Right-wingers are bigger cucks than leftists srs



Jan 2, 2019
Yes social justice warriors are fucking retarded but tbh I think the problem of people arguing over bullshit gender identities pails in comparison to getting raped by a capitalist overlord that steals most of the value of your work and leaves you dirt poor. Even the immigration problem which most tend to blame the left for is technically the fault of capitalism since the capitalist class benefits the most from this garbage and thus supports open border movements. How popular are open border movements in socialist states? Does China have open borders? People also forget that while most sjws are leftists, not all leftists are actually sjws. There there is also the whole "muh traditionalism!, muh masculinity! (aka get harder for no reason)" garbage that these cucks subscribe to.

Tbh I think the right is more cucked as a whole.

The right:

-Supports an economic system designed to screw over everybody except the upper class
-Is actually just as pro-open borders as the sjws are with the exception of a minority of populist right-wingers
-Supports cucked traditions like marriage and "hard work" (just lol)
-Doesn't advocate political correctness per say but makes no effort to fight it because they are greedy cowards
-Think reasoned debate somehow works against the regressive left

The left:

-Is redpilled about capitalism and "working hard"
-Doesn't believe in marriage (granted the sjws want gynocentrism anyway but this isn't universal)
-Is cucked about LGBT admittedly but that shit doesn't really affect you much in real life anyway
-Is pro-open borders but most of the right-wing is also anyway so it scores no extra point in this regard
-Feminism is cucked garbage but again the right has it's own cucked variant in the form of marriage/traditionalism so it has no high ground
-Political correctness
-Are redpilled about the "reasoned debate" myth and understand that raw ruthlessness works 99999x better.

All things considered I would say the left is actually less cucked because almost all of their weak points are either shared by the right or it simply makes no attempt at fighting them.

So basically:

The right: Greedy self-destructive morons who support a system designed to exploit them, and typically just as pro-globalist and open borders as the left.

The left: Also pro-open borders and globalism but otherwise less cucked in comparison.

Just lol at right-wing faggots calling leftists cucks just lol. The right shares virtually every single weakness of the left plus several more.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: MagaPutinism, Joe Rogancel, SubhumanCurrycel and 17 others
The left and right are not even a thing bro
left and right are just directions bro what are you on about, you should have taken your medicine.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: MagaPutinism, Joe Rogancel, Deleted member 16275 and 9 others
didnt read. right wing for the win
  • +1
Reactions: n0rthface, Stare and SikKunt
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”

― Noam Chomsky,
  • +1
Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer and Kingcel32
didnt read. right wing for the win

This comment is actually a pretty good example of right-wingers being low IQ retards. If a retard sjw had written this comment then they would at least have gone through the effort of writing an actual proper response (however full of bullshit) instead of spamming "lol did not read" style comments.
  • +1
Reactions: MagaPutinism and psl7 fatty
Whoa Nigga!
Yes social justice warriors are fucking retarded but tbh I think the problem of people arguing over bullshit gender identities pails in comparison to getting raped by a capitalist overlord that steals most of the value of your work and leaves you dirt poor. Even the immigration problem which most tend to blame the left for is technically the fault of capitalism since the capitalist class benefits the most from this garbage and thus supports open border movements. How popular are open border movements in socialist states? Does China have open borders? People also forget that while most sjws are leftists, not all leftists are actually sjws. There there is also the whole "muh traditionalism!, muh masculinity! (aka get harder for no reason)" garbage that these cucks subscribe to.

Tbh I think the right is more cucked as a whole.

The right:

-Supports an economic system designed to screw over everybody except the upper class
-Is actually just as pro-open borders as the sjws are with the exception of a minority of populist right-wingers
-Supports cucked traditions like marriage and "hard work" (just lol)
-Doesn't advocate political correctness per say but makes no effort to fight it because they are greedy cowards
-Think reasoned debate somehow works against the regressive left

The left:

-Is redpilled about capitalism and "working hard"
-Doesn't believe in marriage (granted the sjws want gynocentrism anyway but this isn't universal)
-Is cucked about LGBT admittedly but that shit doesn't really affect you much in real life anyway
-Is pro-open borders but most of the right-wing is also anyway so it scores no extra point in this regard
-Feminism is cucked garbage but again the right has it's own cucked variant in the form of marriage/traditionalism so it has no high ground
-Political correctness
-Are redpilled about the "reasoned debate" myth and understand that raw ruthlessness works 99999x better.

