Reminder - if you've never been lean, you don't know wtf you look like and you can't claim to be deformed or recessed or any other BS (my pics inside)

hindu dindu parents only give me vegetarian food, should i just starve myself or smtg im 141 lbs and 5'8 do i need to get leaner, i have high set cheek bones so if i get rid of facial fat my hollow cheks might come, but i dont have a big jaw tbh.
  • +1
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 23558, Deleted member 15827, antiantifa and 2 others
hindu dindu parents only give me vegetarian food, should i just starve myself or smtg im 141 lbs and 5'8 do i need to get leaner, i have high set cheek bones so if i get rid of facial fat my hollow cheks might come, but i dont have a big jaw tbh.
Ditch the parents then, there's a reason Hindus all look like a half melted ice cream
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 23558, antiantifa, Inscol and 4 others
Ditch the parents then, there's a reason Hindus all look like a half melted ice cream
how can i ditch my parents which i depend on, and wtf do u mean by half melted ice cream and why is user name chinacurry? Are you chinese and curry, if then r.i.p
  • +1
Reactions: TheAscendedOne
A few things before we begin:

1) I'm not asking for ratings here, not the point of the thread.
2) I don't care if you mog me or I mog you. Again, not the point, broseph.
3) The point is to show, with pictures, that if you're a fatcel, skinnyfatcel, or simply have never been to low bodyfat levels, you need to get to low bodyfat in order to looksmax.
4) Like all looksmaxing, it's not gonna work for everyone. If you've already been lean and still weren't getting girls, feel free to go and eat mcds every day, at least you can do so without any regrets.
5) For the benefit of complete honesty, I did also get a hair transplant as well as losing fat – so the change you see here isn’t solely down to dieting alone.

OK, now we’ve got that out of the way, I used to have a very high bodyfat percentage. I wasn’t necessarily obese in medical terms (I topped out at 71kg), but I ate an absolute fuckton of junk food, cola, chocolate etc and did no exercise whatsoever. My entire day was spent sitting in a chair, pretty much. The result was that my face was bloated as fuck. Here’s a few pics – I’d estimate I’m somewhere between 30-35% bodyfat in these photos (at 71kg):

As we can see, the face is rounded, with no definition at all. Unfortunately I don’t have many pics where I’m not smiling (since this was before I discovered lookism and realized smiling in pics is generally bad for men), but you can all see the problems. Huge fat deposits, no lower third etc.

Now shortly after these pics, I discovered lookism, and went on a diet. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a fucking clue how to diet, beyond simply starving myself. Which worked to lose weight, however the muscle/fat loss ratio wasn’t good. No wonder – I was on 700 calories a day with the majority of the time it being something like a bag of crisps and a couple of chocolate bars (i.e. the same crap I was eating before, just way less of it). Not enough protein = a whole lot of muscle loss occurred along with the fat. You need to eat your protein when dieting, boyos (0.8g per lb of bodyweight). You also need to do some exercise too in order to minimize muscle loss. I’ve hated on gymcelling here for a while – mainly because the gymcels concept of gym is that you should eat big, get strong, pack loads of muscle (and fat) on, and if you suggest this is retarded, the gymcels ‘argument’ against you is ‘hurr, I could totally win in a fight bro, you wouldn’t say it to muh face bro’. Kill yourselves, immediately. With that said, lifting while being in a calorie deficit can work, as can a number of other physical activities like rock climbing, swimming, whatever you want really. But you have to do something.

Anyway, after my crash diet and losing 10kg (i.e. I was 61kg now), I still looked pretty shit. Not as bad as before, but certainly not good. I still had a fairly high bodyfat percentage (mid 20s – measured by one of those bodpod air displacement machines – they’re accurate to within a couple of percent). Here was how I looked after that:

So yeah, still bloated – and it just goes to show that if you’re a ‘normal’ weight/BMI, it absolutely does not mean this advice does not apply to you – at a ‘normal’ weight with a sedentary life and poor diet, you likely have a much higher than optimal bodyfat percentage. The second thing to take away is that fat loss into lean levels changes your appearance a lot more than simply going from a bodyfat percentage in the 30s to 20s – as you’ll see.

