REV-ERBα/β agonists: how to use anabolic steroids without damaging your body (SR9009, SR9011)

The circadian rhythm doesn't just regulate sleep cycles, it plays a critical role in metabolic regulation and by extension determines ones level of disease & inflammation. In order to maintain homeostasis and promote survival, the circadian clock coordinates and maintains the 24-hour rhythmicity of various physiological processes, the most evident are the sleep/wake and fasting/feeding cycles. Disruption of the clock has been associated with an increased susceptibility and/or development of sleep and metabolic disorders. Proper circadian function occurs in response to synchronous expression of the molecular machinery of the circadian clock, composed of a central pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) residing in the hypothalamus. While the master clock is entrained by light, almost all cells in the body harbor peripheral clocks that are entrained by both signals from the master clock and environmental cues.
The REV-ERBα/β complex is one of the key gene suppressors/activators that is responsible for the function of the circadian core clock machinery. Before I explain REV-ERB's function you need to understand how the circadian rhythm functions:​
The activation of the genes BMAL1 (brain and muscle arnt-like protein 1) and CLOCK (circadian locomotor output cycles kaput) positively regulate the activation/transcription of Per (period) and Cry (cryptochrome) causing a negative feedback loop that suppresses BMAL1/CLOCK. In doing this the Per/Cry complex is repressing CLOCK from activating Per/Cry in the first place which causes a 24h oscillation in Per/Cry levels. To break down further:

BMAL1 and CLOCK, heterodimerize and drive the expression of Cryptochrome (Cry1, 2) and Period (Per1-3). Once Cryptochrome and Period proteins reach a critical threshold, PER:CRY complexes translocate to the nucleus to repress Bmal1:Clock transactivation.

BMAL1/CLOCK (CLOCK complex) activation of Per/Cry suppression of CLOCK suppression of Per/Cry

Okay, so how does REV-ERBα/β play a role in this cascade?

REV-ERB operates on a different part of the clock machinery. It doesn't directly interact with the CLOCK complex. Instead, REV-ERB represses Bmal1 expression. This means that when REV-ERB is active, less BMAL1 is available, which weakens the ability of CLOCK to drive the expression of Per/Cry. In the daytime, REV-ERB levels are high, so Bmal1 is repressed. In the nighttime, REV-ERB levels fall, allowing Bmal1 expression to rise again, which enables the next cycle of Per and Cry transcription. So to break it down again:

REV-ERBα/β → suppression of BMAL1/CLOCK weakened expression of Per/Cry → inhibition of the negative feedback loop

When we agonise REV-ERBα/β with a synthetic ligand (SR9009 or SR9011) we are interrupting this process by positively bolstering REV-ERB's ability to suppress the negative feedback loop via it's inhibition of BMAL1/CLOCK expression
Okay, so why is any of this important for our heatlh and by extension, our looks?​

Because, REV-ERB and the cascade of gene expression/suppression plays a VITAL role in circadian-contingent regulation of inflammation, lipid synthesis, mitogenesis/mitochondrial function, muscle function, cancer progression, bile synthesis (hepatoprotection) and more. For those of you who are hesistant to use steroids because of their effects on dyslipidemia (hyperlipidemia) and hepatotoxicity, this is everything you need to know about REV-ERB and it's ligands:

SR9009 and SR9011 are potent agonists at REV-ERBα (most activity occurs here) and REV-ERBβ (very potent but less so than at alpha). These drugs are responsible for directing metabolic function in a circadian manner. To make this guide more digestible I'll break down SR9009/11's effects into categories, starting with Lipids:

Mice lacking REV-ERBα show impaired lipid metabolism, leading to elevated levels of triglycerides and free fatty acids in the liver. In contrast, activation of REV-ERBα reduces triglycerides and free fatty acids in mice. This lipid-lowering effect is linked to the transcriptional repression of ApoC-III, which plays a crucial role in triglyceride metabolism by inhibiting the breakdown of triglyceride-rich particles, and Elovl3, which is involved in the elongation of fatty acids to generate very long-chain fatty acids[1] The REV-ERB nuclear receptors have been shown to play a key role in regulating lipid metabolism. It has been demonstrated that pharmacological activation of Rev-erb reduced plasma cholesterol levels in mice, while others found that mice lacking Rev-erb had elevated plasma cholesterol levels. Findings reveal that Rev-erb coordinately regulates most of the genes encoding critical enzymes involved in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway[2]. It seems to inhibit the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis (cyp7a1/cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase)[3]

In the aforementioned study it was found that these mice experienced a reduction of 36% and 41% in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol upon activation of the Rev-erb. A previous study reported an increase in plasma LDL and cholesterol in REV-ERB knockout mice which further supports the notion that REV-ERB negatively regulate cholesterol levels. This is incredibly important for users of steroids because AAS cause a dose-dependent increase in LDL and a decrease in HDL. In another study, the plasma cholesterol analysis of rats that were fed a high-cholesterol diet showed significant reduction in total cholesterol (36%), LDL-C (41%) and triglycerides (40%) in response to SR9009 treatment. HDL-C levels were not affected by SR9009[4]

Not only does REV-ERB activation significantly reduce total cholesterol levels, it regulates macrophages M1 and M2, the ratio of which plays an important role in the development of atherosclerosis. Dyslipidemia and inflammation is responsible for plaque build up in the arteries and REV-ERB knockout mice are proven to have dysregulated ratios between M1 and M2. M1 is pro-inflammatory and cytotoxic, whereas M2 is anti-inflammatory. REV-ERB deficient mice have higher levels of M1 and in conjunction with hyperlipidemia (high total cholesterol) the development of atherosclerosis is majorly increased. SR9009 treatment of bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages (BMDM) reduced the polarization of BMDMs to pro-inflammatory M1 macrophage while increasing the polarization of BMDMs to anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages. Essentially, the introduction of SR9009 normalized the aberrant levels of M1 and increased the levels of M2.[5]

By extension of REV-ERB's effect on macrophages and lipid synthesis, it is highly cardioprotective. However, the inhibition of cardiac fibrosis plays a much larger role in it's cardioprotection. SR9009 prevents cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, reduces fibrosis, and halts heart failure progression in mice. Additionally, SR9009 improves left ventricular function and increases survival rates following myocardial infarction. It also reduced the expression of cytokines IL-6, MMP9, and limited immune cell infiltration (pro-inflammatory macrophages) in the heart. In mice with pressure-induced cardiac hypertrophy caused by transverse aortic constriction, SR9009 lowered protein kinase B (AKT) expression and reduced cardiac hypertrophy[6]

REV-ERBα plays a key role in glucose homeostasis and the development of diabetes by regulating glucose synthesis and the function of pancreatic α and β cells. Activation of REV-ERBα lowers both cellular and plasma glucose levels. Similarly, mice lacking REV-ERBα exhibit elevated plasma glucose levels.[7] Anecdotally, my hba1c levels haven't breached 5mmol/L since starting SR9009.

REV-ERBα activation by SR9009 inhibits transcription of inflammatory factors IL-1β, IL-6, MMP-9, and Ccl2 in astrocytes. SR9009 significantly attenuates hepatic damage and inflammatory responses, it is effective in suppressing clinical markers of liver damage, circulating lipids, hepatic fibrosis, and markers of inflammation. In addition, pharmacological activation of REV-ERBα by SR9009 alleviated hepatic steatosis, insulin resistance, liver inflammation, and fibrosis in CL diet-induced NASH mice. These effects were accompanied by improved gut barrier function and altered microbial composition and function in NASH mice, and the effect tended to be stronger when SR9009 was injected at ZT0 (night time) Moreover, SR9009 treatment at different time points resulted in a marked difference in the composition of the microbiota, with a stronger effect on the enrichment of beneficial bacteria and the diminishment of harmful bacteria when SR9009 was administrated at night.[8, 9, 10]

SR9009 potently regulates mitogenesis (the formation of new mitochondria) and mitochondrial respiration. In one study dealing with REV-ERBα knockout mice, cellular effects resulted in both impaired mitochondrial biogenesis leading to compromised exercise capacity. On a molecular level, REV-ERBα deficiency resulted in deactivation of the Lkb1-Ampk-Sirt1-Ppargc-1α signaling pathway.[11] Additionally, genes encoding enzymes of fatty acid β-oxidation, like carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1b (Cpt1b), long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (Acadl), short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (Acads), Ucp2, and Ucp3, genes involved in skeletal muscle metabolism, were also upregulated with REV-ERBα overexpression.[12] Researchers have demonstrated that mice lacking REV-ERBα had decreased skeletal muscle metabolic activity and running capacity. Burris’ group showed that activation of REV-ERBα with SR9009 led to increased metabolic activity in skeletal muscle in both culture and in mice. The treated mice had a 50 percent increase in running capacity, measured by both time and distance.[13].

