SSRIs made me a woman



May 19, 2023
I cant feel my dick and I have no interest in girls whatsoever anymore

If I look at porn my dick doesnt react to it

I also dont want to do anything but LDAR and watch stupid series and eat goyslop

I am basically living like a femcel now
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  • JFL
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nah bro, it can't be the chemicals, the pills, or something they put in the water, our garbage food, toxic lifestyle/environment, etc.

You need to dopamine-detox, self-improve, work harder. It's your own fault.

  • JFL
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nah bro, it can't be the chemicals, the pills, or something they put in the water, our garbage food, toxic lifestyle/environment, etc.

You need to dopamine-detox, self-improve, work harder. It's your own fault.

View attachment 2582942
should have coped with my depression by finding a plug and smoking crack instead

those guys are less dangerous than pharmajews
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  • JFL
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my doc prescribed them. no way im taking that shit
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Am I the only one who they actually helped jfl
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I’m like that 24/7 and I don’t take ssri’s

i envy women and their bodies and i want be a baddie with long hair, nice tits and a fat ass soo bad

i hate being male
  • JFL
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Reactions: blithe, TsarTsar444, Deleted member 21345 and 2 others
should have coped with my depression by finding a plug and smoking crack instead

those guys are less dangerous than pharmajews

impossible to fix depression tbh. I've tried so hard.
At least with hard-drugs my life is an emotional rollercoaster and I get some excitement.

And in terms of fixing depression and not just feeling good/recreational use: MDMA/Shrooms are probably more beneficial than SSRI's.
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Am I the only one who they actually helped jfl
I feel like most people when they get them prescribed don’t actually have the condition so obviously they won’t work
  • JFL
Reactions: MoggerGaston
Can relate. Became fat as fuck, Just rot on the bed all day with 0 motivation to do anything, Just want to consoom media and goyslop.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Abhorrence, MoggerGaston and incelmogger
I cant feel my dick and I have no interest in girls whatsoever anymore

If I look at porn my dick doesnt react to it

I also dont want to do anything but LDAR and watch stupid series and eat goyslop

I am basically living like a femcel now
Quit. You will recover in a couple of years max.

SSRIs only work for 20% of people with depression. I read a book on this topic.

impossible to fix depression tbh. I've tried so hard.
At least with hard-drugs my life is an emotional rollercoaster and I get some excitement.

And in terms of fixing depression and not just feeling good/recreational use: MDMA/Shrooms are probably more beneficial than SSRI's.
Is microdosing worth btw? Wanted to try them but what happens if they find out i bougth them from online store
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Reactions: MoggerGaston
I feel like most people when they get them prescribed don’t actually have the condition so obviously they won’t work
SSRI's have efficacy just slightly above placebo.

The efficacy in curing your depression with pills, is literally similar in the efficacy in curing depression with more exercise.

the pills are a joke.
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Is microdosing worth btw? Wanted to try them but what happens if they find out i bougth them from online store
micro-dose what man. theres 8093840938 drugs

i know are few ppl that tried shrooms and some that did lsd, but never did it myself.
Quit. You will recover in a couple of years max.

SSRIs only work for 20% of people with depression. I read a book on this topic.
Lucky i didnt take ssri when my doctor prescribed them , he even said they don't have side effects how pathetic
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micro-dose what man. theres 8093840938 drugs

i know are few ppl that tried shrooms and some that did lsd, but never did it myself.
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I was on them for years, recently got off and still feel the same tbh
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yeah i dont know, i need to try.

i can recommend high dosage of shrooms though. really good. Just get urself in a safe environment and maybe someone u could call, could help u. cuz u could kill urself on that shit
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SSRI's have efficacy just slightly above placebo.

The efficacy in curing your depression with pills, is literally similar in the efficacy in curing depression with more exercise.

the pills are a joke.
The main thing I was prescribed fluvoxamine for during grade 10 (I only got off them last year) was ocd, general anxiety and social anxiety and they definitely worked for that. I responded extremely well to it, it got the ball rolling. I don’t think they are as effective for simple major depression as that can - in most cases - just be fixed through exercise, proper diet, etc. unless obviously you’ve undergone some traumatic event. My position is that there are certain instances where they are definitely needed, but today they are overprescribed beyond belief.
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Reactions: TsarTsar444, Abhorrence and MoggerGaston
The main thing I was prescribed fluvoxamine for during grade 10 (I only got off them last year) was ocd, general anxiety and social anxiety and they definitely worked for that. I responded extremely well to it, it got the ball rolling. I don’t think they are as effective for simple major depression as that can - in most cases - just be fixed through exercise, proper diet, etc. unless obviously you’ve undergone some traumatic event. My position is that there are certain instances where they are definitely needed, but today they are overprescribed beyond belief.
I live in the country with one of the 'best healthcare systems in the world' (netherlands).