All things considered I would say the left is actually less cucked because almost all of their weak points are either shared by the right or it simply makes no attempt at fighting them.

So basically:

The right: Greedy self-destructive morons who support a system designed to exploit them, and typically just as pro-globalist and open borders as the left.

The left: Also pro-open borders and globalism but otherwise less cucked in comparison.

Just lol at right-wing faggots calling leftists cucks just lol. The right shares virtually every single weakness of the left plus several more.
Kill yourself aspie faggot
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: n0rthface, About2Rope and buflek
This comment is actually a pretty good example of right-wingers being low IQ retards. If a retard sjw had written this comment then they would at least have gone through the effort of writing an actual proper response (however full of bullshit) instead of spamming "lol did not read" style comments.
tl;dr accept the right wing pill
If you’re anything other than a right leaning centrist you are retarded
If you’re anything other than a right leaning centrist you are retarded

The USA is the richest country in the world. Yet there is still rampant poverty because 5 men own half of the nation's entire wealth. 5 men Vs almost half a billion other human beings. But this is ok because it's better than "muh socialism". I hate to burst your bubble but brainwashing isn't the only reason more and more people are dumping their support for capitalism.

But feel free to be a drone if you want.
  • +1
Reactions: ItsOVERBuddyBoyos and Robert01
The USA is the richest country in the world. Yet there is still rampant poverty because 5 men own half of the nation's entire wealth. 5 men Vs almost half a billion other human beings. But this is ok because it's better than "muh socialism". I hate to burst your bubble but brainwashing isn't the only reason more and more people are dumping their support for capitalism.

But feel free to be a drone if you want.
ik just trying to make the best of my situation
Once upon a time there was a far-right dictatorship that still inspire some people these days. Right wing is just cope.
we need a politics section for this guy jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: AlexBrown84
All things considered I would say the left is actually less cucked because almost all of their weak points are either shared by the right or it simply makes no attempt at fighting them.
not a single word
It seems that most people here are politically right winged, so you are not making yourself friends fam
Sheet tred keel yourselph
If you fit perfectly into one of those parties you are a pathetically simple person
  • +1
Reactions: Kingcel32

"Why, yes, I have read Grundrisse and Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR by J.V. Stalin, how did you know?"
OP what you are saying is 100% legit. I have been preaching all of this shit on puhate.com, sluthate.com and lookism.net for years pointing out why capitalism is bullshit and that a planned economy is actually preferable to the horseshit that we live in today. But because people who advocate for a planned economy get lumped in with the dreaded ess jay double youuuuss, no one on the right is ever going to hear you.
The modern left in the west is completely cucked. So anyone who challenges the dominant narrative of right-wing thinktanks on the internet now is going to automatically be lumped in with the sjws
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Kingcel32, DidntRead and FaceandHFD
If feminism and traditionalism are both cucked what is the non cucked alternative
OP what you are saying is 100% legit. I have been preaching all of this shit on puhate.com, sluthate.com and lookism.net for years pointing out why capitalism is bullshit and that a planned economy is actually preferable to the horseshit that we live in today. But because people who advocate for a planned economy get lumped in with the dreaded ess jay double youuuuss, no one on the right is ever going to hear you.
The modern left in the west is completely cucked. So anyone who challenges the dominant narrative of right-wing thinktanks on the internet now is going to automatically be lumped in with the sjws
high iq comment. socialist economics has nothing to do with the social degeneracy of modern western "leftist's"
Good thing I'm third position. Right wing socially, left wing economically
imagine anyone readying this
  • +1
Reactions: xit
high iq comment. socialist economics has nothing to do with the social degeneracy of modern western "leftist's"
Another thing too is that a centrally planned economy requires a government that is competent and not corrupt.
But it's not like private ownership of the means of production is non-corrupt either. lmao. There is a ton of corruption with the current system that we have now.
There are so many things wrong with modern capitalism
- Real estate bubble makes home ownership and renting unaffordable
- There is no desire among the private sector to build affordable housing units (commieblocks) for the poor and middle-class. All they want to do is build luxury condos to service the rich and upper middle-class.
- Private health care means that the poor and middle-class can't afford to get the health care that they need. Leading to lower quality of life for the poor and middle-class and lower life expectancy.
- The unwillingness of the taxpayer to increase public transportation funding leads to shitty public transportation that runs infrequently, the lack of express routes, etc. So if you are poor and can't afford a car, you're fucked.
- The unwillingness of the taxpayer to increase funding for roads leads to crowded highways (motorways) that can't meet the transportation demands of the public. So even if you can afford a car, you're still fucked if you have to travel long distaces in heavy traffic.
- Tuition bubble makes higher education unaffordable.
  • +1
Reactions: Robert01
If feminism and traditionalism are both cucked what is the non cucked alternative
Damned if I know. I don't know what the alternative is beyond me being installed as dictator. Central planning of the economy makes the most sense. But there is a world of difference between leftist SJWs centrally planning the economy and someone like me centrally planning the economy. Most Marxists and socialists in the west today are SJWs. So it doesn't really work in my favour to promote Marxism and socialism. Because then I'd be empowering people who are going to destroy western civilization.
The right:

