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why would i kill myself when i have chadlite potential? rationally that’s a retarded thing for me to do
Bro this website is actually so fucked lmaoooo niggas really out here telling each other to kill themsleves over shit they can’t control 😂😂😂😭
Bro this website is actually so fucked lmaoooo niggas really out here telling each other to kill themsleves over shit they can’t control 😂😂😂😭
He told me to kill myself first, he has this huge 12 inch dildo up his ass and started shit with me
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Chadlite potential in Jamaica perhaps
mulattos run good game in the west tbh even if i’m not facially held up to chadlite standard’s i’ll still have lite smv either way especially in my state
mulattos run good game in the west tbh even if i’m not facially held up to chadlite standard’s i’ll still have lite smv either way especially in my state
Good luck to you then. Keep yourself safe!
Can you send me better picture? Please either:

1. Place your phone on something and go stand back 3-4 meters and use back camera with timer (need to be at least 2-2,5m for less distortion)

2. Post mirror picture of yourself, at least 1.5? From the mirror, ideally big bathroom mirror

I can bet this is not how you look like, do as i say and send the picture

Maxresdefault 1



IMG 0639

Main qimg e757b9117d5610152a146169dcbbdc41 pjlq

Examples of lens distortion, do not be stupid and do not plan any surgery if you do not even work with real face and real proportions, or you will regret it
Ltn where in mambi 💀🙏🏻 rope it’s over for u
Nah nigga, your actually so fucked for telling a LTN who can clearly improve with 50 surgeries to rope bro, you forget I have money right?
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Nah nigga, your actually so fucked for telling a LTN who can clearly improve with 50 surgeries to rope bro, you forget I have money right?
Ltn where in mambi 💀🙏🏻 rope it’s over for u
we’re not gonna rope dawg, we just need MSE and MSDO, genioplasty, rhinoplasty, dreads, a lip lift, filler/infrorbital implants, lower lid retraction surgery, and we are MTN/Low HTN, which is good enough for me lol no need to rope dawg - your just so fucked in the head you get a kick out of telling people to rope you fucking aspie
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we’re not gonna rope dawg, we just need MSE and MSDO, genioplasty, rhinoplasty, dreads, a lip lift, filler/infrorbital implants, lower lid retraction surgery, and we are MTN/Low HTN, which is good enough for me lol no need to rope dawg - your just so fucked in the head you get a kick out of telling people to rope you fucking aspie
ur going to look uncny
ur going to look uncny
Not if you do them one by one bro, explain how you look uncanny if everything is natural and now implants are used? That’s why I am minimizing implants bro, that shit will always make your look bad and fuck up your harmony
Not if you do them one by one bro, explain how you look uncanny if everything is natural and now implants are used? That’s why I am minimizing implants bro, that shit will always make your look bad and fuck up your harmony
show progrss if u get
show progrss if u get
I got you - lip lift in one month, rhino genio in December, lower lid retraction with filler possibly in the 2025, MSE and MSDO later, not sure when
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Examples of lens distortion, do not be stupid and do not plan any surgery if you do not even work with real face and real proportions, or you will regret it
I know for a fact a few things are wrong which is why I’m getting surgery to address all of them. Here is the list:

Non existent top lip (my biggest failo): In one month
Recessed Chin: Genioplasty (December)
Crooked Nose: Rhinoplasty (December with Genio)
Bad Under eye support: Filler, can’t afford implants , plus not that bad (May 2025)
Scleral show: Lower Lip Retraction Surgery (May 2025)
Narrow Jaw, Palate, Mouth, Recessed Cheekbones: MSE and MSDO (May 2027 and beyond, when I get older)

These are all of the biggest failos that I believe are in my control:

The other failos I cannot control are the following:
-Slightly long midface after lip lift (Will never be 1:1)
- Bad IPD (I’m not getting OBO)
- Brown eyes (I’m not getting a keratopigmentation and risking going blind)
-Slightly Narrow Skull (I’m not getting temple implants)