“The animals actually get muscles like an athlete who has been training,” said Burris. “The pattern of gene expression after treatment with SR9009 is that of an oxidative-type muscle— again, just like an athlete.”

Speaking of muscles, glucocorticoids seem to negatively regulate REV-ERB expression, REV-ERBα mRNA levels were shown to be down-regulated by dexamethasone in the liver and in both rat and human primary hepatocyte cultures in one study[14]. In another study, REV-ERBα overexpression partially or totally blunted dexamethasone-mediated induction of the catabolic (Atrogin, Murf1, Foxo1 and Foxo3a) and anti-anabolic (Klf15, Redd1 and Bcat2) genes[15]. This means SR9009 is HIGHLY anticatabolic because cortisol/glucocorticoid agonism is one of the most potent regulators of muscle catabolism. The fact that SR9009 was able to completely abate dexamethasone induced catabolism is astounding, imagine what it's capable of doing in the presence of anabolics.
It's exercise in pill form essentialy, and it doesn't cause cancer like Cardarine, quite the contrary actually.​
REV-ERBs are potently anticarcinogenic. It's getting too good to be true.​

In one study, it was found that cancer cell proliferation was reduced with the use of the REV-ERBα agonist SR9011 as well as with an RORα agonist. Regarding gastric cancer, it was determined that REV-ERBα expression was decreased in tissues of patients with gastric cancer, which was correlated with poor differentiation and lymph node metastasis. In addition, decreased REV-ERBα expression was associated with poor prognosis. Another study focusing on glioblastoma investigated the proliferation dependence on clock genes among different cell states of glioblastoma cells, namely, the glioblastoma stem cells, differentiated glioblastoma cells, and non-malignant brain cells. The GSCs only exhibited a strong dependence on clock-related transcription factors. The treatment with the small-molecule agonists of REV-ERBs SR9011 and SR9009 led to a reduction in the GSC proliferation rate.[16]
Okay so how do we use SR9009?​

SR9009 has an estimated half life of around 4-6h, that means it's in and out of the body relatively quickly and that's exactly what we want, REV-ERB regulates orexinergic genes (orexin 1/2 are neuropeptides involved in sleep onset and maintenance) if taken during the day (SR9009) orexin is supressed, if you take it too close to bedtime you'll have an underactive orexingergic system, not only this, but SR9009 negatively regulates GABA transmission so wakefullness is definitely a perceptible effect of this drug. It also blocks melatonin receptor. The immediate effect of this drug is intense but non-anxiety inducing alertness. Once this drug is out of the body, however, orexin, melatonin & gaba are sensitized. Sleep onset is rapid and sleep maintenance is perfect. SR9009 will positively regulate your circadian rhythm more than any drug supplement (melatonin).

The issue however, is the fact that SR9009 has next to no oral bioavailability, we are required to either brew SR9009 into an oil based injectable, or we can dissolve SR9009 into DMSO and it apply it transdermally (wrists, scrotum and thin veiny areas have the best absorption rates). SR9009 will hold in DMSO at 30mg/ml[17]​
For an injectable solution (30ml) we get around 30mg/ml

900mg/.9g of SR9009 raw powder
20% benzyl benzoate
2% benzyl alcohol
78% MCT oil

For a DMSO based solution we can achieve 30mg/ml

30ml 99% pharmaceutical grade DMSO
900mg/.9g of SR9009 raw powder

Only apply/inject in the morning and never after midday.​
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What should he have done differently?
Either made it simple enough for everyone to understand, or include everything possible for the people who already have knowledge to learn more

He made his thread in a way where it brings value to neither side
include everything possible for the people who already have knowledge to learn more
Are you referring to yourself? I’m asking because ur the only one complaining 💀
Are you referring to yourself? I’m asking because ur the only one complaining 💀
No i already know everything about it, feel like theres a confusion, my original comment was just rating the post based on its value as a whole, then the debate started after, im not complaining originally all i wouldve done was just rate and then left, but he started talking shit so i had to reply
Bookmarked, will read later + post more high iq threads bro (y)
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Natty copers on suicide watch
Muhhhh creatine muhhhh test booster!!!

>man on 250 mg test makes 2x more gains than nasties WITHOUT WORKING OUT
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its not about simplifcation it’s about completeness
The thread is complete. Everything that I posted has citations and is intrinsically linked to the crux of the entire post, mitigating sides of steroids and general benefits of SR9009. I don't need to explain every single nuance of circadian gene expression and my simplification of the CLOCK complex doesn't harm anyone nor does it take away any value of this thread. You're the ONLY cunt who has a problem with it.

I guarantee you had I left out any explanation of REV-ERB, CLOCK/BMAL1 and Cry/Per you would have called it a shit thread regardless, because you're a spiteful charlatan hack.
100% of compounds have risks and talking about those here would give other people more knowledge about this
I've read all your pitiful and embarrassing threads and holy fuck, what a hypocritical subhuman dog you are.

Not only do you provide incredibly cursory risk analyses, you tell everyone to "do their own research" which is quite contradictory to what you criticized me for. I said I don't expect anyone to immediately take everything that I wrote about at face value, to which you replied that I should and leaving out crucial information is harmful.

You're expecting people to do their own research when you create a thread, as am I.

You provide absolutely zero sources to anything you write about.

And in this spoiler here, you list sides as: "shit happens"


What a complete fucking joke. How can you come in here and derail my thread talking about muh risk analysis and lack of complexity when you quite literally produce unadulterated garbage like this?

INB4 muh "If you're going to attempt to make it detailed you can't omit key information"

The way I described CLOCK wasn't WRONG you fucking moron. The exclusion of certain details doesn't make what I wrote incorrect nor does it have any baring on what the crux of thread is about. I wrote about Lipids, Cancer, Mitochondria, all of which was backed by sources. Anyone can go and read them and further their understanding of the circadian gene complex.
but ur original post isnt simplified and when key mechanisms are left out in a complex post (yours) it makes the info incomplete
How the fuck is it not simplified? CLOCK/BMAL1 drive the expression of Per/Cry which induces a negative feedback loop that inhibits BMAL1/CLOCK. Explain how that isn't a simplification.
ofcourse i make sure to include everything possible,
Your risk analysis is pitiful and pathetic, your threads are entirely devoid or sourcing, your explanation of MOAs is weak and incredibly reductive.

You're a fucking hack.

ur responsible to give correct and complete info in the post itself


Possible strange tissue growth??? Fantastic risk analysis!

Also what a fucking garbage thread that is. Where is anyone going to find recombinant hepatocyte growth factor? Thanks for including the dosing protocol for a drug that costs 1000USD per microgram though!
hyper simplistic with steps so that every user on this forum can understand
This is your go-to only because you're a fucking fraud chatgpt-using faggot. You couldn't put together a detailed thread if you had a gun pointing to your tiny 5'6" skull.

Right, I could have just said "SR9009 reduces lipids and increases endurance", but I'd wager most people want actual evidence backing it up.

You either want me to churn out the garbage you do or to produce the encyclopedia of circadian gene expression. There's no winning here for me because you're a pedantic subhuman dog who felt the need to shit on my thread for absolutely no reason
highlights help but condensing the important points and having critical mechanisms would make the post easier to understand
Go reread it you fucking moron. The "critical mechanisms" are all there.
I have ways to change my height that im trying to keep to myself, just gotta get enough money for everything first
Nah cope, you're a manlet for life. I'd crush your spine in seconds
how REV-ERB agonists affect circadian gene expression and in turn impact metabolism, lipid synthesis, and endurance
All explained and citied, kill yourself.
but he started talking shit
You unjustifiably gave the thread a 1/10 and completely misconstrued the title of the thread. But I started talking shit?