-Supports an economic system designed to screw over everybody except the upper class
-Supports cucked traditions like marriage and "hard work" (just lol)
-Think reasoned debate somehow works against the regressive left
this is why they stay losing tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Robert01
You’re so wrong about capitalism lol.

Capitalism=Stupid rich 1% and the rest have enough money to eat and live comfortably because capitalism makes everything cheaper.

Money is worthless, corrupt government takes all the money. Normal people starve.

None of these systems are perfect, but capitalism mogs hard.

I am against conservatism because it considers the life of utero-less people to be of less value. This is clearly seen in the example of Ukraine - women were allowed to evacuate, men were forced to fight. Someone will say that it is because men cannot get pregnant ... and I will say that it is a pointless argument, because never after the war in any country has anyone required women to bear children or return to their homeland, full of war devastation.


We no longer live in the Stone Age, and our scientists are close to developing artificial womb technology. Hence, it makes no sense to consider mine or yours as a life of less value than that of any woman. Times have changed, so if there are to be equal rights, there should also be equal obligations. If someone wants to live in a traditional relationship or fight a war - it's your choice, I don't mind but don't expect everyone to do the same.



Chad has sex, the beta male has the so-called dead bed - even if he proves that the child is not his, he has to pay alimony. When women are financially dependent on men, this is the worst possible situation for inferior men. It would be much better for them to masturbate, go to a prostitute or fuck some sex doll. There is no real feeling or desire in a relationship like this - so it's worth nothing. The man only loses on it. He keeps telling himself otherwise to protect his sense of masculinity.



Andrew DiKaiomata from Paul Elam's A Voice for Men wrote a lengthy post about how he thought tradcons were white knights, saying:

"This last one is probably the biggest point to show how feminism overlaps with traditional conservatism. It screams both at the same time. “Save the women!,” “Fight for women!."



MRA's tend to criticize TradCons as to how they deal with criticism by shaming men, which bears striking resemblance to feminists. Just like feminists, they aim their insults almost exclusively at weak men and/or incels. Feminists will insult a man for being incel (aka not being able to sexually interest a woman enough for her to be around him) and "creepy" (i.e. ugly or unassertive). Tradcons will insult men who do not assert dominance (as "betas"), marcels, i.e. married men who fail to sexually satisfy their female partners, resulting in infidelity (as "cucks") alluding a cuckoldry where the man is so weak that he admits her wife the freedom to see other men. Traditional men tend to despise men who admit this freedom fearing once such behavior becomes normal, it would make it harder to mateguard their woman. Tradcons may also use the "cuck" and "beta" to insult white knights and other types of male feminist who display overly submissive and desperate behavior towards women.