At this point I smartened up, learned about effective diet, exercise and nutrition, started eating 1300 calories a day but getting 0.8g protein per lb of bodyweight. Finished my diet today – I now weight 53kg and am around 10% bodyfat (no I really don’t care if you look at the pic and think I’m 9% or 11%, it’s not really relevant to the point I’m making. And I definitely don’t care if you think I’m a ‘twink’ or you could take me in a fight – again, kys gymcel).

Proof of claimed weight: View attachment 7862

Note that I was holding my phone to take the pic (which adds a couple of hundred grams) and it was after I’d had breakfast, which explains the slightly higher than 53kg weight. Plus as anyone knows, water fluctuations can change anyone a few hundred grams or even more.

Proof of claimed leaness: View attachment 7865

OK, so what results did we get by cutting another 8kg? Well, here’s how I look now (pics taken yesterday and today).

Now, what are the main points to take from this:

1) If you're not lean, and have never been lean, you are potentially missing out on a cheap and effective looksmax.

2) Gymcels are absolute fucking retards. Those morons like Nibba, Deltoid, Future Chadlite etc are all looksminning you, not looksmaxing you. 'Bulk up' for muh size, muh strength, muh muscles, muh intimidation of normies or any other cope reason they give will soon result (absent elite genetics) of your face getting cucked by high bodyfat. There's not much evidence that 'size' is that important to women anyway, but we all know that face is. They have often said that I'm just trying to keep you in the crab bucket with me - it's simply not true. I speak out against gymcelling, muscle building, roids etc as I don't want you to waste your time on a pointless endevour that will not looksmax you, it'll make you look worse. I clearly care a lot about looksmaxing, and have put plenty of effort in with weight loss and hair surgery. Trust me, if bulking and/or roids was a looksmax, I'd fucking be doing it. If I believed tons of muscle significantly enhanced SMV, I'd fucking go and get it. But it doesn't: leanness and the facial gains you'll make are far far more important.

3) If you're in the process of 'bulking', stop, put down that mcmeal immediately, and start cutting. It'll looksmax you far far better than more muscle ever will - and cutting is a lot faster than bulking, too.

Just remember boys, lean is life:

View attachment 7870 View attachment 7873

good diet motivation. I just dropped from 30s to 20s and need that extra push to get down to 10s where all the most significant gains are
  • +1
Reactions: TheAscendedOne
Daily reminder op impregnated a gook in Thai and ditched her and his son.
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Tr0ubLe, Deleted member 23554, Deleted member 8832 and 12 others
Daily reminder op impregnated a gook in Thai and ditched her and his son.
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: shalomnigga, Spicel, Deleted member 23554 and 9 others
how can i ditch my parents which i depend on, and wtf do u mean by half melted ice cream and why is user name chinacurry? Are you chinese and curry, if then r.i.p
Move out, get a job, slay.
I'm half Latin, quarter curry, quarter Persian, but live in Asia now
  • +1
Reactions: TheAscendedOne
I reup because this topic has saved my life. Thank you bro, even if you can't read me.
  • +1
Reactions: RopeMaxxed, Deleted member 1400 and Deleted member 6401
Did you leanmaxx and ascend??

I've lost 4 kg so far, and my face has improved a lot even for a little weight loss like this. I'm skinnyfat and I started bloated as OP. The road is long, but now I have some hope.
  • +1
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Reactions: Deleted member 23558, Deleted member 15827, Deleted member 6401 and 1 other person
I've lost 4 kg so far, and my face has improved a lot even for a little weight loss like this. I'm skinnyfat and I started bloated as OP. The road is long, but now I have some hope.
hows ur progress?
so it's over for me
hows ur progress?

I've lost other few kgs, my face looks better and my man boobs are smaller. I no longer have a big fat beer gut, snore at night is ceased too.
Are you autistic, OP? I don't mean that as an insult or anything (I got a diagnosis myself) - you just have that gaze.
A few things before we begin:

1) I'm not asking for ratings here, not the point of the thread.
2) I don't care if you mog me or I mog you. Again, not the point, broseph.
3) The point is to show, with pictures, that if you're a fatcel, skinnyfatcel, or simply have never been to low bodyfat levels, you need to get to low bodyfat in order to looksmax.
4) Like all looksmaxing, it's not gonna work for everyone. If you've already been lean and still weren't getting girls, feel free to go and eat mcds every day, at least you can do so without any regrets.
5) For the benefit of complete honesty, I did also get a hair transplant as well as losing fat – so the change you see here isn’t solely down to dieting alone.