Slit your manlet throat please!
  • JFL
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The thread is complete. Everything that I posted has citations and is intrinsically linked to the crux of the entire post, mitigating sides of steroids and general benefits of SR9009. I don't need to explain every single nuance of circadian gene expression and my simplification of the CLOCK complex doesn't harm anyone nor does it take away any value of this thread. You're the ONLY cunt who has a problem with it.
The cunts that dont have a problem with this dont know anything about this topic
I guarantee you had I left out any explanation of REV-ERB, CLOCK/BMAL1 and Cry/Per you would have called it a shit thread regardless, because you're a spiteful charlatan hack.
Guaranteeing hypothetical situations doesnt make u right u twat calling out someone for expecting a better explanation in a field this precise doesnt make them a “charlatan” if anything u dismissing my critique shows that ur own understanding is lacking all that attacking my character does is tell more about ur emotions rather than they do about how truth ur claims r the hard truth u need to accept is oversimplifying pathways risks misleading readers whether u want to accept it or not
I've read all your pitiful and embarrassing threads and holy fuck, what a hypocritical subhuman dog you are.
Pls point out issues in my threads unlike u i listen to all critiques, and again this is an ad hominem, werher or not uve read my threads is irrelevant to our current debate
Not only do you provide incredibly cursory risk analyses, you tell everyone to "do their own research" which is quite contradictory to what you criticized me for.
No its not mine is an invitation after providing all the necessary info its not the same at all
I said I don't expect anyone to immediately take everything that I wrote about at face value, to which you replied that I should and leaving out crucial information is harmful.
I didnt leave out crucial info i invited them to do their own research, telling someone to do their own research doesnt mean the infos lacking, its again an invitation for the readers to not take everything at face value even if true
You're expecting people to do their own research when you create a thread, as am I.
Again mine is an invitation after providing the info
You provide absolutely zero sources to anything you write about.
Because sources dont affect wether im right or not it just affects the trust of the user, wether the user trusts me or not is none of my concern
And in this spoiler here, you list sides as: "shit happens"

View attachment 3216806

What a complete fucking joke. How can you come in here and derail my thread talking about muh risk analysis and lack of complexity when you quite literally produce unadulterated garbage like this?
Incorrect in the 1st reply i stated what “muh shit happens” means if u scroll down u will see its the literal first reply
INB4 muh "If you're going to attempt to make it detailed you can't omit key information"
I didnt i stated it in the first reply to the post
The way I described CLOCK wasn't WRONG you fucking moron. The exclusion of certain details doesn't make what I wrote incorrect nor does it have any baring on what the crux of thread is about. I wrote about Lipids, Cancer, Mitochondria, all of which was backed by sources. Anyone can go and read them and further their understanding of the circadian gene complex.
ur desc of CLOCK isnt incorrect as ive already said its incomplete and that matters, when u explain scientific mechanisms especially in drug interactions, key details are NOT optional
omitting them leads to misunderstanding or misrepresentation of info, the crux of your thread is SR9009s effects but the way it interacts with circadian gene expression is extreme important, half truths or partial explanations doesnt serve the science. Lipids, cancer pathways, and mitochondrial function are all important, but ur handling of CLOCK and its role is where my critique is
How the fuck is it not simplified? CLOCK/BMAL1 drive the expression of Per/Cry which induces a negative feedback loop that inhibits BMAL1/CLOCK. Explain how that isn't a simplification.
The problem isnt that you simplified its that the simplification is lacking for the context, ur omitting key influences that impact the pharmacological interaction ur discussing for instance how SR9009 modulates REV-ERB activity and interacts with Per/Cry feedback loops is important for understanding its action it matters when were discussing practical effects of SR9009 on steroid sides, cutting these short creates gaps in understanding that cant just be fixed by saying, “do your own research”
Your risk analysis is pitiful and pathetic, your threads are entirely devoid or sourcing, your explanation of MOAs is weak and incredibly reductive.
Again ad hominem attacks ruin ur argument
You're a fucking hack.

View attachment 3216822

Possible strange tissue growth??? Fantastic risk analysis!
My guide is a perfect example of what im referring to, either make a simple guide everyone can understand like that one or a complex one that has all the info included for people that can already understand almost everything to learn the rest, sending that just helps back my point
Also what a fucking garbage thread that is. Where is anyone going to find recombinant hepatocyte growth factor? Thanks for including the dosing protocol for a drug that costs 1000USD per microgram though!
wrong its 300 for 25, so 300 a day, thats for pharma grade for full price, u can get it from india and china for prolly 50-100
This is your go-to only because you're a fucking fraud chatgpt-using faggot.
Im not as 1. Chatgpt isnt at the level to discuss this, and 2. Ive had live and personal discussions with people on these topics disproving the “chatgpt” claim that only u and clavicular have ever made against me see how both of u dislike me? Sense some bias
You couldn't put together a detailed thread if you had a gun pointing to your tiny 5'6" skull.
Im not 5’6, also

And if u go to my profile and scroll down ull see a hundred more
Right, I could have just said "SR9009 reduces lipids and increases endurance", but I'd wager most people want actual evidence backing it up.
Then add sources thats a trust thing, idc if users trust me but ill provide useable info, u couldve said that put 3 sources and bam better guide than this one u just made, surface level analysis wont suffice in more rigorous discussions
You either want me to churn out the garbage you do or to produce the encyclopedia of circadian gene expression. There's no winning here for me because you're a pedantic subhuman dog who felt the need to shit on my thread for absolutely no reason
Oversimplification to the point of leaving out important facts isnt helpful but neither is turning the thread into an unreadable textbook, the failure here is not about the volume of info but in not having important connections between SR9009s effects and the biological pathways you chose to address
Go reread it you fucking moron. The "critical mechanisms" are all there.

Nah cope, you're a manlet for life. I'd crush your spine in seconds
Again when you resort to physical threats or talking shit uve left the realm of science and entered pure emotional reaction, sounding alot like a whiny bitch, the important mechanisms you mentioned are incomplete and u dismissing them, pointing this out doesnt help your case its time to focus back on the science buddy
All explained and citied, kill yourself.
What a great arguement
You unjustifiably gave the thread a 1/10 and completely misconstrued the title of the thread.
I didnt i corrected myself in the first reply and the 1/10 doesnt change since the quality still sucks
But I started talking shit?
Am i supposed to give u a higher score so u dont get emotional and cry?
Slit your manlet throat please!
The jokes make themselves
Last edited:
  • +1
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The cunts that dont have a problem with this dont know anything about this topic
So let's break this down.

I make a thread for an audience of people who presumably want to looksmax, to which I suggest SR9009 as a supplementary aid alongisde steroids (obviously fantastic tools for looksmaxxing) to mitigate the dangers.

I have multiple options here:

1) write multiple pages of nonsense that doesn't need to be explained to an audience of people who most likely won't understand a single word, but because the off chance someone like yourself exists I should harp on about REV-ERB at the expense of every other reader

2) write a simplified/reductive explanation of REV-ERB (which isn't wrong) but focus mainly on the tangible/clinically significant effects of SR9009 as it pertains to dyslipidemia and other metabolic issues (this is what everyone cares about)

Given what I know about the userbase here why on earth would I opt for the first one when a) what I wrote about CLOCK wasn't wrong and 2) the point of the thread was to provide EVIDENCE of it's effects on metabolism?
Guaranteeing hypothetical situations doesnt make u right u twat calling out someone for expecting a better explanation in a field this precise doesnt make them a “charlatan”
That Isn't why I'm calling you a charlatan. You're a charlatan for creating obscene threads with zero praticality and farming reps, beginng for contributer roles and overral acting like you're some arbiter of pristine knowledge with your pathetic little "ungatekeeping" series that you post on your profile. Wow Epitalon! I feel SO ungakekept!

