninoin give u the best skin and does it have minimal downsides or there's a huge chance ur skin won't turn good?

There's a thread here that says u can reduce ur ipd by putting latisse in eyes, is it cope?
  • Not on some redpill shit but just understand that you need to be real with yourself and go after what you want in life. So do that. As you get older you'll notice more attention from women but there'll be some bratty girls who look for attention from tons of dudes. If you're the one that's pretty closed off and dismissive of that, it'll stand to you. Because normies are simping hard 24/7. Don't go to group events with randoms just because there's some chicks there who you're not interested in. Bars and clubs are good for purveyors of liquor and salted nuts, not a great place to meet a quality girl. If you really like a girl, you gotta be really aggressive in terms of leading things; she'll either respond to that, or if you see she's fucking around, just cut it and move on. There's nothing more powerful that letting girls know that you're actively looking for the best option for YOU. So basically, if you meet a girl and get her number, try to set something up, and you'll see which ones are lousy and who's interested in something more with you. Don't be afraid to push the boundaries with them, but avoid meeting them at night in public (bars, clubs), or with their friends, or worse, with other dudes around. Just arrange a 1 on 1 coffee/walk and cut everyone else out. It works.
  • Yes, both matter. "Game" is just experience and IQ. Knowing what to do. Knowing how to not get manipulated or suckered. NT matters of course but you are yourself, don't get too hung up on not being "as NT" as someone else. Re: Chadlite competing with a Chad: that's all stupid, you want to cut everyone out, her cockblock friends, the friendzoned normie guys etc. Just see if there's mutual attraction and meet up with a girl you're interested in, it's nerve wrecking but it's what they want you to do. Don't worry about some other guy, and if some chick is talking about other dudes when you get together, just cut her quick and move on. Not all girls have all that going on.
  • Individually: Face 100%, Height 90%, Body 65%. Collectively: Face 75%, Height 20%, Body 5%.

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Hey! One more question lol, it's more like advice, but well.

What are some of the best off the shelf food products (that preferably can be eaten right off) in your opinion? Ofc, by best I mean in nutritional value, I don't really cook now since I'm in a dorm.
Lots of eggs and smoked salmon probably
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Reactions: Infinite
Is sarms better than test?

Would treninoin give u the best skin and does it have minimal downsides or there's a huge chance ur skin won't turn good?

There's a thread here that says u can reduce ur ipd by putting latisse in eyes, is it cope?
  • No.
  • Yes. And there's a chance it still won't improve your skin past whatever preconceived expectations you may have.
  • Yes. But you can reduce the appearance of wide or close set eyes with different makeup/eye shadowing techniques.
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Reactions: Subhuman232
Yes it really does.
how come? minox is approved for use since 1988 and there was no any evidence it inhibits collagen production. There was evidence it improve elastin production in hearts of mice
Chewing is cope
what about chewing and injecting botox in the part of masseter which doesnt pop out of gonions afterwards in order to prevent bloat look?

or worst of all, steroids.
why do you claim roids are awful for proper aging? in 2019 you were into roids, esp high dose of primobolan. Then why do you state DHT is bad for aging nowadays? Wouldnt low dose of primo with deca helpful for bone loss and collagen decrease with age?

I appreciate your effort into making posts and threads since 2019
Retinoids actually help stimulate scalp hair growth by activating some enzyme I forgot the name of that makes microneedling more effective. I think MPMD mentioned it before.

Not sure I never experimented with it. Was about to at one stage.

Yeah mewing/oral posture DOES influence facial aesthetics but at a very young age. Like I think 11 years old is already too late.

You're right there is no cookie cutter best diet. Just be healthy theory.
Yes, I know what study you’re talking about.
I theorize that retinoids and tretinoin can optimize the scalp environment and speed up hair growth.
But I need to look more into

11 years is insanely early, in my opinion.
I think changes occur slowly as we get older; others might call it "cope.”

As bone is constantly breaking down and building up,
And mewing it isn’t building new bone; you’re just changing the position of it, per se.
If you have an insane case of recession, it’s going to take years to fix or won’t be fixable at all.

And healthy is quite literally nutrition.

vitamin D, for example, Check this site out out for information on hair loss, skin aging, and gene expression. Things as simple as vitamins can optimize our health highly, as can vitamin K2, which optimizes the mouth environment, the brain, heart, veins, and bones.

Also, I theorize with microbiome; it's really more diversity than anything; if someone eats a wide range of food, they will have a better microbiome than someone who doesn't.

So many things we can benefit from what we already have right now.
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Reactions: Chintuck22 and Seth Walsh
how come? minox is approved for use since 1988 and there was no any evidence it inhibits collagen production. There was evidence it improve elastin production in hearts of mice

what about chewing and injecting botox in the part of masseter which doesnt pop out of gonions afterwards in order to prevent bloat look?

why do you claim roids are awful for proper aging? in 2019 you were into roids, esp high dose of primobolan. Then why do you state DHT is bad for aging nowadays? Wouldnt low dose of primo with deca helpful for bone loss and collagen decrease with age?

I appreciate your effort into making posts and threads since 2019
These are just my opinions that have developed over time. I researched a lot and realised primobolan still has a lot of the side effects. If steroids had 0 side effects, they'd probably be cool to use.

Appreciate the respect 🤟. Did you have an account back then or did you just read my posts before making an account?

I'm anti minox and chewing. I can't advocate that they're beneficial or a good routine. In my eyes, they do more harm than good for aesthetics.
Appreciate the respect 🤟. Did you have an account back then or did you just read my posts before making an account?
nope, i was the accountless lurkcel then

I'm anti minox and chewing. I can't advocate that they're beneficial or a good routine. In my eyes, they do more harm than good for aesthetics.
yeah im just curious why do you claim like that. I know you are one of the highest iq users on here thats why i keep asking. Ive been using minox before for several months and got decent results. Also I plan to use low dose of T with low dose of primo and low dose of deca as a part of my future framemaxxing and anti aging (the target is to prevent bone loss with age). I couldnt also find any evidence that DHT based roids and T may inhibit collagen and elastine production. From what Ive learnt its prob extreme bloat + extremely unhealthy lifestyle of roidcels + hypertrophy of every muscle around the face the cause of premature aging look among roidcels. We have many roidcels like this asian dude who looks sometimes even 25 at 55 or smh similar. There are many guys like him who looks way younger as roidcels than their natty peers. Esp what Ive noticed roidcels never lose bone mass as they age. Thats also crucial for proper anti aging route
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