Rate top 5% 🇧🇩 girls

The ones marked X are not top 5%
View attachment 3052022

They must be somewhat related because this is NOT average at all. Massively makeupmaxxed. They look way lighter than average which brings out their gooky genes (especially top left). Some of them are even contactmaxxxing. But I'm sure of one thing they can't escape; they are all short AF womanlets.

Tiktok is ultimate blackpill. You search any ethnicity the TOP RESULTS are always full of people who are the top 5-10% their own race.

@Gengar @Chadeep @JohnDoe @Diarrhoea

By paki standards I think they're maybe top 10-15 percentile.

The make-up fraud is so heavy it just looks disgusting jfl
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Reactions: Lebron_James and SecularIslamist

The ones marked X are not top 5%
View attachment 3052022

They must be somewhat related because this is NOT average at all. Massively makeupmaxxed. They look way lighter than average which brings out their gooky genes (especially top left). Some of them are even contactmaxxxing. But I'm sure of one thing they can't escape; they are all short AF womanlets.

Tiktok is ultimate blackpill. You search any ethnicity the TOP RESULTS are always full of people who are the top 5-10% their own race.

@Gengar @Chadeep @JohnDoe @Diarrhoea

By paki standards I think they're maybe top 10-15 percentile.

Wtf imma middle eastern dude and I’m lighter than them with all that makeup :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist, JohnDoe and Pakicel
contact maxxing is getting common now lol Bengalis foids do it a lot tbh out of all ethnics
Especially when it’s blue. Like not even hazel or green if you really wanna stretch it, absolutely unbelievable
  • JFL
Reactions: Diarrhoea
You are self-proclaimed LTN are you not? secular is MTN so if he's going to kinda struggle due to these foids having high standards, you and me have no cahnce enve if you are better looking than me, you're sitll LTN and worst of all yo uhave slight curry accent, i can say with 100% certainty not a single foid in this video would give you a chance because of this alone unless you are salludon tier. Curry accent even if slight = INSTANT REJECTION by uk born curry foids. My grooming isn't an issue bhai, i actually shaved/cut my hair a while ago, fashion isn't even that bad compared to what is ee other curries dressed as. career and rotting yes i agree but face is the only thing that matters if you are atleast 5'9 which i am.
I never said I mog you lol. Heck, I haven't even seen you. I do kinda suspect your account is LARP and you are actually just some ethnic normie with a white collar job who just comes on here when he gets bored at work. I did something similar when I first joined here. But I don't want to invalidate you so I have to trust you if I want to get anywhere with you.

But anyways, I don't think a guy with secular's stats (he claimed to have a well-paying job and a house) would struggle to arrangemarriagmax these foids. Guys like that normally end up with indian stacies. You are seriosuly overestimating your competition if you think you need to be a chadlite to arrangemarriagemax these foids. I don't even think they care about looks as much as you think unless you are VERY UGLY. Like I am talking being 5'5" fat and bald with a jaw deformity that makes it difficult for you to speak. Sure, guys like that are overrepresented amongst arrangemarriagemaxxers but the average curry on here is nowhere near that bad.

I am guessing in @SecularIslamist's case, there are other factors working against him. Maybe he has some very specific criteria that are hard to meet for most curry foids, there are not that many foids of marriageable age in his extended family, parents are divorced etc.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: JohnDoe and SecularIslamist
This is ALWAYS the fucking problem with curries who stand out. The pretty privilege and gaslighting they get makes them think they're gods gift.
I know ugly ones with the same egos bhai :hnghn:
Wtf imma middle eastern dude and I’m lighter than them with all that makeup :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Of course you are. These are bengali people. They tend to be on the darker side.
  • +1
Reactions: Lebron_James
Honestly do you want me to rate them on how they look in this video or their true rating which is atleast 1 point below but i guess i'll rate their frauded pics in this video.
If a decent looking fair-skinned paki foid had this much make up on, i'm fairly certain she'd mog all except the HTB who is frauding contacts i think. But yh these foids are for sure top tier for bengalis.
What do you think their standards are bhai? most of the MTBs here are your looksmatch imo yet... would they accept you? i think not which is brutal.
View attachment 3053062
Honestly I'd only go for that MTB and HTB. But as we've established none of them would go for me. I've had girls on there level like me, I've had girls on there level ghost/block me. It's too brutal. Again, this is OLD not real life. You saw how even my Chadlite experiments fell way below the mark.