I believe if I do all of the following, I can safely say I will ascend to HTN, give they all go well
Bro you’re not the one the talk with that fucked up cut 😭😭
Huh? Acting a haircut is gonna make or break your face you aspie. Chad looks good in any hairstyle - I mouth breathed when caused my long face when I was younger, and now I’m trying to put the pieces back together.
Huh? Acting a haircut is gonna make or break your face you aspie. Chad looks good in any hairstyle - I mouth breathed when caused my long face when I was younger, and now I’m trying to put the pieces back together.
To bad that you mouth breathed when you were little you sick bucko 💀💀
21 going on 40 with a lightbulb skull

its over brotha
To bad that you mouth breathed when you were little you sick bucko 💀💀
Exactly, so now I have to cope with getting surgery and being on websites like these with niggers like you, you fucking aspie
Exactly, so now I have to cope with getting surgery and being on websites like these with niggers like you, you fucking aspie
It’s a good thing god created you that way because people won’t even look up to you.
these comments are pure brutality idk how you haven’t given up on considering surgery, anyways can you make a new thread with actual non distorted pictures if you want any real advice? Also how are you affording all of this at 21
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these comments are pure brutality idk how you haven’t given up on considering surgery, anyways can you make a new thread with actual non distorted pictures if you want any real advice? Also how are you affording all of this at 21
Because I know that I can definitely at the very least reach MTN and that’s good enough for me, a lip lift, under eye filler, and and lower lid retraction surgery, plus possibly a rhino and genio for the side profile and I am 100% gauranteed a mtn/ low HTN. That’s why I haven’t given up
these comments are pure brutality idk how you haven’t given up on considering surgery, anyways can you make a new thread with actual non distorted pictures if you want any real advice? Also how are you affording all of this at 21
Comments can be as brutal as they want, I have the money for all of it, truly shows that no matter how fucked you are, as long as you have money, you can always change your situation
these comments are pure brutality idk how you haven’t given up on considering surgery, anyways can you make a new thread with actual non distorted pictures if you want any real advice? Also how are you affording all of this at 21
Also DM me bro, I don’t know how this shit works
I know for a fact a few things are wrong which is why I’m getting surgery to address all of them. Here is the list:

Non existent top lip (my biggest failo): In one month
Recessed Chin: Genioplasty (December)
Crooked Nose: Rhinoplasty (December with Genio)
Bad Under eye support: Filler, can’t afford implants , plus not that bad (May 2025)
Scleral show: Lower Lip Retraction Surgery (May 2025)
Narrow Jaw, Palate, Mouth, Recessed Cheekbones: MSE and MSDO (May 2027 and beyond, when I get older)

These are all of the biggest failos that I believe are in my control:

The other failos I cannot control are the following:
-Slightly long midface after lip lift (Will never be 1:1)
- Bad IPD (I’m not getting OBO)
- Brown eyes (I’m not getting a keratopigmentation and risking going blind)
-Slightly Narrow Skull (I’m not getting temple implants)

I believe if I do all of the following, I can safely say I will ascend to HTN, give they all go well
I had genioplasty this month and realistically there have been little to no difference from the front and very little difference from the side and 3/4 view, maybe like 0.1 points+

Do not expect these surgeries to halo you, your front profile won't even change with these and others as well

If you have slightly bigger nose, not jewish humongous nose, it will do almost no change

Truth be told, realistically after being on this forum for some time and personally been to genio (8mm advancement, almost the max, which i was recessed before), i can say that sfter all these surgeries, realistically expect +0.5 point advancement

If you expect to go 2 points, i think it is unrealistic, 1 point would already be very very good result
I had genioplasty this month and realistically there have been little to no difference from the front and very little difference from the side and 3/4 view, maybe like 0.1 points+

Do not expect these surgeries to halo you, your front profile won't even change with these and others as well

If you have slightly bigger nose, not jewish humongous nose, it will do almost no change

