Rate Me Mother fuckers



Oct 26, 2019
First of all a kiss to kinko ti leccherei i pettorali
WIN 20191030 15 07 55 Pro 2
WIN 20191030 15 06 50 Pro 2
WIN 20191030 15 07 20 Pro 2

WIN 20191030 15 34 46 Pro 2
b/w filter so no more yellowish shitty camera

I'm the italian Rambo, 10 psl I mog you all sorry.

ciao coglioni


  • WIN_20191030_15_06_50_Pro.2.jpg.png
    60 KB · Views: 18
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2581
Ban those sicilians scums
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: muflone, Deleted member 2581, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 4 others
4 psl a little above average all things conaidered
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: SayNoToRotting, Deleted member 2581, PubertyMaxxer and 5 others
3.75 psl
  • +1
Reactions: Enlil
fag alert
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer and Enlil

So 10 psl? I'll take it brah, we italian are too strong an attractive it's almost unfair, SUPERIOR GENETIC!!!!
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2581 and Deleted member 2810
So 10 psl? I'll take it brah, we italian are too strong an attractive it's almost unfair, SUPERIOR GENETIC!!!!

mirin that low inhib slayer brain of Italiancels ngl.
@knajjd ban this faggot
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2581, PubertyMaxxer, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 2 others
I mog the universe then, but seriously come back to visit sometimes, no need to stay here only

I'll head to the gym, gonna mog there too, bye for now
your eyes remind me of steve buschemi

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer and JustTrynaGrow
Textbook cel fr.
You're clearly proud of your subhuman gymceled body & probably don't realise you have wide hips and terrible muscle placement. I'm sure you look decent in a shirt tho.

3psl because of fisheyes. huge failio
average for the most part on the rest if your face
your eyes remind me of steve buschemi

View attachment 150763
OP mogs because of his 200+ fov
I mog the universe then, but seriously come back to visit sometimes, no need to stay here only

I'll head to the gym, gonna mog there too, bye for now
Seriously u hit the gym? 😂
IMG 20191024 211327
11/10 GigaChad
  • +1
Reactions: RAMBO
here you go buddy

Quando farai alzate per le spalle con manubri da 35kg allora potrai taggarmi
When you raise your shoulders with 35 kg dumbbells then you have to tag me
When you raise your shoulders with 35 kg dumbbells then you have to tag me
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer and Deleted member 2486
Quando farai alzate per le spalle con manubri da 35kg allora potrai taggarmi
When you raise your shoulders with 35 kg dumbbells then you have to tag me
When you raise your shoulders with 35 kg dumbbells then you have to tag me
when you stop roidfagging tag me
When you raise your shoulders with 35 kg dumbbells then you have to tag me
no lateral raise for clavicle + insertion
  • +1
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer and JustTrynaGrow
Seriously u hit the gym? 😂
View attachment 150773

Cosa ridi? Se fossi natural perderesti 10 kg in un mese
Why are you laughing? If u would stop taking roids u would lose 10 kg in a month
Textbook cel fr.
You're clearly proud of your subhuman gymceled body & probably don't realise you have wide hips and terrible muscle placement. I'm sure you look decent in a shirt tho.

3psl because of fisheyes. huge failio
average for the most part on the rest if your face

OP mogs because of his 200+ fov
Terrible muscle palecement? I don't think so, wide hips I agree, but I've got crazy triceps insertion, crazy traps, good pecs (undeveloped), and average biceps insertions.
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Cosa ridi? Se fossi natural perderesti 10 kg in un mese
Why are you laughing? If u would stop taking roids u would lose 10 kg in a month

Terrible muscle palecement? I don't think so, wide hips I agree, but I've got crazy triceps insertion, crazy traps, good pecs (undeveloped), and average biceps insertions.
Scrive bene la frase in inglese e male in italiano,complimenti
3.5 below average
Scrive bene la frase in inglese e male in italiano,complimenti
Invece di scrivere stronzate sei andato in palestra oggi?
Did u went to the gym today?
your arms are hugely unproportional to the rest of your body. Work Chest, back and shoulders more.
So 10 psl? I'll take it brah, we italian are too strong an attractive it's almost unfair, SUPERIOR GENETIC!!!!

Hate it to break it to you but you have the lowest birth rates in Europe. Italian women are as useless and spoiled as Spanish women. And useless women are just a product of useless men. When is your next thirsty sex pilgrimage to the Ukraine where you'll run Italian clown game?
  • JFL
Reactions: TheRenaissanceMan and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: shibo, Deleted member 2581, RAMBO and 2 others
This isn't a fair battle cause @RAMBO is natty and @Kinko is on roids
your arms are hugely unproportional to the rest of your body. Work Chest, back and shoulders more.
He has shit shoulder genetics
Why u rate him so low? hes atleast psl 4.25
  • +1
Reactions: RAMBO
Hate it to break it to you but you have the lowest birth rates in Europe. Italian women are as useless and spoiled as Spanish women. And useless women are just a product of useless men. When is your next thirsty sex pilgrimage to the Ukraine where you'll run Italian clown game?

Well you are right tbh, they are so self absorbed it's unbelivable, even a 1psl girl would consider herself a diva, it's a mess and social networks play a huge role in this
This isn't a fair battle cause @RAMBO is natty and @Kinko is on roids

He has shit shoulder genetics
No I train them poorly believe me, I need to change my workout
Why u rate him so low? hes atleast psl 4.25
Thankyou, the camera is really shitty and in real life I think i'm better looking than in these photos, I'll post more once I change phone
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