OK, now we’ve got that out of the way, I used to have a very high bodyfat percentage. I wasn’t necessarily obese in medical terms (I topped out at 71kg), but I ate an absolute fuckton of junk food, cola, chocolate etc and did no exercise whatsoever. My entire day was spent sitting in a chair, pretty much. The result was that my face was bloated as fuck. Here’s a few pics – I’d estimate I’m somewhere between 30-35% bodyfat in these photos (at 71kg):

As we can see, the face is rounded, with no definition at all. Unfortunately I don’t have many pics where I’m not smiling (since this was before I discovered lookism and realized smiling in pics is generally bad for men), but you can all see the problems. Huge fat deposits, no lower third etc.

Now shortly after these pics, I discovered lookism, and went on a diet. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a fucking clue how to diet, beyond simply starving myself. Which worked to lose weight, however the muscle/fat loss ratio wasn’t good. No wonder – I was on 700 calories a day with the majority of the time it being something like a bag of crisps and a couple of chocolate bars (i.e. the same crap I was eating before, just way less of it). Not enough protein = a whole lot of muscle loss occurred along with the fat. You need to eat your protein when dieting, boyos (0.8g per lb of bodyweight). You also need to do some exercise too in order to minimize muscle loss. I’ve hated on gymcelling here for a while – mainly because the gymcels concept of gym is that you should eat big, get strong, pack loads of muscle (and fat) on, and if you suggest this is retarded, the gymcels ‘argument’ against you is ‘hurr, I could totally win in a fight bro, you wouldn’t say it to muh face bro’. Kill yourselves, immediately. With that said, lifting while being in a calorie deficit can work, as can a number of other physical activities like rock climbing, swimming, whatever you want really. But you have to do something.

Anyway, after my crash diet and losing 10kg (i.e. I was 61kg now), I still looked pretty shit. Not as bad as before, but certainly not good. I still had a fairly high bodyfat percentage (mid 20s – measured by one of those bodpod air displacement machines – they’re accurate to within a couple of percent). Here was how I looked after that:

So yeah, still bloated – and it just goes to show that if you’re a ‘normal’ weight/BMI, it absolutely does not mean this advice does not apply to you – at a ‘normal’ weight with a sedentary life and poor diet, you likely have a much higher than optimal bodyfat percentage. The second thing to take away is that fat loss into lean levels changes your appearance a lot more than simply going from a bodyfat percentage in the 30s to 20s – as you’ll see.

At this point I smartened up, learned about effective diet, exercise and nutrition, started eating 1300 calories a day but getting 0.8g protein per lb of bodyweight. Finished my diet today – I now weight 53kg and am around 10% bodyfat (no I really don’t care if you look at the pic and think I’m 9% or 11%, it’s not really relevant to the point I’m making. And I definitely don’t care if you think I’m a ‘twink’ or you could take me in a fight – again, kys gymcel).

Proof of claimed weight: View attachment 7862

Note that I was holding my phone to take the pic (which adds a couple of hundred grams) and it was after I’d had breakfast, which explains the slightly higher than 53kg weight. Plus as anyone knows, water fluctuations can change anyone a few hundred grams or even more.

Proof of claimed leaness: View attachment 7865

OK, so what results did we get by cutting another 8kg? Well, here’s how I look now (pics taken yesterday and today).

Now, what are the main points to take from this:

1) If you're not lean, and have never been lean, you are potentially missing out on a cheap and effective looksmax.

