Reminder - if you've never been lean, you don't know wtf you look like and you can't claim to be deformed or recessed or any other BS (my pics inside)

transplants have a limit. You will NEVER have your thick, dense, natural from when you were 16 years old, even with several transplants
Depends on what type of hairloss you have. If it's just hairline, you can still have thick, dense hair everywhere else.

Harry styles hair line

As long as your hairloss stops below nw3, you can go for a full density HT and restore your hair to it's former glory.
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214, Deleted member 15827 and TheAscendedOne
Yes you do look a lot better but you would look EVEN better with some muscle, even with that puny frame. Stop the anti gym cope and get on it, and maybe you wouldn't have to limit yourself to thai whores
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214, Deleted member 5802, ShowerMaxxing and 1 other person
look like one of the Lannister house from Game Of Thrones
  • +1
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OK, will try reply to the main points:

ngl you post lot of shit but that facial definition in the last pics is fucking insane. Mirin it. Great work ngl. Ngl this inspired me to go to 10% bf.

Yeah, if you've never done it, it really needs to be the number 1 step.

you still look like trash tho

fake ascension

OP proud of his low BF 0 muscle body

just lmfao at this loserdoomcel

Like I said, ratings, claims to mog one another etc are not the point of the thread. The main idea is the end point is much better than the start point.

I'm neither proud of nor ashamed of my body, since body doesn't matter anyway, it's all about the face.

great detailed post
joe tall are you
you said 9-10% bf in last pictures how did you measure that


he seems rude but the effort he made and actually still shared it although ppl might shit him now that he posted is something we should appreciate imo

171cm so I was never exactly overweight (my BMI topped out at like 24, and is now slightly underweight on that normie scale, but not by so much. And 171cm is actually a couple of cm above average where I live, so even though it's all about face, even if it wasn't, it wouldn't be an issue). Goes to show you don't need to be medically 'fat' for leaning out to work for you.

The 10% is based on the fact I got a bodpod scan done a few months ago, which showed me at 18% bf at 57.3kg. From there it's quite easy to see where I 'should' be 10%, and based on pictures and comparing online, yeah, it seems about right. Like I say, might be slightly under or over, it doesn't really matter so much - but if you're at a level you can clearly see the top 4 abs, and flex to see the top 6, you're at around the right area.

hes literally nonexistent to 5/10 women

Whatever helps you sleep at night bro.

fuck this makes me question what I started
back to brainstorming

If you're currently deciding between cut and bulk, go for the cut first. Actually I wouldn't bother with the 'bulk' at all - despite what is often claimed here, there's pretty scant evidence for musculature being important to women.

This goes double if you're relatively isolated and your main way to meet women will be online. Online, it literally is all face, since that's what they're seeing when they swipe left or right.

Damn, this is fucking impressive. But OP also got neck or chin liposuction, let's not forget that. The rest of his face leaned out great and is still a good achievement, but he did a hair transplant and lipo in between.

I did the hair transplant, yes. Obviously losing fat was never going to give me a NW1 hairline back, so I could do that one straight away.

It's true I did get chin lipo, however it didn't really do much with hindsight - certainly nothing like losing weight did. To put it into perspective, most of the 'middle' pics (i.e. where I was 61kg/mid twenties bodyfat) were taken after the chin lipo procedure - so as you can see, there was still a ton of work to do.

Note that you cannot get lipo on any area on your face as it will leave crevices and asymmetries - I got mine directly below the chin, to try and remove the double chin that I had. In hindsight, further fat loss may well have done the trick, but I didn't realise I was still a high bf % - I just assumed as I was 61kg that I was a decent bf % and unfortunately still looked like shit. Boy oh boy did I have a shock when I actually went for a scan, got it checked, and it came back mid 20s - but by then I'd already had the procedure.

In short - some of the difference between the first and second set of pics may be down to the lipo. The difference between the second and third set of pics isn't.

Congrats on losing that much weight, well done, you definitely look SIGNIFICANTLY better. As for packing on muscle, i now understand why you hate the idea. THAT FUCKING FRAME:

My hate of gymcelling has absolutely nothing to do with 'frame' (which you can't judge to be bad or good on a 53kg guy anyway - let's cut you down to the same weight and see how good your 'frame' looks) but mainly do with with it being a looksmin, not a looksmax. FWIW, bideltoid width is average at 18.5 inches - that's the average out in the real world according to university led studies btw, not interested in retards here who are claiming it's 21+ or 'it's over bro'. At any rate - it's all about face.

i am motivating him so instead of fatcel>skinnycel he goes >gymcel

Would be a looksmin, buddyboyo.

LMFAO. Now I understand why he hates me so much lolol. Also if you have good fat storing genetics like @Intel.Imperitive and a couple more people here, you won't have any facial bloat at 15%+.

Garbage. You do have facial bloat at 15%, even if you've coped your way into thinking you don't.

Also, strong 'just be Chad and gym is legit' stance again. So let's see boyos, what do we need for gym to be good now?

- You need at least an average face.
- You need to be tall or apparently it's muh overcompensation...or something.
- Apparently you need an above average frame too, given it was judged mine isn't good enough.
- Muscle insertions kinda go without saying, or you'll never look big.
- Oh, you've also gotta have 'good fat storing genetics' too.

