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low mtn, bro you dont need to fucking surgerymaxx retard, go enjoy life, prolly just need to moneymaxx and then you can pull stacys. Charismamaxx and moneymaxx and your good to go
I just want a straight nose, full lips, to get rid of my under eyes, and then to just get rid of my scleral show, that’s it. But I see what you mean
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I just want a straight nose, full lips, to get rid of my under eyes, and then to just get rid of my scleral show, that’s it. But I see what you mean
Those were not braids, just longer h
No I mean I have a narrow palate, that’s what I’m saying. But yea, I see what you mean, I’m pretty much screwed - okay, I’ll just get rhino, a lip lift, a fat graft, lower lid surgery, and Ill just do MSE and MSDO for the airway benefits, since I struggle to breath through my nose because of my narrow palate, then I’ll try to get dreads and grow a beard, then call it a day. It’s pretty much over tho, no need to do any crazy stuff
They are not dreads, so no worry, you can take 1 thing at time, always ask the advice from doctors if you need those things

If you grow a beard, it will hide your upper lip either way most of the time, so it might be pointless to go for surgery
I just want a straight nose, full lips, to get rid of my under eyes, and then to just get rid of my scleral show, that’s it. But I see what you mean

Those were not braids, just longer h

They are not dreads, so no worry, you can take 1 thing at time, always ask the advice from doctors if you need those things

If you grow a beard, it will hide your upper lip either way most of the time, so it might be pointless to go for surgery
Nah man, shortens the philtrum which is massive, I’m getting it in a month
Those were not braids, just longer h

They are not dreads, so no worry, you can take 1 thing at time, always ask the advice from doctors if you need those things

If you grow a beard, it will hide your upper lip either way most of the time, so it might be pointless to go for surgery
But yea, other than that your right, I should be a 5/10 after the end of this, which is good enough to get an Egyptian girl given the fact that I’m Egyptian and 6”1
But yea, other than that your right, I should be a 5/10 after the end of this, which is good enough to get an Egyptian girl given the fact that I’m Egyptian and 6”1
That sounds good to me, good luck my friend :)
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Everyone is lying to you and gaslighting you. You are a proper ass subhuman. Any surgery is a waste of money and painful recovery for no gain.
You need to accept that that part of life isn't for you. Even if you become 4/10 (which is impossible), you'll never be able to compete with a 4/10 white or black guy. Enough with delusions - a lip lift it any other arbitrarily procedure won't help. You best bet is to move to Egypt and try to betabuxx some poor (as in unhappy) woman.
its so over

Everyone is lying to you and gaslighting you. You are a proper ass subhuman. Any surgery is a waste of money and painful recovery for no gain.
You need to accept that that part of life isn't for you. Even if you become 4/10 (which is impossible), you'll never be able to compete with a 4/10 white or black guy. Enough with delusions - a lip lift it any other arbitrarily procedure won't help. You best bet is to move to Egypt and try to betabuxx some poor (as in unhappy) woman.
Nope, definitely not, lip lift, rhino, and lower lid surgery and I’m good to go bruv, if I want to get MSE and MSDO I can, don’t really necessary. Definitely not subhuman lmao
have you ever tried to grow out beard?
Obvious jaw asymmetry, close IPD + small width making an shit esr and midface ratio.

1. Jaw surgery (for symmetric base and projection)
2. Gonion Implants, Zygo + Infra Implants
3. OBO
4. Lip lift

Visiting GIANT
The Office Lol GIF by NETFLIX
Everyone is lying to you and gaslighting you. You are a proper ass subhuman. Any surgery is a waste of money and painful recovery for no gain.
You need to accept that that part of life isn't for you. Even if you become 4/10 (which is impossible), you'll never be able to compete with a 4/10 white or black guy. Enough with delusions - a lip lift it any other arbitrarily procedure won't help. You best bet is to move to Egypt and try to betabuxx some poor (as in unhappy) woman.

Everyone is lying to you and gaslighting you. You are a proper ass subhuman. Any surgery is a waste of money and painful recovery for no gain.
You need to accept that that part of life isn't for you. Even if you become 4/10 (which is impossible), you'll never be able to compete with a 4/10 white or black guy. Enough with delusions - a lip lift it any other arbitrarily procedure won't help. You best bet is to move to Egypt and try to betabuxx some poor (as in unhappy) woman.
Also, no betabuxxing bro, I’ll just be alone, no big deal
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In your state if you want to pull you should moneymaxxx bc it’s so over you look 35 yo and only 100k + of surgery can save you to htn
What are the 100k of surgeries? You severely underestimate me and the depths I will go to correct this.
In your state if you want to pull you should moneymaxxx bc it’s so over you look 35 yo and only 100k + of surgery can save you to htn
I probably have most of them listed: MSE and MSDO (20k) Rhino (10k) Genio (10k) Lip Lift (4k) Jaw implants (10k) (after MSE and MSDO) Zygo Implants (10k) (After MSE and MSDO), Lower lid retraction surgery (5k) Infraorbital implants (10k), anything else buddy boyo? I can get OBO as well
What are the 100k of surgeries? You severely underestimate me and the depths I will go to correct this.
So much effort for nothing , stop the cope , there’s no Hope for you brainrot even if you’re hardmaxx for next 5 year of surgery you’ll just look uncanny just get rich and pull