A small but growing number of MGTOWs and MRAs have been complaining that their spaces have been overrun by trad-cons like Janet Bloomfield or "enabling" tradcons, like Karen Straughan does (allegedly), and that trad-cons are worse than feminists (which they also dislike) because they think trad-cons generally believe that men should exchange work for sex, and other 'anti-male' gender roles that put men in a slave-like position.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: ItsOVERBuddyBoyos, AlexBrown84, Deleted member 16275 and 1 other person
OP what you are saying is 100% legit. I have been preaching all of this shit on puhate.com, sluthate.com and lookism.net for years pointing out why capitalism is bullshit and that a planned economy is actually preferable to the horseshit that we live in today. But because people who advocate for a planned economy get lumped in with the dreaded ess jay double youuuuss, no one on the right is ever going to hear you.
The modern left in the west is completely cucked. So anyone who challenges the dominant narrative of right-wing thinktanks on the internet now is going to automatically be lumped in with the sjws
Planned economies are possibly the worst system to manage an economy. How do you expect a small group of people to plan for every desire and need of every single person in their nation? How do you incentivize and motivate people to actually work? Why the fuck would people want to participate in an economy if they don't get anything out of it? Do you really want the government to stick their retarded tendrils in every single facet of your life? Because that's what's going to happen when you have them plan an economy. Planned economies produce nothing but heavily inefficient outcomes.

Market economies, despite their flaws are the best way to manage an economy. It does not need to be replaced, only better regulated.
Planned economies are possibly the worst system to manage an economy. How do you expect a small group of people to plan for every desire and need of every single person in their nation? How do you incentivize and motivate people to actually work? Why the fuck would people want to participate in an economy if they don't get anything out of it? Do you really want the government to stick their retarded tendrils in every single facet of your life? Because that's what's going to happen when you have them plan an economy. Planned economies produce nothing but heavily inefficient outcomes.

Market economies, despite their flaws are the best way to manage an economy. It does not need to be replaced, only better regulated.
I definitely feel there needs to be more regulation in certain sectors of the economy. Residential real estate for example is basically a ponzi scheme in many metropolitan cities of the world. The world's wealthy hoard residential real estate with the purpose of flipping it later to make a profit. While wagecucks are slaving away 40+ hours/week to pay rent to their landlord. Many wagecucks are shut out of home ownership because of the housing bubble. And in turn because the housing prices and mortgages on these properties is so high, landlords have to charge exorbitant rents to recuperate the costs. Which has a negative impact on poor tenants. Many wagecucks can't even afford to rent their own place anymore because rent is so expensive in many cities now. They have to share accommodations with room mates to afford the rent. It's not unusual where I live to see 15 Pajeets living in one town house.
  • +1
Reactions: Kingcel32
I definitely feel there needs to be more regulation in certain sectors of the economy. Residential real estate for example is basically a ponzi scheme in many metropolitan cities of the world. The world's wealthy hoard residential real estate with the purpose of flipping it later to make a profit. While wagecucks are slaving away 40+ hours/week to pay rent to their landlord. Many wagecucks are shut out of home ownership because of the housing bubble. And in turn because the housing prices and mortgages on these properties is so high, landlords have to charge exorbitant rents to recuperate the costs. Which has a negative impact on poor tenants. Many wagecucks can't even afford to rent their own place anymore because rent is so expensive in many cities now. They have to share accommodations with room mates to afford the rent. It's not unusual where I live to see 15 Pajeets living in one town house.
Yup, personally I think the government needs to intervene by building their own houses to attempt to drive the prices of housing down. I think when people can actually buy their own houses it will allow them some sort of mental security, which will incentivize them to start families, which in my opinion is the reason why a shit ton of social issues are occurring, broken up families are the cause of many mental health issues in children, especially if those children have seen their parents argue and scream at each other, which is actually very traumatizing to a child especially small ones. Tbh idk if it will work though because I am not too informed on these type of issues.
The right: Greedy self-destructive morons who support a system designed to exploit them, and typically just as pro-globalist and open borders as the left.