Just be Chad bro, and the gym will get you laid! Kys, retard.

Bad exemple most of fat peoples always have strong bones , the opposite ( skinny with strong bones ) is more rare

I wouldn't really say I have particularly strong bones. Lower third is decent now, although I never really got super hollowed out cheeks. Sure if you're recessed all over this isn't gonna work, but you can't make that judgement until you've been lean - everyone would have said my bones were all recessed at 30% bf.

im at 15% body fat even at 58kg
but I can try to get to higher weight and see how that works for me and if i don’t like it just cut down right? I mean now that i’m under way to gain weight it’s better to try that first as i’m having a MUCh Easier time losing weight again.

Lose the weight first boyo. If face gains don't convince you (and they should, since it's all about the face, not the body), then remember that bulking from a lean state is more efficient in terms of muscle to fat gain ratio than bulking from a higher bodyfat. You'll gain more muscle if you cut first...if you absolutely insist on bulking.

so joe do you figure out if you should get lower body fat or not
is there a good way to tell
because when st 15% bf my bones protrude and I’m not sure if cutting more is a good idea
fuckkng confusing
only have low res pictures of me at 52-54kg so I guess that’s not a good idea? might do owl thread

If you're 15% and 58kg now, cutting to 10% should only take 6 weeks tops (you'd have to lose around 3kg - even at 1lb a week you'd be done in 6 weeks). You can cut down to that, taking pictures every week as you go, then judge at what point you feel your face looks best at.

And if you prefer your face at a higher bodyfat level, well it's a piece of cake to regain the weight lol. Just hit mcds a few times and you'll be back at your old levels in no time.

Who said you cant be lean and bulk at the same time. Lets go through the steps of a body transformation of an average guy.

Start at: 6'0 tall. 20% @ 75 Kg.

1) Diet down to 12% at 68 Kg. (lose 1 kg muscle).
2) Lean bulk to 16% at 77 Kg. (Add 3 kg fat and 6 kg muscle).
3) cut down to 12% at 74 Kg.(lose 3 kg fat and 1 kg muscle).
4) Lean bulk to 16% at 83 Kg. (Add 3 kg fat and 6 kg muscle).
5) Cut to 12% at 79 Kg. (lose 3 kg fat and 1 kg muscle).

End at: 6'0 tall 12% @ 79 Kg.

Two Drastically different people. Totally different SMVs. I dont know why you think all gymcels "constantly bulk". Who tf said to just always bulk lol....?

Sounds great on paper. Unfortunately, one look around your gym will confirm no one actually does this. How many lean, ripped, big people do you see vs how many fatcels on the perma bulk? There you yourself for example are over 15%, you just told us. This is time, right now, that you're operating at below your maximum attractiveness potential - and it matters, since time is a finite resource.

Your ratio of fat to muscle gain is highly optimistic, especially once you start getting into the intermediate stages. Most people will be fortunate to obtain a 1:1 ratio.

During all this time you're bulking and gaining fat, you're making your face look worse, so there's big opportunity cost. Then when you start cutting, you'll feel less inclined to go out and get laid because cutting saps your energy and lowers your T levels temporarily, among a whole host of other negative side effects. More opportunity cost. Then once you've finally achieved the body of your's arguable whether foids will even give a shit. Not worth all the time, the money, and the periods you have to deal with bloat, just to get something that may or may not bump your SMV up by a tenth of a PSL point.

fucking loser lol, have fun having no presence in a room with ur epic leanness and soyboy face. its like these tards think being big and lean is impossible


Muh presence! Muh size!

Go overdose on DNP already and stop dragging the rest of us down with gymcel bullshit. You can take your pals with you.

This. Also, why the fuck was this pinned ?? @itsOVER congrats mate on the weight loss you look ten times better than before but you do realise the only reason people are bulking right now is because it’s the winter, and when it gets to summer they’ll cut and have the same bf% or lower despite being way bigger than you? And also if you gain muscle quicker than fat your body fat could still go down. It sounds like you’re just speaking on behalf of those 300 pound strongmen who don’t care about their face but put on muscle because that’s what they do for a living. Personally I don’t see anyone gymcelling who’s planning on ending up with a more bloated face than before they began.

This 'muh season for bulking' is a huge gymcel cope. Do you guys seriously, unironically believe that people stop having sex in the winter, and so you're at full liberty to go and get fat because hey, it's summer when everyone gets laid anyway?

There is no 'season' for having sex. It's year round.

No one gains muscle so fast that their body fat % goes down. Just run the maths and you'll see you'd need to be gaining at a rate of 5:1 muscle: fat for the average normie at 20% bf to decrease their bf % - that ratio gets even worse the leaner you are.

No one plans to 'end' with a more bloated face, but all the time in between the start and the end point when they HAVE a bloated face is time they'll never get back. Not to mention the 'end' never happens with most gymcels, they just bulk and bulk, coping like the idiot above with muh size, muh I could beat you up, muh presence, muh 'I look big in clothes' (congrats, looking 'big in clothes' makes you look worse).


good thread, best one you've done so far, congratz on the weight loss, Im currently at 199lbs rn skinny fat, Still cutting down prob gonna cut down to 180lbs or so, that should be very low for my size and frame, I will post up a thread like yours when done, 180lbs will mark a 100lb weight loss for me. Also how are you estimating your body fat? dexa scan?