If you have mental issues, they do 3 things:
1)Weekly 45min therapy sessions. Here you get suggested shit like exercise, meditation, etc. and all the 'obvious' things.

If 1) and 2) fail: electro-shock therapy. (literally destroying your brain and make you into a lifeless plant).

jfl honestly. I don't trust medical sciences at all anymore.

Psychology/Psychiatry is a joke.
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Quit. You will recover in a couple of years max.

SSRIs only work for 20% of people with depression. I read a book on this topic.
Because they think it’s a magic pill and that they don’t have to do shit still after getting them and that they can still lead their shitty lifestyles. The point of them is to get the ball rolling
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: .*my*. and Abhorrence
I cant feel my dick and I have no interest in girls whatsoever anymore

If I look at porn my dick doesnt react to it

I also dont want to do anything but LDAR and watch stupid series and eat goyslop

I am basically living like a femcel now
I take ssris and pills for schizophrenia but i have very high libido
  • Woah
Reactions: Abhorrence
how severe is ur condition?
do you have 0 symptoms after taking pills?
Mild, it feels like bipolar bcs I have se veré mood swings and it is fucked up + voices got worst once i ended up my ltr and insomnia is very high i sleep 4-5 hours.

0 symptoms from the pills tbh, maybe just like I feel more docile and less impulsiva (kills my low inhib)
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Reactions: Abhorrence
I live in the country with one of the 'best healthcare systems in the world' (netherlands).

If you have mental issues, they do 3 things:
1)Weekly 45min therapy sessions. Here you get suggested shit like exercise, meditation, etc. and all the 'obvious' things.

If 1) and 2) fail: electro-shock therapy. (literally destroying your brain and make you into a lifeless plant).

jfl honestly. I don't trust medical sciences at all anymore.

Psychology/Psychiatry is a joke.
It’s literally impossible for 1 and 2 to fail if you are extremely active (weightlifting + cardio), are on primal/carnivore diet, are supplementing for deficiencies, get adequate sunlight, do cold/heat exposure, dopamine detox, etc. along with pills. Which, like I said, are meant to get the ball rolling. This is exactly what happened with me, the pills allowed me to get to the point where I had the willpower to do that because of the effects of the drug. This is also why people shouldn’t be on them long-term except in very extreme circumstances (PTSD, schizophrenia, other serious conditions). But you’re right it’s a joke in the sense that they are so fucking overprescribed, mainly for people with so-called anxiety and depression. Most people don’t have these conditions and just have certain deficiencies that make it harder for your body to breakdown chemicals involved in mood and shit like that. Another thing is they usually prescribe the wrong drug or don’t see a quality psychiatrist.
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Ssris make you slower and more docile.
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Ssris are jew poison made for you to be a high inhib faggot
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The worst thing is that ssris made me worst at chess and it is what i love most at my life, thats really fucked up i am slower at blitz now
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Lexapro is shit and will make you lazy af, fluvoxamine didn’t make me lazy at all. Also, it extends half-life of caffeine to 50 something hours
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Reactions: ConfusedBolivian
Lexapro is shit and will make you lazy af, fluvoxamine didn’t make me lazy at all. Also, it extends half-life of caffeine to 50 something hours
Thats fucked up, bad thing is that my dad controls my med intake daily so I have no choice.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Abhorrence and incelmogger
It’s literally impossible for 1 and 2 to fail if you are extremely active (weightlifting + cardio), are on primal/carnivore diet, are supplementing for deficiencies, get adequate sunlight,
did all of these
do cold/heat exposure, dopamine detox, etc.
you can just make the list endless I know that.