Obviously the pathetic stuff like refering to yourself as high IQ, stuff like that is low hanging fruit though. You're not even a pseud, you're just straight dumb.

werher or not uve read my threads is irrelevant to our current debate
No no no it quite literally is. If you're going to make criticisms about MY thread and the way I wrote it, I'll do the same for yours, which harbour problems that are equally if not worse than mine.

You post slop that looks like it's been churned through OpenAI, it's mass produced garbage, oversimplified and unsubstantiated.

No its not mine is an invitation after providing all the necessary info its not the same at all
You provide the most cursory information ever you fucking imbecile


Necessary information? Does the user know it's affinity for DAT? Do they know it's MOA? Why does it increase dopamine? Do they know about it's ergogenic effects (Orexin/histamine). Where's the risk analysis, what about hypertension, insomnia, anxiety? No mentions?

Oh, they need to do their own research in your threads but in my threads I'm expected to school every user on biology 101. You're such a hack it's unreal.

I didnt leave out crucial info i invited them to do their own research, telling someone to do their own research doesnt mean the infos lacking, its again an invitation for the readers to not take everything at face value even if true
Except your info is quite literally lacking.


Zero discussion about Dihexa's role as a potential oncogene, horrible dosage protocol, no mention of Dihexa's insolubility or oral bioavailability that renders it completely useless unless delivered with DMSO.

It's fine to criticize my thread and call the information lackluster so long as you're ready to admit your threads are equally as garbage and that you're a loser hack.

Because sources dont affect wether im right or not it just affects the trust of the user, wether the user trusts me or not is none of my concern
Okay, so you're not beholden to the validity of your claims and the responsibility you bare if someone takes what you say at face value but I am?

Sources are absolutely essential, I don't give a fuck what you say about NGF if you can't back it up with even a modicum of evidence. You're a rep farming manlet dog that produces pure garbage.

sources dont affect wether im right or not
It doesn't matter, you can't just ramble on about stuff without substantiating the claims.

Incorrect in the 1st reply i stated what “muh shit happens” means if u scroll down u will see its the literal first reply
Yeah, you corrected yourself after you got flamed for it by Clavicular. You're so disingenuous it's unreal

I don't give a fuck if you meant it'd cause irritation at the site, you still uploaded it with that lazy garbage.

but ur handling of CLOCK and its role is where my critique is
The way I "handled" CLOCK is absolutely fine, the description serves it's purpose. Reread the thread you'll find that almost every part explains what genes are either being suppressed or expressed by REV-ERB.

cutting these short creates gaps in understanding that cant just be fixed by saying, “do your own research”
You're aware this criticism could be applied to your own threads. You provide one liners for every single drug/supplement you bring up. Fucking hypocritical dog.

You're creating gaps in mentioning Dihexa without the risks. The exclusion of information entirely is worse than my oversimplification of CLOCK.

Again ad hominem attacks ruin ur argument
You are astoundingly retarded. There isn't ad hom there I'm talking about the FACTS

You provide zero risk analysis, your explanations are beyond cursory and you don't provide sources.

Just because I rightfully called them pitiful, pathetic etc does not make it WRONG.

sending that just helps back my point
No it doesn't. It illustrates how wrong and hypocritical you are. No one on this site is going to have a clue what hepatocyte growth factor is, you need to mention it's role in the body and the potential risks it harbors via agonism/modulation (oncogenesis).

I couldn't care less that you DIDN'T mention any of that, I do however care that you even have the audacity to derail my thread when this is the type of garbage content you produce.

My design of my thread is infinitely more detailed than anything you've ever written about, it's substantiated with sources, it discusses everything that pertains to mitigating steroid sides and it doesn't delve into any undue complexities.

u can get it from india and china for prolly 50-100
Awesome, 50 bucks for NGF when I can pay almost 1/10th of that on Dihexa and gain all the same benefits.

It's a shit thread with a bunch of impractical nonoptions that not a single person here will ever employ.

Sense some bias
I had no clue of your existence until you came in here and shat out your garbage opinion like a hypocritical dog.

Clavicular is my boy and he just filled in the gaps about you and gave me some cagefuel information, his dislike for you is justified from what I can tell.

And if u go to my profile and scroll down ull see a hundred more
I'm not clicking those dogshit threads. JFL.

You aren't growing a single molecule of bone with any hacky method. If you weren't aware I made this thread years ago when I was a young teen. I grew to 6'2 but my dad is 6'3 and my brother is also 6'2 so whether or not I grew because of GH or merely natural growth is unfalsifiable. It's a meaningless pursuit

surface level analysis wont suffice in more rigorous discussions
I'm not even going to respond because you're reaching so hard with this.

Whether or not the discussion is surface level is irrelevant to the fact that I laid out everything that pertains to metabolism and REV-ERB and substantiated every claim.

Again when you resort to physical threats or talking shit uve left the realm of science and entered pure emotional reaction
There's nothing wrong with being vital you slut. I'd gut you and break your 5'6 spine in seconds.

pointing this out doesnt help your case its time to focus back on the science buddy
Yeah dude I should have just rambled on about CLOCK for multiple pages and not mention anything to do with it's tangible and clinically signifcant effects on lipids and metabolism. Awesome sutff

What a great arguement
It is, suicide is truly your only option I'm afraid

I didnt i corrected myself in the first reply
I don't care, the fact you replied without having read it says everything I need to know about you

1/10 doesnt change since the quality still sucks
The quality is fine, all the necessary information is provided and everything is referenced. CLOCK wasn't described according to your standards

I guess we're guilty of the same crime then, because your threads are utter garbage JFL. Incredibly reductive, cursory trash. Not informative whatsoever, you've essentially just got one-liners doing all the work for you.

Am i supposed to give u a higher score so u dont get emotional and cry?
I don't need anything from you other than your 5'6" spine snapped into two pieces

The jokes make themselves
Yeah they do, every single time you reply you dig yourself deeper and deeper.
  • JFL
Reactions: NZb6Air
So let's break this down.

I make a thread for an audience of people who presumably want to looksmax, to which I suggest SR9009 as a supplementary aid alongisde steroids (obviously fantastic tools for looksmaxxing) to mitigate the dangers.

I have multiple options here:

1) write multiple pages of nonsense that doesn't need to be explained to an audience of people who most likely won't understand a single word, but because the off chance someone like yourself exists I should harp on about REV-ERB at the expense of every other reader

2) write a simplified/reductive explanation of REV-ERB (which isn't wrong) but focus mainly on the tangible/clinically significant effects of SR9009 as it pertains to dyslipidemia and other metabolic issues (this is what everyone cares about)
U cant be this retarded my issue is that u did neither both of those would be great but u ended up going with option 3, making everything complicated and removing info, thats not simplification thats removing content, ive unironically explained this in every single reply u can check that urself and u still dont get it? Ik talking to a dumbass, do u atleast read what i say?
Given what I know about the userbase here why on earth would I opt for the first one when a) what I wrote about CLOCK wasn't wrong and 2) the point of the thread was to provide EVIDENCE of it's effects on metabolism?