It was a bodpod machine which uses air displacement to measure. Not quite as accurate as DEXA, but much better than calipers or bio-impedance analysis or anything else. They're accurate to within a couple of percentage points.

No intelligent person says to perma bulk you dumb fuck. The point is to put on muscle and then cut down to a good body fat percentage to where you’re lean. You look like a twink now and you’re telling me you wouldn’t look better with muscle? You’re delusional bud. Also someone said you got liposuction and fat removal from your face lmao.

Yeah ragie roidcel, I'm telling you I wouldn't look better with more muscle. Because those muscle gains also come with fat ones - and girls don't care about your fucking muscles anyway.

Go on, invent another alternate reality like you did last time where gymcelling was made legit. What was it...oh yeah, 'if you go to prison you'll get ass raped by Bubba' :LOL: You really do fulfill the stereotype of the low IQ meathead roider.

I can already picture the foam coming out of your mouth and the steam fromyour ears, as your red bloatlord face pounds with his fat fingers on the keyboard 'FUCKIN TWINK, I'D SMACK UR FACE IN IN REAL LIFE'. Another one of your alternate realities where all your gymming is useful, but I guess you have to cope somehow, eh?

>got a lipo
>claims fat loss did it

Can't get lipo directly on face as it leaves crevices, only underneath the chin (which was all done by the middle set of pics, and so had no effect on the final, much more dramatic change).

If I remember correctly, which I usually do, he mentioned on a different forum that he got chin/neck liposuction. However, this procedure is isolated to literally that area only, so all other fat loss on his face would have nothing to do with that procedure. So, still a very good job by him.

Hair transplants have a limit. You will NEVER have your thick, dense, natural from when you were 16 years old, even with several transplants.

Yeah, that's correct regarding the lipo. It's debatable whether it would have made any effect since I didn't know much about what I was doing then, and got it while still a high body fat percentage. The second set of pictures was mostly taken after the procedure, so it didn't exactly ascend me much, lol.

Hair transplant is also true - for anyone else thinking of getting one, you'll get about half the density back. Human hair normally has a density of around 100 folicles per cm2, hair transplants will give you around 50. However, the human eye cannot perceive a loss of density until it reaches a certain point - normally around 50% of original density. It's worth knowing I got it done 9 months ago, and it takes 12 months to fully thicken up. After 12 months, you can get another transplant on the same area to reach 100% density if you want - although I don't think I'll bother due to the opportunity cost (you have to have your head shaved, and I look like a truecel with my hair shaved off), and the fact I don't really think it's noticable anyway.

Yes you do look a lot better but you would look EVEN better with some muscle, even with that puny frame. Stop the anti gym cope and get on it, and maybe you wouldn't have to limit yourself to thai whores

Maybe if you got lean you wouldn't have to limit yourself to western trash. :sneaky: I've not bought a single whore here since I moved to live here full time.

If I started gaining muscle I'd also gain fat with it, and then would have to cut all over again - time which would be spent in a sub-optimal state. It's a gymcel fantasy that tons of muscle can be gained with no fat gains with it - never works that way in the real world or in any actual studies on the matter.
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Lol i got all my lays thanks to gym. Op is coping
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  • Ugh..
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Maybe if you got lean you wouldn't have to limit yourself to western trash. :sneaky: I've not bought a single whore here since I moved to live here full time.

If I started gaining muscle I'd also gain fat with it, and then would have to cut all over again - time which would be spent in a sub-optimal state. It's a gymcel fantasy that tons of muscle can be gained with no fat gains with it - never works that way in the real world or in any actual studies on the matter.
Okay so are you worried that you'd get face bloat again if you started putting on muscle, and fat in this case?

Damn I just looked through the pics after you got lean and I have to admit you look so much better than you did. I think I might have to leanmax before I try out gymcelling. You may have converted me :feelshmm:
  • +1
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My hate of gymcelling has absolutely nothing to do with 'frame' (which you can't judge to be bad or good on a 53kg guy anyway - let's cut you down to the same weight and see how good your 'frame' looks) but mainly do with with it being a looksmin, not a looksmax. FWIW, bideltoid width is average at 18.5 inches - that's the average out in the real world according to university led studies btw, not interested in retards here who are claiming it's 21+ or 'it's over bro'. At any rate - it's all about face.
Stop the cope, frame matters, yours is below average. You would look better with a wider frame and deep down you know it. As far as me cutting down to 53 kilos is concerned, I would die before that would happen since I'd be returning to how much I weighed when I was 9 years old.
  • +1
Reactions: oldcell, Marsiere214, malta483 and 4 others
Fuck,you went from truecel king of jbw to a high tier normie.

mirin hard tbh,look like a completely different human.
I used to mog op so hard,he was like the only white guy who posted pics I mogged.It's over for me.
  • +1
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There are much better threads here that even answer frequently asked questions.

And THIS gets stickied??
  • +1
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How much time did your cuts take?
  • +1
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There are much better threads here that even answer frequently asked questions.