"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Yes, conservative Americans love to worship the wealthy. It makes them feel better about living in a trailer.",
"headline": "Ocasio-Cortez floats 70 percent tax on rich to pay for 'Green New Deal'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/ocasio-cortez-floats-70-percent-tax-rich-pay-green-new-deal-170848121.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Jan 04 23:30:26 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Selfies and unenforceable promises of Freebies\"\n\n\"unenforceable\" due only to right-wing corruption.\n\n#Make America Great Again #PaintTheSenateGreen",
"headline": "Try Not to Cry Looking at These Pictures From Women Being Sworn Into Congress Today",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/try-not-cry-looking-pictures-204400020.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Jan 04 17:05:51 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Foolish, uneducated remark. You need both an impeachment AND a conviction from the Senate to remove the President from office.\n\nAnd keep in mind, the Republican/Democrat ratio is 54/46.",
"headline": "Trump: How do you impeach a president as successful as me?",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/trump-impeach-president-successful-145330283.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Jan 04 16:12:06 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "And? You clearly were not in the same circumstances as her. False comparison.",
"headline": "Tennessee lawmakers ask governor to grant clemency to Cyntoia Brown over murder conviction",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/newsroom/postid/cff8b2d9-0126-3f28-8be9-b8927d3c79f6",
"timestamp": "Fri Jan 04 15:25:40 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Lawmakers\", not \"celebrities\".",
"headline": "Tennessee lawmakers ask governor to grant clemency to Cyntoia Brown over murder conviction",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/gma/tennessee...oia-brown-120906019--abc-news-topstories.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Jan 04 15:24:53 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "McConnell has already indicated that he will not consider any funding bills without the wall. This is because he understands the mind-blowing influence that Humpty Dumpty has on Republican sheep.\n\nhttps://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-shutdown-mcconnell/senate-will-not-consider-house-democratic-bills-to-end-shutdown-republican-mcconnell-idUSKCN1OX01I",
"headline": "House votes to end shutdown despite White House veto threat",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/gma/house-votes-end-shutdown-despite-white-house-veto-032505225.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Jan 04 04:40:58 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nothing to be celebrated. The Democrats are too close to the right.",
"headline": "Yahoo News Now Special Report",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/yahoo-news-now-191933606.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Jan 03 18:36:52 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "No, begging for \"likes\" is pathetic.",
"headline": "Yahoo News Now Special Report",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/yahoo-news-now-191933606.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Jan 03 18:35:03 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Should've had a member of the Green Party as Speaker, not a wealthy career politician like Pelosi.",
"headline": "Yahoo News Now Special Report",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/yahoo-news-now-191933606.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Jan 03 18:32:40 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Pathetic Republican. Change is coming whether you accept it or not.",
"headline": "Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the Next Generation of Congresswomen Take Office",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/ilhan-omar-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-153601705.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Jan 03 17:43:03 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "No, it isn't. Not that abortion is relevant to a border wall anyway.",
"headline": "Pelosi calls Trump\u2019s wall plan \u2018an immorality\u2019",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/m/5d545d4d-9579-3c42-9a3e-00c5044dbc9d/pelosi-calls-trump’s-wall.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Jan 03 16:02:39 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "The death was ruled to be accidental. Kate was not murdered.",
"headline": "Pelosi calls Trump\u2019s wall plan \u2018an immorality\u2019",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/5d545d4d-9579-3c42-9a3e-00c5044dbc9d/pelosi-calls-trump’s-wall.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Jan 03 15:58:39 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Of-course; she's dead. Republicans employed her murderer:\n\nhttps://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2018/08/21/mollie-tibbetts-undocumented-immigrant-accused-killing-worked-farm-owned-republican-iowa-craig-lang/1059482002/ https://www.desmoinesregister.com/s...-owned-republican-iowa-craig-lang/1059482002/",
"headline": "Pelosi calls Trump\u2019s wall plan \u2018an immorality\u2019",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/5d545d4d-9579-3c42-9a3e-00c5044dbc9d/pelosi-calls-trump’s-wall.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Jan 03 15:57:27 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You've been inhaling too much \"hot air\".",
"headline": "Pelosi calls Trump\u2019s wall plan \u2018an immorality\u2019",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/5d545d4d-9579-3c42-9a3e-00c5044dbc9d/pelosi-calls-trump’s-wall.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Jan 03 15:55:20 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "DJT constantly boasted about the success of the markets. Any person interested in facts could've done their own research.",
"headline": "Dow tumbles 350 points to kick off 2019 as Asian markets skid",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/finance/m/ab58d9d8-bdb2-3fb4-b7aa-b23139a0bc9e/dow-tumbles-350-points-to.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Jan 03 02:09:46 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "@RJT - \"WE have term limits, It's called voting\"\n\nThe Republicans are too mentally enslaved by their party to vote for better candidates.",
"headline": "Nancy Pelosi's daughter on her mother: 'She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...-wont-even-know-youre-bleeding-195101933.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jan 02 23:45:25 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "@RanIron - stop using \"I know you are but what am I\"\n\nYou're kidding, right?",
"headline": "Nancy Pelosi's daughter on her mother: 'She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...-wont-even-know-youre-bleeding-195101933.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jan 02 23:43:58 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nancy is much smarter than DJT.",
"headline": "Nancy Pelosi's daughter on her mother: 'She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...-wont-even-know-youre-bleeding-195101933.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jan 02 23:42:22 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "And? No issue there. More taxes, more money for the government to use.",
"headline": "Nancy Pelosi's daughter on her mother: 'She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...-wont-even-know-youre-bleeding-195101933.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jan 02 23:40:28 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "@Beau - \"Completely in context, moron\"\n\nTypical insult spewing conservative. You're an idiot.",
"headline": "Nancy Pelosi's daughter on her mother: 'She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...-wont-even-know-youre-bleeding-195101933.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jan 02 23:33:30 UTC 2019"