That Isn't why I'm calling you a charlatan. You're a charlatan for creating obscene threads with zero praticality and farming reps, beginng for contributer roles and overral acting like you're some arbiter of pristine knowledge with your pathetic little "ungatekeeping" series that you post on your profile. Wow Epitalon! I feel SO ungakekept!
I never begged for contributor stop dickriding clavicular i applied 1 time and didnt mention it ever again, my threads have practicality, the “ungatekeeping” series is so ppl dm me to test these things out and i provide them with more info, ive had dozens of users dm me abt this and ik multiple testing them out
Obviously the pathetic stuff like refering to yourself as high IQ, stuff like that is low hanging fruit though. You're not even a pseud, you're just straight dumb.
? I have a full understanding of ur post, the top 5 iq wasnt satire, ive only met a few users here i consider knowledgable, vista, ascendinghero, and 2 others, ur not one of them, were not even having a scientific debate how r u calling me dumb, our debate is on how u wrote this guide not what u wrote, i dont see how u dont understand this, also how am i the dumbass when u started this over me giving a realistic rating?
No no no it quite literally is. If you're going to make criticisms about MY thread and the way I wrote it, I'll do the same for yours, which harbour problems that are equally if not worse than mine.
No no its not again thats called an ad hominem, ur allowed to make criticisms about my thread doesnt magically make urs good
You post slop that looks like it's been churned through OpenAI, it's mass produced garbage, oversimplified and unsubstantiated.
Again as ive explained chatgpt isnt capable of this yet, im a tester for certain private LLMs, even the most advanced arent capable of looking at every factor
You provide the most cursory information ever you fucking imbecile

View attachment 3216992

Necessary information? Does the user know it's affinity for DAT? Do they know it's MOA? Why does it increase dopamine? Do they know about it's ergogenic effects (Orexin/histamine). Where's the risk analysis, what about hypertension, insomnia, anxiety? No mentions?
Mine was just a list of drugs and a surface level explenation of what they do
Oh, they need to do their own research in your threads but in my threads I'm expected to school every user on biology 101. You're such a hack it's unreal.
Again this is my only point that im tryna tell u and u seem to not be able to process, seeing how ive said it 5x already and u still cant get it through, ill prolly have to repeat it again

My issue is that ur thread has no value for anyone

U either provide value for users who have 0 knowledge by making it super simple which u fail, or for those trying to learn the rest they need to know which u alsobfail
Except your info is quite literally lacking.

View attachment 3217002

Zero discussion about Dihexa's role as a potential oncogene, horrible dosage protocol, no mention of Dihexa's insolubility or oral bioavailability that renders it completely useless unless delivered with DMSO.
Again its a list of drugs
It's fine to criticize my thread and call the information lackluster so long as you're ready to admit your threads are equally as garbage and that you're a loser hack.
Again those were lists of drugs not guides on the individual drugs

Idk how thats hard to process
Okay, so you're not beholden to the validity of your claims and the responsibility you bare if someone takes what you say at face value but I am?
No, im referring to wether a user trusts me or not doesnt matter, but ill provide the info needed, thats not remotely the same thing
Sources are absolutely essential, I don't give a fuck what you say about NGF if you can't back it up with even a modicum of evidence. You're a rep farming manlet dog that produces pure garbage.
And thats my point keep proving it boyo ur looking goofy, wether u or another user trusts me is not my problem, my goal isnt trust its not provide info
It doesn't matter, you can't just ramble on about stuff without substantiating the claims.
and again if the user trusts me or not doesnt matter to me
Yeah, you corrected yourself after you got flamed for it by Clavicular. You're so disingenuous it's unreal
So were not reading now? I corrected myself in my first reply, clavicular replied WAY later after editing times, u think i gaf about that shit poster clavicular, hes an offtopic poster he provides no value to the looksmax section and never has
I don't give a fuck if you meant it'd cause irritation at the site, you still uploaded it with that lazy garbage.
and i fixed it instantly 🤷‍♂️
The way I "handled" CLOCK is absolutely fine, the description serves it's purpose. Reread the thread you'll find that almost every part explains what genes are either being suppressed or expressed by REV-ERB.

You're aware this criticism could be applied to your own threads. You provide one liners for every single drug/supplement you bring up. Fucking hypocritical dog.
Again those were lists not guides
You're creating gaps in mentioning Dihexa without the risks. The exclusion of information entirely is worse than my oversimplification of CLOCK.
Again list not guide
You are astoundingly retarded. There isn't ad hom there I'm talking about the FACTS
No it is, search up “ad hominem def”
You provide zero risk analysis, your explanations are beyond cursory and you don't provide sources.
Again list of drugs not info catalogue
Just because I rightfully called them pitiful, pathetic etc does not make it WRONG.
“Ad hominem definition”
No it doesn't. It illustrates how wrong and hypocritical you are. No one on this site is going to have a clue what hepatocyte growth factor is, you need to mention it's role in the body and the potential risks it harbors via agonism/modulation (oncogenesis).
Again its a list not a guide
I couldn't care less that you DIDN'T mention any of that, I do however care that you even have the audacity to derail my thread when this is the type of garbage content you produce.
Its not garbage its a list
My design of my thread is infinitely more detailed than anything you've ever written about, it's substantiated with sources, it discusses everything that pertains to mitigating steroid sides and it doesn't delve into any undue complexities.
No its not i already sent u the 2 natural height guides way better than this
Awesome, 50 bucks for NGF when I can pay almost 1/10th of that on Dihexa and gain all the same benefits.
No u cant theyre not remotely similar
It's a shit thread with a bunch of impractical nonoptions that not a single person here will ever employ.
i have multiple ppl testing things rn so this is wrong wether u disagree or not
I had no clue of your existence until you came in here and shat out your garbage opinion like a hypocritical dog.
Thats great my presence on here doesnt make me wrong
Clavicular is my boy and he just filled in the gaps about you and gave me some cagefuel information, his dislike for you is justified from what I can tell.
He supported all my threads than randomly outta nowhere started hating on me, id like to hear that info since im not even aware of it
I'm not clicking those dogshit threads. JFL.
dismissive ad hominem, if this was an actual debate u wouldve lost 8 fallacies ago, those threads are better than this one u not reading is just dodging and being a pussy keep it up
You aren't growing a single molecule of bone with any hacky method. If you weren't aware I made this thread years ago when I was a young teen. I grew to 6'2 but my dad is 6'3 and my brother is also 6'2 so whether or not I grew because of GH or merely natural growth is unfalsifiable. It's a meaningless pursuit
Its worked? Anyone who is in the height growth community knows tyler and that hes had success, several others know that its worked to, ur opinion is irrelavent since u lack the knowledge to have an opinion on this
Good formatted thread wonder how u got dumber over the years and the quality of ur threads obviously dropped
I'm not even going to respond because you're reaching so hard with this.
No im not?
Whether or not the discussion is surface level is irrelevant to the fact that I laid out everything that pertains to metabolism and REV-ERB and substantiated every claim.
No its not
There's nothing wrong with being vital you slut. I'd gut you and break your 5'6 spine in seconds.
U on ur period?
Yeah dude I should have just rambled on about CLOCK for multiple pages and not mention anything to do with it's tangible and clinically signifcant effects on lipids and metabolism. Awesome sutff
Ur just rambling atp
It is, suicide is truly your only option I'm afraid
Could u give me the reason?
I don't care, the fact you replied without having read it says everything I need to know about you
I read it 5 seconds after
The quality is fine, all the necessary information is provided and everything is referenced. CLOCK wasn't described according to your standards
No its not, again for the 8th time my issue isnt wanting u to over explain its either u make the guide simple for everyone or complicated for the people who have most the knowledge already

Ur guide doesnt provide value for either
I guess we're guilty of the same crime then, because your threads are utter garbage JFL. Incredibly reductive, cursory trash. Not informative whatsoever, you've essentially just got one-liners doing all the work for you.
U didnt read the threads i provided for u that were actual info threads u only read the threads i made for a vip contest that was just a list of drugs
I don't need anything from you other than your 5'6" spine snapped into two pieces
Ad hominem
Yeah they do, every single time you reply you dig yourself deeper and deeper.
No i dont u havent replied to any point i made

1. U ignored my threads i provided for this arguement
2. U targeted a thread i did for a contest as a list expecting it to be a guide?
3. U ignored me saying multiple times the reason for the arguement
4. Each time u send something u have 10 fallacies come
5. U made up scenerios for my guides
6. Ur dick riding clavicular when he has nothing to do with this and he has a clear bias against me
7. 90% of ur replies are just replying to me sayint im 5’6 which im not
8. Shii ion even know i just know that if this was a real debate u wouldve lost, u havent disproven any of my points and i dont need to disprove urs since u havent made any, besides ppl who dickrides u theres no way anyone with a brain would think u won this
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
U cant be this retarded my issue is that u did neither both of those would be great but u ended up going with option 3, making everything complicated and removing info, thats not simplification thats removing content, ive unironically explained this in every single reply u can check that urself and u still dont get it? Ik talking to a dumbass, do u atleast read what i say?
Removing content =/= simplification

I explained CLOCK succinctly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what I described.