And THIS gets stickied??
It gets stickied coz it is a good motivational thread. Guy actually looksmaxed and posted before after. This is an actual looksmaxing thread. How many good examples of actual looksamxing are on this forum? People going from looking ugly to looking decent? Mostly it is people dreaming about getting 10 surgeries, leforts or implants when they are 15 years old. Other times they preach stuff but there is no proof that it actually works.
  • +1
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It gets stickied coz it is a good motivational thread. Guy actually looksmaxed and posted before after. This is an actual looksmaxing thread. How many good examples of actual looksamxing are on this forum? People going from looking ugly to looking decent? Mostly it is people dreaming about getting 10 surgeries, leforts or implants when they are 15 years old. Other times they preach stuff but there is no proof that it actually works.

Gymcelling mega thread gets stickied. Makes sense because there are many questions about it.

One guy posted a very informative Thread about how to properly mew. Doesnt get stickied. What do i read every 2 weeks ? "How do i mew" "how do i place my tongue".

OP didnt give anything informative except changing diet to healthy lol. His change was drastic yes but nothing that magically gets him out of inceldom.
  • +1
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Gymcelling mega thread gets stickied. Makes sense because there are many questions about it.

One guy posted a very informative Thread about how to properly mew. Doesnt get stickied. What do i read every 2 weeks ? "How do i mew" "how do i place my tongue".

OP didnt give anything informative except changing diet to healthy lol. His change was drastic yes but nothing that magically gets him out of inceldom.
If you ever feel that some thread should be stickied then comment or ask. Other people do this. I stick threads which I feel are worth sticking like this one.

I don't even click on anything related to mewing since that doesn't interest me so it is likely those threads weren't stickied. If you feel some threads should be stickied then comment. I am not knowledgeable about or interested in all things that are posted here and so I don't read each and every thread. At this point the users need to provide input.

I don't think OP is incel now. Btw I do feel his change is pretty impressive and I don't remember anyone posting a better personal transformation ever on this site before.
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53 kg? Dafuq, are you like under 5ft5 or something? That's an absurdly low weight to have as a man
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Honestly pathetic at anyone just Blatantly shitting on this guy who’s trying to give us legitimate advice. That isn’t saying his 100% right on everything but his main point stands. You can’t know your full potential if your 15%+ BF.
  • +1
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Great progress op. But like many people, I don't think it's such an all or nothing situation. I think you can maintain a rather lean face while bulking slowly. Only things you need to do are watch the scale and watch your waist.
  • +1
Reactions: yellowrice, ShowerMaxxing, TheAscendedOne and 2 others
bulking and being sub 10% bf aren´t mutually exclusive.

No man should strive to be a beanpole.

Of course women don´t care about size at all, but being a decent size also gives you respect from other men.

Also men value hard work while women value genetics.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: yellowrice, ShowerMaxxing and TheAscendedOne
Honestly pathetic at anyone just Blatantly shitting on this guy who’s trying to give us legitimate advice. That isn’t saying his 100% right on everything but his main point stands. You can’t know your full potential if your 15%+ BF.
No one is shitting on him just pointing out the fact you look much better with muscle and an optimal body fat percentage compared to a low body fat percentage as a twink.
  • +1
Reactions: ShowerMaxxing, TheAscendedOne and Deleted member 281
Muh presence! Muh size!

Go overdose on DNP already and stop dragging the rest of us down with gymcel bullshit. You can take your pals with you.
im 16 yrs old and i mog you to hell and back. you calling working out cope is literally your own cope for being too much of a little genetically inferior soyboy to do it XXDDXXDXDXDXDDXXDDXDXDXXD have fun being a tinykunt for the rest of ur incel life lil guy
  • +1
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Im genuinly impressed, you look so different. LifeFuel tbh
  • +1
Reactions: !MagicMan777, Marsiere214 and TheAscendedOne
Face only matters to a certain extend. If you like a psl 7 8 or 9 facially. If you a 4.5, 5 or 6 psl you should worok on ur frame and shit because face alone isnt gonna safe you. And since ur average i stringly reccomend to gymmax.
  • +1
Reactions: yellowrice, ShowerMaxxing and TheAscendedOne
Okay so are you worried that you'd get face bloat again if you started putting on muscle, and fat in this case?

Damn I just looked through the pics after you got lean and I have to admit you look so much better than you did. I think I might have to leanmax before I try out gymcelling. You may have converted me :feelshmm:

It's kinda inevitable. Despite what fantasies gymcels on here will tell you, it's borderline impossible to gain muscle without accompanying fat gains. That's verified by actual studies on the matter in real life.

Definetely leanmax first, since face is everything tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214 and TheAscendedOne
Stop the cope, frame matters, yours is below average. You would look better with a wider frame and deep down you know it. As far as me cutting down to 53 kilos is concerned, I would die before that would happen since I'd be returning to how much I weighed when I was 9 years old.

Just noe true innit
  • +1
Reactions: TheAscendedOne
Stop the cope, frame matters, yours is below average. You would look better with a wider frame and deep down you know it. As far as me cutting down to 53 kilos is concerned, I would die before that would happen since I'd be returning to how much I weighed when I was 9 years old.

If you want me to embarass you by getting out the tape measure and show you my frickin bideltoid width is 18.5 inches, and then link you to actual university research on the matter that shows this to be right around the average, then I will.