2) Gymcels are absolute fucking retards. Those morons like Nibba, Deltoid, Future Chadlite etc are all looksminning you, not looksmaxing you. 'Bulk up' for muh size, muh strength, muh muscles, muh intimidation of normies or any other cope reason they give will soon result (absent elite genetics) of your face getting cucked by high bodyfat. There's not much evidence that 'size' is that important to women anyway, but we all know that face is. They have often said that I'm just trying to keep you in the crab bucket with me - it's simply not true. I speak out against gymcelling, muscle building, roids etc as I don't want you to waste your time on a pointless endevour that will not looksmax you, it'll make you look worse. I clearly care a lot about looksmaxing, and have put plenty of effort in with weight loss and hair surgery. Trust me, if bulking and/or roids was a looksmax, I'd fucking be doing it. If I believed tons of muscle significantly enhanced SMV, I'd fucking go and get it. But it doesn't: leanness and the facial gains you'll make are far far more important.

3) If you're in the process of 'bulking', stop, put down that mcmeal immediately, and start cutting. It'll looksmax you far far better than more muscle ever will - and cutting is a lot faster than bulking, too.

Just remember boys, lean is life:

View attachment 7870 View attachment 7873

You looked recessed before but not recessed when you're lean. Is that possible? (chin btw)
Tbh how can a man above 20 weigh 53 kg?

Unless youre really small, I dont see how its possible.

Im not even talking about a potential fight- you get 1-2 punches and youre out for good.

Not hating but its a really low weight, afaik average american foid weighs like 75 kg. All the obesity aside etc. but average us foid could beat up a 53 kg guy most of the time.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23554 and Deleted member 15827
I would post a similar thread but I actually have career aspirations JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23554
I would post a similar thread but I actually have career aspirations JFL
send pm, everyone around these parts knows im based and chadpilled tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: BigNigga69
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard and BigNigga69
Fat people turn out the best looking when they lose weight.
  • +1
Reactions: Subhuman Philtrum
Rent free in and out her pussy, my deformed daughter
i will reward you with one react each time you bark for my attention you utter recessed dog ;)
  • JFL
Reactions: BigNigga69
i will reward you with one react each time you bark for my attention you utter recessed dog ;)
I will reward your mother with one coom every time you project, my Downie daughter
  • JFL
Reactions: balding17yomanletcel
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard and BigNigga69
Tbh how can a man above 20 weigh 53 kg?

Unless youre really small, I dont see how its possible.

Im not even talking about a potential fight- you get 1-2 punches and youre out for good.

Not hating but its a really low weight, afaik average american foid weighs like 75 kg. All the obesity aside etc. but average us foid could beat up a 53 kg guy most of the time.
He got very lean at 5'7 height, his frame is average too so its kind of possible.

He also was in thailand running jbw, I dont think he would have gotten into fights or something = no need for muscle.
Lifefuel thread but I fear I’m too recessed
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 10987, Danish_Retard and PenileFacialSurgery
A few things before we begin:

1) I'm not asking for ratings here, not the point of the thread.
2) I don't care if you mog me or I mog you. Again, not the point, broseph.
3) The point is to show, with pictures, that if you're a fatcel, skinnyfatcel, or simply have never been to low bodyfat levels, you need to get to low bodyfat in order to looksmax.
4) Like all looksmaxing, it's not gonna work for everyone. If you've already been lean and still weren't getting girls, feel free to go and eat mcds every day, at least you can do so without any regrets.
5) For the benefit of complete honesty, I did also get a hair transplant as well as losing fat – so the change you see here isn’t solely down to dieting alone.

OK, now we’ve got that out of the way, I used to have a very high bodyfat percentage. I wasn’t necessarily obese in medical terms (I topped out at 71kg), but I ate an absolute fuckton of junk food, cola, chocolate etc and did no exercise whatsoever. My entire day was spent sitting in a chair, pretty much. The result was that my face was bloated as fuck. Here’s a few pics – I’d estimate I’m somewhere between 30-35% bodyfat in these photos (at 71kg):

As we can see, the face is rounded, with no definition at all. Unfortunately I don’t have many pics where I’m not smiling (since this was before I discovered lookism and realized smiling in pics is generally bad for men), but you can all see the problems. Huge fat deposits, no lower third etc.