I probably have most of them listed: MSE and MSDO (20k) Rhino (10k) Genio (10k) Lip Lift (4k) Jaw implants (10k) (after MSE and MSDO) Zygo Implants (10k) (After MSE and MSDO), Lower lid retraction surgery (5k) Infraorbital implants (10k), anything else buddy boyo? I can get OBO as well
JFL it’s so brutal to need that much of surgery and experience years of pain with all of these surgery to look htn uncanny valley
JFL it’s so brutal to need that much of surgery and experience years of pain with all of these surgery to look htn uncanny valley
Lmaoooo bros kinda right, should probably just chill, maybe a lip lift, rhino, fix the eyebags, and fix the sclera show and call it a day? I wanna do MSE just for airway. Can I be at least MTN after that?
Lmaoooo bros kinda right, should probably just chill, maybe a lip lift, rhino, fix the eyebags, and fix the sclera show and call it a day? I wanna do MSE just for airway. Can I be at least MTN after that?
Lmaoooo bros kinda right, should probably just chill, maybe a lip lift, rhino, fix the eyebags, and fix the sclera show and call it a day? I wanna do MSE just for airway. Can I be at least MTN after that?
It’s the only way I don’t look uncanny
Rn yes but after many surgery you’ll look uncanny
Perfect, that’s good enough for me boss, we’ll take it - just a lip lift, rhino, low lid retraction surgery + under eye filler and we will be chilling
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Lmaoooo bros kinda right, should probably just chill, maybe a lip lift, rhino, fix the eyebags, and fix the sclera show and call it a day? I wanna do MSE just for airway. Can I be at least MTN after that?
Of course but 80% chance to look uncanny and idk if that much of pain is worth just to be mtn
Perfect, that’s good enough for me boss, we’ll take it - just a lip lift, rhino, low lid retraction surgery + under eye filler and we will be chilling
At least I won’t look subhuman
Of course but 80% chance to look uncanny and idk if that much of pain is worth just to be mtn
Of course it’s worth it to be MTN, life starts at 6”0 and MTN, and I’m 6”1
Of course but 80% chance to look uncanny and idk if that much of pain is worth just to be mtn
That’s literally so worth it to me, I’m a Subhuman/LTN being a MTN literally affects the way people treat me bro, my life, so worth it and thank God I have money
That’s literally so worth it to me, I’m a Subhuman/LTN being a MTN literally affects the way people treat me bro, my life, so worth it and thank God I have money
I can literally get laid as a MTN
Of course it’s worth it to be MTN, life starts at 6”0 and MTN, and I’m 6”1
Cope life start at 5’10 and htn ( if you want to pull htb and more ) but life start at 5’8 and mtn if you just want to pull ltb / mtb
Cope life start at 5’10 and htn ( if you want to pull htb and more ) but life start at 5’8 and mtn if you just want to pull ltb / mtb
Do you think I give a fuck if i want a HTB or LTB? I just want to fuck anything
Cope life start at 5’10 and htn ( if you want to pull htb and more ) but life start at 5’8 and mtn if you just want to pull ltb / mtb
I’m a fucking incel bro
Do you think I give a fuck if i want a HTB or LTB? I just want to fuck anything
JFL even with you’re actual face and even if you were 5’7 i think you can pull ltb so with 6’1 rn i think you can ofc pull high ltb / very low mtn if you know how to talk with foids
Cope life start at 5’10 and htn ( if you want to pull htb and more ) but life start at 5’8 and mtn if you just want to pull ltb / mt

JFL even with you’re actual face and even if you were 5’7 i think you can pull ltb so with 6’1 rn i think you can ofc pull high ltb / very low mtn if you know how to talk with foids
Nigger you just said I’m subhuman, I want to guarantee I lose my virginity before I die bro
Nigger you just said I’m subhuman, I want to guarantee I lose my virginity before I die bro
Yeah you’re low ltn borderline sub but women who’s on the same level of beauty as you Are desperate like you so it’s why i Said even if you’re kinda sub you can pull ltb
Nigger you just said I’m subhuman, I want to guarantee I lose my virginity before I die bro
JFL even with you’re actual face and even if you were 5’7 i think you can pull ltb so with 6’1 rn i think you can ofc pull high ltb / very low mtn if you know how to talk with foids

Yeah you’re low ltn borderline sub but women who’s on the same level of beauty as you Are desperate like you so it’s why i Said even if you’re kinda sub you can pull ltb
Nah, fuck that might as well just get a MTB as a MTN
Nah, fuck that might as well just get a MTB as a MTN
Do what you want but your plan is dangerous if everything goes wrong you’ll be able to find yourself even more sub than before uncanny supplement while having spent your money for nothing and having experienced months of pain with surgeries
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Do what you want but your plan is dangerous if everything goes wrong you’ll be able to find yourself even more sub than before uncanny supplement while having spent your money for nothing and having experienced months of pain with surgeries
No nigger, nothing dangerous about getting an upper lip, straightening your nose, and pushing your lower eyelid up and injecting some filler into your under eyes
No nigger, nothing dangerous about getting an upper lip, straightening your nose, and pushing your lower eyelid up and injecting some filler into your under eyes
JFL rhino can easely make you look uncanny or don’t suit with you’re pheno there’s many factors but yes others don’t seem to be dangerous for the uncanny look
JFL rhino can easely make you look uncanny or don’t suit with you’re pheno there’s many factors but yes others don’t seem to be dangerous for the uncanny look
But fuck yea man, see? It’s not even over bro, MTN is alright, and we will have a nice Egyptian whore one day

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