'Frame' is a load of bullshit pushed by gymcels trying to make gym relevant in any case. I'm quite happy how my clothes fit thanks, there's nothing inherently attractive about being unreasonably wide. If I thought there was, I'd go do some lateral raises to boost my shoulder width by an inch or two, but I know it wouldn't help anything, so I don't.

How much time did your cuts take?

From 71kg - 61kg took around 8 weeks. This was a highly sub-optimal starvation type cut where my dietary macros were well off though, so I don't recommend that.

The second cut took 12 weeks, losing around 1.5lbs a week (750 deficit a day, but with appropriate protein intake).

OP didnt give anything informative except changing diet to healthy lol. His change was drastic yes but nothing that magically gets him out of inceldom.

It's decent to remind people to do the basics - and the reality is not many people are actually lean among the general population or even here.

I've not been an incel for a while - even when fatter I could still get laid here in Thailand. I used to be incel in the UK when I lived there though - up to age 23 when I first moved to Thailand, and then again from age 25-26 when I came back to the UK to study. I'm back in Thailand now and started my big cut/transformation here. I get much more matches and better quality girls than I used to get. Overall quality of life definitely has gone up.

53 kg? Dafuq, are you like under 5ft5 or something? That's an absurdly low weight to have as a man

Not being lean is absurd at any weight if you want to call yourself a looksmaxer. There's nothing inherently attractive about weighing more - especially when most of that additional weight is from fat (as it is among the normie population). I'm 171cm, BMI is slightly underweight but nothing too bad - but then again what does BMI know about facial asthetics anyway?

Great progress op. But like many people, I don't think it's such an all or nothing situation. I think you can maintain a rather lean face while bulking slowly. Only things you need to do are watch the scale and watch your waist.

On paper it sounds great. In reality the average gymcel is bloated as fuck, has no facial definition at all, and while they might well be strong, the fat covers their muscle up too. During any bulk you'll have fat gains and this is an opportunity cost where you'll look worse than you could do.

bulking and being sub 10% bf aren´t mutually exclusive.

No man should strive to be a beanpole.

Of course women don´t care about size at all, but being a decent size also gives you respect from other men.

Also men value hard work while women value genetics.

Couldn't give a damn about respect from normies tbh. In fact, I want normies to hate me.

No one is shitting on him just pointing out the fact you look much better with muscle and an optimal body fat percentage compared to a low body fat percentage as a twink.

No, you don't. And you, like your brethren, completely forget about the cost of all this. It takes between 1-2 years of gymcelling to build anything impressive. Normally 2 years really because you'll have to do cuts along the way. That's 2 years where your facial aesthetics will be less than they could be, and thus it'll be costing you lays.

Then after you built all that muscle? Sorry, but foids don't give a shit about it. Foids are attracted to genetics - which is seen in the face. Muscle isn't an indicator of good genetics as literally anyone can fucking go to the gym and build it.

Face only matters to a certain extend. If you like a psl 7 8 or 9 facially. If you a 4.5, 5 or 6 psl you should worok on ur frame and shit because face alone isnt gonna safe you. And since ur average i stringly reccomend to gymmax.

If you're a 5, you'll still be a 5 after gym.

If you're a 6 you'll still be a 6 after gym.

And so on and so forth. Basically your level (when lean) is your level, there's no going beyond that (unless you get surgery).
  • +1
Reactions: Softboymaxx, Marsiere214, Danish_Retard and 1 other person
Great job OP! Yeah, leaning down is literally the only way a male can increase their looks without surgery. If anyone decides to bulk up, don't go past 16% BF.
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High IQ post
  • +1
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If you want me to embarass you by getting out the tape measure and show you my frickin bideltoid width is 18.5 inches, and then link you to actual university research on the matter that shows this to be right around the average, then I will.

'Frame' is a load of bullshit pushed by gymcels trying to make gym relevant in any case. I'm quite happy how my clothes fit thanks, there's nothing inherently attractive about being unreasonably wide. If I thought there was, I'd go do some lateral raises to boost my shoulder width by an inch or two, but I know it wouldn't help anything, so I don't.

From 71kg - 61kg took around 8 weeks. This was a highly sub-optimal starvation type cut where my dietary macros were well off though, so I don't recommend that.

The second cut took 12 weeks, losing around 1.5lbs a week (750 deficit a day, but with appropriate protein intake).

It's decent to remind people to do the basics - and the reality is not many people are actually lean among the general population or even here.

I've not been an incel for a while - even when fatter I could still get laid here in Thailand. I used to be incel in the UK when I lived there though - up to age 23 when I first moved to Thailand, and then again from age 25-26 when I came back to the UK to study. I'm back in Thailand now and started my big cut/transformation here. I get much more matches and better quality girls than I used to get. Overall quality of life definitely has gone up.

Not being lean is absurd at any weight if you want to call yourself a looksmaxer. There's nothing inherently attractive about weighing more - especially when most of that additional weight is from fat (as it is among the normie population). I'm 171cm, BMI is slightly underweight but nothing too bad - but then again what does BMI know about facial asthetics anyway?

On paper it sounds great. In reality the average gymcel is bloated as fuck, has no facial definition at all, and while they might well be strong, the fat covers their muscle up too. During any bulk you'll have fat gains and this is an opportunity cost where you'll look worse than you could do.

Couldn't give a damn about respect from normies tbh. In fact, I want normies to hate me.