“ungatekeeping” series
It's you thinking you're some genius when In reality you're talking about the most basic shit imaginable. No one cares about mots-c you faggot hack.

applied 1 time and didnt mention it ever again
The fact that you'd apply really demonstrates your hubris. You produce garbage, stay in your lane.

5 iq wasnt satire
Funny GIF

You've got to be kidding. No one intelligent refers to themselves as high IQ.

You're some manlet Russian whose spine I'd snap in an instant.

Vista is a moron who I utterly eviscerated.

ur not one of them,
Oh no, rigged the OpenAI precocious Russian serf who needs to translate everything because they're a subhuman ESL doesn't think I'm worthy of their mensa club!

also how am i the dumbass when u started this over me giving a realistic rating?
1/10 for a thread that serves the purpose of demonstrating SR9009 as an effective tool in mitigating steroid sides isn't realistic. That isn't my problem though it's you having the audacity to post in my threads.

No no its not again thats called an ad hominem
ad hominem or not I'm still right. Just because I'm calling you a subhuman manlet dog that needs his spine split in two doesn't make me wrong.

Just think of all my insults as estranged from my arguments. Read every single post I've made, I don't insult you without providing an argument.

Again as ive explained chatgpt isnt capable of this yet, im a tester for certain private LLMs, even the most advanced arent capable of looking at every factor

BAHAH I'm wheezing jesus christ. This literally looks like a carbon copy of your garbage thread on growth factors, I'm obsessed with how much of a subhuman dog you are


Mine was just a list of drugs and a surface level explenation of what they do
Right, and the threads you make are trash.

We've gone way beyond the topic at hand btw, I'll concede that my thread could have been better, that isn't the point though, the point is you coming in here and acting as though you're some arbiter of truth. You produce garbage, I may (also) produce garbage, I'm happy to admit that if you also admit your stuff is equally as bad.

You can't criticize me when the threads you create are superficial, sourceless, unsubstantiated, dangerous (zero risk analysis) and just infantile representations of drugs.

Again its a list of drugs
I don't care. It's a list of drugs that you didn't explain anything pertaining to.

But hey I forgot, your audience does their own research, mine doesn't.

hypocritical. fucking. hack

No it is, search up “ad hominem def”
You know what ad hom is? It's spineless little manlet 5'6" dogs with zero humor acting like conversations can't contain GOOD arguments as well as disrespect. I'll disrespect you because I know on the other side of the monitor is a 5'6" Russian teenager who genuinely has the hubris to assume they're in the top 5 IQ on this site. You wouldn't even breach top 100

Idk how thats hard to process
It's not hard to process, don't worry.

Everything that you've criticized me for you've also done. I don't care if you made a list of drugs, it's your responsibility to describe them in detail.

My argument here is that you would have shat on this thread REGARDLESS of whether I even mentioned CLOCK. I can imagine you coming in and saying some garbage in openAI like "Ah no mention of CLOCK complex???? leaving out important information??? trash thread!!".

hes an offtopic poster he provides no value to the looksmax section and never has
He has posted more value to this site than you ever will you fucking loser.

He's funny, he posts good banter, he makes cagefuel threads, that's more valuable than anything this site has to offer. What the fuck do you think this site is about you dog? Why isn't a single one of your garbage threads in BOTB?

Again list not guide
Its not garbage its a list
No it is, search up “ad hominem def”
Again list of drugs not info catalogue
Its not garbage its a list
Thats great my presence on here doesnt make me wrong
i have multiple ppl testing things rn so this is wrong wether u disagree or not
U on ur period?

These are all concessions so we can move on now. Thanks for clearing that up.

U targeted a thread i did for a contest as a list expecting it to be a guide?
All your threads are the same. Give me one example that isn't a carbon copy of that.

I don't care about your garbage height threads. You're a small tiny little manlet dog.

U made up scenerios for my guides
What scenarios. You produced garbage. Oh right, they were lists! That means they aren't garbage!

What a joke you are

Ur dick riding clavicular when he has nothing to do with this and he has a clear bias against me
I'm not riding shit. Clavicular has nothing to do with this

90% of ur replies are just replying to me sayint im 5’6 which im not
No, my replies have arguments but I also like to add that you're 5'6 (oh what, are you 5'7?) because it's funny to bully small manlet subhumans.

Shii ion even know i just
You sound like a nigger

if this was a real debate u wouldve lost
According to what

anyone with a brain would think u won this
We'll get a jury then shall we?
Good formatted thread wonder how u got dumber over the years and the quality of ur threads obviously dropped
Are you that braindead that formatting is an unironic factor here?

Also sorry that my guide couldn't ascend you from manletdom
  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular
Removing content =/= simplification
Again as ive stated its not simplification its removing content? I seperated them
I explained CLOCK succinctly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what I described.

It's you thinking you're some genius when In reality you're talking about the most basic shit imaginable. No one cares about mots-c you faggot hack.

The fact that you'd apply really demonstrates your hubris. You produce garbage, stay in your lane.
So do u guess were in the same lane
Funny GIF

You've got to be kidding. No one intelligent refers to themselves as high IQ.
It was satire, but its not incorrect
You're some manlet Russian whose spine I'd snap in an instant.
Im not russian i js speak russian and again im not 5’6 i had that in my bio as a joke
Vista is a moron who I utterly eviscerated.
Doesnt matter also doubt it ur a moron
Oh no, rigged the OpenAI precocious Russian serf who needs to translate everything because they're a subhuman ESL doesn't think I'm worthy of their mensa club!
I know 5 languages
1/10 for a thread that serves the purpose of demonstrating SR9009 as an effective tool in mitigating steroid sides isn't realistic. That isn't my problem though it's you having the audacity to post in my threads.
The 1/10 was on the usefulness and value of the thread not the content, as weve already established
ad hominem or not I'm still right. Just because I'm calling you a subhuman manlet dog that needs his spine split in two doesn't make me wrong.
It does
Just think of all my insults as estranged from my arguments. Read every single post I've made, I don't insult you without providing an argument.
U do? Literally right above this
BAHAH I'm wheezing jesus christ. This literally looks like a carbon copy of your garbage thread on growth factors, I'm obsessed with how much of a subhuman dog you are
Main growth factors wont magically change just cause they come from gpt, r u slow
View attachment 3217188

Right, and the threads you make are trash.

We've gone way beyond the topic at hand btw, I'll concede that my thread could have been better, that isn't the point though, the point is you coming in here and acting as though you're some arbiter of truth. You produce garbage, I may (also) produce garbage, I'm happy to admit that if you also admit your stuff is equally as bad.
The point is my stuff was never meant to be good as all my posts have (low effort) in the title or in the post and are usually lists, the only threads i really tried on u just ignored and said u wont read them, and again i never said ur thread was garbage i just said the way u wrote it has no value for either or 2 possible groups
You can't criticize me when the threads you create are superficial, sourceless, unsubstantiated, dangerous (zero risk analysis) and just infantile representations of drugs.
Again theyre lists? I dont see how thats hard to comprehend
I don't care. It's a list of drugs that you didn't explain anything pertaining to.
I dont have to? Do u not know what a list is?
But hey I forgot, your audience does their own research, mine doesn't.
Because mine is the equivalent of saying “use sr9009 for steroids” and then listing 10 more, not posting directly about that i dont see the issue with this? It doesnt correlate to the type of thread u posted
hypocritical. fucking. hack
Its definitely not
You know what ad hom is? It's spineless little manlet 5'6" dogs with zero humor acting like conversations can't contain GOOD arguments as well as disrespect. I'll disrespect you because I know on the other side of the monitor is a 5'6" Russian teenager who genuinely has the hubris to assume they're in the top 5 IQ on this site. You wouldn't even breach top 100
Im not a teenager nor am i 5’6 nor am i russian, i speak russian
It's not hard to process, don't worry.
Idk about talking shit, u can do just shows me u dont know what a proper debate is
Everything that you've criticized me for you've also done. I don't care if you made a list of drugs, it's your responsibility to describe them in detail.
No its not? My thread and urs isnt similar mine are
(Multiple things) can be used as a (###)
Vs urs
(This thing ) can be used as a (###)