Truth be told, realistically after being on this forum for some time and personally been to genio (8mm advancement, almost the max, which i was recessed before), i can say that sfter all these surgeries, realistically expect +0.5 point advancement

If you expect to go 2 points, i think it is unrealistic, 1 point would already be very very good result
did you get botched? Most of the good genio results are 8 mm and they show good improvement especially from the side. I was planning on genio but if it’s as underwhelming as you say why didn’t u pair it with bimax?
did you get botched? Most of the good genio results are 8 mm and they show good improvement especially from the side. I was planning on genio but if it’s as underwhelming as you say why didn’t u pair it with bimax?
It looks better from the side, but Almost no difference from the front of 3/4 view, no not expect anything more than 0.1-0.4 point improvement

Maybe wrap around implant would give you the results that are +1-2 points

I didn't want bimax
did you get botched? Most of the good genio results are 8 mm and they show good improvement especially from the side. I was planning on genio but if it’s as underwhelming as you say why didn’t u pair it with bimax?
After all time on looksmax and other things, fixing coloring, contrast and growing and shaping beard and hair will really give bigger difference
I had genioplasty this month and realistically there have been little to no difference from the front and very little difference from the side and 3/4 view, maybe like 0.1 points+

Do not expect these surgeries to halo you, your front profile won't even change with these and others as well

If you have slightly bigger nose, not jewish humongous nose, it will do almost no change

Truth be told, realistically after being on this forum for some time and personally been to genio (8mm advancement, almost the max, which i was recessed before), i can say that sfter all these surgeries, realistically expect +0.5 point advancement

If you expect to go 2 points, i think it is unrealistic, 1 point would already be very very good result
Nope, lip lift will literally be life changing for me, I go from having a subhuman upper lip, philtrum, and midface ratio, to a normal one, and so will lower lid retraction, I go from having a subhuman
I had genioplasty this month and realistically there have been little to no difference from the front and very little difference from the side and 3/4 view, maybe like 0.1 points+

Do not expect these surgeries to halo you, your front profile won't even change with these and others as well

If you have slightly bigger nose, not jewish humongous nose, it will do almost no change

Truth be told, realistically after being on this forum for some time and personally been to genio (8mm advancement, almost the max, which i was recessed before), i can say that sfter all these surgeries, realistically expect +0.5 point advancement

If you expect to go 2 points, i think it is unrealistic, 1 point would already be very very good result
there’s no way your telling me a lip lift, rhino for my crooked nose, and under eye filler with getting almond eyes won’t ascend me so hard, literally go from LTN to MTN with this, and then with a upper and lower jaw expander, I can literally get to low HTN or 6 out of 10, very possible bro, money fixes everything to a certain extent
Nope, lip lift will literally be life changing for me, I go from having a subhuman upper lip, philtrum, and midface ratio, to a normal one, and so will lower lid retraction, I go from having a subhuman

there’s no way your telling me a lip lift, rhino for my crooked nose, and under eye filler with getting almond eyes won’t ascend me so hard, literally go from LTN to MTN with this, and then with a upper and lower jaw expander, I can literally get to low HTN or 6 out of 10, very possible bro, money fixes everything to a certain extent
No almond eyes with under eye filler, sorry
You would need blapheroplasty or almond etes surgery, which will make you probably uncanny

Also i'm telling you that you are planning your surgery from photos that doesn't depict reality

This is realistic result of all those surgeries:
4212497 IMG 5902

You won't have that hollow sport under eyes and a bit bigger upper lip, this is it, rhino won't be shown thru front view, if you do not want some extreme form of rhino, which no surgeon would advise