No, you don't. And you, like your brethren, completely forget about the cost of all this. It takes between 1-2 years of gymcelling to build anything impressive. Normally 2 years really because you'll have to do cuts along the way. That's 2 years where your facial aesthetics will be less than they could be, and thus it'll be costing you lays.

Then after you built all that muscle? Sorry, but foids don't give a shit about it. Foids are attracted to genetics - which is seen in the face. Muscle isn't an indicator of good genetics as literally anyone can fucking go to the gym and build it.

If you're a 5, you'll still be a 5 after gym.

If you're a 6 you'll still be a 6 after gym.

And so on and so forth. Basically your level (when lean) is your level, there's no going beyond that (unless you get surgery).
What was your diet like to reach your present BF?
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What was your diet like to reach your present BF?

8 chocolate hobnobs (770kcal)
500g chicken breast (550kcal)
15ml oil (65kcal) - to cook the chicken.

That's was literally it for 10 weeks. I took a multivitamin as well.
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A few things before we begin:

1) I'm not asking for ratings here, not the point of the thread.
2) I don't care if you mog me or I mog you. Again, not the point, broseph.
3) The point is to show, with pictures, that if you're a fatcel, skinnyfatcel, or simply have never been to low bodyfat levels, you need to get to low bodyfat in order to looksmax.
4) Like all looksmaxing, it's not gonna work for everyone. If you've already been lean and still weren't getting girls, feel free to go and eat mcds every day, at least you can do so without any regrets.
5) For the benefit of complete honesty, I did also get a hair transplant as well as losing fat – so the change you see here isn’t solely down to dieting alone.

OK, now we’ve got that out of the way, I used to have a very high bodyfat percentage. I wasn’t necessarily obese in medical terms (I topped out at 71kg), but I ate an absolute fuckton of junk food, cola, chocolate etc and did no exercise whatsoever. My entire day was spent sitting in a chair, pretty much. The result was that my face was bloated as fuck. Here’s a few pics – I’d estimate I’m somewhere between 30-35% bodyfat in these photos (at 71kg):

As we can see, the face is rounded, with no definition at all. Unfortunately I don’t have many pics where I’m not smiling (since this was before I discovered lookism and realized smiling in pics is generally bad for men), but you can all see the problems. Huge fat deposits, no lower third etc.

Now shortly after these pics, I discovered lookism, and went on a diet. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a fucking clue how to diet, beyond simply starving myself. Which worked to lose weight, however the muscle/fat loss ratio wasn’t good. No wonder – I was on 700 calories a day with the majority of the time it being something like a bag of crisps and a couple of chocolate bars (i.e. the same crap I was eating before, just way less of it). Not enough protein = a whole lot of muscle loss occurred along with the fat. You need to eat your protein when dieting, boyos (0.8g per lb of bodyweight). You also need to do some exercise too in order to minimize muscle loss. I’ve hated on gymcelling here for a while – mainly because the gymcels concept of gym is that you should eat big, get strong, pack loads of muscle (and fat) on, and if you suggest this is retarded, the gymcels ‘argument’ against you is ‘hurr, I could totally win in a fight bro, you wouldn’t say it to muh face bro’. Kill yourselves, immediately. With that said, lifting while being in a calorie deficit can work, as can a number of other physical activities like rock climbing, swimming, whatever you want really. But you have to do something.

Anyway, after my crash diet and losing 10kg (i.e. I was 61kg now), I still looked pretty shit. Not as bad as before, but certainly not good. I still had a fairly high bodyfat percentage (mid 20s – measured by one of those bodpod air displacement machines – they’re accurate to within a couple of percent). Here was how I looked after that:

So yeah, still bloated – and it just goes to show that if you’re a ‘normal’ weight/BMI, it absolutely does not mean this advice does not apply to you – at a ‘normal’ weight with a sedentary life and poor diet, you likely have a much higher than optimal bodyfat percentage. The second thing to take away is that fat loss into lean levels changes your appearance a lot more than simply going from a bodyfat percentage in the 30s to 20s – as you’ll see.

At this point I smartened up, learned about effective diet, exercise and nutrition, started eating 1300 calories a day but getting 0.8g protein per lb of bodyweight. Finished my diet today – I now weight 53kg and am around 10% bodyfat (no I really don’t care if you look at the pic and think I’m 9% or 11%, it’s not really relevant to the point I’m making. And I definitely don’t care if you think I’m a ‘twink’ or you could take me in a fight – again, kys gymcel).

Proof of claimed weight: View attachment 7862

Note that I was holding my phone to take the pic (which adds a couple of hundred grams) and it was after I’d had breakfast, which explains the slightly higher than 53kg weight. Plus as anyone knows, water fluctuations can change anyone a few hundred grams or even more.

Proof of claimed leaness: View attachment 7865

OK, so what results did we get by cutting another 8kg? Well, here’s how I look now (pics taken yesterday and today).

Now, what are the main points to take from this:

1) If you're not lean, and have never been lean, you are potentially missing out on a cheap and effective looksmax.