The only way I could either get girls on this level is either real life or more higher chance abroad. The latter is still hard, but you need to sell yourself way more, once you meet the minimum threshold for looks. This is why NTmaxxxed LTNs slay past non-NT MTNs and even HTNs.
  • +1
Reactions: Pakicel
How the fuck are u getting ghosted by these type of girls they’re easy in school tbh they’re not Chad only

Holy shit ur standards are horrendous bro @Gengar they aren’t top 5 percent for pakis either lol literally almost every paki I see Looks comparable to this if not better
kinda agree with you tbh, dunno how foids look which ever middle shithole you're from bhai, but yh take all that makeup off and i see better and whiter paki foids IRL, hell even the local supermarket girl probably fogs most of these girls if same amount of makeup.
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Honestly I'd only go for that MTB and HTB. But as we've established none of them would go for me. I've had girls on there level like me, I've had girls on there level ghost/block me. It's too brutal. Again, this is OLD not real life. You saw how even my Chadlite experiments fell way below the mark.

The only way I could either get girls on this level is either real life or more higher chance abroad. The latter is still hard, but you need to sell yourself way more, once you meet the minimum threshold for looks. This is why NTmaxxxed LTNs slay past non-NT MTNs and even HTNs.
Something just doesn't add up. I see way too many curries below normie level have success on apps like Muzzmatch because there are lots of truecel arrangemarriagemaxxers on there. I think foids have a different set of criteria on Muzzmatch. What does your profile indicate? Any pics of you doing drugs/going to parties? Have you escortcelled before?
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
I never said I mog you lol. Heck, I haven't even seen you. I do kinda suspect your account is LARP and you are actually just some ethnic normie with a white collar job who just comes on here when he gets bored at work. I did something similar when I first joined here. But I don't want to invalidate you so I have to trust you if I want to get anywhere with you.

But anyways, I don't think a guy with secular's stats (he claimed to have a well-paying job and a house) would struggle to arrangemarriagmax these foids. Guys like that normally end up with indian stacies. You are seriosuly overestimating your competition if you think you need to be a chadlite to arrangemarriagemax these foids. I don't even think they care about looks as much as you think unless you are VERY UGLY. Like I am talking being 5'5" fat and bald with a jaw deformity that makes it difficult for you to speak. Sure, guys like that are overrepresented amongst arrangemarriagemaxxers but the average curry on here is nowhere near that bad.

I am guessing in @SecularIslamist's case, there are other factors working against him. Maybe he has some very specific criteria that are hard to meet for most curry foids, there are not that many foids of marriageable age in his extended family, parents are divorced etc.
Bro the point wasn't whether you mog me or not, you obviously do since i'm subhuman but that if secular would struggle to get them and he's clearly better looking than both of us, it's just over for us to even try. If i come down to London, we can meet so you can stop calling me larp okay? I'm ugly as fuck so don't be surprised buddy boyo