Your jaw is already within correct proportions, any bigger and you will look weird, since the jaw would go farther than your zygos and it shouldn't
Nope, lip lift will literally be life changing for me, I go from having a subhuman upper lip, philtrum, and midface ratio, to a normal one, and so will lower lid retraction, I go from having a subhuman

there’s no way your telling me a lip lift, rhino for my crooked nose, and under eye filler with getting almond eyes won’t ascend me so hard, literally go from LTN to MTN with this, and then with a upper and lower jaw expander, I can literally get to low HTN or 6 out of 10, very possible bro, money fixes everything to a certain extent
4212497 IMG 59021

Eyebrow shaping, beard and longer hair = mtn minimum

4212497 IMG 59022

Looks like fun guy with a guitar, and it's a selfie, not even real look

Then you can get rhino and that's all, no not be autistic retard and plan 20 surgeries... 😔😔
No almond eyes with under eye filler, sorry
You would need blapheroplasty or almond etes surgery, which will make you probably uncanny

Also i'm telling you that you are planning your surgery from photos that doesn't depict reality

This is realistic result of all those surgeries:
View attachment 3001895
You won't have that hollow sport under eyes and a bit bigger upper lip, this is it, rhino won't be shown thru front view, if you do not want some extreme form of rhino, which no surgeon would advise

Your jaw is already within correct proportions, any bigger and you will look weird, since the jaw would go farther than your zygos and it shouldn't
I mean lower eyelid retraction surgery, to move the lower eyelid up, but I see what you are saying, plus, that upper lip is not full at all, and the thing about MSE and MSDO is that they are widening both at the same time, to make it look good, I think all of these combined, make me a MTN, no?
View attachment 3001902
Eyebrow shaping, beard and longer hair = mtn minimum

View attachment 3001904
Looks like fun guy with a guitar, and it's a selfie, not even real look

Then you can get rhino and that's all, no not be autistic retard and plan 20 surgeries... 😔😔
Nope, I don’t care anymore, I can’t even get that hair, so it’s over, and I can’t even grow a good beard, in order to have that smile I need MSE and MSDO to widen the smile
I mean lower eyelid retraction surgery, to move the lower eyelid up, but I see what you are saying, plus, that upper lip is not full at all, and the thing about MSE and MSDO is that they are widening both at the same time, to make it look good, I think all of these combined, make me a MTN, no?
No, you need to cut corners of your mouth to get wider smile, i don't think it works that way and you will look like an ogre with bigger jaw than your head

What you need is minoxidil + dermarolling for hair and beard, working out a bit, shaping your eyebrows and getting rhino if it's death tier from the side

Look: filler - you have to do it in every 6-12 months + it can migrate, so getting it near your eyes is not the best, if you do not need it and it saggies the skin, so after the filler is gone, it might look even worse after some years
No, you need to cut corners of your mouth to get wider smile, i don't think it works that way and you will look like an ogre with bigger jaw than your head

What you need is minoxidil + dermarolling for hair and beard, working out a bit, shaping your eyebrows and getting rhino if it's death tier from the side

Look: filler - you have to do it in every 6-12 months + it can migrate, so getting it near your eyes is not the best, if you do not need it and it saggies the skin, so after the filler is gone, it might look even worse after some years
No I mean I have a narrow palate, that’s what I’m saying. But yea, I see what you mean, I’m pretty much screwed - okay, I’ll just get rhino, a lip lift, a fat graft, lower lid surgery, and Ill just do MSE and MSDO for the airway benefits, since I struggle to breath through my nose because of my narrow palate, then I’ll try to get dreads and grow a beard, then call it a day. It’s pretty much over tho, no need to do any crazy stuff
No I mean I have a narrow palate, that’s what I’m saying. But yea, I see what you mean, I’m pretty much screwed - okay, I’ll just get rhino, a lip lift, a fat graft, lower lid surgery, and Ill just do MSE and MSDO for the airway benefits, since I struggle to breath through my nose because of my narrow palate, then I’ll try to get dreads and grow a beard, then call it a day. It’s pretty much over tho, no need to do any crazy stuff
It’s so over bro, brutal genetics and mouth breathing pill, even with 4 surgeries and palate expander I can only get to MTN

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