2) Gymcels are absolute fucking retards. Those morons like Nibba, Deltoid, Future Chadlite etc are all looksminning you, not looksmaxing you. 'Bulk up' for muh size, muh strength, muh muscles, muh intimidation of normies or any other cope reason they give will soon result (absent elite genetics) of your face getting cucked by high bodyfat. There's not much evidence that 'size' is that important to women anyway, but we all know that face is. They have often said that I'm just trying to keep you in the crab bucket with me - it's simply not true. I speak out against gymcelling, muscle building, roids etc as I don't want you to waste your time on a pointless endevour that will not looksmax you, it'll make you look worse. I clearly care a lot about looksmaxing, and have put plenty of effort in with weight loss and hair surgery. Trust me, if bulking and/or roids was a looksmax, I'd fucking be doing it. If I believed tons of muscle significantly enhanced SMV, I'd fucking go and get it. But it doesn't: leanness and the facial gains you'll make are far far more important.

3) If you're in the process of 'bulking', stop, put down that mcmeal immediately, and start cutting. It'll looksmax you far far better than more muscle ever will - and cutting is a lot faster than bulking, too.

Just remember boys, lean is life:

View attachment 7870 View attachment 7873

You look really good man. Any advice for me? I'm 68 kg and 24% bodyfat.. I don't look terribly bloated but still I know I'd look amazing if my face was a bit leaner. I just need to get to very low bodyfat, Do I need more proteins or do I need to go do cardio or something?
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@itsOVER what would you rate that guy in ur profile picture
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What was your diet like to reach your present BF?
You look really good man. Any advice for me? I'm 68 kg and 24% bodyfat.. I don't look terribly bloated but still I know I'd look amazing if my face was a bit leaner. I just need to get to very low bodyfat, Do I need more proteins or do I need to go do cardio or something?

The three important things are (probably in this order, but you really need to do all three for it to work):

1) A calorie deficit. Larger deficits will get you there faster, but are more mentally challenging.
2) 0.8g protein per 1lb bodyweight. If you're 150lbs now, you need 120g protein every day.
3) Do some exercise, preferably something where you have to use your muscles. Weightlifting in the gym can work well for this (it's the 'bulk' side of the gymcelling equation I hate, along with most gymcels themselves being 2 digit IQ morons who think fighting ability proves a point in an argument). If you don't like that idea, swimming would be decent as well.
@itsOVER what would you rate that guy in ur profile picture

Facially like 3.5 or 4. Nothing too bad or good.

I've got it as my profile pic because it's legit one of the worst bodies I've seen though, and it demonstrates the dangers of gymcelling.
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The point of this forum are threads like these and people still hate lmao.
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holy fuck, you look like that incel shooter from that geeky af video game tournatment or something

  • JFL
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Boyo, weren’t you spamming “no gym for your face” on discord a while baxk
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lol 45 kg in tht last pic?

damn bro, you should put on some girly clothes and tranny maxx while ur at it. i can see you getting mogged by thick bitches in the off season rofl
  • +1
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lol 45 kg in tht last pic?

damn bro, you should put on some girly clothes and tranny maxx while ur at it. i can see you getting mogged by thick bitches in the off season rofl

Nah, 53kg.
  • +1
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@itsOVER Awesome transformation. Do you have any stats or stories showing how your life improved? Tinder match rate, lay rate, etc? Have you tried tinder in the West with this new face?
  • +1
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@itsOVER Awesome transformation. Do you have any stats or stories showing how your life improved? Tinder match rate, lay rate, etc? Have you tried tinder in the West with this new face?

Well, it was more a gradual thing that happened over time, so it's kinda hard to pinpoint exact times when stuff improved, but:

Prior to discovering lookism (around 15 months ago): I'd fucked 2 girls. In fairness, both were girlfriends, one quite long term of 2 and a half years and I wasn't really trying to slay - was just happy to have a gf.

After lookism: current slay count is 31. So that's 29 girls in the past 15 months, including a couple of other gfs. The big transformation was only relatively recent however (before i was looksmaxing but it was very much a zigzag process - I.e getting the hair transplant was a long term success but in the short term I looked truecel as fuck as they had to shave my head, plus I was studying an MA and during intensive periods couldn't maintain the cut and had to eat to keep my concentration levels up).

Regarding tinder, yeah its around 4x more matches (in Thailand) vs my previous pics with facial bloat. I've no doubt it would be very easy to slay here forever. Got dates arranged for every day next week, fucked 1 girl post-cut already who was far above my usual quality, she's coming back over again tonight - basically yeah, life is way better.

However, I'm going to Russia in a few weeks, to see if i can pull it off at what i consider to be the very highest level. I consider Russian and EE girls to be by far the most beautiful in the world, and so if i make it there...there's essentially no higher point in the 'getting laid' game as far as I'm concerned. Would never return to the UK - the girls there aren't any better than here in Thailand, and you can guarantee it'd be a fuckton harder, plus you'd have to deal with the daily bullshit of living in the UK (always hated the place even as a kid).

If Russia fails, well I'd just come back here I guess. But i wanna test it out. Field testing using the GPS spoof on badoo seems to show there's potential, though i won't know really until I get there.
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Well, it was more a gradual thing that happened over time, so it's kinda hard to pinpoint exact times when stuff improved, but:

Prior to discovering lookism (around 15 months ago): I'd fucked 2 girls. In fairness, both were girlfriends, one quite long term of 2 and a half years and I wasn't really trying to slay - was just happy to have a gf.