Now shortly after these pics, I discovered lookism, and went on a diet. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a fucking clue how to diet, beyond simply starving myself. Which worked to lose weight, however the muscle/fat loss ratio wasn’t good. No wonder – I was on 700 calories a day with the majority of the time it being something like a bag of crisps and a couple of chocolate bars (i.e. the same crap I was eating before, just way less of it). Not enough protein = a whole lot of muscle loss occurred along with the fat. You need to eat your protein when dieting, boyos (0.8g per lb of bodyweight). You also need to do some exercise too in order to minimize muscle loss. I’ve hated on gymcelling here for a while – mainly because the gymcels concept of gym is that you should eat big, get strong, pack loads of muscle (and fat) on, and if you suggest this is retarded, the gymcels ‘argument’ against you is ‘hurr, I could totally win in a fight bro, you wouldn’t say it to muh face bro’. Kill yourselves, immediately. With that said, lifting while being in a calorie deficit can work, as can a number of other physical activities like rock climbing, swimming, whatever you want really. But you have to do something.

Anyway, after my crash diet and losing 10kg (i.e. I was 61kg now), I still looked pretty shit. Not as bad as before, but certainly not good. I still had a fairly high bodyfat percentage (mid 20s – measured by one of those bodpod air displacement machines – they’re accurate to within a couple of percent). Here was how I looked after that:

So yeah, still bloated – and it just goes to show that if you’re a ‘normal’ weight/BMI, it absolutely does not mean this advice does not apply to you – at a ‘normal’ weight with a sedentary life and poor diet, you likely have a much higher than optimal bodyfat percentage. The second thing to take away is that fat loss into lean levels changes your appearance a lot more than simply going from a bodyfat percentage in the 30s to 20s – as you’ll see.

At this point I smartened up, learned about effective diet, exercise and nutrition, started eating 1300 calories a day but getting 0.8g protein per lb of bodyweight. Finished my diet today – I now weight 53kg and am around 10% bodyfat (no I really don’t care if you look at the pic and think I’m 9% or 11%, it’s not really relevant to the point I’m making. And I definitely don’t care if you think I’m a ‘twink’ or you could take me in a fight – again, kys gymcel).

Proof of claimed weight: View attachment 7862

Note that I was holding my phone to take the pic (which adds a couple of hundred grams) and it was after I’d had breakfast, which explains the slightly higher than 53kg weight. Plus as anyone knows, water fluctuations can change anyone a few hundred grams or even more.

Proof of claimed leaness: View attachment 7865

OK, so what results did we get by cutting another 8kg? Well, here’s how I look now (pics taken yesterday and today).

Now, what are the main points to take from this:

1) If you're not lean, and have never been lean, you are potentially missing out on a cheap and effective looksmax.

2) Gymcels are absolute fucking retards. Those morons like Nibba, Deltoid, Future Chadlite etc are all looksminning you, not looksmaxing you. 'Bulk up' for muh size, muh strength, muh muscles, muh intimidation of normies or any other cope reason they give will soon result (absent elite genetics) of your face getting cucked by high bodyfat. There's not much evidence that 'size' is that important to women anyway, but we all know that face is. They have often said that I'm just trying to keep you in the crab bucket with me - it's simply not true. I speak out against gymcelling, muscle building, roids etc as I don't want you to waste your time on a pointless endevour that will not looksmax you, it'll make you look worse. I clearly care a lot about looksmaxing, and have put plenty of effort in with weight loss and hair surgery. Trust me, if bulking and/or roids was a looksmax, I'd fucking be doing it. If I believed tons of muscle significantly enhanced SMV, I'd fucking go and get it. But it doesn't: leanness and the facial gains you'll make are far far more important.

3) If you're in the process of 'bulking', stop, put down that mcmeal immediately, and start cutting. It'll looksmax you far far better than more muscle ever will - and cutting is a lot faster than bulking, too.