Not remotely similar ur teaching about an item directly by making a guide on it

Mine is the equivalent of a list of favorite foods and urs is explaining why 1 food is ur favorite

Not remotely the same
My argument here is that you would have shat on this thread REGARDLESS of whether I even mentioned CLOCK. I can imagine you coming in and saying some garbage in openAI like "Ah no mention of CLOCK complex???? leaving out important information??? trash thread!!".
Again dont use ai, and no i wouldnt have, i rarely argue on here, only ever on my own posts this one of the first times on someone elses, u think i nitpicked 9898 the guy ive never seen, even if in a situation where i knew u why would i bother
He has posted more value to this site than you ever will you fucking loser.
No this is simply not true
He's funny, he posts good banter, he makes cagefuel threads, that's more valuable than anything this site has to offer. What the fuck do you think this site is about you dog? Why isn't a single one of your garbage threads in BOTB?
Thx for proving that hes an offtopic poster?
Because BOTB isnt about quality of threads its about formatting length and how much people understand it which means it has to be overly simplified
These are all concessions so we can move on now. Thanks for clearing that up.
Uve literally done the same thing? With that logic uve conceded the debate a long time ago? I didnt wanna bother replying to things ive replied to multiple times already
All your threads are the same. Give me one example that isn't a carbon copy of that.
Yeh same formatting, lemme guess ur only looking at the vip contest threads?
I don't care about your garbage height threads. You're a small tiny little manlet dog.
Ad hom
What scenarios. You produced garbage. Oh right, they were lists! That means they aren't garbage!
Never said their not garbage, my posts were extremely basic because the forum is recessed 2 decades on knowledge, providing basic info is still new info, also the point was for people to start learning and using them, which guess what, they have
What a joke you are

I'm not riding shit. Clavicular has nothing to do with this
Then whyd u bring him up multiple times even in this debate?
No, my replies have arguments but I also like to add that you're 5'6 (oh what, are you 5'7?) because it's funny to bully small manlet subhumans.

You sound like a nigger
im white
According to what
20 fallacies?
We'll get a jury then shall we?
“besides ppl who dickrides u theres no way anyone with a brain would think u won this“

U wont find a non biased jury with knowledge on the full subject/drug because they would need that to explain my reasoning
Are you that braindead that formatting is an unironic factor here?
No just wanted to say, its a very VERY basic guide so ofc it wouldnt grow anyone, also never seen the guide before now, its not good to get into “pubertymaxing” but its a start to be aware of the existence of those things

Kinda like my lists
Also sorry that my guide couldn't ascend you from manletdom
Again as ive stated its not simplification its removing content? I seperated them

So do u guess were in the same lane

It was satire, but its not incorrect

Im not russian i js speak russian and again im not 5’6 i had that in my bio as a joke

Doesnt matter also doubt it ur a moron

I know 5 languages

The 1/10 was on the usefulness and value of the thread not the content, as weve already established

It does

U do? Literally right above this

Main growth factors wont magically change just cause they come from gpt, r u slow

The point is my stuff was never meant to be good as all my posts have (low effort) in the title or in the post and are usually lists, the only threads i really tried on u just ignored and said u wont read them, and again i never said ur thread was garbage i just said the way u wrote it has no value for either or 2 possible groups

Again theyre lists? I dont see how thats hard to comprehend

I dont have to? Do u not know what a list is?

Because mine is the equivalent of saying “use sr9009 for steroids” and then listing 10 more, not posting directly about that i dont see the issue with this? It doesnt correlate to the type of thread u posted

Its definitely not

Im not a teenager nor am i 5’6 nor am i russian, i speak russian

Idk about talking shit, u can do just shows me u dont know what a proper debate is

No its not? My thread and urs isnt similar mine are
(Multiple things) can be used as a (###)
Vs urs
(This thing ) can be used as a (###)

Not remotely similar ur teaching about an item directly by making a guide on it

Mine is the equivalent of a list of favorite foods and urs is explaining why 1 food is ur favorite

Not remotely the same

Again dont use ai, and no i wouldnt have, i rarely argue on here, only ever on my own posts this one of the first times on someone elses, u think i nitpicked 9898 the guy ive never seen, even if in a situation where i knew u why would i bother

No this is simply not true

Thx for proving that hes an offtopic poster?
Because BOTB isnt about quality of threads its about formatting length and how much people understand it which means it has to be overly simplified

Uve literally done the same thing? With that logic uve conceded the debate a long time ago? I didnt wanna bother replying to things ive replied to multiple times already

Yeh same formatting, lemme guess ur only looking at the vip contest threads?

Ad hom

Never said their not garbage, my posts were extremely basic because the forum is recessed 2 decades on knowledge, providing basic info is still new info, also the point was for people to start learning and using them, which guess what, they have

Then whyd u bring him up multiple times even in this debate?

im white

20 fallacies?

“besides ppl who dickrides u theres no way anyone with a brain would think u won this“

U wont find a non biased jury with knowledge on the full subject/drug because they would need that to explain my reasoning
omg bro shut the hell up for gods sake
omg pls shut the hell up
how can a nigger be this annoying
shut the helll up
shut up
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: NZb6Air, 9898 and Clavicular
omg bro shut the hell up for gods sake
omg pls shut the hell up
how can a nigger be this annoying
shut the helll up
shut up
Im not the one who started this all i said was 1/10 and he got mad at me 🤷‍♂️ blame him for not ending it
  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular


Dogshit thread loox! How dare you say glucose breaks down into energy! I rate this shit 1/10! A molecule of glucose actually undergoes glycolysis to be broken down mainly into 2 pyruvate molecules, 2 adenosine triphosphate molecules, and 2 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide molecules! The pyruvate molecules are also decarboxylated via pyruvate dehydrogenase complex into Acetyl-CoA, which combines with oxaloacetate to form citrate in order to begin the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which ends up yielding 2 ATP molecules, 4 carbon dioxide molecules, and 6 NADH molecules, and then-


Enjoy selling your parents' house and kidneys for a few juicy yoctograms of recombinant hepatocyte growth factor that might boost you to 5'6.25!
  • JFL
Reactions: lestoa, NZb6Air, ryuken and 3 others
View attachment 3218225
Dogshit thread loox! How dare you say glucose breaks down into energy! I rate this shit 1/10! A molecule of glucose actually undergoes glycolysis to be broken down mainly into 2 pyruvate molecules, 2 adenosine triphosphate molecules, and 2 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide molecules! The pyruvate molecules are also decarboxylated via pyruvate dehydrogenase complex into Acetyl-CoA, which combines with oxaloacetate to form citrate in order to begin the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which ends up yielding 2 ATP molecules, 4 carbon dioxide molecules, and 6 NADH molecules, and then-
View attachment 3218271
View attachment 3218274
Enjoy selling your parents' house and kidneys for a few juicy yoctograms of recombinant hepatocyte growth factor that might boost you to 5'6.25!
Doesnt corelate as ive said 10x the issue isnt that he oversimplified or didnt simply its that he left out info, also hepatocyte gf isnt that expensive i already explained its like $50 a day, for anyone who cares about height and has the money its mot that big of an issue
Last edited:
for anyone who cares about height
It's straight retarded. Dihexa is already infinitely cheaper and is an allosteric modulator at HGF/c-met. Why the fuck would anyone inject HGF?

Also you're not growing from anything you coping dog

ull end it when i shove my 8x6 PE maxed dick down ur mouth pussy
It's straight retarded. Dihexa is already infinitely cheaper and is an allosteric modulator at HGF/c-met. Why the fuck would anyone inject HGF?

Also you're not growing from anything you coping dog
Pls keep ur peon brain on, it being an allosteric modulator doesnt make it a replacement, how r u gonna say “HG/c-met” and not know that would limit it only to synaptic repair and neurogenesis? Im fine with u talking about pharmacology like this post, but u have 0 knowledge on endocrinology so pls dont speak on it
90% of my posts are replies each of my posts gets 20+ rep if i didnt reply to ppl or argue with them like here id have a problem 1:50 post rep ratio lol, i just like helping people but niggas dont know how to rep, also ur rep ratio isnt that much better
ow r u gonna say “HG/c-met” and not know that would limit it only to synaptic repair and neurogenesis?
Nope not even close. You're so wrong it's unreal

It doesn't just affect neurogenesis, it effects the growth of multiple cellular pathways.