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "And? The state has an obligation to protect the rights of the convicted.\n\nUse facts, not emotion.",
"headline": "Supreme Court: Execution of Muslim inmate can proceed",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/newsroom/postid/513812a8-bf48-3fb4-80ed-817d44da98c1",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 08 05:39:58 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "And of-course, it's business as usual for murderous state governments.\n\n\"Billie Wayne Coble\"(February 28th) will be the next of state overreach.",
"headline": "Alabama executes Muslim inmate who wanted imam present",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/alabama-seeks-let-thursday-execution-proceed-152049096.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 08 05:24:43 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "The so-called \"hoods\", as you refer to them, are riddled with poverty. That's why you see so much crime there. They are victims of systematic racism.",
"headline": "John Legend talks criminal justice reform at the 2019 MAKERS conference",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/newsroom/postid/ab4bb855-479a-35c8-bf9b-d0de2f59af2d",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 08 05:09:29 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "@J - \"Sounds pretty self-righteous\"\n\nThe comment was from a Republican. What would you expect?",
"headline": "John Legend talks criminal justice reform at the 2019 MAKERS conference",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...-reform-2019-makers-conference-002829638.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 08 05:06:35 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "She didn't. They've essentially taken the Green Party's concept of a \"GND\" and molded it to fit greedy corporate interests.\n\n\"Fundamentally, a Democratic Party version of a Green New Deal will ultimately fail because it will be beholden to the very corporate interests that are ultimately responsible for global warming and environmental devastation worldwide.\"",
"headline": "Here\u2019s Everything You Need to Know About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey\u2019s Green New Deal",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/everything-know-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-221939513.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 08 03:43:09 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"While Democrat presidential candidates and Senators Jeff Merkley and Cory Booker, along with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, this week announced their support for a Green New Deal, based on language and issues the Green Party has been promoting for almost twenty five years, the Democrats' version ignores the economic inequity and rampant corporatism at the heart of our current environmental crisis.\"",
"headline": "Here\u2019s Everything You Need to Know About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey\u2019s Green New Deal",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/everything-know-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-221939513.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 08 03:40:47 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Why would she want to? Congress has more power, anyway.",
"headline": "Ilhan Omar responds to Trump's State of the Union with 'This is America' dance",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/ilhan-omar-responds-trump-apos-223553327.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 08 02:47:54 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof\"",
"headline": "Ilhan Omar responds to Trump's State of the Union with 'This is America' dance",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/ilhan-omar-responds-trump-apos-223553327.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 08 02:43:51 UTC 2019"
imagine being unironically left wing on a blackpill forum. impossible to be more retarded than that
  • Hmm...
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I was about to say sane thread for once..then I checked the date :unsure:
If you lived in North Korea you wouldn't have been able to spew your commie trash here :lul:
What does this have to do with housing? Accept that the DPRK is fighting homelessness better than the US.



I guess having access to the internet won't do much for people like you who complain and achieve nothing.
How do we achieve nothing? We are destroying Western civilization. You forgot? :lul:

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