Just remember boys, lean is life:

View attachment 7870 View attachment 7873

Not a single side profile picture retard
Recession is visible from the side no matter how fat you are
Not a single side profile picture retard
Recession is visible from the side no matter how fat you are
front pics is what matter
Plenty of subhumans who look good from the side here
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex and Deleted member 5891
Fabulous transformation ngl. Don't listen to autistic morons here. You look far better when you're lean. I'm 173cm (5'8) tall and I weigh 72 kg, my face is bloated and my lower third is recessed as fuck. I remember when I was younger (13 years old to 19 years old) I looked far better cuz I was lean not as lean as you but I looked less bloated. I've started my Auschwitzmaxxing journey a few days ago and your post has given me the motivation I need. Thanks!
Last edited:
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Reactions: tdawg and Deleted member 3512
I mean tbh this guy went from 73 something kg to 55 or so (dont quote me on that).

ofcourse 20 kg overweight will looksmin most men, its no rocket science.

plus bones in the face wont be visible at high bf - it is how it is.

luckily achieving and maintaining low bf requires quite some discipline and dedication as well as mental strentgh. Otherwise every man would be in the competition.

tbh the less men in the competitiin, the better it actually is.

the one time i checked out local men on tinder (wanted to see how the competition actually looks in my area #nohomo), most normies looked skinny fat or just skinny without muscles.

Tbh being skinny like a stick and lacking any form of muscle mass is also bad, not as bad as skinny fat, but if you look like a chop stick, youre not fully looksmaxxed.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8832, Tyronecell, Danish_Retard and 1 other person
A few things before we begin:

1) I'm not asking for ratings here, not the point of the thread.
2) I don't care if you mog me or I mog you. Again, not the point, broseph.
3) The point is to show, with pictures, that if you're a fatcel, skinnyfatcel, or simply have never been to low bodyfat levels, you need to get to low bodyfat in order to looksmax.
4) Like all looksmaxing, it's not gonna work for everyone. If you've already been lean and still weren't getting girls, feel free to go and eat mcds every day, at least you can do so without any regrets.
5) For the benefit of complete honesty, I did also get a hair transplant as well as losing fat – so the change you see here isn’t solely down to dieting alone.

OK, now we’ve got that out of the way, I used to have a very high bodyfat percentage. I wasn’t necessarily obese in medical terms (I topped out at 71kg), but I ate an absolute fuckton of junk food, cola, chocolate etc and did no exercise whatsoever. My entire day was spent sitting in a chair, pretty much. The result was that my face was bloated as fuck. Here’s a few pics – I’d estimate I’m somewhere between 30-35% bodyfat in these photos (at 71kg):

As we can see, the face is rounded, with no definition at all. Unfortunately I don’t have many pics where I’m not smiling (since this was before I discovered lookism and realized smiling in pics is generally bad for men), but you can all see the problems. Huge fat deposits, no lower third etc.

Now shortly after these pics, I discovered lookism, and went on a diet. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a fucking clue how to diet, beyond simply starving myself. Which worked to lose weight, however the muscle/fat loss ratio wasn’t good. No wonder – I was on 700 calories a day with the majority of the time it being something like a bag of crisps and a couple of chocolate bars (i.e. the same crap I was eating before, just way less of it). Not enough protein = a whole lot of muscle loss occurred along with the fat. You need to eat your protein when dieting, boyos (0.8g per lb of bodyweight). You also need to do some exercise too in order to minimize muscle loss. I’ve hated on gymcelling here for a while – mainly because the gymcels concept of gym is that you should eat big, get strong, pack loads of muscle (and fat) on, and if you suggest this is retarded, the gymcels ‘argument’ against you is ‘hurr, I could totally win in a fight bro, you wouldn’t say it to muh face bro’. Kill yourselves, immediately. With that said, lifting while being in a calorie deficit can work, as can a number of other physical activities like rock climbing, swimming, whatever you want really. But you have to do something.

Anyway, after my crash diet and losing 10kg (i.e. I was 61kg now), I still looked pretty shit. Not as bad as before, but certainly not good. I still had a fairly high bodyfat percentage (mid 20s – measured by one of those bodpod air displacement machines – they’re accurate to within a couple of percent). Here was how I looked after that:

So yeah, still bloated – and it just goes to show that if you’re a ‘normal’ weight/BMI, it absolutely does not mean this advice does not apply to you – at a ‘normal’ weight with a sedentary life and poor diet, you likely have a much higher than optimal bodyfat percentage. The second thing to take away is that fat loss into lean levels changes your appearance a lot more than simply going from a bodyfat percentage in the 30s to 20s – as you’ll see.