None of these girls want or will have arrangemarriage imo or they'll try thier best not to, they want guys who grew up in the uk like them and they're GL enough for bengalis to ask for such demands. Nobody here in the Uk even wants arrangemarraige tbh, very few curry guys actually want it, they just have to cope because they can't get a foid here. I myself would rather a girl from the UK even if she's only a strong LTB or whatever instead of a MTB PK foid. Secular could honestly get HTB bengali foid if he went looking in Bangladesh, his skin color + passport + looks + finances/property etc and not even that difficult but i understand why he doesn't, we don't want freshie girls JFL
You overexaggerate ugliness, they don't like ugly guys like me, sure the ones back home care less about looks than girls here but they still care. Money/job/family status etc matters more i know..
Seculars problem is that he likes MENA girls and doesn't even really want a bengali foid. And he lives in majority white area so lcoationcucked
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Pakicel
Something just doesn't add up. I see way too many curries below normie level have success on apps like Muzzmatch because there are lots of truecel arrangemarriagemaxxers on there. I think foids have a different set of criteria on Muzzmatch. What does your profile indicate? Any pics of you doing drugs/going to parties? Have you escortcelled before?
nah i think if anyone secular has the most experience since he's been on the app for quite some time, i've seen results and even the type of guys on there that he's shown me, subhumans or below normie levels aren't getting any likes JFL. You're ocmpletely wrong. The guys who get most success are like fair-skinned 5'11 MTN paki type or wh atever.
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Wtf imma middle eastern dude and I’m lighter than them with all that makeup :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
If they remove makeup they would be 1 tier darker. All curries do this tbh.
But anyways, I don't think a guy with secular's stats (he claimed to have a well-paying job and a house) would struggle to arrangemarriagmax these foids. Guys like that normally end up with indian stacies. You are seriosuly overestimating your competition if you think you need to be a chadlite to arrangemarriagemax these foids. I don't even think they care about looks as much as you think unless you are VERY UGLY. Like I am talking being 5'5" fat and bald with a jaw deformity that makes it difficult for you to speak. Sure, guys like that are overrepresented amongst arrangemarriagemaxxers but the average curry on here is nowhere near that bad.

I am guessing in @SecularIslamist's case, there are other factors working against him. Maybe he has some very specific criteria that are hard to meet for most curry foids, there are not that many foids of marriageable age in his extended family, parents are divorced etc.
Arrangemarriagemaxx I don't care who you are it's possible to marry 1+ or 2+ your looksmatch. Even in today's world. That's a given.

For a Bengali I'll admit I mog most others. Even as a manlet I still feel average amongst my peers. I'm educated and earn more than most my age Bengali or not. So yeah above average stats. I am giga locationpilled. As I said I only like two of those girls in the vid.

My tastes are fucked up. I don't get how I managed like a MENA pheno LTB over a curry MTB tbh.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Lebron_James and JohnDoe
@SecularIslamist idk what you’re talking about. None of these women would be difficult to date.

Desi women have very very low standards on physical appearance as long as you are not dark skinned.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Diarrhoea, Pakicel, JohnDoe and 1 other person
Something just doesn't add up. I see way too many curries below normie level have success on apps like Muzzmatch because there are lots of truecel arrangemarriagemaxxers on there. I think foids have a different set of criteria on Muzzmatch. What does your profile indicate? Any pics of you doing drugs/going to parties? Have you escortcelled before?
Bruh my profile is fine. My pics are fine. My bio is good. Not too extreme either way.This app is liberal af. By western standards modest but not "Muslim" at all.

When you say they have "success" wdym? I don't think they got their looksmatch. Definitely not.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Pakicel
If they remove makeup they would be 1 tier darker. All curries do this tbh.

Arrangemarriagemaxx I don't care who you are it's possible to marry 1+ or 2+ your looksmatch. Even in today's world. That's a given.

For a Bengali I'll admit I mog most others. Even as a manlet I still feel average amongst my peers. I'm educated and earn more than most my age Bengali or not. So yeah above average stats. I am giga locationpilled. As I said I only like two of those girls in the vid.

My tastes are fucked up. I don't get how I managed like a MENA pheno LTB over a curry MTB tbh.
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
@SecularIslamist idk what you’re talking about. None of these women would be difficult to date.

Desi women have very very low standards on physical appearance as long as you are not dark skinned.
found the gaslighter @SecularIslamist
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
@SecularIslamist idk what you’re talking about. None of these women would be difficult to date.

Desi women have very very low standards on physical appearance as long as you are not dark skinned.
where are these Desi women with "very very low standards" bro? i ain't seen one in 28 years of my life on this god-forsaken island
@SecularIslamist idk what you’re talking about. None of these women would be difficult to date.

Desi women have very very low standards on physical appearance as long as you are not dark skinned.
Bruh download Muzz and prove me wrong. IRL I agree. It might be a balanced situation. In arranged marriage men have the advantage. But on OLD (which only rotters like me rely on) it's over.