I didn't do no-pillow, no-fap, no-music, didnt do a 5day water-fast, didnt drink this special tea 3 times a day, didnt eat brain and bone-marrow, blah blah.
So did I really try, or did I just give up like a loser?
along with pills. Which, like I said, are meant to get the ball rolling. This is exactly what happened with me, the pills allowed me to get to the point where I had the willpower to do that because of the effects of the drug. This is also why people shouldn’t be on them long-term except in very extreme circumstances (PTSD, schizophrenia, other serious conditions). But you’re right it’s a joke in the sense that they are so fucking overprescribed, mainly for people with so-called anxiety and depression. Most people don’t have these conditions and just have certain deficiencies that make it harder for your body to breakdown chemicals involved in mood and shit like that. Another thing is they usually prescribe the wrong drug or don’t see a quality psychiatrist.
I agree with you. If you have mild/normal depression, mild problems, then things like this can probably help.

But if you have clinical depression, traumas, serious issues, idk honestly.
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Thats fucked up, bad thing is that my dad controls my med intake daily so I have no choice.
I found it good tbh but everyone has different reactions to these meds. My family overall tolerates ssri’s extremely well
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Reactions: ConfusedBolivian
Yesterday i was feeling so good after my workout and then i started crying like a faggot and felt so shit bcs the voices are so toxic and evil i fucking hate it
  • So Sad
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Because they think it’s a magic pill and that they don’t have to do shit still after getting them and that they can still lead their shitty lifestyles. The point of them is to get the ball rolling
Ok bro.

You’re depressed because you can’t get pussy it most likely has nothing to do with low serotonin.
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Reactions: Abhorrence
I agree with you. If you have very mild depression, mild problems, then things like this can probably help.

But if you have clinical depression, traumas, serious issues, idk honestly.
I had clinical depression and traumas from very extreme and extensive physical and verbal bullying that lasted for years on top of loss of family members, also very bad ocd, General anxiety and social anxiety as a result of what I experienced at school that carried over after it. Everything I mentioned is legit. Pills + top tier lifestyle. Hobbies are also key. Religion can help too.
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Ok bro.

You’re depressed because you can’t get pussy it most likely has nothing to do with low serotonin.
I was prescribed meds meant for ocd and social anxiety dumbass
  • JFL
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I had clinical depression and traumas from very extreme and extensive physical and verbal bullying that lasted for years on top of loss of family members, also very bad ocd, General anxiety and social anxiety as a result of what I experienced at school that carried over after it. Everything I mentioned is legit. Pills + top tier lifestyle. Hobbies are also key. Religion can help too.
happy for you.
at least one person managing to overcome the whole world being against them since childhood.

But survivorship bias is real.
100 people stuck in a mental ward/rehab clinic for every person overcoming such a situation I bet.
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Reactions: Abhorrence and incelmogger
happy for you.
at least one person managing to overcome the whole world being against them since childhood.

But survivorship bias is real.
100 people stuck in a mental ward/rehab clinic for every person overcoming such a situation I bet.
Obviously the effects of that trauma stick with you as well as the other shit but you learn to deal with it better. You at least know what to do and how to overcome it
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Reactions: Abhorrence and MoggerGaston
I cant feel my dick and I have no interest in girls whatsoever anymore

If I look at porn my dick doesnt react to it

I also dont want to do anything but LDAR and watch stupid series and eat goyslop

I am basically living like a femcel now
Listen to Ruby da Cherry and $crim for 10 hours to regain your masculinity
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Obviously the effects of that trauma stick with you as well as the other shit but you learn to deal with it better. You at least know what to do and how to overcome it
I wasn't able to overcome those effects personally.

Through pure anger and desperate energy to make something of my life, I created a lifestyle in which happiness should've been possible objectively.
But I was simply unable to enjoy it. I struggled to feel happy at all, and living like that slowly drains your mental energy reserves, leading to what is basically a burnout where you can't keep going on like that anymore.

Which is when my whole lifestyle fell apart again, and I rotted like I did before. But I don't feel any better or worse about it, but it DOES cost less energy to keep a rotter lifestyle than to constantly fight my traumas/anxiety and try to maintain a lifestyle that is 'better' than rotting.

Every once in a while I get a boost of motivation/energy. I start a good diet, socialize more, exercise more, keep a better sleep schedule, work on my career/financial future, and so on. But there's NEVER a response in my brain that rewards me for this. So once my 'inner-rage' burst of energy eventually fades after a couple of weeks, and there's nothing to replace it. There no longer is any energy to fake all of this 'healthy lifestyle'.

I go back to rotting/drugs/shit-food/copes/etc.

I have done this cycle at least 10 times now in the last 10 years.

it's over.
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