90% of my posts are replies each of my posts gets 20+ rep if i didnt reply to ppl or argue with them like here id have a problem 1:50 post rep ratio lol, i just like helping people but niggas dont know how to rep, also ur rep ratio isnt that much better


For someone who cares so much about rep, even asking for reps and what not, you have a horrid ratio. No one likes you, it's evident.

No one likes your garbage content either.
  • +1
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thats alotta words man
i just like helping people but niggas dont know how to rep
They simply don't want to rep you, because you're an idiot.

I got reps in all my replies to your posts in this thread, you got barely a couple. No one likes you
Nope not even close. You're so wrong it's unreal

It doesn't just affect neurogenesis, it effects the growth of multiple cellular pathways.
Jesus u got me face palming Idk how im supposed to even argue u with this ur simply wrong yes it does have broader effects but those are still confined to neural and synaptic pathways idk what u want me to say if ur not believe me than dont, i study these things
View attachment 3218713

For someone who cares so much about rep, even asking for reps and what not, you have a horrid ratio. No one likes you, it's evident.
Idc about rep ratio, also u clavicular and coispet r the only 3 users ive ever had tell me they dislike me, im friendly with all the other users and i always try to keep up with their progress like a coach relationship
No one likes your garbage content either.
Cant reply to this what do u want me to say here
ur simply wrong
Cope. Dihexa is simply increasing HGF's binding affinity at c-met. It's effects aren't exclusive to neural pathways, everything that HGF does can be ascribed to Dihexa. Please shut the fuck up

Idc about rep ratio
Don't lie, you're absolutely obsessed with rep ratio. You literally mention it in this thread, first page.

Cant reply to this what do u want me to say here
I don't expect you to reply, just know your place you.

progress like a coach relationship
Nigga you aren't coaching anyone in anything other than how to cheat with chatGPT. You're a hack
Cope. Dihexa is simply increasing HGF's binding affinity at c-met. It's effects aren't exclusive to neural pathways, everything that HGF does can be ascribed to Dihexa. Please shut the fuck up
It does it in a targeted way, ur wrong
Don't lie, you're absolutely obsessed with rep ratio. You literally mention it in this thread, first page.
Ion remember this
I don't expect you to reply, just know your place you.

Nigga you aren't coaching anyone in anything other than how to cheat with chatGPT. You're a hack
I am and have dozens of users infact
🤷‍♂️ when gpt 5 comes out itll replace our looksmax postings, rn its not there yet
🤷‍♂️ when gpt 5 comes out itll replace our looksmax postings, rn its not there yet
Cunt I literally asked chatGPT to list a bunch of growth factors and it looked like a carbon copy of that complete trash you posted

You use openAI
You have a shit rep ratio
You post complete garbage

I win, you lose. It's that simple. Now suck my cock you little femboy faggot, you're not a man at 5'6", you're my little femboy slut
  • JFL
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Cunt I literally asked chatGPT to list a bunch of growth factors and it looked like a carbon copy of that complete trash you posted
Those are the main growth factors ask any doctor theyll tell u the same thing thats like asking someone to name 5 sodas and they say “fanta, sprite, coke, pepsi, dr pepper” and u accuse them of gpt just cause they chose the main answers everyone else would choose, there are main and more relevent growth factors
You use openAI
You have a shit rep ratio
You post complete garbage

I win, you lose. It's that simple. Now suck my cock you little femboy faggot, you're not a man at 5'6", you're my little femboy slut
U ignored all my points, my original point wasnt argueable it was a fact not an opinion, u just ignored it 5x
Those are the main growth factors ask any doctor theyll tell u the same thing thats like asking someone to name 5 sodas and they say “fanta, sprite, coke, pepsi, dr pepper” and u accuse them of gpt just cause they chose the main answers everyone else would choose, there are main and more relevent growth factors

U ignored all my points, my original point wasnt argueable it was a fact not an opinion, u just ignored it 5x

On your knees RIGHT now.
Yeah you know what, I gotta formally apologize @Rigged

You're not 5'6", you're 5'5" :lul:


Yeah you know what, I gotta formally apologize @Rigged

You're not 5'6", you're 5'5" :lul:

View attachment 3218850

View attachment 3218851
not 5’5.5 i had late plate closure, even tho i wrote in that message like it was recent that was a few years ago i was just rambling since then ive gone into nursing in collage and have gotten a private GP, i wont say my height since ur on my dick but im still short tho, not 5’5 still fucked tho 😔
Wait a minute did i post that? Thats mine and vistas dms from a LONG time ago howd u get this
It's called searching 5'5" under your name, retard

What's the goal here? You're a toxic cunt who derailed my thread and had the audacity to criticize my post (in a cringe and attention seeking manner) whilst posting the utter trash that you produce. Hypocritical piece of shit

I'm not going to sympathize with you, get on your knees you slut.
It's called searching 5'5" under your name, retard

What's the goal here? You're a toxic cunt who derailed my thread and had the audacity to criticize my post (in a cringe and attention seeking manner) whilst posting the utter trash that you produce. Hypocritical piece of shit
It wasnt attention seeking when i only say 1/10 and u started the beef?, i dont post trash its hypocritical when u ignored the actual threads i put effort into
I'm not going to sympathize with you, get on your knees you slut.
Also alot of my posts from back then i posted for my friend i deleted 99% of them but some are still there like the 16m and everything before tha
Right so you're not 5'5" (over) you're actually 5'7" (over)

as if it makes any difference, it's over!

It wasnt attention seeking when i only say 1/10 and u started the beef?,
Yes it was. You didn't read the thread, you misconstrued the title, and you said it was a "mess" and gave it 1/10. I wouldn't care if you had justifiably given it 1/10, it just simply isn't a 1/10.

For it to be a 1/10 it'd genuinely have to be unsubstantiated claims as well as complete misconstructions of REV-ERB.

You're a spiteful faggot. Don't try and act as though you came in here looking to give constructive criticism. The jig is up now get on your knees.
Right so you're not 5'5" (over) you're actually 5'7" (over)

as if it makes any difference, it's over!

Yes it was. You didn't read the thread, you misconstrued the title, and you said it was a "mess" and gave it 1/10. I wouldn't care if you had justifiably given it 1/10, it just simply isn't a 1/10.
My 1/10 is justifiable i beg u so we can end this debate and after i say this u can disagree or agree idc just read the reason i said a few times already

The guide has an issue theres 2 possible audiances to appeal to right

The people with no knowledge
And the people with knowledge

First of all the users on here arent as smart as you the people with no knowledge wouldnt understand this guide since its so complicated, ur definition of what u consider simplfying isnt making it easier to understand but making it shorter (by removing content)

Which if ur targeting the users with no knowledge then its 100% fine to remove content but thats not simplifying the users on here arent as smart as you are to understand the content here, they need a simplied guide with definitions to everything or atleast examples to understand what u mean

Which u didnt do not ur fault but it is what it is, so ur guide wont work for those with no knowledge since they arent smart enough to understand the guide itself

The other audience is the users with most of the knowledge who can understand ur guides obviously a minority most users dont have the knowledge maybe oy 1% of users here fall into this group, but they are trying to learn from u since you already know everything about this subject they want to learn but they dont have all the knowledge yet, so they come here to learn the rest, the issue is “the rest” doesnt work when everything they need to know isnt here cause u removed it to simplify it for the other group

This makes it bad for both groups and this guide provides no value not because the contents bad but because the 2 groups it appeals to, it fails to meet the requirements for them to gain something from this, thats where the 1/10 came from not the quality of the content, but about the value the content provides to the users, which is none since the users either cant understand anything (group1) or cant find the rest they need to learn in ur guide (group 2)
For it to be a 1/10 it'd genuinely have to be unsubstantiated claims as well as complete misconstructions of REV-ERB.

You're a spiteful faggot. Don't try and act as though you came in here looking to give constructive criticism. The jig is up now get on your knees.
Constructive criticism above ^^^

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