Look. This is me with my female filter on Muzz. It was first hour of download and using boost.

Two likes every minute. How the fuck does even Salludon compete with this?!?! Like 90% of guys who saw my profile swiped right.
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Bro the point wasn't whether you mog me or not, you obviously do since i'm subhuman but that if secular would struggle to get them and he's clearly better looking than both of us, it's just over for us to even try. If i come down to London, we can meet so you can stop calling me larp okay? I'm ugly as fuck so don't be surprised buddy boyo
I don't care about mogging. But I am subhuman as well. 3.5 PSL is LTN. 2.5-3 PSL is subhuman. But who cares.

Your story just doesn't add up man. I have never heard of anyone who went to uni to study accounting and finance and chose to rot after uni. Especially those whose parents aren't financially stable. My parents certainly wouldn't be okay with that and would throw me out of the house. And how can you just develop health issues in your 20s like that? When you were perfectly fine before? I have def had periods where I rotted for months. In fact, I rotted from mid-2021 to mid-2022 and just gained some weight but I didn't develop any health issues. And then there's the whole thing about your father being very rich and then leaving you and your mom to fend for yourselves. And now he's back with you guys and everything is fine? It just doesn't add up. And why the hell would you tell people on here you have a small dick? The only people who do that on here are those who are just plain low IQ, which you aren't or just jestermaxxing like that bengali truecel, which you aren't either. But on the off-chance that your story is true, I don't want to invalidate you. So I will believe you when you say you are 'ugly as fuck'. Won't question your story after this either.
None of these girls want or will have arrangemarriage imo or they'll try thier best not to, they want guys who grew up in the uk like them and they're GL enough for bengalis to ask for such demands. Nobody here in the Uk even wants arrangemarraige tbh, very few curry guys actually want it, they just have to cope because they can't get a foid here. I myself would rather a girl from the UK even if she's only a strong LTB or whatever instead of a MTB PK foid. Secular could honestly get HTB bengali foid if he went looking in Bangladesh, his skin color + passport + looks + finances/property etc and not even that difficult but i understand why he doesn't, we don't want freshie girls JFL
You overexaggerate ugliness, they don't like ugly guys like me, sure the ones back home care less about looks than girls here but they still care. Money/job/family status etc matters more i know..
What do you mean by exaggerate? I don't think a slightly recessed skinny 5'8" curry with a below average pheno would be considered ugly by these foids but a decent prospect if he has other things going for him. In fact, he would get a lot of interest when arrangemarriagemaxxing and would get snapped up quickly. Most of the chaddams and chadlites are out there slaying. Why would they bother with arrangemarriagemaxxing?
Seculars problem is that he likes MENA girls and doesn't even really want a bengali foid. And he lives in majority white area so lcoationcucked
Yeah. Marrying outside your culture is difficult. If @SecularIslamist is bengali, he would have much better luck with bengalis or maybe Indians/Pakistanis at best. MENA women will marry MENA men. Also, he should be looking for foids in his extended family or his parent's social circle. That's a much better strategy than OLD. You have to understand that a foid's parents have to approve of you, which is less likely if she found you on Muzzmatch or some other app.
Bruh my profile is fine. My pics are fine. My bio is good. Not too extreme either way.This app is liberal af. By western standards modest but not "Muslim" at all.

When you say they have "success" wdym? I don't think they got their looksmatch. Definitely not.
Dude every single curry I see is married to a foid who mogs them hard. Imo, very few curries date down.
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
@SecularIslamist idk what you’re talking about. None of these women would be difficult to date.

Desi women have very very low standards on physical appearance as long as you are not dark skinned.
First sane comment on here. And I don't think dark skin is as big a failo as you think. A lot of them don't like BBCs though. Like my sister hates them. Imo, curries who can LARP as black should just take advantage of BBC halo and go after white foids.
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
I don't care about mogging. But I am subhuman as well. 3.5 PSL is LTN. 2.5-3 PSL is subhuman. But who cares.