After lookism: current slay count is 31. So that's 29 girls in the past 15 months, including a couple of other gfs. The big transformation was only relatively recent however (before i was looksmaxing but it was very much a zigzag process - I.e getting the hair transplant was a long term success but in the short term I looked truecel as fuck as they had to shave my head, plus I was studying an MA and during intensive periods couldn't maintain the cut and had to eat to keep my concentration levels up).

Regarding tinder, yeah its around 4x more matches (in Thailand) vs my previous pics with facial bloat. I've no doubt it would be very easy to slay here forever. Got dates arranged for every day next week, fucked 1 girl post-cut already who was far above my usual quality, she's coming back over again tonight - basically yeah, life is way better.

However, I'm going to Russia in a few weeks, to see if i can pull it off at what i consider to be the very highest level. I consider Russian and EE girls to be by far the most beautiful in the world, and so if i make it there...there's essentially no higher point in the 'getting laid' game as far as I'm concerned. Would never return to the UK - the girls there aren't any better than here in Thailand, and you can guarantee it'd be a fuckton harder, plus you'd have to deal with the daily bullshit of living in the UK (always hated the place even as a kid).

If Russia fails, well I'd just come back here I guess. But i wanna test it out. Field testing using the GPS spoof on badoo seems to show there's potential, though i won't know really until I get there.
Post updates on Russia ngl
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Post updates on Russia ngl

Yeah I will, but I'll give it a few weeks/months - I don't anticipate any substantial progress to be made in a few days or whatever like can be made here. Obviously it will be much, much harder than here - so I'm setting the 'bar for success' as basically getting a cute girlfriend, not 'slaying' (which I think I'd need to be 1-1.5 points higher on the PSL scale to do in any case).

I'd imagine Russia is kinda a 50/50 coin flip right now, but the work contract is only for 6 months, and I can always bolt back to Thailand early if I didn't like it. It's worth checking out, anyway.
  • +1
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Yeah I will, but I'll give it a few weeks/months. Obviously it will be much, much harder than here - so I'm setting the 'bar for success' as basically getting a cute girlfriend, not 'slaying' (which I think I'd need to be 1-1.5 points higher on the PSL scale to do in any case).

I'd imagine Russia is kinda a 50/50 coin flip right now, but the work contract is only for 6 months, and I can always bolt back to Thailand early if I didn't like it. It's worth checking out, anyway.
Good luck. Are you planning to do something else to looksmax?
  • +1
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Good luck. Are you planning to do something else to looksmax?

I cant really see anything else I can do really (which isn't the same as saying everything is perfect, just that I'm unsure where to go from here).

I might post again on lookism to see if there's anything else they'd recommend, I got decent advice there last time. I guess I could try fillers in my upper eyelids to give the hooded look. I've also heard a couple of people say my lips are fairly thin, so I could try sorting that out. Both are potentially risky though, and we'd only be looking at marginal improvements in any case.

Really, what I'll probably do is see if I can get laid in Russia first. If I can, there's no point in taking any more risks, since I'd be quite content fucking Russian foids until the end of my days. If I can't, there's a decision to me made between trying to looksmax further vs going back to Asia.
  • +1
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I cant really see anything else I can do really (which isn't the same as saying everything is perfect, just that I'm unsure where to go from here).

I might post again on lookism to see if there's anything else they'd recommend, I got decent advice there last time. I guess I could try fillers in my upper eyelids to give the hooded look. I've also heard a couple of people say my lips are fairly thin, so I could try sorting that out. Both are potentially risky though, and we'd only be looking at marginal improvements in any case.

Really, what I'll probably do is see if I can get laid in Russia first. If I can, there's no point in taking any more risks, since I'd be quite content fucking Russian foids until the end of my days. If I can't, there's a decision to me made between trying to looksmax further vs going back to Asia.
TBH, there isn't anything very obvious that you need right now.
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Yeah I will, but I'll give it a few weeks/months - I don't anticipate any substantial progress to be made in a few days or whatever like can be made here. Obviously it will be much, much harder than here - so I'm setting the 'bar for success' as basically getting a cute girlfriend, not 'slaying' (which I think I'd need to be 1-1.5 points higher on the PSL scale to do in any case).

I'd imagine Russia is kinda a 50/50 coin flip right now, but the work contract is only for 6 months, and I can always bolt back to Thailand early if I didn't like it. It's worth checking out, anyway.
honestly I doubt you'll be getting even half as much girls in Russia as you do in Thailand, EE girls don't appreciate skinny guys that much and you don't have the JBW factor helping you there
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  • +1
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honestly I doubt you'll be getting even half as much girls in Russia as you do in Thailand, EE girls don't appreciate skinny guys that much and you don't have the JBW factor helping you there

I'm not expecting to do as well (or neccesarily get laid at all) in Russia, but it'll be because of face, not body. However, the bar for success is lower - I'd be quite happy with 1 cute gf, whereas in Thailand that result would be sorta disappointing.

It's only for a few months anyway, so really it's just an exploratory trip. If i fail, just come back, no harm done.
jesus christ are you sure you are 5'7?

I am 5'4 and i weight 58kgs and i am skinny as stick.

100% as I've taken part in a medical trial which required my height to be measured by a doctor. Also had a medical check for a visa which required the same thing. 171cm for certain.
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