At this point I smartened up, learned about effective diet, exercise and nutrition, started eating 1300 calories a day but getting 0.8g protein per lb of bodyweight. Finished my diet today – I now weight 53kg and am around 10% bodyfat (no I really don’t care if you look at the pic and think I’m 9% or 11%, it’s not really relevant to the point I’m making. And I definitely don’t care if you think I’m a ‘twink’ or you could take me in a fight – again, kys gymcel).

Proof of claimed weight: View attachment 7862

Note that I was holding my phone to take the pic (which adds a couple of hundred grams) and it was after I’d had breakfast, which explains the slightly higher than 53kg weight. Plus as anyone knows, water fluctuations can change anyone a few hundred grams or even more.

Proof of claimed leaness: View attachment 7865

OK, so what results did we get by cutting another 8kg? Well, here’s how I look now (pics taken yesterday and today).

Now, what are the main points to take from this:

1) If you're not lean, and have never been lean, you are potentially missing out on a cheap and effective looksmax.

2) Gymcels are absolute fucking retards. Those morons like Nibba, Deltoid, Future Chadlite etc are all looksminning you, not looksmaxing you. 'Bulk up' for muh size, muh strength, muh muscles, muh intimidation of normies or any other cope reason they give will soon result (absent elite genetics) of your face getting cucked by high bodyfat. There's not much evidence that 'size' is that important to women anyway, but we all know that face is. They have often said that I'm just trying to keep you in the crab bucket with me - it's simply not true. I speak out against gymcelling, muscle building, roids etc as I don't want you to waste your time on a pointless endevour that will not looksmax you, it'll make you look worse. I clearly care a lot about looksmaxing, and have put plenty of effort in with weight loss and hair surgery. Trust me, if bulking and/or roids was a looksmax, I'd fucking be doing it. If I believed tons of muscle significantly enhanced SMV, I'd fucking go and get it. But it doesn't: leanness and the facial gains you'll make are far far more important.

3) If you're in the process of 'bulking', stop, put down that mcmeal immediately, and start cutting. It'll looksmax you far far better than more muscle ever will - and cutting is a lot faster than bulking, too.

Just remember boys, lean is life:

View attachment 7870 View attachment 7873

Mogs me :)))
a thread of the fallen king. he'll be for ever missed.

@higgabigga try losing some weight, he went from subhuman to high-tier normie
9% BF or death indeed
  • +1
Reactions: tdawg
bumpo. Will he ever return we need him here tbh
  • +1
Reactions: tdawg
A few things before we begin:

1) I'm not asking for ratings here, not the point of the thread.
2) I don't care if you mog me or I mog you. Again, not the point, broseph.
3) The point is to show, with pictures, that if you're a fatcel, skinnyfatcel, or simply have never been to low bodyfat levels, you need to get to low bodyfat in order to looksmax.
4) Like all looksmaxing, it's not gonna work for everyone. If you've already been lean and still weren't getting girls, feel free to go and eat mcds every day, at least you can do so without any regrets.
5) For the benefit of complete honesty, I did also get a hair transplant as well as losing fat – so the change you see here isn’t solely down to dieting alone.

OK, now we’ve got that out of the way, I used to have a very high bodyfat percentage. I wasn’t necessarily obese in medical terms (I topped out at 71kg), but I ate an absolute fuckton of junk food, cola, chocolate etc and did no exercise whatsoever. My entire day was spent sitting in a chair, pretty much. The result was that my face was bloated as fuck. Here’s a few pics – I’d estimate I’m somewhere between 30-35% bodyfat in these photos (at 71kg):

As we can see, the face is rounded, with no definition at all. Unfortunately I don’t have many pics where I’m not smiling (since this was before I discovered lookism and realized smiling in pics is generally bad for men), but you can all see the problems. Huge fat deposits, no lower third etc.