Your story just doesn't add up man. I have never heard of anyone who went to uni to study accounting and finance and chose to rot after uni. Especially those whose parents aren't financially stable. My parents certainly wouldn't be okay with that and would throw me out of the house. And how can you just develop health issues in your 20s like that? When you were perfectly fine before? I have def had periods where I rotted for months. In fact, I rotted from mid-2021 to mid-2022 and just gained some weight but I didn't develop any health issues. And then there's the whole thing about your father being very rich and then leaving you and your mom to fend for yourselves. And now he's back with you guys and everything is fine? It just doesn't add up. And why the hell would you tell people on here you have a small dick? The only people who do that on here are those who are just plain low IQ, which you aren't or just jestermaxxing like that bengali truecel, which you aren't either. But on the off-chance that your story is true, I don't want to invalidate you. So I will believe you when you say you are 'ugly as fuck'. Won't question your story after this either.
I agree something about @JohnDoe is too brutal to believe. I think he's MTN by curry standards he may be high tier MTN. He is Punjabi and they mog most pakis in UK by default.
What do you mean by exaggerate? I don't think a slightly recessed skinny 5'8" curry with a below average pheno would be considered ugly by these foids but a decent prospect if he has other things going for him. In fact, he would get a lot of interet when arrangemarriagemaxxing and would get snapped up quickly. Most of the chaddams and chadlites are out there slaying. Why would they bother with arrangemarriagemaxxing?
I swear you speak like my parents FOB. You are FOB right?
Yeah. Marrying outside your culture is difficult. If @SecularIslamist is bengali, he would have much better luck with bengalis or maybe Indians/Pakistanis at best. MENA women will marry MENA men. Also, he should be looking for foids in his extended family or his parent's social circle. That's a much better strategy than OLD. You have to understand that a foid's parents have to approve of you, which is less likely if she found you on Muzzmatch or some other app.
I kind of know this already. Oh and btw pakis also would never accept me. I'm aware about MENAs but btw only the Arabs and Turks are tribalistic. Nafris are a huge exception I'm literally getting results which would otherwise be Chadlite in the West if I got same reception.
I agree something about @JohnDoe is too brutal to believe. I think he's MTN by curry standards he may be high tier MTN. He is Punjabi and they mog most pakis in UK by default.
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Bruh download Muzz and prove me wrong. IRL I agree. It might be a balanced situation. In arranged marriage men have the advantage. But on OLD (which only rotters like me rely on) it's over.


@SecularIslamist @JohnDoe
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You two need to stop rotting on this form. Idk what goes on in the UK, but it is not that difficult in the US.

Unironically all you need to do is to go to the gym.

@SecularIslamist @JohnDoe
I think Bangladesh might be a more subhuman nation than even India or Sri lanka
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist

@SecularIslamist @JohnDoe

That's not Muzz.

I'd do better on HingeTinder as well. I've proven time and time again Muzzie culture + western hypergamy is the worst combo. Despite the fact that average girl he is 2.5 PSL
You two need to stop rotting on this form. Idk what goes on in the UK, but it is not that difficult in the US.

Unironically all you need to do is to go to the gym.

@SecularIslamist @JohnDoe
Also on that note. My view:like ratio in US is far higher than UK.

So another Ukpill you won't understand. It's impossible mode here despite being the ugliest island nation. Like FR even the MENAs (who I otherwise simp for) here are disgusting
That's not Muzz.

I'd do better on HingeTinder as well. I've proven time and time again Muzzie culture + western hypergamy is the worst combo. Despite the fact that average girl he is 2.5 PSL
i'm not muslim. why would i be on muzz lmao?
Also on that note. My view:like ratio in US is far higher than UK.

So another Ukpill you won't understand. It's impossible mode here despite being the ugliest island nation. Like FR even the MENAs (who I otherwise simp for) here are disgusting

UK is far better for any south asian than the US. Idk what to tell you. Only reason Hinge even works for me is because it has a race filter so like the 95% of women in the US who won't date south asian can filter me out and then I match with the other 5%.

I don't get any matches at all on Tinder in the US, so you already do better than me there.

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