Now shortly after these pics, I discovered lookism, and went on a diet. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a fucking clue how to diet, beyond simply starving myself. Which worked to lose weight, however the muscle/fat loss ratio wasn’t good. No wonder – I was on 700 calories a day with the majority of the time it being something like a bag of crisps and a couple of chocolate bars (i.e. the same crap I was eating before, just way less of it). Not enough protein = a whole lot of muscle loss occurred along with the fat. You need to eat your protein when dieting, boyos (0.8g per lb of bodyweight). You also need to do some exercise too in order to minimize muscle loss. I’ve hated on gymcelling here for a while – mainly because the gymcels concept of gym is that you should eat big, get strong, pack loads of muscle (and fat) on, and if you suggest this is retarded, the gymcels ‘argument’ against you is ‘hurr, I could totally win in a fight bro, you wouldn’t say it to muh face bro’. Kill yourselves, immediately. With that said, lifting while being in a calorie deficit can work, as can a number of other physical activities like rock climbing, swimming, whatever you want really. But you have to do something.

Anyway, after my crash diet and losing 10kg (i.e. I was 61kg now), I still looked pretty shit. Not as bad as before, but certainly not good. I still had a fairly high bodyfat percentage (mid 20s – measured by one of those bodpod air displacement machines – they’re accurate to within a couple of percent). Here was how I looked after that:

So yeah, still bloated – and it just goes to show that if you’re a ‘normal’ weight/BMI, it absolutely does not mean this advice does not apply to you – at a ‘normal’ weight with a sedentary life and poor diet, you likely have a much higher than optimal bodyfat percentage. The second thing to take away is that fat loss into lean levels changes your appearance a lot more than simply going from a bodyfat percentage in the 30s to 20s – as you’ll see.

At this point I smartened up, learned about effective diet, exercise and nutrition, started eating 1300 calories a day but getting 0.8g protein per lb of bodyweight. Finished my diet today – I now weight 53kg and am around 10% bodyfat (no I really don’t care if you look at the pic and think I’m 9% or 11%, it’s not really relevant to the point I’m making. And I definitely don’t care if you think I’m a ‘twink’ or you could take me in a fight – again, kys gymcel).

Proof of claimed weight: View attachment 7862

Note that I was holding my phone to take the pic (which adds a couple of hundred grams) and it was after I’d had breakfast, which explains the slightly higher than 53kg weight. Plus as anyone knows, water fluctuations can change anyone a few hundred grams or even more.

Proof of claimed leaness: View attachment 7865

OK, so what results did we get by cutting another 8kg? Well, here’s how I look now (pics taken yesterday and today).

Now, what are the main points to take from this:

1) If you're not lean, and have never been lean, you are potentially missing out on a cheap and effective looksmax.

2) Gymcels are absolute fucking retards. Those morons like Nibba, Deltoid, Future Chadlite etc are all looksminning you, not looksmaxing you. 'Bulk up' for muh size, muh strength, muh muscles, muh intimidation of normies or any other cope reason they give will soon result (absent elite genetics) of your face getting cucked by high bodyfat. There's not much evidence that 'size' is that important to women anyway, but we all know that face is. They have often said that I'm just trying to keep you in the crab bucket with me - it's simply not true. I speak out against gymcelling, muscle building, roids etc as I don't want you to waste your time on a pointless endevour that will not looksmax you, it'll make you look worse. I clearly care a lot about looksmaxing, and have put plenty of effort in with weight loss and hair surgery. Trust me, if bulking and/or roids was a looksmax, I'd fucking be doing it. If I believed tons of muscle significantly enhanced SMV, I'd fucking go and get it. But it doesn't: leanness and the facial gains you'll make are far far more important.

3) If you're in the process of 'bulking', stop, put down that mcmeal immediately, and start cutting. It'll looksmax you far far better than more muscle ever will - and cutting is a lot faster than bulking, too.

Just remember boys, lean is life:

View attachment 7870 View attachment 7873

3 PSL to 5 PSL, lifefuel buddyboyo
need more of this motivational fuel

This or death tbh
  • Ugh..
Reactions: 6485b025t
from an invisible subhuman to an invisible subhuman
I really need motivation, fuck.
Im getting fat as hell
Makes a world of difference, even chad pitt would be an inkwell at a certain breaking point.
I've lost other few kgs, my face looks better and my man boobs are smaller. I no longer have a big fat beer gut, snore at night is ceased too.
You needed this fucking forum to figure out doud look better lean? Holy fucking shit.

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